Thứ Ba, 19 tháng 2, 2019

Youtube daily plus Feb 19 2019

Alors que Victoire était en ligne avec Sacha, ce dernier a fait un malaise et s'est écroulé par terre.

La jeune femme a appelé Luna afin de lui porter secours.

Arrivée dans l'appartement, Victoire demande à Luna de retrouver la seringue et de lui faire une injection dans la cuisse.

La fille de Mirta, affolée, s'exécute.

Il est transporté à l'hopital. . Sacha revient à lui

Léa lui apprend qu'ils ont utilisé la chomatograhpie , une analyse toxicologique poussée et qu'ils ont découvert dans son corps,

la présence du thalium, un traceur utilisé habituellement en cardiologie et qui se révèle très toxique dans les autres cas.

Léa pense que Sacha a été empoisonné et qu'il a reçu récemment un antidote..

De son côté, Ian Moss emmène Mathilde (Victoire) en Algérie.

Il lui explique que le gaz de schiste enfoui dans le sol remonte avec les forages et contamine les eaux souterraines.

Les compagnie gazières vont ainsi sacrifier la population,

la biodiversité, uniquement pour se faire plus d'argent.

Selon Ian Moss, les rares ONG qui s'y opposent sont réduites au silence.

Le directeur de GTS ne peut pas cautionner ce massacre en restant les bras croisés.

De son côté, Luna rend visite à Sacha à l'hôpital.

Ce dernier lui apprend que Ferri a cherché à l'empoisonner et que Victoire est en mission pour la DGSI.

Luna se sent dépassée par la vie que Sacha a choisi de mener avec Victoire..

Sacha a demandé à Léa de lui fournir les éléments qu'ils prouvent qu'il a été empoisonné .

Le docteur Nebout l'autorise à quitter l'hôpital..

Pendant ce temps, en Algérie, Ian Moss confie à Mathilde ( Victoire ) qu'il y a dix ans,

il est tombé sur l'interview d'un homme qui a changé sa vie

Il montre la vidéo à la jeune femme . .

Mathilde (Victoire) est très émue en revoyant son père, Jean Lissajoux .

Puis, Ian parle à la jeune femme de Mathieu Keller (le premier amour de Victoire)

Victoire comprend que Ian connaît sa véritable identité.. .

Mila confie à Alison qu'elle a rendu visite à la mère de Valère et se pose des questions sur la sincérité de Carole Leconte.

Alison conseille à sa soeur de ne pas se mêler des affaires de l'adolescent.

De son côté, leur mère ,Jenifer, rend visite à Jeanne.

Elle lui apprend qu'elle n'a pas d'argent et que Mila a du lui donner hier son argent de poche.

Jenifer reproche à Jeanne de pourrir gâter sa fille .

La directrice de l'hôpital sait parfaitement que Jenifer n'est pas venue pour Mila et lui demande de combien d'argent,

Mila se rend ensuite chez Valère et s'assure qu'il a bien pris ses médicaments. elle a besoin..

Puis, elle reconnaît devant l'adolescent que Jenifer, sa mère, ne changera jamais.

Elle reçoit alors un sms de Carole Leconte et prétend à Valère qu'il s'agit d'un message de Jeanne.

Mila se rend au rendez-vous donné par la substitut du procureur.

Carole Leconte est inquiète pour son fils.

Seulement, Mila refuse de lui donner des infos sur Valère et lui demande de ne plus la contacter..

Michelle a décidé de rentrer à la Réunion et repart de Marseille le jour même.

Elle donne à son fils des cadeaux pour Thomas et ses petits-enfants et promet à Gabriel de revenir

Ce dernier se demande comment sa mère fait pour rester avec son père . .

Michelle lui fait remarquer qu'elle l'aime , même avec ses défauts Elle lui certifie à Gabriel que son père l'aime ,

lui, également malgré tout et elle certifie également à son fils qu'elle est heureuse avec Jean comme au premier jour

En rentrant chez lui, Gabriel promet à Thomas qu'il va changer.. .

For more infomation >> Plus belle la vie :Sacha sauvé in extremis par Luna : le poison a été découvert - Duration: 4:17.


