Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 4, 2017

Youtube daily want Apr 27 2017

He, peace be upon him, tells us: "Each time two people are together,"

that is, two people or more, but the Prophet peace be upon him spoke particularly of two people, because we forget that even just two people are already a group.

They are already a 'state,' an 'Islamic state.'

We forget that two people are enough to be a group, enough to be considered a nation. They are an Ummah, and that needs a khalifa, and to be looked after. An Ummah needs to have a caretaker.

It has a need for a sense of each taking care of the other, nourishing the other, thinking of the needs of the other.

There's a need for a protector, for the sense of each protecting the other, guarding the other, nurturing the other, and providing for the needs of the other.

Generally, when we are in a relationship of just two, we forget this. But when we are in a larger group, we don't forget this.

When I find myself in front of a group of a hundred or more people, I pay more attention to what I say.

But when I am with my spouse, when I am with my child,

when it's just me and my student, when it's just me and a friend, or when I am alone, I forget that this constitutes 'company' - I am in a state of companionship.

The Prophet peace be upon him says, "each time two people" to put emphasize that just two people are enough to form a group.

The Prophet peace be upon him says, "Each time that two people come together, the one who will win the prize of being the more beloved to God..." - and what a prize!

Who is looking for this? Who seeks this prize? Who is seeking to be loved by God, Most High?

In all honesty, who finds that this being 'loved' by God Most High moves something in your heart?

Don't raise your hands - but ask yourselves this question in an introspective way, seriously and sincerely.

Who here finds that this phrase moves something in you?

Do you want to be loved by God? Are you seeking to be loved by God?

Then, we understand why the Prophet peace be upon him was not sent amongst people like us. And we understand that we are far, we are far.

If Islam has been transmitted, or transferred, to us, have we succeeded in transforming? in being transformed by Islam?

Because a Prophetic Message has the role of transmitting or transferring the Divine Energy (or the Divine Message), but also of transforming beings.

Thus, for an audience consisting of the Companions of the Prophet peace be upon him, and you have an idea of the quality of their character after having heard the talk by Sidi Mahdi,

it is to this audience that the Prophet peace be upon him - he who understands best what it means to be loved by God, who in fact lives for nothing other than this - says:

Each time two people come together, the one who will win the prize,

the one who will be the more beloved to God Most High

Honestly, this entire conference can be summarized by this one Prophetic Teaching.

For more infomation >> Veux-tu être aimé par Dieu ? | Do you want to be loved by God? | Shaykh Hamdi Ben Aissa - Duration: 5:40.



would you like to become a better lover

regardless of age and stage of relations

every man has a chance to become a

better lover first avoid transforming

intimate relations into a routine never

be afraid to try something new be gentle

and helpful take the initiative and

learn new things be sure to listen to

the opinion of your second half learn

what things she likes and what dislikes

avoid the same positions places time of

day also keep in mind if that size still

matters use a special device for safe

and effective penis enlargement using

this device you are sure to avoid all

types of side effects surgical

interventions and discomfort use this

device and you will have no match in sex

For more infomation >> HOW TO BECOME CRAZY LOVER IN 1 DAY - Duration: 1:04.


Want To Be A Healer Be A Creek - Duration: 11:12.

Want To Be A Healer?

Be A Creek

At Global Community Communications Alliance (GCCA) we approach healing with the same community

spirit as we approach everything else.

Our healing team works primarily through the Soulistic Medical Institute (a supporting

affiliate of GCCA), experiencing many opportunities to serve both community members and the public.

While we use standard medicine when necessary and unavoidable, we prefer the more wholistic

and soulistic methods of healing.

We have discovered that physical and psychospiritual healing has to do with a shift in the mind,

in the thought processes of the individual.

Thus we are actively seeking healing versus curing of illness�healing having to do with

the whole person and curing, in contrast, which focuses on making the physical symptoms

go away without consideration of psychospiritual, cultural, social, and environmental factors.

We observe that too many doctors and the other facets of healthcare really aren�t in the

ministry of healing; they are in the business of curing.

For example, a surgeon can successfully remove a physical tumor, but not deal with the various

factors that may have contributed to that tumor.

