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Introducing Progressive Web Apps and the new Office app (PWA) - Duration: 16:26.- Coming up, we'll explore progressive web apps or PWAs.
A new class of apps that deliver native platform experiences
to enhance performance, resilience,
installation, and engagement with apps.
And we are going to also take a look
at where to find PWAs as well as
one of the most recent additions the brand new Office app.
(upbeat electronic music)
- I'm joined today by Aaron Gustafson
from the Edge PWA team.
- Thank you so much for having me.
So your team is really building
the integration for PWA at Microsoft
I know there's a lot of people
that are new to Progressive Web Apps.
Can we start by explaining what PWAs are and how they work?
- Sure, so Progressive Web Apps are an evolution
of the experiences you can build on the web.
They start with a great user experience
and then are optimized for performance,
resilience, installation, and ultimately
better user engagement.
These can be anything from a blog,
like mine, which is shown here
or an online magazine like you can see with Forbes
or a fully fledged app, such as Twitter.
Now, browser experiences have been a great option
for writing once and publishing everywhere experiences,
which is why this is such a powerful technology.
- Right, but a lot of people might assume the experience
if it's still delivered by a web app
will be a lesser experience than a fully installed,
kind of native Windows app.
- Absolutely, but a lot of that's changed.
Especially, over the last decade.
For example, did you know your browser
can actually tap into biometrics
to let you log into a website using Windows Hello.
That's the Web Authentication Spec or Web Authen.
You can also integrate with OS level payment systems.
I love to point folks to What Web Can Do Today
to get a sense of what's available
in their browser right now.
And all of that awesomeness is available to PWAs.
- Right, and PWAs even take this to a further level
because they can actually behave
and look like a native app.
- Naturally they run in the browser, as you would expect.
But, they aren't stuck there.
So you could install them from a store.
So for instance, I have the Twitter app up right now
in the Microsoft Store and you can see
it appears alongside other apps within the store.
Now, the Twitter app itself caches stuff offline.
It appears alongside other apps, as we just saw.
And it works like a native app too
with notifications and jump lists.
And there's even this awesome thing
you can actually do sharing directly from your file manager
into the Twitter app just using the share charm
and that's something you wouldn't
traditionally be able to via website.
And a lot of this PWA goodness, caching,
and offline push notifications and stuff
it's made possible by a technology called Service Workers,
which debuted in the Windows Spring Creators Update,
which is also known as Redstone Four.
- Right, now you're talking about Service Worker here.
How does that technology then improve performance
and resilience compared to a typical web app.
- So a Service Worker is an independent Java Script worker
that manages the interactions between
the network, your app, and the local cache.
Now, in the traditional web sense, without a service worker,
the browser actually has to make requests to the server
for absolutely every resource that it needs to get.
Right? - Right.
- Or it can check and see if the browser has
already cached a particular resource.
But, the developer didn't have
any control over this interaction.
So because connections were limited
we tended to distribute our assets
across a bunch of servers in a CDN.
To make sure stuff arrived more quickly,
but we were still dependent on that critical thing;
the network.
If we had no network then all of a sudden
our app was dead in the water.
- Yep.
- But with a service worker you actually control
all of the network requests and the cache completely.
So for instance, you could pre-cache every resource
that you have that's critical to rendering your site,
your CSS, your Java Script images, that sort of stuff.
And then when the browser goes to request those resources
you just reply from the cache
and never touch the network at all.
And the service worker basically acts like a middle man.
And alternately, if you had some critical stuff
that you needed to go to the network first
you could do that and then cache the stale version of it,
so that if you were offline later on,
you get the stale version at least,
which is better than nothing.
- Okay, so how do you decide then
what the service worker is actually caching?
- So every project is different
and is going to have different needs.
And that's part of the reason that the service worker
makes use of very low level APIs.
There's the Fetch API, which is used for network requests
and then there's the cache API
that handles, well cache access.
So with these tools you can pretty much build
any sort of scenario that you want to.
So, you can even get really granular with it.
And I'll show you an example of that in a moment.
But you can look at URLs and say
I only want to do this certain caching
situation for particular directories.
And then, I want to do something else
in this other directory.
I want to go to the network first
or I want to go to the cache first, et cetera, et cetera.
- Right.
- You can even get specific about the kind of files
that you want to deal with.
So I've got an example up here on my screen,
where it's actually checking to see if I'm making a request
for a JPEG or a PNG file on my local server.
And then, if I test to see that
the browser actually supports WebP.
So that has traditionally has been Chrome,
though Firefox and Edge now support it as well.
It can actually swamp that request
for the JPEG or the PNG and respond with the WebP version.
Which is kind of crazy and a little bit overkill
probably for a lot of sites, but if you're trying to shave
every little bit of bandwidth off that you can
WebPs are much smaller than JPEG and PNG files
and so that can be a kind of neat thing to do.
- So all of that really makes sense
in terms of performance and resilience,
but what I really wanted to show
was a brand new member of the PWA family:
the brand new Office app.
Now when we had Katie Kivett on the show
a couple months back she showed the updates to Office.com.
And it's really using fluent design principals
and all brand new design.
You can check out that show at the link below.
- Right.
And the underpinnings of the Office.com experience
also leverage a service worker
and provide additional code to build up
that PWA-based experience.
- Right and here you can see that I've got
the PWA app pinned to my task bar.
I've already opened that in this case.
So let's go ahead and have a look at what that app does.
So here I'm going to pull them both side by side.
The PWA app on the right and the browser
Office.com experience on the left.
Now when I maximize the screen you can see
it's got all of the same kind of experiences
that we saw in the browser before.
So when I look at, for example,
the different app icons I can launch.
Here are the rich local clients
Were, in this case, right from the PWA Office app.
And there you can see I've launched Word.
Now the nice thing is if I don't have Office installed,
in this case I've actually installed Office in a way
that doesn't have Excel locally installed.
When I launch that and open up a blank workbook
it's going to go back to the web
and you see it here on the left side of the screen.
Opening up Excel Online.
So, regardless if I've got the apps
all installed local or not
it's going to be able to handle that situation.
Now if I go back into the Office app.
Here you can see all of the different things beyond
even just the apps that I have locally installed.
I can even do things like pin, not just the Office apps,
but also third-party apps or line-of-business apps.
So here I've got Box, Contoso Sales, and LinkedIn
pinned here, right into my apps experience.
So let me go back into the home screen of this app.
And now I'm going to actually show you
some other things about the app.
Because remember when Katie was on
it wasn't just about getting to your Office experiences,
but also personalizing the experience.
Like we see here with Contoso logo
and everything in the top nav bar.
And also importantly getting back to your files
and everything that really you need to work on
as fast as possible.
So here you can see all my recent documents.
I can see things, for example, if I want to go into things
that are shared or pinned for me.
And even search, in this case I can search for
all the sites, people, files and apps.
If I type in, remember that, line-of-business app,
the Contoso Sales one, it will even pull that up
straight from the PWA experience.
So pretty rich in terms of all the things I can do here.
Now I want to do something crazy though,
and actually disconnect it from the internet.
And to do that I'm going to go into airplane mode.
So now that I'm in airplane mode
you can tell I've got no internet connectivity.
I'm going to actually close the app.
And I'm going to reopen the app.
And now let's see what happens cause I'm on a web app.
And now when it reopens, you'll see
that I still have all of my app icons.
Of course, I can launch everything locally,
as you would expect.
I've got all of my thumbnails,
everything was cached using the service worker.
Everything is there ready for me to be able to use.
And now, here's something really cool that I like.
So I'm using OneDrive, I'm syncing to my local file system.
I can even open a file that's stored in
OneDrive for Business straight from the Office app
and it's able to resolve that link.
