Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 7, 2017

Youtube daily don Jul 30 2017

What People Do When They Don't Really Love You

I try to lace my work with optimism because a guiding principle in my own life has been that the most tragic things in our lives almost

always precede the most incredible.

I think that, at any given point, we are faced with the choice of whether to move on with what the universe gives and takes or to hold on

and bury ourselves in our own misery.

I do not perch on a high horse preaching this, because I have been in those depths, and I know what it's like.

I also know that there are few issues that will destroy you faster than matters of the heart.

But what I must tell you is that while teaching myself to climb out of that sadness and attachment-laden-misery,

I realized something that is a bit more realistic than optimistic, but so invariably true that it's worth giving attention to.

When someone loves you, you will know it.

If someone cares about you, they will find a way to be with you.

If they do not, they'll make excuses.

Sometimes they won't even be sure whether or not they love you, so you'll see them going back and forth trying to figure it out.

Love is not something that requires brain work.

It is not a riddle to be solved or a mystery to be uncovered.

It just simply is, and we just have to let it be, or not be, naturally.

I generally believe that people differ so much in their experiences and that no two situations are exactly the same,

so it's difficult to generalize something about love and romance, but I make an exception for this.

I know many of you are probably reading this conjuring up all the reasons why so-and-so did in fact love you but they just couldn't be with

you for this reason or that reason and why that was so valid and why I have no idea what I'm talking about.

That's okay if you want to think that, I won't stop you.

But the truth is that what you're holding onto is someone who doesn't love you enough to put you first and make it work.

And if I believe in anything, I believe that we all deserve to be with someone who wants to be with us as well.

So what we have to learn to do is to accept the love we aren't given.

To realize that although we put someone on a pedestal, that does not mean that their judgment determines us.

It's simply a mindset, one that we have to change if we want to get out.

People can love you a little bit, and they can love you enough but not enough to make it work.

It is not an all-or-nothing situation.

We have to stop thinking that it is, and that when the cards don't fall in our favor, that it defines some part of us as being unworthy and


Because to combat that idea, we hold on as fiercely as we can to the reasons we are loved, until letting go is our idea– not theirs.

But we all end up, one way or another, okay.

We're all on different rides, but they all end the same way.

You do not need somebody else's love to be whole.

You do not need their permission to go on with your life.

What you do need is your own love.

You need to let yourself go on.

Their love isn't stopping you, because that love doesn't exist.

It is only you who is holding onto what you believe should be.

And what you will realize, sooner or later, is that most of your life is defined and chosen by what you compel yourself to believe should

or shouldn't be.

Release yourself from the cage you built.

You hold the key to your own freedom.

For more infomation >> What People Do When They Don't Really Love You | Conscious Reminder - Duration: 4:23.


MIKA Giffoni 2017 - "WHEN PARENTS DON'T LET YOU TRAVELLING" (Eng sub) - Duration: 3:48.

My Question is: In your Childhood you moved sometimes. You're travelling a lot usually.

I think that Travelling, expecially out of our own Country, - It's very important for Personal Education. Expecially for Teenagers.

But there're Parents who doesn't let Travelling Their Children, ever when they're of Legal Age.

In your opinion - Why are they so scared of all that is "outside"? And what would you like to say to these Parents?

This is a Great Privilege as well. It's a Privilege to have a Home & feel Safe.

Many of others don't have it now. Let's see what happens in Syria.

5.000.000 should move from their Home. They lost everything & now they are living In Refugee Camps & Accommodation centres.

It's the Opposite of what you're speaking to. Your Question let me think about this Because ones I met a Guy in UNHCR.

In "Accommodation centres for Syrian Refugees" I met a lot of young people who I spoke with.

There was a Guy who told me - - I always wanted to travel & now.. I'm travelling.. But I'm invisible.. I don't exist in the Society..

They don't have a Passport.. a Permission to work.. They are Refugees in United Nations.

