Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 7, 2017

Youtube daily want Jul 31 2017

Prince William and Kate Middleton have long been one of our favorite celebrity couples,

but that doesn't mean they don't disagree at times.

In fact, the notion that the future King of England and his beautiful wife are so appreciably

normal is a major reason for their wide appeal.

Case in point: The topic of trying for a third baby.

William and Kate, both 35, already have a perfect son and daughter together, so one

could surely understand the urge to stop there

or the urge to triple down and go for the trifecta!

It appears the Duke and Duchess come down on opposite sides of this debate, and Kate's

even talked about the disagreement openly.

Can you guess which one of them wants another?

Royal author Phil Dampier tells celebrity news magazine Life & Style that Kate wasn't

shy about her views on the topic ... or her husband's:

"When I spoke to Kate at a reception about 18 months ago, she joked, 'If I got pregnant

again now, I think William would be out the door!'"

This isn't the first rumor about Kate Middleton wanting a third baby ... this month.

Nor will it be the last, at the rate this is going.

During a recent event in Warsaw, Poland, on July 17, the mother of George, 4, and Charlotte,

2, raised eyebrows with another quote.

Middleton gushed that "we will just have to have more babies" when she was presented a

stuffed animal designed to comfort newborns.

Unfortunately, Will doesn't seem to agree.

"He's quite happy with a boy and girl," an insider says, while Kate, "coming from a family

of three herself," would "definitely like another child."

The heir to the throne "feels they have enough on their plate already," and not even Kate

hiring a supernanny can change that calculus.

tell us your thoughts in comments below.

thanks for watching.

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For more infomation >> Kate Middleton: I Want to Get Pregnant, But William Would F--king Blow a Gasket! - Duration: 2:13.


How To Make Any Amount Of Money You Want - Duration: 8:31.

Hey guys today I want to talk to you about a concept that has been a little

bit controversial in the past when I've brought it up but it's also a lot of fun

to think through. So it's really this idea that you can use a notepad like

this one to figure out how to make pretty much any amount of money you want.

Now it sounds a little bit crazy at first but we're going to use real

numbers so hopefully that breaks it down a little bit and we're going to take

what might be considered an average income and compare it to what might be

your dream income and figure out how to use real numbers to bridge that gap and

get you from point A to point B. So let's get started...

First though let's talk about how to really determine the way that money is

made, right? Because if you want to make a large amount you first need to figure

out how to make a small amount. Where does the money really even

come from? And it comes from, in its simplest terms, giving value. It doesn't

matter if you're a plumber, a lawyer, a teacher, an entrepreneur, a doctor

whatever -- you get paid by your employer or by your customers or clients in the

market because of the value that you give. They pay you what they deem it's

worth and that's how you make money. So what we're really doing here is trying

to figure out how to increase that amount and we're going to use like I

said real numbers to do it. So let's start with $40,000 per year. Let's say

that you currently make $40,000 a year - got a little bit of a wobbly board here but

we'll make it work...

$40,000 a year is your current income. Now I'm going to spare you the total

math equation here but let's say that you work 1,920

hours per year and 1,920 hours per year is what you could say that maybe the

average person works. It's 52 weeks in a year and then you take off two weeks for

vacation, maybe another two weeks for personal and sick time and you're left

with 48 weeks in a year and then let's say the average person works 40 hours a

week, you do that math you get to 1,920 hours worked in a year. So if you divide

1,920 hours into $40,000 a year, what you get is $20.83 per hour

now even if you're a salaried employee if you work this many

hours and you make this income, you make $20.83

per hour. So let's say that you're not happy making $40,000 a year

you want to make, and this going to seem like a big number some

people but let's just play with it, let's say that you want to make $1,000,000 a

year and that would make you a lot happier with your income. So you know

let's say that we're using the same numbers let's say that you don't

go crazy you don't start working 12 hours a day you just stick

with eight hours a day, the typical 40-hour a week schedule, which is 1,920

hours a year and if you do that math what you end up at is

$520.80 per hour. So if you

currently make $40,000 a year and you want to make $1,000,000 a year you

need to figure out a way to get from $20.83 per hour to

$520.80 per hour. How do you do that? Well again

let's go back to value. You're paid by your customers, your clients,

your employer, whatever based on the value that you create and give according

to them, right? And that actually brings up a pretty good point that I want to

visit here just as a little side note. Some people might say that let's say a

teacher who makes $40,000 a year is even giving more value than an

NBA basketball player who might make $1,000,000 per year and I would say that

that's probably pretty solid reasoning in terms of the influence to somebody's

life, right? But the market doesn't really care about a lot more than numbers

sometimes, right, and especially if you want to go from this amount to this

amount you need to figure out how to give value in terms of what

the market thinks, right? So let's say an NBA basketball player is making a

million dollars a year but because he's on the team the team is making 10

million dollars per year for merchandise, ticket sales, whatever -- well if they're