Open the document up in this case
even though I have no network connectivity on this machine.
So in this case I would install the Progressive Web App,
by the way, from the Microsoft store,
but does PWA offer different installation options?
- Yeah, so you can publish PWAs to stores
like you would normal PC software or mobile platforms.
And in this case, you can see that we have the Twitter app,
you've the Office app in the Microsoft store.
But you can also install directly from the browser,
which is pretty awesome.
- Right, but are there any limitations
in terms of browser support?
- So currently browser-based installation
is available on Android via Chrome
and Firefox, Opera, and Samsung Internet.
Chrome also supports desktop installation
on Linux, Windows, and in beta, on macOS as well.
And the next version of Edge, which will be Chromium-based,
will actually also support installation
directly from the browser.
- So in our case the Office app, for example,
it looks native, it can be pinned,
we can launch desktop apps and files,
but what are some of the other types of integration
that we can do using PWA apps?
- So I mentioned that there are standards based APIs,
but PWAs installed from the store on Windows
actually gets supercharged with some of the same APIs
that are available to UWP apps.
So they can access things like local settings,
connect to hardware, integrate pretty deeply with the OS.
So let's take another look at the Twitter app.
- Okay.
- So they were an early adopter of PWAs
and they were actually are first major PWA
to land in the Microsoft store.
So here you can see Twitter.com
using the kind of the normal light, gray, and white theme.
- And this is the local app open right?
- Yes, this is the local app open.
So if I take that and I close it
and then I go into the system preferences
and I switch my computer into dark mode.
If I were then to open up the Twitter app again.
And I'm going to go ahead and compose a new tweet.
You'll see it launches the app and...
The app is actually in dark mode
and it's got the matching styles.
They call it night mode.
But it picks up on the fact that Windows is in dark mode
and automatically makes it match.
- Very cool.
- Yeah, so this is a great example of that.
There was also the example I showed earlier
with the share charm.
And of course PWAs can access other things
like your microphone, your camera,
Windows Hello, Microsoft Pay,
those sorts of things that we've talked about.
And as a developer you can actually test to see
what capabilities are available in each platform.
And then add those as enhancements
to the overall experience.
So you could have a normal log-in form
and then if you're able to use Windows Hello
you could upgrade the experience
to allow somebody to log-in via..
- Alright, so now that you've mentioned developers
I'm going to get you in trouble here.
Why don't you show what a developer needs to do
to actually get all of this up and running
and kind of how you build one of these?
- Sure, sure!
So I'm going to demo this in PWA builder,
which is a tool build by a colleague.
But all of the steps that I'm going to walk through here
could easily done by hand in the IDA of your choice.
- Okay.
- But this is really just for simplicity.
So I'm going to take the TechCommunity website,
which is available techcommunity.microsoft.com.
And I'm going to pwabuilder.com
and drop that URL into the main form here
and click Get started.
Now the PWA builder site is going to go
and it's going to read information
from the TechCommunity site and it's going to build
kind of a scaffolded W3C manifest.
So this is called a web app manifest.
And you can kind of see that on the right hand side there.
There is basically an adjacent object with a bunch of keys.
I'm going to make a couple of updates here.
So I'm going to change this to being called TechCommunity.
And then I'm going to change
the short name just to TechComm.
And then I'm going to scroll down a little bit here
and I'm going to change the language to English,
since that's the primary language of the site.
And for display there are a bunch
of different display modes.
So you can have full screen, you can have
something stand alone, which is what Twitter is.
I'm going to choose minimal UI,
which will give you basic browser...
Basic browser controls, but not all of the browser Chrome.
- Right.
- So just back and forward - Like back button
and that's it. - Yeah, exactly.
And then I'm going to set a custom color as the background
cause I'm not a huge black fan.
So I'm going to do a nice gray
that I've become obsessed with.
So next I'm going ahead and I'm going to
add a custom icon to this.
So I can choose to upload an image.
I've already got the Microsoft logo on here.
So I'm going to go ahead
and choose that from the file picker, I'll drop it in,
and then the site will actually take that image
and generate all of the different icon sizes that it needs
for every platform that you would potentially
want to deliver a PWA to, which is pretty cool.
- Very cool.
- And you can see that has dropped it in here.
And then, we could either download the manifest
at this point if we wanted to and just move on
or I can go to the next step.
And I'll be able to download the manifest later.
So the next step is actually to choose
what sort of service worker recipe I want to use for this.
And, there are a couple of options on the PWA builder site
that can kind of get you started.
So the first one is just having a basic offline page,
but you could also have a copy
of every page that the user views.
I'm going to actually choose an offline copy
with a backup of the offline page as well.
So any page you visit will actually be cached,
but if it can't hit that page on the network
it will fall back, if it doesn't have any cache
it will fall back to that offline page.
- Okay.
- And then I'm going to hit next step again.
And then what I get here is
the final screen within PWA builder.
So it's just a three step process.
And I can choose to download
all of the web code that I just generated.
So that's the web app manifest
as well as the service worker files
that I need to put onto my website.
So I can go ahead and hit save on that.
But beyond that, you also have the ability
to choose to download a package that you can side load
into your Windows machine, which is pretty cool.
- Now just to be clear, you kind of want to do
the web thing first and then load the Windows app, right?
- Yeah, yeah ideally if I had access
to the TechCommunity site I would take the files
that I've generated here and I'd go ahead
and upload them to the server - Right.
- But I can just test out what it would look like
if I was to deliver the TechCommunity site
as a PWA in the Microsoft store.
- Alright let's do it.
- So yeah, I can go ahead and build the package
and PWA builder will build up the AppX package that I need.
Or MSIX as the new format it's going to be called.
So I'm going to go ahead and save that.
I've actually gone ahead, I've already got a copy of it
here locally on the machine.
So I'm going to go ahead and actually jump into PowerShell.
- Because now you've gotta side load the AppX package.
- Yeah, you have to side load the AppX package.
The computer needs to be in developer mode
to be able to do this,
and there's some permissions things as well.
- Right.
- So I'm going to go ahead and traverse into the package.
So this is the Windows 10 package in that PWA zip file.
And then I'm going to go ahead and do this test install.
It's going to prompt me:
do you really want to run this?
Yes, I want to run this.
- So go ahead and.. - That's the point, right?
- Yeah exactly.
So it's going to go through the process of doing that.
And now it says app is installed.
And so if I open up the start menu
you can see we have the TechCommunity site right there.
Launch it, we have our beautiful Microsoft logo in there.
And hey!
There's the TechCommunity site.
Right? - Encapsulated ready to go
as a PWA app and you can see it's even...
There's an icon on the task bar
- Yep! - So it is an app now?
- Yeah!
- Now by the way the Office app
is going to replace My Office in the store
and it's launching today.
So just search for Office.
Now if you're a developer,
what's the best place to get started?
- So the Microsoft Developer documentation
actually has some great information about how to build
PWAs, and of course there's the UWP documentation
if you want to start using some of those with RTAPIs.
Just make sure that you switch
the language preference to JavaScript.
- That's right and thanks for joining us today Aaron.
And, by the way, if you haven't hit
the subscribe to our channel button yet,
do that right now.
And also, keep watching Microsoft Mechanics
for the latest tech updates.
Thanks for watching and we'll see you next time.
