Like making money with youtube, the key question, the question master that all the world
it does . Today I go you to explain my experience in this platform. I call me Rafael Cruz and
this is Mediatips, begin!
When you begin to throw a glimpse to youtube and the commercial possibilities that has
youtube: make money the people feels very overwhelmed and other very optimistic times. And I create
that there is a series of concepts, a series of key things that forgets us , since
we conceive youtube like an end and do not have very clear of so that it serves do not have very
clear that paper goes to have in our strategy of communication, that paper goes to play inside
of our company or what was. By that at the end we think that we do us youtubers and
we will do us famous and already arrived us... And no, this no... This occurs him to a series of
people, in some circumstances... With time, effort... And even luckily, if, it is possible,
but they are not those that more, are some that, can, that are some of the most famous,
but we want to speak of the normality.
The question is: as I go to make money youtube, using this platform. First you have
that be conscious of a thing: cual goes to be your source of income prinicipal? And many
direis: Rafa! You are not your the one who goes me to say the main source of income in YouTube?
As... No exactly. Since this goes to depend of the model of business that your have. Of the subject
that go to treat. I go you to say right now a series of forms of monetización
very interesting for your project but that no forget you ! First you have to tenermuy
in account so that these doing these videos. As I am doing... Look, I go to use
like fictitious example Mediatips, as if it was to use the model of finance that
I go to comment now. I am doing videos of councils of youtube, to arrive to be
youtuber or what was, or use youtube inside your business and my source of finance
it goes to be that I sell you a much more detailed course a lot but advanced a lot but professional
with things that have not put in the videos. Then I put it to you in the description
and I sell it to you to 15 or 20 euros. Then: cual serious the source of income of this channel?
As serious the course that am selling aqui down. As I go to attract to the people? As
to traves of the videos. Estais Comprising? I am using youtube like a tool
for despues use it to facilitate the sales of a course that am selling. This
can use with muchisimas things and those are, precisely, the infoproductos, that
tambien will appoint them in this video. But the first that have very in account is that
you analyse first on that go to speak, recommend you that it was something that like you, something
that was mad about you, this is the of always. But that before doing a video, if you go it to
devote by the professional terrain, by hobby is another history, but if you go it to orient
to the professional terrain, have to think very well of where go to come the income
and you design all the strategy of your channel in funcion of where come your income. By
that? Because you can carry you 5 or 6 months with a channel that even can arrive to have
exito, when I say exito is that when you go up a video see it 2 or 3 one thousand people, that are
muchisimas people, some times goes us the head of what means a volume
big of people. That they see a video yours 3000 people, that every time that your go up a
video see it 3000 people is very powerful, is very interesting. This are muchisimas people
and, of course, segun the strategy that have of income or of as monetizar these videos
these 3000 people, as you will be able to live or no or sera a source of interesting income.
But tendras that think first from the beginning in cual goes to be this source of income stops
that these videos are the most efficient possible. Well, we go to begin by the first, the metodo
of financiacion but famous that exists in youtube and would be the advertising. In this channel, at present,
it does not have advertising. Surely inside some months as will have advertising. The advertising
in youtube that means? Estais Seeing that here... I think that this by here. Here it can
have a banner, aqui can go out a window of adwrods, probably go out you videos of
advertising before the video, that puts in stream, true view... Those are the announcements that you
it integrates youtube. In the big mayoria of cases, in the big mayoria of projects of people
that live of youtube or use youtube to give to concoer, like tool or like source
of income, this source of financiacion is the one who less uses . It is the less important.
In my another channel, Mundodron, always say it. Have a very cheap house, very cheap to dia
of today. As with the income of youtube do not arrive it to pay. A month if it pay it, and little
to little it goes to approach with what gives me directly the program of partner of of youtube. By
true, have here a video in which I speak of the program of partner of youtube in case
quereis see it. But what am saying you is that the main source that that all the
world believes does not give you hardly at all. Osea, this hardly gives you money. In the big mayoria
of cases with this only does not live . Or at least it does not go to be the main source of income.
