Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 8, 2018

Youtube daily plus Aug 29 2018

Hello everyone it's Bibock and today is our first video since Battle for Azeroth

And omg... there are a brasillion of gillions things to do...


During my leveling, I discovered 2-3 lil items very interesting and I want to share them with you

A toy, a battle pet and an item useless...

...absolutotally essential so!

Let's start with the toy: have you ever dreamt realizing every asian student's fantasm?

The first item may help you!

The toy's name is Gem of Acquiescence which submits the user to a creature from the void

This gem will overlay your screen with very disgusting tentacles

Look at all of those tentacles!! This gonna well tentacled (with in french as praticly the same pronunciation that the F word :p)

*very proud of his sex joke*

In order to obtain it, nothing really hard. Let's rendezvous to... BORALUS!

*original music: volare cantare*

And more precisly in the Stormsong Monastery which houses a lot of loyalists so brace yourself for some action

When we dive at the bottom of the pond, we are realizing there is a cave leading to a void altar

But if we try interacting with the stone, it seems we can't discuss with the void element because we don't know the worship rites

Luckily for us, pamphlets are scattered everywhere in the monastery allowing us to learn a bit more about this... kind of religion? In order to communicate with the void

The first scroll is in a basement at the west side of the monastery

Second one is in the court where archivists are writting, nearby the entrance of the basement

The third one is in the eastern basement... right here!

And the last one is just nearby the Altar!

Because now we've red every scroll about their cult we can finally talk with the stone

After some short dialogs...

... we realize we missed one!! ><'

Let me resume! Nearby the pond, at the top of the tower is located the 4th one and so the 5th one is nearby the Altar as I said earlier

Soooo... now we've red everything, we can commuNICATE (F word ^^) with the dick stone

And then after discussing a bit with the void god, he teleports us right in the middle of the sea

And normally, in front of you, right here... I know there is nothing actually because I already got it :x

A glowing item will appear and then you'll loot the toy Gem of Acquiescence!

Concerning the battle pet now, let's go in Drustvar at the coordinates 68, 78

Let's travel through the sea from the fly and you will arrive to a lonely house

Nothing really hard to obtain that pet: just kill the gnome in front of the house and you'll get Taptaf

Do not forget kids, name it correctly!

Come on Justin Bridou! Let the adventure begin!

Teh! Because it's on our road, I want to respond to BigBadHater (another french wow ytber) concerning his video "only alliance players may understand"

He said many people are trying to reach this platform and are failing all the time

The solution of this problem is simple:

Go downstairs and then jump over the water while clicking on the ladder and you should arrive on the deck!

The 3rd objet is a totally useless scroll which is located in front of islands expeditions

This turtle is selling it: the scroll of inner truth

*trying and failing to translate in french*

When we use this item, this gonna change your character just like monks with their flight zen spell, this kind of meditation

HOWEVER, the buff we acquire got no time limit so it's endless!

And also it's not canceled in combat

So we are able to fight in this "form"! See? I can use my spell, I'm not losing it

This is very badass but... we can go further!

This is working with druid forms!! And this is making very hilarious situations :')

The cat who's rubbing his butt on the floor all the time... the bear is doing the same!

My fav one is the deer: he's lying down on his side like a pgm and if you start spinning people around you just don't understand what's going on XD

This is so funny! And I think we could combinate it with a priest friend for the levitation

Just imagine a kitty cat who's sitting, totally immobile, flying in the air and dealing damage in a dungeon

This should be very funny to see!

This item is useless I know but it makes me laugh a lot that's why I wanted to share it with you. I'm using it all the time!!

