Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 8, 2018

Youtube daily so Aug 31 2018

You are so beautiful

It's rushing to my heart

It's soaking in, it's coming- even all your spreaded scars

You are so wonderful

Even your cold love and your tears

erase my painful scars

I love you

For more infomation >> [VIETSUB] 180830 XIA KIM Junsu - You are so beautiful - Duration: 0:43.


'We Are So Very Grateful': Parents Voice Support For Teachers After Shooting - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> 'We Are So Very Grateful': Parents Voice Support For Teachers After Shooting - Duration: 2:25.


Art - No Love..., So Passion ! - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Art - No Love..., So Passion ! - Duration: 2:17.


SO SO Proud of These People! - Duration: 1:43.

- Alright, now it's time for She Works Hard Saving Money.

I love these, love these, love these.

Abaigeal said

Well done, Abaigeal, well done.

Jessi said

Aw, Jessi, congrats.

That's so great.

Sarah said

Guys, I love this.

I love seeing everything you're saving up for

and even your kids.

How cute is that?

Okay, you've been posting photos, which I love,

but I also want you to post videos, which is so fun

because we may show them on the show.

And remember to use the hashtag sheworkshardsavingmoney.

Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, all the things.

So exciting.

Remember, you guys, to like or subscribe

so you do not miss the next episode.

Hopefully in this episode there was something

that you could take away to make your life better.

Thanks so much to our guests, The Minimalist,

and to Jenna.

And remember to take control of your money

and create a life you love.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> SO SO Proud of These People! - Duration: 1:43.


Vitamin C: Why is it so important for your life? - Duration: 4:18.

Also known as ascorbic acid, Vitamin C is a low molecular weight

carbohydrate that has aene-diol structure and is soluble in water.

Except for guinea pigs, birds, fish, certain species of bat and higher order

primates such as humans, apes and monkeys it can be synthesized by all species.

This is why all these species depend on their diet to intake Vitamin C.

Since the ancient times people have known to include

Vitamin C is widely used as a dietary supplement.

It is an important nutrient that is required in production of

some neurotransmitters and repair of tissues in human body.

Several enzymes in human body function with the help of Vitamin

C and human immune system also requires this nutrient.

Bell peppers, all cutrus fruits, brusells,

strawberries and broccoli are rich in Vitamin C.

Sudies have already confirmed that Vitamin C is beneficial for the cancer patients.

This nutrient has so many good effects that medical science

hasn't stopped researching further aboutits benefits.

It has an enormous potential as an antioxidant and has the capacity of both

preventing and in several cases reversing the host of illnesses in humans.

It also helps in enhancing the benefits of exercises and lowering

the impact of harmful toxins such as smoke from smoking cigarettes.

It blocks the harmful DNA degradation which

is the cause of cancer and also prevents the

disease of the artery known as atherosclerosis

where there is plaque build-up in the arteries.

Medical science discovers something more about the benefits of Vitamin C everyday

and as they unveil more about its goodness its importance also increases.

Vitamic C acts as a redundant which means that it donates an electron to a substrate

when it is being oxidized to aascorbyl radical wich is a stable free radical.

2 molecules of ascorbyl free radical dismutates to 1

molecule of dehydroascorbicacid and 1 molecule of ascorbate.

These are the oxidized and reduced forms of Vitamin C respectively.

In order to hold Vitamin C in human body there

is are certain retaining mechanisms in place.

SVCT1 (sodium-dependent vitamin C transporter) and SVCT2

control the tissue specific transport of Vitamin C.

The nutrient is present in its highest

concentration in the adrenal gland, brain and eye.

The main role of Vitamic C is when it is in its reduced form known as

ascorbate which then takes over enzymatic and non-enzymatic functions.

Ascorbate is an an electron donor to different enzymes.

Many recent studies also show that Vitamin C

has an important role in vascular function.

It modulates the endothelial cell barrier and

regulates the activity of NADPH (Nicotinamide

adenine dinucleotide phosphate) oxidases which

partakes in the inflammatory gene response.

Besides being responsible for enzymatic roles ascorbate is also an antioxidant

that can reduce many free reactive oxygen species and free radicals.

Vitamin C also has the abiity to regenerate Vitamin E which

lets Vitamin C prevent lipid peroxidation indirectly.

