2019 IS HERE! (2019's first video) - Duration: 3:59.-------------------------------------------
How We Got Here - Duration: 2:36.-------------------------------------------
Abraham Hicks 🙂 Happiness Is Right Here Right Now ~ No ads during video - Duration: 13:41.We've been explaining for a while and we know you've been hearing that all this
sifting and sorting of life has caused you to create a vortex well Virgil a
vibrational version and most of our physical friends even those who have
been listening to us for quite a long time
they really don't accept the realness of this vibrational reality until it
manifests and so we talk to try to help you to sense the vibrational version to
feel the vibrational version in other words if we could get you to feel secure
even before it manifests it would manifest faster most wanted to manifest
before they feel secure but that's going about it backwards so if we can get you
to feel secure if we can get you to feel in love in love before the person shows
up the person will show up but humans think they need a person to be in love
with and we want you to know you can be in love with an idea you can be in love
with the idea of a relationship you can be in love with the memory of a
relationship you can be in love with that aspect of that relationship and
that aspect of that relationship and that aspect of that relationship which
means holding it active in your vibration and it has to then be realized
by you so this realization recently the way we are describing it to you
may be to help you understand it but since you sometimes don't accept the
vortex yule version then the grid version isn't easy to follow either but
we're gonna give it to you anyway everything you want is vibrationally
gathered all the co-operative components in your vortex and it is ready to reveal
itself to you and the reason that we're using the word reveal or realize is
because you are going to be the interpreter of it in the same way that
that sweet bird was the interpreter of a message from Jerry to Esther
there are interpreters all around that are ready to interpret the message to
you humans we're not just talking about
birds we're talking about experiences we're talking about financial forces
we're talking about ideas that flow to you there's all kinds of manifestation
that occurs wants the vibration of your grid which means your practice day to
day vibration is closer to the vibration of your vortex it just has to be you see
and you've lived pieces of that when you finally made the decision that you were
going to do something different that decision was your grid filling in that
was you having asked and asked and asked getting the vortex going and going and
going and at a moment of little or no resistance that determination came to
you and you knew what you were going to do remember how clear you felt in fact
you're still feeling sort of clear about it because you were wanting to convince
us all of that turning-point here and now so turning points you like the word
turning points turning points are often the grid filling in with an idea that
you are now ready for it's not that the idea isn't there it's that you're not
ready for the idea it isn't that you're not ready for the idea because you don't
want it because you do is because you're not ready for the idea because you're
not a vibrational match to the desire you're a vibrational match to the
absence of the desire feel the difference so you ready yourself for
what's in your vortex by feeling better and you feel better by leaving out the
things that don't feel good and focusing on the things that do feel good. So it is
this simple take the handful of things that feel good and just run them into
the ground you ever had a good joke that you don't want to tell to everybody
pretty soon you're repeating it again to the same people and they're saying I
laughed the first five times it's over for me but you know how fun it is to get
hold of something that feels good that you can delight yourself and others with
well this is the same sort of thing get a handful of those things that are
delightful to you and just play the loop again and again and again and again and
again let it be your basis of traction let something that delights you be the
loop that you play that keeps your grid in this high vibration
so that what's in your vortex can show up now and now and now and now and now
and you know what happiness is happiness is being in that place where you're the
receiver of the right idea at the right time happiness is being in that place
where something occurs to you at the most opportune moment happiness is being
at the top of the stairs you're getting ready to walk down you don't know it but
your heel is caught in the hem of your pant leg and you are about to take a
header down the stairs but the broader part of you knows that and gives you the
inspiration to take hold of the railing so when you go to move your foot and
can't you're stable that's happiness that's happiness that's alignment
happiness is moving in traffic and having an impulse to take this exit for
no good reason other than you feel like it or even
taking it even though you didn't really mean to because you turned you're
driving over to your higher power for a moment and you miss the traffic jam or
you miss the traffic congestion as a result of an accident all kinds of
things like this are happening to you all day every day but when you start
deliberately being happy deliberately beating the drum of things that feel
good deliberately discerning deliberately molding yourself into
better and better feeling places when you do that deliberately and those
things happen now you have conscious awareness of it if Esther had not had
that conscious conversation with Jerry in the car right before she went to her
room the bird on the porch would have just been a bird on the porch but it
wasn't just a bird on the porch she would have missed that if she had not
been vibrationally up to speed you see what we're getting at so much of your
world wants to chalk those kinds of rendevouz coincidences which is
incidences that cooperatively combined they want to call them coincidences in
the added of luck or fate or chance that
understand that it's cooperative components coming together in other
words people who are looking at things like that are wanting to call them