So he said to me: - Now I'm travelling.. But I'm invisible & I don't see anything..

This Situation is Shoking. He's constantly moving with a great Risk.

First he came in Greece And then he made an Illegal Journey to Germany.

And yes, he's travelling, but he's saying: "I wanted always to travelling & now I'm travelling, But I'm invisible & I'm unable to see anything."

I know - this is not a Reply to your Question.

But I think: - It's not a Journey itself to make you see the things. It's not only the Idea of Travelling..

Music.. Art.. Can make you Travel as well.. Can make you Discover the things..

They can make you become more Open-minded than a Holiday in Miami.

Obvious.. it's more fun to have a Parents Telling you - "Go, do what you want"..

But if your Parents are telling you Always: "Go & do what you want.." It's another Extreme which is not very usufull..

I don't know how to reply to you Question.. You made me think about that Guy I met 2 y.a. His Story has had a profound effect on me.

For more infomation >> MIKA Giffoni 2017 - "WHEN PARENTS DON'T LET YOU TRAVELLING" (Eng sub) - Duration: 3:48.


Brian Flatt's The 3 Week Diet System Review | Don,t Buy Until You Watch This - Duration: 1:35.

hey guys I just wanted to share my story with how I lost 15 pounds in 21 days so

a few weeks ago I realized summer was fast approaching and then I needed to 3week diet system

cut down a few pounds too much McDonald's and beer had me overweight

and I had a bit of a belly so you know I usually like to stay active but mostly

just do weights and strength work in the gym I absolutely hate doing cardio and I

did some research on a few bodybuilding and fitness forms and I found that

everyone was talking about this diet program called the 3 week diet people

were getting crazy results with it losing 10 20 and even 30 pounds with it

in just 21 days so I decided to give it a go and I signed up right away my first

week I lost 5 pounds my second week I lost 6 pounds and in the last few days

I've lost 4 pounds so the results have been absolutely fantastic I haven't had

to you know try to starve myself I haven't had to do any crazy cardio which the 3 week diet system

I absolutely hate no diet pills supplements or anything like that just 3 week diet plan

good solid wholesome food everything is completely spelled out for you from you

know what you should eat and when you should eat it it really truly does work

and if you want to lose weight quickly quit wasting your time on stuff that

does not work this really works I feel fantastic and I've never been this lean

before my life my abs are even finally starting to pop out you know take a look

at the 3 week diet today I couldn't recommend it more

For more infomation >> Brian Flatt's The 3 Week Diet System Review | Don,t Buy Until You Watch This - Duration: 1:35.


Don`t hide what you feel - Duration: 1:56.

Do you still see what is happening?

Do you still see what is happening?

Do you still see what is happening?

Do you still see what is happening?

Do you still see what is happening?

Do you still see what is happening?

Do you still see what is happening?

Many things

More and more

fast surprises around us

fast surprises around us

around us all

around us all

around us all


Then this is the reason the Gods are makin us strongest

Then this is the reason the Gods are makin us strongest

Then this is the reason the Gods are makin us strongest

Then this is the reason the Gods are makin us strongest

Then this is the reason the Gods are makin us strongest

Because we need to think what is better

Because we need to think what is better

Because we need to think what is better

to our People !!!


And then many troubles in your life there too !!

And then many troubles in your life there too !!

And then many troubles in your life there too !!

To stop you !!

To make you give up of our Gods

To make you give up of our Gods

Then take care !!!!

Then take care !!!!


First try to fix and organize the things

First try to fix and organize the things

First try to fix and organize the things

Carefully !!!!


This is a big test we all are living together

This is a big test we all are living together

This is a big test we all are living together

This is a big test we all are living together

Don`t you feel this too ??


If we are eagles

We need too we use our Wings !!!!

We need too we use our Wings !!!!

And open the Wings !!!

And open the Wings !!!

Then we cannot have fear

To we show our Actions

To show our Love !!!!

about our People !!