In the process of lipid peroxidation the free radicals steal electrons

from the lipids presentin the cell membranes which then cause cell damage.

In its process of being an antioxidant it also reduces the

gluthathione and urate radicals in the extracellular fluids and cells.

The astonishing health benefits that Vitamin C has in store makes

it one of the most important nutirents that is known to man.

For more infomation >> Vitamin C: Why is it so important for your life? - Duration: 4:18.


Jessie so hard hug Polly so heavy to walk | Jessie calm down Polly angry her mom | Monkey Daily 1557 - Duration: 10:51.

For more infomation >> Jessie so hard hug Polly so heavy to walk | Jessie calm down Polly angry her mom | Monkey Daily 1557 - Duration: 10:51.


So sánh cách Đánh Bài Bịp của Máy Đánh Bài với Ví Đổi Bài khi Đánh Bài Liêng - Duration: 9:26.

For more infomation >> So sánh cách Đánh Bài Bịp của Máy Đánh Bài với Ví Đổi Bài khi Đánh Bài Liêng - Duration: 9:26.


Arkansas River so low, aquatic biologists tracking water temp for fish health - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Arkansas River so low, aquatic biologists tracking water temp for fish health - Duration: 2:07.


Gerald und Anna im 7. Himmel: "So schön, verheiratet zu sein" - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Gerald und Anna im 7. Himmel: "So schön, verheiratet zu sein" - Duration: 3:27.


that's so Beautiful Beach - Duration: 0:29.









For more infomation >> that's so Beautiful Beach - Duration: 0:29.












For more infomation >> GOOGLE PAY TEZ NOT WORKS ME AND SO MANY PEOPLE - Duration: 1:26.


My K$I vs LOGAN PAU€ video EXCEPT YouTube removed it so I replaced copyright footage with dead memes - Duration: 1:08.

I used the last thing YouTube ever wanted - dead memes.

For more infomation >> My K$I vs LOGAN PAU€ video EXCEPT YouTube removed it so I replaced copyright footage with dead memes - Duration: 1:08.


I Couldn't Sleep So I Made This Video (Animation) - Duration: 5:12.

Hello there

today we are going to talk about falling asleep.

It's more difficult than not clapping along to the Friends theme

and you're probably going to experience it

before the end of this video

♫ Intro music ♫

Sleeping is probably the laziest

most effortless thing you can do

You're basically switching your body and brain off for 8 hours

and just lying there in bed

doing absolutely nothing why is it more difficult for me than keeping an art style?

Seriously evolution

ya could've given us a sleep switch

but instead we got

wisdom teeth

Ya know what I'm saying tho right?

Sleeping should be as easy as closing your eyes and…


If sleeping was as easy as eating

I would probably be

At least slightly less fat

But instead


OK I'm going to sleep now

Hey I'm kinda uncomfortable lemme

Lemme just roll over

OK now I can sleep

Brain: pssst hey

remember that time you took the

story of a guy drinking gravy and

stretched it into an entire 7 minute video

What's more is

You seem to have this

Heightened perception of sound

while you're trying to sleep


ONLY while I'm trying to sleep

I can hear


A tree

Blowing in the wind


Of someone walking on the street outside

Every word

Of my neighbour's conversation

On the phone

Among other miscellaneous neighbour sounds

A fly

Eating a 3 week old kebab

That I still haven't thrown out

I hear everything


Isn't nature beautiful?

Not to mention

As soon as my head hits that pillow

As SOON as I close my eyes

My brain's like


Now is the PERFECT time


My deepest fears

my stresses

that time I said hi to someone thinking it was my friend

but it wasn't

stuff I lied about 10 years ago

video ideas


I love coming up with creative new video concepts

as much as the next guy who's running out of ideas

but 3am?

Come on!



WHY is it so hard to fall asleep

It's not that I'm not tired

I get tired at like 8pm

Scratch that I get tired the moment I wake up

then I'm tired the rest of the day

You know why?


You know what it is?

