2017/2016 top Dj sinhala new songs 2017 Dj Mix[SriKori Dj] NEW #1
01. Plan de Escape - [Tres Espadas] 「Corazón,Boli y papel」Rap/Song||Maximen728™||2017 - Duration: 3:09.-------------------------------------------
Evanescence - The Last Song I'm Wasting on You (Lost Whispers) (CC) - Duration: 4:08.Sparkling grey
There my own veins
Any more than a whisper
Any sudden movement of my heart
And I know, I know
I'll have to watch them pass away
Just get through this day
Give up your way
You could be anything
Give up my way
And lose myself?
Not today, that's too much guilt to pay.
Sickened in the sun
You dare tell me you love me,
But you held me down and screamed you wanted me to die
Honey, you know, you know, I'd never hurt you that way
You're just so pretty in your pain
Give up my way
And I could be anything
I'll make my own way
Without your senseless hate, hate, hate, hate
So run, run , run
And hate me, if it feels good
I can't hear your screams anymore
You lied to me
But I'm older now
And I'm not buyin' baby
Demanding my response
Don't bother breaking the door down
I've found my way out
And you'll never hurt me again
Meray Dardaan De Koi Had Ve Aay | Malik Ali Malkoo | Old Punjabi Origian Audio Song | Purani Yadain - Duration: 10:23.-------------------------------------------
Baghan Ich Amb Hin | Talib Hussain Dard | Old Punjabi Original Audio Song | Punjab Virsa - Duration: 14:17.-------------------------------------------
Ten Second Songs - Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy Reviews - Duration: 3:37.Hey, guys, Anthony Vincent here, from Ten Second Songs, and I just wanted to take a
quick minute to let you all know about the amazing vocal program that helped me sing
in all these different styles.
This course has increased my range and power beyond anything I could have imagined.
That course is Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy, you can find it by clicking right here.
Ken is the man.
This is top-notch vocal technique.
Certainly the best investment I've ever made, and it will seriously rock your voice.
Now here's a quick video montage of my latest music.
And don't forget to check out my channel: Ten Second Songs.
See you soon!
SECHSKIES - Sad Song MV (Color Coded Karaoke Lyrics) [ENGLISH/ROM/HAN] - Duration: 3:31.Check pinned comment for updated color coded version Credits: Twitter@6kies_global Sad song yeah yeah, farewell song yeah yeah
At least for today, don't make me hear the song
I listened to the sad song thinking about you until I got sick of it
When I had no one to lean on, I felt like it knew what's in my heart
But I'll forget you now
I don't want my memories of you to make me cry and smile anymore, I don't want to cry
Sad song yeah yeah (I don't want to listen) Farewell song yeah yeah
(I don't want to sing) At least for today, don't make me hear the song (Don't say anything)
Bright song yeah yeah (I want to smile) Cheerful song yeah yeah
(I don't want to get hurt. DJ!)
Play it louder and don't stop it. I don't want to cry
A sad song I listened to til I got sick of it. Everytime I drink, fears fall on my cheeks
Because of that damn lingering regret, I get drunk enough
To beg for your sympathy but no more
I'm sick of the love songs, at least for today, so long
I am not being myself right now. DJ don't stop
I don't want to hear the sad songs, don't even ask me if I'm okay because I'm fine
My thoughts of you ended yesterday
Even if you come to my mind with the rising sun, I want to smile tonight
That's right
Sad song yeah yeah (I don't want to listen) Farewell song yeah yeah
(I don't want to sing) At least for today, don't make me hear the song (Don't say anything)
Bright song yeah yeah (I want to smile) Cheerful song yeah yeah
(I don't want to get hurt. DJ!)
Play it louder and don't stop it, I don't want to cry
Don't worry about me, I'm just doing so well without you
At least for tonight, don't look for me
Don't worry about me, I'm just doing so well without you
At least for tonight, donn't stop me
Until you come back to me, can't stop DJ!
Look at me breaking apart with you, baby
Until you come back to me. Can't stop DJ!
Look at me endlessly falling apart
Sad song yeah yeah (I want to smile) Farewell song yeah yeah
(I don't want to get hurt, DJ!)
Play it louder and don't stop it, I don't want to cry
Patan Tay Khalian Mahi | Abdul Rasheed Bhatti Amb Shareef | Old Punjabi Original Audio Song - Duration: 10:03.-------------------------------------------
Don't F*ck the Ocean – The Song - Duration: 1:08.Life is hard under the sea Cause there's plastic everywhere
8 million tons per year And nobody seems to care
But now there's a solution That everybody will see
A dildo made from plastic Taken straight from the sea
Don't f*ck the ocean (3x) Do it with yourself
My brother lives in a fishing net A friend swallowed a bottle cap
I raised my children in a plastic bag (But it's quite roomy, that's not too
There's a bottle in my bed A sunscreen on my shell
So instead of f*cking with us Why don't you do it with yourself?
Don't f*ck the ocean Don't f*ck the ocean
Don't f*ck the ocean Do it with yourself
NEW Pj Masks Oddbods WRONG HEADS for Kids Finger Family Songs Nursery Rhymes 2017 - Duration: 1:01.NEW Pj Masks Oddbods WRONG HEADS for Kids Finger Family Songs Nursery Rhymes 2017
เพลงแมงมุมลาย 8 ขา Spider song | เพลงเด็กอนุบาล indysong kids - Duration: 2:17.-------------------------------------------
Moonlight Shadow - 「Nightcore」 Mix ( Groove song ) - Duration: 2:41.-------------------------------------------
NEW Pj Masks Robot Trains WRONG HEADS for Kids Finger Family Songs Nursery Rhymes 2017 - Duration: 1:01.NEW Pj Masks Robot Trains WRONG HEADS for Kids Finger Family Songs Nursery Rhymes 2017
Others VS Me Gaming - Duration: 1:59.After The Last Two Episodes
I Was Thinking If I Should Make This A Series Or Not
Then I Thought, Why Not Let You Guys Choose
So Click Here And
Vote If I Should Make This A Series Or Not
And Yeah,
Lets Get Into Video
*Cringy Voice*
Yea :3
*Bones Reject Heart*
*Flying Bone VS Heart With Gravity*
*Jumping Heart VS Bones With Holes Between Them*
*Heart Getting Rekt*
Hold On, Let Me Just
Hold On, Let Me Just Change The Files And-
OH, There You Go
Now You Can Go
Oh Yeah, That My Jam!!!
*Speed Building House In Terraria*
*Some Guy On Drugs*
YES, I Know I'm Late
Heh (Kill Meh)
All Around Thee
Unfamiliar Faces
Worn Out Places
Worn Out FaaceeeEEeEees
Riding Early For Thee
Oh Wait,
Oh Wait, We Already
Oh Wait, We Already Used This Joke... :(
*Outro Song Thing*
Fun Fact: I Had A Shirt At The Start Because
I'm Changing My Animating Style
Viva La Vida (Read by Mick Murdock) - Duration: 3:06.Viva La Vida Coldplay
I used to rule the world Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sleep alone Sweep the streets I used to own
I used to roll the dice Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
Listened as the crowd would sing Now the old king is dead long live the king
One minute I held the key Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand
I hear Jerusalem bells a-ringing Roman cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield Missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain Once you'd gone there was never
Never an honest word And that was when I ruled the world
It was a wicked and wild wind Blew down the doors to let me in
Shattered windows and the sound of drums People couldn't believe what I'd become
Revolutionaries wait For my head on a silver plate
Just a puppet on a lonely string Oh who would ever want to be king?
I hear Jerusalem bells a-ringing Roman cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword my shield My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain I know St Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word But that was when I ruled the world
Hear Jerusalem bells a-ringing Roman cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain I know St Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word But that was when I ruled the world
Indian and Filipino React - Bollywood Song 2017 ( Mridul - Bekhabar ) - Duration: 6:25.Whats up everybody.
Hi guys my name is Jhon and today I am in New Delhi.
Today we will react to an Indian Song and to help me with that is my friend Aniket.
Mabuhay Phiilppines.
Yes Aniket is my friend from couchsurfing and today we will react together to this Indian
Song called Mmm (what is that?)
Mridul - Bekhabar.
Who is the singer?
I dont know
I think it is a Punjabi song.
So Bekhabar is the name of the song.
Bekahabar is the name of the song and Mridul is the singer?
Yeah Maybe.
So we will react to this video by Bekhabar.
The title of the song is Mridul.
( Sorry guys it's the other way around lol)
Okay, so you will help me today right? Okay Let's begin
Sexy Coreen.
This a golaab song.
Romantic song So the singer is a guy.
Not her Do you think she's an actress?
Or a model What's the cube doing there?
The rubik's cube So where are you going girl?
Ahh this looks like in Himalaya.
Because she's like wearing a coat.
Maybe somewhere In punjab?
