Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily to make Jan 31 2019

Okay, okay.

I'm ready, I'm ready.

What's going on all you fine people on the Internet?

G. Koay here,

your creative advisor at Shootsta,

and we just wanted to remind you that Chinese New Year

is just around the corner.

So we thought it would be a great idea

to give everyone some quick tips and tricks

on how you can spruce up your Chinese New Year

greetings video for the festive season.

So let's go.

Chinese New Year is a festive season

that celebrates the beginning

of the new Chinese lunar year.

It is one of the biggest celebrations in Asia,

and is equivalent to, say, Christmas and New Year's

all rolled into one.

This upcoming Chinese New Year

is the Year of the Pig.

The festive season starts on February fifth this year.

That being said, let's get on to tip numero uno.

Tip one, learn about this year's zodiac.

The Year of the Pig represents

good luck, good fortune, wealth,

and a fun, easy, carefree life.

The Pig is also the last zodiac animal

in the 12-year lunar cycle.

According to one myth, the Jade Emperor

said the zodiac cycle would be decided

by the order in which the animals would arrive at his party.

With no surprise there, the Pig came last,

because he apparently "slept in".

And tip number two, red, red, and probably more red.

Chinese New Year is all about the colour red.

Red is a significant colour because it symbolises

good fortune and joy.

So be sure to have lots of red in your video.

You can utilise some common Chinese New Year props,

such as âng-paus (or lai see packets a.k.a. red envelopes),

red lanterns, or even Chinese New Year firecrackers.

Even as simple as having a little red in your wardrobe

is gonna help you a lot.

Remember, these small details can add a lot

of visual significance to your overall video.

Tip three, pronunciation.

Saying "Happy Chinese New Year" is great and all,

but we can easily take this one step further

and make it culture-relatable too.

I'm gonna teach you two commonly used greetings

during the Chinese New Year season.

The first one is, gong xi fa cai.

One more time.

Gong xi fa cai.

And this means may you attain greater wealth this year,

or may you be prosperous this year.

Ultimately it's wishing you lots, and lots,

and lots of money,

and who doesn't want a little bit of extra money

during these kind of festive seasons?

The one other one is, xin nian kuai le.

One more time, xin nian kuai le.

And this simply means, wishing you a happy new year's

in Mandarin.

Practice these pronunciations

and lock them down for that final end greeting.

That's gonna make big differences in your video.

Want a quick recap?

Learn about this year's zodiac, the colour red,

and pronouncing the proper Chinese New Year greetings.

And there you have it.

Three simple tips and tricks to think about

when creating your own Chinese New Year greetings video.

From all of us here at Shootsta,

we look forward to working with you further

in the Year of the Pig.

Other than that, Shootsta would like to say,

xin nian kuai le, and gong xi fa cai.

For more infomation >> 3 Tips & Tricks to Make a Great #ChineseNewYear Video 🏮🐖🎇 - Duration: 3:43.


How to Make Being Active WAY MORE FUN! - Duration: 4:31.

Hey guys! Today we have an activity topic and we are going to be talking about

gamifying your activity. So if you don't enjoy exercise, I have some little tips for

you to still be able to be active and make it a little more fun. But first, I'm

Joy, The Gastric Sleeve Coach. I'm a registered nurse, and a health coach, and

my mission in life is to help you get your WEIGHT OFF and your ADVENTURE ON! And

I do this by visiting with you about your MAN...Mindset, Activity, and Nutrition.

So let's jump right in! It's good to be active. That helps burn

fat. We all know that right? But exercise can be boring, hard, and not fun so a lot

of people don't do it. It's really hard to get into a routine of doing something

that you just don't enjoy. Before I started running, but after my surgery, I

got a Fitbit. My mom got it for me. And I used that to count steps. I know a lot of

you probably already know...that's kind of addictive! If you set a goal, you

want to meet your goal, and then when you download it to your Garmin, or whatever

app, you can see how many days in a row that you met your goal. So that's one of

the things that I'm talking about when I say gamify your activity. If you

don't want to exercise, and you're not going to, start with something. You don't

even have to buy a watch, you can use your phone. I think all of them have like

little activity counters or apps that you can get or like knows

when you're walking. It knows everything! So you can count your steps. 10,000 is

what, I don't know, someone came up with as a good number every day. That

equals for me about five miles. So if you're not there yet and you're not

getting that much activity, don't set it that high. Set it at something that's a

little bit of a stretch but achievable, and then challenge yourself to get to it.

So you don't even have to do like your whole walk to get to all of your step

points right away, but just by the end of the day you want to meet your goal. I'm

telling you guys it works! because I would like walk around the block before

I went to bed if I was too shy of my step goals. Or if I was close just pace

the living room for a little while. I'm not even kidding,

I've totally done that. So it's just something about making it a game and

making it a little goal for you to achieve. So then you don't have to spend

30-45 minutes working out. You'll just naturally park a little further away

from the entrance to Walmart, or you know, walk around the building, or go up the

stairs if it's just a flight or two. You know, all those cliche things that people

tell us to do anyways. Well if it's counting on your step counter then you

might be more likely to do it because you're trying to reach a goal. So I think

that's an easy, fun way to get started with being more active without it

feeling like a big chore. Also, okay I I wouldn't suggest that you

go out and buy a whole gaming system if you don't already have one just so that

you can get your workout, but, we used to have a Wii and there was this like

hoverboard thingy or whatever they're called, I don't know, and there was games on it and

there was one skateboarding game that was so much fun! and I was sweating every

time I was finished playing that game! So actually video games, any video system

you have now probably has a game that is some sort of exercise or activity based

game. All those just dance then you like get points when you make the

dance moves right or whatever and that's way more fun than just like you know

walking on a treadmill. So if you have a game system look for some video games

that are something that will be up your alley. I do think that they're funner than

workout videos because you don't win any like points or fake coins that don't

mean anything, or the badges, or just a star that says 'you did it'! I know, just

makes it fun. You wanna win a little badge or a star! if you are looking for an

alternative to the pouch reset, say you're trying to break a stall, or you are

trying to lose some regain that you've had, check it out down in the description

below. I will have a link to my pouch reset alternative plan. You sign up for it, you

get an email with the bullet points of the plan and then you get some follow-up

emails about how to implement it and kind of more detailed steps that you can that you can get your weight off and your nutrition on...nooo...

so that you can get your WEIGHT OFF and your ADVENTURE ON! Alright guys, I'll

check you later!

For more infomation >> How to Make Being Active WAY MORE FUN! - Duration: 4:31.


How to Make Video Stories with Adobe Spark - Duration: 2:37.

I'm going to show you how to make simple and powerful video stories

for your business using Adobe Spark.