Plus belle la vie : va bientôt perdre son sang froid et commettre un meurtre ! - Duration: 2:26.

Plus belle la vie : va bientôt perdre son sang froid et commettre un meurtre !

Il va bientôt y avoir un mort au Mistral... Un personnage de Plus belle la vie va perdre son sang froid et commettre un meurtre dans les jours à venir

Dans les prochains épisodes de Plus belle la vie,

Victoire s'enfuira avec Ian Moss. Obligée de le suivre pour mener à bout une nouvelle mission de la DGSI, la jeune femme pourrait être à nouveau entrainée dans un plan très foireux.

Mais l'histoire ne devrait pas s'arrêter là, puisque la fin de cette intrigue s'annonce extrêmement dramatique !

Comme l'a révélé Star Actu, Victoire va finir par perdre son sang froid, après des années de souffrance de la part de la DGSI.

Poussée à bout dans les prochaines semaines, la jeune femme va tuer de ses propres mains Vanessa Ferri, qui lui a infligé des missions atroces depuis sa fausse mort en 2013 !

Blessée par toutes les violences verbales et physiques qu'elle a subit, Victoire ne pourra se retenir dans les prochains épisodes de Plus belle la vie.

D'autant plus qu'elle aura une soif de vengeance supplémentaire, puisqu'on vous le rappelle, la DGSI a empoisonné Sacha et il sera dans un grave état dans les jours à venir.

Le meurtre de Vanessa Ferri devrait d'ailleurs survenir juste après un terrible accident de voiture dont Sacha et Luna seront victimes.

Cette dernière perdra la fonction de ses jambes et devra désormais vivre en fauteuil roulant, bien qu'on ne sache pas encore si cet handicap sera temporaire ou définitif.

L'accident sera-t-il causé par la DGSI ? C'est bien possible !

En attendant de découvrir tout ça dans les prochaines semaines, vous pouvez tester vos connaissances sur les derniers épisodes de Plus belle la vie.

For more infomation >> Plus belle la vie : va bientôt perdre son sang froid et commettre un meurtre ! - Duration: 2:26.


Johnny Hallyday: Petite Anthologie de ses plus belles chansons - Duration: 15:10.

For more infomation >> Johnny Hallyday: Petite Anthologie de ses plus belles chansons - Duration: 15:10.


Plus belle la vie : une ado emblématique fait son grand retour - Duration: 2:42.

Plus belle la vie : une ado emblématique fait son grand retour

En avril prochain, une jeune femme qui a marqué le lycée Vincent Scotto et le quartier du Mistral va faire son grand retour dans Plus belle la vie.

Malheureusement, la comédienne historique ne rempilera pas.

La quinzième saison de Plus belle la vie est incontestablement placée sous le signe des grands retours.

Après le retour de Flavie Péan dans la peau de Victoire Lissajoux en décembre dernier, voilà que les auteurs préparent le grand retour d'un autre personnage phare.

En avril prochain, les téléspectateurs retrouveront une adolescente emblématique du Mistral, qui a aussi marqué le lycée Vincent Scotto pendant deux saisons.

Selon les informations de Télé Star, le personnage d'Emilie Leroux va faire son retour au Mistral dans quelques semaines.

Malheureusement pour les fans, la comédienne Charlie Joirkin ne sera pas de la partie. Le rôle sera repris par une toute nouvelle comédienne : Laurie Bordesoules.

Le personnage d'Emilie sera de retour d'Aix-en-Provence après quelques années passées à étudier la psychologie,

et se retrouvera au cœur d'une intrigue principale avec le jeune Kevin Belesta (Théo Bertrand).

Les Nebout, toujours debout !

Sept ans après son arrivée au Mistral, la famille Nebout a bien changé. Quatre des cinq personnages qui composent la tribu ont été incarnés par deux comédiens différents,

et seule la comédienne Marie Réache, interprète de Babeth Nebout, est encore de la partie. Le personnage de Patrick Nebout a été incarné par Franck Sémonin jusqu'en 2013,

puis remplacé depuis par Jérôme Bertin. La jeune Léa, un temps incarnée par Charlotte Deysine, est incarnée depuis 2016 par Marie Hennerez.

Enfin, Valentin, longtemps joué par Louis Duneton, a été interprété sans succès par Valentin Baldi en saison 13.