(upbeat electronic music)
Gordon Shows How To Make The New Dish | Season 2 Ep. 8 | GORDON RAMSAY'S 24 HOURS TO HELL & BACK - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
The new Champions League rule that Liverpool fans MUST be aware of TONIGHT - Duration: 3:14.Manager Jurgen Klopp says it will see two of the best sides in the Champions League go head-to-head
Traditional big-hitters Bayern almost always find themselves at the business end of Europe's premier club competition, while five-time winners Liverpool a have a rich history in the tournament
But the pair will have to adapt to a new world when they face off in what could be an historic clash
For both of these sides will have the benefit of Video Assistant Referee (VAR) for the first time in a Champions League game
It has been in play since the knockout stage started last week and has already thrown up one bit of controversy after Ajax had a goal disallowed for the most marginal of offside call in their defeat by Real Madrid
The use of VAR was approved by UEFA's Executive Committee last December and may be used by the referee for in four specific incidents
They are: a goal, incidents in the penalty area, red cards and mistaken identity
Bayern already have significant experience of VAR as it has been used in the Bundesliga since the start of last season
Liverpool, meanwhile, are relative newcomers to the technology, although boss Klopp has been critical of it in the past
Klopp's side were knocked out of the Carabao Cup after a 2-1 defeat by Chelsea earlier this season
The opening goal appeared to be offside but the referee decided not to consult VAR and therefore failed to rule it out
That night, Klopp questioned the point of VAR and hinted officials might be using the technology as something to hide behind
However, the German appears to be in better mood as they enter this tie and has urged the fans to turn Anfield into a cauldron
"We have to create an atmosphere on the pitch and make it easier for the people," Klopp said
"It will be outstanding. It's something to enjoy - there's a lot of power involved in the atmosphere
Playing home first is not usually an advantage but we don't care. "There are two legs to play
Let's create a basis we can use in the second game. Our crowd is really able to push us from 100% to 140%
Introducing the New VXG Microwave Signal Generators - Duration: 1:56.Designing state-of-the-art millimeter wave products –
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Obstruction Of Justice: The New York Edition | Deadline | MSNBC - Duration: 21:18.-------------------------------------------
Bernie Sanders Is Running Again. Could He Win? | NYT News - Duration: 2:20.An independent senator known for his Brooklyn accent.
"Real change never, ever takes place from the top on down."
Populist message.
"The level of wealth inequality in America
is grotesque."
And anti-establishment appeal.
"Establishment Democrats don't generate excitement."
Bernie Sanders is jumping into the race for president, again.
"Hi, I'm Bernie Sanders.
I'm running for president."
In the 2016 primaries
he pushed a democratic socialist message,
and he found a big audience for it.
He ultimately came up short.
"I accept your nomination."
But many of his ideas have lived on.
"In a modern moral and wealthy society,
no American should be too poor to live."
In 2016, he was the only challenger to the Democratic establishment,
but this time around he'll be up
against a crowded and diverse group of opponents.
Some have adopted ideas he made popular in 2016.
"How do you feel about Medicare for all?"
"Medicare for all."
"Medicare for all."
So what are the issues he made pillars
of the progressive agenda?
A $15 minimum wage,
tuition-free public college and Medicare for all.
"... health care is a right, not a privilege."
But Sanders's liberal credentials
may have taken a hit over his perceived failure
to address claims of sexism during his 2016 campaign.
He has since apologized.
"What they experienced
was absolutely unacceptable."
So how has Sanders taken on President Trump?
He's been one of his most outspoken critics.
"The most dangerous president in modern American history."
"Most people who observed him would agree
he's a pathological liar."
Trump has returned the insults.
"Crazy Bernie."
"You know he's always like complaining, complaining,
he's jumping around, the hair's going crazy ... lunatic."
So what are his chances?
He's near the top of the early polls.
He's got some big advantages over his opponents,
including a small-donor fund-raising list,
a 50-state organization and fervent supporters.
He has major name recognition
and knows how to electrify a crowd.
"We are going to take on the drug companies and their greed
and lower the cost of prescription drugs."
But he could be up against a base
who are looking for a fresh face to take on Trump,
even if it's on a platform that Bernie built.
"The New" Daniel Bryan Entrance Video - Duration: 1:59.[MUSIC]
Elizabeth Warren Proposes Universal Child Care The New York Times - Duration: 2:50.Elizabeth Warren Proposes Universal Child Care The New York Times
Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts introduced a universal child care proposal on Tuesday, the latest in a series of ambitious policy ideas from Democratic presidential candidates.
Ms. Warrens plan, the Universal Child Care and Early Learning Act, would create a network of government funded care centers based partly on the existing Head Start network, with employees paid comparably to public school teachers. Families earning less than 200 percent of the would be able to send their children to these centers for free. Families earning more than that would be charged on a sliding scale, up to a maximum of 7 percent of their income.
The plan would be funded by on households with more than dollar 50 million in assets, her campaign said.
The guarantee is about what each of our children is entitled to, Ms. Warren said at a campaign rally in Los Angeles on Monday, announcing her plans to introduce the bill. Not just the children of the wealthy, not just the children of the well connected, but every one of our children is entitled to good child care.
Mark Zandi and Sophia Koropeckyj, economists at Moodys Analytics, that the plan would cost the federal government dollar 70 billion per year more than it currently spends on child care programs, but would be fully covered by revenue from Ms. Warrens wealth tax. Their cost estimate was based on the assumption that the plan would produce economic growth by giving lower and middle class families more spending money, allowing parents to work longer hours, and creating more and higher paying jobs for child care workers.
The proposal quickly lifts economic growth, as the stimulus created by providing financial support to lower income and middle class families more than offsets the negative fallout from increasing taxes on the very wealthy, Mr. Zandi and Ms. Koropeckyj wrote.
Ms. Warren framed the issue broadly: not just as a matter of access to education, but as a means to promote economic growth and address gender inequality in the work force. Mr. Zandi and Ms. Koropeckyj wrote that the cost of child care had weighed heavily on female labor force participation, because some women who cant afford it are unable to work outside the home as a result. In on Tuesday, Ms. Warren repeated a personal story she has often told before: that if it hadnt been for her Aunt Bee, who helped care for her children, she would have had to quit her job as a law school instructor.
Katie Hamm, vice president for early childhood policy at the Center for American Progress Action Fund, a liberal think tank, said that framing was significant. It reflects the fact that the issue has clearly grown into the public policy sphere and the economic policy sphere, where before it had been relegated to a family policy issue or an education issue, she said.
The Center for American Progress is one of several organizations — also including the National Womens Law Center and the Center for Law and Social Policy — that Ms. Warrens staff consulted in developing the proposal.
Ms. Hamm said the plan addressed what she identified as the three pillars of child care policy: affordability, quality and wages. Focusing on just one or two of the pillars could have unintended consequences, she said; for instance, a program that subsidized child care and set quality standards could come at the expense of a living wage for providers.
Ms. Warrens plan and her language in presenting it reflect the shifting ground on which the Democratic primary is being fought. Strongly progressive economic plans, which were the exception as recently as 2016, are now the norm, and cost is not as popular an objection as it once was.
When people say, Thats going to be really expensive — yes, it is: This will be about four times more than we have invested in our children, but thats exactly what we need to do, Ms. Warren said at her rally on Monday. I am so tired of hearing what the richest country on the face of the earth just cant afford to do.
After Karl Lagerfeld, Whats Next for Chanel and Fendi? The New York Times - Duration: 4:31.After Karl Lagerfeld, Whats Next for Chanel and Fendi? The New York Times
The designer dominated the creative side of two of fashions best known names for decades. Now they must confront a post Lagerfeld future at a time of heightened flux in the global luxury market.
By and
s death leaves a void atop two of fashions biggest names, Chanel and Fendi, and signals a potentially seismic shift on the industrys creative side at a time of in the global luxury market.
Chanel has already named , a relatively unknown company insider based in Paris, to continue Mr. Lagerfelds work. Ms. Viard was the director of the Chanel fashion creation studio and Mr. Lagerfelds right hand woman for more than 30 years.
