Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 4, 2017

Youtube daily make Apr 27 2017

today I'm going to share with you a

quick and simple recipe on how to make

play-doh at home yourself first you need

one cup of flour and a half a cup of

salt two teaspoons of cream of tartar

one tablespoon of oil add a cup of water

now add your food color then mix the

dough thoroughly over medium heat until

it comes together now let it cool all

you need to do is knead it until it's

smooth and there you have it that's all

it takes to make your own homemade

playdough thanks for watching today's


if you liked it remember to give us a

big thumbs up and to share these videos

with your friends if you haven't yet

subscribed subscribe for more videos

like this every week

awesome remember most importantly always


For more infomation >> How To Make Play Dough - Duration: 0:43.


Easily attract people and make them friends - BANGLA Motivational Video - Duration: 7:12.

How to Make People Like You in 90 Seconds

For more infomation >> Easily attract people and make them friends - BANGLA Motivational Video - Duration: 7:12.


Blender Tutorial - How to make a 2D Animated Ring Circle for Intros - Duration: 10:00.

hello welcome on back to TutsByKai

I'm Kai and today we're getting started

making a 2d ring graphic. I previously

made a tutorial on how to make a circle

2d motion graphic and it was requested

that I do a more of a ring style, so

pretty much just have a circle in the

middle of it... so that's all we're going

to do today so we're going to get

started and delete the default cube with

the delete and left click, the lamp same

way and the camera. we're going to hit 1

on our numpad I'm using the middle mouse

button to move around my scene by the

way; clicking on it and we're gonna hit one on

my numpad to go into the front-facing

view, we're gonna go to create and scroll

down until you find the camera and click

camera, we're going to drag that back and

hit 0 to go into the camera's view

things are going to get a bit different

here than the first tutorial this is

where things change a bit so we're going

to add in a plane, we're going to drag

this open a little bit, we're going to add

in a plane just like we did before plane

and we're gonna hit R X 90 on our keyboard

to rotate that on the x-axis 90 degrees

I'm going to zoom in and hit tab on our

keyboard... this brings up the edit mode

and now what we need to do is we need to

add in two cuts on the on the on the z

and the x-axis so the way we do this is

we go to tools and then hit loop cut and

slide now this is a tool that we can use

to cut an object in half. so we're going

to add one there, we're just gonna click

and this pink line appears once you go to the

edge of the of an

object goes pink so we're going to hit

one there boom we're just gonna click

so I can drag this around, so we're

going to right click to cancel that

movement and I'm going to add another

loop cut and slide just one right there

right on the edge and then right click

to cancel the movement so now we have

four squares pretty much is what you're

seeing right? four squares and what we

can do with these is do what we need to

do (laughs) so we need to add in one more loop

cut and slide I'm going to add that

right here as you can tell it's

segmented by by the cuts so we could cut

directly on the center before but now we

have a few more options so we're going

to cut right there once there

boom so now we have all the vertices

we need we're going to is going to

delete all of these that we don't need

because we don't need any of these

except for the first two we don't need

anything but this one and this one we

need the top one and the one right here

in the middle there so we're going to

delete all of these other vertices

because we don't need them they're gone

all right so now we pretty much just

have this line and I know you're

thinking Kai how do you make a circle

from a line the same way we've done it


and the way we do as we go over to the

modifiers tab and we're going to add

modifier and go to screw look at that

boom now we instantly have a ring 2d

graphic so pretty much this is where it

gets back on the same track as being the

same as my previous tutorial whew didn't

see that I'll put a link up I put a card

up on the screen right about now and

you'll be able to see that if you need

to see it so pretty much what we just

did was we made a a screw screw pretty

much just takes two vertices and in

rotates them and tell it just

duplicates them there, duplicate them

there there there if I hit apply on

this you can see that all of the

vertices go like this but it's very very

low resolution I'm going to undo that

it's very very low steps it's only 16 so

we're going to drag this all the way up

to 512 512 is the max it this is nice on

the steps for viewing it but if I

render this like this as you can tell it

still looks like the 16 by 16 because we

didn't up because we didn't up the

render step so we need update as well

make sure you don't forget that that's

very important so now we pretty much

have a donut or if you want to if you

want to lower this a lot more you can

make an actual screw like a bolt looks

pretty cool

so let's put that back up now the way we

animate this is we go to the zero frame

make sure it says it says 0 on the start and

we're going to do the same thing we did

before so we're going to put this on

zero zero on the zero frame and we're

going to hit I on our keyboard make sure you hover

your cursor inside the angle box and hit

I on your keyboard and then we're going

to go to the fifth frame and we're going

to type in 250 oops 250 and then we're