Anyway, I'm not making a lot of videos for the moment because it's only the beginning of BfA and I want to take my time

I don't want to do just like everyone and rushing the content, I want to discover the lore at my own rythm. I still haven't finished every quest in every area

I didn't explore all of the maps, I'm trying to get a bit of mythic stuff but as you can see that's still not quite good

I got an ilvl quite low in comparison with average players

So yeah for the moment it's quite slow but soon, maybe the next video there will be an event with you (the next next one in fact ^^)

I think we could do islands expeditions in players vs players. This could be funny doing that with you guys

So if you're interested, do not hesitate to notice me (senpai?) by the next time. I still don't know when I could record that

Because I'll move soon to another city, the 3rd september! So the next week. I'm not sure I will have the time for this

Anyway, I'm making you big kisses and I wish you a very good start for this expansion. Have ton of fun that's the most important thing

I'll see you in the next video, tchao!

There are still some bugs in game

Join the Bibock Family for mutual aid, sharing tips and organizing events all together

For more infomation >> THREE ITEMS FOR WAY MORE FUN - Duration: 6:52.




People try many different things so that they can reach a flat stomach, but we all know how difficult it can be.

In this article, we will introduce something that will surely give you satisfactory results and the best thing is that it is super economical!

Sodium bicarbonate is the perfect thing to use if you want to lose weight and reduce your belly fat. It actually contains a compound that alkalizes our body and is a good digestive.

Here we suggest 3 INGREDIENTS! Remember that you must also follow a strict exercise routine as well as a healthy diet!


ingredients: 1citrons 1 cups of water toothpaste Preparation and consumption:

Mix all the ingredients together for 2 minutes. Add ice if you want. leave for 15 minutes apply as a poultice in the morning to wake up you can also do this

SODIUM BICARBONATE AND LEMON OR POMELO JUICE ingredients: 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate 1 lemon or pomelo ½ a glass of water Preparation and consumption:

Mix the lemon juice, pomelo or baking soda in the glass of water. Mix well until all ingredients dissolve. Drink on an empty stomach, 20 minutes before breakfast.

or even this Sodium bicarbonate WITH cider vinegar ingredients: 2 tablespoons of cider vinegar 1 glass of water ½ teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate Preparation and consumption:

Mix the apple cider vinegar and the sodium bicarbonate in the glass of water. Consume this drink on an empty stomach every morning. Try some of these remedies! You will not regret it!

For more infomation >> THIS MIXTURE DISAPPEARS MORE THAN 80% OF YOUR BELLY AND YOUR SIZE! - Duration: 2:46.


Hector doit tuer Estelle, Joris tueur à gages et Céline au plus mal – Plus belle la vie - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Hector doit tuer Estelle, Joris tueur à gages et Céline au plus mal – Plus belle la vie - Duration: 3:44.


Les pompiers affirment qui ne faut plus laisser une bouteille d'eau dans la voiture - Santé 365 - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> Les pompiers affirment qui ne faut plus laisser une bouteille d'eau dans la voiture - Santé 365 - Duration: 5:26.


10 sublimes coiffures pour les femmes de plus de 50 ans - Duration: 7:39.

For more infomation >> 10 sublimes coiffures pour les femmes de plus de 50 ans - Duration: 7:39.


10 sublimes coiffures pour les femmes de plus de 50 ans - Duration: 5:13.

Avoir de beaux cheveux en harmonie avec votre visage et votre personnalité, contribue à vous donner plus de charme, et à vous rendre irrésistible aux yeux des autres.

Les cheveux sont un attribut de beauté incontournable.

Si vous êtes une femme de plus de 50 ans, et que vous souhaitez avoir une chevelure de rêve, vous devriez absolument essayer l'une de ces 10 coiffures.

Vous en avez assez d'avoir des cheveux qui n'ont aucune forme, et qui vous donnent un aspect négligé ? Vous avez envie d'adopter une nouvelle coiffure,

capable de mettre en valeur les traits de votre visage, et de vous donner une allure plus jeune et élégante ? Voici une liste de coiffures tendance que toutes les femmes de plus de 50 ans doivent découvrir cet été.

1 Le carré court dégradé : Avec les agressions extérieures que subissent quotidiennement vos cheveux, il se peut que vous perdiez du volume.

Le carré court dégradé est la coiffure idéale pour toutes les femmes qui veulent donner du volume à leurs cheveux, tout en adoptant un style à la fois élégant et décontracté.