At , where Mr. Lagerfeld was named creative director in 1965, the question of succession has not yet been addressed beyond a company statement that a decision on the issue would come later. Nor has there been any word about Mr. Lagerfelds own brand, which he started in 1984 and which is now partly owned by the private equity firm Apax Partners.
Today, not only have I lost a friend, but we have all lost an extraordinary creative mind, Alain Wertheimer, Chanels chief executive, said in a statement confirming the German designers death on Tuesday at 85. Thanks to his creative genius, generosity and exceptional intuition, Karl Lagerfeld was ahead of his time, which widely contributed to the house of Chanels success throughout the world.
Mr. Lagerfeld, who joined the house of Chanel in 1983, had long been credited with transforming the company into one of the worlds biggest luxury brands, synonymous with and distinctive products like its No. 5 perfume, black bouclé jackets, two tone ballet pumps and array of quilted handbags.
Just what a powerful industry force the privately held Chanel had become was clear last year, when, for the first time in its 108 year history, it . Total sales for 2017 were dollar 9.62 billion, 11 percent higher than the previous year on a constant currency basis, the company reported.
Chanel, the results showed, is outpacing rivals like Gucci and running neck and neck with Louis Vuitton, widely considered the industry leader.
Although Mr. Lagerfeld famously had a lifetime contract with Chanel, he was known to be in poor health in recent years, and it was something of a fashion show parlor game to speculate about who might ultimately take his place at the company. His job was widely regarded as the best in the business, in part because Chanels status as a private company with a hugely successful beauty division gave Mr. Lagerfeld a level of creative freedom seemingly unmatched among his peers. Many people privately dreamed of inheriting the mantle.
Among those often mentioned over the years as favorites for the job included star designers like when he left Louis Vuitton , a former creative director of Lanvin , known to be a favorite of Mr. Lagerfelds and, most recently, Phoebe Philo, who was rumored to be waiting in the wings in London after leaving Celine.
In the end, the billionaire Wertheimer family that controls Chanel appears to have opted for continuity over celebrity by picking Ms. Viard, a company stalwart without a global profile or social media presence. According to a statement from the company, the selection will ensure that the legacy of Gabrielle Chanel and Karl Lagerfeld can live on. Ms. Viard is both the safest and most respectful choice.
Mr. Lagerfeld seemed to have been laying the groundwork for the decision for some time, increasingly bringing Ms. Viard onto the runway at the end of shows to take a bow at his side. In January, after at the end of Chanels most recent couture show, the company said in a statement that he was feeling tired and had asked that Ms. Viard represent him and greet the guests.
All eyes will now be on her to see whether she can extend what has been one of the modern luxury industrys longest bull runs ever, and whether she will choose make her own mark on the brand or remain a low key, behind the scenes presence.
Moves to secure Chanels long term financial future have also been afoot in the boardroom in recent months. Last year, the company announced that it had established a new holding company based in London, Chanel Limited, as part of an effort to bring all its businesses and 20,000 employees under one roof and to simplify a legal and organizational structure in place since the 1950s. As a result, while the luxury industry is in mourning this week, many observers were confident that Chanel would withstand Mr. Lagerfelds death.
We saw last year that the Chanel business is formidably strong and benefits from its huge marketing investments, said Luca Solca, senior luxury analyst at the United States analytics firm Bernstein. It is also a more balanced business than most, commanding appeal both at the high end, for example, with its couture business, and at the entry price points with its beauty lines, giving it a broad base.
Karl is leaving huge shoes to fill, he added. But Chanel is a formidable brand with a significant talent pool internally and a huge appeal in the market.
As for the other companies affected by Mr. Lagerfelds death, from his own fashion line to Fendi, which is owned by LVMH Moėt Hennessy, the worlds largest luxury goods company, what happens next remains to be seen. On Tuesday a statement from Fendi, a house based in Rome that is a fast growing star of the LVMH portfolio, called his death an unimaginable loss.
Karl Lagerfeld has been my mentor and my point of reference, said Silvia Fendi, the creative director of mens wear, accessories and childrens wear. A blink of an eye was enough to understand each other.
For Fendi and myself, she added, the creative genius of Karl has been and will always be our guiding light, molding the maisons DNA.
Mr. Lagerfelds last collection for the brand will be shown on Thursday in Milan.
Meet The New Okapi Pt 2 - Duration: 3:19.-------------------------------------------
SPECIAL REPORT: Trumping Tax Season, How The New Tax Code is Hitting Your Wallet KNWA - Duration: 3:40.-------------------------------------------
Opinion Venezuelas Border Standoff The New York Times - Duration: 2:38.Opinion Venezuelas Border Standoff The New York Times
The military should stand down and allow in urgently needed food and medical supplies.
The editorial board represents the opinions of the board, its editor and the publisher. It is separate from the newsroom and the Op Ed section.
With the Venezuelan crisis nearing a showdown, President Trump gave his saber a new rattling on Monday, in a to abandon President Nicolás Maduro or lose everything.
Yes, the military should abandon Mr. Maduro, who has guided one of Latin Americas richest countries to total ruin, and join the opposition leader in trying to put Venezuela back on track. But it should not be Mr. Trump issuing ultimatums, threatening the soldiers or telling them what to do. Mr. Trump and Mr. Guaidó have set a deadline of Saturday for the military to allow humanitarian aid stockpiled at the Colombian border to be delivered to Venezuela. The or else remains vague.
Mr. Trump appears to have made an exception in his preference for strongmen and is championing by a valueless currency and drastic shortages of medicine and food. Some 50 nations have joined the United States in .
The Trump administration has tried to spin this as an example of American leadership in bringing freedom to a destitute people. At the annual Munich Security Conference, in ringing terms to get on Americas side and step forward for freedom. The tepid reaction made clear that the Europeans dont buy a sudden burst of altruism in this White House.
Mr. Trump is only incidentally speaking out in support of the downtrodden. His chief motivation appears to be to rally his far right base by — an evil he identifies not only with the radical policies of , Mr. Maduros predecessor and mentor, but also in the platforms of
Mr. Trumps stance on Venezuela, moreover, is advanced by , the hawkish national security adviser who against Latin American countries with leftist regimes he calls the — Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua. He is abetted by , the new special envoy for Venezuela, about the 1980s Iran contra scandal and other past American meddling in Central America. This is a crew that threatens to tar Mr. Guaidó with their brush and that plays right into Mr. Maduros claims of a gringo plot.
Their strategy is as simple as it is risky. The administration has airlifted for Mr. Guaidó to distribute inside Venezuela, on the premise that desperate people will rally to the side thats providing them with food and medicine. But Mr. Maduro has sent soldiers and armored vehicles to block the aid, creating a dramatic confrontation at a border crossing that will be the backdrop for that the British billionaire Richard Branson is staging on the Colombian side Mr. Maduro promptly announced a rival concert on his side of a different crossing .
The administration and Mr. Guaidó hope that the Venezuelan military, sensing the end of the Maduro regime and lured by promises of amnesty, will defect and clear the way for the shipments. Mr. Trump on Monday warned the military that if the soldiers dont accept the amnesty offer, they will find no safe harbor, no easy exit and no way out.
It is an open question whether Mr. Trumps tough talk will succeed or have the opposite effect, rallying Mr. Maduros base behind him. And it is unclear what the opposition will do if the army doesnt crack.
What is clear is that the administrations saber rattling and use of aid as a weapon are a dangerous and potentially counterproductive strategy for helping the Venezuelans.
Obviously it would be best for all if the military let Mr. Maduro know that his time was up and assisted Mr. Guaidó in organizing new elections. And the more international pressure on Mr. Maduro to step aside, the better. But the goal must be what serves the Venezuelan people best, not an ideological coup.
The Times is committed to publishing to the editor. Wed like to hear what you think about this or any of our articles. Here are some . And heres our email: .
