Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 3, 2017

Youtube daily song Mar 30 2017

Welcome to Wahid's Entertainment

o my mother, o my mother

o my mother, o my mother

For more infomation >> Music | Street Song | Path Songit | Traditional Video | Gan for Mother | by Blind Singer - Duration: 3:27.



*sorry for headphone user

For more infomation >> TEXT PRANK ULANGAN MATEMATIKA - Duration: 7:26.


Mithila Palkar Cup Song - Hi Chaal Turu Turu On The Cups - Duration: 1:16.

Mithila Palkar Cup Song - Hi Chaal Turu Turu On The Cups

Mithila Palkar Cup Song - Hi Chaal Turu Turu On The Cups

Mithila Palkar Cup Song - Hi Chaal Turu Turu On The Cups

For more infomation >> Mithila Palkar Cup Song - Hi Chaal Turu Turu On The Cups - Duration: 1:16.


Bad Baby crying and learn colors-Colorful Skittles- Peppa pig Finger Family Song Collection for Kids - Duration: 2:11.

Bad Baby crying and learn colors

-Colorful Skittles

For more infomation >> Bad Baby crying and learn colors-Colorful Skittles- Peppa pig Finger Family Song Collection for Kids - Duration: 2:11.


Finger Family Cake Pop Song for Kids Educational Game for Children Finger Family Nursery Rhymes #3 - Duration: 5:52.

For more infomation >> Finger Family Cake Pop Song for Kids Educational Game for Children Finger Family Nursery Rhymes #3 - Duration: 5:52.


Best Mash Up Popular Songs 2017 THE BEST - Duration: 59:49.

feel free to tubscribe

For more infomation >> Best Mash Up Popular Songs 2017 THE BEST - Duration: 59:49.


Song from Live Demo - Hello from the Other Side: SSH over Robust Cache Covert Channels in the Cloud - Duration: 1:06.

So, hello from the other side

remote shell through the cache this time

to browse through your system

steal everything that I want

and as my channel's covert

you'll never know

Hello from the outside

I don't even need network rights

I'm not even sorry

I broke into your machine,

(and) your cache noise pattern, it clearly

doesn't save your VM anymore

For more infomation >> Song from Live Demo - Hello from the Other Side: SSH over Robust Cache Covert Channels in the Cloud - Duration: 1:06.


Lamha | Original Composition | Percussive Guitar Cover | Kshitiz Verma - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Lamha | Original Composition | Percussive Guitar Cover | Kshitiz Verma - Duration: 2:08.


Completing the 🎵 Song Puzzle & Following Spirit 🐴 Animals - Let's Play The Frostrune Point & Click - Duration: 23:10.