For more infomation >> Plus belle la vie : une ado emblématique fait son grand retour - Duration: 2:42.


Son jet, son régime, sa "Choupette"... : les 6 plus belles excentricités de Karl Lagerfeld- NT - Duration: 10:14.

For more infomation >> Son jet, son régime, sa "Choupette"... : les 6 plus belles excentricités de Karl Lagerfeld- NT - Duration: 10:14.


iphone 8 plus for free-Free iPhone 8 - iPhone 8 Plus giveaway 2019 - Duration: 3:50.

iphone 8 plus for 2019

For more infomation >> iphone 8 plus for free-Free iPhone 8 - iPhone 8 Plus giveaway 2019 - Duration: 3:50.


Plus belle la vie en avance : Victoire pleure en voyant Jean Lissajoux en vidéo - Duration: 2:40.

Plus belle la vie en avance : Victoire pleure en voyant Jean Lissajoux en vidéo

saison 15 épisode 3739 en avant première

Victoire a appelé Luna en urgence car Sacha a fait un malaise. Elle trouve Sacha inconscient et la seringue. Elle lui fait la piqûre …

Victoire dit qu'il faut appeler les secours sans parler de cette seringue. Lea s'occupe de Sacha et elle pense qu'il a été empoisonné.

Mila confie à Alison qu'elle est allée voir la mère de Valere. Alison estime qu'elle ne devrait pas se mêler des affaires de Valere.

La mère de Mila vient voir Jeanne. Elle lui explique qu'elle manque d'argent. Jeanne a compris qu'elle voulait juste un chèque.

Ian Moss a emmené Victoire en Algérie pour lui montrer les dégâts du gaz de schiste.

La nappe de phréatique va bientôt être saturée de métane, de métaux lourds… Les ONG qui s'y opposent sont réduites au silence.

Sacha explique à Luna ce qui se passe exactement avec la mission de Victoire, le poison mis par Ferri …

Carole Leconte envoie un SMS à Mila pour lui parler : au commissariat la substitut n'est pas concentrée, Patrick s'en rend compte.

Mila vient au rendez vous mais elle explique qu'elle ne donnera aucune info sur Valere.

Michelle a fait des achats pour Thomas et les enfants. Elle annonce à Gabriel qu'elle rentre à La Reunion car Jean lui manque. Michelle promet à son fils qu'elle reviendra.

Gabriel promet à Thomas qu'il va changer pour qu'un jour il puisse dire qu'il aime un mec bien.

Ian Moss montre une vidéo à Victoire d'un homme qui l'a inspiré. Victoire pleure, son père est mort en héros.

Ian Moss connait la vraie identité de Victoire : il est persuadé qu'elle est une alliée pour leur cause. Ian et Victoire ont-ils un lien de parenté ?

For more infomation >> Plus belle la vie en avance : Victoire pleure en voyant Jean Lissajoux en vidéo - Duration: 2:40.


Nokia 3.1 Plus (2019) обзор, первые впечатления, отзыв - Duration: 14:51.

For more infomation >> Nokia 3.1 Plus (2019) обзор, первые впечатления, отзыв - Duration: 14:51.


Le personnage Emilie Leroux revient dans Plus belle la vie avec Laurie Bordesoules ! - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Le personnage Emilie Leroux revient dans Plus belle la vie avec Laurie Bordesoules ! - Duration: 1:31.


TOP 8 Casques Moto les plus LÉGERS du Monde ! 🧐 😍 - Duration: 10:19.

For more infomation >> TOP 8 Casques Moto les plus LÉGERS du Monde ! 🧐 😍 - Duration: 10:19.


Blanche neige (plus ou moins) - 2015 - Duration: 5:35.


(more or less)

For more infomation >> Blanche neige (plus ou moins) - 2015 - Duration: 5:35.



For more infomation >> 10 HACKS POUR AVOIR PLUS DE TRAFIC SUR SON SITE - Duration: 14:11.


Sony XA3、XA3 Plus、L3 官方圖曝光!並將改以「Xperia 10」為名? | 短新聞【小翔 XIANG】 - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> Sony XA3、XA3 Plus、L3 官方圖曝光!並將改以「Xperia 10」為名? | 短新聞【小翔 XIANG】 - Duration: 5:14.