Nor do most surgeons follow up by in having the patient implement wholistic preventative

and health-promoting practices.

Neither do they deal with the emotions and mind of the individual, the thought processes

of the individual that lead to so many decisions that affects one�s health.

And, even if a doctor would want to be more wholistic, most insurance companies will pay

for surgery but not for the additional health-promoting and preventative follow-up treatment.

Most of us who are community members in GCCA feel that we are in an accelerated process

of healing and, whether accelerated or more gradual, healing can be very challenging,

intense, and psychologically (as well as physically) painful.

Though I see my entire life as a process of continued healing and unfolding into more

expanded wholeness, I went through an extremely challenging period of a few years of intense

healing, struggling with physical symptoms that were really scary and very uncomfortable

and at times almost unbearably painful.

In order for me to get through my physical condition and actually heal, I had to deal

with lots of personal psychospiritual issues, at an accelerated pace if I was going to physically


Though today I am no longer able to ride a bicycle many miles or hike up to fifteen miles

a day, I can hike and walk up to four miles and swim lots of laps.

Though my physical vehicle (body) won�t allow me to do as many activities as I enjoyed

in the past, at 61 I realize that I am healthier than I have ever been in my entire life.

In my �letting-go� of many of my attachments, I became free of a lot of mindal pressure

that contributed to tremendous stress on my physical body and which culminated in a serious

physical illness.

Being a product of the dominant culture�s fast and frantic pace, I was a person who

moved quickly through life, experiencing much and living with many changes throughout my

youth and adulthood.

For decades I was on a fast-track in acquiring an undergraduate- and graduate-college education,

exploring various religious practices, befriending many people of various walks of life, and

raising three children while I worked with dedication (teaching up to one hundred and

twenty-five students a day when I was in the public school system).

For a time I lived with the challenge of being a single parent, managing the family, home,

and profession, and, of course, at a maddeningly fast pace.

Though I was a deeply spiritual person, I was not deep enough, for I was in too much

of a hurry getting things done, pursuing many personal agendas, and so on.

When I finally slowed down enough to really listen to the call of the Spirit within me,

I realized that if I did not stop racing around being a superwoman, I would go crazy.

In that slowing down and quieting myself and listening to what I refer to as �the call

of God,� I was able to begin to allow certain doors to open that led to a series of events

that ended up where I am today�living in a wonderful intentional community, having

a lifestyle that is fulfilling and nourishing on all levels of being, and thriving in a

highly meaningful avocation.

It was not until I was living in an active intentional community, where my ideals could

be practiced more fully in a life of wholeness and connection (rather than in compartments),

that I really began the hard work of accelerated healing that, interestingly, seemed to me

at the same time to be restful and playful.

So it was a wonderful thing that happened to me when, about twelve years ago, I was

bed-ridden for more than three months.

During that time my heart beat very slowly, and I could not even get up to walk to the


It seemed as if my heart was saying, �I am not going to beat any faster than this,

and this is the way it is.

So, get with this new program, lady!� I�m sure that there are some medical theories

as to why my heart slowed down, but more important to me are the psychospiritual reasons.

I had to be slowed down so that I could be very present to hear that small, quiet voice

of God, which really isn�t very small at all.

It can be quite loud if you are listening.

I needed to be forced to sit in a circle of quiet for a lot longer than five minutes,

or twenty minutes, or a day.

In that circle of quiet where I lived for those months, I became enlightened and aware

of some unresolved issues, some incorrect perceptions, and some ego �stuff.� I also

realized that I had been living for most of my life with deep, smoldering anger and resentment.

And I thought I had gotten a handle on all of that when I was in my 30�s!

Believing that I am a person who has had a few past lives, it seemed that I had many

lifetime chapters, many layers of experiences where I, as a woman on this Earth, had been

broken and beaten down by oppressive and abusive people and circumstances, although, interestingly,

I have not experienced oppression in this current life.

In order for me to heal, my resentment and anger (no matter where it came from) had to

be addressed and dispelled, or transformed into something productive and helpful.

As I discovered, resentment is simply unexpressed anger and, if not appropriately and effectively

expressed, anger can sit deep inside you and manifest in some sort of physical dis-ease,

even coming through in a next life.

