Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 5, 2017

Youtube daily don May 27 2017

(Flint of a lighter)

(Breathing under a pile of clothes)

(Phone Vibrating)


Person on phone: Yo! You comin to the party?

No bro, she's taking forever!

Person on phone: Bro its almost over!

Yeah I know bro!

(party sounds coming from phone)

Person on phone: ....SO YOU COMING TO THE PARTY?


Shay Mitchell: BABE!?

(Whispers) Yo, I gotta go!

🎶(Music playing)🎶

🎶 What do I wear?

🎶I only told you 12 times

🎶 first dress that you put on is still your best find

🎶We've been sittin in this dressin room for hours

🎶I need a break baby

🎶I don't have the brain power

🎶When you ask me my opinion

🎶I'm always sure to be your minion

🎶Girl you're kinda like long division

🎶Everything is difficult

🎶Help me, help you

🎶Girl whatcha tryna do?

🎶Cuz I don't gotta clue

🎶No I ain't no Scooby Doo

(Help me, Help you)

🎶Cuz Im hungrier than you

🎶I just wanna get some food

🎶and you about to kill my mood

(Help me, help you)

🎶Do these jeans make me look fat?

🎶Yeah I know you want the answer

🎶But I'm smart and that's a trap

(Help me, help you)

🎶Oh, and here's a random fact

🎶You still got me favorite hoodie

🎶and you need to give it back

🎶It ain't that I ain't callin back

🎶It's just you said you needed space

🎶and so I'm stayin out your way

🎶It ain't that I ain't got your back

🎶But you ran out of your way

🎶to make that "k" a lowercase

🎶When you asked me my opinion

🎶I'm always sure to be your minion

🎶Girl your're kinda like long division

🎶Everything is difficult

🎶Help me, help you

🎶Girl whatchu tryna do?

🎶Cuz I don't gotta clue

🎶No I ain't no Scooby Doo

(Help me, help you)

🎶Cuz I'm hungrier than you

🎶I just wanna get some food

🎶and you about to kill my mood

(Help me, help you)

🎶Do these jeans make me look fat?

🎶Yeah I know you want the answer

🎶But I'm smart and that's a trap

(Help me, help you)

🎶Oh, and here's a random fact

🎶You still got my favorite hoodie

🎶and you-need to-give it-back


🎶Baby girl when I ask you if there's a problem

🎶Don't tell me you're fine

🎶I know you're not fine

🎶I just don't understand you

🎶you steal the covers and then you want me to cuddle you

🎶Are you hot or are you cold?

🎶Don't ask me if I think another girl is cute

🎶That's a loaded question

🎶What are you doing? What are you tryna do?

🎶What are you tryna make me girl?

🎶We're on the same team

🎶So just-just please

🎶Please just listen to me and hear what I have to say

🎶Baby girl

(Help me, help you)

-Okay, I get it!

-I completely get it!

Logan: Yeah? -Yeah!

-I mean you did this all for me?

Logan: I did! Yeah, the band was expensive

Logan: The helipad's really expensive but...

Logan: I think it was definitely worth it

-Thanks babe!

Logan: Yeah! Of Course!

-I just um...I just have one more question...

Logan: Okay! Yeah!

-What do you really think about these jeans?

-I mean I didn't know when I was getting ready this morning

-That if I do it with a longer jacket?

🎶Help me, Help you!

🎶Girl whatchu tryna do?

🎶Cuz I don't gotta clue

🎶No I ain't no Scooby Doo

🎶(Help me, help you)

🎶Cuz Im hungrier than you

🎶I just wanna get some food

🎶and you about to kill my mood (Shay Mitchell is dope)

(Help me, help you)

For more infomation >> Logan Paul - Help Me Help You ft. Why Don't We [Official Video] - Duration: 3:25.


Why Don't Humans Live for More than 100 Years? | Physicist Geoffrey West - Duration: 13:12.

You can determine, calculate many things about organisms, about their growth patterns, how

they grow, how long they take to mature—and in particular one that concerns many of us,and

that is: how long we live?

What determines our longevity?

And, in fact, that's what got me into this work originally was I became very intrigued

in my fifties about the phenomenon of aging and of dying that I became more and more conscious

that things had been changing in my life in terms of my body and my physiology.

And that already I'd had friends die.

And so I became intrigued as to "what is that?"

And I also became intrigued very much as a physicist not asking what is the mechanism,

the systematics about aging and immortality, but the very question "What determines 100

years for the lifespan of a human being?