★Chrisy Chris★ Plus Size Model | Gorgeous Fashion Model | Value Fashion | InstaTop Fashion - Duration: 2:37.

★Chrisy Chris★ Plus Size Model | Gorgeous Fashion Model | Value Fashion | InstaTop Fashion

Model plus Fashion tips Plus size model Plus size fashion plus size Curvy model value fashion Street fashion Fashion model Fashion Bbw instatop fashion Blog Celeb Celebs Celebs fashion Celebs style Curve Curves Fashion blogger Fashion designer fashion nova Fashion plus

For more infomation >> ★Chrisy Chris★ Plus Size Model | Gorgeous Fashion Model | Value Fashion | InstaTop Fashion - Duration: 2:37.


▓▒░✫Rebecca✫ Incredible Summer fashion style - Latest New Plus Size Fashion - Duration: 2:00.

▓▒░✫Rebecca✫ Incredible Summer fashion style - Latest New Plus Size Fashion

Model plus Fashion tips Plus size model Plus size fashion plus size Curvy model value fashion Street fashion Fashion model Fashion Bbw topfashionmix Blog Celeb Celebs Celebs fashion Celebs style Curve Curves Fashion blogger Fashion designer fashion nova Fashion plus

For more infomation >> ▓▒░✫Rebecca✫ Incredible Summer fashion style - Latest New Plus Size Fashion - Duration: 2:00.


★VANESSA CHRISTINE★ Fashionable Curve Clothes | Trendy Plus Size Outfit Ideas - Duration: 2:19.

★VANESSA CHRISTINE★ Fashionable Curve Clothes | Trendy Plus Size Outfit Ideas

Model plus Fashion tips Plus size model Plus size fashion plus size Curvy model value fashion Street fashion Fashion model Fashion Bbw instatop fashion Blog Celeb Celebs Celebs fashion Celebs style Curve Curves Fashion blogger Fashion designer fashion nova Fashion plus

For more infomation >> ★VANESSA CHRISTINE★ Fashionable Curve Clothes | Trendy Plus Size Outfit Ideas - Duration: 2:19.





How to Prune (Behead) and Propagate your Echeveria Succulents plus general maintenance. - Duration: 6:39.

Here we are at Succulents Australia and today we're looking at echeveria and

these are the big-headed echeveria, echeveria gibbiflora types, some of them

have bumpy foliage and some of them don't but they're all really interesting

plants they're not that hard to grow and Succulents Australia has a huge variety

and in this video we're going to take a little bit of a look at how to maintain

them because over time they grow at all stem like these ones here and although

that's okay you might want them to be a little bit lower growing and you will

eventually need to repot them anyway so if you want to get the plants back down

to this size here and repot them we're going to show you how to do it. So here

we have some head cuttings that are ready to be repotted

but let's get on with it . Ok what we have here is a really tall one, it's like pretty floppy they don't have

strong root systems, I prefer a knife but most nurserymen like secateurs,

so with these ones here expose the head take off the old leaves

there and can even see they develop little aerial roots down here.

That's enough anchorage put it into one of these pots here, okay one secret for

Echeveria's is when you cut them you let them dry out and these have been

sitting here for three or four days you dry them out before you pop them into

pots like this there's the pots of chosen for the large

head Echeverias, we do these half full add a bit of osmocote, dolimaite and grow max

just a light dressings all you need

what we do here is I level these out a little bit about one centimeter less we

put some gravel in here just to make it look good once you've got your cuttings

prepared we also have to prepare the pots in here is soil mix with our

normal sort of succulent mixed with sand three ml gravel on top it's really

quite easy business start saying over each other this end here make a little

hole talk to me like that so very easy work these have all been well dried so

they're ready to go and try to get in the center always much and I guarantee

in five weeks time these will have roots for general maintenance before you re

pot you clean up all the old leaf around the base

like so so it's nice and clean then you would prepare a pot like one of these

here and you would shake it out I've generally preferred a rough it up at

the bottom and then you would sit that into a pot with fresh soil and

fertilizer these could be fertilized twice a year well I actually think that

should work definitely done in like late winter so they're ready to go for spring