Si vous êtes une adepte de cheveux courts, vous ne devriez surtout pas hésiter à l'essayer.

2 Le carré flou : Communément appelé « Tousled Bob » par nos amis anglo-saxons, le carré flou fait partie de ces coupes indémodables qui conviennent à toutes les femmes.

Le côté décoiffé de cette coupe vous permettra d'avoir une allure plus jeune tout en adoucissant vos traits.

De plus, cette coiffure est tellement facile à entretenir que vous n'aurez plus besoin de passer des heures à prendre soin de vos cheveux.

3 Le carré long : Vous n'êtes toujours pas prête à laisser tomber votre longue chevelure, mais vous souhaitez quand même relooker vos cheveux ?

Le carré long est la coiffure qu'il vous faut ! Adopté par les stars hollywoodiennes,

et les gourous de la mode, le carré long est la coiffure idéale pour toutes les femmes qui veulent allier raffinement et légèreté, tout en donnant un nouveau souffle à leur look.

4 Le carré ondulé : Tous les coiffeurs et les visagistes du monde vous le diront ! Les cheveux ondulés rajeunissent votre visage, tout en ajoutant du charme à vos traits.

Si vous souhaitez mettre en avant votre féminité tout en adoucissant les traits de votre visage, n'hésitez plus ! Essayez le carré ondulé,

vous ne le regretterez pas ! 5- La coupe Pixie : Voici la coupe que toute fashionista qui se respecte devrait essayer au moins une fois durant sa vie !

La coupe Pixie est une version plus féminine de la coupe garçonne,

En plus de vous donner une allure jeune et Rock'n'roll, cette coupe permet de mettre en valeur votre nuque et votre cou. c'est une sorte de dégradé court avec une mèche longue qui couvre une partie du front.

6 Le Pixie plongeant : Si vous n'êtes pas convaincue par le Pixie normal,

vous pouvez essayer le Pixie plongeant. C'est une coupe très tendance qui peut être adaptée à toutes les formes de visage.

De plus, le Pixie plongeant est tellement facile à entretenir, que vous risquez de ne plus jamais laisser pousser vos cheveux.

7 Le balayage ombré ou sombré : Si vous souhaitez avoir une bonne mine, tout en ajoutant de la vivacité à vos cheveux, le balayage ombré ou sombré est ce qu'il vous faut ! En effet,

cette technique adoptée initialement par les coiffeurs de grande renommée,

consiste à ajouter des reflets de couleur plus foncée ou plus claire que la couleur naturelle de vos cheveux tout en y ajoutant de la brillance et de l'éclat.

8 L'éclaircissement des cheveux : Si vous n'êtes toujours pas prête à vous couper les cheveux, et que vous souhaitez donner une nouvelle vie à votre chevelure, vous devriez peut-être essayer la coloration.

Avoir des cheveux plus clairs vous permettra d'adoucir vos traits et de paraître beaucoup plus jeune. Mais attention !

Choisissez des teintures bio afin de garder vos cheveux en bonne santé.

9 Cheveux gris : Vous n'avez pas besoin de cacher vos cheveux gris pour être belle, mettez-les en valeur en adoptant une coloration grise proche de votre couleur naturelle.

Les cheveux gris sont très à la mode, ils vous donneront un aspect très raffiné et un charme sans pareil.

10 La coupe à la lionne : Les coupes des années retro reviennent en force, parmi ces coupes on retrouve la coupe lionne !

Une coupe parfaite pour toutes les femmes qui veulent afficher un look jeune et décontracté, sans passer des heures et des heures à se coiffer les cheveux.

For more infomation >> 10 sublimes coiffures pour les femmes de plus de 50 ans - Duration: 5:13.


Classement des chaînes de télévision les plus suivies au Sénégal - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Classement des chaînes de télévision les plus suivies au Sénégal - Duration: 3:41.


How to Animate a Smash Bros Character - New Frame Plus - Duration: 12:59.


