DocumentDB Stored Procedures Best Practices - Duration: 14:43.[MUSIC]
Hey, I'm Scott Hanselman, and it's Azure Friday.
And here we're talking about DocumentDB stored procedures with
Andrew Liu.
How's it going?
>> Yep, it's great, thanks for having me here.
>> So stored procs, so I think stored procs,
I kinda think old school SQL.
What does that bring to a world of NoSQL databases at a world scale?
>> So this is actually pretty cool.
A few nuances that are different from SQL is we made a bet
on JavaScripts so
you have a full blown programming language to implement these.
>> That's cool.
>> Part of this reason why is because well, when you're dealing
with JSON Data, JSON is JavaScript's Object Notation.
JavaScript is very natural to interact with this data.
>> Yeah.
>> And the other thing that I think is really cool is a lot of NoSQL
databases, they relax transactions a lot.
Right, they give you transactions as a transactions around a single
document, and what we've found is,
this is really hard to program against, right?
And so if you wanna get ACID transactions across
multiple documents,
well this is what we intended stored procedures to give you.
>> Mm-hm.
>> And so I think this is really cool.
>> It makes me feel a little bit like there's NoSQL databases,
without mentioning any names.
>> Mm-hm.
>> That are nice for medium to small applications, but
when you need to get serious, when enterprise work needs to get done.
The reality of transactions happens and those tend to fall down.
>> Yeah, yeah, I can even show you a use case.
So what I have here is I have a sample dataset in my DocumentDB
>> Mm-hm.
>> And what it is it's a product catalog.
>> Okay.
>> And let me load this real quick.
>> Okay.
And so basically what I have done here is I've got a dataset that is
a product catalog containing things like bike frames, helmets, jerseys.
>> Sure.
>> And what I wanna do with this product catalog is I wanna add the
functionality of let's say revealing the items, setting our rating.
>> Right.
>> And in order to do this, what I wanna do is I wanna create
a review document with a comment as well as update let's say,
what is the rating from zero to ten?
How many reviews does this particular product has?
>> Mm-hm.
>> And so what happens is I'm updating one document, and
I am writing a new document.
And what I wanna do is I wanna make this happen transactionally so
that I don't just update the rating without having a review underneath.
>> Right. >> Or create a dangling
review comment that doesn't actually effect the product.
>> And it might sound like a small thing, but
we've all had that experience.
We've gone to a website and we've seen, well,
there's three comments here and the count says five.
What's going on, inconsistency, it's bad for a number of reasons.
>> Yep, and so let me jump into the stored procedure for doing this.
So here I'm in the Azure portal.
I'm going to our Script Explorer.
>> Mm-hm.
>> And I've written a quick stored procedure for applying this review.
>> Okay.
>> Now, a couple things to really know about stored procedures is
number one,
because we've optimized around the use case for transactions,
these work best when you have some kind of write operation.
If you have strictly let's say a sequence of reads-
>> Mm-hm.
>> This is actually best implemented on the client SDKs.
>> Hm.
>> Now within the stored procedure,
what we have here is I've taken a set of parameters.
So what product I wanna update, who the reviewer is,
what kind of rating and what the reviewer's comment is, right?
>> Okay.
>> I do some validation and basically I'm gonna do two things.
I'm gonna create the review document, and
I'm gonna update the product document.
Within this, these helper functions, it's pretty simple, right?
>> Are those helper functions also stored procedures or they literally
just helper functions within the larger name stored procedure?
>> There was just JavaScript functions that I have embedded into
this stored procedure.
>> Okay. >> And this is actually a really
cool thing about also using JavaScript is,
the Java ecosystem is humongous.
>> Yeah.
>> So the number of JavaScript libraries out there that you can
embed into a stored procedure, let's say if you wanna bring in a popular
JavaScript machine learning library,
you can actually then embed that into the stored procedure.