going to hit I just like that right oh I

seem to have lost seem to have lost a

plane there

I'm on the wrong I'm on the wrong layer

right there that was weird all right so

uh huh make sure that says 215 hit on

your keyboard to insert that keyframe so

now we have it going from being 0 to 250

so now we needed to finish up we're

going to the 15th frame give it a bit of

time to finish up and we're going to 360

hit 360 on your keyboard hit I now we

have the full the full animation here

this is what it does... boom just like that perfect

right if you want to change this

thickness the way you do this is really


if you go back into tab mode as you can

tell if you drag this bottom vertice or

the top vertice if you drag this bottom

vertice you can make it smaller on the fly

right there it's amazing this is super

super handy stuff and the way we can

animate this it's actually as you can

tell you can't animate in tab you can

edit in edit mode you can't add

keyframes in edit mode which is a shame

by how we work around that as we go over

here to the data tab object data and we

hit and we click that now this this

whole panel brings up shape keys shape

keys is something we can use to insert

keyframes in edit mode which is super

cool stuff so we're going to add in not

an edit mode because we can't do an edit

mode we can click this plus over here

twice hit that plus twice to bring up basis

and key 1 now pretty much because this

was nothing it did nothing we have to

animate this ourselves so pretty much

this basis is telling it's telling this

plane this circle now now we need to

keep it the way it is and then key 1 is

saying we need to change it so what we

need to change it to is this when you

hit tab and we need to drag this to this

top vertice up here but as you can tell

I can't get that perfect there's always

going to be a bit of a line there if I

render this excuse me if I drag the

value up and then render this you can

see you can see there's a line there

instead of trying to get this perfect

you know scrolling all the way in and

you know getting it perfect like that

I'm never going to get it 100% perfect

so let's undo that a way we can get is

absolutely 100% perfectly is we can add

uh... we can add in snap mode the magnet

down here if you click that and then we

make sure this is on vertex mode

then we move this up as you can tell it

snaps right to that vertice so now it's

perfect so if we release that, hit tab

again you can tell that this line is

completely gone if I if I get rid of

that you can't see the line at all the

line is no longer there you can't see it

anymore a hundred percent perfect lined

up perfectly but now the problem is is

like I won't be able to grab this guy

because there's nothing for me to grab

it's it's completely scaled to zero so I

have to hit this plane up here

if I hit plane then you should be able

to grab that that bad boy once again so

now the way we animate this is we go to

the zero frame and make sure this value's

on one and then hit I hover your cursor

inside this box and hit I now we're

going to go to the fifth frame or your

second frame whatever frame that's on

and then we're going to hit 0.4 like

that right and then hit I now we're

going to drag this all the way back down

go all the way down hit I... but

now that is pretty much it we have our

our circle and it gets smaller and it

you know it fills out as it as it zooms

around like that pretty cool stuff and

one last thing I'm going to do is I want

to rotate this as it's coming in so

we're going to hit I for rotation on the

first frame our first keyframe and then

on the fifth frame we're going to rotate

this by 25 degrees and then we're going

to hit rotation and then we're going to

go to the 15th frame and we're going to

our Y 45 and then I as you can tell

didn't do much because it's connected

but it did so this was like right there

so you can't really tell because going

the same way that it's coming so instead

of doing that we're going to undo that

and make sure all those those numbers we

just put in more negative so our Y

negative 25 I on our keyboard go to

the fifth frame our Y negative 45 enter

right so now it doesn't look like it

just stays still right so does that I'm

not sure why this last keyframe didn't

go in though that's weird

we're going to do a negative 45 again

and then hit I location- oh excuse me... I rotation... that's why I didn't go in

all right so there we go now that's good

there we go so now our animation is 100%


it rotates as it comes in it gets bigger

it goes all the way around really cool

stuff here I really really enjoy making

these these 2d motion graphics tutorials

now I haven't seen a lot of people doing

motion graphics tutorials, so I'm glad I

can assist since we did this in Blender

Render you can always switch on over to

cycles since we didn't add any materials

anything like that and then hit on

motion blur make sure that's on because

this motion blur is a lot better than

the blender render motion blur so we're

going to make sure that says Ambient

Occlusion make sure this is all the way

black... hit use nodes so now we have our

100% stark white circle in our black

background with the perfect motion blur

that is good I'm going to use Cycles

Render for this... so that is pretty much

it for this tutorial I hope you enjoyed

it if you want to see more tutorials

just like this I post them weekly I'll

be posting more stuff just like this let

me know what you want to see down below

and for the next tutorial I'll see you

guys in the next one bye

For more infomation >> Blender Tutorial - How to make a 2D Animated Ring Circle for Intros - Duration: 10:00.