Echeverias are predominantly summer growing which means they start in the

spring go through it autumn then they settle down for winter and then almost

go dormant in winter so - fertilizing is a year or if using long life fertilizer

one a year from spring we have Echeveria fimbriata, now maintenance again

for these okay it's potted so all you got to talk about is watering

now when plants start to grow in spring they require echeverria's particularly

they do require water so i water about once a week if you want it to grow slow

and keep small you might keep your watering down to once every two weeks

but really watery is not based on weekly daily or anything like that it's really

based on how dry does the pot get when the pot gets really dry gets light and

then really when it's time for water another indication the plant might need

water is some of the lower leaves start to shrivel and die off and the head gets

its smaller, I need a drink so watering is really based on two

things really hot weather starts to dry our water so dry out water in that ratio

and in winter they take weeks to dry out so they might only need watering once a

month or once every five weeks, In the winter. echeveria's don't need much

shade, here we have them growing in a shade house and it's summer and what

they've got is the equivalent of about thirty percent shade but that's going to

depend on your climate in the middle of summer you can see in this nursery

they've got an extra layer of shade because this is the hottest part of the

year and the echeveria's will look a little bit better if they have a little

bit more shade shade depends on the climate the time of year and how hot the

week is. most of the echeveria's that you're going to see are hybrids here

we've got some stock plants and these are the ones that have the water type

leaves they're very popular and really interesting and they come in a range of

colors as well of course we've got the frillies as well here's a green variety

it's got a really nice pink tinge around the leaf margins and of course we've got

purple varieties as well here's a purple and green variety with that watery

structure on the leaves and yes echeverria's do flower as well but some

of them are species this is a Echeveria cante, for example there are quite a few

like subrigida are many that are large leaf forms but this is a particularly

beautiful select silver form with a brilliant slightly frilly edge. I

hope this was helpful for you if you have any questions ask us in the box

below and in future videos we're going to do a bit of a talk about adromischus

we will pot them propagate them and succulents in hanging baskets,

and we'll have a look at lithops as well. So big thanks to James Lucas and

Succulents Australia for that wonderful look at echeveria subscribe to the

YouTube channel for regular updates on succulents and all other aspects of

gardening and as always good luck with the gardening

For more infomation >> How to Prune (Behead) and Propagate your Echeveria Succulents plus general maintenance. - Duration: 6:39.


LIBRA March 2019 Free Reading from Guardian Angels Plus Twin Flame Signs - Duration: 20:42.

hi everyone I provide predictions and intuitive coaching I'm a psychic medium

I'm also an energy healer and you can book your energy healing balancing

cleaning sessions with me on my website with my awesome real reviews at

Try a not expensive two-month personal forecast for yourself

see how you like it you can also use me to connect with passed away loved ones

and pets I am a medium as well and you can get your personal astrology reports

on my website okay libras now please remember to Like comment share subscribe

I'll be very grateful for your support and let's go ahead and get started now a

little bit of wisdom from me before I start pulling the cards um irrespective

libras of whichever field you are in whichever career path and occupation you

are involved in always believe in the intelligence and the potential of your

clients your audience your customer your patients whoever they may be always

believe in the intelligence and the potential of your audience and your

clients it's one of the two founding principles of my own practice and you

know sometimes if you have to simplify simplify but never dumbed down never

dumb down your message your product or your service there's a difference

between simplification simplifying and dumbing down if you dumb down your

message your product or service you dumb down your legacy okay in more ways than

just one so always believe in the potential of your clients the potential

in the intelligence of your clients and your audience okay it's one of the two

founding principles of my own practice and I thought I'd pass on the wisdom to

you okay so libras let's go ahead and get started we have Mercury retrograde

in Pisces in this month we also have Uranus entering Taurus to stay for a

long time in the month of March and I'll make separate videos for those we have

some supportive sextiles and trines as well in the astrological landscape that

should also be supportive during the month Libra

Libra universe spirit nice alright four of Wands for you libras very nice to

start off with okay nine of Wands reversed interesting eight of cups

reversed nice two of swords reversed okay one more for to span the four to

five weeks of March okay interesting king of Wands reversed so we have court

card and interesting figure here okay so libras let's go ahead and get

started so we have for you the 9 of Wands reversed now the nine of Wands

reversed here indicates some of this may be impulsivity maybe a bit of impatience