Why is it a hundred years, not a thousand years or a million years?"

And also related to that, why is it that a mouse, which is made of pretty much the same

stuff as we are (I mean we're almost identical really in some kind of coarse grained level

looking at things), how come a mouse only lives two to three years?

So what is determining all this?

And if you have this theory of networks underlying these scaling laws, manifesting themselves

as scaling laws, you first ask: is there a scaling law for lifespan?

So this is work that had already been done by many people; was to look at lifespan as

a function of size, for a bunch of mammals in particular but organisms in general, just

as we looked at how metabolic rate scales across these animals.

And what was discovered, what had been discovered was that lifespan also increases following

these quarter power scaling laws—that it increased systematically.

The one difference by the way, and maybe I'll say a few words about this in a moment, is

that there's much more scatter among the data for lifespan compared to things like

metabolic rate.

So even though there is a kind of predictability—that is, you give me the size of a mammal, I will

tell you on the average how long that mammal will live—there's much more variance around

that number than there is for saying "you tell me the size of a mammal, I will tell

you what it's metabolic rate is and what the length of its aorta is, how many children

it should have" and so on, where there's much less variance.

The variance is much tighter.

Lifespan has much more variance.

Now where does that number come from?

So you have this theory that the scaling of metabolic rate and these many other quantities—and

by the way there's probably 50 or 75 such measurable quantities—these are determined

by the constraints of flows in networks such as the circulatory system.

So one of the things you immediately realize about those flows is that they are what we

call "dissipative," which simply means they involve wear and tear just as, you know,

outside in those streets outside this building there's a lot of traffic going back and

forth on the roads and those roads wear out.

They have to be repaired.

The roadways have to be repaired and the subways have to be repaired.

They wear out from the traffic so to speak.

And so it is the traffic through our multiple network systems produce wear and tear.

And the most damaging wear and tear occurs at the terminal units, the terminal points

of these networks because they're the smallest tubes like in our capillaries or within our

cells and pushing fluid, pushing blood corpuscles or whatever it is, big molecules through them—has

deleterious effects of various kinds.

That causes damage, and that damage is calculable because you have a theory.

The theory is telling you what the flow rates and so on and all the sizes are and so on.

So these are calculable.

Now so you can calculate the rate at which wear and tear is occurring, and you can also

calculate something else that is going on, and that is: while it's being damaged there's

also repair going on.

And we do repair ourselves.

But that repair is also determined by metabolism.

That's where the energy comes from to do repairs.

So you can determine all these things and then you can postulate that the system will

become nonviable, that is it can no longer be sustained when a given fraction of un-repaired

damages occur.

So the system eventually just cannot be sustained and so that gives you a calculation of maximum


This is the, you know, if you were to do the best you possibly could this is as long as

you could possibly live for a given size of mammal.

And if you do that you can understand where, roughly speaking, this hundred years for a

human being comes from.

But more importantly or equally importantly you can determine what the parameters are,

the knobs that you could conceivably turn to change that lifespan.

What could you do to make that go from 100 to 200, for example?

And there's two pieces of that.

One is you can decrease, of course, the wear and tear, or you can increase the repair.

Those are the two obvious things, and there are parameters that determine that.

So if you think about the damage that is occurring from metabolism—so that means okay, one

way we could decrease damage is decrease the amount of food we take in.

That would be one way.

And indeed by the way, the reason a large animal lives longer than a small one is because

the metabolic rate per unit mass or per cell gets systematically smaller the bigger the

animal, corresponding to these quarter power scaling laws.

So less damage is done at the cellular level the bigger the animal—in a systematic way.

So the question is: how do you decrease that even further?

One is you can eat less, and that's called caloric restriction.

So if you put yourself on a starvation diet it may not be so pleasant in terms of your

lifestyle, but this would predict that you live longer.

And there have been experiments done, on mice in particular and some on monkeys, most of

which show an effect, and the effect is calculable in this theory.

And many of the experiments done on that agree with the data that's been taken—on mice.

There have been some controversial experiments on monkeys which have not shown as big an


So this is still very much a work in progress, but there's another way you could also decrease

your metabolism, and that's a way that is very difficult for us but interestingly is

very easy for almost all other organisms on the planet.

And that's to do with the fact that we are unique in that we are what's called "homeotherms".

Namely we keep the same temperature.

We discovered this extraordinary mechanism of keeping our body temperatures constant.

That is fantastic because it dissociates us from the external temperature, the environmental


Everything else is subject to the ambient temperature in their environment.