Hug to all

Have an amazing weekend there


For more infomation >> Don`t hide what you feel - Duration: 1:56.


I DON'T EVEN KNOW !!? - Duration: 9:29.

how's it going guys ComBeStie is here and welcome to my channel so here we are with a new game

it's called I don't even know that's the name of the gamethe game I don't even know okay let's

why three two one I wish man so Ducati it not up and

cocaine no is me I ain't have enough oh my self is not on that so you're mr.

kooky you're mr. norm you're mr. Duncan I like going to them um so which one

okay then oh shit a big heart Oh

next mission Rick his teeth oh happy oh don't baby Steve RBC's come on give

me a hug come on give me a kiss good one yes oh no oh oh okay okay okay okay

Perry penis yeah let's go oh man oh fuck no mouth next mission haven't get keyed

on the human opinion oh it's gone Brown in his own foo maybe it will track it

out or minim next mission how'd you make us proud um okay

Josh eating okay mochi uh okay not cheap let's open dad no no there

maybe okay maybe that's what's that key oh oh now he's done we're not allowed

oh fuck me although discover his nude oh it's a bud

what is that your follow-up it online okay drag Mac brick hey crap

boss defeated the free mr. clown oh hey there miss advanced oh how do I defeat

mr. clown oh don't get scary Keith I'm gonna be

mr. clown hmm oh so I just met that um I don't know

so you're the left Lou oh no next mrs. Shaw I draw

well that's not drawing dead just just right she's like just missing up okay

whatever what life are poni um then you on their top okay that's okay

that dad that ha ha ha ha makes fixed rocket plate um okay Peter I don't fix

rock with a pizza hmm okay okay

and that too that looks nice Oh less less but it's like this is like a zoo

the bull okay that yeah ten out of ten that's great

maybe should put that on the top like that like Sabinas and with that likes

incest and put the beads on its mouth on the bosses anyways um I don't know

fuck me thanks to racket please copy track it um where's that PUD

oh okay yeah this may 10th Poulsen next vision find me how do I find you

okay let's fight it together guys you tell me and I'm gonna do it

you mean you my name Woodrow but that's okay that's it I want to choose that

thumb oh god you little boy next mission airport security

oh okay oh that experience getting out his pocket

oh yeah it is feels good jeez something okay cool um near oh nothing here

nothing here nothing is here dealer nothing here oh I think you're good to

go ah you're good to go double bottom along

wha ya did yes they did huh take it TJ you take that do you take that hmm what

a check for there's nothing here apparently come here come here nothing

here either I think they're fine what what I found

oh that is s Bieber black man hunger juice I'm watching not both oh you sad

fuck you anybody home okay hey hey is everybody home come on

get out yeah finally get out fuck you next mission it's done like

Prajapati oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah a little eyes the body there show get em

