BAUAA कभी खुशी कभी खुशी BAUA funnyso 🤣😃😄😛😜😆😂😅😀मजेदार वीडियो
So sánh 2 Bản Santafe 2019 Bản Thường Và Bản Đủ - Duration: 5:45.-------------------------------------------
To, čo stvára SNS so školstvom a vedou, je na ťažký kriminál - Duration: 3:22.-------------------------------------------
So Wrong Book Reading - BIG RED RIDING HOOD - read by author Michael Wagner - Duration: 6:57.this story is called Big Red Riding Hood and it comes fromsso Wrong 2
inappropriate which is written by me Michael Wagner and illustrated by Wayne
Bryant chapter one I've had it up to here with him said Little Red Riding
Hood the woods are meant to be peaceful and sweet not horrible and scary and
then she said well guess what big bad wolf things are about to change around
here Little Red Riding Hood had a plan and it
started with a daily weights session she lifted dumbbells until her biceps were
as round as boulders she worked her quads until they were
bulging like boab trees and she boxed with ogres and trolls and one very
surprised Minotaur or until she was afraid of precisely nothing then one day she
looked in the mirror and liked what she saw mirror mirror on the stand who's the
toughest in the land the mirror didn't answer it was too scared to speak ok
fuzz-face said Little Red Riding Hood as if the big bad wolf was right there in
the mirror prepare to meet your worst nightmare say hello to Big Red Riding HOOD.
oh I must ask granny to fix these sleeves actually what a good idea said
Big Red Riding Hood why don't I march over to granny's
cottage right now and here's another idea why don't I go through the woods
where that big bad wolf lives yeah why don't I do exactly that
chapter two Big Red Riding Hood marched all the way to the woods when she got
there she had a very easy decision to make she could take the good safe easy
path or she could take the bad dangerous wrong path don't go this way you will die
so here I am skipping along the bad dangerous wrong path
shouted big Red Riding Hood how silly of me
I hope the big bad wolf doesn't realize what I'm doing
he might try to make a stew out of me and I'd taste delicious slow-cooked with
a side of mashed potatoes and maybe a handful of lightly wilted kale well if
it isn't Little Red Riding Hood said the big bad wolf in his deep oily voice what
a delightful surprise then he frowned and added you look different
have you done something with your hair not a thing said Big Red Riding Hood and
the name's not Little Red Riding Hood anymore
from now on you can address me as Big Red Riding Hood my what big biceps you
have said the big bad wolf all the better to hurl you with said Big Red Riding
Hood my what big quads you have said the big bad wolf all the better to stomp you
with said Big Red Riding Hood my what big fists you have said the big bad wolf
all the better to bop you with said Big Red Riding Hood and with that she
grabbed the big bad wolf and prepared to bop stomp and hurl him right out of her
life once and for all but before Big Red
Riding Hood could banish the nasty Canis lupus (that means wolf) he burst into
tears you used to be so sweet he sobbed now you're just another bully in the
woods like everyone else I'm not a bully said Big Red Riding Hood I
just wanted to teach you a lesson I'm not really a meanie I'm still very sweet
I promise I know said the big bad wolf and in a flash he had tossed Big Red
Riding Hood into his cooking pot that wasn't meant to happen
cried Big Red Riding Hood I have muscles now you might have muscles said the big
bad wolf but what you don't understand is that while you're all pumped up like
a balloon on the outside on the inside you're still just sweet caring Little
Red Riding Hood on the inside no amount of muscle will ever change that and then
he explained it takes years of dedication to be rotten like me
I'm mean all the way to the core not just on the outside
now give the stock a bit of a stir there's a good girl as Big Red Riding
Hood stirred the stock she just had to ask, Then how can a nice
person on the inside ever defend themselves against a meanie like you?
look it's obvious replied the big bad wolf nice people simply can't go into
the woods alone they need backup they need a powerful friend why are nice
people always so dumb if you want to be safe get a powerful friend Big Red
Riding Hood understood her mistake but it was too late to do anything about it
she was stuck in a cooking pot and the stock was getting irresistible tasty but
then a distant voice called out I hope the big bad wolf doesn't try to make a
stew out of me I'd taste fabulous with a side of mashed potatoes and perhaps a
handful of lightly wilted KALE! Granny cried Big Red Riding Hood run the big
bad wolf has already got me don't let him get you too granny appeared out of
the bushes the big bad wolf turned around to confront her only to
find she was already confronting him anyone for wolf stew granny shouted it's
gamey but lean which is perfect for building muscle mass in an instant
granny had pulled Big Red Riding Hood out of the pot and tossed the big bad
wolf in and as the stock had been bubbling away for ages a delicious meal
was ready in no time I've been working out granny said big Red Riding Hood you
and me both sister what a wonderful stew granny said big
Red Riding Hood it's a bit stringy if you ask me said granny but I'd still
give it a seven out of ten there's one thing I don't understand granny said Big
Red Riding Hood you're a nice person and you came into the woods without a
powerful friend and you still beat the big bad wolf how did you do that
oh I'm not that nice on the inside dear said granny and that's what I love best
about you granny said Big Red Riding Hood and they both lived
muscularly ever after
POSE'SO...CAPITULO 1 - Duration: 14:08.-------------------------------------------
lmao fail so lag - Duration: 2:11.Subscribe
fucking lag
🔥Top Bad Habits to Break so You Can Be More Productive!🔥 - Duration: 20:50.COLLEEN HAMMOND: "Top Bad Habits to Break So You Can Be More Productive!"
Scientists have determined that there are nine
habits that you do that are crushing
your productivity.