Of course a youtubers that have million visits, as probably by a video
it takes out 1000 euros...But already, this video can that it have seen it a millon of people, is
until little... But probably in this video takes out the tin of a soda and the company him
it has paid thus 5 or 6 one thousand euros. As then: cual is the main source of income? By
supposition all is scalable. To my for example, with 200 euros do not pay my house, but probably
by a thing in concrete give me 500. Of course they are fictitious figures, 200 euros is money
but the serious main source the money that has given me the company by an accion in concrete.
As this would be more or less so that we understand. It is a source of interesting income, no
it is necessary to despise it, but do not think that us is something with what can explain. On
the advertising in youtube is something that fluctua of brutal way. A month can be winning
a lot of money another month can that estes winning the half... A shit. Speaking bad and prompt.
The second source of financiacion and to my is the one who but likes me, but that todavia do not have
achieved implemetar since I have gone me by other metodos of finance, but the cases
that have been seeing have liked me muchisimo, are the infoproductos. You acordais of the subject
of here below in the description have a course of...!!! As this serious an infoproducto,
it is a product that have done, that is digital, that do not have to send by post fisico...
This product already this done. Habre Taken in doing it as quite a lot of hours, what was,
of course it has to be a good product, have to be selling a good information.
if vendeis a bad information, the mouth to mouth goes to be horrible, go you to desprestigiar,
etc. Therefore it has to be a good product, never go to speak that estes doing
something badly... No, I'm sorry, the things rapidas do not exist. Like this of clear, has to be a
good product, a good information. Probably they are 20 paginas, perfect, but those
20 paginas have to be really utilies for the user, since this user that
it has spent 15 or 20, what was, was of an utility valiosisima. That is the key. Then,
for example, we imagine that this video see it 2 one thousand people. Voucher, but of the 2000 people
4 they buy this product. And this product are selling it to 20 euros as we already are
taking out 80 euros with this video that have seen it 2 or 3 one thousand people. Probably it was not
at all odd. And if I go taking out continuously videos of councils of youtube in Mediatips
of regular way and such, and from time to time say that aqui down in the description teneis
my course... As we imagine the income that can take out. Of course we have to pay
to Inland revenue, autonomos... Voucher, a lot of things, but this serious the key and serious one of the
sources of finance that to my more like me. Of course this can it complejizar,
I recommend you a channel: it Dominates the magic. Of Borja Pile and him echais a glimpse to his
model of business. The empezo selling this type of infoproductos but to part devote
to create his Institute of the magic and now is a very interesting course for all those
that want to learn magic, but the key is that they have to pay a suscripcion monthly/annual
therefore it is a source of continuous income, quite good, and on, your see the course
and... It is that they go coming to give on-line reports... A very good thing, of a lot of value to the user
and your these taking out a source of financiacion quite but clear, enough but substantial that
podria be of another form, and is because estan selling his own product. Already it was a pdf
with 15 paginas with informacion very valuable or was a course in all rule as we are
Speaking with the institute of the magic. These serian different sources of finance.
Of course you can do different types of products that are not as these , that
they are not infoproductos. For example, you devote you to to do... Habia A case of a youtuber,
now I do not remember the name, that devoted to do melt of moviles and from his channel
habia given to know those melt of moviles. As genial, was selling a product,
etc. And him habia done a good image of mark thanks to his channel, genial, ahi already these
selling a product in concrete. And like this with muchisimas things. The third part, would be
for example: have a channel of tecnologia, and will put the case of Mundodron. In Mundodron
it works of the following form: To my muchisimas companies , especially Chinese, command me products
to take out them in the channel. I can speak well or badly, never I have had ningun problem of
I not being able to say something in the channel and when I have had them, have refused the proposal.