oh yeah baby let's rock it oh yeah let's rock it Wow yeah next

vision enjoy my system oh here's a stirrer assitive okay sorry

joy tablet next match we can wish I can make a wish

what no I'm pretty sure this green come on which k200 that's what we wish okay

so you could I don't know hmm confessor make better or maybe I don't care

something you must remain oh no that's danger dealer not deal um oh I got sure

yeah it's a deal yeah yeah brah no not my hearing huh okay Josh caffeine

oh now she'll see I don't see a will de cabrito

you know what I mean you don't really hide with the whale but who knows maybe

it works um who else oh okay nipples this might work

yeah no don't think that either Oh Charles the greatest peloton all time

um I don't think that works oh yeah let me Japanese or worked out

that's great deny agreement um hey mr. funky oh okay

this is how I agree with you sir warrant agreement itself with the favorite son

now it's unusable brilliant we're a high pop um yeah ha ha uh not here maybe for

my boy um what something period ah I'm just oh I've got it now hide evidence

secret duck okay Phan Duc fine doc Internet I guess IP Internet recycle

then who were the duck next mission where is my fireworks oh no boss

defeated sure look you're lucky because um unless it is a wallet you want it you

get it okay where's he did like it let you pick

your have you got oh you son of a bitch Hogg Lee I'm brilliant

why not

you're like eh okay I'm gonna give you my license

here's it you give it's right no it's not fake

I've got a whole question of now ten years as the galoshes sofa and tackle

you know what I mean cool that's guy yeah I'm the bad guy

lovin guy next vicious I don't even know oh hey

right click okay oh that's right please be sure to entertain quick here to wit

to not weigh in the game I don't wanna the game okay let's win

the game go too slowly I what lololo studios okay this is a so using tape you

just use a lot that case in school um like that oh oh it's finished

I can't I need to go to yourself okay whatever I think I'm probably the

Internet well of the game that game was awesome I

loved it it was cool this funny good good job good job blah blah blah

studium he's awesome so hey guys like that so it isn't like button subscribing

to forget Jericho for septum as always see ya

For more infomation >> I DON'T EVEN KNOW !!? - Duration: 9:29.


Don't Lose Hope - Road to Exam - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Don't Lose Hope - Road to Exam - Duration: 4:03.


The Chainsmokers- Don't let me down - Arabic sub - مترجمة - Duration: 3:20.


اتمنى ان تنال اعجابكم

اشتركو وشكرا

For more infomation >> The Chainsmokers- Don't let me down - Arabic sub - مترجمة - Duration: 3:20.


Don't starve ShipWrecked DLC: Souls (and the narrator) sail the seven sea's - Duration: 20:02.

Its going to crash any second now and past me dosent even know.LOL

For more infomation >> Don't starve ShipWrecked DLC: Souls (and the narrator) sail the seven sea's - Duration: 20:02.


10 Things People Don't Realize You're Doing Because You're Repressing The Hell Out Of Your Feelings - Duration: 5:11.

10 Things People Don't Realize You're Doing Because You're Repressing The Hell Out Of Your Feelings

Ah, emotional repression.

The tactic we're all taught growing up, but loathe to admit we're engaging in.

In a world that teaches us to be strong and unwavering at all costs, it can be embarrassing to admit that we're actually ~feeling~


So we do the next-best thing – and push that feeling down into the depths of our psyche!

But of course, all repressed feelings resurface eventually.

Here are 10 counter-intuitive ways in which we deal with our unexpressed emotions.


Taking care of everyone else.

Let's be serious – it's a lot easier to deal with someone else's emotions than it is to deal with your own.

So you spend a lot of time sorting out your loved ones' emotional crises.

It makes you feel like you've got this whole 'feelings' thing down pat – when in reality you're just avoiding confronting your own.


Disappearing from their lives for long periods of time.

Every once in a while, someone rudely evokes emotions in you that you don't feel capable of handling.

So you just, y'know, bail, for a couple of months until you can be reasonably certain that the emotion in question has been buried deeply

enough to not resurface for a while.





If you're constantly sprinting from one commitment to another, your emotions can't possibly catch up!

Becoming a low-key workaholic is an excellent alternative to actually feeling your feelings.

And a profitable one at that!


Continuously claiming that you're fine.

You like… are fine?

You think.

You feel fine.

If the way 'fine' feels is kind of bleak and dead inside, with an undercurrent of inexplicable anxiety.


Developing irrational anxieties.

When you don't acknowledge your feelings, they still come out – they just come out in irrational ways.

You know that person who thinks they have a brand-new type of cancer every second week?

Probably not the most emotionally in-touch of your friends.


Putting a positive spin on everything.

Your worst fear is seeing a friend tilt their head to the side sympathetically and ask you how you're dealing with a recent negative event.

So you beat them to the punch, by immediately telling them all the awesome realizations you've had as a result of said negative experience.

If you can put a positive spin on a negative situation, you never have to confront how you're really feeling!


Wanting to plan everything ahead of time.

You like to be in control of absolutely everything that happens to you, because you're only comfortable in situations where you can predict

how you're going to feel.