all right let me open le frosty the

rune and OBS you better capture it or I

poop on you understand rah ok welcome

you Vikings back to some more of the

frostrune okay so when we last left off

with this game we got this staff which

we can now see into these things another

dead man he looks like a great warrior

with stories to tell oh yes okay so we

were supposed to go oh hello we were

supposed to find these guys who are

singing so we can complete the song as

well as animals I believe now I'm just

going to have to familiarize myself with

the different areas that are here again

because I kind of forget oh here's

another guy oh and there's two people

over here they did not react to me at

all even in the deaths they mourn their

hero well it sounds like a beautiful

song he's only singing one part of the

song where are the other singers well we

found two of them we've now found two of

them so we need to find only two more I

think I think there's only four there

could be wrong on that oh well look at

this you can actually see the outline of

the house that's kind of neat actually

uh I can see this too oh oh what is it what

does this mean I'm sorry I don't know

what this means here but it looks I'm

going to I'm going to say well it's time

right it's not direction so I'm going to

say that that there would be like twelve

o'clock right and then this would be

three o'clock and this would be six

o'clock and this would be nine o'clock

and here we have our third singer he's

only singing one part of the song where

are the other singers oh oh here's that

little creature

one little pay me if you mother just an

elevator dings yeah better way to

milwaukee a nasty delicious seasonal if

these silver for the land spirits do I

have any silver for the land spirits I

have in here I have clay if I want to

make an offer and maybe I should try to

find out what Crete what the creatures

living here like first so I need silver

that's what I need I need silver okay so

we need to find silver oh what's that

off here oh we I do could be one second

no we can't go there not in the

spiritual realm so we have to that's

cool okay so we go into here this is a

sunken ship oh no not what I want to do

my bad ok well let's open this ok so we

have a puzzle here and I'm not entirely

sure how we are to complete it but let's

let's take a look ok so this one came

looks like a woman up at the top and

looking at the top of this looks like a

woman for the bird now it looks like a

bird and a ship or something and then

maybe face ok so the face the face goes

here i'm going to say then over here is

that very and i don't know how to go

about doing that quite yet and then in

here there is nothing else for us to do

okay so that's just a dead whale then

and here is the fourth singer so now

he's only singing one part of the song where are the

other singers so how do we get all four

of them

together to that that's going to be a

thing we have to be able to get all four

of them together somehow I'm sure oh we

still need a key to open that so we

still don't even have a key to open

nothing interesting oh there they are I

can make some changes song maybe I can

find a hint how to help somewhere else

what we have to do for this we have to

go we have to figure out which of each

of the guys you're singing which song

which part of the song i should say okay

so this is where all four of them are

okay so i just got a look at this we

have ax pointing to left ax pointing to

right we have sword and shield spear and

shield okay so this guy here is act

pointing to the left so his can stay the

way it is so ax ax pointing to the left

is orange sword and shield is purple and

then acts pointing to write and three

actually sorry I'm just writing all this

down so ax right green okay there we go

now we have a look all that we need

because there's this four of them so the

last guy is going to be blue for obvious

reasons process of elimination okay so

let's go back up into here hmm and then

took out okay so acts up there this guy

is purple

acts right is green and the sky is blue

there we go

ah interesting there well this is pretty

cool oh hello so we ll layin bubble gum

festa and after is already moving Odin

we are modeling the most horrible I'm up

the ice how they learn to get real close

lega water I will hide them well and we

takin city space here in mano y el

partido are no vale of neath cloak

legacy oakley ohs good like always must

walk for the dead cannot go wait no I'm

not done this isn't working okay well

don't don't don't just no go back up to

that there's some slots on the altar for


okay so we're going to need something

something for that I guess hmm but we

have silver cup now now I wonder some

wonderful you're supposed to go and sell

hurt this sell sorry melt melt the

silver cup down or if we're just

supposed to put it into that altar into

the offering bond there I shouldn't melt

this that I can find around mental

somewhere okay so ya know we shouldn't

melt that but I do know where the silver

cup goes so we go this way and over haha

and right here this is where we need to

go for that guy there or that creature I

don't know what that is but there we go

there's Stoke ahead it'll be not

suitable this is a long distances

interesting so what does that do that

does that open a way here what a

beautiful place bless my landscapes that

did open a way into here Oh beautiful

okay so we have a shuttle here now

and there's more we can go see to stone

piles often mark sacred places I wonder

if there are lambs beards here well we

just met one dude behind so beautiful I

wish my father can see it so I wonder I

wonder if that's it 1 if that's all we

could do right now um I forgot if you go

this way as well and I didn't look into

the spiritual world here surrounded by

some of those that contain the water

i'll just get stuck so we need something

to drain the water and i don't think a

shovel is going to help us oh we saw

that toy boat down here that we that we

can't get yes I forgot about that we

can't use a shovel to get that so now I

don't know if this is a good idea of

what we're supposed to be doing no we're

not supposed to dig up that grave which