Hollywood Accounting | How Movies Make Nothing - Duration: 5:22.

Harry Potter and The Order of the

Phoenix. Forrest Gump. Star Wars Return of

the Jedi. What do each of these three

movies have in common? Each was a

blockbuster, either the number one or the

number two movie all of that year. What

else do they have in common? Each was also

unprofitable. Kind of surprising, huh?

How could these movies lose money, they were

all mega, mega hits? Well, the reason

behind this is a little thing known as

Hollywood Accounting. Hollywood

Accounting refers to the creative

accounting methods used by the film,

video and television industry to budget

and record profits for film projects.

Expenditures can be inflated to reduce

or eliminate the reported profit of the

project, thereby reducing the amount

which the corporation must pay in

royalties or other profit sharing

agreements as these are based on the net

profit. Basically it is a very sneaky way

in which Hollywood movies will purposely

lose money, on paper, to avoid having to

pay royalties or profits to others. Over

80% of Hollywood movies fail

to make a profit. So how do they do this

or get away with it? For each new film a

movie is set up as its own corporation

the entire point of which is to lose

money by paying fees to the studio

producing the movie. So if Superhero

Studios decides to create a film called,

say "Batman 5", they create a shell company

"Batman 5 Incorporated". Superhero Studios

that overcharges "Batman 5

Incorporated" for every aspect of making,

marketing and distributing the movie. By

the time Superhero Studios finishes

paying itself through "Batman 5

Incorporated" to perform work that costs

100 million dollars "Batman 5

Incorporated" will be on the hook for 1

billion dollars. So what they do is when

they are producing a movie they make the

movie its own company. They then charge

all the production costs to that movie

and these are way over inflated and so

the movie never

makes any money because they owe so much

money to the company, so on paper the

movie never makes any money. The reason

behind this seems to be just hoarding

profit shares promised to actors, writers

and other individuals or organizations.

So then if anyone asks for a share of

the profits of "Batman 5" the producers can just

point to "Batman 5 Incorporated" since it

is still paying off its debt to the

original company that set up "Batman 5 Incorporated"

there are no profits to

share. Paramount Pictures famously

offered Winston Groom, the author of

Forrest Gump, 350 thousand dollars and a

three percent share of net profits for

the rights to his novel Forrest Gump.

Since Forrest Gump is still not

profitable, he did not receive any share

of the profits, that three percent was

worth nothing because Forrest Gump

apparently has not made any money.

Two years after the

re-release of The Return of the Jedi in

1997, David Prowse the actor who played

Darth Vader, the body that is.

Said that

he is still receiving letters informing

him that Lucasfilm had no profits to

share with him. "I still get these

occasional letters from Lucasfilm

staying that we regret to inform you

that as Return of the Jedi has never

gone into profit we've nothing to send

you. Now here we're talking about one of

the biggest releases of all time I don't

want to look like I'm bitching about it

but on the other hand if there's a pot

of gold somewhere that I ought to be

having a share of I would like to see it"

So not only is Hollywood finding a way

to screw audiences out of money it's

also finding a way to screw to people

who work in Hollywood out of money as

well. This has been going on for, well

decades, and as we are constantly hearing

about the death of Hollywood in that

Hollywood is losing money there will

probably be a more few more of these

tactics, yeah, because,

well, studios love money. But I hear you

say I'm constantly hearing about this

movie or that movie that was just

released a couple of months ago being

the highest grossing movie of all time.

And yeah, you're right of the twenty

highest grossing movies of all time, not

adjusted for inflation that is, 18 of

them were made in the last ten years. But

many people put that down to rising

ticket prices. Less people are going to

see the movies but they're paying more

for that so it evens it out. Also of

those top 20 grossing movies of all time

16 of them were sequels so they're

already guaranteed an audience. And that

does it for me and Hollywood. Thanks for

watching, Mike

Out. Ok bye bye

For more infomation >> Hollywood Accounting | How Movies Make Nothing - Duration: 5:22.


