Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 7, 2017

Youtube daily Lifestyle Jul 29 2017

The Flamboyant Lifestyle And Times Of Nigeria's First Finance Minister

For more infomation >> The Flamboyant Lifestyle And Times Of Nigeria's First Finance Minister - Duration: 2:23.


Learn how to make a lifestyle change with Weight Loss Institute of Arizona - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> Learn how to make a lifestyle change with Weight Loss Institute of Arizona - Duration: 4:25.


AYS Daily Growth Hacks 070 The Digital Lifestyle - Duration: 8:41.

Today's topic: The Digital Lifestyle. Hi I'm Doug Holt with Author of Your Own

Story and this is your daily growth hack where each day we give you a tip trick

or insight to help you up level what we call the five to thrive that is your

mind your body your soul your relationships and your business now I

just got back from the beach and I'm here in beautiful Santa Barbara

California and we're staying on a beach house overlooking the ocean it's

absolutely magnificent so I'm running up here to shoot this daily growth act

because I just got off the phone with an old client of mine and when I got the

phone I related the conversation to a colleague of mine who said you know what

that's a perfect daily growth hack because Doug you get asked this question

all the time and they were totally right I've been asked this question four times

today alone and the question goes something like this

Doug love what you're doing but I want it - I want a lifestyle that actually

works around me and my goals and my dreams really what they're saying is I

want to develop a digital lifestyle where I can travel where I want to go

still run my business still affect people in a positive way but I don't

know how to do it I feel like I'm chained to my current business or to

whatever I'm doing currently whether you be a business owner or an employer or

see the employee that doesn't really matter these people all happen to be

business owners and that's really my circle of influence now so what really

was asking is this is an old client of mine and he said gee what can I do now

what is the fast track what's the fast track sir I just shrink it a job with

somebody that's digital and sell my business should I just go to our class I

can take no MBA really covers this how do I do this Doug what's the next step

now he was a young business owner and so what I told them was the same thing when

I tell you it's the same thing I would tell you if you've been in business for

30 or 40 years running a business digitally is no different than running a

brick-and-mortar business you must master the fundamentals of business you

must master all those skills first what people don't see they don't see that I

started this journey ten years ago by hiring my first virtual

we which forced me to actually build the systems around my business and really

learn and learn exactly what needed to be done what communication styles what

software to use how I could run this in a digital matter you see back then I

owned three businesses one of them being a brick-and-mortar business that

actually required me to be at that physical location for the most the time

this is 2007 I remember exactly where I was sitting writing in my journal and

realizing that I was not living the life of my dreams I was not being the author

of my own story so I'm going to share with you exactly

what I told this individual this morning so what I told them was look digital

lifestyle is great you want to make sure though that your business works around

your lifestyle and not doing the opposite of what the 99% of the rest of

people do is they work their lifestyle around their business always hoping to

have a vacation always waiting to live life when they're done with work see

being a digital nomad means you're almost always working yeah although I

was just down on the beach I'm down here with one of my employees and of course

we're enjoying that we're having a great time but at the same time we're also

talking business strategy and while we're doing that I have it so I can pull

out a mobile device and talk to the rest of my team so for me it's an iPhone and

I'm able to chat with them on slack or HipChat or some other system we use

boxer we have different protocols for each of our systems this is what works

for me and so one of the reasons I record these daily growth acts isn't

just to hear myself speak really what I'm doing is I'm actually decided to do

this so I could speak to Doug 10 years ago the idea was what if I could talk to

myself 10 years ago and help him leapfrog all the things that I've done

the courses the classes the mistakes all the experiences that brought me here

today to allow me to live a lifestyle that I'm truly grateful for and one that

actually Garner's all these questions about how do I live this life this is

also exactly why we created the author of your own story University launching

September 1st we wanted a structure program because there's no place for me

to direct people every time I get asked this I don't have

a place to send somebody I don't tell you where to go what class you can take

it's a multitude I've read thousands of books I've taken courses I spent well

over half a million dollars on this program what I want to do is share that

all with everybody else this is just like the overnight success you know

there's no such thing as an overnight success yet each of us is still trying

to achieve that so an overnight success is really something to put in the hard

work and their success is overnight only because you're now seeing the shining

star and so this is exactly what I told this young business owner I said look

yeah I can recommend books yeah there's some online courses I can recommend for

you as well but there's not a structured program that exists today that I'm aware

of that allows you the opportunity to develop a digital lifestyle or a life on

your own terms that really allows you to be the true author of your own story you

see because the digital lifestyle isn't just about business you also need to

balance your relationships your fitness your soul and also of course your

business and your mind this is where we came up with a five to thrive this is a

holistic aspect because I'll tell you when I first started the digital

lifestyle I was missing a lot of the legs to this table I had the business

but I was missing some of the relationship issues I was missing some

of the things with wellness there are all kinds of things falling as I was

juggling all these plates because now you have ultimate freedom and schedule

but less structured so what do you do with that how does your time become

efficient but then it's easy to work all the time because you don't have any

hours so these are things that people often don't think of when they think of

the dream of the business lifestyle or of the digital lifestyle and these are

things I want to share with you because you can have it and you can have it all

and you should and you deserve it so go out today what I want you do is

grab your journal write out the reasons why you want the digital lifestyle and

maybe this doesn't apply to you if it doesn't don't worry about it

but I do get to ask this question at least 2 times a day if not more every

day on social media in person people just want to know how do I do it there's

no secret its structured educational learning and again this is exact

why we're opening the author of your own story University because to our

knowledge we can't find it anywhere else to direct somebody and so this is a

limited group of people we're taking through structured educational forms

it's not about a digital lifestyle it's about a holistic balance will pick one

topic every month a generalized topic and we deep deep

dive into it we deep dive into it such a way that we creating meaningful

conversations discussion and growth out of that topic as well as we roll into

the next month it's another topic that builds upon that

layer by layer to allow you to leapfrog my ten plus years of experience doing

this as well as our team you see need to remember that my team is also living the

digital lifestyle and they're also growth motivated these are the kind of

people I surround myself with and this is why I've become the author of my own

story I'm really passionate about this and I hope this is coming through

because I get asked us so much I want you to have it all I want you to live

the life of your dreams and if it encourages or includes this I want to

help you get there that's all I have for you today I'd love to hear your comments

as I always do in the Facebook group go over to author of your own story calm if

you haven't already and get on that waitlist for the author of your own

story University it's not a commitment just means we're accepting the first 50

people that apply and get accepted because not everybody's going to get

accepted into the program and I want to make sure you have that opportunity I've

done this before where we've had people come in and even it's 51 or 60 and they

just can't get in and I feel bad but I need to limit this so I can focus my

personal attention on helping those people and helping giving them and

deliver the best that's it for me today just a reminder go out today and be the

author of your own story

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