If you can get rid of these 9 habits
then your productivity will skyrocket.
That's a topic of this morning's "Coffee with Colleen"
(Hit the SUBSCRIBE button and then the Bell to be the first notified when I upload a new video!)
So one of these nine habits is yours
and you can get rid of it.
Thanks for joining us.
My name is Colleen Hammond.
I am a former On-Camera Meteorologist
for The Weather Channel
and had been an Image Consultant,
coach, and mentor for over 35
years. I helped women take the guessing out
of dressing — we work on beauty
from the inside out.
Today we're going to be talking about the "inside"
and productivity.
Bad habits are killing ya!
And we know about that.
Talk about that all the time.
Bad habits slow you down.
They decrease your accuracy.
They make you less creative,
they stifle your overall performance
and happiness as well as your
Because at the end of the day when you've had things that
you've done that you've accomplished you feel really good about
So getting control of these bad habits,
especially these nine that scientists have
found to be the biggest offenders,
will help you be happier overall
and get more done.
Grenville Kleiser said,
"By consistent self-discipline
and self-control you can develop greatness
of character." So some bad
habits obviously are more crushing
and troublesome than others.
But getting rid of any bad habit
is really a good thing.
So number one bad
habit that we want to get
rid of is going to
be surfing the Internet.
And here you are on YouTube,
But we're talking about the surfing
that is unplanned
and like you're working on something
and then you just reach over
and grab your phone
and you start surfing the Internet.
It takes you 15 full minutes
to get totally focused on something.
15 minutes.
So that means absolutely no distractions.
You start working on something.
15 minutes. Now you're into what they call flow
or you're in the zone.
And that's where your brain is operating at
its highest efficiency.
When you're in your flow
or you're in the zone scientists have shown
that you're five times more productive.
And anything you do to get out of that?
It costs you basically 15 minutes
to get back into it.
So any time you're like,
"I'm not sure,
oh just a minute,
I just my phone beeped.
Oh here's something I'm going to go check this..."
Is going to take you 15 minutes of focus
and concentration to get back into
that highly productive state.
So any time you go away you're
causing yourself problems.
Number two is trying to get
it perfect all the time.
And actually Brene Brown has done a lot of research,
of course she's a shame researcher,
right? She's done a lot of research on...
and how really it masks
our insecurities
and our our
wanting to not be criticized by other people.
So we don't want to be judged.
We don't want to be blamed.
We don't want other people to think less of
us. And what
happens is sadly our self-worth becomes
tied to what other people think about us.
And quite frankly who really we shouldn't care.
Right. So when you try
to make everything perfect
and you can be ... You could have been raised in a home like
I was where I come home
with five As and an A minus
and the five As are ignored in the A minus
is like, "What's with the A minus?
Do I need to call your teacher?
What happened?" And so
then you don't want to do anything unless it's
So go back into your childhood.
Now look at your inner child.
As corny as that sounds it's really true.
Look at why you feel you need to
be perfect.
Why can't you release
something until it's A plus work?
My business coach told me go for C work.
I'm like a I don't think I've ever gotten a
C in my life! How about if I go for B work
and then release that.
So as a writer.
One of the examples that I love that I
read I forget where I read this
but it talked about you know when
you're developing these
fictional characters
and you're doing all the analyzing,
the analysis
and you're writing out all the stuff that it's not part
of the book, or it's not part of the short story.
It's not part...
Or even if you're researching to write a blog post
or some sort of article for Medium
or whatever.
You do all this research
and then you've got all of this...
I do this a lot. Got all this research
and your brain storming everything.
Because you know you have to research you have to
have a character development
or you need to do this research before you write about something
on in a column
or in a blog post.
Now you have all the research done.
But what about getting it down on paper
and getting things going as to the actual
story, or the actual article,
the actual column.
So again,
it's... You can't get anything out
there unless you get started.
But this author said that you can
edit a bad page you just can't edit a blank
So just get it out there
and get something on paper
so that you can start editing.
And it's the same thing
with anything you're doing.
You're creating programs, you're...
Anything that you're doing.
It goes for anything that you can look at...
Number three.
Let's get together and chat about this.
Meetings chew up time like
nobody's business
and if you've taken any of my courses on The
Temperaments you'll know that there's one temperament
type that if you have this as
a high
factor in your temperament you're
going to love meetings.
And that's a Sanguine.
These people love people.
They love friends.
They love chatting. They love getting together.
I'm a what they call a Choleric
or an ENTJ if you do Meyers Briggs.
Or a High D if you do the DISC profile.
Et cetera.
And I don't like meetings.
Um, I... It's not that I don't like
I want to get it done
and just get things accomplished.
So meetings...
Or maybe you think...
Do you think meetings?
Give me a comment below if you think
meetings are very very productive.
I mean they can be but that's just it.
If you go into the beginning of the meeting
and say, "OK here's our agenda.
These are the things we're going to be covering.
We have 20 minutes for this meeting
and at the end of the 20 minutes I have something else I have
to get to.
Y'all can stay and chat if you want
but these are the items that we need to address."
Boom boom boom boom boom boom.
Over. Done with.
So meetings can drag on forever.
Never unless you set clear limits
and boundaries.
And we've talked about boundaries
and other areas of our life too.
Number four is keeping your inbox
And then if you like..PING!
"You've got mail." Remember when that was a
thing with AOL?
And it was really cool when you'd get an e-mail.
So new and novel.
Now it's novel to get something,
you know, from snail mail.
But if you keep your e-mail
program open
and then you respond to e-mails as they come
in again you're losing that focus.