Because, and I do an inciso, the greater value that have in your channel, and this the final user
it does not understand it, the greater value that have in your channel is your veracity. What your these
selling always, gives me the same the model of business that choose, is your veracity. And if
your are not truthful, if your no these an informacion real, or at least based in your experience
real as you have crapped it fellow! We imagine that I, in Mundodron, recommend a drone
that calls Syma X5C. We imagine that this drone nof uera a drone good, or at least
that I did not consider it a drone good. After these years... To my had killed me.
But to my only arrive me messages of people that goes them very well with his drone, of time in
when any that him salio bad (logico), but only arrive me good comments in
general. This repercute in your veracity, this repercute in your own "fame"; or mouth to mouth
that do of you, and of course this does that you improve your veracity. It is that has a word
in concrete and now no the memory.
And that is the key. Therefore to you it comes you a company...For example to my in Mundodron
they come me a company and have a list of wait to take out products of 3 and 4 months.
This is not prank. Of the quantity of product that arrives me. I can not do so much video,
it would be a madness. Then in this list of wait that, in my case, can not or want to
expect this time. As have a price to be able to appear before. This was a source
of finance that I did not expect me for Mundodron, but fijate: if a company has
launched your product and can not expect 3 or 4 months, as you pay a quantity predetermined
and I can it to you show before. Fortunately, at least with Chineses. With Spanish companies
it work little, for example with Ninco, and did not have any problem. Some drones did not like me
and I said it, others loved me... And the key, and the Chineses understand it very well, to the equal
that the entendio Ninco, and the key is that your estes speaking continuously of a mark,
example: the Chinese shops. Gearbest Commands me muchisimos drones and many of these drones
they do not like me, but with that there is 2 or 3 drones that to my like me, these drones if they go
to sell more. And they go to sell enough but, because on if to my likes me one muchisimo,
case of the JJRC H20, to my love me this quantity of drones that have sold thank you
to this... It is wonderful. Others so much did not like me. They did not sell . And ahi this the key.
And, going back to the subject, one of the sources of finance was to advance the review of product
, diciendoselo to the company, and asi achieve a source of financiacion more.
Another source of finance is the afiliacion. The afiliacion is a source of finance
wonderful. That does that a lot of creators have an independence that of another form
no tendrian. In that it bases the membership? Amazon, the Chinese shops, etc. Have a
program that if your clicas atraves of a link that your have put, your carry you a porcetaje
on the sale. A small percentage, but carry you a percentage. The suaurio final
this paying of ma? No, the product went to cost the same so much clicando by your link
as in the official shop. But, fortunately, if your clicas to traves of the link of the user,
as this user can carry a percentage and can go on doing his work. To my me
it seems one of the sources of financiacion but wonderful that exist. By that? Because
your have a freedom... If before already the taenia, now have a greater freedom. Now I can
buy the product that I think that go me to like or no, this is a subject, will have despues
that be sincere. To my has occurred me enough... For example, a helicoptero that cost 15
euros and habia listened very good criticise and thought that it went to be buenisimo. It buy it
and me salio horrible. So at all, in the video had to put it bad. This are things
that occur. As they go up a lot of videos as ones go out well and others go out bad. But this
it gives you a freedom increible, since your go putting your links of affiliated and little by little
you go you creating a source of financiacion, a source of constant income, enough
interesting. The membership is of which but likes me. I will do a video special speaking
of the membership if it seems you and likes you the subject, by Internet in any case if buscais
you go to have muchisima information. But for real, it is one of the sources of financiacion
but interesting that exist.
Another source of financiacion is the video sponsored. But clear, this does not produce in the first
moments of source of finance. It can not produce. But well, when it happen the
times, when have one some reputation, will be able to sell spaces sponsored. In mundodron
I have had some spaces sponsored of the type: you Have seen such offer? Aqui Down in
the descripcion teneis the link. You leave clear to the user that is publciidad, this is very important.
