Thứ Bảy, 31 tháng 3, 2018

Youtube daily which Mar 31 2018

A bird twin?

Well, I'm tempted to say...


I'm tempted to say a bird-of-paradise sitting there

and all the ladies in the world come round and show off!

But come to think of it, that's not very good because half of them spurn you

if you're many male birds-of-paradise

So I'd have to specify that I would be the

boss, the alpha male.

That could be pretty good.

For more infomation >> David Attenborough: Which Bird is Your Bird Twin? - Duration: 0:34.


Which Way to the Gym? - Duration: 22:43.

For more infomation >> Which Way to the Gym? - Duration: 22:43.


Which Sword Art Online Game Should You Get First? - Duration: 14:14.

Hey everyone, welcome to my channel, it's me Gamerturk and today, I am going to answer

a question that I have been asked many many times as a Youtuber who focuses on Sword Art

Online games and that question is "Which Sword Art Online game should I get


For those of you who are not patient that result in my Audience Retention to remain

at 30%, the answer is either "Follow the Chronology and start with Hollow Fragment", which is

the default answer for someone who just wants to follow the story or a definitive "Hollow

Realization" if you just want a good gaming experience as a whole package.

Now that the video is done for the impatient ones, I would appreciate if you at least click

that like button before you leave, because now, I'm going to go more in depth with my

reasoning with a lot of talking.

Let me start by saying, this video has been created in March 2018.

As of today, there are 5 Console/PC Sword Art Online games available, those being Hollow

Fragment, Lost Song, Hollow Realization, Accel World vs Sword Art Online and Fatal Bullet,

in that chronological order.

If you are watching this video in the future, chances are, more games have been released,

but me not being a fortune teller, those future games are not included in this video.

Now as I said at the beginning, if you are here to follow the Gameverse story, after

at least experiencing the Aincrad arc of the main series, and don't really care about the

gameplay, my initial suggestion stands.

You should start with Sword Art Online Hollow Fragment, which starts at the Floor 75 duel

between Kirito and Heathcliff, seperating the Game continuity from the main canon by

taking it a completely different direction.

To follow the story after HF, you continue with Lost Song, followed by Hollow Realization

and eventually Fatal Bullet.

Keep in mind that from all the information we have so far, Accel World vs Sword Art Online,

while seemingly taking place in the Gameverse continuity on a surface level, is most probably

a standalone game and is not actually a part of the Gameverse canon, due to everlasting

consequences that cannot be fixed being absolutely non-existant in Fatal Bullet, as well as the

game going above and beyond at being a total nonsense on many aspects, including directly

contradicting the events of previous games.

As for those of you who are asking based on the quality, the scope, the entertainment

value, the ambition of the games, the answer easily becomes Hollow Realization.

HR, developed by Aquria, is still the golden standard of an SAO game, from a storytelling

perspective, including the characterization/portrayal of individual characters, as well as offering

a very ambitious and grand game, with over a hundred hours of stuff to do and an intricate

combat system that is fun, as well as including things to grind for without boring you to


But to be more specific, let me talk about the other games first and what they do wrong

or at least do insufficiently.

Hollow Fragment, the very first Sword Art Online game, developed by Aquria, which is

an extended remake of the PSP game Infinity Moment, tells the story of what would happen,

if the players had to clear all 100 Floors, while the remake additional story, called

the Hollow Story, is a parallel adventure that takes place in a discarded area of Aincrad.

While the Hollow Story is by far the best story the game has to offer, with decent story

pacing, enough mystery to keep you interested and a fun structure, the same cannot be said

about the Aincrad story.

Sure, the players now have to clear the 100 Floors, but...

There is literally nothing to do but clearing those Floors.

While playing through Aincrad, you will soon realize the entire story is mostly inconsequencial

and you are just in for a slogfest that requires you to do the same objectives over and over

with minimal rewards, that is clearing Floors.

Writers tried shaping things up by also adapting the Fairy Dance storyline, as well as an original

story to the last Floors, but again, the journey is so long that the barren story they are

trying to convey here is stretched incredibly thin, it makes you lose interest in what is

going on.

And the fact of the matter is, while it offers a variety of sword skills, they all feel soo

clunky and slow that you can't really shake off the feeling that you are just doing the

same thing over and over, due to the adrenaline just not being there.