Tell your story.

We are seeing this everywhere now.

It seems to be the most trending way to market your brand.

It's by authentically sharing content around your life, your business

and just telling the stories that matter to your audience.

There's so many ways that one can express a story.

Whether it's visually, through written, or even video.

And today, I want to walk you through Adobe Spark and their content creation platform

to show you how easy they make it to tell a story with video.

I'm going to walk you through a demo where I am going to setup an invitation for my next

dinner event that's taking place in February.

Jumping into Adobe Spark I'm going to create a new project and select video.

I'm going to give it a title for "February Dinner Event".

These pre-built templates will guide you in telling a story.

Whether you're promoting an idea, sharing a hero's journey, showing and telling a new product

or in my case inviting someone to an event.

You can see that along the bottom we have placeholders that are going to help me

plug in my existing content to tell this story.

So now I am going to get started with my own video by going down in sequential order of

the guide and plugging in my own content where necessary.

When uploading a video, Adobe Spark will allow you to trim to the desired length of the clip.

Now that I have plugged in my own content and copy, I'm going to pick a theme that suits

me the best, pick a song for the video, and then I'll be able to export and share with

my audience.

And just like that, we have a 30-second promotional video

that I can now use to invite guests to my next event.

So there we go, a really simple way that I was able to make a 30-second promotional video

providing a story, information and actual live footage of an event that I am inviting

my guests to in the near future.

The tool was really easy to use.

It allowed me to easily plug and play my existing content into a video

and really save a lot of time, effort and hassle.

I hope this video was helpful to you.

My purpose for creating this video was to demonstrate that there are online tools out

there today to make it really easy to take your content creation to the next level and

provide more visually compelling stories.

For more infomation >> How to Make Video Stories with Adobe Spark - Duration: 2:37.


Dry Bean Facts and How To Make a Black Bean Salsa - Duration: 11:00.

Well Ronda now that you are

working with Clemsons new health & nutrition team you are trying

to help people make good choices for their families

which is what what what what home economist did

seventy or eighty years ago. Absolutely. You said a new name

that's all it is a different name but even today with our

abundant food supplies were seeing that families who are

definitely the families on a budget and they want maximum

nutrition and they just don't have a whole lot of money to

spend on it so we help them learn how to maneuver through

the grocery store input best nutritional bang into their

buggy and that's what we're gonna look at tonight's where

do you get that absolute most nutrition for the money you're

going to spend. But we can still have delicious food thats

beautifully appealing to our family.

Wouldn't want it any other way. That's what makes absolutely.

Dried beans gosh in the history of the world. How long have

Dried beans benn important? From the beginning I think.

Oh yes absolutely on a nice little display of them here and

you're more than this but let's talk about the one that's right

and you know that once upon a time we only found maybe black

eyed peas and pinto's in the grocery store and the the bag

bean isle but there's half a dozen or more in most grocery

stores today. So of course there's ole Hoppin John there's

the black eyed peas they're everywhere next to them is of

course our Pinto beans. New year's and all through the

winter we love both of those. Navy beans great for soup

and then this one. Garbanzo beans or chickpeas whichever

you like to call them everyone is every single one of these

dollar two dollars Max. Those garbanzo beans are right

there in the dry bean isle couple a dollars. But thanks to

marketing folks are shelling out that money for hummus. This

is what hummus is made from and it is all the rage right now.

Do you make hummus. Is it easy to make. Easy as you can if you can use

blender or a food processor you've got hummus. Soak these

to reconstitute add a little lemon juice and a little

salt and garlic you're good to go. ha-ha-ha.

You got a whole lot here. Also we do know that there are

lots of options to lots of choices to make but a lot of

people just default and say I'm in a hurry I'm gonna get a can.

Right and can is certainly a viable

option if you're in a super big hurry either one

of these are really just not a whole lot of

prep time to either one you're paying for the convenience when

you buy canned because literally you open a can you

put it on stove warm it up your ready to eat. There's a little

bit more work here but as far as the dried variety

as far as the dried variety but it's not so much work. That is

cost prohibitive. It's simply a matter of look through them

look just to be sure there's nothing there. Yep given my

rinse and then cover them in fresh water and walk away. Let

them soak overnight. The next morning drain that water off.

Give them rinse again put them in a crock pot. Cover well with

fresh water. Going to absorb a lot of water. That's it. Turn it

on low when you come home from work. Then season it. That's

right. How many serving is here. Has about three servings you're

going to get at least twelve in this bag and they're going to

cost the same thing. Again huge amount of bang for your Buck

there. Go ahead and eat and cook all of them eat what

you're going to eat for dinner that night. Whatever's left over

package in a meal sized portions. Slide it in the

freezer and then when you're ready for your next round. Pull

those out thaw them overnight zap them in the microwave you're

ready to go. Do they freeze well? They freeze very well. So

that's not going to affect the quality. Not at all not at all.

Now a lot of people are hesitant to have beans because

they think about all these cowboys sitting round

the fire and that there is an odor that is coming

from the gas that these beans produce. Thats right.

Is there a way to minimize this? There is. You can serve

them and not have to feel like you're all in all this says. The

secret is in the soak. Make sure that you soak them drain away

whatever waters left rinse them well and then use fresh

water to cook them in. It is a substantial reduction in

the digestive upset that's going to happen just by that

soak and then fresh water to cook them in.

Just explain the science that has with it. I think it

is, well what happens is you know your body naturally a

digest food it goes down to the stomach starts breaking down

small intestine for the most part it's ready to be absorbed

into the blood stream. The nutrition in a bean is

protein and carbohydrates some of those carbohydrate molecules

are not digestible they ride all the way through the gut down

to the large intestine. And your body continues to try to work

on them but what's going to happen in the large intestine is

actually form of fermentation. Oh my goodness after

reading our transient gas right. But that soaking and rinsing

really really cuts way back on that. Now is it possible to just

take a dry bag of beans pour it in a pot cover put some water

on it and boil until it's done. Yes. You're going to probably

regret that. Good to serve in the summer at a picnic time.

but that soaking will really do the trick but I'm not going to

lose my nutritional value. Just a little bit. Just that that one

or two little right your your your call behind is not causing

the problem. You're not going to get everything else. In

nutrition that's exactly right. Now once upon a time we used to

also talk about beans being a. Incomplete protein. Incomplete

protein and that you had to eat them with other types of

incomplete protein in order to get what we would think of as a

full high quality. A compliant your body needs to do

everything. Exactly. But as time marched on and we continue

to do research. We found that you don't have to necessarily

put beans and rice together their Hoppin John when you look

back through our culinary history. We knew this for a long

time. A grain and a legume combined will equal a complete

protein and we see Hoppin John red beans and rice and pigeon

peas and rice we see all kinds of Sucka Tash Lima beans and

and corn. Ok. So there's lots of variety so you're any

grain in generally. not rice is the one we think of the most

other cultures it. Right. Be corn. Right. Or you said even

barley. Thats right. Barley and lentils because there's

lots of combinations there but what science has found out over

time is you don't necessarily have to eat them in the same

dish. You can eat them during the

same day. Your body will do the work. Our body is a

marvelous machine and it'll figure it out on its own and it

will take those molecules combine them appropriately.