My name is Dan, I'm an animator, and this is New Frame Plus,

a series about video game animation.

Smash Bros character animation has always been fantastic.

It looks great, it plays great,

and best of all, it always manages to capture the essence of who each character is,

what makes them each so uniquely appealing.

And since I am as hype as the next person about Smash Bros Ultimate,

I thought it might be fun to ask:

How do you take a character that everybody loves

(or tolerates),

and make them work in a Smash game?

See, in any video game, it's important that character animation be not just appealing,

but functional,

that it serve the needs of gameplay.

So… what are the functional needs of a game like Smash Bros?

Well, to start, Smash is a fighting game,

and the animation in fighting games tends to be FAST.

You press the button to attack or jump or block,

and the move happens almost as fast as you can think it.

It's what makes these games feel so responsive.

Even the slowest characters in Smash tend to move and attack pretty quickly.

The fast ones seem to have long ago transcended the very concept of time.

So most any character brought into Smash Bros is likely to see their baseline movement and

attack speeds increased significantly.

But those attacks can't JUST come out fast, they also need to convey impact.

If a hit connects, you need to feel it.

And these characters tend to be such tiny little mosquitos darting around the screen

that it takes a healthy dose of exaggeration to really give these attacks the impact they need.

Staging is a big part of Smash animation too.

Any character brought into Smash is going to need to inhabit a 3D space.

Characters who already exist as 3D models can make that transition pretty easily,

but if that character only existed as a hand drawn or pixel art sprite originally?

They're going to need to undergo some significant changes to work in Smash.

…well, usually.

But that said, Smash gameplay all takes place on a flat 2D plane, like most fighting games.

This means that, even though all the characters may exist as 3D models,

their animation needs to be crafted so that it reads clearly to THIS specific camera angle.

In fact, that might be the most important functional requirement

for all Smash Bros. animation...


These games tend to be a cacophony of action,

a jumble of tiny characters zipping around the screen throwing punches and pokeballs,

all while the stage itself morphs and changes and throws even more hazards into the mix.

Smash is frantic chaos,

so it is absolutely crucial that every character's animation is as visually clear as possible.

Character silhouettes need to be easy to read at a glance.

Different attacks need to be recognizable instantly.

The only way that Smash Bros gameplay works is if the player can parse what's happening

on screen just quickly enough to react to it.

If any character's animation doesn't accomplish this, the game experience will suffer.

Now that's a lot of functional requirements for every Smash character to have to meet,

but we're not done!

There is one more crucial goal that Smash Bros character animation must prioritize.

You see, Smash Bros isn't JUST a casual party brawler,

OR a competitive fighting game


...whatever THIS is.

I don't know what you kids are doing these days.

On a fundamental level, Smash Bros is also a nostalgic celebration.

It's a gathering of dozens of beloved characters

(and also Pichu)

from dozens of different games, each of whom must be represented faithfully.

There's a reason that we get so ridiculously hyped

about every single newcomer announcement for these games.

It's because every Smash Bros fighter is like a Greatest Hits version of that character,

a condensed amalgamation of everything we know and love

(or tolerate) about them.

To that end, when a new challenger is introduced to this nostalgia engine,

it is absolutely vital that their Smash Bros incarnation gets the essence of that character


They have to move like them,

they have to act like them,

they have to FEEL familiar.

Ultimately, those are the two parallel animation goals

for adapting any character to Smash Bros.

They must aesthetically feel like the character you know and love

while also functionally handling like a Smash Bros character.

So with that in mind, let's see what this looks like in action.

I can think of no better character to start with…

than Mario.

Imagine that you and I have been tasked with bringing Mario into Smash for the first time.

Yes, in this fantasy scenario, after a BAFFLINGLY long wait,

Mario is finally going to be added to the Smash roster.

Where would we start?

Well, what do we know about Mario?

What sort of unique traits are going to be relevant to his animation?

Well, we know that he's got a thick stocky build,

which tends to make him feel nice and sturdy.