Your brain

Is procrastinating

You're like k dude time to go sleep

And he's like


nah I don't wanna

Why tho

I don't feel like it

And you just

Have to deal with it

Cuz even though

You're supposed to be in control of your OWN BRAIN

YOu can't even tell it when to go to sleep

Like a bratty child

It does sorta make sense tho

You don't wanna deal with the morning

When your alarm rings

And you gotta disturb this


Pleasant sleep you were having

And get up

While being



Well you know what brain

We wouldn't HAVE this problem

Of me being really tired in the morning






this script is so dumb omg

How about we move onto something a little more positive

I've figured out a way to make falling asleep significantly easier

Well I say figured out

but what I actually mean is

I stole it from Luke's English Podcast

I'm not sponsored nor do I know the creator personally

but I'd recommend checking it out it if English is not your first language

you'll learn a lot more than through watching my videos

considering my

frankly quite disturbing obsession

with bad grammar and spelling based humour

Anyway the idea is you play a game in your head

Yes - a game

A to Z

With countries, for example.

You start with A for.. Australia

then B.. Belgium

and keep going through the alphabet trying to find a country beginning with each letter

This works…

surprisingly well

for me at least

I usually fall asleep by the time I get to the letter T

I guess getting your brain to focus on this game

stops it from wandering into thoughts that keep you awake

like fears and worries

and eventually it just gets tired

and goes to sleep

Sometimes you gotta switch it up a bit to make it less easy

you gotta find like a medium difficulty

If it's too hard you're gonna get stuck on a letter and not be able to progress

But if it's too easy you just speed through it and it doesn't work

I guess that's why "counting sheep" never works

cause there's nothing to concentrate on so your brain can just tune out the counting

while it goes back to those intrusive thoughts

also sheep are dumb

So yeah!

Just thought i'd share this method with you incase you haven't heard of it yet

because it works pretty well for me and maybe it'll work for you too

If not


ya just gotta find what works for you

I'm not gonna give you the whole

"go to bed at the same time, don't drink caffeine, exercise etc" speech

since everyone in the entire world knows that already

Maybe you should try this new method I've been hearing about lately

It's called

Not staying up all night watching youtube!

For more infomation >> I Couldn't Sleep So I Made This Video (Animation) - Duration: 5:12.


So sah Sarah Harrisons Body zwei Tage nach Mias Geburt aus - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> So sah Sarah Harrisons Body zwei Tage nach Mias Geburt aus - Duration: 0:57.


Why Is Movie Popcorn So Expensive? - Duration: 9:48.

The movie business might seem like a glamorous industry with celebrities strutting down red

carpets to watch premieres, but the economics of the biz is a complicated affair with many

financial factors at play.

Movies are media for the masses, and the price of a movie ticket remains affordable in most

places around the world.

The price of popcorn, sodas, and candy, on the other hand, is on the rise at movie theaters.

Are moviegoers being ripped off?

Or is there more behind these premium rates for low-cost items?

And how did popcorn find its way into the movie theater in the first place?

That's what we'll explore today, in this episode of The Infographics Show, Why is movie

popcorn so expensive?

Moviemaking is always somewhat of a gamble.

The public can be fickle, and the industry is changing with new distribution methods

evolving, such as Netflix and Amazon.

Even a film with big names and a huge marketing machine behind it can totally flop.

The Motion Picture Association of America states that 2016 box office earnings for US

and Canada stood at $11.4 billion, which was a rise of 2% from the previous year.

In 2016, the global box office was said to earn $38.6 billion.

In the early days of cinema, a movie would be made, hit the theaters, make the vast majority

of revenue through ticket sales, and then promptly disappear.

Indie surprise hit Little Miss Sunshine was made for $8 million, sold to distributor Fox

Searchlight for $10.5 million, and made $59.9 million at the box office.

On the other hand, Walt Disney's John Carter had an estimated budget of $250 million but

made only $73 million at the US box office.

Nobody in Hollywood really knows which film will be the next hit, but certain franchises

such as James Bond usually do well at the box office, and superheroes remain super sellers.

For a cinema to show a popular film, the chain has to bid for the right to show it.

This model works to guarantee a high percentage for the film producers and distribution companies.

Sometimes as much as 80% of ticket revenue goes to the film company.

For a first-run release and over a normal year, most theaters lose a little or make

a little money on the ticket sales.

A cinema that takes in $30 million in ticket sales might get to keep about $30,000, or

a profit of about 0.1%.

When one adds up the cost of running and staffing the premises, utilities, etc., the theater

will usually be running at a loss and need popcorn to pop them from the red to the black.