Doing something genuinely spontaneous and leaving the door open for surprise feelings to jump through?



Dating people who are wrong for you.

If you never date someone who's right for you, you never have to risk becoming emotionally intimate with them.

And if you can avoid emotional intimacy with others, you can avoid it within yourself.

Double win!


Turning EVERYTHING into a joke.

You're not falling apart at the seams!

You can prove it, by turning your pain into everyone else's amusement.


Presenting a tough-as-nails exterior.

There is no such thing as an unemotional person.

Even psychopaths experience emotion (just not in the form of interpersonal empathy).

Which means that tough-as-hell exteriors are often key indicators that the person behind them is RIFE with repressed emotions.

Not you, though.

Of course not you.

You're fine.

You're totally fine.

For more infomation >> 10 Things People Don't Realize You're Doing Because You're Repressing The Hell Out Of Your Feelings - Duration: 5:11.


Don't fuck with me, I have the power of God and anime on my side... - Duration: 0:07.

Don't fuck with me

I have the power of God AND anime on my side


For more infomation >> Don't fuck with me, I have the power of God and anime on my side... - Duration: 0:07.


What Is This???? | I Don't Even Know | Online Gameplay - Duration: 9:16.

1030 said you got a cadine and today I want to check out this game I've kind of

been seeing around the intro to web it's called I don't even know

I see the thumbnails it's been a little questionable that was like here let me

check it out and see what it's about so playing boy three two one

so which men stole the cookie no it's me I'd have arms okay

I'm not on it's not I I am a cookie myself is not too mad it's not men

ah he's the only man okay like it's okay it's not him

ah oh crap next mixing this is kind of like I'm impossible quit a bit where

it's kind of like not just regular thinking you've got to kind of think

outside the box with it click on Steve okay wait a trying to next mission have

him eat okay where's the food Oh obvious eating he's eating okay alright good if

you feel like for some you fill your stomach you're at the route though retro

prep now to make a split

okay I make it blows okay but do that a key I turn it okay well you're not

allowed next mission what cover his nude the Buddhists don't

you look at Pentagon as glamorous drag Mick quick this okay boss defeat defeat

mr. clown boom pop pop boom pop seven miles loves the beat goes on and on draw

okay so let me Oh clicking everywhere drawing aren't I just crippling next

mission what is it game I don't even it I guess that you know that's my father I

don't even okay one life are hot turn oh gosh um I'm going to stay - this test

oh that's three so let's cries here wow you saw that see I'm going to save it

next mission just drop it please okay let's fix it with

hate that I just want to see alright let's use this so do I just play

system or what if it okay then let's put this tension in here plot you know it

okay not you lunch with plant and you can keep this wrench put it inside there

you go next mission find man okay just gonna go

through this wait I thought I saw on my am trying to see if it was outside of

this normal thing go down up down up down up down up down up down there you

go next mission the Jones efforts agility see anything sir if your arms up

child:ah bought the beach paper plastic man I will take paper I will take

plastic not ball next mission anybody home

ding ding ding ding ding anybody home

ding-ding-ding-ding ding-ding-ding-ding yes okay who is the life of the party uh

here yes here oh this one this one's delicious honey no okay I'm just like oh

oh next mission damn show ditch okay have him there ah dance it out next

mission one of them J with the randomness enjoy my surround sound I

enjoy with your ears on sir I know you can next mission make a wish

I wish that my mouth didn't hurt my fellow pain in my mouth like right by me

juice yeah that's kind of hurting my jaw area actually on there now that I'm

getting into there's a lot more pain than I thought

push it in her all right so let's make a wish make an wish okay blow out the