You'll get the maximum nutrition that you're supposed

to from those two protiens. And there are of

course we can make dishes that are the complete

meal for tonight but also we can make

things are just fun things to have a my guess there's a big

football game thats coming up before too

much longer. Not to much longer. You are exactly right.

But I think we're going to make

a dip. Let's slide this way and take a look. This

isn't an amazingly flexible recipe. Side

dish, dip, appetizer snack. However you want

to use it it's fine. We're gonna start out with some black beans.

Just for convenience. Now do you rinse the beans

that are caned as welI. I did because typically anybody that

used caned beans often knows that there's a starch.

A Starchey residue in the bottom. I wanted a nice clean bean for

this recipe. So you rinsed it and kind of. I did. You put it in the colander. I did.

Just rinsed it off. Ok. We're going to add some basic

seasoning here. We're gonna do about a tablespoon of oil. All

righty. We're going to do a little green onions some

scallion about three of those. About a half Cup more or less

bell peppers so there's some pretty little yellow and orange.

And then one plum tomato chopped and in it goes and then.

Now I'm getting an interesting smell over here. Yeah There

is a couple secret ingredients here. We're going to give it

just a little bit a shot of cilantro. This is optional. I

know that cilantro is kind of an acquired taste. If it's not

your thing. You can use parsley. You absolutely. Sure is pretty to put

that green in there. It is nice. The other thing we're going to add is

chipotle peppers and adobo sauce. In there I've got that

little can right. Exactly it is that. It's a smoked jalapeno.

And it loses a fair amount of the heat.

Once they're smoked and it's got a I'm gonna step back

it's got a very very almost a meaty smoky flavor to it. Just

smells wonderful. Yes and mark they were going to give a little

shot of acid. So we're gonna do a couple of

limes. Give that very very fresh smell here. So

in it goes. and then if you need

just a little bit of salt season to taste because we've

got a lot of vegetables in there. That tomato might

need a little salt. Then we are going to give it. Oh gosh it

smells wonderful. That citrus and that chipotle

yes very nice together. So you can see just a beautiful

beautiful combination. Wouldn't that be pretty if you just having chicken for super.

Actually Brighton so many plates wouldn't it. One of my

favorite ways to server this is actually alongside some grilled

meats and very very tasty as a side dish and just ate it as a

vegetable or salad a side salad. So there we go. Now tonight

we're going to use it as we're gonna put some corn chips with

it. Eat it as snack so the crew can shoot on over here and

enjoy that afterwards but I'm going to encourage everybody

use recipes like this it doesn't have to just be pinto

beans in a crock pot. It can be something that's got a

little flair to it and enjoy those plant proteins. And if

people want to find this recipe I think we'll have it on our

facebook page but I believe you all have web pages. Also were we

could come and get more information about nutritious

Meals. And we've got lots of folks housed in our county

offices so I encourage folks call us at local offices tell us

what you're looking for and we will absolutely be thrilled to

hear from you. Glad to help you. Do you sometime have programs

people. All the time depending on which county you're in just

give us a buzz and asks what we got going on. We're always out

there teaching healthy eating, good nutrition, food safety we

got was a wonderful things. And I think the nice thing is that

we you make certain that it appeals to families is no point

making things that people arent going to eat. You betcha smells

good, looks good, tastes good. All right, well thank you very

much for bringing all this information to us. Always.

For more infomation >> Dry Bean Facts and How To Make a Black Bean Salsa - Duration: 11:00.


How To Make DIY Ribbon Flower Hair Clip at Home - Duration: 4:11.

Hello all,

This time SIMP DÉCOR will make a hair clip from the ribbon.

I hope you like it.

Let's start, materials needed :

Satin Ribbon


Hair clip



Buttoned bead

Glue gun

cut the ribbon into 5x5 cm size by 5 pieces.

After that, burn the edges of the ribbon using candle.

Do the same to the other ribbon pieces.

Then fold the ribbon like this and burn again using a candle to glue it.

Then fold the ribbon like this and burn again using a candle to glue it.

Do the same to the other ribbon pieces.

When done, use glue gun to unite all the parts.

Attach the hard textured fabric that has been cut round to the bottom.

Also attach the button beads.

And the last one

sticks a hair clip. And finally it's finished.

Please share this video if you like it and don't forget to subscribe to SIMP DÉCOR.

For more infomation >> How To Make DIY Ribbon Flower Hair Clip at Home - Duration: 4:11.


How to Make your Business Legal in 5 easy steps - Duration: 3:50.

Well Hello! My name is Renee Lamb and I am your job exit strategist. You will learn how

to become a legit company, painless. Cause you don't want your SSN floating out there

or the IRS wanting to talk to you. What she said! Watch till the end to get a surprise

to help you even more and its Free.

Step 1. Pick a Business name. Pro-tip: Name it after yourself and then register a Dba

(do business as) for that clever name or a product that you can market out. Doing it

this way is if you do not like the DBA, you can stop using it and never go through the

hassle of changing your legal business name.

Step 2. Get Tax ID - also referred as EIN (Employer Identification Number). This number

will be crucial when you open your business bank account. It is also much safer to have

out in the internet, than your social security number.

Step 3. Registered Agent. You do this if you do not want your home address out there in

the public. This applies to homebased business (online business). Some options to get business

address (which must be a physical address, not a P.O. box if you do a LLC)

A. Virtual office spaces, or�virtual business addresses�provide you with a professional-looking�mailing

address B. USPS's Street Addressing for PO boxes

C. Co-working Space- co-working spaces provide you with a more professional mailing address

to use for your business and meeting and conference rooms you can use.

Step 4. Choose your business structure and register with your Secretary of State office.

The business structure should start with is an LLC (limited Liability Company). It gives

you great protection and the easiest to handle with paperwork. You can always move to S-corp.

or Corporation later down the line.

Step 5. Permits or License � depending on what your home-based business you may have

to have a permit. For instance, if you are a cupcake baker, health inspections or zoning

rules. Check it out to be on the safe side.