But he's also consistently presented

as a fairly agile and quick character in his games,

so it's going to be important that his Smash incarnation preserves that.

He also tends to look kinda adorable most of time.

Most of his games make him fairly small,

his proportions are rounded and appealing,

there's this cute little scamper to his run.

[pitter-patter footsteps]

I mean, look at him.

He is SO precious.

His attitude is important too.

There may not be immense depth to Mario's personality, but he does always have this

upbeat determination to him.

Nothing's gonna get him down.

We also need to figure out what his attacks should be.

What sort of actions is he most known for?

Well, Mario has starred in a LOT of games, each of which has introduced new abilities,

and since we want his Smash incarnation to be a celebration of everything Mario has been,

we're going to want to include as many references to that long history as possible.

But if Mario does have one signature move,


He's THE platformer mascot.

Jumping is his THING.

And we also know that - on a more meta level - Mario has a history of being highly versatile.

He does everything.

He golfs, he referees, he olympics, he parties.

He can adapt to the needs of whatever game he needs to be the face of.

So, with all of that in mind…

does the Smash Bros incarnation of Mario feel like Mario?

I would say yes!

Overall, that classic upbeat Mario personality is totally there.

His moveset is PACKED with references to previous Mario games.

This 3-hit combo?

The exact same 1-2-3 he does in Mario 64.

Same with the running slide kick!

This particular throw

is a direct reference to the way he throws Bowser by the tail.

And of course, he's got fireballs.

I mean, that's one of the most iconic Mario attacks there is.

And while his basic fighting stance and walks and runs

don't appear to be referencing any specific animations

from previous Mario games,

they do all still absolutely still FEEL like Mario.

The sturdiness, the agility, the cuteness, the attitude… it's all in there.

But how has all that Mario animation been adapted to work in Smash?

Well let's look at that 3-hit combo again…

Here's what the original looked like.

And now here's the Smash version.

There are some significant changes here!

For one, the Smash version is noticeably faster.

In the original animation, that first punch takes about 10 frames to land,

where the Smash version takes maybe 2?

He goes from Idle pose to the first punch connecting in like 3 frames tops.

It's SO fast that there's not even time for Mario to do a wind-up anticipation pose,

so they've had to try to build the feeling of a wind-up into the first frame of the attack.

The 3-hit combo has also been adapted to read even more clearly to this fighting game camera.

Notice how Mario starts the combo with a left jab instead of the original right.

This not only leaves his body open and facing us for the first hit

(which is just great for pose clarity and appeal),

but it also sets him up for an even more powerful- looking version of the second punch

where he gets this nice twist up the torso.

Notice also how big his fists and feet become!

This was present in the original as well, but it's a great way to emphasize

what part of the body Mario is attacking with

and to lend that hit a nice POP.

And look at just how MUCH they are doing to sell each hit's impact.

The fireworks show of effects…

That massive hit pause and shake on Mario when the hit connects…

The 6 frame hit pause on Mario's opponent

followed by an animation of them being shoved backward…

It all happens in an instant, but without all this?

It would be SO much harder to tell if your attack had connected.

Dig into any one of Mario's attacks, and you'll find similar adjustments.

Subtle alterations to posing and speed,

all for the sake of gameplay responsiveness and clarity.

This is some darned good game animation right here.

Functionality and aesthetics, both firing on all cylinders.

Now, could Mario's animation be improved even further?

Possibly so!

We're getting into nitpick territory here, but I'm a bit underwhelmed

at the representation of Mario's jumping ability.

For one thing, I'm surprised they haven't used that classic,

immediately-recognizable Mario jumping pose here.

It's CLOSE, but it's not that exact pose.

It just seems like so obvious a choice…

But then, Mario's jump HAS actually seen a surprising amount of subtle variation over the years.

Still, though… they don't use the pose for his Up-Special attack either,

which REALLY seems like a prime opportunity…

But even ignoring the jump's aesthetics,

I am still really surprised at how little jumping plays into Mario's move set.