And here's why it matters: It's because metabolic rate is derived from chemical reactions,

and chemical reactions depend exponentially on external temperature, on the temperature

which they're operating.

That means a small change in temperature can have a huge effect.

So a small change in temperature, a small increase in temperature increases your metabolic

rate exponentially.

So that's why if you look at insects in the cold—when they're cold in the morning

they can barely move.

They have to wait until the sun comes up to warm themselves and then they can start flying

around and moving around and so on.

That's true of lizards and so on, essentially everything that's around us.

We are immune from that and that's been extraordinarily powerful for us and a tremendous


Going back to lifespan, that means that if you could lower your body temperature you

would decrease your metabolic rate and you would decrease therefore the damage, and you

can live longer.

And that is indeed true of organisms, all other organisms.

If you keep them at low temperatures they live exponentially longer.

They live much longer so it's a fantastic effect.

It's a huge effect.

And by the way one tangential remark for that—and that is a critical one in our times—and

that is to do with global warming.

One of the things that I think is a bit mysterious to many people, in the kind of intelligent

layperson, is that: why should one or two degrees change in the ambient temperature

around us make any bloody difference to anything?

After all where I live the temperature often changes by 40 degrees from night to day.

So we have these huge changes, yet the ambient, you know, just this little increase in the

ambient, in the average temperature have such a big effect.

The reason is that things like growth rates and death rates and everything to do with

growing and therefore agriculture, but the whole ecosystem, the whole biosphere is exponentially

sensitive to a change in temperature.

So one to two degree change has an exponential effect, and some of that is, from our viewpoint,

highly deleterious and some may actually be advantageous.

But I think this is an incredibly important point that—I'm afraid I'm a little bit

critical here of my colleagues who work in global warming—they have not been very good

at getting this across, especially obviously to politicians and especially, of course,

the politicians in the United States.

But going back to the more parochial issue of lifespan, if we were to take drugs that

could lower our body temperature (and this has actually been done for mice again) it

increases concomitantly their lifespan.

Decreasing their metabolic rate increases their lifespan.

And that's been seen and it is in agreement with the theoretical predictions.

For more infomation >> Why Don't Humans Live for More than 100 Years? | Physicist Geoffrey West - Duration: 13:12.


Don't let Your Children Ride Bicycles - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Don't let Your Children Ride Bicycles - Duration: 1:16.


Why Don't We - Something Different | RC cover - Duration: 1:12.

Look at us we could paint a perfect picture about us from your head to toe I'll fit you

they follow us yeah we make the biggest fiction they believe it's so I guess it must be real

I can read your mind I know what you're thinking I can spend my time feeling all the reasons

what they know about us doesn't make a difference baby we got us we got something different

we got something something something we got something different we on something something

something we on something different we on something something something we on something

different we on something something something we on something different

For more infomation >> Why Don't We - Something Different | RC cover - Duration: 1:12.


SEVENTEEN/BERRY GOOD - Don't Wanna Cry/Don't Believe (MASHUP) - Duration: 4:52.

Don't wanna believe

No matter what you say

Please don't say that

I can't forgive you

I don't want to cry (Don't wanna believe)

I'm not loving you any more

We need to pit stop it.. Please don't say that (I don't want to cry)

Please stop it

It's over

Because I love you, because saying I love you

Isn't enough. no matter what word I say

Leaving me, who cherished only you, where did you go

Did you go far away because you didn't like me any more

In the empty space inside of you, I'm not there

All of my feelings And all of me is meaningless

Just don't curse at me I gave you my all,

I believed in you like a fool Let me go let me go let me go

Don't wanna believe No matter what you say

I wanna escape from your arms now

Don't wanna believe, Please stop now

Don't say that don't say that Don't stay away

I don't want to cry

I don't want to cry

Although I have a lot of tears,

I don't want to cry

Your heart is closed again today

I still can't see myself in your eyes

I strongly believed you But did I walk here by myself?

