West. Report: griefing
-SPARTAN. Report: griefing
-You kidding?
You kidding?
2 on B
-Fuck this shit man.
What the fuck was that.
He.. WTF are we playing? What are these ranks?
They are worse than you!
They are just lucky silvers 2
-Hmm -One kid plays, suddenly he gets
Gold nova 2, and he says to his friends:
"look I am gold nova 2, I'll help you get there."
Then everyone is gold nova 2.
"guys I got gold nova..." FUCK
-One is on middle
-I'll get cancer of these players.
WTF is this?
You suck, so...
That's also good.
You kidding?
-Look at this
-Don't shake with cursor.
Yeah, that was a hit
- You kidding me?!
I shot him!
- Maybe it was, but.. that is okay.
*Hans singing* Putin putout Putin putout
*still singing*
I don't know know, if we got money
I'll buy, coz
it doesn't matter anyway. FUCK
We should have at least 2 rounds win
and one lose.
So... Well..
- You know. Gaben
I got m4. - And then a cunt rushes B with p90
and we will win a round like a boss.
Such fun. -Hmm, you know
- I don't even care about winning the match,
but if the match is....
how to say it....
-Full-featured? - Yeah that's the word I was looking for.
My god, yeah that's the one.
Well... If you haven't said it,
it will piss me off so hard, because I couldn't know the word
- You know what happens sometimes to me?
I don't know why are they doing this, but I think, that
they've added a critical hit to m4.
coz sometimes, I get a headshot
from a m4
and with full health I get
Which can not happen.
- I couldn't understand, what you say.
I mean, that someone can kill me
with a m4 just with one bullet to head.
-Yeah that's..
I shoot two bullets with m4.
Oh, fuck. - No, it says just in one bullet.
-That's bullshit
Or, you were hit, so he hits you for 90HP
and he killed you. Sometimes happens.
-Unbelivable -Jesus Christ
-Well, he got 1HP left
-I don't what which rank should I have
to prevent cancer. I think it's impossible.
Even if you're Global, there are hackers
you know. who still were not caught, who are hiding it...
so it looks they got skill, but they are actually noobs.
But I don't have such skill to get that rank by myself.
maybe I can get to, if I will try hard,
the MG, but nothing better than this
I couldn't get there.
MG is maximum.
But even the lowest one
- that was a grenade?
- yeah, a grenade
- Once I killed my ally with a decoy.
Hell yeah bro. box down!
That was a nice headshot.
Level Pro
-One got hit...
yeah, but I don't know if it will help
-Let's go to B.
*Hand rage*
*Hans rage continues*
- I can't hear anything.
- That doesn't matter, you're dead anyway
- Of course I'm dead
-That's not my fault.
He doesn't moved, when he saw you, he starts to shoot.
No matter, you couldn't hear anything.
Excuse of bad players about dying.
- What's your excuse?
coz I died? I am not excusing.
Why should I excuse?
-These players.
Clutch it, so we can have a chance in this match.
Look at this... Bam! Okay, nothing.
- No, he is on A.
-at least we get 800$ for the plant.
*Hans singing Putin putout*
-who buys an AK?
- buy anything, you want, but fast.
I could unmute them.
Nice one, that one sounds like a boar.
-Kurva - where is he?
-classic rush B. -that's, why I don't use any grenades.
-Why? coz you..
- because I just throw it and he killed me.
-I see, because of that..
hmm.. makes sense.
because in one out of 100 cases, they will kill you, when you're ready to throw it.
coz in other cases you got a huge andvantage.
- They kill me every single time.
that's the problem
- So every single round, when you throw a grenade, they kill you.
Every single one.
- but only when I run at enemy
-I'm sorry, that when you're in a tunnel and you throw a grenade
when rushing.. that's not my fault.
Maybe I got only one kill...
Hey, you have deranked, don't ya?
-Yes, unfortunately, coz I had noob team every
single match, just like this one.
these people... okay, green got many kills, but...
I don't know, every time I lose somehow like this.
