Chủ Nhật, 17 tháng 2, 2019

Youtube daily plus Feb 17 2019

Plus belle la vie : un personnage phare va bientôt mourir

Dans quelques semaines, un personnage actuellement au cœur de l'intrigue va bientôt être retrouvé tué.

Selon 24h, Victoire Lissajoux, de retour depuis décembre dernier, va se rendre coupable d'un meurtre.

Encore un mort dans Plus belle la vie... Quelques semaines après la disparition de Stan Mercier, le frère de la commissaire Olivieri,

voilà qu'un personnage va à son tour trouver la mort dans les prochains événements de la série phare de France 3.

Comme le révèle Stars-Actu, l'issue de l'intrigue principale du moment, portée par Flavie Péan,

Anne Décis et Avy Marciano, va connaître une issue dramatique pour un personnage phare.

Malmenée par la DGSI depuis plusieurs années, Victoire va prochainement commettre l'irréparable.

Victime d'un affreux chantage par le commandant Vanessa Ferri, qui empoisonne Sacha Malkavian pour parvenir à ses fins, Victoire Lissajoux va perdre son sang froid.

Dans les prochaines semaines, la jeune femme fraîchement mariée va tuer de ses mains celle qui lui fait vivre l'enfer depuis sa fausse mort en 2013.

Victoire tue Ferri, Luna perd ses jambes

Ce dramatique événement sera précédé par le tragique accident de Luna.

Annoncée depuis plusieurs mois, cette thématique portant sur le handicap physique sera lancée dès le mois de mars prochain,

et portée par la comédienne Anne Décis. Son personnage, Luna, sera victime d'un grave accident de voiture avec Sacha,

qui la placera quelques jours dans le coma. À son réveil, la patronne du Céleste Hôtel apprendra sa terrible sentence.

For more infomation >> Plus belle la vie : un personnage phare va bientôt mourir - Duration: 2:29.


{Daily Obs N°01} Ma plus petite livraison #UberEats, Présentation de mon vélo #Cube - Duration: 9:59.

For more infomation >> {Daily Obs N°01} Ma plus petite livraison #UberEats, Présentation de mon vélo #Cube - Duration: 9:59.


▓▒░✫Lollie✫ Gorgeous Fashion Model | Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas - Duration: 2:04.

▓▒░✫Lollie✫ Gorgeous Fashion Model | Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas

Model plus Fashion tips Plus size model Plus size fashion plus size Curvy model value fashion Street fashion Fashion model Fashion Bbw topfashionmix Blog Celeb Celebs Celebs fashion Celebs style Curve Curves Fashion blogger Fashion designer fashion nova Fashion plus

For more infomation >> ▓▒░✫Lollie✫ Gorgeous Fashion Model | Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas - Duration: 2:04.


Gilets jaunes: Il faut faire un break et revenir plus fort - Duration: 15:02.

For more infomation >> Gilets jaunes: Il faut faire un break et revenir plus fort - Duration: 15:02.


La plus grande super lune de l'année 2019 se produit en Février Elle va chasser toute la négativité - Duration: 7:30.

A l'approche de la plus grande super lune de l'année 2019 - comme l'annonce l'édition britannique de l'Express

il est temps de laisser la négativité derrière vous et de profiter de l'énergie lunaire qui nous habitera tous le 19 février.

Si vous vous demandez comment celle-ci vous affectera, continuez à lire.

Cette super lune promet d'être très spéciale !

La pleine lune qui se manifestera en février est la seconde d'une série de trois super pleines lunes qui se produisent le 21 janvier, le 19 février et le 21 mars 2019.

La super lune de février est considérée comme l'une des plus imposantes puisqu'elle sera au périgée,

c'est à dire au point le plus proche de la Terre sur son orbite comme l'explique France Info.

De plus, elle sera accompagnée par Regulus (également appelée Alpha Leonis), l'étoile la plus brillante de la constellation du Lion,

ce qui nous promet un ciel qui brillera de mille feux !

Terme inventé par l'astrologue américain Richard Nolle en 1979, la super lune désigne une pleine lune qui est à 90% de sa proximité maximale avec la Terre.

Phénomène peu commun, elle signifierait donc que les centres respectifs de la Terre et de la Lune sont à 361 740 km de distance l'un de l'autre.

Par conséquent, la lune à son périgée serait 25% de fois plus brillante qu'une lune à l'apogée.

Le nom de la pleine lune.

Depuis la nuit des temps, l'être humain attribue des noms aux pleines lunes.