Follow The New York Times Opinion section on , and .
Meet The New Okapi!!! - Duration: 2:55.-------------------------------------------
Elizabeth Warren Proposes Universal Child Care The New York Times - Duration: 2:55.Elizabeth Warren Proposes Universal Child Care The New York Times
Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts introduced a universal child care proposal on Tuesday, the latest in a series of ambitious policy ideas from Democratic presidential candidates.
Ms. Warrens plan, the Universal Child Care and Early Learning Act, would create a network of government funded care centers based partly on the existing Head Start network, with employees paid comparably to public school teachers. Families earning less than 200 percent of the would be able to send their children to these centers for free. Families earning more than that would be charged on a sliding scale, up to a maximum of 7 percent of their income.
The plan would be funded by on households with more than dollar 50 million in assets, her campaign said.
The guarantee is about what each of our children is entitled to, Ms. Warren said at a campaign rally in Los Angeles on Monday, announcing her plans to introduce the bill. Not just the children of the wealthy, not just the children of the well connected, but every one of our children is entitled to good child care.
Mark Zandi and Sophia Koropeckyj, economists at Moodys Analytics, that the plan would cost the federal government dollar 70 billion per year more than it currently spends on child care programs, but would be fully covered by revenue from Ms. Warrens wealth tax. Their cost estimate was based on the assumption that the plan would produce economic growth by giving lower and middle class families more spending money, allowing parents to work longer hours, and creating more and higher paying jobs for child care workers.
The proposal quickly lifts economic growth, as the stimulus created by providing financial support to lower income and middle class families more than offsets the negative fallout from increasing taxes on the very wealthy, Mr. Zandi and Ms. Koropeckyj wrote.
Ms. Warren framed the issue broadly: not just as a matter of access to education, but as a means to promote economic growth and address gender inequality in the work force. Mr. Zandi and Ms. Koropeckyj wrote that the cost of child care had weighed heavily on female labor force participation, because some women who cant afford it are unable to work outside the home as a result. In on Tuesday, Ms. Warren repeated a personal story she has often told before: that if it hadnt been for her Aunt Bee, who helped care for her children, she would have had to quit her job as a law school instructor.
Katie Hamm, vice president for early childhood policy at the Center for American Progress Action Fund, a liberal think tank, said that framing was significant. It reflects the fact that the issue has clearly grown into the public policy sphere and the economic policy sphere, where before it had been relegated to a family policy issue or an education issue, she said.
The Center for American Progress is one of several organizations — also including the National Womens Law Center and the Center for Law and Social Policy — that Ms. Warrens staff consulted in developing the proposal.
Ms. Hamm said the plan addressed what she identified as the three pillars of child care policy: affordability, quality and wages. Focusing on just one or two of the pillars could have unintended consequences, she said; for instance, a program that subsidized child care and set quality standards could come at the expense of a living wage for providers.
Ms. Warrens plan and her language in presenting it reflect the shifting ground on which the Democratic primary is being fought. Strongly progressive economic plans, which were the exception as recently as 2016, are now the norm, and cost is not as popular an objection as it once was.
When people say, Thats going to be really expensive — yes, it is: This will be about four times more than we have invested in our children, but thats exactly what we need to do, Ms. Warren said at her rally on Monday. I am so tired of hearing what the richest country on the face of the earth just cant afford to do.
Erik Williams is the new First Coast Spelling Bee champion - Duration: 3:56.-------------------------------------------
You season 2 Netflix release date, cast, trailer, plot: When is the new series released? [SNL] - Duration: 14:56.Season two of You was confirmed by US broadcaster Lifetime in 2018 during the summer TCAs in July
The second series is now in the works with the cast and crew getting ready to shoot scenes
You got the go-ahead even before the first season hit screens in America - such was the confidence behind the success of the show
After the show aired on Lifetime, it dropped globally on Netflix and proved to be a huge hit
Netflix has since taken on the show from Lifetime and You on Netflix could be hitting the platform as soon as later this year and dropping in one go
When will You season 2 be released on Netflix? You season one premiered in the US on September 9, 2018 with episodes airing weekly on Lifetime in the US
Netflix released season one in its entirety on December 26 for those outside North America
Season two is likely to be dropping in autumn next year but it's unclear whether the show will have a global Netflix release now that it's moved over to the streaming service
The cast shared photos from the first read through for You season two on Twitter from the official account, along with the caption: "Seeing Joe with Love AND Candace makes us happy being single
YOU S2 in production!" So work is progressing on the show at a good pace, which is positive news for fans
You moved from Lifetime to Netflix on December 3 with co-showrunner Sera Gamble saying: "Lifetime were fantastic partners for season one and we're really grateful that they made the show with us
"I understand season two didn't work for their business model. We had been talking about the show with Netflix the whole time
HOW TO WATCH YOU ON NETFLIX ONLINE "Internationally, the show has been a Netflix original from the get-go
We made that deal pretty early with them. So they have been creative partners for us all along and really luckily for the show and for all of us, Netflix really digs the show and wanted the show
" She added to Vulture: "This just feels like a really great story to tell with the Netflix model
It was always built to be extremely binge-able." There are likely to be another 10 episodes in season two like season one
The future is looking bright for You after it appeared that the show's creator seemed to confirm a season three of the show
Who is in the cast of You season 2? WARNING: This article contains spoilers from You season 1 Season two of You is now in production with the recent announcement actress Victoria Pedretti from The Haunting of Hill House will be playing a character called Love Quinn
Netflix recently posted on Twitter: 1. @YouNetflix *will* be returning for a second season 2
the female lead will be played by Nell from the Haunting of Hill House!!!!!! 3. she will play an aspiring chef called LOVE QUINN 4
you have our attention According to You on Netflix's co-showrunner Sera Gamble: "[Quinn's] a Los Angeles native
She has really absorbed the best of the city and she's really artistic with the way that she lives her life
" She went on to tell Entertainment Weekly: "I will say that Love is a person he could only have met after what happened between him and Beck
"And by the way, Joe is not out there looking for love. He's truly heartbroken by what has happened, and so what Love offers is a different kind of friendship and a different kind of relationship
" Penn Badgley is going to be returning as the terrifying and obsessive Joe Goldberg
At this stage, it's not clear who else will be returning for season two given the high body count
But Netflix has confirmed Jenna Ortega will be playing a character call Ellie who forms a strange bond with Joe
Meanwhile, Forty Quinn has been cast as James Scully who we'll encounter as Joe builds a new life for himself in LA
There have been questions over whether Raj will be framed for killing Peach, who was gunned down by Joe
Instead, it's highly likely that Joe will be meeting a new set of characters, which means we can expect to see some brand new cast members
HOW MANY EPISODES ARE IN YOU ON NETFLIX? Teasing the return of cast members, Sera Gamble said: "Part of the fun of continuing the story is that the loose ends from Joe's past are still dangling and could come back to him at anytime
"He is very worried about the fact that Peach Salinger's family has hired people to investigate her alleged suicide, and there is evidence potentially still at her house from season one
"If you look at every act of violence that he does in season one, that is potentially something that could come back and bite him
And Dr. Nicky is in prison and he is ardently protesting his innocence." She added: "It's too soon to say definitely whether John Stamos will return in season two but we have been talking a lot about the character and we're excited to keep telling that story
" There have also been lots of theories about who will be returning with some people wondering if Beck could be making a comeback in a flashback or as a ghost
Joe's friend and fellow book shop vendor Ethan could be back in the frame for season two
Fans have been questioning what Ethan really knows about Joe and if he knows the truth about what went on in the basement of Mooney's
YOU ON NETFLIX ENDING EXPLAINEDWhat will happen in You season 2? Season two will take its cue from author Caroline Kepnes' novel Hidden Bodies, which serves as a sequel of You - the book the first outing was adapted from
According to Deadline, season two will follow the serial killer as he makes the move to Hollywood to build a new life for himself as he again searches for love
The finale to season one saw Joe's traumatic childhood exposed, which explained to some degree his stalker behaviour and homicidal tendencies
In the finale it was also revealed Joe had a sinister man who had groomed him as a child
Perhaps the biggest question is whether Joe will get caught with the serial killer having quite a few things that could get sent down for the multiple murders he's committed
WHO IS IN THE CAST OF YOU ON NETFLIX? Speaking about what to expect from the second outing, You showrunner Sera Gamble told The Hollywood Reporter: "Joe was taken in by a guy who had a certain type of life philosophy that really did rub off on Joe
"Joe was already a teenager by the time he even met Mr. Mooney. "There's a lot more to explore about Joe from earlier in his life
Those are the things we're starting to get into for season two." The writers are currently working on the plot for season two, so fans will have to wait and see what happens
Is Candace alive? There has been lots of speculation about Joe's ex-girlfriend Candace Stone, who turned up at the end of series
Netflix has confirmed Candace will be featuring in the new series, suggesting that she's very much alive
However, some have suggested she could just be a figment of Joe's fevered imagination
Will Joe get caught in You season 2? Fans have been speculating wildly about with some believing that Joe could be exposed by DNA evidence after creeping around in other people's homes and stalking them
There have also been questions over the gun which Joe used to kill Peach with and where it's hidden
Season two could also delve further into Joe's relationship with Mr Mooney as we find out what really happened to the bookstore owner
There was the suggestion that Joe may well have done something to Mr Mooney to leave him in such a vulnerable position
Some fans have been theorising whether the private investigator tasked with looking into the case could expose Joe
Is there are a trailer for You season 2? There's no trailer as yet but we'll update this article when one does drop
You season 2 is set to air on Netflix in 2019
Update Bernie Sanders Joins the 2020 Presidential Race The New York Times - Duration: 7:34.Update Bernie Sanders Joins the 2020 Presidential Race The New York Times
Senator Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent and 2016 Democratic primary runner up whose populist policy agenda has helped push the party to the left, announced on Tuesday that he was running for president again, embarking on a bid that would test with many liberal voters three years ago.