Not in Punjab.
In Himalayas Yeah looks like in Manali, Kullu
I think it's in River Ganga Ganga, Maybe.
Where is that?
In Himachal?
Ganga is also our God.
She is pretty ha Is she praying?
She';s thirsty.
I dont know anything about this song.Never before
But what it is all about.
Can you give me like an idea what's the story Maybe she is trying to remember her ex
Did they break up?
You think?
yeah Looks like It's a heartbreak song.I like the scenes
I like the views. Very nice Very province like .
Very away from the city. No traffic.No pollution.
Yeah ( Super Laughs) she took a ride on top.
It's really interesting. Have you tried that?
Yeah in my country, when I was so young.
I can't believe she just did that.
Ahhh Maybe it's her..
Maybe she doesn't want to remember her ex anymore. Ohh very nice.
Maybe her husband or boyfriend is dead.
That's the body.
The cremated body.
I think that's the cremated.
You know cremated body like ash.
It's not about break up You didn't tell me.
okay very good.Thank you very much.
Okay Thank you for watching
So the story is about.
Ahm it's a sad song.
it's a story about a woman remembering her lover ex lover.
And in the end part, we realize that her partner died and she showered all the ashes in the
mountains What do you think of the music video that
we watched What do you think?
Any reaction?
I think the watch is her partner's watch.
Ahh the watch.
All the things connect to her ex boyfriend.
That is a very heartbreaking song.
Well that is our reaction for today guys and if you want to see more please click SUBSCRIBE. Byeeeee.
Gaanay Ki Maa Bahen | R.I.P Song - Only (Nicki Minaj, Drake, Lil Wayne & Chris Brown) - Duration: 13:42.I'm Umesh Wadhavani and I'm a freshie.
There are 2 types of frieshies, Yo Freshies (Urban Freshies) and proper freshies (fresh
off the boat).
Yo freshies are those who went to international schools in metropolitan cities and they are
familiar with the international pop music scene.
They still have an Indian accent but they talk in english and listen to english music.
The other type of freshies, the proper freshies like me listen to Emraan Hashmi and Punjabi
songs - like the ones where an NRI girl visits the village, the village boy falls in love
with her, the girl gets married to someone else and the guy is crying his eyes out.
I'm actually in between these two types.
Basically, my brother had a good taste in music, so it rubbed off on me.
My friends' music taste wasn't all that so that rubbed off on me too.
Now, fortunately or unfortunately, I came straight to the UK from my village.
Here, I made friends with some Urban freshies, who spent a few years in the UK, so they were
all about rap and hip hop.
Not only were they listening to the music but they also imitated the artists style by
wearing the same jeans, tight t-shirts and a snapback which had some kind of drug on it
They listen to rap and hip hop all the time.
Now if you played a religious song on repeat, after a while you're going to start singing
along, the same way, I started listening and singing along to rap and hip hop - recently
the song called Only by Nicki Minaj, Drake, Lil Wayne and Chris Brown.
I started thinking, "What's so special about this song?", so I read the lyrics.
Have you ever thought how this song was made?
Let me tell you…
If you didn't know, Nicki Minaj has some Indian roots.
But how did I know? from her name!
Not even kidding, Nicki means short in Punjabi.
Hey Nicki (short girl), come here.
Hey Nicki (short girl), go there!
Nicki Minaj took this seriously and thought I'm a pop star yet haven't really grown
so much so might as well keep this name.
Coming back to the song,
Nicki, Drake and Lil Wayne are best friends.
Like each others bae type friendship.
Nicki's boyfriend doesn't like her having friends.
He keeps his personal life and friendship separately.
But there are a lot of rumours in the air about Nicki, Drake and Lil Wayne.
This causes a lot of fights between Nicki Minaj and her boyfriend.
One day Nicki gets tired of all these fights and wants to end it for once and all.
So she calls up Drake and says "we need to sort this shit out!".
Drake invited her over to his for Sheesha and says he will get Lil Wayne to come as
Nicki gets there and they are talking, "We need to sort this out, now!".
So Lil Wayne says, we are not lawayers, we are musician so let's write a song about
A song that explains everything but doesn't over justifies it at the same time.
So Drake tells Nicki, I'll write bars on bars but what are you going to do?
How are you going to explain yourself?
Nicki responds saying, its all good, don't you worry about me, I got this!
But before they write the song Nicki says, let's talk a bit about the video.
I want a guy in the video who represents haters and trollers.
We will torture him the whole video.
So if you watch the video closely, you'll see a guy who is tied up sometime, sometime
he's just shattered, sometimes he is surrounded by hot women but can't do anything.
Torture! he is tortured and he also has a beats speaker hanging from his neck which
plays Yo Yo Honey Singh tunes.
Nicki says, all of this should be there in the video.
Drake and Lil Wayne happily agree and they start working on the song.
Nicki raps - I never fucked Wayne, I never fucked Drake
All my life, man, fuck's sake If I did I did a menage with 'em
And let 'em eat my ass like a cupcake
I was like, that was subtle! and then she goes .. My man full, he just ate, I don't
duck nobody but tape Yeah, that was a set up for a punchline on
duct tape Worried bout if my butt's fake
I was like, what are you on about yo?
But to cover this up, she came up with a master stroke.
We guys are happy with anything as long as the girl says something that we like at the end.
As her guy doesn't like her friends, she goes, "Fuck with them real niggas who don't
tell niggas what they up to".
After this Nicki exits and enters Drake.
Drake being drake starts explaining guys like him.
Those guys who fall for the girls in the same group but that didn't really workout or
even before he tried another guy take the girl.
Then BRO CODE is activated and so Drake couldn't do anything.
That didn't really workout, but the problem is these guys don't know how to balance
their thirst and BRO CODE together.
The imbalance is really clear in the video and Drake doesn't let go off even a single
chance to flirt with Nicki.
Let's see how he does this.
Drake starts off by saying - I never fucked Nicki cause she got a man.
BRO CODE and respect but here comes thirst - But when that's over then I'm first in line.
Then he says - And the other day in her Maybach I thought God damn, this is the perfect time
We had just come from that video You know LA traffic, how the city slow
She was sitting down on that big butt.
Obviously she'll sit down on her butt, where else would she sit? on her head?
and then he starts hitting again - She was sitting down on that big butt But I was still
staring at the titties though.
I was like why is he starting at her TTEs.
I'm a freshie and the only TTE I know is a Travel Ticket Examiner.
Then my friend explained that titties and TTEs are different.
I get it, but drake still beats around the bush a lot.
Then he goes - Yea, low key or maybe high key
I been peeped that you like me, you know.
Who the fuck you really wanna be with besides me?
I mean, it doesn't take much for us to do this shit quietly
I mean, she say I'm obsessed with thick women and I agree
Always beating around the bush.
Then he goes, I love BBWs - Nicki.
Type to wanna suck you dry and then eat some lunch with you - Nicki.
Yeah, so thick that everybody else in the room is so uncomfortable - Nicki.
Ass on Houston Texas, but the face look just like Deepika Padukone - Naah, not Nicki.
and then he brags - Oh, yeah, you the man in the city when the mayor fuck with you
The NBA players fuck with you The bad ass bitches doing makeup and hair
fuck with you Bro you don't even have a lot of hair.
He is trying to impress Nicki and lead it to something.
He doesn't wants to miss a chance to hit on her but, BRO CODE! and then he says - And
Nicki if you ever tryna fuck Just give me the heads up so I can plan for it.
Drake exits and Lil Wayne enters.
I love Lil Wayne! because he always is stern and never really gives in.
Now as we were talking, in the group, this girl has a boyfriend but she like Lil Wayne.
The plot thickens.
Lil Wayne is a great rapper and he starts spitting some bars - I never fucked Nicki
and that's fucked up Now even though he has got nothing to do with
Nicki's guy, he says - If I did fuck she'd be fucked up
Whoever is hittin' ain't hittin' it right Cause she actin' like she need dick in her
life Just to fuck with him yeah.
Then Lil Wayne goes into RGV mode.
Let me explain how these guys are similar.
Lil wayne's Raps and RGV's tweets are pretty much the same because no one gets it.
Lil Wayne admits that he is not a story teller and we know that RGV definitely is not one
either because he took bollywood's textbook cult film Sholay and made a shitty remake
of it - RGV's Aag.
These guys are like those students who won't pass the exam even if they had all the answers
in front of them.
Then lLil wayne starts rapping again, which nobody understands.
I'm not even joking, this is one of his lines from this song - I piss greatness like
gold is yellow.
If that's the case, then even I can say, that I throw and the sun is orange.
I didn't get that.
But it doesn't end here - All my goons so overzealous
I'm from Holly Groove, the holy Mecca Accountant say I got money for days
Don't have my money?
I take mothers instead I was like make up your fucking mind, do you
have money or no?