And every time you lose focus it takes 15 minutes.
Not only that,
you are allowing other people to set your
You're in the defense instead of being
in an offensive position.
So what you want is to set
time aside every day that you're going to
read e-mails.
Now, "What about important e-mails?" you say.
"Colleen, I've got something coming in!" You know what?
Gmail has all sorts of ways that
you can set up priority
or set it as a high priority
so it pings on your phone.
If you're expecting an e-mail from somebody that's very
important — a client,
your attorney,
your mom,
your wife, your spouse,
You can set those as priority so that
they will ping or show up on your phone.
So set those alerts
and then save the or save the rest for later.
You'll notice if you e-mail me?
You may get a hold of my virtual assistant Jennifer
but you will get a hold of me in the morning before noon.
I don't read e-mails until noon unless
I have labeled you as urgent
or important.
So don't let other
people's agendas set your agenda
for the day because you're going to just be chasing rabbits
all day long.
Don't respond by keeping
your inbox open.
Keep it closed
and set certain times a day where you open
your inbox, respond to e-mails,
and then shut it back down again.
Number five is the snooze button.
I'm not a snooze button person.
I'm also not an alarm person.
And the more I researched this the more I found
out why. Your brain goes through specific
You have to cycle through
certain things at night
and then your brain also washes itself
at night.
Between 2 and 4 your liver back washes.
So there's things that are happening
in your body. This is why sleep is so important.
But what happens toward the
toward that time that you have set on
your alarm, if you use an alarm,
your body knows subconsciously...
Have you ever woken up before the...
Like a couple of minutes before the alarm goes
You are that in tune
with your body and your body is that in tune
with things that are around you...
That it will start the "wake
up routine" for you
knowing that the alarm is going off.
And then it doesn't want to be jarred awake so you
will wake up.. Your body
and your brain will wake you up before that
alarm goes off.
So there's a whole process that your body goes
through to make you more alert
in the morning!
And when you hit the snooze button
and go back to sleep?
That body that..
Your body doesn't repeat that waking up process.
So once you are up.
Don't hit the snooze.
"Oh I need an extra nine minutes..." Then plan
that in the night before
and set your alarm for nine minutes later.
Because you're actually doing yourself a biological
And then... I make my bed every day.
But what I do, and what I taught my children to do,
is while you're in bed you're arranging
the sheets. And you can use that ....
Mel Robbins trick,
to trick your brain into reprogramming
itself to get out of bed,
if you're having a hard time!
Instead of hitting the snooze button,
make your bed while you're lying in bed.
And then while you're arranging your
bed sheets and your blankets
and everything. Five,
four, three,
two, one,
Now you can take for as long as you want to count that
down backwards.
But that counting process.
"On your mark, get set,
go!" It's something we've all
been raised with!
Or if you do better as,
"One, two, three, four,
five, go!" You know,
Depending on how you do it.
Using that process to get
yourself out of bed so.
Your body will be groggy
if you hit the snooze button because it won't be
able to re-go through that wake up process.
So don't hit the snooze button because it
takes hours for the grogginess
to (weight) wear off.
Number Six. Multi-Tasking.
All right. I used to think I was the Queen of Multitasking.
I had to give up my crown when I read
a study by the University of Minnesota that said
people who brag..
Or think, not brag...
But people who think that they're good multitaskers?
They put those in
tasks with other people who said,
"I do multitask on occasion because I have
to. But I'm just not that good at it!"
They found that the people who claim to
be really good at multitasking were worse
than the people who said they were bad multi -taskers.
So when you THINK you're really good at it...
Because think about it you can't chase two rabbits
at the same time.
If you hold your finger up in front of your face
you can't focus
and see your finger in focus at the same
time that you're focused on a
painting across the room that's hanging
on the wall. You can only focus on one
thing at a time. And then jump back between the two
And your brain uses glucose to
make that jump. We're gonna talk about glucose in a minute.
So you can't multitask.
You can't pay attention.
Your recall
is much much lower.
You have less capacity
to perform tasks well
or successfully when you're trying to do
more than one thing at a time.
So only do one thing.
Focus on it.
Get that 15 minutes in.
Get yourself in the zone.
Set yourself a time limit.
You know that jobs will expand
to fill the time that you have allotted for
them. So if you know it's going to take
you an hour to get something done,
set your timer for 50 minutes.
Then that timer goes off.
You know you got five or ten minutes to wrap it
Of course, that's probably a bad idea because it takes 15
minutes to get into focus.
But that's what I do
and I normally try to beat that 50 minute
mark. Because I can see it coming up on the clock anyway.
So really trying to
take a job
and get it done in the shortest amount of time
possible. And if you need an extra time...
You know your brain really focuses best on 50
minute chunks,
or 45 to an hour,
some people a little bit less you have to train your
brain into focusing for longer amounts of time.
But really trying to focus on one thing at a
time and getting that one thing done
before you move on to the next.
The number seven bad habit
is delaying tough tasks.
And I love Brian Tracey's book,
"Eat the Frog".
You have a limited amount of mental
energy... It goes back to glucose!
We'll get to that in just a second.
But when we exhaust that
brain energy.
Our decision making abilities
and our productivity just bottom
out rapidly.
And that's called Decision Fatigue.
That's why it's so important to have good habits
built into your life.
Have you ever driven someplace that you go to
all the time
and you get there and you go,
"How did I get here? I don't even remember driving
here!" Because you kind of did it on autopilot.
The more things you can put on autopilot
during your day the better off
you will be! Because you will have more
brain power for important things.