Dans les temps anciens, celles-ci se voyaient attribuer des noms basés sur les différents mois afin de suivre l'évolution des saisons.

De manière similaire, les tribus européennes et amérindiennes s'inspiraient des saisons pour les nommer,

voici pourquoi la super lune de février sera connue sous le nom de « Lune de Neige ».

D'autres dénominations qu'elle s'est vu attribuer sont « Lune de la Faim », « Lune de la Tempête » et « Lune Chaste ».

Quand la Lune des Neiges se manifestera, ton destin entre les mains tu auras…

En effet, son apparition au sein de la constellation de la Vierge est le moment propice pour prendre votre vie en main et vous débarrasser des ondes négatives qui vous entourent.

Profitez de ce moment pour réévaluer vos décisions et couper la corde avec ce qui vous rend malheureux ou ce qui ne contribue pas à votre bonheur.

Bien que difficiles à prendre, ces décisions n'en sont pas moins nécessaires à votre bien-être.

L'aventure sera également de la partie !

L'apparition de l'étoile Regulus en plus de l'union de Mars et d'Uranus sera le signe précurseur de comportements rebelles qui seront susceptibles de vous irriter.

Ces deux planètes sont synonymes d'énergie et d'enthousiasme alors soyez prêt à accueillir l'aventure dans votre vie.

Sachez en revanche que la conjonction des autres planètes, notamment Mercure et Neptune,

ainsi que Vénus et Saturne, affecteront votre moral, mais ne vous inquiétez pas, cela ne durera pas très longtemps.

En effet, les décisions quelque peu drastiques que cette nouvelle lune vous amènera à prendre pourront vous entourer d'ondes négatives pendant un moment,

mais celles-ci finiront par s'alléger assez rapidement.

Par ailleurs, les pleines lunes qui se manifestent au sein de la constellation de la Vierge amènent souvent avec elles des sentiments d'angoisse et d'incertitude.

De plus, votre exigence envers vous-même vous cloitre dans un cercle vicieux où l'irréalisme de vos attentes influencera grandement votre mental.

Notre conseil…

La vie n'est pas un long fleuve tranquille, et ce n'est pas plus mal.

Comme disait Paulo Coelho :

« Si vous pensez que l'aventure est dangereuse, essayez la routine, elle est mortelle »

Ne vous perdez pas dans un tourbillon d'émotions négatives à essayer de contrôler tout ce qui vous entoure car les petits détails restent des détails,

et ce qu'il vous faut, c'est accorder de l'attention à la situation d'ensemble.

Prenez du recul, ressourcez-vous et retenez qu'il ne sert à rien de s'esquinter à la tâche au détriment de son bien-être.

Bons ou mauvais, accueillez les changements qui se présentent à vous les bras ouverts, la Lune des Neiges ne vous décevra pas !

For more infomation >> La plus grande super lune de l'année 2019 se produit en Février Elle va chasser toute la négativité - Duration: 7:30.


★Mel G.★ Gorgeous Fashion Model | Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas - Duration: 2:24.

★Mel G.★ Gorgeous Fashion Model | Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas

Model plus Fashion tips Plus size model Plus size fashion plus size Curvy model value fashion Street fashion Fashion model Fashion Bbw instatop fashion Blog Celeb Celebs Celebs fashion Celebs style Curve Curves Fashion blogger Fashion designer fashion nova Fashion plus

For more infomation >> ★Mel G.★ Gorgeous Fashion Model | Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas - Duration: 2:24.


ONF, We Must Love [THE SHOW, FanCam, 190212] 60P - Duration: 3:15.

It may be hard to believe

everything I say from now on

But from the day I got to know you

a lot of strange things have happened to me

When I had sad thoughts

You would sigh every time

When I walk with you

what's with my shoelace that keeps coming undone?

Are memories being lost? The both of us

In the past or the future, of different worlds

I don't know, if something happened

but I know at least one thing

That is

You are gonna love me

Because I'm gonna become your everything

You'll find out in a little more time

You will

You will, you will

You're gonna love

We must, we must, we must love!

You're gonna love me

We must, we must, we must love

These monstrous like realities

They may seem to grow more and more

as if to attack you

But it's no big deal, hide behind me

I'm more immune when it comes to grief

I can't explain it with words

I'm just used to this feeling

We were either in love

or we have no choice but to love

Are memories being lost? The both of us

In the past or the future, of different worlds

I don't know, if something happened

but this one thing is true, you must

You are gonna love me

Because I'm gonna become your everything

You'll find out in a little more time

You will

You will, you will

Where even my name has been thrown away

I'm on a totally different star

There's a feeling I've come on a long journey

to find the lost you

What reacted wasn't my head but my heart

It's a relief I recognised you first

For you, it has to be me

You are gonna love me

Gonna love me

Because you've become everything to me

You are gonna love me

Trust me, I trust you

I believe

You're gonna love

We must, we must, we must love!