Back in the day, a movie ticket would be a few dollars, and the matinee cheaper than


Nowadays, taking a family of four to the cinema may cost $50, and once you add popcorn and

sodas, the evening can add up to $100.

According to a DoughRoller article, around 55% of each ticket sold goes to the studio

that created the movie.

So if a ticket is $10, the production studio gets $5.50.

The article divided up that $5.50 into $2.11 for advertising and marketing.

$1.71 is set aside for the production of the movie - crew equipment, writers, locations

- everything apart from the actors and talent.

$1 goes towards movie distribution, and $0.68 goes towards the cast of the movie.

This percentage will vary from film to film.

A horror movie may have a low budget for its cast, whereas an action movie will no doubt

have a star-studded lineup that will require a larger percentage.

The theater chain sets the price for the ticket rather than the production studios.

Theater attendance has been falling according to some studies, and this makes it more difficult

for distributors and producers to make a profit from the films that they make and distribute.

During the opening week of a film, the price of the ticket is divided between the theater

owners, the distributor, and the production company.

The longer the picture shows, the higher the percentage of the ticket price goes to the


Each film will have a separate contract.

The films that flop normally give the cinema a larger percentage of the ticket price.

Foreign sales are a big pull for producers.

This is why we see lots of superhero films.

They are easy to understand if you are sitting in a theater in China, India, or the USA.

An independent romantic comedy doesn't have the same international value.

So while filmmakers try to make hits each time, only a handful of movies are actually

successful at the box office each year.

The theater will not force any moviegoers to buy concessions such as popcorn, although

in doing so, you keep the business model running.

Movie tickets are less expensive than sporting events, concerts, theme parks, and even some

art galleries and museums.

Movie theaters may eject folks who bring in their own food or drinks, but there is a reason

for that.

The theaters are held accountable by law should anyone become ill at their business premises.

And, really, if you do want to snack, the concession counter is right there and part

of the moviegoing experience.

And when you're buying popcorn, you're helping to keep the cinemas running at a profit.

Studies from the University of California and Stanford Graduate School of Business show

that this is the real reason behind these inflated popcorn prices.

Basically, by charging high-end prices for popcorn, the movie theaters are able to keep

the price for movie tickets lower, allowing more moviegoers to watch the latest epic action

or superhero film.

The research questions whether it is better to charge more for the primary product (the

movie ticket) or the secondary product (the popcorn), and most moviegoers would agree

that the price of the ticket is the most important.

Lower ticket prices mean that people who want to enjoy the movie but aren't too fussy

about munching on popcorn while doing so, have the door wide open for them to watch

the latest flick.

Sales from concessions such as popcorn make up around 20 percent of a movie theater's

gross revenues, but they make up almost 40 percent of profits.

Some studies report that this figure is more like 85% of profits.

While ticket revenues must be shared with movie distribution companies, the theater

gets to keep 100 percent of the popcorn sales, so this is typically their bread-and-butter


Academic Wesley Hartman of Stanford and Richard Gil, assistant professor at the University

of California, discovered that during periods of high and low cinema attendance, the popcorn

sales remained stable and were actually proportionately higher during periods of low ticket sales.

This suggests that dedicated moviegoers will buy popcorn, whereas the occasional moviegoer

will happily skip the concessions and just watch the movie.

In a separate study of Spanish theaters, it was found that customers who bought their

movie ticket online tended to buy more concession items compared to those who bought their ticket

at the door.

People who come to watch movies in groups tend to buy more popcorn.

Families are more likely to buy popcorn.

Children are persuasive consumers.

This explains why there is normally at least one animation or child-based feature shown

at movie theaters at any one time.

But how did popcorn first find its way into the movie theater?

Corn was first grown domestically about 10,000 years ago in what is now Mexico.

Archaeologists have discovered remnants of popcorn that appear to be dated as early as

3600 BC.

The popping of kernels using a hand stovetop occurred for the first time in the 19th century

and first appeared in the 1848 Dictionary of Americanisms.

The 1890 invention of the popcorn maker increased the popularity of popcorn, with street carts

fitted out with popcorn makers.

During the Great Depression, popcorn cost 5-10 cents a bag, and while other businesses

went under, the popcorn business survived and even thrived.