That's why as much as you can determine
the night before,
for your morning routine...
You know, laying out your clothes that you're going to
wear so that you don't have to get up in the morning
and try to decide what to wear.
Deciding the night before what you're going to have
for breakfast the next morning.
Do meal plans for the whole week is even better
because then it's done for the week.
Never have to think about it.
You know when you get up what things
need to be taken out of the fridge
or freezer to thaw
or what's going to be done.
So the more. The more that you can do the
night before when you're
still awake and you still have some glucose in
your brain leftover for making those decisions,
the better off you'll be.
So you don't need to decide what earrings
to wear.. "Do I wear these earrings
or those earrings?" You know?
They're just set out in the ready to go.
So when you put off doing
those tasks... so in the morning you wake
up, you go through your routine.
You have something to eat.
And now your body has glucose
to burn because you have to "break
the fast" because you've been fasting all night.
You break the fast (thus,
and you provide your body
with glucose that the brain needs to
make decisions.
And when you run out of that glucose is when you run
into Decision Fatigue.
So the sooner you can do
that tough task
and get it all the way, the better off you
are because now you're dealing
with your brain at its top point
of the day.
That's why they say get surgeries first thing in the morning
because a surgeon has just had breakfast,
he's awake, he's focused,
and that's going to be his best surgery of the day
because he has more energy
mental energy to make those important
decisions during that surgery.
Wednesdays is also the most optimal day.
So also what happens is when you...
You're kind of dreading doing that horrible task
it's kind of running on
a tape in the back of your head.
It's just kind of a little player
going in the back of your head
and that uses mental energy because
it's back there and you're constantly thinking about
it. So if there is a tough job
that needs to be done
or something you don't want to do,
don't delay it do it FIRST.
Number eight.
Any devices after dinner.
Your phone,
your tablet, your computer,
your television set.
Now they're saying the television set isn't that
big of a deal because you're far enough away from
a it, but it's still emitting those jaggedy
So they used to say an hour
before bed, get..
Get rid of anything that emits a blue
light. So your phones,
tablets, computers,
even television.
Then they said two hours before bedtime.
Now they're saying sundown.
And let me tell you why.
When you get up in the morning,
it's important to get outside
and get natural sunlight in
your eyeballs.
Why? Because of the angle of the sun
and how it cuts through the atmosphere there's more
blue light from the sun
in the morning than at any other time
of the day.
So blue light isn't the bad
guy. It's when you're getting it.
So what happens when you get blue light?
It hits the back of your eye
and it triggers your brain to stop
producing melatonin.
if you're familiar with sleep problems you know about
Valarian, and melatonin, and L-Tryptophan,
and all that stuff, right?
Chamomile tea,
lavender or whatever.
But melatonin
is something your body produces naturally to
help you wind down.
So when you get blue sunlight in the morning
it tells your brain stop it
with the melatonin which increases
your alertness because now you don't
have that groggy melatonin going on.
So preferably get outside.
Now you're going to get blue light from your phone
too. But you get a better
blue light from the sun.
Then as the sun goes through its cycled throughout the
day, it filters to the atmosphere differently
which causes less blue light.
So you're getting less blue light as the day goes
on until the sun goes down at night.
So as that blue light decreases
during the day your body is like,
"Oh, wait a minute!
I need to start thinking about producing
melatonin here.
Let me trickle out some melatonin.
Let me trickle out a little bit more."
So by the time the sun goes down,
your body goes, "Time!" And starts
producing melatonin in earnest.
Which is why,
if you're using anything
with a blue light on it like your phone,
your computer, your tablet,
your television...
It's telling your body to stop producing
Sure you can take it,
but the body produces the best
melatonin. It doesn't come from a pill.
So that short wavelength
blue light will shut
down the melatonin production in your body.
So by the evening time
after dinner.
Now they're saying that television isn't as
bad because you're far enough away from it.
But you're still getting the repeated images,
right? So avoid any of those
devices after dinner.
That's a tough one.
And finally,
number nine. Not that's not the full screen
here we are number nine sugar!
This is what I really wanted to talk about.
Eating too much sugar.
So the thing is your body needs sugar,
it needs glucose.
So let's talk about glucose.
Because your body will convert
things into its usable form
in the body which is glucose.
The easy way to convert
it is sugar. Just plain processed
sugar. And that will immediately convert
to the glucose in your body.
A little bit harder to convert would be fructose,
which comes from fruit.
Thus the name.
So you've got that.
But that still is digested
very rapidly in your body.
Only takes like 15 to 20 minutes to digest
a big piece of fruit which is why it's important
to eat fruit on an empty stomach.
Whole nother story.
Better off then
it will convert to the glucose.
But.. Your Glucose ,rather.
But you are better off with Complex carbohydrates.
Why. Because it takes the body longer to
process those and convert those into glucose.
So if you want energy
for your brain,
your brain needs glucose.
And the best way to get that is from
complex carbohydrates.
Too little glucose?
You'll feel tired,
unfocused, groggy.
Too much makes you jittery
and unable to focus
and get in the zone.
So there is that sweet spot.
And scientists have determined that about
25 grams of glucose
a day is what your body needs
to operate in optimum level.
So you want to space that out.
A little bit in the morning.
A little bit at lunch.
Actually probably more at lunch because you get that afternoon
nap time. Right.
And then just a little bit at dinner.
So you want the majority of your glucose to
be at breakfast and lunch because you're not going to need
as much brainpower at night.
Unless you work at night.
So just thinking about the times of
day where you need more brainpower.
Those are the days that you really want...