Let's quickly recap the steps: Step 1. Pick a Business name

Step 2. Get Tax ID Step 3. Registered Agent

Step 4. Choose your business structure and register with your Secretary of State office

Step 5. Permits or License

If you are still wanting more information on making your business legal in your specific

state. Find my Legalize Your U.S. Business below. There's a link below this video

where you can download it entirely FREE Thanks for watching! Go ahead and like, comment,

subscribe and share this video with your peeps.

For more infomation >> How to Make your Business Legal in 5 easy steps - Duration: 3:50.


How to make Water Fountain😍 | Students' Club | Sonakhali High School | Saraswati Puja Decoration - Duration: 4:42.

Students' Club

Artists : Pradip Samanta & Sudip Ghorai

Students' Club

Video : Rajani Kanta Mandal

Students' Club

Artists : Pradip Samanta & Sudip Ghorai

Sonakhali High School

For more infomation >> How to make Water Fountain😍 | Students' Club | Sonakhali High School | Saraswati Puja Decoration - Duration: 4:42.


EASY GOLA KABAB RECIPE IN URDU,HINDI/Restaurant Style Gola Kabab/How to Make Gola KababBy Sehar Syed - Duration: 4:57.

Please Subscribe Cooking With Sehar Syed

For more infomation >> EASY GOLA KABAB RECIPE IN URDU,HINDI/Restaurant Style Gola Kabab/How to Make Gola KababBy Sehar Syed - Duration: 4:57.


How to Make the Most of Your Layover in Incheon International Airport - Duration: 4:26.

Hey guys, what's up?

I am now in Incheon International Airport on a layover en route to Cebu, and then Panglao


I'm snacking on my mom's banana bread.

Thank you so much mom, it's a life saver.

And right now, it's 6:30 in the morning.

Back home, it is 1:30 so kind of a time difference, my circadian rhythm is all whacked right now.

This last week, I finished my last day in the pharmacy and then immediately performed

at two events.

The first was the Bavarian Ice Festival in Leavenworth, WA and the second was at Whoopee,

a sex-positive variety show in Portland, OR.

I also got everything packed, and if you want to look at what my packing list entailed,

here's that.

I talked about it in last week's vlog post.

So I had a 12 hour layover in South Korea, and I'd have to say that I found some fun

ways to keep occupied.

If you ever have a long layover at Incheon International Airport, they have tons of exhibits

and weird things to make you look twice.

Some of my favorites were a virtual reality experience where you could BASE jump and fly

in a wingsuit, and a 360 dome where you could watch a presentation on space exploration.

Around 1 pm, I decided to go on a free Transit Tour that takes you into the city.

It's paid for by the airport, and they ensure that you only go on tours that won't interfere

with your flights.

Alright so I am on my layover in Seoul, and we are going on a little tour!

The first tour I went on was to a small temple about 30 minutes away from the airport.

One of the fun things that I learned is that people pray to this large tree called the

Grandfather Tree if they want to have babies.

The temple was originally named after a Jade Buddha that a fisherman found in the ocean,

but it got stolen years ago and was replaced.

The funniest fact that I've learned is that this temple is often busiest around Korean


Apparently parents and kids are in here frequently, praying for high test scores.

The second tour took us to an outlet mall for our first stop to tempt us to part with

our money.

I'm not a huge fan of shopping, but I made friends with some fellow travelers from Seattle!

On to the next stop!

So here we are at the Song-Do Hanok Village.

Rather than shopping, we tried to hunt for a geocache inside the strip mall.


Are we going geocaching?

We're hunting for lions right now.

We're hunting for lions in the wild!

Is it here?

So the geocache is not in the grate.

Okay so we were foiled.

We didn't have the information that we needed, but we got within 14 feet of it!

We think.

So then it was back to the airport.

On the way to and from the city, we get to cross a 19 kilometer-long bridge that gave

us some interesting views of the city and ocean.

It's supposedly one of the longest bridges in Korea.

They got us back to the airport with over an hour and a half to spare before our respective


Okay so now the adventure continues!

We have found a passport, and we are going to try and hunt the person down in the airport

and return their passport.

It's like geocaching for people!

So just an update on the passport situation, we pulled a Sherlock Holmes and figured out

what gate the lady was leaving from and then we just dropped the passport off there.

The guys just called her over the loudspeakers, so hopefully she gets her passport back!

Alright so it is almost midnight, and I have my stuff and I am through immigration and


I am going to find somewhere to crash out for a few hours before I catch the early morning

ferry to Panglao tomorrow and meet my new freediving family!

If you liked this video, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel, The

Sailing Siren for more freediving related content.

I'm doing the Zero to Hero internship for at least 3 months, so if you have any questions

about the whole process or you want me to cover anything, please feel free to leave

a comment or shoot me a message.


Okay so it is time for that nap.

Goodnight guys!

For more infomation >> How to Make the Most of Your Layover in Incheon International Airport - Duration: 4:26.


Gimp: How To Make a Man Of Steel. Chrome - Metal - Steel Effect. Remake. - Duration: 10:03.

In this tutorial, we are going to make a man of steel.

I hope you like the effect.

One way to open our image, is by click and drag our image

from our image folder into Gimp, like so.

There is a download link for the image, a PDF text file

and the example image in the video description.

This technique works best, when our source image has good contrast, especially in the face.

Go to view, zoom and fit image in window.

Then we right click on the layer and click on add alpha channel.

In this way the layer can have transparency.

We make a duplicate of this layer, by clicking the duplicate button

at the bottom of the layers panel.

Double click on its name and rename it face.

Hit enter.

Now we go to the toolbox and we make the paths tool active.

If you are not familiar with this tool, you can find a link in the top of your screen

to a short and simple tutorial about the paths tool.

In a few minutes, you will know how to work with this tool.

In the tool options we click on the configure tab icon.

Then on tool options menu and on reset all tool options.

In the dialog box we can just click reset.

In this way the tool options of all tools are back at their default settings.

Now we are going to select the face.

We can zoom in and out by holding the Ctrl key and rolling the mouse wheel.

We are going to make a path around the face.

Usually it is best to stay just a little bit inside the boundaries of our subject.

But in this case however, it is better to make the path

a bit on the outside of the boundaries.

When we press and hold the mouse wheel, we can, by moving the mouse, move the image.

With Ctrl+Z we can undo and with Ctrl+Y we can redo.

We will speed up the video now.

To close the path, we hover the last node over the first one.

Then we hold the Ctrl key and we can click to close the path.

Now go to the tool options and hit the button selection from path.

Make the whole image visible by pressing Ctrl+Shift+J.

Click on a random tool in the tool box to make the path invisible.

Go to colors, desaturate and again desaturate.