After that, his confusing rap starts, which took me 3 months to crack it - even then I
didn't get it.
So let me share it with you and see if you can make any sense of it.
I squirm and I shake, but I'm stuck in my ways
My girl from a Bida if she wave Baby and I fucked with her surfboard, surfboard
My eyes are so bright, I take cover for shade You got the hickups, you swallowed the truth
So think about your son and daughter rooms Got two goons and they got smaller guns
Ain't thinkin' bout your son and daughter rooms
This is just crazy my nigga, I mean brazy my nigga That money talk, I just rephrase it my nigga
Now I have a genuine question for all of you.
When I first came to the Uk, everyone told me not use the word 'Kala' because everyone
knows and understands.
I was like fine, I won't say that.
Then they warned me about the N word as well.
I was like, cool, I won't say that either.
But then I listened to all of these songs which is literally full of N words.
To an extent where I feel like they just write down a bunch of niggers and put some words
in between to make a song.
I don't get it, like I am asking as a frieshie, what should I do?
Please write on your suggestions in the comment box.
Then Lil Wayne ends by summarising his life story - My story is how I went from poor me
To please pour me a drink and celebrate with me.
I was like if I had to listen to someone singing about Vodka and cops, I would much rather
listen to Honey Singh than Lil Wayne.
At least I'll understand all of it.
Now you'll ask, what about Chris Brown?
There is always that one guy in a group who is not really close to everyone but makes
appearance once a while.
So when Nicki Minaj, Drake and Lil Wayne were meeting up, Chris Brown happened to be there.
He was like I sing too bro, give some lines.
So they were like, no one has written the hook yet so you can write that.
They just gave Chris they creative license to write anything.
Now Chris got excited and wrote a party hook.
He thought we have Nicki Minaj, Drake and Lil Wayne in the track, this must be party
Si if you listen to his lyrics carefully, he is basically just promoting a party - Raise
every bottle and cup in the sky Sparks in the air like the fourth of July
After that as if he is narrating the entry rules for the party and goes only these type of people are allowed in the party...
Nothing but real niggas only, bad bitches only
Rich niggas only, independent bitches only Boss niggas only, thick bitches only
I got my real niggas here by my side, only
This was gain ke maa behen - first part - Only by Nicki Minaj, Drake, Lil Wayne and Chris Brown
I never did comedy cause I have got a fitness channel, but even on that channel comedy is first in line.
The other day this song came on and I thought damn this is the perfect time.
If you enjoyed the video then like it, if you laughed a lot then share it, If you did LMAO then subscribe it, See you all next time!
Thank you so much for watching this video.
I hope you liked it, This is not what I do usually, I have a fitness channel called Dolay
Check it out! if your are bbcd, share it with your freshie friends and if you are a frieshie,
bro, watch it, you'll love it!
Subscribe and share!
Immortal Songs 2 | 불후의 명곡 2 : Immortal Songs, star special [ENG/2017.04.29] - Duration: 1:43:11.("Immortal Songs: Singing the Songs of Legends")
"Immortal Songs: Singing the Songs of Legends."
We have a lot more audience members with us today
and there's a reason why.
To celebrate the 300th episode,
we invited singers who got a lot of love on our show
and those who moved us most deeply.
The top "Immortal Songs" stars are all here today.
"Immortal Songs" 300th episode special, part two.
Eight stars that made "Immortal Songs" shine.
We'll now begin.
"Immortal Songs: Singing the Songs of Legends"!
Congratulations on the 300th episode!
Be eternal.
(300th episode special, part two)
(Eight stars that made "Immortal Songs" shine)
That's my real debut date in my heart.
When I sang "It's Not all Sad."
(Performance he wanted to do desperately)
I was able to express so many genres
all thanks to this show.
This is the best show for musicians.
(Show that made me into a star)
This is the show that made me
spread my wings and go out into the world.
Through "Immortal Songs," I got to go global.
(Made his dreams come true)
Through "Immortal Songs,"
I created so many good memories and gained so much.
The biggest, of course, is my wife.
(A show that brought him his destiny)
(To others, a show that changed their lives)
(Six years of memories and being moved)
(Stars of "Immortal Songs")
(Top vocalists put on yet another life-changing show)
("Immortal Songs" superstar Hwang Chiyeul)
("Immortal Songs" iconic record maker, ALi)
("Immortal Songs" winner of episodes 100 and 200)
(Moon Myungjin)
("Immortal Songs" Best of the Best winner, Tei)
("Immortal Songs" top vocalist who's been)
(There throughout the show's history, Hong Kyungmin)
("Immortal Songs" gugak singer, Nam Sangil)
(Musical actors Son Junho & Kim Sohyun)
(Singers of "Immortal Songs" we can count on)
(Yun Minsu & Shin Yongjae Ben & Im Sejun)
I'm going to get the limited edition trophy.
I really want it.
I love the number three.
I really want it. What will I do?
("Immortal Songs" 300th episode special, part 2)
(The eight stars that'll make it shine begins now)
"Immortal Songs: Singing the Songs of Legends"!
- The first team is amazing. / - It's nearly cheating.
It's an unfair advantage.
"Immortal Songs" duet gods.
Vibe and their agency crew.
Yun Minsu, Shin Yongjae, Ben and Im Sejun!
Wow, Minsu.
It's been a while since you were on the show.
I saw him outside and wondered
if he was the host today.
Chiyeul must be feeling uneasy.
Chiyeul came to my dressing room earlier
and said, "I'm counting on you to
liven up the green room today."
(I'm the "Immortal Songs" MC!)
I knew then that he's gotten the hang of the role.
Just Yongjae and Minsu on one team
is like a chart-topping duo who
wrote "Immortal Songs" history.
The song "Destiny."
(Yun Minsu & Shin Yongjae's "Destiny")
(Sang his heart out!)
(Yun Minsu and Shin Yongjae "Destiny")
(Topped eight different music charts)
(Yun Minsu and Shin Yongjae "Destiny")
(This year's video with second most views)
(Yun Minsu and Shin Yongjae's "Destiny")
(Got over ten million views on Youtube)
Do you know who they beat on that
- eventful day? / - Who?
I had no idea.
Kyungmin, I never would've guessed.
It was me.
(A part of that eventful day!)
I didn't know who lost.
- He was there. / - I see.
How was practicing together?
It's the first time the four of us
are singing together.
Do the three of you compete to see who sings highest?
These three?
It's crazy.
I'm the best!
I took a peek during rehearsal
and when Minsu's went "Ah!" Yongjae's went "Ah!"
and he was like "Ah! I'm the king!"
We're looking forward to Vibe's fierce battle.
(Best harmony that'll come from competition)
"Immortal Songs" musical stars loved by all.
Kim Sohyun and Son Junho are here!
They're very strong during specials.
Very strong.
I think we'll win today.
Sohyun's drafted the big picture for us.
We'll win today, win the first half of 2017 special,
then the second half special,
then the end of the year special.
(Sohyun's 2017 big picture started with "Long Ago")
(Fantastic harmony filled with great hopes)
(Got their first win)
(Part 1 of big picture completed!)
When she drafts the big picture, all I do is follow.
So you have the big picture.
Sohyun and Junho, we'll keep our eye on you
on your path to the big picture.
(You'd better)
He met his wife through "Immortal Songs."
Please welcome Kyungmin.
(Met a haegeum player on "Immortal Songs")
(The two later got married)
(Kim Yuna and Hong Kyungmin, husband and wife)
(Beautiful harmony of the two)
(Can be seen again today)
You met her on the show.
Was it love at first sight for you?
There was a definite spark from the start.
On my way home after the shoot, I called my dad
and asked how he felt about a haegeum player.
I really called him.
From the day we did this shoot, I felt it.
It was destiny.
And when the shoot was over, she was waiting for me.
Usually, contract musicians don't stay till the end,
but I saw her in the hall,
so I was like, "You didn't leave?"
And she said she wanted to see me finish.
- What an angel. / - The perfect wife type.
You sure you didn't forget to pay her?
(Destroyer of romance)
Oh, come on.
This is a beautiful love story.
Who pays in cash these days?
(Cash on the spot...)
That's how I pay my string players.
Minsu pays them right as they come off the stage.
(Rich in cash but poor in romance)
He will be the opening act today.
I think he'll do great,
but I'm not sure how he'll feel about it.
I heard about when he was young,
and he used to worry his mother a lot.
Out of the blue, he'd bang on dishes.
Nam Sangil?
He'd unravel toilet paper and wave it about.
He kept acting peculiarly
and it turns out he was imitating gugak performers
he saw on TV.
The gugak superstar, Nam Sangil!
(Number 1 - Nam Sangil)
What's interesting is that the director
couldn't have known, but Sangil really got picked.
You've always put on the best shows,
whether you went first or last.