(Please tell me it isn't so)

Don't play around, I know you're there

I feel like you'll appear. so I wait aimlessly

I need to go find you, go find you

Tears are building up and start to blur (my vision)

I don't want to cry

I don't want to cry

Although I have a lot of tears,

I don't want to cry

When you promised you'd be by my side no matter what

When you held me tight And shed tears, it felt like a dream

This road that doesn't seem unfamiliar, feels unfamiliar

Asking me once again if this is a road I know of

Could that person be looking for me I'm looking for you right now

In the empty space inside of you, I'm not there (Don't play around, I know you're there)

I feel like you'll appear. so I wait aimlessly

Just don't curse at me. (I need to go find you)

I gave you my all (go find you)

I believed in you like a fool (Tears are building up and start to blur ,my vision)

Let me go let me go let me go (I don't want to cry)

Don't wanna believe No matter what you say

(I don't want to cry) I wanna escape from your arms now

(Although I have a lot of tears) Don't wanna believe, Please stop now

(I don't want to cry) Don't say that don't say that Don't stay away

Say mercy mercy mercy, Far far away, go away

Say mercy mercy mercy, Far far away, go away

I'm okay (I'm not okay) [No mercy mercy for me]

I don't want to see you (I really want to see you)

I have to say these lies that Don't even come from my heart

Because my heart won't listen to these words as I thought (Farther, farther, don't stay)

Come back, come back, come back (Forever bye ya bye ya ya bye ya)

When half of me is gone, how can I live as one

I don't want to cry (Don't wanna believe)

I don't want to cry

Although I have a lot of tears

I don't want to cry

I don't want to cry (Don't wanna believe)

Don't wanna believe

When we see each other again (Don't wanna believe)

Don't wanna believe

I don't want to cry (Don't wanna believe)

For more infomation >> SEVENTEEN/BERRY GOOD - Don't Wanna Cry/Don't Believe (MASHUP) - Duration: 4:52.


Don't Harm Others when You are in Pain | Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshbhai - Duration: 2:35.

There is a well-known, praiseworthy custom in Japan.

It is famous and admirable.

If you have contracted any contagious disease,

Can you give me an example?

Conjunctivitis, chickenpox, you don't need to talk of such a major disease; flu;

If you have caught any such disease,

Then you should go out only after wearing a virus preventing tape, meaning a mask.

You wear a mask so that through your breathing, coughing or sneezing,

It doesn't leak and spread to others.

So even when in pain you take care, that others don't suffer because of you.

You are in pain. You are diseased.

But at that time also, others shouldn't get that disease.

You may ask, "What is so great about this?" Let me tell you.

Due to your inner weakness, you may be interested in things like election results.

Now, gradually you are trying to give it up.

But, say you go there and even read (the bulletin) too.

Now, you wear that tape.

That, 'I won't tell anyone because, this person has not got such a thought,

But the moment I discuss with him, he too will want to go and see.'

So don't speak.

Know that 'I am doing the wrong thing,

But why should I do harm to someone by discussing it.'

Isn't that good?

Be aware that you have given up a healthy conversation, and are indulging in useless talk.

I should be conscious that by doing this, I am going away from the Enlightened One.

I am certainly going away, but I should not disconnect others by talking about it.

So, don't share. That's it, can't you do this much?

Just by doing this, you will progress in the pursuit of right faith.

Not from the point of view of right conduct.

Because in your belief it is set that, this is wrong, wrong and completely wrong;

And therefore you do not share it with anyone.

See, such a beautiful thing, such a small thing!

Even in pain, others should not suffer.

When you are in a sinful mood, at least the other should not get dragged into that sin.

Can't we start doing this in small matters?

At least do good to others in this way.

By doing this you will surely benefit.

Because, if asked, "Why can't I do this?"

You will say, "You are doing absolutely wrong thing."

Once you realise this is absolutely wrong, one day your soul will awaken.

For more infomation >> Don't Harm Others when You are in Pain | Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshbhai - Duration: 2:35.


friday the 13th game review | Don't scream: The new 'Friday the 13th' game is out today - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> friday the 13th game review | Don't scream: The new 'Friday the 13th' game is out today - Duration: 1:16.


Bryson Tiller x Elhae x PND Type beat " Don't Lie" / True To Self Instrumental 2017 - Duration: 3:58.

Bryson Tiller x Elhae x PND Type beat " Don't Lie" / Free Type beat | Rap/Trap Instrumental 2017

For more infomation >> Bryson Tiller x Elhae x PND Type beat " Don't Lie" / True To Self Instrumental 2017 - Duration: 3:58.


[MV Theory] SEVENTEEN - Don't Wanna Cry : The meaning of the formula [SKOPF] - Duration: 7:23.

Hi This is MV Theory OTAKU, SKOPF

Long time no see.

Seventeen came back with "Do not wanna cry".

Do not wanna cry is like a simple farewell song at first glance, but

it's a sequel to Smile flower.

Smile flower The meaning of the song is this.

Even though we're apart,

we smile together, thinking of each other.

So what if it does not last long?

There is a time to think.