Make-up in The City Blogger School w/ Sweet Lady Lollipop: Jak Na Obočí - Duration: 7:36.

For more infomation >> Make-up in The City Blogger School w/ Sweet Lady Lollipop: Jak Na Obočí - Duration: 7:36.


How to Make Capsicum Boat - Ananya's Kitchen Tricks - Duration: 2:02.

Hi I am Ananya Banerjee welcome to my

kitchen tricks today I'm going to show

you how to make capsicum boat for this

I pick up capsicum any one that sits

straight and then have an imaginary

round line but I am going to do a zigzag

pattern so cut like this, like this

you keep doing this till you reach the

first cut when you reach your first cut

that means the whole thing is cut and

take out

you have to clean out the inside

properly to make space for the dips to

come now the capsicum boats are ready

you can serve your favorite green

chutney or red chutney in these bowls I

am serving kasundai mayonnaise in capsicum boat

enjoy .....if you like this video.. like

comment share and subscribe and keep

watching our videos

For more infomation >> How to Make Capsicum Boat - Ananya's Kitchen Tricks - Duration: 2:02.


Sessions and Trump Campaign to Make Immigrants "Public Enemies Number 1" - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Sessions and Trump Campaign to Make Immigrants "Public Enemies Number 1" - Duration: 5:12.


Sandge Recipe | खमंग सांडगे | How to make Sandge? - Duration: 5:31.

Hello ! Welcome to Marathi Kitchen !

Today I am preparing Sandge, which are specially prepared during Summer.

And can be used throughout the year.

To prepare Sandge we require,

1 glass/cup Moth Beans/Matki Dal

1/2 Glass/Cup Split Bengal Gram/Chana Dal.

Sundry this for 1 day.

Grind these Lentils into Mixer.

Do not grind too much fine.

The mixture should be coarse in texture.

Use Modak steamer to strain this flour.

This way, you will get coarse texture.

Like this you can prepare this flour in advance,

and while preparing Sandge mix other ingredients into this.

Other ingredients are-

Approximately 1 small bowl Coriander ,

Chop Coriander finely.

Peel off 20-25 Garlic and crush them finely.

You can also use Mixer to grind this.

It should be crushed finely.

Also, Coriander should be chopped finely.

This will be helpful while making Sandge.

Also we require

Red Chili Powder


Cumin Powder



Now add the Spices into the Flour which we have prepared earlier.

Add 1 tsp Cumin Powder.

1/4 tsp Turmeric

1 tsp Red Chili Powder,

1/2 tsp Asafoetida,

Add Salt to taste.

Add Garlic Paste.

Add small bowl of chopped Coriander into this.

Knead the dough by adding Water.

Dough should not be very thick.

Sprinkle some Water on the top.

Cover it with lid.

After 1/2 n hour open the lid and

knead this Dough again.

If the mixture has became dry then,

sprinkle some Water again.

Cover it with lid and let it rest for another half hour.

Like this we have rested the Dough for total 1 hour.

After resting the Dough for 1 hour,

lets make Sandge.

Apply Oil to the Surface on which you are making Sandge.

Like Pat, Sup and Dish

Apply some Water to the hand.

Take small portion of Dough.

Make roll of this Dough.

Like we draw Rangoli with 5 fingers,

Similarly hold the Dough in between fingers.

Break the roll by thumb to make small Sandge.

By make small, thin roll of Dough you can make small Sandge.

This small Sandge will dry faster.

Also they cooks faster in Curry.

Garlic and Coriander gives nice taste to Sandge.

Once you make Sandge in Summer,

you can use throughout the year.

Like this you can make Sandge on any Surface.

You can use Pat , Sup or Dish to make Sandge.

Since we hake kept the Sandga Flour coarse,

Sandge will get fried nicely.

and cook from inside.

If the Four is fine,

Then Sandge become hard ,

and does not cook properly.

Sun dry this Sandge.

Let it dry for 1 to 2 days.

When Sandge dried properly,

store them in Glass jar or container.

Let me know your feedback in Comment section.

Do Like and Share this Video.

Subscribe for watching more Videos.

Thank you !!

For more infomation >> Sandge Recipe | खमंग सांडगे | How to make Sandge? - Duration: 5:31.