When a company, although only they give me the drone, gives me the same, but whenever there is
intervencion of a company already was economicamente or with product, as they always have to say it,
leave it clear. If you do not leave it clear tambien goes to repercutir in your veracity. If I no
I say that gearbest has sent me this, if I do not say that amazon....well, amazon never
it has commanded me at all xD, but if I do not say that banggood has commanded me this, as your veracity
it goes to the shit. Dejalo Clear, leaves clear that this has commanded it to you this company. And
already this. As the same with what am saying you with the video sponsored. You leave it
clear that's that. I for example had an experience with a company that calls Aircatdrone,
very interesting, very chulo.We were seeing drones very interesting, take out a video
that think that remain very well, that love him to the people. Although it was a video sponsored
you have to look for that the people interest him. If in Mundodron to my comes me a company
of headphones... As I say him that I can not take out these headphones in mundodron, do not have
sense. And they paid the video. But this no taenia felt, also no forget you : teneis
that have a linea in your channel and no you it podeis jump to the torera. Man! If
they offer you 2 million euros ... aceptalo, do the video and withdraw you! xD But more hallá
of the tonteria that finish to say, do not do it, since repercutira in your veracity, and
all the other. That they are videos sponsored that they are logicos and that, go back to the of always,
we imagine that to you it comes you a company that is a rubbish and
they put you money on. Your accepted? As I you diria that no. If they went 10 millions...
xD But speak for real, if you poenen money on and say you that they want to do a video
and you know that this company is a shit... I say you a thing: you do not accept it, because it is something
very basico: because your veracity goes to the shit. Like this of clear. Because your what these
selling at the end is that it creates you, follow you! It throw you account! And if your do a crapped eat
this as no longer they go you to throw account. Asi Of clear. And this do not understand it a lot of users,...
A lot of youtubers have sold some times? If, but I do not understand the by that. Because this
in the long run it goes them to go out badly. It goes them to go out badly. It is but facil... Therefore it loves me the
membership. It is but facil say the truth because in the long run you saldra but profitable because
the people goes to fiar but of you, goes to buy your infoproductos, goes to buy to traves of
the links that your leave... Always leave the very transparent things. And more or less this
serian in bold strokes, there is muchisimas other forms of financiacion, but this serious to big
shots the forms of financiacion but usual in the mayoria of channels of Youtube. I want
leave very clear that when empeceis a channel of youtube tengais this very clear: I want to mount
a company that do opticas for camaras of photo dslr. Aims, and want to use
YouTube as one of my tools to give me to concoer. This would be genial. Your mount
your shop, mount your network of distribution of opticas so that the people the bandage...
and you give you to know. This serious a source of financiacion. That no it go you the pinza.
Communicate for communicating... It does not have to be the key.We imagine: I devote me to a channel
of youtube that does not know by where goes to air, and want to turn it into something professional.
it is that inside 6 months do not go to be able to follow. This demands time, voucher? I devote to the dia
between 10 and 12 hours working.You think that can devote you to another thing? You can not you devote
to another thing. When your put you in this you daras account that to do what for real
you want to do, to do a good content need long.And tambien will have
that organise you. For example, do videos less costly. This videoblog is very cheap:
what will be of work? An hour and average? 2 hours of work? Poquito, compared with
other videos.You can do videos but cheap, videos but expensive... For example: a video
analisis in Mundodron costs me do it a dia whole. This only the time of recording.
Despues have to be the time of flight. Osea, this is muchisimo time.This does not see ,
but this teneis that take it into account. When you go him to devote long to a thing tienens
that ensure that this thing goes you to give a source of income that allow you live of
this and can follow haciendolo. So before beginning at all, schedules of where go to
come your income, as you can escalarlo in the future, and afterwards already begin to do
the videos with this direction. And at all, I expect that it have liked you the video, expect that
it have helped you so that in future be able to devote you you to this and if it likes you the subject do
a video special of membership, that think that can be interesting, and do other videos
of sources of finance or of as make money with youtube since I have devoted me some
things in the air but have wanted to centre me in which I think that are but important by
the less to the prinicipio. And at all, we see us in a new video aqui in Mediatips. Ciao!
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