Sangil's performances are the best.
It's the idol of gugak, Nam Sangil!
Let's go!
What a celebration!
"Immortal Songs," congratulations on episode 300!
(He's at the heart of gugak, traditional Korean music!)
(He shares the appeal of tradition sounds)
(Talented pansori singer)
(Gugak superstar, Nam Sangil)
I'm singing Kim Chooja's "Love is Afar."
I've usually sung upbeat songs so far,
but today, I'd like to share the Korean traditional
spirit of the people, so I chose "Love is Afar."
Since it's the 300th episode special,
I'll give it my 100, 200, 300%
and try and move each and every one of you.
Let's go, Sangil!
First up is gugak singer Nam Sangil.
("Love is Afar" by Nam Sangil)
♪ I should've told her I loved her ♪
♪ I should've said I couldn't live without her ♪
♪ I should've told her I loved her ♪
♪ I hesitated and now my love is gone ♪
♪ She left me love ♪
♪ She left me dreams ♪
♪ She left me in tears ♪
♪ And went far away ♪
♪ She went so far away ♪
♪ Never to return ♪
♪ I hesitated ♪
♪ And now my love is gone ♪
♪ She left me love ♪
♪ She left me dreams ♪
♪ She left me in tears ♪
♪ And went far away ♪
♪ She went so far away ♪
♪ Never to return ♪
♪ I should've said ♪
♪ I couldn't live without her ♪
♪ My love ♪
♪ My love ♪
♪ I couldn't live without her ♪
♪ She went so far away, never to return ♪
♪ I hesitated ♪
♪ And now my love is gone ♪
♪ I should've told her I loved her ♪
♪ I hesitated and now my love is gone ♪
♪ She went so far away ♪
(Sad breakup song)
(Nam Sangil's "Love is Afar")
(Great opening act by Nam Sangil)
Kim Chooja's "Love is Afar."
He changed it to be in gugak style,
but it didn't seem unnatural at all. Incredible.
Sangil always sang more powerfully,
but today, he sang with ease
and there was power in the restraint.
I was really into it.
(Power of restraint)
(Felt way sadder)
He's the 2016 "Immortal Songs" King of Kings winner.
Please welcome Tei.
(Sentimental singer Tei)
His father coined the term "dopey singing,"
so when we hear that word, we think of Tei.
He says, "When you go on the show to sing,
you look dopey."
Other people sing with soul.
My dad, from the same area, is also a man of few words.
He's like, "You sing like..."
(More emotion, fewer words)
He says my singing is dopey and powerless.
He says it like, "Your energy is like..."
I don't know what you're saying.
- You understand it? / - Understand it? Yes.
Like, "Hey. Man. The mic."
What was that? What's the mic thing?
That I pull the mic away too much.
Oh, pulling the mic away too much.
Or, "You're tall, but... Then why?"
(What's that mean?)
What's that mean?
- There are no details. / - What does that mean?
- I know. / - What?
"Why do you slouch when you're so tall?"
Of course she knows!
You get a gift.
(Gift = Bread)
("Immortal Songs" 300th special quiz winner)
- She got it right. / - She really did.
It's hard to figure it out.
Is the trophy in Ulsan? Or at your place?
I'm the only one with a golden trophy.
(2016 King of Kings special, battle of the stars)
(2016 Limited Edition)
(Golden trophy)
(With Kim Kwangseong's "Those Days")
(He went early on and took home the trophy)
(Man with the only golden trophy, Tei) Tei!
Tei's the final winner of the 2016 King of Kings!
It's so pretty.
I want it.
I should give it to my parents, but I fall asleep
easily if it's by my bed.
It feels good seeing it first thing in the morning,
so it's still by my bed.
It's a limited edition and it's gold.
The 300th one has something embedded in it.
That's fancy.
Wow! (Oh my!)
Whoa! (I must have it)
(300th episode special limited edition!)
That looks like...
A tiara!
I want that trophy too.
I want to sleep well.
It releases silver ions.
(Silver ions aiding sleep / Who'll win it?)
He's going to be performing today. It's been a while.
He got famous through our show
and even went on to become a star in China.
"Immortal Songs" superstar Hwang Chiyeul.
You're not worried?
There are so many great singers.
I am a bit nervous.
I'm nervous about performing,
but I'm also really happy about it.
But when I'm onstage, my MC spot will be vacant.
Minsu will fill in for you.
Chiyeul, this fear you just predicted
will be played out on TV.
It's been a while since we worked as MCs together.
You can't leave your post on entertainment shows.
Chiyeul, tell us how you plan to go about this.
Tell us how you plan to do.
That's not what you said before.
I'm sure many people remember his first performance.
First performance? ALi? Myungjin?
Appealing husky voice and powerful singing voice.
He's handsome on top of that,
so every performance makes headlines.
He overcame nine years as a no-name singer,
becoming an "Immortal Songs" super rookie.
He's now a bonafide Hallyu star.
"Immortal Songs" superstar, Hwang Chiyeul!
(Number 2 - Hwang Chiyeul)
(Second up is Hwang Chiyeul!)
This is too soon! Can I get a thumbtack?
It's great to be back. It's been a while.
That's a good MC look.
You look like an MC.
Two people are about to step up.
One as the MC and the other up to the stage.
The performance is not what I'm worried about.
Don't worry.
Heejun, let's cheer Chiyeul on.
1, 2, 3! Let's go!
Wait. Let me rearrange the seats.
Yun Minsu.
Take this with you.
(Sad / Excited)
A star "Immortal Songs" created.
"Immortal Songs" prince of China.
I'm Hwang Chiyeul.
My father opposed my musical career
and finally, I got onstage after nine years.
(Moving performance after nine years!)
(Started with teary-eyed performance)
(And up, up and away!)
(Endlessly appealing to the audience)
(Then from "Immortal Songs" to perform in China!)
("Immortal Songs" superstar Hwang Chiyeul!)
When they said I could perform
on the 300th episode special,
I wanted to show what I got.
I thought I'd show off all the skills
I've honed for this episode,
and the song that came to mind was "With You."
I prepared today's performance to thank
both my Korean and Chinese fans.
The trophy's mine.
The second performance is by Hwang Chiyeul.
I'm standing here today to sing all thanks to you,
so today, I'll be singing "With You."
("With You" by Hwang Chiyeul)
♪ Upon the grassy plains ♪
♪ I'd like to build us a picturesque house ♪
♪ And live there with you, my love ♪
♪ For a hundred years ♪
♪ In spring, we'll sow seeds ♪
♪ In the summer, flowers will bloom ♪
♪ In fall, we'll reap harvest ♪
♪ In the winter, we'll be in bliss ♪
♪ Skyscrapers may do their proud dance ♪
♪ And it's fun to live as everyone does ♪
♪ But if I had to live in a shack lit by fireflies ♪
♪ I'd still love it ♪
♪ As long as it was with you, my love ♪
♪ If I could live with you ♪
♪ Upon the grassy plains ♪
♪ I'd like to build us a picturesque house ♪
♪ And live there with you, my love ♪
♪ For a hundred years ♪
♪ Skyscrapers may do their proud dance ♪
♪ And it's fun to live as everyone does ♪
♪ But if I had to live in a shack lit by fireflies ♪
♪ I'd still love it ♪
♪ As long as it was with you, my love ♪
♪ If I could live with you ♪
♪ Upon the grassy plains ♪
♪ I'd like to build us a picturesque house ♪
♪ And live there with you, my love ♪
♪ For a hundred years ♪
♪ Upon the grassy plains ♪
Plains, plains!
♪ I'd like to build us a picturesque house ♪
♪ And live there with you, my love ♪
♪ For a hundred years ♪
♪ Upon the grassy plains ♪
♪ I'd like to build us a picturesque house ♪
♪ And live there with you, my love ♪
♪ For a hundred years ♪
♪ For a hundred years ♪
♪ A hundred years ♪
♪ Forevermore ♪
♪ With you ♪
♪ I want to live with you ♪
♪ I want to live with you ♪
(Perfect performance to serenade you)
(Hwang Chiyeul's "With You")
Thank you.
Hwang Chiyeul's performance was exciting.
I want to live with all of you.
It was like a concert.
Yeah, a concert.
What I felt watching Chiyeul was that
it felt a lot like "Immortal Songs" because
he had the dubstep dancing,
which teens and people in their 20s would like and then
he did ad libs that the older generation would like.
(Ad libs elders like)
Plains, plains!
(Ad lib!)
The scatting.
It was an amazing performance.
People of all ages would've loved it.
(Nam Sangil vs Hwang Chiyeul)
Sangil got lots of love through "Immortal Songs"
and gained a lot of experience, too.
Have things changed for you?
Of course. As a gugak singer,
I know there aren't many opportunities to see it
and people get to see it on TV
on a great show like "Immortal Songs."