Or times of days,
rather. That you want to consume your complex
So remember that your refined processed
sugars will lead to a boost for about
20 minutes.
Takes about 15 or 20 minutes to digest a
piece of fruit and then you get about 20 minutes of
pro..... That's not true,
wait it takes 20 minutes to digest the
fruit but it gives you a little bit
longer. But the more complex your
So think first,
of course, of Greens.
Your rich greens like kale.
Kale is loaded
with carbs.
I think in a cup of kale it's six grams
of carbs where Romaine
I think has like point
five grams of carbs.
So those bright rich greens are
going to give you a lot of carbohydrates.
Processed.. Not processed wheat
but... Not wheat.
What am I thinking of? Rice!
You don't want white rice, you want brown rice.
You want quinoa.
Anything that's more complex it takes your
body longer to digest,
breakdown, and convert into glucose.
It will allow you to have that glucose
for a longer time during the day which will give
you more energy because
it's released slowly
and enables you to sustain your focus.
So some of these habits are minor
but the little things add up.
So think about it.
The worst....
Habit is losing
track of what really matters in your life.
So that's not included in those nine.
But look through those nine
and tell me in the comments section
below which one of those
habits are you going to focus on
And if this is something you enjoy
then give me some ideas of other other
topics that you would like to see included.
Because productivity.
Anything about developing your inner
self, as well as your outer self,
because of course I am an image consultant.
But we work on the total person.
So we work from the inside out.
We work on body language
and then we also work on your image
and what you wear.
So make sure that you subscribe,
if you're not subscribed already,
and click that BELL so that you are notified
the next time I go LIVE.
Thanks for joining us.
Take care.
Lucy pity old monkey trouble with her belly,so lonely old monkey Lucy not strength,Nature Wildlife - Duration: 10:18.Lucy pity old monkey trouble with her belly,so lonely old monkey Lucy not strength,Nature Wildlife
wow..Lucy angry with grandchild disturber her,Lucy poor monkey so tire&sleepy,Nature Wildlife - Duration: angry with grandchild disturber her,Lucy poor monkey so tire&sleepy,Nature Wildlife
Leke Pehla Pehla Pyar-Status Video Song 2019 | So Sweet Couple Romantic Love |Love Buddy Status - Duration: 0:25.-------------------------------------------
This is a fight Donald Trump won't win,So, why do it? - Duration: 3:26.-------------------------------------------
Victoria Beckham: Bitter! So zerstört sie das Liebesglück! , Stylisches Duo: Harper Beckham - Duration: 12:18.-------------------------------------------
Very sadness&pity monkey!so poor skinny monkey!weak monkey unhappy,Nature Wildlife - Duration: 10:20.Very sadness&pity monkey!so poor skinny monkey!weak monkey unhappy,Nature Wildlife
Tummy Tuck Countdown, Inside Tips & So Much More!! - Duration: 17:01.Hey youtubers its Shelita returning I know that it's been a little minute and I apologize about that
I just had a few things on the personal front that I needed to handle and we're good now
I know I needed to get back to you all there were a few questions that you had
There were a few things that I found out and so I just kind of want to share, you know, um
Kind of give a little bit insight we've got about fifty seven more days. I'm really
Excited. I can't wait. Um
but nonetheless, you know time is ticking and drawing near February is pretty much over and so
That just means that you know closer and closer to my big day. Um, so I and
There's if you are planning on having a tummy tuck or any type of a surgery
But essentially a tummy tuck that's what they focus tomorrow on there's a doctor. I think it's pronounced Otto Placik on a few google/youtube
Drybrushing he gives a lot of insight on
the benefits of dry brushing after your surgery
um and
This was super cheap. I purchased it on Amazon
I don't think you need to be get an expensive one or anything, especially if it's not this isn't anything that I normally use but
they said that it was really beneficial for
the recovery stages of
After your tummy tuck
they said that it can peak anywhere between
the third week and so on and so forth up to the sixth week of will you'll get like the pins and needles type of
feeling sensation and the stomach abdomen area and that this can help with the stimulation and
rejuvenation and getting you know, the lymph nodes now the one thing that he did mention and again,
I'm always very visual for you guys. So I'm gonna go ahead and show you now
my battered tummy
but what he mentioned is
That you'll want to when everything is removed and pulled down
You'll want to stroke up now
It would make more sense since the drains are my drains will be located in this vicinity
Some people's drains are located here
If you're getting since of lipo you may have some drains in the back, but for me
You would think let me brush down right because everything goes down
but when you're having that surgery and you're pulling everything down what he had explained was you're gonna want to go up because typically
things come up to the lymph nodes located in the
Under the armpit area
To be able to do that and pull up very gently
It's going to help with the sensation and the healing and recovery process
So this is something that I would recommend picking up on Amazon
Like I said, this was about four dollars and some change very cheap. I got it with my prime and
It's just it comes with a little hook here and the event you wanna you know hook it
In your shower, or what have you?