Oh such the whip itself as I thought baby

they're trying to vote their candles with the cans em it's like then

everywhere because they're trying so hard to blow it out with like you've

seen them the wish came true wait that one can I wish gossipy dealer

not steal all that's supposed to be Howie Mandel oh no my hearing next

mission Joe is so stealthy okay jewel is so

stealthy ah shirt well okay run naked baby turtle ah nigga next

mission deny agreement official contract I agreed to eat nasty food no I deny I

there we go good come on okay let me use that I'll use this bug

water yes on the contrast clean it out where are Harry Potter I'm going to say

Harry Potter's in here where our magic boy when I just saw something I love

I'm Islam hide evidence okay

secret dog fun dog flash Oh internet next mission where's my firework Oh

basta beat your license mister that's a picture of us specifically me sir yo-yo

cart it's fake that's the playing card this by I am elope ah very good one like

give your license oh you said if there's no that's the ugly part but that's just

a picture of a person an ugly person I don't even know what is this reckless

pussy to win the game you're not to win the game that's very smart

ok click it to win the game to win look at this Louise is that little at

the end of the game can I go back and say not to win the game ok so I ran down

really quick we are at the place I'm going to click not to win oh right click

click to not to win always does nothing oh I did all that for nothing

oh who in the game you win do it that's and I can't music running naked wild

crazy man that was a really really cute game I had a lot of fun playing it I

want it was it's weird thank you and funny and adorable all at the same time

let me know your thoughts down below in the comment section if you liked this

video feel like that like button check me out on my second channel subscribe

here for more awesome content okay guys there's always an untrue

For more infomation >> What Is This???? | I Don't Even Know | Online Gameplay - Duration: 9:16.


Collins to Trump: don't make policy on Twitter - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Collins to Trump: don't make policy on Twitter - Duration: 1:30.


undertale I Don't Wanna Die 我不想死 歌曲翻譯 - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> undertale I Don't Wanna Die 我不想死 歌曲翻譯 - Duration: 3:59.


Marco 01 Mama Don't Go - Duration: 25:50.

For more infomation >> Marco 01 Mama Don't Go - Duration: 25:50.


8 of 10 people don't know this powerpoint animatio - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> 8 of 10 people don't know this powerpoint animatio - Duration: 4:30.


Don't waste sperm! Pheromone perfume DIY with sperm! - Duration: 4:16.

First step Jerk off till cum, cum in 50ml beaker. 第一步 自慰至射精,射精至50ml燒杯

Second step Pour 75% alcohol and Linen oil into 50ml beaker. 第二步 將適量75%酒精 與亞麻仁油 倒入50ml燒杯

Third step Stir liquid, make fat soluble substance dissolve in the oil 第三步 攪拌搖晃,使脂溶性物質溶解於油中

Forth step Make solids filtered out and only the liquid passed into the 20ml push pump dispenser 第四步 用濾網過濾出固體雜質,只讓液體流入20ml 壓瓶

Fifth step Drop 12-15 drops of essential oil in the 20ml push pump dispenser, then wearing perfume on your wrist, on your neck, and behind your ear. 第五步 滴入12-15滴花香精油,並塗抹於手腕,頸部,耳後

Sixth step Just hang out ,and seduce the opposite sex. 第六步 出門約會,誘惑異性

For more infomation >> Don't waste sperm! Pheromone perfume DIY with sperm! - Duration: 4:16.


[小火龍]►don't starve►不要餓死:試玩版 試玩 巧遇豬王! - Duration: 17:13.

For more infomation >> [小火龍]►don't starve►不要餓死:試玩版 試玩 巧遇豬王! - Duration: 17:13.


La Chiesa innova con una "gestione collegiale". Arciprete di Sondrio Don Bricola.... - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> La Chiesa innova con una "gestione collegiale". Arciprete di Sondrio Don Bricola.... - Duration: 2:02.


Eddie Alvarez: If you don't think Conor can knock Floyd Mayweather out, you're an idiot - Duration: 2:59.

Eddie Alvarez: If you don't think Conor can knock Floyd Mayweather out, you're an idiot

GETTY Eddie Alvarez and Conor McGregor stare one another down at UFC 205. On August 26, McGregor, the reigning UFC lightweight champion, will take on Money Mayweather in a lucrative boxing match.