happenstance and we want to call them creation and so when you get clear
minded like you are and you understand how far you've come and you have and you
realize how powerful your desire is and it is and then you deliberately focus
upon the strongest desire that you have which you spoke when you first sat down
here to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy meaning to be in
alignment meaning to be in control of my own thoughts meaning to be in control of
my own vibration meaning to be in vibrational concert with the source
within me meaning to be in vibrational concert with everything that I put into
my vortex meaning right here right now being in alignment so that I will be the
interpreter the manifester the realizer of the best that could happen in this
moment that's happiness this moment and this moment and this moment in this
moment it's not saving up for a vacation it's not putting up with all this stuff
it's not going to work all week long doing stuff I don't want to do so that I
can get some money so that I can finally go do something that I do want to do
because when you get there to do what you do want to do you're not happy
because you haven't been practice and happy at work you're not gonna be happy
on that vacation if you're not happy at work while you're earning the money to
go on vacation are you don't you get on vacation and don't you just complain
it's too short it's too short I don't get to do this often enough my flight
was delayed the weather wasn't good in other words you can't get there from
there you get too happy from happy will Abraham that helps a lot
so you're telling me that if I get happy I'll be happy let me write that down and
if I get rich then I'll be rich I'll write that down too we're saying you
gotta find a little piece of it you gotta found the flame of it and you
gotta not keep spitting the fire out with things that don't matter and after
a while you'll get that momentum going and you'll feel happiness not just some
time but you'll be radiating it and then when someone says to you what are you
doing the reason that they're asking is because you've got what they want every
single person that wants every single thing that they want whether it's a
material object or a pile of money or a circumstance an event a relationship
everything that everyone wants is because they believe that there is
happiness in there there's happiness right here right now if you're in the
right buy bration you know it haven't you ever gotten into that zone that
frequency where everywhere you turn something good happened Esther says
that's what it's like hanging around with Barbara she loves traveling with
Barbara because it's happy everywhere they walk up to a very controlling very
official official at the airport and she's barking at everyone a man made the
horrific mistake of letting his toe step over the line by an inch and she put him
in his place sir step back he did and he didn't like it
and Esther thought hmm that was harsh and unnecessary and Barbara who refuses
to focus on anything unpleasant missed it completely so when she got up there
she got a big smile she got moved fast to the other line in other words she's
treated like royalty well this poor man dungeon that's what
we're talking about in other words you attract by virtue of how you feel we
know we've been taking a bit of a long time here longer than we promised at the
beginning but it's so worth contemplating how happy am I how happy
can I be how good can I feel what's the best feeling thought that I can find
right now what's working in my life what's working out what do I remember
that felt good what's happening right now that feels good how general do I
need to be it can always find something to feel good about and when you do and
when you make that your habit then the actualization of it the realization of
it the manifestation of it is so pronounced in your experience that
people will be flocking to you and saying what is your secret
and you'll say I'm happy and they'll say I know that I can see that that's why
I'm asking you what your secret is and you say no I was happy before I was
happy and they'll say well that doesn't make any sense at all and you'll say
well I purged unhappy thoughts from my experience by focusing on happy thoughts
well what do you mean well I didn't actually purge them I just started
emphasizing the happy thoughts I started making lists of positive
aspects I counted my blessings I learned that in church I counted my blessings
one by one and the more I focused upon them the more that vibration was mine
and the more that vibration was mine the more law of attraction put me
the vicinity where I could realize it so life isn't happening to me life is
happening from me I'm emanating the signal to which all life is responding
so when I get up in the morning I decide how's this day gonna feel I'm gonna feel
intuitive I'm gonna feel inspired and I'm gonna feel connected and I'm gonna
feel vital and alive and I'm gonna feel happy and I'm gonna feel confident and
I'm gonna feel kind I'm gonna feel loving and I'm gonna be at the top of my
game I'm gonna feel innovative I'm gonna feel energized I'm gonna feel
invigorated I'm gonna feel inspired but I'm going to feel inspired
moment-by-moment I'm going to feel guided I'm gonna feel worthy I'm gonna
feel deserving I'm gonna feel deserving of all of the goodness that has been
taught to me all of my life I'm gonna feel deserving of that and I'm gonna
demonstrate my deserving us through my happiness yeah thank you yes indeed
🦋 No estoy para rogar amor a nadie - Duration: 12:19.-------------------------------------------
Here & Now Monday December 31 2018 - Duration: 1:01:46.-------------------------------------------
Elizabeth Warren is running � here are 10 others who may seek the Democratic nomination US news - Duration: 4:00.Elizabeth Warren is running – here are 10 others who may seek the Democratic nomination US news
Thrusting young senators, a former vice-president … and Bernie Sanders again? We profile some of the likely 2020 contenders
Thrusting young senators, a former vice-president … and Bernie Sanders again? We profile some of the likely 2020 contenders
Elizabeth Warren had long been expected to announce a run for the Democratic nomination for president, from the progressive wing of the party. On Monday morning, the Massachusetts senator duly made it official.