making 10 million and they need to pay him 1 million isn't that

worth it? I mean it just kind of makes sense because your profit

margin then is 90% which is amazing so you can kind of see why in terms of the

value in revenue minus expenses equals profit that a basketball player

might make 1 million when you could argue that a teacher despite making only

$40,000 a year is actually giving more value so, just something to think about

when you're figuring this whole thing out but again you need to figure out how

if you want to make a million a year to get from $20.83 to $520.80 per hour

and again what we're going to do is really

take this back to value. You need to figure out how to take the value that

you're giving from around twenty dollars an hour to around five hundred twenty

dollars an hour how do you do that? There are only two basic ways

really of increasing your income like that and it comes down to this

1. you can either give a massive amount of value, a lot more value than you're

giving now, to maybe the same amount of people that you're giving value to now

in other words a massive amount of value to a small number of people OR

2. you can continue giving the amount of value you're giving now, at least

according to the market's opinion, to a massive number of people. So a couple of

examples of these might be a heart surgeon, right?

You're literally saving people's lives, it's worth a lot but you can't really do it

for a whole ton of people because your time is limited but since you're paid so

much to do a heart surgery you really don't need to do it for a million people

either. So the second way is by giving a small amount of value like we said to a

massive number of people and an example of that might be a selling toilet paper

let's say you're Cottonelle you don't need to make a hundred thousand dollars

per roll of toilet paper because you've got a million, two million, five million

whatever people who are going to buy your toilet paper so you can either

increase the number of people who you're giving value to or you can increase the

amount of value that you're giving. So I wanted to leave you with a couple

key takeaways and the first one is instead of just kind of dreaming about

oh, you know I need to do this job or I need to just start a business that works

or whatever... use real numbers to figure out exactly how much value you need to

create and you need to give really in order to make the amount of money that

you want to make. So you know let's say if we know that $520 an hour

is what we want to make then that might weed out a couple of

business ideas we came up with that maybe there aren't enough people who want our

small amount of value or maybe you know the product that we have in mind isn't

really that valuable to people so you know if we only want to market to this

many people it's not going to work, right? So knowing the amount of value that you

need to create is critical and you can use real numbers, real, very simple

actually math equations to figure that out. The second thing I want to leave you

with is just this idea of stopping the questions about how do I make more money.

Everybody's asking how do I make more money, how do I make more money, but

nobody's asking how do I give massively more value than I'm giving

right now?? And so since money is a byproduct of

giving more value the question really should be "how do I give ten times more

value to the market or to my employer whatever if I want to make ten times my

current income?" So I'd love to hear your questions on this one I know like I said

it's a little bit controversial to some people that you can use simple numbers

to map out how to make literally any amount of money you want but I want to

know what you think and I'd be happy to discuss any of your questions with you

in the comments section below. As always if it's valuable to you it's

probably going to be valuable to somebody else so feel free to share it

on your page and I can't wait to talk to you soon.

For more infomation >> How To Make Any Amount Of Money You Want - Duration: 8:31.


26 Hidden Secrets things about Marvel Would NOT Want Anyone To Know - Duration: 8:10.

26 Hidden Secrets things about Marvel Would NOT Want Anyone To Know.

26 Stan Lee Stan Lee who worked for Marvel as a writer

for hire sued Marvel in 2005 because he was hurt by Marvel Comics decision to keep profits

from him over his 60 years with the company

25 Michael Jackson In the early 1990s, Michael Jackson tried

to buy Marvel Comics just so that he could play Spider Man in his own produced movie

24 Dum Dum Dugan Was A Life Model Decoy Timothy �Dum Dum� Dugan was one of Nick

Fury�s most trusted allies and one of the stapes of SHIELD leadership.