Because I lived in a community culture that encouraged deep reflection and inner work

on transmuting incorrect and harmful thought-forms and patterns, and because I had the physical

and emotional support of fellow community members, all those years ago I was able to

�retreat� for more than three months within the community setting�in my own bed�to

rest, reflect, process, release, and acquiesce.

I began to heal and transform, and I continue to unfold more fully into my wholeness, outgrowing

that which I no longer need in order to ever expand into a more loving, insightful, and

wise person.

In the wonderful diversity of persons living in Global Community Communications Alliance,

we are reminded daily that each one of us is undergoing an ongoing, personal, and unique

healing process.

We believe that in order for our planet to heal, a unity (not uniformity) needs to happen

on a global level.

But in order for us to begin to feel that union with others-that union of souls within

our uniqueness and our diversity-we must realize that what we all have in common is our need

to heal, and that healing is an ongoing process.

From the very beginning, our experiment in community has emphasized creating an environment

that in every way supports healing and health.

Beautiful homes and gardens, tasty organic food, clean water, fresh air, diverse and

satisfying work, a strong connection with the natural world, time and tools for creativity,

commitment to doing good for others, practicing clear communication, healthy diversion and

recreation, a dynamic spiritual life, and a willingness to do the work necessary for

healing to occur are important to us.

So far, the experiment begun in 1989 has borne many fruits of healing for community members,

even though some of those community members have eventually passed on.

And all along the beautiful healing journeys that we continue to experience, we are reminded

by one of our Elders: �Want to be a healer?

Then first heal yourself by becoming as a creek�always dynamic, flowing, moving, and


For more infomation >> Want To Be A Healer Be A Creek - Duration: 11:12.


We want naked men! - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> We want naked men! - Duration: 0:31.


What Does Kaelyn Want To Become? - Duration: 9:34.

For more infomation >> What Does Kaelyn Want To Become? - Duration: 9:34.


Rappers Like Troy Ave and Lil Boosie and Lil Wayne That want to be 2pac. WHY? | JTNEWS - Duration: 6:25.