Cuz we have a full blown JavaScript runtime running
behind the scenes, so- >> Then it's then enlisted into
the transaction and either worked or
it didn't and you'll take care of stuff.
>> That's correct. >> That's great.
So I wanna bring Moment.js or
whatever makes me happy in there to do work where it can do-
>> Yeah, yeah.
And so the way our API works is
we have a bunch of crowd and query operations.
These methods create a document, just createDocument,
pretty straightforward.
But one thing to know about the JavaScript Runtimes we host,
is DocumentDB is a multi-tenant service.
We do need to govern the resources to make sure one tenant doesn't
cause problems for other tenants.
>> Right.
>> And so what we do is we actually bound the execution of the stored
procedures to a set number of CPU and time.
And in order to do,
let's say long running transactions, if you want to go beyond,
we gave you plenty of budget for most day-to-day operations.
>> Mm-hm. >> But
if you wanna do something very, very sizeable,
what we do is we ask you to build a continuation model.
>> Mm-hm.
>> An example of a continuation model is let's say I want to delete
a very, very large set of documents transactionally.
>> Right. >> What I might do here is I
will delete a set,
I will then return a Boolean back to the client side application.
And at the client side application sees that that Boolean is true and
knows hey, that's a signal that I didn't finish,
I'm going to run this again.
Now if the Boolean returns false,
that means there's actually more time and CPU budgeted for
this execution so you can continue running.
>> So you're chunking those big operations?
Is that what you do?
You're chunking them? >> Yeah.
>> Let's say I have a million to do, and
we'll do them 10,000 at a time or 100,000 at a time.
>> That's correct.
>> And if the whole thing failed on the last page,
would it roll back everything?
>> No, so that is something to build into your continuation model.
And there are techniques for doing this but basically each run of
the stored procedure, that gets applied transactionally.
>> Okay. >> And
just to kinda make this as a signal for the user to know when did
I need to kick out and return a message to the clients.
>> Mm-hm.
>> Each of these crowd operations return this true/false Boolean as
And what I do here is if a crowd operation was not accepted
then if I throw an exception, this is the signal to roll back.
Whenever an exception is thrown,
all of the logic within the stored procedures is rolled back.
>> Mm-hm.
>> And this can be really nice for doing some validation.
So an example is if I've already created that review document in
the function above, let's say now I wanna update the product document
and I couldn't find it.
Rather than having this dangling review document, I can now just roll
this back and say, hey, ignore everything I've done in here, I'm
gonna fail this, I wanna roll back because of this validation check.
>> And to make sure I get the language right, and
people understand as well.
When we say roll back, it's as if it never happened.
These aren't compensating transactions, right?
>> Right, right.
>> If I'm adding something like if I'm doing finance,
if I'm transferring money- >> Mm-hm.
>> And that fails, it's like it never happened at all.
It's not that it failed and
then I transferred it back with a compensating transaction.
>> That's correct.
So at the beginning of the execution in the stored procedure,
what we do is we actually take a snapshot of your database.
>> Mm.
>> And then at the end of, when it completes,
let's say you don't wanna fail it or roll it back,
you don't throw an exception- >> Mm-hm.
>> What we do is we apply all of those mutations all at once at
the end of the execution.
So that's the equivalent to a commit.
>> Very cool.
>> Yeah.
Now, some things to also note about this in terms of just best
I have seen a lot of folks if you're coming from let's say
a Java background like I came from or .NET background.
You might not be used to the control flow of JavaScript, and
JavaScript, I mean really embraces async operations, right?
And so one of the main things to point out, I think
if you're new to JavaScript and new to writing stored procedures,
is make sure that when you do the control flow for
the script, make sure that you line it up in call backs.
Don't fire a bunch of async operations all at once.
>> Mm-hm.
If you're bounding your CPU, then those async operations will
just fly away and then eventually you'll just slap them down and
you won't know whether they happened or not?