He was a friend, a soldier, and a... life model decoy?

Life model decoys have an infamous history in the Marvel Universe.

They�re basically robots that look and sound exactly like real people.

23 Timely Comics

Marvel was first known as Timely Comics.

It was set up in 1939 by New York magazine publisher Martin Goodman.

From 1951 the company�s comics were printed under the name Atlas but this was changed

to Marvel in 1961.

The first comic to appear under the Marvel Comics brand was Amazing Adventures No 3.

22 Marvel had Cyclops Marvel had Cyclops and Jean Grey get married

in the comics because they found out that the producers of X-Men: The Animated Series

intended to have them wed in the show�s second season.

21 Marvel Comics was prohibited from featuring

werewolves in comics by the Comics Code Authority from 1954 through 1971.

This pushed Marvel creators to be more imaginative, and resulted in the creation of Sauron, a

character that�s basically a were-pterodactyl with vampiric powers, in

the pages of X-Men in 1969.

20 Spider-Man superheroes Spider-Man has been one of Marvel�s best-loved


The friendly neighborhood web-slinger has spawned multiple spin-offs and alternate versions,

as well as film franchises, animated series, and countless merchandise.

However, Peter Parker very nearly didn�t make it into the pages of the Marvel universe.

19 �zombie.�

Marvel was creating every character they could think of in the �70s (including Dazzler,

a disco inspired character) they were also apparently

working on copyrighting words and trying to be the only ones who could use said words.

Marvel must have thought there was big money in this idea,

as from 1975-1996 Marvel actually owned the rights to the word �zombie.�

18 Michael Jackson was famous for a lot of different

things, but one of his lesser-known loves was comic books.

The star owned a huge collection of comics and memorabilia, and was a huge Marvel fan

(although he loved DC as well).

In the �90s, when Marvel wasn�t anywhere near as financially healthy as it is now,

Jackson even seriously considered buying the comics company � the ultimate

addition to a comic collection.

17 Stan Lee and Jack Kirby

When Stan Lee and Jack Kirby were creating villains for the Marvel Comic Books they turned

to the Bible.

Out of that inspiration came Galactus (God) and Silver Surfer (Satan).

16 superhero named Throg Marvel created a superhero named Throg.

He is a frog that has the power of Thor and is in a group called the Pet Avengers.

15 Avengers movie During the production of the Avengers movie,

they couldn�t get the Hulks roar to sound just right so they decided to supplement it

with recordings of Lou Ferrigno bellowing as the

original Hulk.

14 Spider -man married Spider -man married mary jane in 1987 for

which marvel held a publicity event featuring actors dressed

like spider-man and mary jane getting married in shea stadium.

13 MARVEL COULD�VE OWNED WHO Imagine for a second a world where no one

debates the merits of Marvel comics vs. DC comics.

Imagine we couldn�t spend countless hours discussing what�s better; the grounded melancholy

of the DC Universe, or the candy-colored fun of the Marvel Universe.

12 Mr.immortal is a marvel character with no

special powers except immortality.He has been killed in ways including shot,suffocated,stabbed,


11 Readers who alerted Marvel to mistakes in

their comics were awarded a No-Prize.

This would be empty envelope sent back to the reader

on which would be written: �Congratulations!

This envelope contains a genuine Marvel Comics No-Prize, which you have just won!�

The No-Prize has become a much sought-after item for fans.

10 Marvel spent years trying to get an Iron Man

movie off the ground, and it was stuck in various stages of production for a very

long time before Marvel managed to finally to get the green light, hence why several

different versions of the script exist (including one where Tony Stark would have

had a talking toaster and been unable to fly).

9 "Black" Falcon was the first black superhero to not

have the word "Black" as part of the name.

8 The only batman who is not motivated for vengeance

by the death of a family member is batman 3000 from an alternate universe.

7 Wesley snipes tried to get a black panther

movie into production back in 1992.

wesley even wrote some scripts himself.

6 In the comics tony stark assenbled all six

infinity gens and became the first human to use the infinity gauntlet.

5 ultron was created by Dr.Henry pym, based

upon his own thought and memory engrams.

it was a foray into artificial intelligence that no scientist had ever taken before, not

even reed richards.