I'm records good man

salute JT I'm so so good AMD how are you

I'm great man so what we got today we're

talking rappers that want to be Tupac

they say they always talk about it and I

always wonder why because I've never

wanted to be another person right um

recently we got new pot we got Troy Ave

Maria he's Tupac I'm getting them he

says he's restoring a feeling but it's

all the negative feelings right a little

talk now Boosie said he wants to be to

remember he felt himself pupok recent

right but boo see out of those two and

we were there's plenty other people that

compare themselves to Tupac in a little

way and he has to thug life shatter

honors you know belly and all that but

it's like pussy is the closest thing to

talk to me because of his impact boom he

has an impact on the community for sure

like the the the hood relates to boo see

like they just do they come out to a

shows no matter what they support you

got a crazy family and he speaks to

those people in those neighborhoods like

he talks for them about the police

messing with them unfairly what it means

to only have some bread and peanut

butter and jelly in your house and then

five people eating that same sandwich

you know like like shit that people can

relate to poverty you know and the

struggles of coming up through poverty

you know there so now boo see I mean

then you got Troy abs he's just relating

oh I got shot this happens that you know

it's like you know come on not not

really that much relation but why do

people want to be Tupac you tell me

wreck why why do I want to be Tupac so

bad I mean to cut just had a different

effect on I'm going to say to fans or

just a people lighter and everybody

wants to catch

that you know like you know me the

artist I would love to capture capture

that in my own way not in a 2-pound way

in an Trek way you understand what I'm


Tupac connection with defend that was

something like magnetic something

special going on in yeah and I think it

was from the passion and the dedication

to his craft and really being on the

front line for the coals yeah you

understand what I'm saying

police brutality like you said on

poverty yeah

uplifting women women he fought for the

woman you know and on even on that song

wonder why they call you best she was

basically telling girl why this is why

we call you bitch don't be like this

yeah yeah definitely

he has substance like I said he had a

title this is why we called you bitch

and then he broke that down

yeah you understand what I'm saying and

that's why I took up has a connection

with the people and every artist was

that yeah I mean he he figured it out

not you right yeah he just and I think

that was just him he was just given a

world all to him because he was you know

a rebel yeah

revolutionary yeah I know artists actor

he was were the people and he was

definitely every piece I mean this is a

guy who took homeless people inside of

his mansion do you know like gave people

money and everything and at one point I

think Tupac was going to change around

one point because so many people were

taking from him and not giving back

mmm-hmm to him you know when he needed

the love and everything you know and I

think that was starting to face him in

the end and it phases me and it phases

you you know you can give you want to

see people win so bad

and when they win they don't want to see

you in the same amount and every time

you can't do you learn at one point and

he was young he was only what 25 you

know so like I'm probably just realizing

that like people don't want the same

good for you so you got to start doing

good for people and not expect anything

in return

you know and I think he was going to go

to more being a motivational speaker and

opening up more boys and girls I'll see

ya soon yes he was going to inspire you

can't like t I just said in some movie

and I think this is the most

hypocritical he's another one that tries

to go to puck right I he said he did

this movie us or out and it's about

police brutality everything then he says

you know people they say their way of

getting out like I'm gonna get out of

the hood when I make it I leave the hood

I don't stay in the hood and fix it and

he said that's the biggest problem but

he's being a hypocrite saying that

because he the first chance he got he

left and he's living in 40 million

dollar mansion a million dollar condo

he's not living in the hood anymore so

if you're going to say something like

that be about it and be in the hood but

I will say this at once I'm I know he

had a construction company he was

building up these affordable homes in

the community I don't know if he still

does that

but I know one time in a world I think

that was an idea you know who's really

doing that Glenn thug shut up his Slim

Thug he's really building cars you're

going you know what this will because if

she'll tell anybody who was a base who

was a how can I say influenced by Tupac

and he want to put the influence out

there but using the to pot yeah great in

the sense by Tiffany you know cuz he's

easy fire you gotta do together you're

right he got that inspired inspiration

right yes I like Loretta Lynn spider

shell so Troy yeah boom see if that's

what he feel inspiring them and they

wanna you know I guess be labeled as

Tupac innocence new park and boom

parking and sooo parking a Cooper who

ever here you know me more power to your

members only want some pot though yeah

you know well we'll end it there

shout out to everybody trying to do good

out here solo

For more infomation >> Rappers Like Troy Ave and Lil Boosie and Lil Wayne That want to be 2pac. WHY? | JTNEWS - Duration: 6:25.


Ryan: I'll be shocked if Dems want shutdown - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Ryan: I'll be shocked if Dems want shutdown - Duration: 0:46.


Create Your Life Around What Really Matters to You - Duration: 1:38.

(piano music)

- Clarity of priorities.

We lived in a big ol' 3000-square-foot home.

Big yard;

in-ground pool; fully finished basement.

Awesome, awesome house.

Two and a half years ago,

I told my husband, I said, "This house is killing me.

"It's too big for us."

"The kids are no longer home."

"I'm lonely."

"We're only using a few rooms"

"Why are we keeping up with the Joneses

in this huge house

when we don't need it?"

We got clear about what we really wanted.

We wanted to move to the country.

We wanted a smaller bungalow.

I hated cleaning that house.

It took us three hours

every Saturday morning.

Two people,

three hours to clean that monster.

Beautiful home,

but it was, we outgrew it.

It was no longer a priority for us

to have the house where the kids would come over.

We had lived that chapter of our lives.

We needed to reassess our priorities.

We had to get really honest with ourselves

in saying, "Why are we keeping this house?

"Is it just for show?

"To show that we have money?

"Why are we doing this?

"What do we want?"

We got really, really clear about what we wanted.

Now we live 15 minutes,

an extra drive, country road,

cute little bungalow on 44 acres of treed land.

We have our own trails in the back.

We can go skiing; we can go hiking; it's awesome.

Clarity of priorities is getting really clear

about what matters to you.

I want you to say, "What is really important here?"

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Create Your Life Around What Really Matters to You - Duration: 1:38.


TOP 5 WEDNESDAY | Authors I Want to Read More From - Duration: 5:41.