The field of confirmed contenders is not yet crowded: the Maryland congressman John Delaney is the best known of those who have already formally pitched in, and he isn't well known at all. But as the saying goes, no US senator ever looked in the mirror and did not see a president gazing back: a positively enormous group of politicians – senators, congressmen and women, governors, mayors – waits in the wings, seasoned with a few business billionaires, all seemingly fancying their chances of taking on Donald Trump and winning the White House back.
Here are 10 of the leading names in the spotlight … and some of those bubbling under.
The junior senator from California is building campaign machinery and has been visiting states that hold their nominating contests early. A former district attorney and state attorney general who has gained national attention for, among other things, her tough questioning of Trump supreme court pick Brett Kavanaugh, Harris is popular among young Democrats in Washington, internships in her office keenly sought and fought for. In a contest in which diversity is sure to play a key role – the party won sweeping House victories in the midterms by standing explicitly against Trumpism and attracting women and minorities – Harris's African American and Indian ancestry could well be as much of a plus as her political fire and skill.
The first African American senator from New Jersey and a former mayor of the city of Newark has also been building campaign operations and speaking in early voting states. In Iowa in October, the Guardian listened as he warned against "sedentary agitation" and received rave reviews from his crowd. In New Hampshire in December, the Guardian watched as Booker tested out a "moral" message, avoiding a focus on Trump and telling his audience in Manchester: "This is not a time to meet hate with hate. It is not a time to meet darkness with darkness. The call of our country has always been love." In a country bitterly divided by the indignities or otherwise of the Trump presidency, how effective such inspirational speechifying can be will be a fascinating thing to consider.
The junior New York senator, a formidable fundraiser with a strong record on progressive priorities, is openly preparing a run. It has been reported that she is having surprising difficulty in attracting donations because of her role in the resignation of Al Franken, the popular Minnesota senator who faced allegations of sexual misconduct and resigned while heavyweight Republicans facing similar accusations, not least the president himself, stayed in their seats of power. Gillibrand, who arrived in the Senate when Hillary Clinton joined the Obama administration, remains a strong voice at the centre of the Democratic party.
It pays to remember that Sanders isn't actually a Democrat: an independent, self-proclaimed democratic socialist senator from Vermont, his run for the 2016 nomination against Clinton was a genuine surprise, an insurgency that gathered momentum, perhaps damaged the favourite and, at least in hindsight, seems to have offered clear signs of what the party was missing in the post-industrial states which flipped for Trump, handing him the presidency in the electoral college despite a beating in the popular vote. Sanders is now a progressive figurehead but also a Washington veteran used to how it all works. Some think that at 77, he's too much a veteran. But Trump is 72, which suggests that these days, age is just a number.
Barack Obama's vice-president was a long-term Delaware senator before he went to the White House and is a Mount Rushmore-sized figure in the Democratic party. He has openly flirted with a run and gleefully engaged Trump in rather undignified arguments about who could beat up whom, perhaps showing in doing so the popular touch that has him leading early polls in important places like Iowa. On the downside, such leads may simply be down to name recognition, his status as the embodiment of the white, male party establishment may now not be the bonus of old, and by inauguration day in 2021, Biden will be 78. He has also run twice for president before, in 1988 and 2008. Neither ended well.