But like I said, I don't foresee this getting waste um, if using it for the purposes of you know, just the dry brushing
Dry, so I would encourage you know those of you if you've already had it and you hadn't thought about this and you know
You've been filling that that tingling stinging pins and needles sensation
Maybe picking up one of these and for more detail on how to do it. Like I said, it's dr
Otto Placik it's OTTO and goes PLACIK
Dry brushing on YouTube. It was a great demonstration
I think that it was a you know world of information that could be utilized and
He showed more in depth of how to do that and also
Um for those who would be interested in the massages that are good to have after
their only particular, you know massage therapists, who are
Skilled in that so maybe looking into that as well
But this was something to about that. I definitely picked up because I I
Remember having a surgery years ago and it wasn't in this area
But I do remember that pins and needle feel so again pick up the dry brush that was important
And you'll be sleeping in a chair for the majority of the time and so they had mentioned how getting a 3d inflatable pillow
Would be beneficial so, you know, I got this off of Amazon as well. I believe this was about seven dollars
That wasn't that expensive
It comes with a little
Covering for your eyes and some earplugs or what have you
But it just if you think if you're gonna be sitting up in a you know recliner
and you're just backing and you would probably want that support versus kind of being hunched down like
You know that grandma grandpa you see at the house when they just fall asleep
so I believe that it would be beneficial to to have that so I picked up that and like I said
It was super inexpensive
It didn't cost that much again with prime and it was about seven bucks, but they have other ones that are even cheaper
I mean, this re-inflates. Oh, you know I could um, you know remove the air or
Make as much air as I'd like, so it's inflatable
But that was also something that I thought would be beneficial
So um, yes, the three-d inflatable pillow and that was on Amazon
now the only place that I saw this for the low
Like cheap was Sears Outlet and I googled I searched on Amazon
I didn't find one that was less than like twenty thirty dollars and
it was the UM swivel seat cushion and
Even if you go online
It was like 18 dollars and some change
for Sears Outlet, but then when you had to put in the shipping and handling it was like, um
No gonna stay there kind of price
Um where I should just say I try not to pay for shipping and handling and it was just too much
Um, but we have a sears outlet here in the Charleston area. So I my mom actually
Had one and she lives near to it. So she picked this up for me. Um and just kind of got herself another one
So thank you. But um this is supposed to be beneficial for when you're in the car now
when you've had the
Abdominal separation repair right with the Hernia, you know combined with a hernia repair and your thing
I mean it's a lot of things that we do that we don't think about like ah
I really use my core a lot more than I think that I use my core
I know when I'm getting in and out of the car at the daycare runs I go into the grocery stores of this that &
The other and I'm swinging and I'm moving
I'm not trying to bust a stitch for nothing. Nobody once I get this
situated and I heard from a few different YouTube viewers that
They they received this they used it and it was made a world of difference at least in that first six months possibly
I think one use it into a year. Um
If you don't eat after that put it on the market say we give it to a older family member or something
This is very beneficial to have because you're using your core a lot and you don't want to make those unnecessary moves or turns
That could cause a discomfort pain or even make you feel like you busted a stitch if you didn't so
definitely pick up one of these it was um
Let the Sears Outlet here in the Charleston, South Carolina area
Um, I think they were running out
But I would encourage you if you're in this area
Or if you have a serious outlet near you go by there and check
Otherwise it was about the same price
but I think it went it's like eighteen nineteen dollars after shipping and handling and I just wasn't about that life, but
You might want to give one or check the marketplace. Honestly, that's where I did check first
I tend to go on the Facebook marketplace often, but I do check there first there just weren't any
That were reasonably priced. I feel like if I'm gonna pay that much money
I could get a new one versus getting a new stone. So um
This I think will be beneficial to have as well
so again Sears outlets $12.99 and will be great for just making sure that your
You know being very conscientious of how you turn in your vehicle when getting in and out, so that was something big now. I
Got these in the mail and I had to UM
Message Jessica because I told her I said Jessica. I don't want you to think that I forgot to feature
I just had a lot going on and um, she
Got me what I ordered from her on the train holders now
remember I mentioned those to you and I'm gonna have um
I'm gonna show you a few other ones as well that um, you should probably be able to look at right now. Um and
She's because I mean she's got skills and you know, it came to you know in this nice no pack
she put an individually packaged them and even wrote a note on the back of the card and
But what she did mention and I didn't think about it
Is that when you order one order to because and she's walked the walk so she already knows
Because the up there could be one that you use for in the shower, and I don't even think about it
There's one you want to use in the shower
You could just try it after especially try not to get too much soap on it
which you shouldn't even be anyway with those, you know open wounds or
incisions, um
But there's the one you want to keep for the shower dry. It afterwards. Hang dry, you know, low heat tumble dry or
And then there's one that you need
When you're just you know dry and so what it does is you
Put them around
You put them around
You know it around your neck and it looks like a little hand
Warmer per se and you put it around your neck and your drains that are right here or right here
Don't have to be feel like they're dangling all willy-nilly because they can come up in
This pouch right in this holder and there's enough space that she mentioned that depending on the size drain
You have you could potentially fit one or two, you know
It's definitely one but possibly two in here and you you don't have to worry about them, you know getting in the way
Just draping everywhere or just looking mad disgusting because that can't look you all this secretion and everything like that
But you just put it inside here and then once they're inside you can you know
put the little there's a little clasp holder or um,
fabric holder put that back around your button and your drain is securely inside here and especially good if you have
Little ones, you know, they're not gonna feel tempted to want to come up and see
These liquids or if you there's a time where you got to run to the store
Now there's other avenues of being able to you know
Hide them and people been hiding them for years
If you got the you know got your husbands or you just got some nice comfortable
Sweatpants fill them in the pockets I heard about that as well
But in the event that you know, you probably gonna be like myself where I got a bunch of nice button-up