Hello, friends! My name is Sarah and today I am joining in with Top 5 Wednesday to

share the top five authors that I would like to read more from. Obviously this

topic could be done a ton of different ways and so to narrow it down a little

bit as I thought through potential authors to share with you guys, I decided to

choose from authors that I have only read one book from and it turns out all

of them are actually authors that I read for the first time in 2016. They also all

happen to be female authors and, just throwing it out there that these are

listed in no particular order. The first author i would love to read more from is

Erin Morgenstern, the author of The Night Circus. I read this pretty early on in

2016 and, to my knowledge, Erin Morgenstern haven't written really

anything else, but this novel was beautiful. The writing was insane, the

atmosphere, the characters, the story - it was all just to so, so wonderful. If I could

get more from this actual world with these actual characters I would be so, so,

so, so happy, but I would also just be absolutely thrilled to read some other

fantasy or really any other story that Erin Morgenstern would put her beautiful,

wonderful writing and spin on. The second author I would love to read more from

is Hannah Kent, the author of Burial Rites. I heard really, really incredible

things about Burial Rites, and I was very very excited to finally get a chance to

pick it up last year and absolutely fell in love with the story and the writing.

It was all just so beautifully done. The themes and the philosophical questions

that are posed in that book are absolutely beautiful and I am very, very

excited about the fact that Hannah's next novel, which I'm totally blanking on

the name of it right now, but it comes out...I think it might have already come

out in Australia or some other part of the world already this year. It comes out

in the United States, I want to say, in September/October and I'm very, very, very

much looking forward to that because Burial Rites was an absolutely lovely,

lovely novel. That one takes place in Iceland and just the atmosphere that she

captured of that particular location, even though I've never actually been to

Iceland, like, I feel kind of like I have just in the way that she writes, but

her next novel takes place in Ireland, which I have been to Ireland, and oh my

gosh...I'm so excited about the atmosphere and the setting of that particular book. It's going to be

fantastic. The third author I would love to read more from is Yaa Gyasi, the

author of the Homegoing. This is Yaa Gyasi's debut novel, therefore she does

not have any other fiction that has been published yet, but I cannot wait to

read more from her. It still boggles my mind that this is a debut. It still

boggles my mind that she's like 26-years-old or 27-years-old or whatever she is,

because this is just absolutely wonderful. I'm really, really, really

excited to see the other stories and characters and themes and hard issues

that she decides to tackle in her future works because this is just, in so many

ways, a fantastic novel. It's very, very important, I think, and I really think

that everyone should read it. I think it's just absolutely lovely and the

questions and the different themes that it causes you to consider are just really

really fantastic. It is also own voices, which is amazing, and I just...yeah...I loved it.

I loved her writing style and the character development, in particular. Even

though this is sort of like a collection of short stories more or less, the way

that she developed all of the characters in such a short amount of time just...fell

head over heels. Like, you guys probably know if you've been watching

the channel for a while that my love languages are great characters, exquisite

writing, and fantastic themes. Yaa Gyasi has all of those and I'm really, really

excited to see what she does with her talent in future books. The fourth author I

would love to read more from is Emily St. John Mandel, the author of Station Eleven.

My copy of Station Eleven is being borrowed by a friend of mine right now, which is why I

do not have it, but you guys may know that that was one of my favorite books

of 2016. It was my first read of the year this is actually two years in row now that

I've kicked off the year with a five star new read, and it was just absolutely

amazing. Going back to what I just mentioned about Yaa Gyasi and my

love languages being good characters and beautiful writing and themes, like,

Station Eleven is another fantastic example of that. It is just an exquisitely written

story. Even though it's written in a very nonlinear fashion, which I am normally

not a huge fan of, the way that Emily St. John Mandel told that story was just

absolutely amazing, and I am not sure, I haven't done too much looking to see if

she's written other stuff...I think she has, and I'm definitely hoping to jump

into some of that in 2017, because I mean that...that was just it was amazing. It was absolutely

amazing. I loved it so much. And the fifth and final author that I would love to

read more from is Kristin Hannah, the author of The Nightingale. This is my favorite read of