>> Right. So it'd be very hard to control
the IO and understand what's going on.
So in this case if you wanna perform this IO sequentially,
you'll want to make sure that you follow the call back convention.
>> Mm-hm.
>> As a matter of chance,
since this is implemented actually on ChakraCore.
>> ChakraCore, the open source JavaScript library that we use.
>> Yes.
The JavaScript runtime that we use.
We have full ES6 compatibility so should you wanna use premises or
something else to alter the control for
any of the other ES6 functionality.
Which I think is really awesome in the JavaScript world.
We do have that available, and one of the other cool things
about this is our JavaScript runtime isn't just for stored procedures,
we gave you transaction semantics around triggers.
So if you wanna apply let's say a JavaScript script attached to
a crowd operation, and this might be updating let's say a metadata
document and you want to have that happen transactionally.
>> Mm-hm.
>> Or if you wanna do user defined functions and
augment our query language, we also let you use the JS Runtime for that.
So, an example is in the product catalog I had a bunch of documents
which had a weight.
Those weights were in grams.
And let's say I wanna present back to the user in a product
listing page.
>> Mm-hm.
>> I want to show them this in pounds.
I can do this conversion and then embed this into a SQL query.
>> And now anyone who's in that collection can use that
in their stored procedures and build on it, and whatever.
>> Yes. >> So your developers could build
a whole library of user defined functions that they could all then
exploit within their stored procedures.
>> Yes.
So that's all getting embedded in the SQL query.
And then as part of the stored procedure,
you can run these SQL queries, and so you can include the UDF if
you choose to, as part of the select clause or the where clause, yeah.
>> This seems such a nice compromise.
And I don't mean compromise in an everyone loses way, but
literally everyone wins, cuz you've got enterprise developers with
a familiarity for things like stored procs, UDFs, SQL.
>> Mm-hm.
>> And you've got the new generation of people that wanna push
JSON around, they want it on structured database, and
they want world scale and they want it for free.
>> Mm.
>> You're giving, for lack of a better world,
both the young people and the older people,
what they want to make applications that are gonna run at huge scale.
>> Yes.
And speaking of world scale,
I mean one of the things that DocumentDB has really cool is all of
the partitioning is built into the server side itself.
All of the partitions are transparent, right?
>> Mm-hm.
>> All you need to define is a partition key.
One thing to note about stored procedures is we do need to
have some scope on where that transaction runs.
And so we scope these two with the partition key.
So when you make a request from the SDK,
what you wanna do is put into the request options what partition key
you wanna run this transaction on.
>> Mm-hm. >> And that is the scope for
the transaction.
Something that then call out from that is as a user, when you're
thinking about how you wanna partition your data to really kinda
leverage this scale out capability- >> Mm-hm.
>> Is your choice of partition key should reflect what kinda
transactions you wanna do.
So in the context of, let's say, a product catalog,
I know that I can scale out
perhaps by choosing a partition on maybe the product category.
I know that my transaction scope will fit within
that product category.
Let's say I'm just reviewing a single product and
creating review documents, that'll fit well.
But this is a design consideration you'll wanna think about up front.
So I guess I'll walk you through this stored procedure.
Run it and kinda just call some things out.
>> Yeah, well let's see it run as we end here.
>> So I basically created two functions.
One to create a doc, one to update a doc.
>> Mm-hm. >> Fairly straightforward.
>> You're using different objects like collection of those objects
just intrinsic and just available always?
>> Say that one more time?
>> For example, scroll down this page.
>> Yes. >> You said,
Where is collection coming from?
>> Yes.
So all the crowd operations come from a context object.
>> There it is.
>> And so the way the API is, is you can get the current collection and
this will reveal all of the crowd and query operators.
>> Mm-hm. >> You can also get the response and
this is where you can change the response and say hey, this is what I
want returned at the end of the execution of this stored proc.
>> Cool and we can run it and test it right here?