Sleep shirts or something like that or short sets that may not have pockets for just around the house. This is a great
option to have and
She sent me a second one, thank you so much Jessica that I'll be able to utilize for the shower because like I said
I didn't even think about I do have to still shower with this and I don't want this to be wet on the back of
My neck once I get out the shower, and I'm dry
And this is wet hanging on my clothes wet
But at least you know when you can shower because that will be a little while you'll have the second one
so when you order I would encourage you to order two from her and so then that way you can have
the second on demand and
for the showers
the other thing is is I
wanted this to be in royal blue with pure white buttons because of the sorority that I am a member of and
so I feel like these are gonna be my stunning ones, you know that I can keep dry and
when you have those visitors or people that come by the house, you know, you you don't have to scare them off with your
Secretions cuz that's nasty and we don't want to do that. So I would definitely look into that
I'll have her information for you to be able to have that as well
So that's really it's a day y'all
I just wanted to stop by show you the few little odds and end things that I picked up. Um, and um
I'm super excited about it again. If you're in the Charleston area run by the Sears Outlet
For those of you who are in the Charleston area. I'm getting my surgery done through port city plastic surgeons
located in North Charleston
South Carolina
Super excited about it. They've been so helpful. They've been real. That's what I wanted
I don't want anyone to poo-poo me fake me tell me what I wanted to hear
No, they're they just keep it, you know, very real
So, you know definitely reach out to them get a consultation the consultations are free which they should be at, you know numerous
By plastic surgeon offices, but I mean port city Plastic Surgeons for me
My consultation spoke volume about why I chose to move forward with them
They have pictures on demand for me to be able to see they've been supportive with me and you know
You know them
Anytime I've had questions which has been several times
they've been open to answering those questions and and just have been real about it and I
Feel confident in my my surgery. So the next visit I am making my payments to them
And will be paid up very soon
you have to be paid up by your patient teaching visit which mine is going to be two weeks prior to
my initial surgery
So it's gonna be a hard road in the beginning I don't see that
I'm just getting my mind right about that that it will be painful will be difficult
I don't want it to be but I'm just gonna be real this is a big surgery. I'm having an umbilical hernia repaired
I'm getting the muscle separation repaired. I'm getting
Them to place a new belly button
Because what I have is just shot it's no good. And then I'm getting lipo up the flanks to get all of that
I'm gonna be filling something and it's okay because
Painful to be beautiful. Sometimes I want to feel beautiful on the outside
I felt like I would get that with port city plastic surgeons so Im super excited about that
And but if my patient teaching visit they have allowed for me to be able to you know, get some recording of that
So if there's any questions that you all may have go ahead and drop them in the box below
You know send a message if you see this on facebook or even on Instagram
DM the message or drop it in the comment section anywhere
There's any questions because I feel like a lot of times we have these questions and we haven't yet picked a surgeon
But it doesn't mean we can't get the answers to them
So I would like to be that avenue for you if you have any questions
Um, we'll just continue to be in the countdown. I haven't forgotten
there are some people that do plan to feature that we will be having a
Interview with again, it's just the logistics
These are real life moms in real life situations and just trying to collaborate in schedules just makes it a little bit difficult
Otherwise I have my friend Tara she's had her surgery yesterday
Prayer was definitely sent up for you girl
I'm praying that that works out if there's anything that you know that we should know share share share
Otherwise friends that's about all I have for today. Do not forget to click Subscribe below
Don't forget to hit that bill so that you hear whenever I post anything additional
Cuz more and more content will be coming forward
Especially for any questions that you may have. I don't want to hesitate and wait and get you the answer for those
But yes, click subscribe below
click the like button share this
share it with other people share it on your Facebook pages and any group since you may be a part of I do that as
Well, we just want to make sure that people are getting true
life experiences if you youtube out there about diastasis recti tummy tuck repair everything its like one two,
Three four some of them five plus years ago. Okay. This is live
This is now this is 2019 and I'm ready to give it to you what its gonna be like
So thanks again for watching and until next time take care and be blessed
Style-Evolution: So veränderte sich Meghans Schwanger-Look! - Duration: 1:37.-------------------------------------------
Lauv & Troye Sivan "i'm so tired..." Official Lyrics & Meaning | Verified - Duration: 5:23.Lauv: When you're in that place where you're just exhausted and you're seeing everybody
else around you being all romantic and you're like "ehhhh cute ahh fuck you."
You're tired of the songs, you're tired of seeing it, you're tired even though deep
in your heart it's what you want and what everybody needs.
Everybody needs love, family, friendship, romantic, love with a pet, like a dog.
A nice hug from a dog.
Troye: Love that.
Lauv: Love.
Lauv: I put out all these songs that were called 'I Met You When I Was 18" and it
was all like about one relationship that I like romanticized over and over and I kind
of was coming from this place of like I'm so tired, literally I'm just tired of love
But at the same time, I also am very much the type of person who like tortures myself and
like beats myself up so like we were talking about songs that you put on, I don't know,
after you have a night out and you're all like depressed that reminds you of somebody
you used to be with.
Troye: I love writing so much and I've always wanted to write for other people and so it
was a lot about kind of tapping into what Ari was feeling at the time and for me that
involved like going back into the past and past experiences for me, but also into like
a really scary hypothetical future of like: oh God what would I do if I like ended up
in that situation, how would I handle that kind of pain.
Lauv: I feel like all of my best ideas litearlly come like when I try a bunch of other things
like I'll try really hard to write all these songs and I'll try to like think about what
I want to say and it all ends up coming out really contrived.
And then like all of the sudden the chorus will just like or an idea will come that's
just, I think more so from a subconscious place.
So I was kinda just like hanging out at the piano and like most of the chorus just kind
of like came after I was trying to work on something else honestly.
So it wasn't even really from a conscious place.
Troye: For me the chorus felt like, it's like one of those choruses that you feel like
you've always had in your life.