An intriguing Senate outsider, the Ohioan won re-election in November as Republicans dominated his Trump-voting state, partially as a result of openly proclaiming his "populist" bent. No president has won the White House without Ohio since Kennedy, a fact regularly trotted out in lists such as these, but Brown's appeal to blue-collar voters should not be taken lightly and is part of regular talk-show discussions about whether or not he'll run. He has some of the rumpled, outsiderish charm of Sanders, a factor which may or may not have informed Clinton's consideration of him for her VP pick. He's also not particularly well known nationally, which may have counted against him then and may do again this time. Similar things could be said, bar the bit about being rumpled, about the Minnesota senator Amy Klobuchar, another who shone in grilling Kavanaugh and who has admitted she's thinking about a run.
The soon-to-be former congressman from El Paso is leaving Congress because he relinquished his House seat to challenge liberal bogeyman Ted Cruz for his seat in the Senate. O'Rourke lost, more narrowly than might be expected in such a deep-red state as Texas, yes, but all the same a defeat, something Trump has been quick to highlight as presidential talk swirls. A former punk rocker with a common touch and a half-Spanish, half-Irish name – which he has had to defend from allegations of seeking unearned authenticity – O'Rourke is also, by current Democratic standards and not surprisingly given his coming from Texas, something of a centrist prone to voting with Republicans. On the left of the party, that is attracting rising disapprobation.
A former mayor of San Antonio and a Housing and Urban Development secretary under Obama, the Texan twin of congressman Joaquin Castro was another touted as a possible running mate for Clinton. Like O'Rourke, he is relatively young and could conceivably enter VP territory this time around. He has said he is exploring a run and will announce either way in January. If successful, he would be the first Hispanic nominee for president. A charismatic speaker, his moves will be worth watching, though he remains an outsider for now.
The billionaire former New York mayor is openly considering a run, which he could obviously fund formidably, has registered as a Democrat and has been visiting early voting states. Driven by the need for the US to assemble a coherent plan to tackle climate change, he has had little difficulty ranging himself against the coal-friendly, regulation-ripping president. On Sunday, Bloomberg told NBC he will make climate change a leading issue in the 2020 race, whether or not he runs. He might not be the only billionaire to do so: Tom Steyer is funding ads demanding Trump's impeachment while he decides whether to pitch in, while even the Dallas Mavericks-owning, rugby-loving Mark Cuban has said he's considering a go. The former Starbucks chief Howard Schultz also seems to fancy his chances. Oprah Winfrey, alas, has said she is out.
Garcetti, son of Gil, the harassed district attorney in The People v OJ Simpson, is the man in charge of Los Angeles, the biggest city in the most populous state that is now almost all-blue, a bastion of progressive policies – not least in the face of the frightening effects of climate change – and fierce opposition to Trump. A run from such a platform could be interesting. There are other mayors and ex-mayors out there: from New York could come Bill de Blasio, a Clinton ally whose view of himself as a national figure angers some in his city, while from New Orleans may come Mitch Landrieu, his centrist reputation burnished by his sure handling of controversy over the city's Confederate past and statues. From South Bend, Indiana, meanwhile, there is Pete Buttigieg: young, gay, progressive, determined, from the Rust Belt and quite likely not a strong candidate this time around at least.
As mentioned, the Maryland congressman John Delaney has declared his bid for the Democratic nomination. So, as it happens, has Andrew Yang, an entrepreneur from New York state, and Richard Ojeda, a military veteran who lost a bid for Congress in West Virginia.
Everyone else is either discussing the issue with their wife/family/loved ones/pets, exploring it actively or not, considering it or archly refusing to comment. Among senators there is also Jeff Merkley of Oregon, a progressive stalwart. Eric Holder, Obama's attorney general, hasn't ruled it out; nor has John Kerry, a former Massachusetts senator, the 2004 Democratic nominee against George W Bush and Obama's second secretary of state.
