(gym goers chattering)
- So here we have our 6:30 class working out.
(upbeat music)
Okay, I'm not gonna go inside,
it's a little....
- Okay, hang on.
Everything you say now, the whole world gets to hear.
We're going live.
We're already live.
Okay, hey everyone.
This is episode number 16.
And today I wanna talk to you about something
really simple and straightforward.
Which is the reason we don't eat healthy,
or we don't exercise.
What do you think it is?
I have an audience here.
There we go.
I'll show you.
They are here early for the 7:30 class
which is great.
There's Joy, there's Constance, that's Florence
with her phone, she's following up something
pretty important on her phone.
Okay so...
What we're talking about, the real reason why
people don't eat healthy and exercise.
Why, Constance?
Why don't people eat healthy and exercise?
The real reason?
- [Constance] Eat healthy.
It's just called pure greed. - Pure greed?
So that's why we eat unhealthy.
Why we eat the lassi, biryani, and all of that,
is because we're greedy.
Do you say that? - There's a spread there
and it says come-- (laughing)
- Listen guys, here.
Constance said that there was a buffet,
and the buffet said just come.
- Come and taste me! - Come and taste me.
That's right.
And I'm sure we can all relate to that.
Okay, I'm gonna get into my topic now.
So here's what I think the reason why
a lot of us don't eat healthy, or don't workout.
It's not because we think it's not important.
We know it's important, right?
We know eating healthy is important.
We know working out is important.
So why don't we do it?
- [Constance] We just don't wanna discount it.
We're just quite comfortable where we are.
- We're comfortable where we are.
- Effort. - Extra effort.
So here's the thing-- - Sacrifice.
- Sacrifice. (Constance chattering)
Constance, I'm gonna put the mic on you,
you're gonna take over.
Okay, guys.
So, here's the thing.
The real reason I believe we don't eat healthy,
and we don't work out, is because we just
don't place enough importance to it.
It's not because we think it's,
I'm gonna change the view.
This is a much better view over here.
A little audience there.
It's priorities.
So it really is...
Should I move my camera over there?
And they're laughing.
It's gonna be so hard to focus.
But this is good, this is live.
This is what happens.
And I'm looking at all these people
posting your comments.
And if you have any questions anyone,
just post the comments below, I'll go back
and I'll answer it as well.
But yeah, that's right, this is a much better angle.
But yeah, so we're talking about the real reason.
And we believe, and I have a little quote for you
I wanna put, okay.
So it says that, "If it's important to you,
"you will find a way.
"If it's not, you will find an excuse."
True? - Yes!
- [Kim] How true, true!
- [Constance] How do you get motivated, stay motivated?
- How do we stay motivated?
- It's great to start.
But the consistency,
- Correct.
I covered that in a different video already.
(laughing) So, I won't tell these guys.
Constance is asking about how to do,
how do we get started, how do we stay motivated.
And I'm not sure which episode that is,
but I'm sure I could pull that up.
But I've done that.
So today, we're talking about why we don't do it.
So a lot of times, we think that
we're gathering information.
We think that we don't know enough,
we don't know the best workout it,
we don't know what the healthiest food is,
so we don't eat healthy.
We keep putting it off.
But that's really not the issue.
The issue really is, is that we don't start,
and we don't give it enough importance.
Because we all know what's good for us.
So for example, how many hours of sleep
do we need in a day, Constance?
- How many what?
- How many hours of sleep do we need in a day?
- About eight. - Do you get eight hours?
- No. - No.
So it's not really because you don't know
how much sleep we need.
It's because it's just not important enough.
There are other things important.
- It's just that-- - Because something else
is more important, like you gotta get to work.
That's more important, right?
So that really is it.
So, same thing with workouts.
It's not that we don't know that it's good for us,
it's just that if it's important enough,
we'll place a priority to it.
Same thing with eating healthy.
It's not like we don't know that fast food is bad.
We know. - I just don't.
I was at Ben's. - You were at Ben's?
And then? - It's right in front
of my face, cheddar cheese truffles.
- Cheddar cheese truffles?
And then do you have it?
Did you buy it? - No.
Actually, I thought of you all, and I did not order them.
- But thanks for being real and honest.
- Coming to exercise helps.
- Coming to exercise helps, that's right.
So here's the thing.
You guys are okay, because you're here,
you realize it's important, you show up
for your workouts, it's fine.
But a lot of people out there who actually
they know it's good for them, but they're just not doing it.
So my message to you all watching this today,
it's simple, it's that I know why you're not doing it,
it's just because you just don't place enough
importance to it.
You say it's important, but you gotta show me,
show yourself that it's important as well.
You know if you don't eat three meals a day, you might,
you're not gonna die, but it's gonna be really hard.
So you find your meals important enough,
you place enough importance to your meals,
so you eat it.
But if you don't workout, you're not gonna die.
You don't workout for a year, you're not gonna die,
so it's not that important.
So that just really boils down to that.
And actually see a lot of comments and questions
coming in, so let's see.
We got some questions.
Oh wow, look at, oh wow, that's a lot of questions.
Hi, see, the controversy you created.
Hey, Ruwinnie, Selena, Selena I miss you.
Anwar, we miss you, too.
Cheryl, Eswar and Adrian.
Ruwinnie says, and look at this.
This is just really, this is true, right?
I can relate to this.
She says that she has to skip her workouts,
because her boss thinks she's going home early.
And then I work on the other end with this company,
and said how do we get our workers to exercise more?
Yeah, you bosses let them go.
- [Constance] Fantastic.
- Right?
I can totally agree with you Ruwinnie.
Trust me, it's just not your boss.
A lot of companies have to do it as well.