is probably a good thing but it was

thing I wonder who's buried here I

wonder if we need to dig this up I don't

want to serve Rovers buried here without

good reason okay so it looks like we

will have to dig that up but I don't

know when or how he just waiting for

nothing in culminated Amy ok so just

follow the horse spirit I don't know

there was so

I don't know where where that horse

spirit is obviously we have to find them

so let's go find him I bet you I bet you

it's going to be in here no no it's not

worth it okay nevermind i am wrong oh

this is this what we're supposed to look

at what's this i can change the figures

on the Runestone but what's the right

order there must be a clue somewhere

okay so this this is a horse spirit

thing so there's five figures on there

oh oh oh oh I know what we're supposed

to do when let's go all the way back to

the village Jesus I know exactly what we

need to do need to go none the men no no

no no no we need to go into here go in

there go in there go go over here okay

so girl hand-ax spear a big ax so

girl hand-ax spear big axe sword okay

let's go so this this is girl there we

go girl we go hand axe for you I think

that would be it then we go here no

spear okay then we go big axe there we

go and then sort perfect yeah haha I

knew it and there's the horse spirit hello

there horsey aww you're such a good

horsey Oh what does that get rid of

the frost to what oh my gosh I got rid

of the frost oh wow

oh that's cool ok so now oh oh ho ho now

we have to follow the horse the horse

shoe print now um wait I'm looking at

this and I'm trying to figure out does

that is that going backwards or forwards

I'll shoot I think that's going

backwards all right there's there's the

horse spirit I didn't see any other

prints there but that there's the horse

spirit so it wants me to do something

maybe there's something buried here

alright so this is where we need to dig

so if we use the shovel now and we dig

into here there is a saw which is good

for us I guess okay I don't know what

exactly that says oh I can't touch

anything when I'm in the spirit world no

ok ok wait wait wait a sec poison so

shows the top middle bottom middle top

left bottom right ok so to do it did

make a clicking sound but maybe there's

something else we need to do I don't I

don't understand oh ok top left bottom

right move top middle and then that one

oh no no no no no ok so the puzzle we

have to do this multiple times so that

made it click now we go back into here

so now top left bottom right top middle

top right ok so do ok now again top-left

bottom-left bottom right top middle

bottom middle

okay like that now how much more okay

top middle bottom middle bottom left

bottom right top left on a middle so do

do do do do do ok I got it did hahahaha

what is this we have a horse totem

interesting i don't know what the first

item is going to be forward but and that

is i guess go to three have it this is

probably not what we're supposed to do

no we shouldn't melt this okay I guess

that's for good reason ah ok so the

horse totem goes there I didn't actually

know if that was what I had to do with

that or not I'm glad I tried it poor

filmed a midnight ok so the Ravens fly

up high so now we need to go to the

Ravens wonder if this is it no those are

not Ravens there there Ravens on that

rune stone yeah it's ok so that is where

the Ravens are the Ravens fly up high be

careful the process coming to so then

what am I supposed to do here okay I

apologize I the game does have hints

here you can see it's got the hint menu

there I I had to look it up I feel bad I

don't want to be doing that I don't like

doing that kind of thing um but I have

to look it up and the saw gets rid of

this damn here

there we go so now that should drain

water from up where the Ravens are I

actually completely forgot about that

dam so my bad but now we're going to

go up there and now we're going to see

what it wants me to do oh yes now we

obviously go into here no okay nevermind

we have to go walking in here or

something all right then okay so it can

do please smile smile mumbles join ya

environment oh hi loss fat man who

answer the most men would focus for

tonight mean Oh or indeed here's of a

god of thunder crushes Jotun's skulls with

a mighty weapon as chariot is drawn by

two horns these um alright okay so we

just that oh yeah that was all over here

sorry oh shit see easy it only really

sorry I'm just waiting for her to finish

speaking because I don't want to talk

over mm-hmm is a winged spies and battle

weapon flies above every battlefield I

don't know what this over here is but we

have Ravens

I'm spear I guess okay I'm my hand

warning and they're open be yourself

yeah gjallarhorn pants are the new I'm my

own way so stands Vanguard at the end of

by frases gjallarhorn is heard in all

the nine worlds stands Vanguard what

would that mean obviously that ok I

don't know what that was a rainbow thing

here is but I got a little grace o

goddess of love rides a tusk to beast to

battle hunters pull her chariot so it'll

be that one and then Spears no okay

sorry that's a little bit of guests work

on my part but I did do it yeah okay so

we're done with that then we probably

need to stay in this though because now

we need to find where the Ravens are

going or something so i see i see

feathers dropping we always have to

follow the the feathers I guess of the

Raven and here it is here's the reason

okay cool

oh my dear soon i hope will not marry up

honey shall not be see you in ok so the

ravens key is yours if you know our Lord

under the stone that we call the Jotuns

narrow mr. Novakovich Oh 10-0 ok I I

know I know where that is then the slab

of stone there's a rock in there or

something under the Jotuns arrow that's

got to be this oh there we go right here

oh ok this here is going to be something

a little bit confusing because I don't

know how to do this but we did find this

piece of bronze in here ok so I I don't

know how to how to figure out this

puzzle here it was this message amazed

messaging me right now he's asking if

he's in the video but no because it

doesn't capture the chat it doesn't