Smile flower, where we were told that we should always stay together if we fall.

So what's the story of the "Do not wanna cry" extension?

Seventeen's 2017 Project Chapter 1 Alone's 'Do not Wanna Cry' is

a song about the moments of deep sorrow that felt for the first time in life.

Project Chapter 1 Alone.

For this project, Seventeen opened a site,

where he could see the members' pictures by typing the prime number,

which is hidden for each music video teaser.

Let's look at some interesting prime numbers.

First, Vernon's 359 was 17 when each digit was added

Wonwoo's 10001 represents 17 in binary notation

For Hoshi, 223 and 2111 were multiplied and added separately, can be 17

In the case of The8,

his prime number is 103

Instagram Pledis account with a picture of The8 with 'How many weeks?'

When the week that The8's teaser came out was the week that 103rd from Seventeen's debut.

Seventeen, who hid numbers 17 or numbers associated with Seventeen in a variety of ways.

Every teaser and music video represents this one sentence.

'The strangeness and overcoming of being alone'

Let's take a look at 3+a teasers and a music video.

Vernon is walking.

The footsteps through the wild wilderness look lonely.

This Vernon figure figuratively depicts a boy left alone.

Vernon is left alone, and he is confused where he should head,

and where his mind is headed.

Then woozi comes.

Vernon throwing a compass.

Vernon will leave his fate to woozi.

Woozi is reading a book on time series analysis.

Time series analysis is the analysis of changing values ​​over time.

Woozi's formula is ΔΨ(x).

ΔΨ (x) is the time series perturbation modeling algorithm.

This is a formula used in a new algorithm for building and predicting a mathematical model for the chaotic time series occurring in the real-world.......


Really real easy to say

Woozi wants to predict the future ahead of time by counting the number of cases in the future.

At the moment, Woozi is surrounded by shining brilliance like a few carat diamonds.

The sentense is

"An answer to every question in the world is possible with one clear answer"

When I was alone and lost,

the answer is 4643.

All together, Seventeen.

The scoups take a hint of the answer.

scoups is following dangerous paths along the hint.

Anxious and fearful sounds spread all over the alley.

He is finding more and more answers,

but he has been afraid and worried since he was alone.

"What am I supposed to do left alone?"

he finding the answer.

Sometimes he find the wrong way on the street.

But he does not forget,

remember the sum of 4, 6, 4, 3.


Remember the numbers, all the roads are in one.


And the road gathered one with each other from thirteen different fores.

When the scoups arrived out of the maze of cities,

jeonghan was waiting for him.

Where did jeonghan come from?

What situation did the other members experience?

The English sentence written on jeonghan's teaser video says,

"Someone said it means inperfection and dangerous."

But on the 11th,

jeonghan's teaser came up this day.

Jeonghan was expecting the day with taking a picture of the date when he would meet CARAT again

and imagine his own way of running out to the heart of the day.

Expectations that grow larger than the fear of the future.

ISO is about how sensitive the light is, that is, how easy it is to accept it.

This number increases from 500 to 1000 to 2000.

Actually, it is rare to set iso as high as this,

so you can think of it as a factor for the message, not the setting for actual shooting.

ISO is about how sensitive the light is, that is, how easy it is to accept it.

Let's associate light with positive words such as hope and future.

Jeonghan takes a step outside as if it waited despite warnings that it is imperfect and dangerous.

Jeonghan has been eagerly awaited and desperate to go forward.

Seventeen stepped in once again to the rest of his anxieties and loneliness.

Seventeen does not want to shed tears due to parting.

Other members, like jeonghan who made the choice to go the new way,

open the door and welcome the new fate.

All Seventeen members, 17, could take a step through the clear indicators in the heart of Seventeen.

The breakup was heartbreaking

But what is important to Seventeen is that you can have a smile flower

while thinking about each other after separation.

Then they'll surely meet again.

Seventeen members were away, but the whole story, one step at a time, thought of each other,

reminds me of Carat's desperation for Seventeen and finding and entering prime numbers.

Seventeen returned to the project in 2017.

Why not try listening to music videos with their song Do not wanna cry,

challenging new genres and expressing new emotions?

More than SKOPF.

For more infomation >> [MV Theory] SEVENTEEN - Don't Wanna Cry : The meaning of the formula [SKOPF] - Duration: 7:23.


[Comeback Stage] SEVENTEEN - Don't Wanna Cry, 세븐틴 - 울고 싶지 않아 Show Music core 20170527 - Duration: 3:28.

subtitles by: XD~

I don't want to cry

(💎: Eonjena Seventeen!)