You're gonna love me

We must, we must, we must love

For more infomation >> ONF, We Must Love [THE SHOW, FanCam, 190212] 60P - Duration: 3:15.


Nicki Minaj Fashion Model .. Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas .. Plus Size Value Fashion - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Nicki Minaj Fashion Model .. Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas .. Plus Size Value Fashion - Duration: 1:25.


Moto G7 e G7 Plus: a diferença está nos detalhes, mas não justifica preço | Análise / Review - Duration: 9:30.

The Moto G7 series grew in 2019, now offering four models for the consumer

each one for a distinct public.

But there are two very similar models that are worth analiyzing altogether

the basic Moto G7 and the more expensive device, the Moto G7 Plus.

Both have practically the same design, and now we will point out the differences

at the same time we evaluate if they are worth a catch.

Starting with the box and accessories: they are different, with the Moto G7 Plus coming in a more elegant one,

what makes sense, since Motorola's idea is to take it a little bit above the more basic mid-range devices

and we can already call it a mid-range premium.

But the accessories are practically the same: SIM ejection tool, case, manuals, stereo earphones

sync cable and Turbo Power charger.

However, the G7 Plus has a more powerful adapter, with 27 watts,

that promises to charge the device from 0 to 100% in less than an hour.

And the sync cable has both ends in the USB-C standard.

The design is basically the same, the looks are identical and dimensions too,

the width is a little bit thicker in the Plus variant, which is also four grams heavier.

Another difference is the presence of a dual LED flash in the more expensive model

but both have dual-cams, fingerprint reader centralyzed at the back,

metal on the sides and glass on the front and rear.

On the sides we have the volume and power buttons at the right and at the top the SIM tray with three slots

being two for SIM cards and one for the microSD.

On the bottom, USB-C input, speaker and the headphone jack.

The front brings a 19:9 notched display, drop shaped, this kind of upside down triangle where the selfie cam is located.

Above the sensor, very close to the edge, there is another speaker

for calls only on the G7 and also for sound on the G7 Plus.

The edges are very slim, but we still have the Motorola logo on the chin of both devices.

Both have slightly curved sides at the back, what helps with the grip.

The glass finish is slippery, but a case is bundled,

if you decide do use since day one, if you prefer so.

The colors are another difference; the Moto G7 can be found in black or white

while the G7 Plus is available in blue and red.

The Moto G7 and G7 Plus bring an IPS LCD with 6,24", slightly bigger than the one found on the G7 Power.

The resolution is Full HD, being these devices the best regarding image definition for the series this year.

The image is good, but the G7 Plus has a colder calibration, with whites a little bit blueish.

That's noticeable when we compare it either with the Moto G7 or with the G7 Power and G6 Plus.

It's nothing that will bother you, of course – it's still pretty useable.

The brightness is low, and this is true for the four models.

On the G7 and G7 Plus our 200 lux calibration stays around 80% of the total brightness,

You can reach a higher brightness in more well lit environments if you keep the adaptive brightness feature activated,

like it already comes.

But it's not a big improvement, always staying under 600 lux – and it's a little bit higher on the G7 Plus.

The maximum brightness at least is very comfortable to use when in the dark.

Sound quality is good, with bass and treble delivering what is expected for mid-range devices,

the volume is not very loud, but at least, it won't distort when reaching the maximum.

The hardware brings more differences for these two devices.

Both have 4 GB of RAM and 64 GB of storage, but the Qualcomm platform is different.

Even though, just by little.

While on the Moto G7 we have the Snapdragon 632, on the G7 Plus we find the 636,

a chipset a little bit better, with a more capable graphics card.

And despite having just a few differences hardwarewise, with a similar chipset,,

the Moto G7 struggled to keep the Pokémon GO game opened on the second lap of our speed test

something that didn't happen with the G7 Plus.

So, the more expensive variant ended up achieving faster results, even with a slightly slower first lap.

Regarding benchmarks, the difference is not that big – about 10 thousand pontos more for the G7 Plus in AnTuTu.

But this was not noticed when gaming. Our tests with the Asphalt 9 game showed great fps

something also seen in Street Fighter IV, that usually sits around the 20 FPS in all devices, even the flagships.