The next game, Lost Song, takes place a little after HF and inside ALfheim Online.

It is developed by Artdink and features a completely different gameplay formula.

I like to call Lost Song as "Calibur arc of the Gameverse", since there is absolutely

no tension or barely anything to reach out to your feelings in the story compared to

every other game or arc.

It is borderline inconsequential and the conflict between Kirito and Seven, a newcomer to the

series, is absolutely artificial and relies on Kirito deciding to just be a dick, since

the experiment Seven is conducting is not illegal by any means and literally has no

negative effect that would put it in a grey area.

It is no different than a game offering you an optional survey to ask for your opinions.

But Kirito decides it's unethical, because the game needs a conflict.

The story is not something "you have to experience" and to be frank, the gameplay is not either.

While it is most certainly faster than what Hollow Fragment offered, it feels incredibly

stiff and scripted.

Not in a "Quicktime events" kind of scripted, but all your sword skills are scripted in

such a way, that in the case of your enemy moving an inch to the side, will result in

your Sword Skills completely missing the target.

To add to that, the skills do not feel powerful.

I know I go a lot talking about the "feeling" of things, but lets be honest, we play fantasy

games to feel powerful.

For all the negatives HF did, the spectacle of a skill was not one of them.

Every skill you used was grand thanks to the effects used on your skill.

Lost Song was missing that feeling.

And that is the biggest mistake a game based on the power fantasy can commit.

Not feeling powerful.

Hollow Realization came after Lost Song, once again, switching back to the initial developers

Aquria and Aquria sure as hell took this chance.

HR is essentially an upgraded Hollow Fragment, but damn aren't these upgrades great.

We have a much bigger, much more ambitious, much more visually impressive game while we

dive into this brand new adventure in the gameverse, taking place in a game, imitating

the world before Aincrad.

You have all your Sword Skills with all the weapon types and a whole lot more.

You have the best characterization in the gameverse, not relying too heavily on fanservice

and still offering emotional/intimate moments between the characters, much better than any

other game so far.

The gameplay feels fast, responsive and actually fun thanks to the new mechanics.

Despite being repetetive, you will never feel like doing anything repetetive because the

fast paced action is there to distract you.

The skills are once again great showcases of power and it's a joy to use them, while

the in game mechanics are much less limiting than what caused Hollow Fragment gameplay

to feel like a slog.

While the story premise is somewhat similar to the original Aincrad, the single twist

takes the stakes away from the players and put it on something they care about deeply

and for those interested, the story actually has a nice question for you to think about.

Story pacing is much better than what was present in HF, you will feel the story moving

forward constantly, instead of going through huge chunks of gameplay before you proc the

next story advancement.

There is fun grind involved with the amazing post-game content that will reward you with

even better and more impressive gear to equip.

And then there is the DLC Episodes, which I have to say, is actually worth it, for the

side stories alone, let alone the main story.

If I have to criticize one thing about Hollow Realization, it's that the main campaign ending

literally incentives you to get the DLC, which is not a practice I can get behind, but then

again, the DLC is worth it, so I am not willing to complain too much.

Hollow Realization is by far the golden standard for an SAO game at the moment.

In a weird timeframe, Accel World vs Sword Art Online came out, actually intervening

with the release schedule of Hollow Realization DLC's and this was the point where I started

getting the questions about the games as well.

This game, effectively cannibalized the sales of Hollow Realization and the release schedule

and the effort that went into this game was the proof that AWvsSAO was just a blatant

cash crab.

It is once again developed by Artdink, and it is once again, Lost Song.

In my First Impressions video, I gave the game the benefit of the doubt for the minor

improvements I saw in the early sections of the game, hoping for more improvements in

general but I was thoroughly disappointed.

The entire game feels like a story expansion for Lost Song, with the improvements between

the two games being even less worthy than what Hollow Realization offered as free gameplay

improvement patches.

This is topped off by the worst personality portrayal of individual characters in the

entire series, turning every side event into a fanservice and the main story that does

not explain integral story bits properly, making you question your sanity during time

travel parts, which is a huge shame, considering this game actually had the best premise in

the entire gameverse, having a very personal and touching story for the main characters.