>> Yes, so let me grab a product real quick from our product catalog
and let's add a review.
>> Yeah.
>> So let's say I wanna review this helmet.
And the product number HL-U509,
this is what my stored procedure is expecting in the body.
>> All right.
>> Or in the parameter.
I go to reviewProduct.
I will go down here to- >> Little
challenging on a small screen.
>> Yes.
>> Looks fine on a big screen.
>> Looks good on a higher resolution.
[LAUGH] >> Yep, all right, so
there's your inputs.
>> So our inputs, what we're expecting here is a product number.
The reviewer, so we're gonna say Scott really loves this helmet.
He's gonna give it a 10 out of 10, and he's saying this thing rocks.
Hit Execute.
And assuming that I got all the inputs right,
what we'll see here below.
There is the response.
So what we've done is we've created a review object,
as well as we've updated that product.
>> Yeah.
>> And so in the product itself, what you'll see here-
>> There it is.
>> As part of it is the new score.
So we've added a review.
We calculated the new score.
And this is kind of the beauty of JavaScript, right?
It's a full blown programming language.
You can have fairly complex logic within this.
>> Very cool.
>> Yeah. >> Well,
we're learning all about stored procedures at world scale.
With Azure DocumentDB, here on Azure Friday.
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Rodol out.
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adaptation of a 1999 Neil Gaiman novel
of the same name Stardust the romantic
fantasy adventure film was directed by
Matthew Vaughn and co-written by Vaughn
and Jane Goldman the film features an
ensemble cast led by Claire Danes
Charlie Cox Sienna Miller Jason Fleming
mark Strong Rupert Everett Ricky Gervais
Robert De Niro Michelle Pfeiffer and
Peter O'Toole with narration by Ian :
the film follows Tristan a young man
from the fictional town of wall wall is
a town on the border of the magical
fantasy kingdom of Stormhold Tristan
enters the magical world to collect a
fallen star to give to his girlfriend
Victoria in return for her hand in
marriage he collects the star who to his
surprise is a woman named vane which is
in the princes of Stormhold are also
hunting for yvaine meanwhile Tristan
tries to get her back to wall with him
before Victoria's birthday the deadline
of her offer number nine
booty and the Beast he's a 2017 American
musical romantic fantasy film directed
by Bill Condon from a screenplay written
by Stephen Chbosky and Evans Billy o2
Poulos and co-produced by Walt Disney
Pictures and Mandeville films the film
is based on Disney's 1991 animated film
of the same name itself an adaptation of
jean-marie lepprince to Beaumont se teen
century fairytale Dodd the film features
an ensemble cast that includes Emma
Watson and Dan Stevens as the titular
characters with Luke Evans Kevin Kline
Josh GAD Ewan McGregor Stanley Tucci
Audra McDonald Gugu mbatha-raw Ian
Gillan and Emma Thompson in supporting
roles the film received positive reviews
from critics and audiences and has
grossed over 1.2 billion dollars
worldwide surpassing the original film
making it the highest-grossing film of
2017 and the tenth highest grossing film
of all time
number eight The Chronicles of Narnia
The Lion the Witch into Wardrobe
he's a 2005 British American high
fantasy film directed by Andrew Adamson
and based on The Lion the Witch into
Wardrobe the first published and second
chronological novel in CS Lewis's
children's epic fantasy series The
Chronicles of Narnia it was co-produced
by Walden Media and Walt Disney Pictures
and distributed by Buena Vista pictures
William Moseley Anna Popplewell skander
Keynes and Georgie Henley play Peter
Susan Edmund and Lucy for British
children evacuated during the Blitz to
the countryside to find a wardrobe that
leads to the fantasy world of Narnia
there they ally with the lioness limb
voiced by Liam Neeson against the forces