PUBG Mobile, to summarise, also had the same fps on both devices, reaching 25 frames per second.

The title only allowed using a balanced configuration, with medium FPS.

With a same capacity battery, hardware and a very similar display configuration,

we were already expecting a similar battery life.

And yeah, that's what happened. The time both yielded in our battery test was virtually the same.

Closing around three hours, with 4% of battery left for the Moto G7 and 3% for the G7 Plus.

Enough time for a day with a moderate use pattern.

Here the difference appears when recharging, with a faster and more powerful wall adapter, the Moto G7 Plus

really took less than one hour to go from 0 to 100%, closing in less than 50 minutes in our timming.

This can change depending on the electric output in your place and other factors,

but Motorola's average of 55 minutes is totally comprehensive.

Sometimes it will take a little bit more time, in other, it will charge faster.

On the other hand, the Moto G7 took a little more than one hour and a half to charge, keeping the same average found on its predecessors that also had the Turbo Power charger.

The camera set is another difference between these models,

the G7 Plus offers a little bit more, with mode capable sensors, besides optical estabilization and 4K recording

with the front facing camera. You heard it right, 4K selfies.

Overall, this difference is not that perceptible on the naked eye . Both tend to overexpose the pictures,

so, we recommend that you tweak a little before shooting,

specially when there is a lot of light or very bright elements in the scenario.

As already expected, the G7 stays behind when shooting in low light, also struggling to keep the focus

depending on how dark the scenario is.

The G7 Plus delivers acceptable results, but it could be better, for a device that is marketed around low light performance

supposedly one of its biggest assets.

The Portrait Mode surprised in a positive way, with a nice level of right countouring for a mid-range device.

You can also choose the bokeh level, when taking pictures or after shooting them, using the image editor.

And even with a single camera, this mode is also available for selfies, also delivering nice results.

The devices manage to identify relatively well the subject in focus and separate it from the scene,

this without blurring other body parts, like we have already seen in devices from another brands.

The highlight color feature was kept, but now, it's way more noticeable

with a countouring around the object, depending on the scenario.

Motorola also kept the Cinemagraph and Stich features, already seen in previous devices

without much novelties here.

These features are kind of experimental and just for entertaining purposes, being far from what they were really supposed to do.

In video the G7 Plus' optical stabilization is noticeable with a way less shaky image.

But here we can see again the overexpose issue kicking in at the brighter parts.

In the front facing sensor, we can record in 4K resolution, something that places the G7 Plus ahead again,

the audio has a nice quality, always clean and audible.

Motorola still choses an Android version without many modifications,

with the Pie very similar to what we see on the Pixel series and Android One devices.

There are extra features like the Motorola gestures, with shortcuts for the camera and flashlight,

and also some screen features included by the manufacturer, everything accessible through the Moto app, easy to find and configure.

The Moto G7 series also offer a fingerprint reader at the back

that can provide faster access to notifications, acting like a shortcut.

And there is also Face unlock, something we've tested, and it's very fast,

despite being less secure, something the system itself says.

There are few differences between the Moto G7 and its Plus variant, something that doesn't justify the

R$300 more expensive price tag, considering Motorola's official prices.

Still, the more expensive model ends up being a better cost-benefit device, because it offers optical stabilization,

what makes a huge difference when shooting videos and taking pictures

besides, of course, the faster charger, that fills the battery in less than one hour.

The performance, from what we could see, is virtually the same, so is the battery life.

So, we recommend that you wait a little bit more for the prices to drop.

But they're great devices for what they propose. And a 20% drop on the launching prices

which are R$1600 e R$1900, respectively,

already put them in great terms.

Cons are the battery life and low brightness screen.

Pros are the elegant (and actual) design, three slotted SIM tray,

and great software optimization, besides the camera, with optical stabilization on the G7 Plus.

So, do you agree? Tell us down here in the comments!

And don't forget to drop a like here in this video and subscribe to the TudoCelular channel on YouTube,

and run to the description to see links with deals for these devices

and also the complete article at our website, with more details.

I'm Felipe Junqueira and I close the broadcast. A big hug and see you soon.

For more infomation >> Moto G7 e G7 Plus: a diferença está nos detalhes, mas não justifica preço | Análise / Review - Duration: 9:30.