Just click okay in the dialog box.

Go back to colors and now to brightness and contrast.

We increase the brightness to about 20 and the contrast to about 40.

When using an image of your own, you might want to adjust these values

to get a similar contrast.

Then click okay.

Go to select and click on invert, to select the background.

The marching ants show us that the background is selected instead of the face.

Then we click on edit and clear, to remove the background.

By clicking the eye of the bottom layer,

we can see that the desaturated face is now on its own layer.

Press Ctrl+I to invert the selection again to the face.

We are going to smudge the face.

Go to the toolbox and make the smudge tool active.

We choose brush hardness 025

and start with a size of 150.

Make the spacing 5, to get smooth strokes.

Reduce the force to about 25.

When we hold the Ctrl key and then roll the mouse wheel, we can zoom in and out.

While smudging we have to pay attention to the direction in which we move the brush.

We can also make circles.

Press and hold the mouse wheel, and then move the mouse, to move the image.

Pressing the left or right bracket key, makes the brush smaller or bigger.

And because the selection is still active, we can not go outside the face.

But we can smudge in the wrong direction though.

When this happens, we can undo it with Ctrl+Z.

We should not smudge the eyes to much.

How we smudge, has a great effect on the end result, so we have to take our time.

The smoother the skin, the better the end result.

We will go fast forward now.

When the smudging is to our liking, we press Ctrl+Shift+J to fit the image in the window.

And then we press Ctrl+Shift+A to deselect the selection.

In the menu bar we click on colors and in the drop down menu we click on curves.

I have already made a preset for this image, so I will open this.

By clicking and dragging the curve, you can copy this wave form.

And of course adjust it to your own liking.

When we feel that it looks good, we can click okay.

In the next step we are going to work on the eyes.

Make a new layer, by clicking the new layer icon.

Name it eyes.

The mode should be normal and the fill with transparency.

Click okay.

Then we make, in the toolbox, the paintbrush active.

Swap the foreground/background colors, so white is our foreground color.

Make sure that you have brush hardness 075.

Zoom in to the eyes, use the bracket keys to change the brush size.

And paint the eye-white as shown in the video.

We can also make a glimmer light.

And here too we can use Ctrl+Z to undo.

Press Ctrl+Shift+J to fit the image in the window.

We are going to give the black and white a bit of a steel blueish color.

Click on the new layer button.

Name it blueish and click okay.

Right click on the second layer from below and click on alpha to selection.

In this way everything that is not transparent, is selected.

Make the blueish layer active again.

Then make in the toolbox the color picker active.

Check the option sample merged, so when we pick a color,

the eyedropper chooses a color from everything that is visible,

and not only from the active layer.

Click on a bright blue area.

Then we can click and drag the blue color

from the foreground color button into the image.

Make the mode of this layer soft light.

Now we can reduce the opacity to about 30, or to whatever looks good to you.

By clicking the eye of this layer off and on we can see the difference.

Press Ctrl+Shift+A to deselect.

And there we have our man of steel.

I hope you have fun with this tutorial and that you like the effect.

Please do not forget to like and comment, to support my channel.

It is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> Gimp: How To Make a Man Of Steel. Chrome - Metal - Steel Effect. Remake. - Duration: 10:03.


How to Make the Most of The First Week of School Term [2019] - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> How to Make the Most of The First Week of School Term [2019] - Duration: 5:34.


How To Make Beef Stir-Fry + Gluten-Free Marinade & Tenderizer | I Heart Umami - Duration: 3:00.

Wondering how to make stir-fry beef tender and juicy every single time?

My name is ChihYu Smith from Today I'm going to show you how to make

tender beef stir-fry. Let's get started.

To prepare the beef, thin slice it against the grain. Each slice should roughly be around

⅛ inch thin. Try to keep the length no longer than 3-inches

My favorite cuts for Chinese beef stir-fries are beef loin flap sirloin tips, followed

by skirt steak, then sirloin.

My go-to Asian-flavored seasonings are coconut aminos (soy-sauce substitute), Red Boat fish

sauce, toasted sesame oil, and ground black pepper.

Add a small amount of arrowroot to replace cornstarch and little bit of baking soda to

help tenderize the meat.

If you can't have seed oil, you can substitute with olive oil.

The temperature of your skillet plays an important part in Chinese stir-fry. Let me show you

a few tips to pre-heat your skillet.

Preheat a 10 to 12-inch stainless steel skillet over medium heat.

Carefully place your hand 2.5-3 inches away from the surface to test the temperature.

When it feels too hot to place your hand nearby, the skillet is ready.

The second method is to test with ½ tsp drop of water. When the skillet is at the perfect

temperature, one or two beads will form immediately and the pan is ready.

If you use the water-drop method, be sure to wipe the skillet dry with a clean kitchen

towel before adding the oil.

Sear the beef in one layer without disturbing over medium to medium-high heat. You should

hear the sizzling sound. Some pieces might slightly overlap with one another and that's

totally okay. Use a splatter guard (not a lid) to prevent oil/grease.

For larger quantity, I recommend stir-fry them in separate batches.

Sear the first side about 2 minutes then use a spatula with a firm tip to sear the flip

side. You should see a beautifully seared golden brown color and texture. Cook the flip

side very quickly, about 30 seconds. Be careful not to overcook the beef or they will turn

watery and ruin the texture.

I shared this technique with my blog readers and members in my meal planning program and

everyone loves it. If you want to learn more about my program, subscribe to my blog at I'll include a link in the description box.

You can follow the same principle for all Asian-style beef stir-fries. For examples:

My Paleo beef and broccoli, Paleo Mongolian Beef, Sichuan beef, and Chinese pepper steak.

If you find this video helpful, please give me a thumbs-up and share it with your friends.

Leave a comment below. Let me know if you have any questions or what you'd like to

see more in the future episodes.

My name is ChihYu Smith from - Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> How To Make Beef Stir-Fry + Gluten-Free Marinade & Tenderizer | I Heart Umami - Duration: 3:00.


How To Make Bucatini with Meatball Dumplings by Rachael - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> How To Make Bucatini with Meatball Dumplings by Rachael - Duration: 5:09.


How to make maggi rice? how to make fried rice with maggi masala? Maggi Pulao Recipe - Duration: 5:32.

How to make twist to our rice recipe?

Twist to rice recipe

How to make Maggi Pulao Recipe?

How to make Maggi Pulao Recipe at home?

How to make Maggi Pulao Recipe in hindi?

How to make Maggi Pulao Recipe Video?

how to make maggi rice?

how to make maggi rice at home?

how to make maggi rice in hindi?

how to make maggi rice step by step?

how to make maggi rice video?

how to make maggi rice step by step video and images?