Home Made Gajar Halwa Easy Sweet Recipe in Bangla | Carrot Dessert Recipe | How to make Gajar Halwa - Duration: 4:57.

Today We make Gajar Halwa

Lets Show the Ingredients

500g Carrot past

Boil 500g carrots with 250ml milk and 3 cup water until milk dry, Make past by blender

100g Suger

Ghee (Butter): 1tablespoons

2 piece Bay leaf

2 piece Cardamom

2 piece Cinnamon

Raisin (Kismis) for Decoration

Lets see how to cook quick and easy Gajar Halwa

Medium Heat Ghee in a pan and Add Cardamom, Cinnamon, Bay leaf with cook 1 minute.

Carrot past in a frying pan over medium heat and stir 2-3 minutes

Add Suger and stir constantly 5-6 minutes until mixture become dry

Add 1 teaspoon Ghee for extra flavor

When the ghee separates from carrots and mixture are nonsticky halwa is ready.

Stir 7-10 minutes

within few minutes make delicious

We make our delicious sweet Gajar halwa

Within 15 minutes Gajar Halwa is done

Hope You can easily make gajar halwa at your home

Thanks, Please Subscribe Our Channel

For more infomation >> Home Made Gajar Halwa Easy Sweet Recipe in Bangla | Carrot Dessert Recipe | How to make Gajar Halwa - Duration: 4:57.


How to make Tomato Onion & Olive Salad|Healthy Salad Recipes| - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> How to make Tomato Onion & Olive Salad|Healthy Salad Recipes| - Duration: 0:43.


How to Make Your Laundry Room Smell Gosh Darn Great - Duration: 0:59.

Bob Earl Willett here. Marie had a

problem. Her husband's hunting shirt and

boots made her laundry room smell like

the wrong end of a polecat.

Marie had tried sprays and other fragrance

products but the laundry room still

smelled gosh awful bad. Marie's friend,

Emma Honeycutt, told her about the

Ooh La Lamp she used to keep her son's room

smelling good all the time. Marie asked

Emma what's an Ooh La Lamp?

Emma said. "Go online to

and buy a lamp and crystals. I keep my

Ooh La Lamp going all the time in Falcon's

room and it makes it smell like a

Hawaiian Paradise."

Marie went online and bought an Ooh La Lamp and peach orchard

aroma crystals. It took Marie less than

two minutes to pour in the crystals and

plug in the lamp in their laundry room.

Wow! What an improvement! Best smelling

room in the house! This is Bob Earl Willett

and we're packing an Ooh La Lamp,

just for you!

For more infomation >> How to Make Your Laundry Room Smell Gosh Darn Great - Duration: 0:59.


Don´t make a sound (complete) - Duration: 14:34.

For more infomation >> Don´t make a sound (complete) - Duration: 14:34.