And dont get me even started on the DLC, the single DLC this game has, offers less content

than a single DLC Chapter Hollow Realization offered.

I am actually quite glad, this game is not considered a part of the Gameverse canon and

am quite sad that it managed to be nothing more than a blatant cash grab.

Such an amazing premise could have been handled in a much better way.

Sadly, AWvsSAO is effectively filled with events that are essentially what SAO haters

think SAO is.

Just a cashgrab in the form of fanservice.

And last but not least, we got Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet, the game that was teased back

in Hollow Realization and finally took place in Gun Gale Online.

This one is developed by Dimps and is essentially your Freedom Wars successor if you ever encountered

that franchise.

It is a third person looter shooter that is completely different from the previous games.

While I had incredibly high hopes for this game, considering the success of Freedom Wars,

but I was left slightly disappointed.

Again, it's a game with great premise, that doesn't quite live up to it.

For the first time, you actually play as your own character and you see and experience Kirito

from a third person perspective, which is a neat change.

The problem is, the game was heavily advertised as "Your choices will have effects on the

world", which turned out to be heavily false advertising.

You have dialogue choices in the game for your own character, which results in miniscule

changes in the sentece that follows yours, which has absolutely no effect in the world.

And the one meaningful choice you make at the end of the game is bogged down by the

game offering a third "True Ending", which leads to your choice, effectively not having

any effect whatsoever in the world, considering the canon result is already there.

The story pacing is extremely off as well and most characters don't feel natural as

to how they got so close to your character.

60% of the game, you will be collecting materials without advancing the story anywhere, which

feels a lot like playing Hollow Fragment.

You just "do stuff" without any real payoff, turning the majority of the story campaign

into a slogfest.

I have to mention the difficulty curve here as well, the game forces you to grind outside

of the story, because the story events alone are not enough to carry you through the story.

You will feel extremely powerless and fragile, unless you do your own grinding.

Overall, while I put this game in the second spot for my best Gameverse game recommendation,

it is disappointing that I expected this game to actually top that chart by miles, considering

the build up to it.

But thats it from me today.

If you want more in depth looks into these games, I have my reviews available on my channel

with a lot more information on the individual games.

For more videos, make sure to click on that Subscribe button and hit that bell icon to

enable notifications.

If you enjoyed the video feel free to like and share and you can also support my channel

on or by sponsoring me here on Youtube Gaming and help me create


You can also find me on and on twitter @Gamerturk95.

I'll see you guys in the next one, take care!

For more infomation >> Which Sword Art Online Game Should You Get First? - Duration: 14:14.


Betting Odds On Which Avengers Will Die In Infinity War - Duration: 10:09.

With Avengers: Infinity War, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is heading towards a conflict that's

been building for nearly a decade.

Thanos has been on a collision course with the rest of the heroes since 2012's Avengers,

and he's finally taking center stage in a battle for the Infinity Stones.

The war will unite an entire universe of superheroes, but it'll also likely have lethal consequences.

Given the stakes involved and the Mad Titan's status as the ultimate bad guy of the Marvel

movies, the question isn't if one of the heroes won't make it out alive, but which one.

"I hope they remember you."

Let's take a look at the cast of Infinity War to come up with our best betting odds

on which heroes might not make it to the closing credits.

Watch out for potential spoilers as we figure out who's going to meet their maker… and

we don't mean Stan lee.

"Are you Tony Stank?"

Black Panther

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has doled out more than its share of jaw-dropping surprises

over the last decade, and the studio's braintrust has proven itself more than willing to take

bold creative risks with the franchise's storytelling.

But Marvel Studios also has to consider its bottom line, and since Black Panther just

became one of the highest-grossing superhero movies of all time, there's no way the executives

are going to let him get away that easily.

Forget about his Vibranium stockpile, pulling in that much money at the theater is what

really makes T'Challa bulletproof.

There's just no way Wakanda's king isn't one of the heroes left standing once Infinity

War is over.

Odds: 1.239 billion (and counting) to 1


Also far too promising for dismantlement right now is Spider-Man.

Granted, Peter Parker is going to be completely outmatched against Thanos and seems to be

primed to suffer some serious punishment in the movie.