Ingredients and method to cook Maggi Rice

5 mins Maggi Rice recipe?

5 mins Maggi Rice recipe video?

5 mins Maggi Pulao recipe?

What is best lunch box for kids?

What is best lunch box recipe for kids?

What is best lunch recipe for kids?

What should we cook today?

For more infomation >> How to make maggi rice? how to make fried rice with maggi masala? Maggi Pulao Recipe - Duration: 5:32.


Chicken Gosht Recipe-Recipe Of Palak Gosht-How To Make Palak Gosht In Urdu Hindi 2019 - Duration: 5:01.

chicken with spinach is very tasty and at times complicated dish to cook.

today i am giving you very easy recipe and very few spice to get the maximum flavour and taste.

Assalam-o-Aliakum, welcome to love 2 cook, you can do it! the best place for easy cooking.

heat clarrified butter in the skillete. add onion and fry until golden.

now add chicken and fry it also until golden on high flame.

those who are watching my video first time, i give you very easy and tested recipes.

you can try them with confidence. i am also sharing my youtube journey in my vlog videos.

to watch all my video hit the subscribe button and the bell icon.

add cumin. coriander, red chilies and gingergarlic paste.

fry for a minute and add very little water because its chicken.

there is magic spice also which i will tell you in the end.

cover and let it cook on low flame until soft.

now see the chicken is done and oil has appeared on the surface.

now add spinach

mix and cook until the water of spinach dries.

keep the flame medium to high.

now lets make magic masala.

now grind them together.

now almost the water is dried.

now add magic mix and fry for more two minutes

now its fried well. turn off the flame.

serve hot and subscribe my channel.

enjoy with rice or naan and like my video.

to see my back ground setup go to my instagram.

share my video and see you tomorrow with another recipe.

For more infomation >> Chicken Gosht Recipe-Recipe Of Palak Gosht-How To Make Palak Gosht In Urdu Hindi 2019 - Duration: 5:01.


How to Make a Deeper Personal Connection with Dr. Pillai - Duration: 5:20.

Dr.Pillai is a very practical teacher, so he has in many of his teachings, his courses,

he has talked about doing things fast.

It could be as simple as you wake up in the morning and the first thing you do is make

a prayer to him, or talk to him.

So, they are already starting a day off with a connection to this Master who can guide

you each step of the way no matter what you have to do in that day.

Another way you can do it is as if you are practising meditations.

There you have mantras you are chanting, breathing techniques you are doing, perhaps you are

in one of the Pillai Center programs, or any other set meditation you are working with.

You can make a prayer or have that dialogue with Dr.Pillai before you start the meditation.

If you are one of those people who is really looking at videos on YouTube, even before

you start that video, or that teaching, you just can close your eyes for a second, do

it with your eyes open, but make that personal connection through conversation or prayer.

It's really powerful because then again you are aligning with this energy, and then

you are going into practice, you are consciously starting that mantra and that meditation with

his guidance.

Give it a try and see what you experience of that if that's any different for you.

Having a picture of Dr.Pillai is also really a beautiful and powerful way to bring in his

energy into your meditation practice.

If you are having a picture and you can set it on your table or altar, and then what you

can do, bear with me is you can have a candle or ghee lamp.

Some of you have ghee lamps, this is a little ghee lamp.

It's filled with ghee and you light it like a candle.

You can also use candles (I always try to get ones that don't have a lot of toxic

chemicals, but you can use whatever you like.) that is a form of light.

So, you are going to offer light to his picture.

You can just light a lamp and offer it to the picture and make your prayer.

Ask for the guidance you need if you are working through a problem you need help with, or you

just be more conscious, to be in the highest consciousness that you can and to learn what

that is through his guidance.

Offering the light, and it literally takes 2 or 3 seconds.

You may have an image, or some of you may have a yantra which is a geometric inscription,

some type of metal plate.

If you have one for Dr.Pillai, you can offer the light to the yantra, or there are a few

people who have statues, you can do it to a statue.

An image is probably the most convenient way most of us have.

We are doing this, and then again you offer the light to his image, and it takes a few


It can take as long or short as you like..

The other thing that's really great is if you have flowers.

I just picked this flower in the morning, a little hibiscus to offer, and the same thing

when you offer the light, then after that you can offer the flower.

So, people put whole bouquets of flowers near his picture and I have just got one.

That's up to you how to do it, but it's also a very simple way to connect with him

and very powerful, and also really sort of this beautiful experience because it's bringing

beauty to this environment and you are offering to him.

So, try that.

It's really a great way to do it.

Chant the mantra, the moola mantra,

Om Dram Dattatreyayai Sivababa mantra,

another mantra if you have one from the past.

You can have a picture, you can light a lamp You can pray and have that conversation.

Just remember that you have the ability to make this heartfelt connection – it's

completely personal to you and Dr.Pillai and that's the beauty of it.

People do this every day and have more magic, more miracles, more blessings, more like love

in their lives, and more support.

Feeling and knowing that you are not alone, that you can do whatever is in front of you

and that you have this Enlightened Master guiding you who can support you, and you can

have him as a reference point each step of the way.

For more infomation >> How to Make a Deeper Personal Connection with Dr. Pillai - Duration: 5:20.


New Revolutionary Cloud Based SaaS Gets Real FREE Traffic - How To Make Money Online - Duration: 18:53.

how would you like top social media marketers video marketers bloggers

website owners econ store owners and other online business owners in your

niche working to help you get more leads sales and profits what if you had the

option to get laser targeted traffic and top shelf backlinks from a massive

network of authority blogs spanning any niche you choose or the

ability to upload videos and content with your website affiliate or product

lines onto hundreds of active YouTube accounts and even sharing your content

on thousands of real social media accounts on Facebook Twitter Pinterest

LinkedIn and reddit yes you can absolutely make your content go viral..