hey guys it's Kristin so in today's

video I'm going to show you how to make

a really super healthy hot chocolate I

actually got this recipe from Dannette

May and I will link her information

below she's an amazing nutritionist and

a fitness expert so let's jump right

into it pretty much what we're going to

be using today is a few spices some

honey raw cacao not cocoa we're going to

be using coconut oil almond milk and

then we need hot water so we're going to

start by putting in about two teaspoons

of the cattle next we're going to use

coconut oil and we're just going to use

about one teaspoon of that so I'm going

to scoop out a teaspoon we're just going

to put that right in there she said this

is one of the best fats you can use on

whether you're dieting or just trying to

live a healthier lifestyle it's really

really good for your skin and your hair

and everything so you don't have to just

ingest it you can actually use it as a

hair mask chapstick all kinds of stuff

now we're going to add some honey in so

for honey you're going to add one

teaspoon let's kind of guesstimate here

about a teaspoon next we're going to be

adding about 1/8 of a teaspoon of

turmeric so this is really really good

for weight loss as well as boost your

metabolism now we're going to add in

some cinnamon so for cinnamon I'm going

to do about a half of a teaspoon I'm

you're not a big fan of cinnamon you can

do like a quarter of a teaspoon but I

love cinnamon that was probably more

like if you like a little kick to your

hot chocolate you can add some of this

cayenne pepper just add a very very

small amount like a dash just a little

bit not too much and that's pretty much

it now we're going to add in our hot

water and then we're going to add in

some almond milk just to make it a

little more creamy so with the hot water

you want to pretty much add three

quarters of your mug with hot water you

really could do all of it with hot water

but I do like it a little creamier so I

add the last quarter of it with some

almond milk so we're going to mix that

around and you really want to mix this

until the coconut oil is completely

dissolved this is because the almond

milk is cold so could actually slow down

or stop the coconut oil from melting and

once this is

we dissolve then you can fill the rest

up with some almond milk or just fill

that up all right and we're just going

to mix it around and you're good to go

so this is a much healthier treat you

know if it's a colder season or you're

just looking for a little bit of

chocolate this is an amazing drink to

make it will help boost your energy

metabolism it'll help with fat burning

all kinds of stuff so it's really really

good for you to drink if you guys make

this I would love for you to share that

with me you can find me all over social

media under xx

I am Kristen xxxx if you guys like this

video please give me a thumbs up it

really helps a lot if you want to see

more videos from me then don't forget to


For more infomation >> HOW TO MAKE DELICIOUS HEALTHY HOT CHOCOLATE! - Duration: 3:05.


Let's Make A Deal - My Husband Sounds Like a Bagpipe - Duration: 2:03.

(laughs) Man.

- You're tough.

WAYNE: Not me-- Chris wrote these backstage.

- Let's see.



WAYNE: If only it made that noise.


That was the most gentle version of that particular thing

I've ever heard in my life.

You want to try, try it again, do you want to try it again?

- Let's try this.

WAYNE: Mm-hmm, good luck.


- Honey!

WAYNE: Okay.

Ready, Helen?

- Yeah.

WAYNE: "My husband..."

- My husband sounds like a bear.

WAYNE: Actually, it was bagpipes.

Jonathan, can you demonstrate your version of a bagpipe?

JONATHAN: I would have done it like this.

WAYNE: But look at Cat.

Cat isn't really sold on that bagpipe.

JONATHAN: Cat, do your bagpipe with your mouth.

No, no, don't play it.

♪ ♪

Well, you can play it with keyboard...

WAYNE: (imitating bagpipe)

(cheers and applause)

JONATHAN: Sounds like every country song.

WAYNE: Okay.

So we're zero for two so far.

Man, these are actually the hardest I've seen in a while.

For more infomation >> Let's Make A Deal - My Husband Sounds Like a Bagpipe - Duration: 2:03.


ফ্রিতে কথা বলুন যেকোনো দেশে যেকোনো নাম্বরে গ্যারান্টি,how to make free call anywhere in the world - Duration: 8:26.

For more infomation >> ফ্রিতে কথা বলুন যেকোনো দেশে যেকোনো নাম্বরে গ্যারান্টি,how to make free call anywhere in the world - Duration: 8:26.


Cicadas expected to make grand return 4 years too soon - Duration: 1:36.

























































For more infomation >> Cicadas expected to make grand return 4 years too soon - Duration: 1:36.


Make a decision! - Duration: 0:34.

(piano music)

But who wants to live here?

If we are talking about living fully

and reigniting your life and living life to the fullest

we only get one kick at the can.

Why do we want to live there?


Time to do something, time to take action,

time to make a decision.

But how do you do that?

How do you go from here to what you really want?

So my role here is just to tie this all together for you.

For more infomation >> Make a decision! - Duration: 0:34.


FutureNet daily review | make money online 2017 with Anthony Darvill - Duration: 7:16.