I don't want to cry

(💎: Carat-eun Seventeen Sa-rang-hae!)

Because I love you, because saying I love you

Leaving me, who cherished only you, where did you go

Did you go far away because you didn't like me any more

Did you (💎: Shireo oh oh!) go far away because you didn't like me anymore (💎: ulgo shipji anha~)

Don't play around, I know you're there

I feel like you'll appear, so I wait aimlessly

I need to go find you (💎: Gaya dwae!) go find you (💎: Gaya dwae!)

If I cry now, I might not be able to see you so

I don't want to cry (💎: ulgo shipji anha~)

I don't want to cry (💎: ulgo shipji anha~)

Although I have a lot of tears

I don't want to cry

This road that doesn't seem unfamiliar, feels unfamiliar

Asking me once again if this is a road I know of

Could that person be looking for me

I'm looking for you right now

Don't play around, I know you're there

I feel like you'll appear. so I wait aimlessly

I need to go find you (💎: Gaya dwae!) go find you (💎: Haneunde!)

Tears are building up and start to blur (my vision) (💎: Bit-na-jul-kke Seventeen!)

I don't want to cry (💎: ulgo shipji anha~)

I don't want to cry (💎: ulgo shipji anha~)

Although I have a lot of tears,

I don't want to cry

I'm okay (I'm not okay) (💎: an gwaenchanha!)

I don't want to see you (I really want to see you) (💎: Neomu bogoshipeo!)

I have to say these lies that

Don't even come from my heart

Because my heart won't listen to these words as I thought

Come back, come back, come back

When half of me is gone, how can I live as one

I don't want to cry (💎: ulgo shipji anha~)

I don't want to cry

I don't want to cry

Although I have a lot of tears,

I don't want to cry

I don't want to cry

When we see each other again


I don't want to cry (💎: ulgo shipji anha~)

Thanks for watching "Don't Wanna Cry" performance by KINGS - SEVENTEEN 💖

For more infomation >> [Comeback Stage] SEVENTEEN - Don't Wanna Cry, 세븐틴 - 울고 싶지 않아 Show Music core 20170527 - Duration: 3:28.


Don't Ever Burnout on an iPhone 6S! - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Don't Ever Burnout on an iPhone 6S! - Duration: 3:27.


Credit score killers: Don't waste your money - Duration: 1:57.





















































>> IF






For more infomation >> Credit score killers: Don't waste your money - Duration: 1:57.


This Time Don't Shit In Your Pants (Sophie's Curse) - Part 2 - Duration: 5:44.

Welcome back this my name is open Pop. Don't I am playing again?

Sophie's course the first video I upload on my channel is

So be course

Okay, now. I am playing part two can I survive this game see?

[the] warning loud noises and jump scare


just start

Covers [oh], no, this mode is out of a skinful

Okay, we don't scare. I am not afraid of

goes in the man

Okay, let's start

Last time I don't like this game, okay now. I am playing

Yeah, it's loading up the loading

Okay, yeah, yes here it is

Hello, please forgive me. He was in a hurry and could

Create for you, alright

Thank you so much taking the gate again [feist] already asleep is a heavy sleeper

So it probably won't wake up during the night, but [shh] bad to have you [in] you

Everyone you are just in the case. He needs help going to the bottom or something

[Ok] ok




okay, here's our computer and we

[can] see one?

Checkpoint - it was perfect

Okay, okay

Okay, don't go there

And waiting this okay?

Octagon here don't after this we are the man okay. I am [men]. We are men okay?


Okay, yes

It's going [wrong]

Yes, it's going go go the ocean there is this is

Isis and I can taste it



Number D. Is here, okay number is going down?

Here such on the scale

Okay in line

for you

Number [is] going number a or alphabet a is going down

achievement unlocked or charge


Go Mikoshi number see I'm Ds. Going down ordered

Come on

I'm a little bit scared, but I am playing this game because I am the best

Come on. Go there

Don't scare

Man, don't scare Here's some bee

there's a

Okay, is [not] [charged] be

Now you know go for C and e

C is George Volunteer


Non-going 4C



14 goes to the tip or save it

I'll go gordon

John [this] checkpoint

It's a [Pn]

Okay, okay

okay, uncle 4B and

[hope] it is fucking bullshit fucking shit

Okay, [lang]. I am loose

Now I am plus. They would have enjoyed this weight of men chuckling drop a like subscribe to my tank a goodbye

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