The fact that the track was so kind of like up and bright and the lyric was just so simple
and so so not and kind of so vulnerable, it really just stuck with me.
Lauv: So I went to the LACMA recently and I remember tweeting that day like I had this
like fantasy like maybe I'll meet my future wife at the art museum.
That's the kind of vibe that the first line came from I guess.
When you miss somebody or you're still like romanticizing a past relationship you sort
of feel like everything is about that person, even if it's not.
If a song is playing, like you see a name that looks kind of like their name.
It's like everything is about them.
When you're still caught up on somebody, especially if you're the type of person
who like will only remember all the good times and will romanticize something.
You keep thinking like something, i don't know, that you drink will like numb the pain,
but it doesn't really, I don't know maybe you can try like Four Loko or something.
But I don't know, would that be strong enough?
For the opening lines of the verse, I do this thing sometimes where I really just like let
my mind spiral a little bit, just kind of like worry like oh if this was to happen then
that were to happen then this would happen then that would feel like this and you kind
of like take yourself down this really dark path.
And that's really easy for me to do and I do it often.
I've always thought like I would just have a crazy ho phase, like I would just go and
sleep around as much as I possibly could to try and get past you know this experience.
I know that would be unproductive and unhealthy probably.
That lyrics is really sad to me like
"Buzzcut season like you're still around" the thought of putting on a song that you
used to listen to with someone that you love and listening to it alone after hooking up
with some random that makes me really really sad.
A big relief was like leaving the session and being like "whew thank God none of that
is happening."
You know the shitty thing about missing someone is I really don't think that there is a
It's about finding those temporary distractions and there's nothing wrong with that.
Just surround yourself with family, friends, keep yourself busy if you can.
And don't do too much crazy stuff.
Cake Decorating Tips You Need to Know | Easy Dessert Ideas | So Yummy Cake Recipes - Duration: 10:04.Cake Decorating Tips You Need to Know Easy Dessert Ideas | So Yummy Cake Recipes
Thank you for watching! Hope you enjoy & like it!
Why Caterpillar Fungus Is So Expensive | So Expensive - Duration: 4:28.What would you do if a mysterious fungus
invaded your body and started eating you
from the inside out?
Sounds like something out of a horror film
but that's actually exactly what happens to a certain type
of baby moth.
This fungus eats its way through the helpless moth
and then sprouts out of their heads like a spring daisy.
But this rare hybrid fungus called Caterpillar fungus
isn't just totally fascinating, it's also expensive,
sometimes selling for more than three times
its weight in gold.
Caterpillar fungus grows in the remote Tibetan Plateau
in the Himalayan mountains.
But that's not the only place you can find it.
You can also find it in New York City's Chinatown.
Here nestled among countless drawers of dried mugwort leaves
and hibiscus flowers, there it is:
A small pile of 50 or so pieces of dried Caterpillar fungus.
Here one gram of it costs about $30.
But that's a steal.
Vendors on Ebay, for example, will try to get away
with listing a gram for $125.
The price is so high simply because this hybrid creature
is incredibly rare.
It shows up only for a few weeks each year
in the remote regions of Nepal, Tibet, India, and Bhutan.
And even there, the fungus can still be tricky
for collectors to find hidden amongst a sea of grass.
For centuries, it's been a staple of traditional Tibetan
and Chinese medicine.
Kelly Hopping: Traditionally it was used as a general tonic
for immune support.
Narrator: So for instance, a family might add some of it
to chicken soup to make you feel better.
It's even rumored that it can be used
as some sort of Himalayan Viagra.
Though there's little evidence to back that claim up.
People also buy the fungus as a gift or use it for bribes
or as a status symbol.
As a result, better-looking pieces fetch a higher price.
Kelly Hopping: It's all dependent on exactly the color
of the Caterpillar fungus.
Even, say, the shape of its body when it died.
All these things that don't necessarily have anything
to do with medicinal value make all the difference
for the economic value.
Narrator: In 2017 for example, high-quality pieces
sold for as much as $140,000 per kilo
or about $63,000 per pound.
Now, Caterpillar fungus has always been pricey, but experts
say its value really skyrocketed in the 1990s and 2000s
because of a growing Chinese economy.
The resulting increase in disposable income ultimately
helped drive a massive boom in harvest.
In the Tibetan Autonomous Region for example,
collectors reportedly hauled out more than three times
as much Caterpillar fungus in the early 2000s
than they did in the '80s.
And now, many families depend on the cash it brings in.
In fact, experts say up to 80% of household income
in the Tibetan Plateau and Himalayas
can come from selling Caterpillar fungus.
Just one district in Nepal reported collecting
4.7 million dollars worth of Caterpillar fungus in 2016.
That is 12% more than the district's annual budget.
But those profits are at risk.
Surveys indicate that the annual harvests
have recently declined.
Kelly Hopping: The collectors themselves mostly attributed
this to over harvesting.
Acknowledging that their own collection pressure
was driving these declines.
Narrator: And it doesn't help
that it's difficult to regulate the harvest.
Daniel Winkler: And all these different political units
have a different policy, and in the end, it is really down
to county level and how it's implemented.
Narrator: And climate change is also causing problems.
The fungus is more abundant in areas
with cold, long winters.
Which are increasingly hard to come by.
Daniel Winkler: For the rural economy, if there's a lot of
loss, it would be devastating.
To, čo stvára SNS so školstvom a vedou, je na ťažký kriminál - Duration: 3:22.-------------------------------------------
Pity poor skinny monkey really sad face | He's so tired no power no energy | Monkey Daily 2645 - Duration: 10:40.
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