Theater owners discovered that the snack was popular at their shows but were initially

displeased as they thought munching on popcorn mentally distracted the audience from watching

silent films.

Andrew Smith, the author of the book Popped Culture: A Social History of Popcorn in America,

said the following to Smithsonian Magazine: "Movie theaters wanted nothing to do with

popcorn because they were trying to duplicate what was done in real theaters.

They had beautiful carpets and didn't want the popcorn being ground into it.

Movie theaters were trying to appeal to a highbrow clientele, and didn't want to deal

with the distracting trash of concessions – or the distracting noise that snacking

during a film would create.

When film added sound in 1927, the movie theater industry opened itself up to a much wider

clientele, since literacy was no longer required to attend films (the titles used in early

silent films restricted the audience) and by 1930, attendance to movie theaters had

reached 90 million per week.

Such a huge patronage created larger possibilities for profits – especially since the sound

pictures now muffled snacks – but movie theater owners were still hesitant to bring

snacks inside of their theaters."

They eventually changed their tune over time.

In 1938, Glen W. Dickson installed a popcorn machine in the lobby of his Midwestern theaters.

The idea became a successful addition, and the trend soon spread to other theaters around

the country.

The rest, as they say, is history, and now popcorn sales make up to 85% of theaters'


and keep the industry afloat.

So, are you a popcorn buyer, or do you head straight for the screen empty-handed?

Or are you a popcorn smuggler, bringing in your own supply?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to watch our other video called Why do games cost $60?

Thanks for watching, and as always, don't forget to like, share and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Why Is Movie Popcorn So Expensive? - Duration: 9:48.


Treffen mit Sophias Dan: So war es für Bert Wollersheim - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Treffen mit Sophias Dan: So war es für Bert Wollersheim - Duration: 1:16.


What We Know About "Game of Thrones" Season 8... So Far - Duration: 3:33.

- Winter is finally here,

and so is the final season of Game of Thrones.

Though it probably won't arrive until spring 2019.

Just how will HBO's ratings juggernaut wrap up?

Here's what we know about Season Eight

of Game of Thrones so far.

Please be warned, the night is dark and full of spoilers,

so proceed at your own risk.

When last we left Westeros, Jaime had finally

abandoned his sister-lover Cersei.

Jon Snow was proven to be a Targaryen

and had fallen for his Aunt Dany.

And the Night King gouged a hole in The Wall

with a reanimated zombie dragon.

(dragon roars)

Producers at HBO have gone to some pretty intense lengths

to keep this season's plot under wraps,

from filming alternate endings to employing new technology

in order to prevent scripts from leaking.

According to Nikolaj Coster-Waldau,

scripts are digitally scrubbed from tablets given to actors.

"When we've shot the scene it just vanishes," he said.

"It's like Mission: Impossible, 'This will self-destruct.'"

This hasn't stopped some information

from trickling out though.

Sophie Turner who plays Sansa

told Esquire that this final season is, "Going to be

bloodier and more death and more emotionally torturous

than all the years before."

A sentiment backed up by a cryptic Instagram photo

Maisie Williams, aka Arya, posted in July

with the caption, "Goodbye Belfast.

Goodbye Arya. Goodbye Game of Thrones."

Does all that blood mean the Faceless Man

in training doesn't survive the finale?

Or rather is that the blood

of all those still on her list?

- When people ask you what happened here,

tell them the North remembers.

- [Narrator] With so many plot threads

to tie up and only six episodes to do it in,

it's been rumored that the entirety of this season

will follow in the super-sized footsteps

of Season Seven's epic finale "The Dragon and The Wolf",

which clocked in at 80 minutes,

or roughly the length of time it takes George R. R. Martin

to complete each sentence of The Winds of Winter.

When it comes to gore, no expense is being spared

as reports have come in that cast and crew

endured 55 straight nights of shoots in harsh weather

for a battle scene at Winterfell.

For context, the Battle of the Bastards

from Season Six, one of the show's most epic

battle sequences, took 25 days to shoot.

Double the shoot time, double the... fun?

(gasping for breath)

With most of the chess pieces already cast,

it's worth nothing that German actor Mark Rissmann

has joined as Harry Strickland,

the leader of the Golden Company,

the army of mercenaries that Cersei

sent Euron Greyjoy to fetch back to Westeros.