2016 and I absolutely fell head over heels for the story. I am a huge

historical fiction junkie, as you guys know. I really, really love the WWII

time setting in particular, and that is when this book takes place. And, again

beautiful characters, beautiful writing, incredible themes and questions

that the story asks you to consider, and Kristin Hannah has, I know, written a lot

of other stuff, so I've already gotten a couple recommendations from a friend who

read this and loved it so much that she immediately went out and picked up

another one of Kristin's books, so I'm really excited to dive into some of our

other stuff as the year progresses, because if all of her books are like

this one, then she's probably going to very quickly skyrocket to one of my

all-time favorite authors. Well, there you have it, friends. Those are my top 5

authors that I would love to read more from. If you've read works by any of these

other authors that are different from the one I have read, I would love to

hear your thoughts and recommendations, and I would also love to hear one of

your authors that you definitely want to read more from. If you want to

follow me elsewhere online, you can find me on Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads, all @sarahannehayes.

The links for those profiles will be in the description below. Thank you so much for watching.

I hope you enjoyed this video. Don't forget to subscribe and I will see you next time. Bye!!

For more infomation >> TOP 5 WEDNESDAY | Authors I Want to Read More From - Duration: 5:41.


I want to wait for the market to recover - Property Rant 053 - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> I want to wait for the market to recover - Property Rant 053 - Duration: 3:34.


87 #Aaltonen - What they need vs. What you want - Duration: 3:39.

Hey, subscribe to our channel from down below. You'll get these videos straight to your email, if you prefer. A new episode every weekday at noon.

We're going to create 120 episodes of these videos where we're going to talk about common issues in marketing and content marketing.

Let's talk about we want versus what you need. We is a company and their marketing and sales team, board and directors.

We want. On the other side is your clients. What they need? It's quite interesting when we're talking about company's marketing efforts,

"We want"-attitude plays a huge role in everything. We want to sell, we want to meet clients, we want our client's time, we want them to buy and stay as our clients. We want. I want very selfishly, which is fine.

That's how capitalism works. We want something, but capitalism also works by not working if the other side doesn't need you.

Marketing communication should not focus on you but to them. I find it interesting, that customer's customer is very rarely seen and spoken of.

It's because somehow our brains are always fixed to "we want"-attitude. If we could serve the need and answer the questions and focused on the customer's world, we would be much more successful.

You'd be much more successful in your own business. For example if you're looking for a job, you need a job, but the potential employer wants something.

They want to see some action to be implemented. If you tell what kind of a person you are and about your skills, you're not telling about what the employer would get from you.

If you're selling a service, and you're thinking of how you can stand out from your competitors, start thinking about what your customers need.

Not what you can sell. If you're a communications agency, it's nice to talk about crisis communication and influencer communication, but you should think about what those people need and want.

Target to that. This all works in every branch of industry, including yours, where you're an individual and special, but your customers have their own needs and wants

Forget about what you're doing, what you want and start serving the person on the other side. I guarantee the results will be completely different than what they are now.

For more infomation >> 87 #Aaltonen - What they need vs. What you want - Duration: 3:39.


Jim Rohn: ACHIEVING ANYTHING YOU WANT (entrepreneur advice) - Duration: 10:06.