McGregor, a fight which has split opinion in the combat sports world, takes place at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Much of the intrigue in the contest comes from the fact McGregor has never taken part in a professional boxing match and Mayweather has over 20 years of experience to his name.

McGregors lack of time inside the squared circle has led many to predict an easy victory for Mayweather, who came out of retirement in March.

One man who is refusing to completely rule out McGregors chances of shocking the world and becoming the first man to defeat Mayweather is former UFC lightweight champion Eddie Alvarez.

Eddie Alvarez on Conor McGregor vs Floyd Mayweather Alvarez felt the force of McGregors striking prowess last November in the main event of UFC 205, where he lost the 155lbs crown he claimed four months earlier.

While The Underground King acknowledges McGregor faces an almighty task to deliver on his promise to KO Mayweather, he believes his former opponent is more than capable of causing an upset. GETTY Conor McGregor will box Floyd Mayweather on August 26.

"Conor has about three or four rounds to get this done, Alvarez told ESPNs Brett Okamoto.

Within those four rounds, if you don't think Conor can knock this guy out, you're an idiot or you just don't know fighting because it can very well happen..

GETTY Conor McGregor drops Eddie Alvarez at UFC 205. If he doesn't get it done by then, then it could look very one-sided. The technical boxing of Floyd Mayweather is enough to make it look really one-sided for him.

But Conor, there is a very real chance that he can put him away.".

For more infomation >> Eddie Alvarez: If you don't think Conor can knock Floyd Mayweather out, you're an idiot - Duration: 2:59.


Kailyn Lowry: Don't Hate Me for Having Three Baby Daddies! - Duration: 3:51.

Kailyn Lowry: Don't Hate Me for Having Three Baby Daddies!

Kailyn Lowry is currently expecting her third child -- and if youre a Teen Mom fan, theres a good chance youve been obsessing over this pregnancy. And thats because its just so darn scandalous.

Kailyn got pregnant this time around while she was still legally married to Javi Marroquin, though Javi isnt the father.

The father is some guy named Chris Lopez, who Kailyn may or may not have been with when she was still actively in a relationship with Javi.

Weve heard that Chris doesnt want anything to do with Kailyn or their child, which is upsetting. But all rumors aside, the fact remains that soon shell have three children with three different fathers, and thats undeniably interesting.

Its also, as she realizes in a sneak peek for Mondays brand new episode of Teen Mom 2, a thing that many people wont be accepting of.

In the clip, Jo Rivera brings their son Isaac over to Kailyns house, and he asks Isaac to go upstairs so they can have some grown-up talk.

So you know that thing I didnt want to talk about on camera? she asks him. Which one? he responds. Its a fair question -- for a while now, Kailyn hasnt wanted to film much of anything.

She laughs, and admits that theres a lot of things she doesnt want to talk about on camera, but then she says Im gonna start filming about being pregnant.

I really dont want to talk about it, she admits, but I also feel like Im seeing all the sh-t that Jenelle has gone through with having three kids with three people.

Its surprising that she sounds a little bit sympathetic to Jenelle Evans here -- after all, its not exactly like they get along.

Its going to get out anyway, she adds, so I might as well tell my story and be transparent about it so that the truth is out there and not a bunch of assumptions and rumors and stuff like that.

Shes got a point, because we all know how people feel about Jenelles situation. The difference, of course, is that Kailyn is actually capable of being a good parent while Jenelle is.

If shes telling the truth about getting pregnant this time on purpose, then thats extremely questionable: why bring a child into such an unstable situation, and why subject your other children to such a confusing experience?.

But on the other hand, sometimes things just happen.

Maybe she somehow got pregnant accidentally yet again, and shes just making the best of it. Whatever the case, it sounds like were going to see everything play out this season on Teen Mom 2.

And we could not possibly be more excited for it.

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