of Jadis the white witch Tilda Swinton
the film was released on December 9 2005
in both Europe and North America to
positive reviews and was highly
successful at the box office grossing
more than 745 million dollars worldwide
making it 2005 third most successful
film number seven serenity he's a 2005
American science fiction action film
written and directed by Joss Whedon it
is a continuation of Whedon's
short-lived 2002 Fox television series
Firefly and stars the same cast taking
place after the events of the final
episode set in 2517 serenity is the
story of the captain and crew of
serenity a Firefly class spaceship the
captain in first mate are veterans of
the unification war having fought on the
losing independent side against the
Alliance their lives of smuggling and
cargo running are interrupted by a
psychic passenger in harbors a dangerous
secret the film received generally
positive reviews and won several awards
including the Hugo Award for Best
dramatic presentation the Prometheus
special award and the Nebula Award for
best script but underperformed at the
box office
number six dawn of the Planet of the
he's a 2014 American science fiction
film directed by Matt Reeves and written
by mark bomback Rick Jaffa and Amanda
Silver it stars Andy Serkis Jason Clarke
Gary Oldman Keri Russell Toby Kebbell
and Kodi smit-mcphee it is the sequel to
the 2011 film Rise of the Planet of the
Apes which began 20th Century Fox's
reboot of the original Planet of the
Apes series dawn has said ten years
after the events of rise and follows a
group of people in San Francisco who
struggled to stay alive in the aftermath
of a plague that is wiping out humanity
while Caesar tries to maintain dominance
over his community of intelligent apes
it was also a box-office success having
grossed over seven hundred ten million
dollars worldwide and received an
Academy Award nomination for Best Visual
Effects a third installment titled war
for the Planet of the Apes is set to be
released on July 14 2017 number 5 avatar
marketed as James Cameron's Avatar is a
2009 American epic science fiction film
directed written produced and co-edited
by James Cameron and starring Sam
Worthington Zoe Saldana Stephen Lang
Michelle Rodriguez and Sigourney Weaver
the film is set in the 22nd century when
humans are colonizing Pandora a lush
habitable moon of a gas giant in the
Alpha Centauri star system in order to
mine the mineral unobtainium a
room-temperature superconductor the
expansion of the mining colony threatens
the continued existence of a local tribe
of Navi a humanoid species indigenous to
pandora the film's title refers to a
genetically engineered Navi body with
the mind of a remotely located human
that is used to interact with the
natives of Pandora avatar was officially
budgeted at $237 million . other
estimates put the cost between 280
million dollars and 310 million dollars
shannond at 150 million dollars for
promotion number four snowpiercer
is a 2013 english-language south korean
cheque science fiction thriller film
based on the french graphic novel the
transpersonal baja club
Benjamin Legrand and gene marker shchet
the film is directed by bong joon-ho and
written by bong and Kelly Masterson the
film marks bonds english-language debut
approximately 80% of the film was shot
in English the film stars Chris Evans
song kang-ho Tilda Swinton Jamie Bell
Octavia Spencer go awesome John Hurt and
Ed Harris the movie takes place aboard
the globe spanning snowpiercer train
which holds the last remnants of
humanity after an attempt at climate
engineering in order to stop global
warming has unintentionally created a
new ice age evan stars as Curtis Everett
a member of the lower class tail section
passengers as they lead a revolution
against the Iliev the front of the Train
snowpiercer was well-received by critics
and appeared on many film critics top 10
film lists of 2014 following its
international release number three dr.