let's talk now about setting goals of

all the things that really helped

transform my life when I was 25 years

old met my mentor that original mentor

mr. Rochelle goal-setting really did

wonders for me the subject came up when

mr. Scholl said to me mr. Owen

let me see your current list of goals

and he said let's go over them he said

I've got some experience and let's talk

about it maybe I can give you some help

and I said to him I don't have a list he

said well if you don't have a list of

your goals he said I can probably guess

your bank accounts within your bank

account within a few hundred dollars

which he did and that got my attention

so here was my response you mean to tell

me if I had a list of my goals it would

make a difference in my bank account he

said a drastic difference so that got my

attention I thought well I've got to

learn how to set goals and when I

learned it changed my life forever now

I've been teaching it now all these

years trying to help people get a better

vision of the future

okay so make this note the future is

where we're going you know the past is

where ever been presence is where we are

and the future is where we're going and

if we can capture this moment in time

from our past to now and then from now

to a future more well designed with

better objectives and better purpose for

ourselves our family our business our

investments everything else then this

this moment in time will have become

extremely valuable so let me give you

first what really affects us all

number one were affected by the

environment in which we live were

affected by the physical environment I

was challenged with back in the thirty

days ,why not make the environment better

everywhere you go I learned mama taught

you know turn off the lights when you

check out of your hotel and you leave

the room before you leave turn out the

lights and I thought why do that and

here's what she said to make a

contribution that's so easy Wow

and if you could make a contribution

that is so easy that didn't cost you any

money and didn't cost you any time you

know didn't cost you a piece of your

life why not make the contribution

that's easy because if everybody did it

think of how much we would conserve

someone says well yes the hotel benefits

if you turn out all the lights and

here's the answer that sophisticated

people always have who cares


benefits if it benefits the hotel and if

everybody did it probably the cost of

the hotel room would come down so every

benefit you can give every benefit you

can share because here's what happens if

you learn to give you will what receive

maybe not in the manner in which you

gave maybe not in light time someone

will save energy for you because you

saved energy for them but in some

mysterious ways it always comes back to

us if you give you will receive in fact

here's what it says that for the

uneducated is a little bit strange it

says it's better to give than it is to

receive now see if you didn't understand

you would say that doesn't quite make

sense surely it would be better to

receive and to give the answer's no it

is much better to give than to receive

and here's why it's what we call being

in having intelligent self-interest

nothing wrong with self-interest as long

as you do it the intelligent way here's

the key giving it's better to give than

it is to receive because giving starts

the receiving process so to act


in your own self-interest which is good

it's much better to give than it is to

receive because if all of you do all you

do is receive that may be very limited

but if you give and giving starts the

receiving process coming your way from

unknown resources from unknown places

back it comes around to you because you

became a giver that's one of the unique

mysteries of life we give to receive and

it's better to give than it is to

receive so that's what mama said turn

out the lights make a contribution why

not make the easy ones here's what else

we talked about it at our lunch break

today to those who were there it raises

your self-esteem

plus your self-respect that you do

things that the average person doesn't

do maybe if they were taught they would

maybe if somebody mentioned it they

would but it's easy for most everybody

to just go on their way and if they're

not interrupted by a good idea that says

hey it's so easy to make a contribution

this one would be easy

turn out the lights when you leave the

hotel room and make a contribution

that's interesting

next is the phrase in terms of

environment always leave something

better than you found it I talked to a

man one time we rented out a long list

of of apartments and he said Mr on you

wouldn't believe it but when somebody

rents an apartment they usually leave it

worse than when they rented it I said

you've got to be kidding he said no a

high percentage of people leave it

trashed if they stay six months or stay

one year they leave it trashed not just

not better but trashed

I said that's impossible why would

anyone do that mama said to me no leave

it but better than you found it see

that's just a commitment to your own

self-esteem and why not do it if it

makes a contribution to your self-esteem

it's called intelligent self-interest

intelligent self-interest self-interest

says I wish to be ruler over many and

intelligent self-interest says I

understand how to do that be faithful in

the amounts or smile if you'll take care

of the few we will someday give you a

position of very high importance over

many but if you don't be disciplined

when the amounts are small why would we

trust you in the amounts or lives Brian

makes you better

why would you why would life give you a

fortune to manage if you couldn't manage

the gifts of a few interesting

philosophy to consider okay your own

self-interest leave the contribution I'm

even aware of it when I leave a

restaurant and I get me a toothpick

right and you take off the little

cellophane off the toothpick it's easy

to throw it by the cash register right

you're somewhere where looks like other

people have done the same mama said put

it in your pocket somebody sits along a

little piece of cellophane what

difference does it make it doesn't make

that much difference

only in your self-respect take your

trash home and deposit it how much does

it cost to clean up the trash on the

highways in America mega mega mega

millions wouldn't people take home their

own trash and deposit it there rather

than scatter it on the highways across

America and the answer is most people do

not it's so easy to throw it out the


but now add this it's so easy to keep it

in your car and have a few more points

in your favor on self-esteem feeling

good about yourself doing things that

most people don't do if everybody never

did it or a different country we would

have but it doesn't really matter you

say well if everybody's going to do it

watch your than I do it and the answer

is for your own dignity and for your own

self-esteem you do things that most

other people allow themselves to do that

you don't do



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