having multiple people sharing it on multiple social media accounts with just

a click of a button better yet all the traffic you're gonna

get is real no BOTS driven traffic no fake names and email addresses no

crossing fingers and hope that it's going to be shared or holding your

breath while you wait for a software to deliver what was promised just real

shares complete posts and tons of traffic directed to wherever you want

them to go can you even start to imagine what you'll do with all of that traffic

now of course you might want to know why with highly successful people want to

voluntarily help you get more traffic sales and profits and to understand that

you first need to understand the power of community and when it comes to online

community there is nothing more unstoppable after all isn't that the

basic science of anything going viral person a shares something with person B

who then forwards it to person C D and E and before you know it you have an

entire community of like-minded people all drawn together over a common eye

dear belief or interest you see I've been in this industry for more than a

decade now I've sold products to over a hundred and fifty thousand members and

just last year alone I served more than 1 million dollars worth of products and

believe me there's no way I could have had nearly as much success

if I hadn't relied on the power of community partnering with people to

share my content and send me traffic has been invaluable but how do you get the

big boys to share your content when you're a total newbie or if your store

is brand new or you're just trying to get your startup off the ground or

there's a killer affiliate promotion that you want to promote but you just

need more reach well that's why I created traffic IV and won many of the

industry's most successful marketers are already members with many more joining

by the minutes now let me quickly tell you how to use traffic IV to get real

traffic to your offers today all you need to do is choose your traffic points

package below log in to your members area and tell us where to send your

traffic we can post on people's blogs social media accounts display banners on

blogs and websites or upload your videos to our network of YouTube accounts so

you can get ready to see an ever growing stream of real traffic get real social

shares across Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn and reddit get real video

uploads on hundreds of accounts and growing place your articles and banners

on people's blogs and high traffic websites build backlinks on authority

sites getting your top ranking and massive organic traffic it's all niche

targeted all shared by real people and all ready to go when you need it as your

traffic is delivered you'll get direct links to every Twitter post every

article share and every YouTube video on Facebook posts to see exactly where your

content has been displayed then you're able to leave

feedback you can leave a rating you can comment in a community-based rating

system so only the best traffic sources stay active but I've said free traffic

right so what happens if you want more traffic than you have points you see if

that's where community really kicks in you simply connect your social media

accounts and web sites you earn points for sharing relevant community content

and then you spend your points on targeted traffic to your offers and when

you join today you'll also get access to our marketing kick-start training area

with best practice guides easy to follow online business training and an

invitation to join our weekly live training cults and vibrant Facebook

community and this is all included in the low one-time price that you'll see

below the controls to the game-changing software platform are in your hands so

scroll down now if you want to learn more and then click the button to create

your membership and start getting your content shared moments from now I'll

give you a full 30 days to use this system and get as much traffic as you'd

like and if you're not thrilled with the results you can let our team nine and

we'll refund your money but it's absolutely no risk for you and a whole

lot of traffic to gain so if you've seen even a glimmer of possibility for how

you could use this traffic then click below and I'll see you in the members

area hi and welcome to this demo for traffic IV in this video I'm going to

show you how to use the traffic IV platform to get traffic to your sites

and also how you can unleash the power of traffic IV to get an unlimited amount

of traffic as much as you like I'll show you how that works in just a moment

first up when you log in to your dashboard you'll see this here

everything here is real-time statistics so you'll be able to see how many blogs

are in our network how many social media accounts are in our network you know

where the traffic is being delivered and all of that great stuff but to create

your own campaign you come over here to my traffic

campaigns click on create new traffic campaign you simply fill in the details

you'll see all of these things here this is going to be displayed in the traffic

marketplace then you can choose the type of content that you want to share you

can choose to share an article on our massive network of blocks or you can

post it up on a huge range of social media sites or you can upload a video or

you can even add banner ads onto other people's websites or blogs or if you

like you can do a combination of all of them so choose the one that you want to

do first and set up that content you can create article content which would

include a title and then all of the content that you want actually post it

onto people's blogs so here you can add your own backlinks to your site's you

can add your own banners you can add anything that you like pointing back to

your site getting you a whole lot of traffic and once you're done click Next

then if you'd like even more traffic you can click social you can choose which

platform you want to display your ads on and then go ahead and customize whatever

it is you'd like people to share on their own Facebook Twitter reddit pages

Pinterest and so on once you're done with that click Next if you've got a

video that you would like people to share on their network you can do that

as well and upload your own video to be shared

on different people's YouTube accounts so you upload a video and you can add

whatever you like to be added into the description here including your links to

whatever it is that you want traffic to and once you're complete upload your

content you choose how many points you want to spend on each campaign so in

here I'll share 10 points and I'll use a maximum of a hundred points and that

means that ten people are going to share my site and they'll be rewarded 10

points my campaign is now available in the marketplace and that's all there is

to it my campaign is now created so you can go to the marketplace and you'll be

able see what everybody else is seeing and

sharing for you you're content with all of your backlinks all of your affiliate

links anything that you like is now available in the marketplace for people

to go and share on their blogs their social media accounts or even upload

onto YouTube they'll be able to come here simply click and share on their

blogs and they'll be rewarded and once they share you'll get a breakdown of

every link that's been sent so you'll be able to come over here and see exactly

what is being shared and where it's being shared you'll be able to see all

of your affiliate links your backlinks everything that you're planning on

sharing and using the system for on a whole massive network of blogs plus to

keep the quality of the content that is shared as well as the traffic that's

being received really solid and strong we've developed a rating system so you

can come in here and rate and as a person that sharing content if your

rating is higher you'll be able to actually earn more points and be

rewarded for having better quality traffic so that's how you'll be able to

use your points if you run out or you want more you can always just get more

connect your assets including your Facebook account your YouTube account

Pinterest Twitter reddit or LinkedIn or you can connect WordPress sites and

share articles as well and then come over to the marketplace find really

relevant content and share it to earn yourself some rewards this really is an

easy solution that anyone can use to get traffic to their links to get eyeballs

on their content and to really start getting more of what you want without

having to invest a whole lot of time and thankfully without having to spend a lot

of money I hope you enjoyed this demo video if you want some more information

please check out the rest of this page and I hope to see you on the inside hi

and welcome to deep pop was living flip flop life my name is Demetrius and this

is a quick testimonial video for try like Ivy Cindy Donovan released traffic

IV where it's basically a software where you're gonna be able to share other

people's articles posts videos banners or they share yours and you get paid

vice versa and so you can get your stuff out there and get them viral for example