A self styled democratic socialist whose calls for , a dollar 15 minimum wage and tuition free public colleges have become pillars of the partys left wing, Mr. Sanders is among the best known politicians to join an already crowded Democratic field and one of the most outspoken against President Trump, whom he has repeatedly called a pathological liar and a racist.
Three years ago, during our 2016 campaign, when we brought forth our progressive agenda we were told that our ideas were radical and extreme, Mr. Sanders said on Tuesday in an early morning email to supporters, citing those health, economic and education policies as well as combating climate change and raising taxes on wealthy Americans.
Well, three years have come and gone. And, as result of millions of Americans standing up and fighting back, all of these policies and more are now supported by a majority of Americans, he said.
Mr. Sanders did not immediately announce where he would campaign first, nor did he disclose any staffing decisions for his political operation. His senior advisers have been spending the weeks leading up to the announcement attempting to recruit a more diverse array of aides than were on his earlier campaign.
A sensation in 2016, Mr. Sanders is facing a far different electoral landscape this time around. Unlike his last bid for the White House, when he was the only liberal challenger to an establishment backed front runner, he will be contending with a crowded and diverse field of candidates, including popular Democrats like Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts who have adopted his populist mantle.
also suggest that many Democrats may prefer fresh energy, something that skeptics believe Mr. Sanders could struggle to deliver. A 77 year old whose left wing message has remained largely unchanged in his decades long career, Mr. Sanders will also need to and that has been disclosed in recent news accounts, and that has prompted two public apologies.
Yet almost immediately after making his announcement, Mr. Sanders drew criticism for his response to Vermont Public Radio when asked if he thought he best represented the current Democratic Party.
We have got to look at candidates, you know, not by the color of their skin, not by their sexual orientation or their gender and not by their age, . I think we have got to try to move us toward a nondiscriminatory society which looks at people based on their abilities, based on what they stand for.
The Trump re election campaign issued a statement about Mr. Sanders that reflected the presidents strategy of labeling his Democratic opponents as . The press secretary for the Trump campaign, Kayleigh McEnany, said Mr. Sanders had already won the Democratic debate because every candidate is embracing his brand of socialism. The statement also criticized Mr. Sanders for supporting higher taxes on wealthy Americans to help finance Medicare for all.
In an interview on CBS This Morning, Mr. Sanders did not shy away from calling himself a democratic socialist.
Mr. Trump, Mr. Sanders said, is going to say, Bernie Sanders wants the United States to become Venezuela.
Bernie Sanders does not want to have the United States become the horrific economic situation that unfortunately exists in Venezuela right now, he said. What Bernie Sanders wants is to learn from countries around the world why other countries are doing a better job of dealing with income and wealth inequality than we are.
Mr. Sanders will start with several advantages, including the foundation of a 50 state organization; that is roughly equivalent to the donor base of all the other Democratic hopefuls combined; and a cache of fervent, unwavering supporters. A coveted speaker, he is still capable of electrifying crowds in a way few politicians can. He enjoys wide name recognition, and several early polls on the 2020 race had Mr. Sanders running second behind former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.
And while rising stars like and Ayanna Pressley have siphoned off some of his authority over the progressive wing of the party, he still claims to have spawned a political revolution that, true revolution or not, has reshaped the Democratic Party and ignited a generation of young, socialist leaning voters.
Mr. Sanders is also partly responsible for the partys decision last year to , including sharply reducing the influence of superdelegates and increasing the transparency around debates — factors he felt greatly favored Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Asked in his interview with CBS what would be different about this presidential run compared to 2016, Mr. Sanders replied bluntly: Were going to win.
Bottom line, he said, it is absolutely imperative that Donald Trump be defeated. Though he had harsh words for the president, he said he was fond of for the Democratic nomination. They are in some cases my friends, he said in the interview, which was broadcast shortly after his Tuesday announcement.
With his booming voice and familiar wide armed grip at the lectern, Mr. Sanders has long positioned himself as a champion of the working class and a passionate opponent of Wall Street and the moneyed elite. His remarks often include diatribes against the millionaihs and billionaihs — one of his most common refrains is that the three wealthiest people in America own more wealth than the bottom 50 percent — as well as denunciations of super PACs and the influence of big money on politics. In particular, he has sharply criticized Amazon and Walmart over their wages and treatment of workers.
[Make sense of the people, issues and ideas ]
In his email to supporters, as well as , Mr. Sanders laid out a litany of policy issues, familiar to anyone who has followed him through the years: universal health care, tuition free public college, womens reproductive rights, lower prescription drug prices, criminal justice reform.
Our campaign is about taking on the powerful special interests that dominate our economic and political life, he said.
While some presidential candidates have avoided direct broadsides against President Trump, Mr. Sanders — ever combative — addressed his potential opponent head on.
You know as well as I do that we are living in a pivotal and dangerous moment in American history, he said. We are running against a president who is a pathological liar, a fraud, a racist, a sexist, a xenophobe and someone who is undermining American democracy as he leads us in an authoritarian direction.
Born in Brooklyn, with an accent to match, Mr. Sanders ran unsuccessfully in the 1970s for governor and United States senator in Vermont before being elected mayor of Burlington in 1981. For 16 years, he served as the only congressman in the state before he was elected to the Senate in 2006.
Mr. Sanders has been a and something of a lone wolf in Washington, promoting largely the same legislative agenda since his early days as a mayor. He voted against the Iraq War and, in 2008, he was one of roughly two dozen senators to vote against the dollar 700 billion bailout of big banks.