4 Being one of the greatest superheroes in the

Marvel Cinematic Unverse,there was once a time when chris evans wanted no part of playing

captain amercia.After being locked into multiple fantastic four movies of dubiousmhe did not

eant to sign a big contract where he he'd have no way to protect himself from bad movies.

3 Avatar Director James Cameron and fight club

Director David fincher were both giben the script for Deadpool and loved it so much that

they constantly pused executives to greenlight the film.Rvan Revnolds claims that without

them.The movie would never have been made.

2 New characters entering the Marvel Cinematic

Universe from the comic book world are Wanda (Scarlet Witch) and Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver),

who have powers that have not yet been seen on screen.

Pietro is lightning fast and Wanda possesses the power of telekinesis, and she is able

to fire neurons in people�s brains remotely using her powers and as a result can manipulate

their minds.

1 Marvel Studios presents Avengers: Age of Ultron,

the epic follow-up to the biggest Super Hero movie of all time.

When Tony Stark tries to jumpstart a dormant peacekeeping program,

things go awry and Earth�s Mightiest Heroes, including Iron Man, Captain America, Thor,

The Incredible Hulk, Black Widow and Hawkeye, are put to

the ultimate test as the fate of the planet hangs in the balance.

For more infomation >> 26 Hidden Secrets things about Marvel Would NOT Want Anyone To Know - Duration: 8:10.


Melissa Benoist & Chris Wood Want to Save the Tigers! - Duration: 1:14.

Melissa Benoist & Chris Wood Want to Save the Tigers!

Melissa Benoist & Chris Wood Want to Save the Tigers!.

Melissa Benoist and her boyfriend Chris Wood make their way through the airport on Saturday (July 29) in Los Angeles. The couple and co-stars arrived in town from Vancouver, where they film their show.

That day, Melissa and Chris took to social media to bring awareness to. We should all be passionate about our worlds wildlife, and Tigers need us to take action.

Please help @DiscoveryComm & @WWF at to bring the roar of the Tiger back.

For more infomation >> Melissa Benoist & Chris Wood Want to Save the Tigers! - Duration: 1:14.


We HAVE to understand this shift in thinking if we want to treat people right... - Duration: 0:59.

- Okay, listen, there's a toxic idea out there right now,

and it's this thought: "I'm my own worst critic!"

It's being worshiped.

People are saying, "You know what?

"Nobody else can tell me

"the things I've done wrong better than I can.

"Nobody else can tell me how to get better

"better than I can."

Well, let me ask you a question.

If that's true, then why aren't we better?

The intention isn't poor.

People wanna become the best person they can be.

But I'd suggest you need a different motivation.

Rather than being your own "worst critic"

and worshiping this idea

that you're the "toughest person on yourself",

how about you're the KINDEST PERSON TO YOURSELF?


How about THAT motivation?

I wonder if that would change the way that we act

so that we actually don't have to come out

and apologize for the things we've done wrong,

saying, "I'm my own worst critic."

For more infomation >> We HAVE to understand this shift in thinking if we want to treat people right... - Duration: 0:59.


'I didn't want to get dressed' Naked woman strolls proudly through city centre - Duration: 2:13.

'I didn't want to get dressed' Naked woman strolls proudly through city centre

The unnamed daredevil was filmed strolling around the city of Bologna, Italy, unashamedly naked after declaring she "didn't want to get dressed".

A popular destination for tourists all over Europe, the picturesque city, nor the residents who live there, had not seen a sight quite like it.

Unfazed by the attention she was attracting, the brazen lady walked along, seemingly without a care in the world, even while passers-by stopped to take photos. EYECATCHING: The naked daredevil strolled around Bologna with her kit off.

She was seen crossing a busy road in front of the citys railway station and in the popular area around Porta Mascarella, a gate in the citys former medieval walls.

It is unclear whether the saucy video was real, or part of a viral stunt – but it certainly caught viewers' attention online.

Nice excuse, I didnt want to get dressed!, what nonsense people say for a little bit of popularity," one viewer wrote. SAUCY STUFF: The woman said she didnt feel like getting dressed that morning.

But another said: Better a beautiful naked woman than an ugly naked man on the street. Brave girl! And very beautiful. A third, claiming to be an Italian, wrote: So this is how far weve come.

And we criticise our guests – were worse than them because we dont have any excuse..

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