We change the gugak songs a bit
so that it's more accessible to the general audience.
Gugak's become more familiar to the audience now,
so I'm grateful for that.
And "Immortal Songs" super rookie.
I'm sure your fans, your family
and your hometown are really proud of you.
Son of Gumi, right?
I hear there's a Hwang Chiyeul World in Gumi.
Geumosan's popular in Gumi
and at the entrance of the trail is a chair
with my name and a sculpture
with my hands holding a mic.
On a busy street,
there's an imprint of my hands and feet.
Thank you.
Let's check how the audience voted.
Show us how the audience voted.
(Checking results)
(Nam Sangil vs Hwang Chiyeul)
(Sad breakup song)
(Passionate serenade)
The first face-off between two stars that
made the show shine.
Will gugak idol Sangil get his first win?
The Hallyu star who is now the "Immortal Songs" MC.
Will Chiyeul get his first win?
Who will win?
(Who's the first winner?)
(Audience chose Hwang Chiyeul with 403)
Hwang Chiyeul with 403!
It's above 400 and it's only round one.
With 403, Chiyeul beats Sangil and takes the first win.
Much like every singer here today,
she can't be left out of "Immortal Songs" history.
Through our show,
she made herself known to mainstream audiences.
She holds the record for the highest score.
She holds the record for the highest score.
(Highest score record of 447 by ALi?)
It's ALi.
Most wins and most appearances on the show.
The madam of the house of "Immortal Songs."
(Number 3 - ALi)
ALi. (Record-breaking icon ALi)
What's fun about this match is that
ALi's always been a strong contender
and she's going up against the rising newbie, Chiyeul.
It's a perfect 300th episode special match.
"Immortal Songs" record holder.
ALi! Let's go!
Let's go!
I'd like to introduce myself
and become a singer you recognize.
(Powerful first ever performance)
(Everyone watched with bated breath)
(Cheers piercing silence)
(Always bringing something new to the table!)
(Appeared on the show 67 times!)
(Most wins ever with ten!)
(Has the record of highest score, 447!)
("Immortal Songs" icon of records, ALi)
I'm singing a song in English by
Bob Dylan called "Knockin' on Heaven's Door."
Since it's the 300th episode special,
I wanted to sing a song in English for the first time.
I hope the song makes all viewers of "Immortal Songs"
feel like they're opening the door to bright heaven.
I'll sing the song with that in mind.
The third performance is by ALi.
("Knockin' on Heaven's Door" by ALi)
♪ Mama, take this badge off of me ♪
♪ I can't use it anymore ♪
♪ It's gettin' dark too dark for me to see ♪
♪ I feel like I'm knockin' on heaven's door ♪
♪ Mama, put my guns in the ground ♪
♪ I can't shoot them anymore ♪
♪ That long black cloud is comin' down ♪
♪ I feel like I'm knockin' on heaven's door ♪
♪ Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door ♪
♪ Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door ♪
♪ Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door ♪
♪ Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door ♪
♪ Knock, knock, knockin' ♪
♪ Mama, take this badge off of me ♪
♪ I can't use it anymore ♪
♪ It's gettin' dark too dark for me to see ♪
♪ Yes ♪
♪ Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door ♪
♪ Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door ♪
♪ Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door ♪
♪ Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door ♪
♪ Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door ♪
♪ Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door ♪
♪ Knock, knock, knock, knock ♪
♪ Knock, knock, knock, knock ♪
♪ Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door ♪
♪ Knock, knock, knockin' ♪
♪ Mama, take this badge off of me ♪
♪ Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door ♪
(Heavenly voice that filled the stage)
(ALi's "Knockin' on Heaven's Door")
(Completely absorbed)
That's what makes ALi stand out.
She was singing in in English
then switched over to Korean so smoothly.
It could've gotten awkward but didn't.
It didn't sound at all jarring in the transition.
It was nice.
It went well with the music. She delivered it well.
(Performance that was natural)
Only ALi could pull something like that off.
What I learn from ALi every time
is how she's always trying new things.
She's a hardworking singer.
I want to strive to be like her.
(ALi vs Hwang Chiyeul with 403)
As you know. ALi is like a record-making machine.
I feel like sometimes all she has to do is set her mind
to it and she'll win.
But I think I'll lose today.
Oh, you always say that.
The score's too high.
Is that why you belted out that last part?
You did all that dancing.
I won't win, I'll lose.
I watched her rehearsal
and she didn't have that last high note before.
That came out of nowhere,
like she was saying "I'm going to win."
(I won't let you win!)
- I saw that... / - That's not true.
She was like, "This won't do!"
You can lose your voice like that.
But Chiyeul, I hear you didn't do
the last "live with you" part during rehearsal either.
(End of rehearsal)
(Once more)
(Nothing during rehearsal...)
You got me.
But onstage, I get this feeling like I want to do more.
With the audience before you,
I'm sure you can't help but feel that.
I wonder how the audience voted.
Please show us how the audience voted.
(Checking results)
(Chiyeul, who wants to live)
(On a grassy plain with you!)
(Will he get a second win with his fantastic show?)
The "Immortal Songs" superstar versus our madam.
Will Chiyeul get a second win?
(Voice knocking on heaven's door)
ALi put on a phenomenal performance.
Will she be able to beat Chiyeul?
(Who did the audience choose?)
(Audience chose ALi with 421)
With 421, ALi wins!
He's congratulating her.
421... Really?
With 421, ALi beats Chiyeul to become
the new winner.
Not everyone who's on today is the same,
but a few have gone through this experience.
This person also...
(Left an unforgettable first impression)
On his first time on the show,
he ended the song with such a calm expression.
The legend stood from his seat and
the audience were all wide-eyed,
in complete awe.
They clapped and cheered so loudly.
Putting ten years as a no-name singer behind him,
he rose as a diamond in the rough in the industry.
The living R&B textbook, Moon Myungjin.
(Number 4 - Moon Myungjin)
(On national TV ten years after his debut)
My goal's to show you who I am.
(Worked hard because he wanted it so badly)
(Beat out sadness through "Immortal Songs")
On his first time on "Immortal Songs,"
Myungjin's performance surprised us completely.
R&B royalty, the R&B prince.
Let's go, Moon Myungjin!
Myungjin, give it your all.
I'm very nervous today.
Chiyeul's back.
You were great.
(Current MC vs Previous MC)
This is my seat.
I'm tired.
(Excuse one, too tired to get up)
It's just that this seat has a back.
I'm sorry, but can you move?
Thanks for the chair.
I'm Moon Myungjin, a singer.
(Gained lots of attention first time on the show)
I had no idea that would happen.
(Hidden gem who showed what R&B's about)
(Episode 100 with the legend Deulgukhwa)
(Episode 200 with the legend Kim Soochul)
(Episodes 100 & 200! Moon Myungjin, winner of specials)
I thought about what song really
has a warm place in my heart,
and the song "Love is Like Glass" came to mind.
It makes my heart ache for some reason
and it even makes me want to shed a tear.
I wanted to sing really well for this episode,
so I worked hard for this performance.
I'll give it my all. Thank you.
Fourth up, Moon Myungjin.
("Love is Like Glass" by Moon Myungjin)
♪ I really didn't know ♪
♪ Love was like glass ♪
♪ That It shines beautifully but ♪
♪ That it's so easy to break ♪
♪ The shards of ♪
♪ Love falling apart ♪
♪ Are deeply embedded within my heart ♪
♪ The pain is unbearable ♪
♪ I can forget the sadness ♪
♪ But the pain won't ever fade ♪
♪ Even after a long time has passed ♪
♪ It'll be there faintly ♪
♪ My love ♪
♪ Remember this if nothing else ♪
♪ Because I loved you so much, my soul ♪
♪ Is now just a dark shadow ♪
♪ The shards of ♪
♪ Love falling apart ♪
♪ Are deeply embedded within my heart ♪
♪ The pain is unbearable ♪
♪ I can forget the sadness ♪
♪ But the pain won't ever fade ♪
♪ Even after a long time has passed ♪
♪ It'll be there faintly ♪
♪ My love ♪
♪ Remember this if nothing else ♪
♪ Because I loved you so much, my soul ♪
♪ Is now just a dark shadow ♪
♪ Because I loved you so much, my soul ♪
♪ Is now just a dark shadow ♪
(Sad breakup lurking behind)
(Clear, transparent, beautiful love)
(Moon Myungjin's "Love is Like Glass")
(Moving performance that makes one clap) Wow!
He won episodes 100 and 200.
Every special, he surprises us more and more.
Kyungmin, what did you think?
What was amazing to me was this.
I knew what a good singer he is,
so that's not what amazes me.
But how is it that the hat never casts
one shadow? Now, that's amazing.
(Remember the angle)
(Perfect angle)
Tei, it's your first time seeing him, right?