I think, that until I carry the whole team, it doesn't matter how I play.
Jesus Christ
He is there! -where? -on plant with m4.
He killed three people and that's the end of every round.
- one on short
-WTF was that?
I dunno
- I buy AK and you drop me...
- too late
you should say it earlier.
they are such morons
yeah rush it, die
look, two of them will die
I don't even have to be there.
Hurrayy! let's go!
I think one will be on short
Got him!
- I hit him...
- a kid gets two kills, only by rushing it...
well easy, yeah, but...
the game should have a...
well.. I will shut up. I'm just salty and talking trash.
- me too
- yeah that's right.
luck is about, that they don't know where you're rushing.
watch out, they're going on B.
Isn't it fake? -Doesn't matter
I don't want to fake it, if they will rotate, i'll kill them
just like right now -we captured B
yeah, captured
last is on spawn
-you see? a guy, who got 11k a 9d
and three assists
just fucked the game... okay he's back
changing plans, I wanted to say, he fucked up because of leaving,
but he's back. so they still got a chance.
- lol, my window minimalized
- I killed him, but... no I didn't kill him
- where the hell is the green going?
- of course, of course
that's a good fella
- okay I'm not going there
I'm going B
-frankly, the...
-*laughing* You kidding me XD?
You almost died, or what?
- One guy just....
- nice nice nice
that was unlucky
I think that spray was good, you shouldn't move, but
I understand, that you must.
hmm. that was good.
I'll take a donut
- question: Should I buy an autonoob?
last round, doesn't matter
where is he?
-there he is
such a cunt
I don't think we will win
but okay
- One short
-nice Spartan
come on!
ahhh, thanks
dude, that Spartan, like whaaaat?
- I go B
- We should not buy expensive things
if you fuck it up
- It's B -Is It?
okay, I'll go help you
Cocksucker!! Pussy!!
two fucking headshots!!!
two.. maybe three
hmmm thanks... - was that a spray
- that wasn't a spray
it goes too up
*Hans singing*
-yep, he is on long.
there is a meeting on wendesday
we should be there...
you must be there.
It's up to you, eventually you could be not there, but
I've heard it's compulsory attendant
If you wouldn't be there you will get F.
- come on.
- you must have an extra excuse.
yep, it is B.
Just wait.
- I think he is in smoke.
- Just go. go.
*Hans singing Putin putout*
I don't like picking with an awp with that guy.
with that Lair csgo
-How he died?
It's short.
- Okay
- I go CT.
yep, short.
- I want to go shit,
but I must finish this match.
- NO! that's me!
- Nah, I know, I thought he was somewhere else.
Shit.... my ass hurts. Kurva.
my belly hurts as fuck.
"yo intestins, I need to play cs:go.
and now, now...
we are coming back, we won 3 rounds....
-I go tunnel.
-Oh there's that cunt.
-yes... - NICE.
*autistic noise* Problem will be, if he didn't defuse it.
That'll be fucking bad.
Okay. - Flash B.
Oh it is B.
he'll get that awp... this round is lost.
look, he will peak... and BAM
*another autistic noise*
-If he will try very hard...
well. dunno
he must get a headshot...
well.. I dunno
No. wait, wait, wat. -I'll drop you
-aha, I get this
My sense told it is...
fucking rush B
- I go mid
Short smoke.
*Hans singing Putin putout*
*still singing*
-Where are they?
-It's short.
Go to their back. -MOTHERFUCKERS!!!
It is funny, that I am a noob with p90
It is funny, that I am a noob with p90
I can't spray with it.
He can do it. Yes, he WILL do it.
-No, he gets fully flashed!
No, don't do it!
Dude, he will play time.
He played it nice, till... Just bad luck.
He inspired me and I will rush long.
-I'll rush B with p90.
- I'll go B with you... or no, I will
go lower tunnel
Please, is it B?
-It is B!
-NOOO! why these weird positions?
Like Really nigga? he got lags.
-Gaben just don't know how to ruin your life.
so he gave you lags.