Vicky says she's been doing the Atkins diet,
and Paleo for two years, but still I can't
break my plateau.
Two years, wow.
Here's the thing, Vicky.
If you want something you've never had,
you've got to try something you've never tried before.
So how about you try something else?
Doesn't mean that one way of eating
is the only way to do it.
So if you hit a point where you're not seeing
any more progress, how 'bout you change
and switch things up a little bit?
Okay, so that's my advice to you.
Hi Felicia, hi Natasha.
Ian's here, Moona's here, Jevan saw her, Devan's here.
I am taking questions.
There's 11 of you here, watching.
And I don't normally do these videos for a long time,
but since we have a lot of people.
Do you have any questions?
Otherwise, I'm gonna tune out.
Hi, Angela.
Hey Ronald.
Ruwinnie says that Vicki should try intermittent fasting.
Well there's so many things you can try.
And at the end of the day, I just feel that,
okay, Constance let's ask you.
This is gonna be fun.
Lily ran away.
Lily ran away 'cause she doesn't wanna be live on video.
But Constance a show stopper.
Okay, let's look at what the class is doing in there.
That's fun, too.
Look at them in there.
They're not working out, they're just playing the fool.
You don't workout here, you don't workout.
We just play inside there.
Constance, I wanted to ask you, what's the best diet?
- What is the best diet? - What's the best diet.
- You tell me.
- No, no, to you. - To me?
I like to eat fruits. - You like to eat fruits?
- Or vegetables. - Have you heard
of the Atkins diet? - No.
- No? - What is that?
- High protein-- - High protein, high fat.
No carbs, eat all the bacon, and all that you want.
- Oh wow. (laughing)
- She's gonna go on the Atkins diet tomorrow.
Lily, what's the best diet?
Lily's hiding behind there, 'cause she
doesn't wanna be on video.
No, they can't see you, don't worry.
But they heard your name.
- [Lily] Best diet?
- Best diet.
- Best diet is-- - Florence always knows
the answers-- - Don't' lie.
The best diet is one that we keeps you
with all the nutrition that you need.
- Yeah. - High protein,
high, lots of vegetables, less carbs.
You need carbs, but choose the right carbs to eat.
- Hear that, you need your carbs.
- Yeah, you need your carbs.
Have a lot of fat, because fat--
- Have enough fat, you need your protein.
At the end of the day, so there's all these
kinds of diets happening.
We have the Atkins diet, we have people doing
intermittent fasting, we have people going
what else is it, Keto, ketogenic diet,
which is high protein, high fat again.
Your getting to ketosis, and your breath stinks
and all of that, and then you lose fat,
but you feel great.
There's so many kinds of diets out there.
At the end of the day, listen.
The best diet is the one that works for you.
- Yeah, works for you. - How do you discover that?
- You're gonna try it.
- You tried it?
- No try.
So someone will come and tell you,
Constance, the best diet is, you gotta go Paleo.
Sure, you don't eat rice and all of that.
You try and eat what the ancestors.
- It doesn't work, I tried that.
- Correct.
So that won't work for you, right?
So maybe you try the Atkins diet,
and you love it, and you can stick with it
no problems, and you feel great.
Then do it.
- Is rice okay? - Is rice okay?
I covered that in a different video.
It means you haven't been watching my videos.
- No. (laughing)
Absolutely have not.
- Well you guys have been watching my videos.
This is fun.
I should do my live videos at this time.
You should come.
Tell me when you're coming next.
- I'm so (murmurs).
- You're a conversation starter.
Most people run away when they see the camera like...
- [Lily] I run where they cannot see me.
- Cannot see you, but if I come there,
everyone can see you.
I don't know, camera shy, I think.
All right, guys, I'm gonna head back to my computer,
and see if there are any questions.
Otherwise, I'm going to tune out.
Rice is okay?
It's okay, I don't think rice is bad.
It's bad if you, the problem is we just eat
too much of it.
That's the problem.
- Eat too much of rice is bad. - Constance is asking,
is rice bad?
Rice isn't bad.
We eat too much of it, that's the problem.
Hey, Rebecca, we miss you too.
Wednesday, you're coming Wednesday?
Ruwinnie, everybody else.
Hi Prima, Felicia.
Is the Keto diet effective to lose weight?
Yeah, so Felicia, like we were just saying,
at the end of the day, try it,
if it works for you, fine.
But if you fail miserably, and if you really struggle
to stick to it, then don't.
It just doesn't work for you.
It doesn't mean it's not a good thing to do,
it's just that if it doesn't work for you don't do it.
Wong Chun Ting, I normally workout after work
Let's say eight P.M., I finish 10 P.M.
Is is okay to take your meal after that?
Chun Ting, I think it's fine.
It doesn't really matter what time you have your meals,
as long as you consume it in that day.
But here's the thing, sometimes you may feel
uncomfortable to have a meal, and then go to bed
within two hours.
But the whole thing of whether people say
that if you eat already, you cannot go to bed,
you need to walk to let it digest.
All that just bullshit.
Eat whenever is comfortable for you,
maybe prepare your meals earlier.
But if you can eat at 10 P.M., and you feel fine,
then it's fine, stick to it.
But if you eat at 10 P.M., and you feel
really uncomfortable, and you can't go to bed,
you can't sleep because you're stomach's working overtime,
then don't, then you wanna eat earlier.
There we go.
That's it, guys.
I'm gonna tune out.
Thank you so much for watching.
Again, if you still have any comments below.
Just post it.
I will take a look at it later,
and answer those questions.
Here comes the 6:30 class.
Easy workout today?
(class responding)
Easy, you have make up on.
- [Gym Member] I was late.
- That's okay. Bye.
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