He can't cause damage by jumping on somebody's head,

which is just such a MARIO move.

The height of his jumps don't stand out in any immediately noticeable way.

Even his aerial attacks don't feel that special.

It seems like there's a big opportunity being missed to capitalize on something that

makes Mario's mobility and combat style feel really unique.

I get the feeling that, if Mario really was being added as a new character

to the Smash roster NOW,

they would be making a MUCH bigger deal out of his jumping abilities

to really set him apart.

As it stands, so many of Mario's moves are just punches and kicks.

Standard fighting game moves.

Of course, back when Smash was first released on the N64,

the most recent Mario title at the time would have been Super Mario 64,

a game in which Mario's jumps were slightly de-emphasized

in favor of more typical fighting moves like punches and kicks.

It's just kinda where Mario was at in 1999.

And this IS fundamentally a fighting game.

As one of the first fighters to join the Smash roster

AND as one of Nintendo's most versatile characters,

Mario is uniquely qualified to act as FOUNDATION for this franchise.

Maybe the intent here has always been to make Mario the baseline

which other fighters can be compared to,

rather than a strong unique flavor in his own right.

I can see the value in that.

Anyway, what should we expect from Mario in Smash Bros Ultimate?

Well, given that he's such a well-established part of the Smash roster,

I'm sure we're not gonna see any drastic changes

BUT, that said, we have had another high profile Mario game come out since last time.

We already know that Cappy's gonna be in there, but keep an eye out.

I would be really surprised if Smash Ultimate didn't sneak in

just a few more Odyssey references into Mario's arsenal,

even if it's just subtle adjustments to posing or expressions.

OR, and this is just an idea, but…

Nintendo, this could be real.

I'm not telling you how to do your job,

but you have the power to do this and you absolutely should do it.

You should do it.

Do it.



You will hear me say it over and over on this channel:

video game animation has to do more than simply look good.

Truly successful game animation looks good

WHILE functionally serving the needs of the game,

whether those functional needs are gameplay, narrative, technical or aesthetic.

And despite my little nitpicks about the jump,

I wouldd say that Mario's Smash Bros animation

is wildly successful on all of those fronts.

Now, I'm curious…

is there another Smash Bros character's animation that you would like me to analyze?

If so, let me know down in the comments!

I would REALLY love to have an excuse to keep digging into the animation in these games.

In the meantime, subscribe if you want to see

more videos about Smash, or gameplay animation in general.

Thanks for watching,

and I'll see you next time for more New Frame Plus.

Until then!

For more infomation >> How to Animate a Smash Bros Character - New Frame Plus - Duration: 12:59.


Mercedes-Benz GLC-Klasse 250 4MATIC Premium Plus pakket Anti-diefstal pakket Panoramadak Trekhaak Au - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz GLC-Klasse 250 4MATIC Premium Plus pakket Anti-diefstal pakket Panoramadak Trekhaak Au - Duration: 1:09.


Suzuki Alto 1.0 Comfort Plus - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Alto 1.0 Comfort Plus - Duration: 0:52.


11/26 What is "JSON" | CHATBOT PLUS tutorials 💬 - Duration: 0:18.

The JSON plugin is there for users, who may want to add

more advanced options that require coding.

If you are not that much into coding, you are probably never going use it.

For more infomation >> 11/26 What is "JSON" | CHATBOT PLUS tutorials 💬 - Duration: 0:18.


Kontejnerový svět Manifesto je jak z jiného světa | Gebrian PLUS/MINUS #11 | MALL.TV HD - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Kontejnerový svět Manifesto je jak z jiného světa | Gebrian PLUS/MINUS #11 | MALL.TV HD - Duration: 2:03.


25/26 How to test your chatbot | CHATBOT PLUS tutorials 💬 - Duration: 0:21.

If you want to see how does your chatbot respond, you can test it easily

in Messenger. You can access it directly from the platform by going into

the "Dashboard" tab, and click on the link at the top of the screen.

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