I was really excited to see him
because it's my first time seeing him live.
I thought it'd be like a flower garden
in an amusement park
but today, though it was like flowers,
it's more like flowers in a field.
The ones that are beautiful when you look closely.
- It really hit me. / - Like wildflowers.
There's something I want to learn from Myungjin.
It's how sexy he sings.
He has this thing he does.
Can you do the dog-pant singing?
(Plus Minsu's special dog-pant singing?)
I'm sure you're all surprised.
He just inhaled and exhaled 28 times.
He's like an air purifier?
(Cleaning micro dust from air on "Immortal Songs")
I asked Ben to do an impersonation of ALi,
and she said no.
Ben, I know you can imitate Lee Seonhui,
but can you do ALi?
- I'll do an impersonation of Myungjin. / - Nice.
Let's go.
♪ Fly the skies freely ♪
(ALi with 421 vs Moon Myungjin)
His first time on our show was for Sunflowers.
Myungjin came on that day, I remember.
Do you remember that day clearly?
I debuted in 2001 but I consider that day
my real debut day, from the bottom of my heart.
He has a very unique voice.
I know you do too, but what'd you think?
His music went so well with his outfit.
He looked so lovable that
he should be called "Lovable Myungjin."
Myungjin actually won the 100th episode special
as well the 200th episode.
I'm sure you want to win the 300th episode too, right?
I wonder how the audience will vote.
Please show us how the audience voted.
(Checking results)
(ALi with 421 vs Moon Myungjin)
The battle of the male and female artists
"Immortal Songs" put on the map.
Will ALi get a second win?
Sentimental singer, the living textbook of R&B.
Will Myungjin get his first win?
Who will win?
(Who'll be cast with the winning light?)
(Audience chose Moon Myungjin with 427)
Moon Myungjin is a strong contender for specials.
Myungjin's the new first place winner with 427.
It went up six points.
Each singer beats the one before.
I think we'll get a new record today.
Dongyeop's drawing for the fifth ball.
Who will go up fifth?
You can say he's a true "Immortal Songs" star.
Since episode 1 of "Immortal Songs,"
we've had 340 singers and about 245 teams win.
He's talking about the history of the show.
But of all those trophies,
only this singer has a truly unique trophy.
He's the only one.
The one with the only golden trophy.
(Number 5 - Tei)
Yeah! Okay!
Kyungmin, you're gloating too blatantly.
You're like a kid.
Dad, my outfit's small today.
I'm not singing slouched over.
I can't stand tall in this.
Please cheer me on, though.
Let's go!
Let's go, Tei!
Let's go, Tei!
Of all the times you were on the show,
I'm sure you had a best and worst memory.
Kim Sohyun and Son Junho.
When was the best for you?
Our first win.
Our light kept going out then on.
It was the legend Park Inhee's episode...
(Got first win with "Us Lonely People"!)
(First performance leading to win!)
It felt weird.
It felt unbelievable, like it was a dream.
Sangil, remember?
You performed with An Sukseon.
That was unforgettable for me.
(Song of thanks to the one I'm grateful for)
(Perfect duet with teacher and student!)
(Moving performance by master gugak singer!)
I felt so proud to be able to share with everyone
the voice of a true gugak master.
Sangil, I'm sure you also have a worst in mind.
Sangil wouldn't have a worst show.
The fan meet and greet special with Seonwu Yongyeo.
I said, "Don't get nervous."
She was like "I'm fine. Worry about yourself. I'm fine"
But then...
♪ I still love you ♪
I messed up.
I don't know. I want a do-over.
That's something we couldn't imagine doing.
Saying, "I want a do-over!"
The man with the golden trophy.
I'm the King of Kings winner, Tei.
(Tei's "Those Days")
(Performance that resonated deeply)
(Went first in part two and took home the trophy!)
(Won the King of Kings with six straight wins!) Tei!
Tei gets the 2016 King of Kings trophy!
(2016 "Immortal Songs" King of Kings, Tei)
My heart aches just hearing this song's first verse.
I'm singing "Old Love" by Lee Moonsae.
Though the melody is calm, the lyrics are powerful.
It makes you get choked up despite the calm.
It's a song that makes you reflect intuitively.
I want to deliver that kind of message.
The fifth performance is by Tei.
("Old Love" by Tei)
♪ I cried standing there without getting noticed ♪
♪ The past piercing into me ♪
♪ When lights come on beneath the empty skies ♪
♪ I call out my old love's name, savoring it ♪
♪ I tighten my coat over me as the cold wind blows ♪
♪ Regret turns to anger then tears begin to fall ♪
♪ If asked, I thought I'd be just fine ♪
♪ Have I been lying to myself this whole time? ♪
♪ I'll hold onto moments I miss ♪
♪ Just as I remember them ♪
♪ When you come to mind ♪
♪ I'll think of you, just like that ♪
♪ I'll hold onto moments I miss ♪
♪ Just as I remember them ♪
♪ When you come to mind ♪
♪ I'll think of you, just like that ♪
♪ That's how love is ♪
♪ (I was standing around a field in the snow) ♪
♪ (When she came to mind, I went there) ♪
♪ Snow covered the streets of Gwanghwamun ♪
♪ White snow seems to float up into the sky ♪
♪ Love wears you out sometimes ♪
♪ Loneliness floods my heart ♪
♪ Upon a green leaf in spring after the snow melts ♪
♪ My old love, her name, her face ♪
♪ All memories of her are forever there ♪
♪ Just like this ♪
♪ Years that pass coax the wounds ♪
♪ Time caresses you ♪
♪ Love, old love painfully ♪
♪ Is engrained in your heart ♪
♪ That's how the heart works ♪
♪ For that I'm grateful, how I miss her ♪
♪ That's how life is ♪
("Old Love," a song about learning in life as we age)
("Old Love" by Tei)
(Song that makes your heart ache)
That was Tei's version of Lee Moonsae's "Old Love."
You must be a seasoned vet to be
able to carry on the regret throughout the song.
What did you think, Kyungmin?
This is awful, no matter how I look at it.
- You were thinking about yourself, huh? / - What?
You were thinking about yourself.
I bet he was like, "Do I have an old love like that?"
My wife's in the dressing room right now.
I wouldn't be reflecting on some old love right now.
Please be careful what you say.
The instrumental part was quite long in his song,
and if it were me,
I'd feel pressured to put something in,
but despite who was before him or after him,
it was as if he wasn't worried about the score.
- That felt scary. / - It was scary.
He really drew the audience in.
Actually, you're sitting between
Sohyun and ALi, and what drew you in
was probably ALi energy on one side
and Sohyun on the other, leaving you drained.
Oh, that's what that was.
(Kyungmin goes to help)
Can you find the water vein?
(Being one with show's history makes you)
(An expert at seating order energies)
(Been on 62 "Immortal Songs" episodes)
There is a water vein.
- Sejun. / - Yes?
What did you think?
The instrumental part was really long, right?
He left it like that to give the listeners
time to think.
Will he win with that laid-back attitude in this war?
No, because the instrumental part was too long.
(Tei vs Moon Myungjin with 427)
When I introduced Tei,
I said he was the only one with the golden trophy.
You saw how happy your dad was when you won, right?
Imagine how happy he'd be if you won
the 300th episode special too.
His expectations for me get bigger each time I win.
He's like, "My son's the King of Kings.
He can win another title at another special."
That's what he thinks,
so when I come on specials like this, I don't tell him.
I wait till I see how I do.
Results aren't everything, but from
the point of view of one's family, it does matter.
Show us how the audience voted.
(Checking results)
(Tei vs Moon Myungjin with 427)
A face-off between strong contenders in specials.
Will Myungjin get a second win with 427?
Will the owner of the gold trophy,
the amazing singer Tei, beat Myungjin
to be the new winner?
Who will win?
(Who did the audience choose?)
(Audience chose Moon Myungjin with 427)
Moon Myungjin.
With 427, he beat Tei taking two straight wins.
I'll draw for the sixth performance.
We had a show once where the parents
of the singers came.
It must be us.
(Duet with mother? Son Junho?)
(Surprise event for mother with dad? Ben?)
Are we?
Children and parents are really a lot alike.
This person's son is also a good singer
and is made for TV.
And though he's very young,
he puts vibrato in all his songs.
A unique singing voice with stellar skills.
Yun Minsu and his friends.
(Number 6 - Yun Minsu & Shin Yongjae)
(& Ben & Im Sejun)
(Yun Minsu and his crew are up!)
I didn't think it'd be you.
Tell us how you plan to do this.
I'm back as a singer after being an MC.
We worked hard to prepare since it's a special.
We hope you enjoy it.
We invested the money funds
and effort into this performance.
Yes, good.
We'll show you a grand-scale show
you haven't seen on "Immortal Songs" yet.
Is it going to be that grand?