but for others its carpe diem it's throwing caution to the wind and you're

ready to go on things however for others there is a sense according to your

spirit guides that there seems to be like a like a suddenly like the gate

opens you see you're opening you pursue it now it's time to go go go now so

there could be a door that opens for you and you know you got to go for it you

got to take that leap leap of faith or a big leap forward so this is getting

involved this is not staying on the sidelines staying suspicious think

hesitant say staying cautious in some area of your life this is about getting

involved for others there may be an element of a lot of you know

communication information they're saying one interesting thing to me it's very

interesting a very specific I don't think it always comes often comes up

some of you though this card may indicate like kind of a liquid flow to

money or material matters so there may be some expenses in this maybe February

March timeframe for you libras and it's almost like maybe money is kind of

flowing like liquid out of your pockets it's not a pretty vision I'll admit it's

not something anyone wants to hear right when it comes to money

it could be that for others however because this is a general reading libros

it could be that there maybe is a more easier flow to money money energy into

your life in the month of March so I do get a kind of a 50-50 feel to it but

there's something you're a very liquidy about it it's like um the flow is very

smooth and maybe even a little bit surprising you may not always realize

money can be this good for you or or come in this easily for you and others

this may be just a time of major expenses or some some expense that you

wish you didn't have but it has to be it has to be undertaken that expense for

others you know this could be maybe money related to the water is some water

element so maybe cancer Scorpio Pisces maybe some of you are you know in the I

don't know maybe some of you are swimmers a sports or like sportsman

sports women some of you may be in other industries where you know liquid is very

relevant to chemical industry whatever oil and gas whatever it may be so there

could be some relevance here about money matters coming in from industries or the

particularly liquidy elements okay it's a very funky kind of a energy but if

someone out there needs to hear this that's why it's coming through that's a

certainty someone watching needs to hear this it's for them

water purification they're saying like aquifers I think they're called

purifiers yeah okay so see how this theme with the nine of Wands universe

plays out some of you this is like a reduction of fear more courage now

you're more courageous you're gonna speak up and say something so that's

part of the theme there now you also have Libra is another interesting card

of openings are opening up two of swords reverse now the two of swords reversed

here indicates this element of for you Libra this is going to be about making a

decision and now you know I feel like you're your

you've you know now what the clear option is for a lot of you in some area

of your life areas of your life and this is about you've weighed up the pros and

cons in a situation and you've decided you've decided so this is a very

decisive moment here situation of decision or just some some some energy

here where there's you're coming to a decision point for others this is about

becoming unguarded you know you don't need to be so guarded you don't need to

be maybe standoffish or uptight in any ways you can engage a little bit more

you don't need to fear as much they're saying emotions aren't so heavy here the

two of swords and Rovers can also indicate release letting go letting go

of even some perspectives that may have held you down the chains come off some

of this might be even freedom may be released from jail may be release from a

situation that really is restricting you binding you constricting you in some way

shape or form for others the two of swords in reverse is being able to see

the reality of a situation finally being able to move forward and not just sit in

one place or feeling held down right so you're able to move forward and this is

really knowing something truly coming to know something they say so revelation

something spoken to you truth spoken to you maybe you're getting a personal

reading from me and I reveal the truth to you in some situation the truth

always sets you free it's a very important quote the truth shall set you

free it always does it always does so some of

this may be truth and revelations information coming to you oh Allah you

know like a WoW moment a light bulb goes on in your mind moment revelation truth

and light inment with that two of swords reversed okay

and some of you may no longer need to be so anxious nervous about something

anxiety is it's it's a release it's an easing up of energy relaxation

however libras in some other area of your life you may be having a little bit

of difficulty walking away or there's a bit of a should I should I not kind of a

feel going on here so or vibe going on here energy the aid of cups in reverse

here libras indicates this theme of emotions are a bit heavy you're

overwhelmed you don't know what to think in a situation there may be excessive in