The Ohio congressman Tim Ryan has said he is interested, as has the Hawaii representative Tulsi Gabbard. The media has enjoyed talking up Stacey Abrams, beaten narrowly in a controversial Georgia gubernatorial election this year, and Andrew Gillum, narrow loser in a similarly nasty fight for the governorship in Florida. Among governors and former governors, Steve Bullock, of the otherwise resolutely red state of Montana, seems to be very interested; so does John Hickenlooper of Colorado, a cross-party pal of John Kasich, the Ohio Republican who looks set to primary Trump. Former Maryland governor and 2016 candidate Martin O'Malley told the Guardian he was thinking about another run; former Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe, a pillar of the party and former Clinton fundraiser, all but told CNN he was in on Sunday.
That, believe it or not, is not everyone. But one more name seems worth a mention. Some allies and aides have said Hillary Clinton might consider a third run for the White House. No, really.
2018, I Have to Leave You Here (PJC End-of-the-Year Mashup) - Duration: 4:41.Can you feel the sunset here at the place we first met?
Sharing memories we won't forget
but now it's nothing but regrets
Boy, you were my only necessity
Until you said to me
Girl, you mean the world to me
But, you see
I have to leave you here
I have to leave you here
I have to leave you here
I have to leave you here
No, I am never gonna change
No, I am never gonna change
for no one
Feeling super sweet just like candy
Don't you please just stay in my daydream
Oh, it's not the taste, you don't get me
Please don't go far away, I'm lonely
I won't let you disregard me
Destroy me, ignore me, throw me away
So come back to me
Before I go
Cuz nothing ever lasts forever
Not even our misery
Move your body
You'll know when you feel it
Dance everybody
Baby, keep on groovin
We will flythrough the amazing heights
Above the city lights
We know a way through the drifting clouds
Through the endless starry night
You pulled me from the deepest slump I've ever been in
You held me
Can I crumble in your arms once more?
I, I don't wanna fall asleep tonight
Don't see how to turn the tides
And I'm really too scared to fight
Fight for my life
How have you been lately?
I have been right here waiting
I'll always be with you
Where you go I will go too
When you least expect it,
I'll make it hard to breathe
10 seconds now
And it's over
My body's going numb
Move your body
You'll know when you feel it
Dance everybody
Baby, keep on groovin
I wait patiently
for you to say "goodbye" to me
I wish for you to remain the same
As the day that we first met
Nevermind, please don't waste your time
Living through the same thing once again
But afterall, I'm a butterskull
Holding onto someone is insane
And now, what am I living for?
What is the purpose of a broken tool
that nobody wants to fix?
I have to leave you here
I have to leave you here
I have to leave you here
I have to leave you here
Here's how the world celebrated New Year's 2019 - Duration: 1:14.-------------------------------------------
Here's why Justin Bieber apologized to a 15-year-old YouTuber - News Live - Duration: 1:59.Perhaps in an attempt to start the new year with a clean slate, Justin Bieber has apologized for telling 15-year-old YouTube star JoJo Siwa to burn her new car.
The beef between the two – easily one of the year's most unexpected – started shortly before Christmas when Siwa posted a photo of a custom BMW her parents had gifted her with a giant picture of the vlogger's face plastered across the hood.
That's when Bieber decided to chime in on a repost by boutique auto repair shop West Coast Customs and let the teen know exactly what he thought she should do with her new rainbow-colored 2 Series convertible, writing, simply, "Burn it."
Whether or not the comment was meant in jest, Siwa made sure everyone knew exactly what Bieber had written, posting a screengrab with the Canadian's snide remark circled in red.
Then, to show that she wasn't going to let the 24-year-old newlywed slam her new wheels without a fight, Siwa turned the comment on him by turning it into her own personal tagline. On Sunday, she posted another photo of the car, this time with her and a cardboard cutout of a teenage Bieber in the front seats, along with the caption, "burn it."
At that point, Bieber issued a mea culpa for his comment, letting Siwa know he hadn't meant anything personal.
"I have nothing against you it was the car and the colors I didn't like I really hope you didn't think it was malicious or mean spirited," he tweeted.
Showing a savvy well beyond her years, Siwa accepted the apology, under one condition, tweeting, "it's all good bro! you can perform at my 16th birthday party and we'll call it good!"
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