We'll try to guess how much it cost.
You'll see if you just look.
There's something we want to say.
We have a May concert for three weeks.
We're doing it together.
We hope many of you come.
And we're going to win the trophy for today!
It looks like Ben is trying to wrap up the show for us.
The top vocalists in one group.
Let's go!
Let's go!
Tei's back.
I like this outfit better?
I tried to dress up to look formal.
That was from five years ago.
Isn't what you have on way more comfortable?
It's liberating.
- You look happier. / - Do I?
We hear you have a concert?
- Yes. / - Suddenly?
I was thrown off too.
(This is a new way to host)
It's called "Spring Jitters to Greet Spring."
It's an encore concert.
After seeing you sing "Old Love," I really want to go.
When is it?
April 22nd and 23rd.
They're the same dates as mine.
That makes us take sides.
(Which tickets? / Tei vs ALi)
Since it's the 300th episode special,
we, the Yun-Avengers have come together.
("Immortal Songs" first ever to top music charts!)
(Over 10 million views of the video!)
(Vocalists who hold legendary records)
(Got the best score on the first face-off!)
(Fantastic teamwork, Yun Minsu & Shin Yongjae)
(Harmonizing that gives you chills!)
(Duet that always wins, Im Sejun & Ben)
(Best collaboration is about start!)
(Amazing singers' ensemble)
(Yun Minsu & Shin Yongjae & Ben & Im Sejun)
It's a celebration.
On a day like today, it's good to have family around,
which is why we all got together.
What will you be singing?
We'll be singing "Beauty and the Beast"
off of the "Beauty and the Beast" soundtrack.
It's a multi-faceted show and we hope you like it.
Let's go!
Let's go!
The sixth performance is by
Yun Minsu, Shin Yongjae, Ben and Im Sejun.
(Looking beautiful in an elegant dress)
(Beauty in a ballroom and a harp!)
(Fantasy story you've been waiting for)
(Is about to begin!)
("Beauty and the Beast")
(From the "Beauty and the Beast" soundtrack)
(By Yun Minsu & Shin Yongjae & Ben & Im Sejun)
♪ Tale as old as time ♪
♪ True as it can be ♪
♪ Barely even friends ♪
♪ Then somebody bends ♪
♪ Unexpectedly ♪
♪ Just a little change ♪
♪ Small to say the least ♪
♪ Both a little scared ♪
♪ Neither one prepared ♪
♪ Beauty and the Beast ♪
♪ Ever just the same ♪
♪ Ever a surprise ♪
♪ Ever as before ♪
♪ Ever just as sure ♪
♪ As the sun will rise ♪
♪ Tale as old as time ♪
♪ True as it can be ♪
♪ Barely even friends ♪
♪ Then somebody bends ♪
♪ Unexpectedly ♪
♪ Just a little change ♪
♪ Small to say the least ♪
♪ Both a little scared ♪
♪ Neither one prepared ♪
♪ Beauty and the Beast ♪
♪ Ever just the same ♪
♪ Ever a surprise ♪
♪ Ever as before ♪
♪ Ever just as sure ♪
♪ As the sun will rise ♪
♪ Tale as old as time ♪
♪ Tune as old as song ♪
♪ Bittersweet and strange ♪
♪ Finding you can change ♪
♪ Learning you were wrong ♪
♪ Tale as old as time ♪
♪ Tune as old as song ♪
♪ Tale as old as time ♪
♪ Tale as old as time ♪
♪ Tune as old as song ♪
♪ Bittersweet and strange ♪
♪ Finding you can change ♪
♪ Learning you were wrong ♪
♪ Certain as the sun ♪
♪ Rising in the east ♪
♪ Tale as old as time (Song as old as rhyme) ♪
♪ Beauty and the Beast ♪
♪ Tale as old as time (Song as old as rhyme) ♪
♪ Tale as old as time Beauty and the Beast ♪
♪ Beauty and the Beast ♪
♪ Beauty and the Beast ♪
(Harmony from fantastic tale)
("Beauty and the Beast")
(By Yun Minsu & Shin Yongjae & Ben & Im Sejun)
(Orchestra gets applause for the precious performance!)
Thank you.
(Reminding you of long forgotten fairytales!)
(Ensemble that gave you chills!)
It was as if I was at a symphony concert.
They had a 30-member orchestra
and even a choir in the back.
I feel cheated.
It's called "Beauty and the Beast,"
but they all have beautiful voices.
Minsu did sound the beast part briefly.
They sang the song so beautifully.
(Yun Avengers vs Moon Myungjin with 427)
It was a huge-scale production.
To other singers, it does feel unfair.
They had so much outside help.
And each other them are good singers, too.
Everyone backstage said it was cheating,
but it's "Immortal Songs" 300th episode special.
That's why we all came on together to celebrate.
We wanted to put on a good show,
so we put forth a lot of effort.
We just want you to know.
When you put it that way, I understand.
We're family, so the family members celebrate us.
And I was the MC before,
so I felt a certain responsibility.
I did my best to prepare for it.
It felt too short and I wanted to
hear it from where the audience is.
And thank you, Minsu,
for putting that together for a performance
that lasted just a few minutes.
Stop that.
Tell us how the audience voted!
(Checking results)
(Yun Minsu & Shin Yongjae & Ben & Im Sejun vs)
(Moon Myungjin with 427)
(Sweet voice you can't help but love)
(Textbook R&B singer with soul)
Will Myungjin get a third win with 427?
(All of Vibe come together!)
(Fantastic fairytale that was moving)
(Amazing ensemble we can always count on)
(Will the Yun Avengers get their first win?)
Will Minsu, Yongjae, Ben and Sejun get their first win?
(Who will win?)
(Big-scale ensemble)
(True blue soul R&B)
(Audience chose Yun Minsu)
(Shin Yongjae & Ben & Im Sejun with 436)
436! Amazing!
Wow, that's so high.
With 436, Yun Minsu, Shin Yongjae, Ben and Im Sejun
beat Myungjin and are the new winners.
I think Myungjin is cursing them out right now.
Give them another round of applause.
I'll pick the seventh and eighth performances.
Let's go.
We have Kyungmin and his wife
and Sohyun and her husband Junho.
Everyone loves the trophy,
but her love for it goes above and beyond.
She places them where they can
be seen from the dinner table
A singer who eats staring at her trophies.
Musical stars of "Immortal Songs."
Kim Sohyun and Son Junho.
(Number 7 - Kim Sohyun & Son Junho)
(Fantastic harmony, elegant performance)
(Moving on a whole different level)
(Musical stars Kim Sohyun & Son Junho)
To celebrate the "Immortal Songs" 300th episode special
we wanted to do a song to celebrate,
so we chose a fitting song.
It's a song about celebratory toasts.
I hope all of you enjoy the show.
Let's go, Son Junho and Kim Sohyun!
The seventh performance is by the musical duo
Kim Sohyun and Son Junho.
("Libiamo, Libiamo Ne' Lieti Calici")
(By Kim Sohyun & Son Junho)
♪ Libiamo, libiamo ne'lieti calici ♪
♪ Che la bellezza infiora ♪
♪ E la fuggevol fuggevol ora ♪
♪ S'inebri a volutta ♪
♪ Libiam ne'dolci fremiti ♪
♪ Che suscita l'amore ♪
♪ Poiche quellocchio al core ♪
♪ Onipotente va ♪
♪ Libiamo, amore amore fra' i calici ♪
♪ Piu caldi baci avra ♪
♪ Tra voi tra voi sapro dividere ♪
♪ Il tempo mio giocondo ♪
♪ Tutto tutto e follia nel mondo ♪
♪ Cio che non e piacer ♪
♪ Godiam, fugace e rapido ♪
♪ E il gaudio dell'amore ♪
♪ E un fior che nasce e muore ♪
♪ Ne piu si puo goder ♪
♪ Godiam c'invita c'invita un fervido ♪
♪ Accento lusinghier ♪
♪ Ne scopra il nuovo di ♪
♪ Ne scopra il nuovo di ♪
♪ Godiamo la tazza la tazza e il ♪
♪ Cantico la notte abbella e il riso ♪
♪ In questo in questo paradiso ♪
♪ Ne scopra il nuovo di ♪
♪ La vita e nel tripudio ♪
♪ Quando non sami ancora ♪
♪ Nol dite a chi lignora ♪
♪ E il mio destin cosi ♪
♪ In questo in questo paradiso ♪
♪ Ne scopra il nuovo di ♪
♪ Life is fleeting ♪
♪ Nothing will matter when this time passes ♪
♪ Let's sing together in this moment of bliss ♪
♪ Bravo, raise your chalice to celebrate ♪
♪ Sing of beautiful tales of love ♪
♪ Tonight is full of laughter ♪
♪ Sing till the coming of dawn ♪
♪ Bravo, raise your chalice to celebrate ♪
♪ Sing of beautiful tales of love ♪
♪ Tonight is full of laughter ♪
♪ Sing till the coming of dawn ♪
♪ Raise your chalice to celebrate ♪
♪ Bravo, raise your chalice to celebrate ♪
(To you who lit up the stage!)