I've set up my social media accounts and then I've also added a WordPress website

now I'm driving traffic to a specific training that I created where I'm having

people share this and they'll get points for sharing it now this training right

here is found in the marketplace so anybody that's using traffic Ivy will be

able to have access to this marketplace where they can go out and choose from

each category and then choose the promo that they want to promote and post on

either their blogs or their YouTube channel or the social media posts

depending on what the specific article or advert is so this is going to be

given 15 points for sharing this campaign and then I can post this etc I

get the code and I posted on my website etc and I make points I get points now

these points are gonna help me get my stuff shared around okay so people are

gonna be earning traffic by basically sharing articles to their blogs sharing

social media posts through YouTube channels through banner ads this is

perfectly powerful because it will get people to work and push backlinks in

each of the offers that are out there and you can see that this is running

right now and there are hundreds of points that are being spent

blog post being shared and this is something that anybody that wants to get

traffic to anything that they have come and use traffic Ivy I hope you enjoyed

this quick testimonial video Thank You Cindy Donovan for this amazing traffic

software that you've released peace out

hey guys Dan Mahaney here from dan Matty jr. calm I wanted to leave a testimonial

for Cindy and everybody over at traffic Ivy I was able to get my hands on a

review copy exclusive access I worked the review I've gone through the the

product everything is amazing this product is probably going to be on

the top 5 for the year when 2019 is said and done you can see all the work that

has gone into this product Cindy and everybody awesome job

this product will save you hundreds of dollars a month on traffic because we

all know that I mean me personally you're I'm spending three $400 a month

on traffic I won't be doing that anymore I'm going to traffic Ivy I'm going to

pick up a monthly package the Platinum package is easily well worth well worth

the money it's revolutionary what they're doing I can't I'm trying not to

be too excited about it but I can't wait until January 23rd if you're on the

fence don't be on the fence for the amount of money that you're spending on

traffic now this is well worth it you're going to see your links your ads on

other peoples pages in real time and they'll be trackable so you won't have

to worry about spending extra money on trackable link programs and sources and

monthly monthly monthly payments for that so I would say go pick it up Cindy

and everyone thank you over a traffic Ivy great product can't wait until the


hello hi I'm Carla and I sell products online as an affiliate and doing it many

times I feel frustrated with the results of my online campaigns sure I'm not an

expert but I'm not a newbie haider that's why I want to tell you tell you

about this new great software that eliminates almost all the problems to

get traffic online and that I have been testing and achieving very promising

results with a very friendly members area sincerely I didn't need any

coaching to start using it as simple as it is and now you can shake that also I

believe almost all online entrepreneurs face daily problems or challenges to

show their products to target our buyers online and I am one of them I can easily

spend good amounts of money in traffic and in the end the return of my

investment stays away below of the desired numbers or results that's why

I'm here to talk about this new great software by making some tests I could

really see all the potential of traffic IV I can and you also can with a few

clicks show your content with other people in any niche and also share other

people contents in your social platforms and blogs you own and keep them with

fresh and helpful content and I think this is fantastic so if you are like me

and have some difficulties to make online campaigns spend huge amounts of

money I don't get the results you desire this software is definitely for you I

have now the fortune to test it but I can see this problem is working and it

will be the best platform to reach our turtle

targeted traffic the most easy way that I can discover if

you are seeing this review you must sign in as soon as possible as you can and

start working with it to see that really I'd taking an honest picture of its

benefits if you often feel frustrated with the number of clicks to your offers

then you must sign in into traffic ivorie software today plus you like me

have access to a great community online when see where Cindy Donovan a great

success online entrepreneur helps the members to get the most profits of her

software's she is launching now these great softer as I can see unfortunately

use it Cindy is a successful online entrepreneur and likes to help everyone

in her community to achieve the same success or higher so I hope you sign in

to die and get the exposure that you need in the easy easiest way and fast

way possible possible the entire experience and ever thank you for your

time and see you inside traffic IV wish you all the success


For more infomation >> New Revolutionary Cloud Based SaaS Gets Real FREE Traffic - How To Make Money Online - Duration: 18:53.


코바늘 뜨개질 패브릭얀 고양이 바구니 만들기 / How to make a cat basket / 패브릭얀 바구니 뜨기 / 집사표 고양이 바구니 / fabric yarn basket - Duration: 24:13.

Hello. I'm KKOMJII. This video is how to crochet a cat basket.

I have a cat. I will make a basket for the cat.

Name : kkomi / Age : 3

This basket can be used as a basket for cat or small items.

Materials : fabric yarn 500g 2balls , crochet hook size 12mm

It is recommended to use needle more than 10mm.

I'll start making cat baskets now.

It is better to start with the inner yarn.

R1 : magic ring, ch(chain) 1, sc(single crochet) 6 (6)

Work directly on the first single crochet without slip stich.

When working, the remaining yarn is placed on the crochet hook. Then the remaining yarn is hided.

To make it more solid, I will use the knit stitch technique.

A typical(normal) single crochet stabs the crochet hook like this.

Knit stitch is similar to a single crochet except for the position of stabbing the crochet hook.

Knit stitch crochet hook position is the middle of the single crochet body.

If knit stitch is difficult, you can work with a typical single crochet.

In this video I worked with knit stitch.

As you work on the second row, hide the remaining end yarn.

R2 : 1 sc, scinc, repeat 6 times (12)

Knit stitch has a pattern similar to knit.

R3 : scinc, repeat 6 times (18)

Check the position stab the crochet hook.

Work with a crochet hook in the middle of the body of a single crochet.

R4 : 2 sc, scinc, repeat 6 times (24)

Use markers or other color yarn to mark on the beginning and work.

R5 : 3 sc, scinc, repeat 6 times (30)

R6 : 4 sc, scinc, repeat 6 times (36)

R7 : 5 sc, scinc, repeat 6 times (42)

R8 : 6 sc, scinc, repeat 6 times (48)

R9 : 7 sc, scinc, repeat 6 times (54)

From 10R, even rows(rounds) are single crochet without scinc.

R10 : 54 sc (54)

Working with a single crochet on an even row, you can make the circle pretty and wide without increasing the number of stitches.

R10 : 54 sc (54)

R11 : 8 sc, scinc, repeat 6 times (60)

Please work to the bottom diameter you want.

In the video, I worked about 30cm in diameter. But the size of the basket was small for my cat to use, so I fixed it later. :(

To make it bigger, odd rows work including scinc, and even rows work with sc.

R12 : 60 sc (60)

R13~15 : 60 sc (60)

If you do not want to make a concave shape, work with sc without scdec.

R16 : 8 sc, scdec, repeat 6 times (54)

Because yarn is thick, it crosses and knots.

Hide the remaining yarn at the end when working sc.

When working, the remaining yarn is placed on the crochet hook.

R17~18 : 54 sc (54)

When working on the last stitch, the two rings on the crochet hook

Stab the crochet hook on the next stitch and yarn out.

With three rings on the crochet hook, Pass the first ring into the second and third rings.

R19 : 54 sl st (slip stitch)

Cut the yarn, fix it, and hide it inside stitch.

All the remaining yarns are hidden inside stitch and finish it.

Completed cat basket~!

You can see how my cat uses the basket at the end of this video.

I'm not very good at English. I'm working on it though. Please leave a comment if there is a wrong part of the subtitle.

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I presented the basket to my cat 'KKOMI'.

Oh my god!

When did you grow up like this?

Eventually, the size of the basket was fixed.


Please check the size of the cat and make it.

I think my cat love the basket.

See you again~! Bye.

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