capture the steam chat that's ok just so

sad note there ok so that piece of

bronze obviously goes into this there we

go so now we melt that the browser

smelter that can pour it into the mold

now it could be useful to finish the

other half of this mall this is this

isn't what I do wait why it so do i do I

not have something and I don't have a

mold then to pour that into

okay that's a bit confusing I don't know

what I'm supposed to do now oh no oh

okay here's how you figure out that box

the Ravens okay so top middle top middle

bottom middle that's how you open the

box so top middle top middle bottom

middle so basically it's it's 2 v's and

know in case you're wondering I did not

look that one up but there we go there

we go so we open that oh now we have

another book Ravens chest is gone from

our Islands safe from enemy and foe we

sent it across the sparkling sea for our

fellow Guardians to hold the norms of

woven our destiny the Raven horse and

wolf will unite against the frost

creeping across our land so forget not

the Ravens lure the northern Raven

watches the house ah this for that chest

under the water ok so the northern Raven

watches the house southern Raven fights

the foe Western Raven protects the girl

eastern Raven with the warrior flies ok

so the the north one is going to be the

house the cell phone is going to be

fighting and the West one is going to be

the girl perfect right over here perfect

delightful I can't leave the spirit

world underwater or all down ok so West

Western raven protects the girl northern Raven

is the house southern Raven fight and

this one here with the warrior right or

do I get that wrong oh okay wait sorry I

got this wrong I don't know which is the

foe western protects the girl there we go

okay got it oh no don't don't float away

on me it floated away on me well this

isn't what I wanted oh there it is okay

perfect can't pick up world the items

when I'm in the spirit world will sign

them let me take us we have a raven

totem now which we can go and we can

shove into that thing the the Tata me

seeing up this way at that altar thing

here yes perfect alright so i put the

raven totem in there perfect and now we

need the wolf so I don't think I even

need to go talk to that creature again

the spirit creature there because I

think this is where I need to go yes

right here okay um I'll make another

video on this okay so I'm ending it here

so thank you all so much for watching I

hope you all enjoyed this video again

let me know what your thoughts are so

far this is turning out to be really

really interesting and really really

cool i really enjoy this game actually

this is one of my most favorite to have

point and click games i have ever played

so yeah i will see you guys in the next

video thank you for liking and for

sharing and Godbless

For more infomation >> Completing the 🎵 Song Puzzle & Following Spirit 🐴 Animals - Let's Play The Frostrune Point & Click - Duration: 23:10.


Bad Baby Crying and Learn Colors for Children with Birthday Cake - Finger Family Song Collection - Duration: 1:57.

Bad Baby Crying and Learn Colors for Children with Birthday Cake - Finger Family Song Collection

For more infomation >> Bad Baby Crying and Learn Colors for Children with Birthday Cake - Finger Family Song Collection - Duration: 1:57.


Baby Captain America Royal Finger Family Song: Royal Family! Superheroes Nursery Rhymes for Kids - Duration: 41:46.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Baby Captain America Royal Finger Family Song: Royal Family! Superheroes Nursery Rhymes for Kids - Duration: 41:46.


Letter c song for preschoolers - english alphabet abc song for kids, children and beginners - Duration: 1:53.

Letter c song for preschoolers - english alphabet abc super simple song for kids, children and beginners

For more infomation >> Letter c song for preschoolers - english alphabet abc song for kids, children and beginners - Duration: 1:53.


Wedding music and wedding music instrumental love songs playlist 2017: Petals in the Wind - Duration: 1:10:43.

Title: Wedding music and wedding music instrumental love songs playlist 2017: Petals in the Wind

For more infomation >> Wedding music and wedding music instrumental love songs playlist 2017: Petals in the Wind - Duration: 1:10:43.


Sambhavami Yuge Yuge Movie Songs | Jukebox | Leaked Song | Em Mayalo | Mahesh Babu | Rakhul Preeth - Duration: 1:00.

Sambhavami Yuge Yuge Movie Songs

For more infomation >> Sambhavami Yuge Yuge Movie Songs | Jukebox | Leaked Song | Em Mayalo | Mahesh Babu | Rakhul Preeth - Duration: 1:00.


Mehak Malik gadi tu mangana dy tel mein pawandi haan [ HD ] Full Song - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> Mehak Malik gadi tu mangana dy tel mein pawandi haan [ HD ] Full Song - Duration: 4:09.


Learn Colors M&Ms Chocolate Baby Doll Bath Time nursery rhymes Finger Song For Children - Duration: 12:46.

Daya's newest video is DisneyCARSs. It does not matter whether it is with family and family

For more infomation >> Learn Colors M&Ms Chocolate Baby Doll Bath Time nursery rhymes Finger Song For Children - Duration: 12:46.


Bad Baby crying and learn colors-Lipsticks and Make up-Pepa pig and Finger Family Song Collection - Duration: 2:06.

Bad Baby Crying

Lipsticks and Make Up

Pepa pig and Finger Family Song Collection

For more infomation >> Bad Baby crying and learn colors-Lipsticks and Make up-Pepa pig and Finger Family Song Collection - Duration: 2:06.


Haryanvi Dance | Sapna Choudhary Song - Duration: 2:36.

Worthless World

For more infomation >> Haryanvi Dance | Sapna Choudhary Song - Duration: 2:36.


Learn Japanese Alphabet Katakana by AUIEO song | 日本語のカタカナ アイウエオのうた - Duration: 3:02.

Learn Japanese Alphabet Katakana by AUIEO song | 日本語のカタカナとアイウエオのうた

Learn Japanese Alphabet Katakana by AUIEO song | 日本語のカタカナとアイウエオのうた

For more infomation >> Learn Japanese Alphabet Katakana by AUIEO song | 日本語のカタカナ アイウエオのうた - Duration: 3:02.


Bad Baby crying and learn colors- Colorful Giant Donuts- Finger Family Song Collection for Kids - Duration: 2:06.

Bad Baby crying and learn colors

- Colorful Giant Donuts -

Finger Family Song Collection for Kids

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