(Kim Sohyun & Son Junho's)
("Libiamo, Libiamo Ne' Lieti Calici")
(Gave him chills)
(So moved that all they can do is clap...)
A lot of the audience are clapping wildly.
Myungjin, what did you think of Sohyun and Junho?
I can't give them a score.
- Why not? / - They were too good.
They showed us what romance was all about.
Didn't it make you want to fall in love?
For the first time, I wanted to get married.
(Yun Avengers with 436 vs Kim Sohyun & Son Junho)
I bet you practiced a lot to create
that kind of harmony. Did you?
On the show, we sing Korean pop songs,
but today, we sang opera, which was our major.
Hearing you clap for us like this was so moving.
(Thank you)
(Cheers and claps)
(Tears of joy)
(Singers and audience are both moved)
I would've felt the same way
looking at the audience responses.
How much did you practice?
We practiced more than any other time
so much so that our son memorized the song.
We sang it that often.
Watching you two sing,
I knew right away you practice a lot.
But I also wished that you practiced
dancing a bit more, too.
Today's show has been such a pleasure.
The audience response to Minsu's performance
was fervent too.
And so was the response to Sohyun and Junho's,
which makes me all the more curious.
Please show us how the audience voted!
(Checking results)
(Yun Avengers with 436 vs Kim Sohyun & Son Junho)
(Collaboration like we've never seen before)
(Grand performance that commanded attention)
(Will Minsu's group get a second win with 436?)
(Romantic song fitting for spring)
(Elegant performance we can always count on)
(Will Sohyun and Junho get their first win?)
(Who did the audience choose?)
(Audience chose Yun Minsu & Shin)
(Yongjae & Ben & Im Sejun with 436)
(Yun Avengers get their second win!)
Give them another round of applause.
(Give the two teams another round of applause!)
Kyungmin is like family to the "Immortal Songs"
cast and crew.
Kyungmin, we hope you take home the trophy
with your final performance. Let's go, Hong!
- Hong Kyungmin Let's go! / - Let's go!
Nice to see you. I'm Hong Kyungmin of "Immortal Songs."
Hello, I'm haegeum player Kim Yuna.
Nice to see you.
(Been on 62 "Immortal Songs" episodes)
(Kyungmin won the audience over)
(With passionate performances)
(Then he won her over too!)
("Immortal Songs" Hong Kyungmin)
We met while performing for "Immortal Songs,"
and now, here we are, married,
celebrating the 300th episode special.
We're really grateful to this show.
We'll be doing "Destiny" by Lee Seonhui.
It's not only because she's my wife
but I wanted to share the sounds of the Korean haegeum.
We focused more on her playing
the haegeum than my singing.
We know this will be
a performance we'll always remember.
- Hong Kyungmin! / - Kim Yuna!
Let's go!
The eighth and final performance is by Hong Kyungmin.
(How pretty)
Congratulations on the 300th episode.
Over the 300 episodes,
I have won some and lost some.
But I loved that I could put on a performance
and even meet the woman I love, who's now my wife.
Every day I spent on set has been great.
Say something,
even if just to say you'll give it your all.
It's my first time performing with him after marrying.
I'm worried I might make mistakes and make Kyungmin
look bad, so I'm really nervous.
Even if I make mistakes,
just think, "She must be nervous" and let it go.
("Destiny" by Hong Kyungmin)
(Haegeum player: Kim Yuna)
♪ Promise me when this passes ♪
♪ That we'll see each other again ♪
♪ I'll leave everything behind to come to you ♪
♪ And be with you the rest of our lives ♪
♪ It's called destiny, it can't be denied ♪
♪ Will a day as beautiful ♪
♪ Ever come to me again? ♪
♪ In this weary life, you are my gift ♪
♪ So that our love doesn't rust ♪
♪ I'll shine it, light it up ♪
♪ Though our time together is fleeting ♪
♪ I won't regret it even if we cannot be ♪
♪ It's called destiny, it can't be denied ♪
♪ Will a day as beautiful ♪
♪ Ever ♪
♪ Ever come to me again? ♪
♪ The love we could not fulfill in this lifetime ♪
♪ The destiny we could not fulfill in this lifetime ♪
♪ When we take the long route back to find the other ♪
♪ Do not let go of me ♪
♪ It's called destiny, it can't be denied ♪
♪ When we take the long route back to find the other ♪
♪ Do not let go ♪
♪ In this weary life, you are my gift ♪
♪ So that our love doesn't rust, I'll let it shine ♪
♪ Do not let go of me ♪
♪ Do not let go of me ♪
♪ So that our love doesn't rust ♪
♪ I'll polish it and let it shine ♪
♪ Light it up ♪
(Met by chance but couldn't help falling in love)
("Destiny" by Hong Kyungmin and Kim Yuna)
Thank you.
That was amazing.
That was Kyungmin's "Destiny."
It felt like a movie.
ALi, you looked teary-eyed while watching.
It was so sweet.
I could feel their love and sweetness.
Kyungmin's always such a jokester with us
but he sang the song so earnestly to his wife,
and I could really feel it.
(Big romantic) I empathized with it.
I sing a lot of love songs too,
but no matter how focused I am,
I wouldn't be able to beat that.
Seeing a husband and wife like that
hearing them sing and play music was really moving.
I bet many felt their emotions
sway the way the cherry blossom leaves sway falling.
The audience was moved as gently as the petals.
(Loving it)
(Yun Avengers with 436 vs Hong Kyungmin)
In 2014, the two performed together
on "Immortal Songs," and now, they're married.
This is the first time performing with him after
marriage. How did it feel?
I waited so long for this
and I felt I didn't do well, so I feel a bit of regret
but the fact I could perform with him at all
is more significant, so I'm happy.
Kyungmin, you must've been quite worried.
I feel more at ease performing alone,
but my wife's been here for ten hours alone,
so I was worried about her.
I'm glad it ended well.
"Immortal Songs: Singing the Songs of Legends."
The 300th episode special
and the eight stars that made the show shine.
We only have the final results up ahead.
Yun Minsu and his agency family got 436
and two wins, making them a strong trophy candidate.
Will they get a third win and take that trophy home?
Or will Kyungmin and his wife
dramatically turn the tables to take the win?
How did the audience vote?
Please show us!
(Yun Avengers with 436 vs Hong Kyungmin)
300th episode special, part two.
Will Minsu, Yongjae, Ben and Sejun get that trophy?
Or will Kyungmin and his wife get the trophy?
Who will win?
(Who will get the trophy?)
(Yun Avengers with 436 vs Hong Kyungmin)
(The 3-week "Immortal Songs" 300th episode special)
(The finale of the 300th episode)
The 300th episode special part three
is a special with several legends.
(Original ballad queen) Hi, I'm Yang Sookyung.
(Queen of Korean music) I'm Ju Hyunmi.
(Traditional Gyeonggi folksong master) I'm Kim Yeongim.
(Godfather of rock) I'm Jun Ingwon.
(Gentleman of the musical world) I'm Na Gyeongeup.
(Passionate diva) I'm Insooni, a rookie singer.
"Immortal Songs: Singing the Songs of Legends"
begins now!
(Harmony of two with great appeal)
(Yang Sookyung & Nam Woohyun)
(Gugak meets rock band!)
(Kim Yeongim & No Brain)
(Beautiful song that will move you big time)
(Insooni & Jung Dongha)
(Performance by two musical stars)
(Nam Gyeongeup & Min Woohyuk)
(Voices that bring tears to your eyes)
(Jun Inkwon & Park Kiyoung)
Ju Hyunmi!
(Queen of Korean music is back!)
(Ju Hyunmi & Sweet Sorrow)
That was so moving.
I want it to be a song that remains
in people's hearts.
I hope the show always stays a staple program of KBS.
Congratulations once again.
(We'll repay your love with great performances)
(300th episode special, part three)
("Immortal Songs: Singing the Songs of Legends")
("Beauty and the Beast" vs "Destiny")
(Audience chose Yoon Avengers with 436)
With 436, Yoon Avengers takes home the trophy.
Yun Minsu, Shin Yongjae, Ben and Im Sejun are
the final winners of the 300th episode special.
- Congratulations! / - Thank you.
Congratulations on reaching the 300th episode.
I'm grateful we could come out
and do a performance as an agency family.
"Immortal Songs," we love you!
We won!
I love you!
("Fall in Love" by Hong Daekwang)
Mandisa - I'm Still Here (Song Story) - Duration: 1:13.♪ YESTERDAY, ♪
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