a reflection self-reflection or a lot of like over thinking over analysis going

on you're thinking over and over and over again about the same situation

something's really bugging you some of you may be feeling like you just want to

get away move out of the situation but someone may be keeping you held down or

constricted in some area of your life or you just feel like circumstances are

such that you can't seem to create that space create that distance so you're

feeling held down emotionally there's a bit of heaviness here maybe even

melancholy sorrow energies some of you it's a you know you're having a hard

time cutting your losses you know you need to walk away or signs are there

that you do need to walk away but it may not be as easy in the month ahead or at

this time now keep in mind that libras there are no hard starts and stops -

energy flows life is very fluid and some people actually believe that a new month

starts around the twenty twenty second when the Sun a major major astrological

energy body transitions into a whole new zodiac sign so some of you libras will

start to feel these energies in the last eight nine or ten days of February and

then you'll feel them again to varying degrees and major or minor ways and

subtle or means more visibly apparent concrete ways in the month of March okay

so with this aid of cups in Reverse for some of you this could be something

that's been going on maybe since January maybe for a while you don't know if you

should you don't know if you shouldn't you there's confusion and maybe this is

about lack of new beginnings because you're still being held down either

willingly or unwillingly in a situation that is maybe just too heavier it has

become too heavy some of you may feel like they're saying like you have to

vent venting something out venting something like this coming through you

may feel like you need to vent something it's it's like pent up energy it's

interesting they're giving me the message of like refrigeration

refrigerator so it's like like cooling down refrigeration so it's almost like

you know find that cool space for yourself find peace peace can happen

peace can come to you but you need to like find that cooler environment

or vibe so you just calm down a little bit libras at some point in the month of

March for some of you okay we also have a brilliant card here we have the four

of Wands up right now the four of Wands up right here libras indicates maybe

some stabilisation coming in a stability in relation to practical material

matters you're covering all your bases good news maybe you fit in maybe this is

a new employer employee contract maybe this is a well you know a baby shower or

another form of celebration or welcoming party in some ways housewarming party

this might be related to a real estate move and I do feel like some of you may

not be related to real estate but some of you they're saying libras you're

planning your next move so I feel like you're really thinking about some change

that is going to be coming up pretty much I think by the end of or at least

by the end of yeah at least by the end of June 2019 and you're planning you're

planning your next move in some area of your life could be in a relationship

could be in related to work could be related to family could be related to

pregnancy children could be related to marriage whatever it is it's gonna be

different for each one of you could be even a literally a physical move related

to real estate housing or maybe your office space for your business whatever

it may be I feel like a lot of you are planning your next move and something

around that or related to what your planning is going to be manifested at

least or implemented at least for the first time established by the end of

June 2019 they say the two of the four of Wands upright can also be yes about

Twin Flames soulmate connections partnerships unions love love

connections here wedding celebrations and new gateway hotels are coming in as

well travel so distance routes maybe going back to the homeland traveling for

some reason multicultural energy coming in here but also some firm foundations

being set up so is about your material security discipline your household

making sure you pay your bills on time and also maybe a connection to the

father energy father energy here the roots the homeland the the father

bloodline okay with the four of Wands here very interesting card

I do think that it could be a month where some partnerships can be kind of

suggested proposals for partnership in the month of March 2019 for you libras

you also have the king of wands universe now the king of wands in Reverse here

indicates maybe a Sagittarius Aries or Leo male or a female energy in this

general reading for you libras it could be your own energies best personified by

the king of Wands in Reverse or it could be someone else in your life

okay of any sunshine best personified by the king of Wands in Reverse now the

king of Wands in Reverse Libra as if it's somebody else it could be someone

not favorable to you not beneficial to you being difficult with you maybe

there's a sense of gaining space from this person in the month of March maybe

there's the Sun so maybe you know pushing this someone up with this person

out of your life this could be someone that you're just you're like you're

cutting your losses with this person or it's a sense of like maybe you're giving

up a little bit or giving yourself some space from this person for others it's

just you know you don't want this person there's no desire therefore the card is

in Reverse for others this is just somebody not favorable to you or just

somebody far away from you Sagittarius Aries Leo may be far away