- That one of the things, he is not responsible for.
that is your fault.
this game will just piss you off anyway.
I've heard they have just 64 tick servers, or something like that
-yeah, that is truth as well.
hmm well.
They are old, I've heard that too.
Or some games are badly done.
ehhh. The Witcher got problem with...
is badly configured, like....
it overloads the graphic card, or...
that was cool though. counting, with time, that took them to kill me...
and how we lost this round...
*Hans singing*
*Hans singing*
*Hans singing*
*Hans singing*
they have no chance at all.
he can't do it.
what have I said?
*Hans singing*
-11 he wrote in chat...
-K, I will rush lower.
-Watch out! flash mid!
-I'm okay.
It's not B.
It's middle and long.
I think there could be a drop on T spawn.
-You're bad with AK, so...
-I know
*another salty of course*
We are on too high ranks,
to find a guy hiding with p90 in pit
in pit. He is on long.
aha. okay, sorry.
I don't know know if it is senstivity, or you are that bad.
But you shake with your mouse too much.
-It's sensitivity.
coz, if I
had a low sensitivity, I will... like..
you know.
In confrontation, on low distance,
I'll be fucked.
On long distances..
with a sniper rifle...
I'm shit.
-If you think, it's the best....
NO! Kill them!
Nice, nice, stay there, I'm going.
And I will rekt them, just hide.
-No that is okay. I got them.
watch out, grenade.
- If you died...
- now, it is on long distance.
and I am good.
they are in lower tunnel.
On the left!
You almost died!
-I know. like I said, I am noob with p90.
Which is irony.
So if I am bad, it will just not help me.
because, if I take p90,
I'm fucked anyway.
Fuck! GET OUT!
- I hit that Pan for 96 hp, watch out.
double doors
watch out, molotov. MOLOTOV!
-NO, FUCK! I didn't know, where it was,
I couldn't turn around.
I played it like a total moron.
I was hidden and sometimes I looked out. -I was just like,
"watch out molotov".
-I didn't knew, what "watch out" means.
I knew it was behind me, but not where exactly.
I didn't know how far away it was.
I moved just a bit, but it didn't help.
-I got a mp7. I hope, I'll rekt them.
kill him!
-I go B.
Oh, you are still alive.
Pan si dead. -YOLO
Okay, he is not here.
I think he is there. He might be hidden here somewhere.
Even not there.
-I'm think he goes through T spawn
"I tink", such english
-I tink
*Hans singing*
Draw, блять. That is a problem, when
you get not enough rounds. like, even if you are winning,
we will get just 2 rounds and
then we will fuck up.
huge problem.
- I can not go a, I got an AUG.
We got 2 p90s. -Come on, please.
- Why they don't shoot?
Yo, nice.
That is incredible, how can this guy
play with p90. He is awesome.
Woah, just look how he can shoot straight,
how he can run and spray, while the bullets go still straight.
Not many people can do that.
He is on long. -he is in pit.
Of course he is there.
-wait dude, he got an awp.
My fucking god.
-Look in the chat.
"gg" and then "naaah"
-That's life.
As that guy, I will wanted to win, but....
-Looks like I am alone on B.
Funny is, that it is B.
Okay, it is not. -It's mid.
You are rekting them.
Okay, I go T spawn.
-I am bit affraid of having that... that...
I go YOLO.
-Okay, I go top of mid.
-Oh, he's right there, on short.
-Should I take AWP?
-No, have m4.
we just can't have 5 AWPs.
We must keep some,
mercenaries, like snipers.
-I got a molotov.
-I think it will be p90, rush B.
like as always, with people, who got skill.
it will?
-I threw a molotov on short.
go mid please.
-I am coming
There is definitely one guy mid.
I think it's B.
-Looks like, there is someone on long.
I cover mid. -What is this moron doing here? get out!
-hmmm, autonoobs.
Fuck. how many hp he got?
-Just go, I will not rage.
Just die.
You don't have time for this.
-No, look.
-okay, go go go.
Come on!
-That was the best 15th round possible.
-But, man.
What's the time?
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