he's a 2016 American superhero film
based on the Marvel Comics character of
the same name produced by Marvel Studios
and distributed by Walt Disney Studios
motion pictures it is the 14 film of the
Marvel Cinematic Universe MCU the film
is directed by scott derrickson who
wrote the film with john spades and see
Robert Cargill and stars Benedict
Cumberbatch child le Jia fer
rachel mcadams benedict wong michael
stuhlbarg benjamin bratt Scott Adkins
Mads Mikkelsen
and Tilda Swinton in dr. strange surgeon
Stephen strange learns the mystic arts
from the ancient one after a
career-ending car accident the film has
grossed over six hundred seventy seven
million dollars worldwide and was met
with positive reviews from critics it
also received an Academy Award
for Best Visual Effects number two
Minority Report
he's a 2002 American science fiction
film directed by Steven Spielberg and
loosely based on the short story of the
same name by philip k dick
it is said primarily in Washington DC
and Northern Virginia in the year 2050
for where pre-crime a specialized Police
Department apprehends criminals based on
foreknowledge provided by three psychics
called precogs the cast includes Tom
Cruise as chief of pre-crime John
Anderton : Farrell as Department of
Justice agent Danny Witwer Samantha
Morton as the senior Precog Agatha and
Max von Sydow a tan Titan superior
Lamarr Burgess the film combines
elements of tech-noir whodunit thriller
and science fiction genres as well as a
traditional chase film as the main
protagonist is accused of a crime he has
not committed and becomes a fugitive the
film was nominated for and won several
awards it received an Academy Award
nomination for best sound editing and 11
Saturn Award nominations including Best
Actor Best Supporting Actor and Saturn
Award for Best Music winning best
science fiction film Best Direction best
writing and Best Supporting Actress
number one pirates of the caribbean dead
men tell no tales
also known as Pirates of the Caribbean
salad Zara's revenge is a 2017 American
fantasy swashbuckler film and the fifth
installment in the Pirates of the
Caribbean film series the film is
directed by Johann rønning and Espen
Sandberg from a script by Jeff Nathanson
with Jerry Bruckheimer serving again as
producer Johnny Depp Kevin McNally and
Geoffrey Rush reprised their roles as
Jack Sparrow joshamee gibbs and Hector
Barbossa respectively the film also
stars Javier Bardem as Armando Salazar
Brenton Thwaites as Henry Turner and
Kaya Scodelario as Kareena Smith the
film also features the returns of
orlando bloom and keira knightley as
well Turner and
Elizabeth Swann respectively following
their absence from the fourth
installment on Stranger Tides the film
grossing 115 million dollars over its
four-day Memorial Day opening weekend in
early May projections were adjusted to
dollar 90 100 million which was again
loud down to $80 to 85 million with a
chance of hitting 100 million dollars by
the week of its release
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Best Quran Recitations Of The World - Ramadan 2017 - Duration: 13:58.
Nkauj ntseeg - Nyaj xuv xyooj the best new song - Duration: 1:02:48.-------------------------------------------
Siesta Beach named Best Beach in the US - Duration: 0:20.PEOPLE WERE SCAMMED, ONLINE
TCC at HCC: "Best price – it's free!" - Duration: 0:55.Our Transition to College program is free, which is a good deal, right?
Well, um, you don't pay any tuition.
That's already covered.
And you don't have to buy any books, we take care of that as well.
Um, the thing I do stress to people is that you have to show up!
You have to do the homework.
Um, the more engaged you are in the class, the more you will gain.
We say this to students each semester that the more you come to class, the more you work
on it, the more you really actively figure things out and practice, practice, practice,
those are the students who make the best gains.
So, um, it's totally free, no money to pay, but time and effort is what you end up putting in.
Clash Of Clans - BEST BUILDER HALL 3 (BH3) Base 2017 + Defense Replays | Anti Giant,Minion,Arch -NEW - Duration: 3:11.Clash Of Clans - BEST BUILDER HALL 3 (BH3) Base 2017 + Defense Replays | Anti Giant,Minion,Arch -NEW
Dil De Diya Hai | Masti Movie | Best Mix Version 2017 - Duration: 4:57.Dil De Diya Hai | Masti Movie | Best Mix Version 2017
!BEST NEW! Techno & Hands Up Mega Mix 2017 | Most Popular Song Remixes 2017 - Duration: 1:05:05.Don't forget to subscribe, like, comment & share <3
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