And while he is often viewed as a pesky left wing gadfly, he is also known to reach across the aisle, working on legislation with Senator Charles E. Grassley of Iowa and Senator John McCain of Arizona, both Republicans. He has for the 1994 crime bill, now heavily criticized for some its draconian provisions, by saying he had favored progressive parts of the bill, including the Violence Against Women Act, while strongly opposing measures that would lead to mass incarceration.
Mr. Sanders is the longest serving independent in congressional history, a point of pride for him but one of consternation and annoyance for some Democrats who are quick to suggest he does not have the partys interests at heart. Some Democrats blame him for Mrs. Clintons loss in 2016, saying his anti establishment rhetoric during his campaign inflamed divisions in the party that proved insurmountable.
Mr. Sanders largely avoided scrutiny during his 2016 presidential run but he will likely face more direct attacks from his opponents and more attention from the news media in a second bid for the White House.
One 2016 campaign issue that will almost certainly resurface is his record on gun control, Democratic strategists have said, given the intensity of the debate around gun violence following recent mass shootings. In 2005, Mr. Sanders voted for a law that granted immunity to gun manufacturers and dealers from most liability lawsuits. Mr. Sanders has also come under fire for support he received when he was running for Congress in 1990, in part because he vowed not to support a bill that mandated a waiting period for handgun sales.
Though his message is well worn, Mr. Sanders has indicated that he is trying to remedy weaknesses from his first presidential campaign. In recent months, he has made a series of trips to the South, where in 2016 he drew less than 20 percent of the black vote. On the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday this year, — where black voters made up about 60 percent of the Democratic primary vote in 2016 — that included addressing supporters and students and speaking with lawmakers.
In a radio interview with Mark Thompson, a progressive African American radio host, Mr. Sanders said his message included a call to end institutional racism though he only offered some broad agenda items for addressing inequality.
Weve got to pay special attention to those people who have been hard hit economically, we have to invest in urban communities, and we have to deal with all of the massive disparities that currently exist in American society, he said
He has also tried to shore up his foreign policy credentials, becoming a vocal critic of the United States support of Saudi Arabias war in Yemen. Late last year, the Senate , which Mr. Sanders helped introduce, to end American military assistance for the kingdoms war there.
Bernie Sanders Joins the 2020 Presidential Race The New York Times - Duration: 7:13.Bernie Sanders Joins the 2020 Presidential Race The New York Times
Senator Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent and 2016 Democratic primary runner up whose populist policy agenda has helped push the party to the left, announced on Tuesday that he was running for president again, embarking on a bid that would test with many liberal voters three years ago.
A self styled democratic socialist whose calls for , a dollar 15 minimum wage and tuition free public colleges have become pillars of the partys left wing, Mr. Sanders is among the best known politicians to join an already crowded Democratic field and one of the most outspoken against President Trump, whom he has repeatedly called a pathological liar and a racist.
Three years ago, during our 2016 campaign, when we brought forth our progressive agenda we were told that our ideas were radical and extreme, Mr. Sanders said on Tuesday in an early morning email to supporters, citing those health, economic and education policies as well as combating climate change and raising taxes on wealthy Americans.
Well, three years have come and gone. And, as result of millions of Americans standing up and fighting back, all of these policies and more are now supported by a majority of Americans, he said.
Mr. Sanders did not immediately announce where he would campaign first, nor did he disclose any staffing decisions for his political operation. His senior advisers have been spending the weeks leading up to the announcement attempting to recruit a more diverse array of aides than were on his earlier campaign.
A sensation in 2016, Mr. Sanders is facing a far different electoral landscape this time around. Unlike his last bid for the White House, when he was the only liberal challenger to an establishment backed front runner, he will be contending with a crowded and diverse field of candidates, including popular Democrats like Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts who have adopted his populist mantle.
also suggest that many Democrats may prefer fresh energy, something that skeptics believe Mr. Sanders could struggle to deliver. A 77 year old whose left wing message has remained largely unchanged in his decades long career, Mr. Sanders will also need to and that has been disclosed in recent news accounts, and that has prompted two public apologies.
Yet almost immediately after making his announcement, Mr. Sanders drew criticism for his response to Vermont Public Radio when asked if he thought he best represented the current Democratic Party.
We have got to look at candidates, you know, not by the color of their skin, not by their sexual orientation or their gender and not by their age, . I think we have got to try to move us toward a nondiscriminatory society which looks at people based on their abilities, based on what they stand for.
The Trump re election campaign issued a statement about Mr. Sanders that reflected the presidents strategy of labeling his Democratic opponents as . The press secretary for the Trump campaign, Kayleigh McEnany, said Mr. Sanders had already won the Democratic debate because every candidate is embracing his brand of socialism. The statement also criticized Mr. Sanders for supporting higher taxes on wealthy Americans to help finance Medicare for all.
In an interview on CBS This Morning, Mr. Sanders did not shy away from calling himself a democratic socialist.
Mr. Trump, Mr. Sanders said, is going to say, Bernie Sanders wants the United States to become Venezuela.
Bernie Sanders does not want to have the United States become the horrific economic situation that unfortunately exists in Venezuela right now, he said. What Bernie Sanders wants is to learn from countries around the world why other countries are doing a better job of dealing with income and wealth inequality than we are.
Mr. Sanders will start with several advantages, including the foundation of a 50 state organization; that is roughly equivalent to the donor base of all the other Democratic hopefuls combined; and a cache of fervent, unwavering supporters. A coveted speaker, he is still capable of electrifying crowds in a way few politicians can. He enjoys wide name recognition, and several early polls on the 2020 race had Mr. Sanders running second behind former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.
And while rising stars like and Ayanna Pressley have siphoned off some of his authority over the progressive wing of the party, he still claims to have spawned a political revolution that, true revolution or not, has reshaped the Democratic Party and ignited a generation of young, socialist leaning voters.
Mr. Sanders is also partly responsible for the partys decision last year to , including sharply reducing the influence of superdelegates and increasing the transparency around debates — factors he felt greatly favored Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Asked in his interview with CBS what would be different about this presidential run compared to 2016, Mr. Sanders replied bluntly: Were going to win.
Bottom line, he said, it is absolutely imperative that Donald Trump be defeated. Though he had harsh words for the president, he said he was fond of for the Democratic nomination. They are in some cases my friends, he said in the interview, which was broadcast shortly after his Tuesday announcement.
With his booming voice and familiar wide armed grip at the lectern, Mr. Sanders has long positioned himself as a champion of the working class and a passionate opponent of Wall Street and the moneyed elite. His remarks often include diatribes against the millionaihs and billionaihs — one of his most common refrains is that the three wealthiest people in America own more wealth than the bottom 50 percent — as well as denunciations of super PACs and the influence of big money on politics. In particular, he has sharply criticized Amazon and Walmart over their wages and treatment of workers.
[Make sense of the people, issues and ideas ]
In his email to supporters, as well as , Mr. Sanders laid out a litany of policy issues, familiar to anyone who has followed him through the years: universal health care, tuition free public college, womens reproductive rights, lower prescription drug prices, criminal justice reform.
Our campaign is about taking on the powerful special interests that dominate our economic and political life, he said.
While some presidential candidates have avoided direct broadsides against President Trump, Mr. Sanders — ever combative — addressed his potential opponent head on.
You know as well as I do that we are living in a pivotal and dangerous moment in American history, he said. We are running against a president who is a pathological liar, a fraud, a racist, a sexist, a xenophobe and someone who is undermining American democracy as he leads us in an authoritarian direction.
Born in Brooklyn, with an accent to match, Mr. Sanders ran unsuccessfully in the 1970s for governor and United States senator in Vermont before being elected mayor of Burlington in 1981. For 16 years, he served as the only congressman in the state before he was elected to the Senate in 2006.