Hello, I hope you are well, today I will present you a rice recipe

, know that rice water is a real ally not only provide health but

also for your body and for your beauty , rice cooking water should never be

jete, take. A bottle like this for half about 200 ML, these

components help beautify our skin d will improve our health and as adit

Miss Eva, this rice water is simply exceptional (after you wash the rice well) because

that you. Can use it for beauty of your skin, hair care, beauty

of your face, but at the end of that, the rice water has many virtues if

we know its benefits, it is rich in vitamins, fiber, minerals, it does not

so do not throw it away (let it rest rice for 15 minutes laugh ... (head

that you do mom, know that you can use rice water for the head face

hair and also use it on the skin the body gives a very beautiful skin, voila

that our 15 minutes are over, that's how we will use it) to have shiny hair

, a skin preserved from aging cutaneous, improved digestion, for

find the tone, here are the advantages of rice water, (take a cotton like this

we will soak it in the water as the says you wash your hair with, leave

ask 15 minutes and you do took your after champoing, this is magical for

your skin, you apply as you have once you've got it, it's good. to pose

between 15 and 20 minutes and you rinse your face, it's magic, for you who suffer

digestion disorder, stomach upset drink a drink, olalalla gets rid of you

of all this, it's amazing, do not throw it away plus this (this recipe is beautiful for

facial skin because it's going to give you a beautiful soft skin, ah actually

relax, next time I'll do that with my comforters, as they will enjoy

a mask of rice, THEY WILL BE SUPER BEAUTIFUL I THINK, especially my dalmatian, ahahahah, then

you can put in a bottle like this keep for a week maximum

in the fridge,) we ended with this video, thank you for watching

at the end remember to subscribe read and comment but mostly share this so that it touches.

A maximum of people XOXO



Beautiful Plus size model Saína Tchaas Nu 2019 - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Beautiful Plus size model Saína Tchaas Nu 2019 - Duration: 2:14.


▓▒░✫Meg Kylie✫ Gorgeous Fashion Model | Curvy Fashion | Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas - Duration: 2:20.

▓▒░✫Meg Kylie✫ Gorgeous Fashion Model | Curvy Fashion | Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas

Model plus Fashion tips Plus size model Plus size fashion plus size Curvy model value fashion Street fashion Fashion model Fashion Bbw topfashionmix Blog Celeb Celebs Celebs fashion Celebs style Curve Curves Fashion blogger Fashion designer fashion nova Fashion plus

For more infomation >> ▓▒░✫Meg Kylie✫ Gorgeous Fashion Model | Curvy Fashion | Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas - Duration: 2:20.


Tom Cruise brisé, cet enfant secret qu'il ne peut plus cacher -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Tom Cruise brisé, cet enfant secret qu'il ne peut plus cacher -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:05.


Mauro Icardi: La ​Juve ci ha provato in estate e ha 5 buoni motivi per crederci. - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Mauro Icardi: La ​Juve ci ha provato in estate e ha 5 buoni motivi per crederci. - Duration: 3:23.


Tom Cruise brisé, cet enfant secret qu'il ne peut plus cacher - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Tom Cruise brisé, cet enfant secret qu'il ne peut plus cacher - Duration: 1:17.


Lionel Messi wages: The STUNNING salary Messi earns – plus net worth REVEALED - Duration: 2:44.

 Lionel Messi has amassed a stunning fortune during his football career with an eye-watering weekly salary boosting his net worth to astonishing levels

 The Argentine icon has enjoyed one of the most illustrious playing careers in history

 Messi has inspired Barcelona to nine La Liga titles and four Champions League trophies on top of numerous other domestic and world titles

 The 31-year-old's wages have steadily increased to keep him at the Nou Camp for his entire career

 Messi's contract runs until June 221 and the Catalan giants are already working on an extension that would see him stay at the club 'forever' according to Club President Josep Maria Bartomeu

 He has been the top-earner in Barcelona for a number of seasons and will continue to rake in huge sums

 But how much does Messi actually receive as a salary, and how much is his total net worth value? Express has rounded up Lionel Messi wages information as well as his net worth

Lionel Messi wages According to fresh reports from L'Equipe, Messi earns a staggering £7

3million per month before tax. That works out as approximately £1.7m per week for the Barcelona superstar

 The same report claims Cristiano Ronaldo is the second highest-paid star in the world with £4

1m per month. The figures appear to include bonuses and extras on top of Messi's basic rate of pay

Lionel Messi net worth Messi's stunning monthly earnings have been boosted even further by a wide range of endorsements and sponsorship deals

 He is backed by Adidas, Pepsi and Konami for their sports marketing content. The Barca star has also been the face of global companies such as Gillette, Turkish Airlines and Tata Motors

 Overall, Messi is reportedly worth an estimated £31m ($4m) according to Celebrity Net Worth

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