Rissmann is known best for his work

on the television series The Last Kingdom.

- Long journey ahead of us.

(man grunts)

- [Narrator] Additionally, there have been reports

that Kristofer Hivju who plays Tormund

has been spotted in Belfast with the cast,

potentially meaning that he and Beric Dondarrion

survived the collapse of The Wall.

- Run!

- [Narrator] Though no official release date has been set,

HBO President Casey Bloys has announced

that the final season of Game of Thrones

will premiere in the first half of 2019.

For those already worried about Westerosi withdrawal

after these series fades to black, don't fret.

A spin-off that takes place 10,000 years

before the start of Game of Thrones

is already in the works with a tentative 2020 premiere date,

giving fans plenty of time to binge the series

a few more times, and wonder just how long

Gendry rode around Westeros.

And that's all we know about Game of Thrones

Season Eight so far.

(epic music)

For more infomation >> What We Know About "Game of Thrones" Season 8... So Far - Duration: 3:33.


Report: Nikki Haley So Feared That Other UN Reps Are Afraid She'll Yell at Them - Duration: 4:10.

Report: Nikki Haley So Feared That Other UN Reps Are Afraid She'll Yell at Them

One of the biggest and brightest stars to emerge out of President Donald Trump's administration

has been Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Haley has gone into the heart of the anti-American beast and called them out, to their faces,

for their anti-American agendas — while they gladly collect billions in funding from

U.S. taxpayers — as well as for the organization's incessant and overt bias against Israel, one

of America's closest allies.

According to the Independent Journal Review, Haley was recently honored for the work she

has done thus far representing American interests and Trump's agenda in the U.N., as well

as for her staunch defense in that body on behalf of Israel, for which she received the

Jeane Kirkpatrick award from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

The ambassador spoke about the "Israel-bashing" she has witnessed and confronted, and noted

that other ambassadors have grown to fear her and have ceased their attacks on Israel,

as they don't want Haley to "yell" at them.

"I knew that there was a bias against Israel, but I hadn't really put a lot of thought

into it until I attended the first session," Haley said of the U.N. General Assembly.

"And when I saw, literally, how abusive all of those countries were being to Israel,

in a way that was — pathetic, really — I had no choice but to get up and say 'this

is completely wrong,'" she continued.

"It's like that kid in the school yard that gets bullied, and everybody is bullying

the kid because they think it makes them stronger," Haley said of Israel.

"I wasn't gonna stand for that."

"So I came out and said 'we are not going to condone this anti-Israel bias,' we started

to make sure the 'Israel-bashing sessions' — as I call them — that they had once

a month, we now try and talk about … there's supposed to be sessions on the Middle East,

not sessions on Israel, and so now we are actually making them talk about other areas

in the Middle East," she said.

"And so we are starting to do those things and now, frankly, they are scared to say anything

negative about Israel, because they don't want me to yell at them," she added with

a chuckle.

That is pretty funny, and while it is unclear if Haley has ever actually "yelled" at

any of the other ambassadors at the U.N., it isn't that difficult of a picture to

imagine, as she can be exceptionally fiery and tenacious and is tough as nails when necessary.

While Haley's toughness in the face of the U.N.'s overt anti-Israel bias has earned

our Israeli allies a brief respite from the monthly dog pile they endured in the general

assembly — not to mention the plethora of anti-Israel pronouncements and resolutions

to come from various committees and, at times, the Security Council — she has also been

fighting valiantly on behalf of American interests and the America-first agenda in the international

body as well.

One aspect of that is her work thus far in saving money for U.S. taxpayers by defunding

the foreign aid America grants on an annual basis to other countries that work against

our own interests or have populations that quite literally hate us.

Indeed, Haley spoke on that topic at that same event and said, "The countries that

we give money to, do they believe what we believe?

Are they still actually wanting to be our partner and work with us?""If they're

not and they're shouting 'death to America,' why would we give them a single penny?"

she asked.

"And so, you are seeing those efforts of defunding those things that are not helpful

to us and that aren't in the United States' interests."

Ambassador Nikki Haley is an absolute rock star in Trump's administration and has been

scoring substantial wins with regard to America's interests, as well as for the interests of

our nation's closest ally, Israel.

If in the process of that she has also earned the fear and respect of her counterparts,

so much the better for her and America as a whole.

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