Mr. Sanders has been a and something of a lone wolf in Washington, promoting largely the same legislative agenda since his early days as a mayor. He voted against the Iraq War and, in 2008, he was one of roughly two dozen senators to vote against the dollar 700 billion bailout of big banks.
And while he is often viewed as a pesky left wing gadfly, he is also known to reach across the aisle, working on legislation with Senator Charles E. Grassley of Iowa and Senator John McCain of Arizona, both Republicans. He has for the 1994 crime bill, now heavily criticized for some its draconian provisions, by saying he had favored progressive parts of the bill, including the Violence Against Women Act, while strongly opposing measures that would lead to mass incarceration.
Mr. Sanders is the longest serving independent in congressional history, a point of pride for him but one of consternation and annoyance for some Democrats who are quick to suggest he does not have the partys interests at heart. Some Democrats blame him for Mrs. Clintons loss in 2016, saying his anti establishment rhetoric during his campaign inflamed divisions in the party that proved insurmountable.
Mr. Sanders largely avoided scrutiny during his 2016 presidential run but he will likely face more direct attacks from his opponents and more attention from the news media in a second bid for the White House.
One 2016 campaign issue that will almost certainly resurface is his record on gun control, Democratic strategists have said, given the intensity of the debate around gun violence following recent mass shootings. In 2005, Mr. Sanders voted for a law that granted immunity to gun manufacturers and dealers from most liability lawsuits. Mr. Sanders has also come under fire for support he received when he was running for Congress in 1990, in part because he vowed not to support a bill that mandated a waiting period for handgun sales.
Though his message is well worn, Mr. Sanders has indicated that he is trying to remedy weaknesses from his first presidential campaign. In recent months, he has made a series of trips to the South, where in 2016 he drew less than 20 percent of the black vote. On the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday this year, — where black voters made up about 60 percent of the Democratic primary vote in 2016 — that included addressing supporters and students and speaking with lawmakers.
In a radio interview with Mark Thompson, a progressive African American radio host, Mr. Sanders said his message included a call to end institutional racism though he only offered some broad agenda items for addressing inequality.
Weve got to pay special attention to those people who have been hard hit economically, we have to invest in urban communities, and we have to deal with all of the massive disparities that currently exist in American society, he said
He has also tried to shore up his foreign policy credentials, becoming a vocal critic of the United States support of Saudi Arabias war in Yemen. Late last year, the Senate , which Mr. Sanders helped introduce, to end American military assistance for the kingdoms war there.
Donald Trump, West Virginia, Karl Lagerfeld Your Tuesday Evening Briefing The New York Times - Duration: 5:08.Donald Trump, West Virginia, Karl Lagerfeld Your Tuesday Evening Briefing The New York Times
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Good evening. Heres the latest.
1. Our team of Washington reporters uncovered a secretive layer of President Trumps public war on the investigations encircling him, particularly that of the special counsel, Robert Mueller.
They interviewed dozens of current and former government officials and others close to Mr. Trump and reviewed confidential White House documents, finding numerous unreported episodes of pressure and intimidation over the last two years that may expose him to accusations of obstruction of justice.
, at 4,500 words, is our most read article today.
Separately, House Democrats are investigating despite repeated warnings that potential conflicts of interest around the plan could put U.S. security at risk.
2. Sixteen states have banded together to at the border, setting up a constitutional clash over the scope of presidential emergency powers.
Their lawsuit argues that the president doesnt have the power to divert federal funds to build his promised border wall because Congress controls spending. to confront the president. Above, workers reinforcing a section of the border fence near Tijuana, Mexico.
Our limited run weekly newsletter, , offers a deeper understanding of an issue that seems to have taken over the U.S. political agenda.
3. Bernie Sanders makes 12.
The Vermont senator announced his 2020 presidential campaign, a bid that will test he enjoyed with liberal voters in 2016. A self styled democratic socialist, Mr. Sanders believes his policy ideas now have support from many more Americans, including , a dollar 15 minimum wage and tuition free public colleges. Above, Mr. Sanders at the Iowa State Homecoming Parade in October.
so far .
4. Egyptian officials detained a veteran Times correspondent and forced him back to London without explanation, in an escalation of a severe crackdown against the news media under President Abdel Fattah el Sisi.
In another case, the photojournalist pictured above, Mahmoud Abou Zeid, was due to be released in September after five years in prison but remains in detention.
The Times correspondent, , was denied entry at the Cairo airport and held without food or water for seven hours. His phone was confiscated. Eventually, he was escorted on a plane back to London, where his passport was finally returned.
Separately, in a domestic move regarding First Amendment rights, Justice Clarence Thomas called for in New York Times v. Sullivan.
5. American teachers have mounted the most sustained educator protest movement in decades — and it doesnt show any signs of stopping.
Teachers walked out of classrooms again in West Virginia on Tuesday, above, helping to kill a bill that would have allowed tax dollars to pay for private school tuition and established charter schools in the state for the first time. Those in Oakland, Calif., plan a strike for Thursday.
We look at that has grown from demanding higher wages and benefits for educators to a broader push for school reform.
6. The Roman Catholic Church confirmed that it has and end up fathering children, a growing issue that strikes at the heart of the Vaticans culture of secrecy.
It appears to be the first admission that such a practice existed. The children are often a result of affairs, though some are the product of rape or abuse. Above, Vincent Doyle, the son of a priest.
Some of these children are among those descending on Rome to press their cause during this week on the child sexual abuse crisis.
Separately, in the wake of an investigation by The Houston Chronicle and The San Antonio Express News. The reporting revealed that nearly 400 Southern Baptist leaders had been accused of sexual misconduct or crimes against more than 700 victims since 1998.
7. What if stemming the tide of misinformation on YouTube means punishing some of its biggest stars?
Its a question with a new recommendation algorithm. Instead of aiming to maximize the amount of time users spend on the site — rewarding those who traded in viral stunts and baseless rumor mongering — the company says it is trying to reduce the spread of borderline content and content that could misinform users in harmful ways.
And harmful, our tech and culture columnist notes, is a circular notion: A conspiracy theory is harmful if it results in harm — at which point its often too late for platforms to act.
8. Sweatpants are a sign of defeat.
That was the witty, highly recognizable Karl Lagerfeld, the most prolific designer of the 20th and 21st centuries. He died in Paris at the age of 85, after a career that reshaped the fashion industry.
As the creative director at Chanel since 1983 and Fendi since 1965, Mr. Lagerfeld, above in 2002, achieved an unparalleled level of fame. He also created a new kind of designer: a shape shifter, reinventing heritage brands with dollops of pop culture, our chief fashion critic writes in .
, the creative studio director at Chanel, will take the helm of the fashion house.
9. Our Opinion section has been looking at .
Consider jazz: A century ago, many in the U.S. considered it no more than a novelty. But then the famed Harlem Hellfighters 369th Infantry regiment marched through Manhattan during celebrations over the end of World War I. All ears were on its band, above.
Led by Lt. James Reese Europe, an immensely successful and well known African American musician, the band — and its renown abroad — surfaced in nearly every account of the parade, writes David Sager, a research assistant at the Library of Congress, jazz historian and jazz trombonist.
Between that and a young cornetist named Louis Armstrong, he argues, 1919
10. Finally, we end with a touch of wanderlust.
For his second destination in a yearlong journey, our and found himself daydreaming about being swallowed up by the little town of Santa Catalina. He got us dreaming, too.
I could find a new rhythm, dictated by when the waves were good for surfing and the visibility was good for diving, he writes, in a place where even the Wi Fi takes things slow, restaurant menus depend on whats been caught that day and everything is just quieter.
Have an imaginative night.
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