hello welcome to my day 21 review of

futurenet how to make money online 2017

this is how it will myou on it is the

vehicle the platform using this is

picture ad pro so this is a traffic

exchange it is part of future nets and

some people say when I even think about

rev shares revenue shares they think of

scams stuff like that but in reality as

long as it's got external sources of

income coming in it should be fine plus

it only pays out about 1% of days I know

this fast garbage that's out there you

know and they only last like two or

three months and usually it's all the

big top leaders that make all the money

and newbies you know they end up losing

all their money so this is for people

that want a long term from the build

like we're talking for a couple yeah at

least one or two years the RFC is out

there are like this so not all the MA

sumen gloom as they say fast never last

slow and steady will win the race so so

the moment we've got nine dollars 89 and

you can't so every 15 minutes over a

24-hour period

this is building obviously it's not

going as fast because if I got seven

packs in here but the ideas to keep

compounding and keep building this up I

can jump on this to be a millionaire

overnight and I know that is with making

a millionaire overnight at all

ordinarily it's not the idea the idea is

something slow and compounding their

money for your earnings so so we're

going to something eight in the

advertising fund so this automatically

as your as your packs are growing this

comes out to 15 minutes this grows

system and grows and the additives and

fund grows as well so currently it's

nine so nine eighty nine total all we're

doing is watching 10 ads a day and

as these is this one's uploads by

visiting an internet and record at the

same time so it's click on the ad it'll

load up and just a matter of having that

green bar go all the way the end usually

about 30 seconds depending on your net

speed and obviously if not recording

he hasn't even loading that's alright

still we're still getting credit for it

at the time and this is as simple it is

just 10 ads today anyone can do this

thing with child consumer so you've got

a six year old kid or 7 year old kid or

so later someone knows that it almost

gives these data how to use a tablet or

mobile to get them to click your ads for

at a certain time every day and simple

as that they enjoy it 2x on down a bit

desk coin


obviously hides a week so take onto the

fight anyway there's a good way only

Bitcoin is a big way to generating a

coin anyway definitely you use way

that's done

just run slow now maybe they'll come up

as one when you run out of the ten so

obviously nine ahead now put tomorrow

and other than that guy's I loose every

time you buy physical ad pack you're

getting eight hundred credits for

advertising let's get a show me an edge

manage ads see what you want to do is

use these credits every day you know a

couple of ads on here so you got

multiple sheets of income you want to

create as many days as you can obviously

only got forty some there are 4,500 left

so I tell it tells you this song outside

of the signs wherever the view so

obviously I signed about eleven or

twelve hundred and one hundred fourteen

I've gone through that's how it works

obviously it's traffic stage so users

traffic scenes don't end don't advertise

feature add save you can jump into this

I ain't jumping to future add Pro then

advertise featured pros obviously you're

wasting your credits in you and your

time setting it up to be honest with

this so let's go so I just show you

so when you come in here to status this

is not compulsory but you're honest and

boy it's necessary so you're coming for

free you have ten up to ten maximum of

the 1000 ad packs and fifty of the

$50.00 and you get trip sent not anyone

you bring in I will say that goes all

the way up to level 5 which is on I'm in

right now so this will go green so you

can have the maximum $110 packs and

$1,050 packs but where it gets

interesting is if you're getting paid

five levels down follow the steep so

first level ape cent

second levels four percent one percent

for level three four and five

each own leading page system

which keeps Rhett I say you can

advertise that link and then that'll

keep Austin testicle app for you I

actually haven't been using that I'm

using a totally different landing page

completely and it's how that works and

then pretty much that's it

and across over $50 it was yesterday or

day before it's taken ages things like

$50 a baby phrase yesterday all day also

I want today this muscle yesterday

before that crossover the first 15 I

mean obviously build this it's going to

be hard building it from the snow from

scratch but once you get that momentum

you'll get it will get to a stage where

you're just start creating momentum for

itself and I'll just keep ticking over

more and more and more obviously as time

goes so if you're looking for a

slow-burning you know business this is

it so yeah feel free if you had any

questions my facebook link in

description below if you liked this

video give it a like if you watch any

more of my videos subscribe to my

youtube channel and other that also your

Monday 22 daily review see ya take care

For more infomation >> FutureNet daily review | make money online 2017 with Anthony Darvill - Duration: 7:16.


Glitter For Carrie [May The 4th Make Up] - Duration: 8:14.

For more infomation >> Glitter For Carrie [May The 4th Make Up] - Duration: 8:14.


How to Make DIY Chocolate Sprinkles Raiza's Way | Food Network - Duration: 1:07.

NARRATOR: How to make chocolate sprinkles.

Sprinkles were invented in 1936 by a Dutch company.

In Holland and Belgium, they consumer sprinkles on toast.


In a bowl, add confectioner's sugar, cocoa powder, and salt.

Then you can add water, vanilla extract, and a little bit

of instant coffee.

Instant coffee's optional, but it actually

enhances the chocolate flavor--

only as if chocolate could get any better.

Mix everything until there are no more lumps left.

Transfer to a pastry bag with the tip number two.

And over a silicone mat, pipe long, parallel lines

with the chocolate batter.

Let it dry at room temperature for 24 hours.

When dry, cut them all in the same size

and store them in an airtight container.

Now you're free to sprinkle sprinkles anywhere you want.

Sprinkle sprinkles sound funny.

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