from you at a distance you're wondering about this person maybe you're missing

this person maybe you are sensing a lack of their presence in some way shape or

form in your life okay Sagittarius excuse me Libra I keep looking at this

card and I think Sagittarius oh no this is reading definitely for Libra so the

king of Wands hooniverse you're libras could be again if it's not somebody else

if it's your own energies or it could be someone else's energies this is also an

element of exhaustion tiredness feeling fully spent you know you're doing your

best but you're you're maybe tripping up over yourself things are confusing

there's maybe a bit of a kerfuffle here you know it's like um it's too much

confusion too many things all all over the place it's you know your your

energies aren't really well anchored well grounded well curated and you know

defined they're kind of maybe all over the place you're spread out too thin

tiredness exhaustion sometimes though it may be related to

someone who's maybe promiscuous maybe they're just non-committal you know what

I mean they're promiscuous they're just more

free-spirited and liberated sometimes the king of Wands in Reverse can be

challenges here for those in industries of display beauty arts entertainment

cosmetology fashion theater so there could be some challenges related to

those industries of display as I like to summarize them art are artistry the you

know artisans the king of Wands universe can also be challenges with like

socializing maybe you have somebody in the social circle who betrays you a bit

or who you get disappointed by I'm being told some of you this is going to be

about libras maybe just you're not being as social in this month ahead or you're

just kind of all over the place that you can't be as socially enterprising and

successful as you normally are or can be or this is challenges with business

entrepreneurship commercial enterprises may be you may face a challenge and

investment something like this so this is a bit of a heavy card I'll admit in

the month of March I do get some pivotal key energy related to the king of Wands

reverse and it may be challenging some of you this is about challenges with you

know looking out for your next conquest what do you do next

this is energy that's more inward and it may be pent up and you may not be

exploring or discovering being as enterprising as you maybe would be if

the king of Wands was upright okay so there is some challenges but watch out

for your health you know really take care of your health your energy levels

if you need energy balancing healing cleaning you can always reach out to me

but do take care of yourselves libras in the month of March okay now libras in

matters of the heart love divorce or marriage matters to enflame recognition

twin flame union twin flame separation twin flame you know reunion for the

first time recognition separation reconnections all that love soulmate

connections i'm gonna get on with it we have Archangel Gabriel

the theme of grace okay so the Archangel is saying to me some of you this is

about maybe quelling somebody so there could be this sounds like somebody's

maybe very difficult for you or they're hot-headed or there's nervousness or

there's reactionary energies right it reminds me of the king of Wands universe

being too reactionary too emotionally reactive at times this could be someone

else and I feel like some of you libras you gotta follow the message of grace

infused grace into the situation be the bigger person don't let somebody know

exactly what you think of them all the way through be graceful sophisticated

gracious mature energy wise so you need to quell the situation you know calm it

down calm someone down in matters of the heart and maybe divorce or marriage

matters love soulmates connections and twin flame relationships or you know

reconciliations or separations whatever it may be this is also theme of maybe

release separating letting go being graceful liberating yourself flying like

this like the Swan or geese or whatever this is right does right so flying away

gracefully so limiting conflict don't add fuel to the fire in this month when

it comes to relationship matters don't add salt to the wound

it's be graceful and if you need to create distance and separate yourself

from a person or a situation then the guides are saying Archangel Gabriel is

saying it's the right month to make that decision if this is the right course for

you again you can always reach out to me for guidance if you need it being

graceful and some of you may even win some admirers I feel by you know maybe

dressing well graceful energy you know reminds me of like coming off like what

some of those like vintage Hollywood actresses right

Grace Kelly and Grace Kelly so greta garbo graceful you may attract attract

admirers by really putting on a kind of a certain kind of appeal a certain kind

of aura to yourself a certain kind of image that's very sophisticated

sophisticated graceful this for mobile male and female libras okay so dressing

well dressing for success right first impressions you may do very well with

that so see how the apps theme plays out you can always you talk to me for

personal guidance and relationships libras check out my awesome real reviews

at golden sauna you can you give my readings as gifts for holidays

and birthdays to family and friends you can use me to connect with passed away

loved ones and pets I am a medium as well try not expensive two-month

personal forecast for yourself see how you like it and you can easily even get

your personal astrology reports on my website okay so please like share

subscribe and comment I'll be very grateful for your support libras thank

you very much

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