But with a second Spider-Man: Homecoming movie due in theaters next year, the chances of

him being truly taken out by Thanos seem slim.

He's just way too new and too popular to meet his end just yet.

"You're that spider guy on YouTube, right?"

"Call me Spider-Man!"

"Okay, Spider-Man! Do a Flip!"


Odds: 100 to 1


She's the deadliest woman in the galaxy, and she's got a major grudge against Thanos, who

basically stole her from her home planet and tortured her adopted sister.

Gamora might have been Thanos' favorite daughter growing up, but she doesn't seem to have much

love for the Mad Titan now.

It seems more likely that she'd be the one to take down Thanos than that he'd ever get

to lay his purple hands on her.

After all, she learned from him.

Odds: 75 to 1

Black Widow

Fans have been clamoring for Black Widow to get a solo movie since she first kicked her

way onto the screen in Iron Man 2, so getting rid of her before we actually get to see her

stand alone seems like a catastrophically bad idea.

That said, Natasha Romanoff's fate during the Infinity War Saga could go either way.

If it's her backstory that people really want to see, it doesn't matter much that she survives

in the current timeline, right?

With Hulk, Captain America, and the Black Panther at her side, though, she's probably

still got a good shot of hanging in there this time.

Odds: 50 to 1


On one level, Hulk is arguably the easiest character to get rid of in Infinity War.

He hasn't had a solo movie since 2008's Incredible Hulk, and he's kind of a liability for the

Avengers anyway.

With Marvel seeming pretty uninterested in giving the Hulk a solo spotlight, there's

a strong possibility that his part in the franchise might be coming to an end.

It's also worth noting that Mark Ruffalo revealed that the plan has been to give the Hulk an

arc that would begin in Thor: Ragnarok and continue through the two Infinity War movies.

In Ragnarok, Bruce became the Hulk for years at a time, which allowed the Green Guy to

run the show without Banner's knowledge or approval.

It's easy to see how that loss of control might not work out so well for him, then,

isn't it?

Odds: 20 to 1


Thor: Ragnarok was funny, but it also put Thor through the wringer.

His hammer was shattered, he lost an eye, and his homeland of Asgard was destroyed,

leaving him exiled in outer space.

If the plan is for things to keep getting worse for the Odinson, then there's really

not a whole lot left do with him but plant him under a tombstone.

But with so much coming down on him in his own movie, Thor seems to be gaining strength.

He's now able to channel his supernatural gifts, and he's expected to get a new hammer

in Infinity War, called the Stormbreaker.

So, it seems just as likely that the God of Thunder's luck will turn around in the film

as it does that he'll keep getting trounced by baddies.

Or himself.

"Cuz that's what..."

Odds: 15 to 1


Of all the Guardians of the Galaxy, Drax seems like he might be the most likely choice for

the chopping block.

In the comics, his entire reason for living is to execute Thanos.

Since the movie version tends to launch himself into battle without thinking of any consequences,

his fast fury could lead to a toe-to-toe fight with the deadliest being the Marvel Universe

has to offer.

If that is in fact what happens, it's pretty hard to imagine Drax coming out as the winner.

At the same time, Dave Bautista's performance in the Guardians movies have made him a fan

favorite, so the question is whether the shock value of having him take one for the team

is enough to outweigh the benefits of keeping him around.

Odds: 12 to 1


Even before he was curiously absent from the film's character-heavy poster, Hawkeye hasn't

been the most obvious priority for Marvel Studios, and his arc reflects that.

He's retired, gotten bored enough to join Captain America's illegal strike force, and

been imprisoned as a war criminal by Iron Man.

Those are all pretty good signs that the Marvel Cinematic Universe doesn't have much left

to do with the archer beyond giving him a noble death to let everyone else know the

stakes in the war against Thanos.

Let's be real for a second, though: if they did kill off Hawkeye in Infinity War, would

you actually even notice?

Odds: 10 to 1


Another hero who seems unlikely to die at the hands of the Mad Titan is Peter Quill.

"What the?"

After all, he's already survived a couple of cosmic threats before, so what's one more?

Plus, Chris Pratt's comedic chops have set the tone that the Guardians movies are built

on, and that seems to be carrying through to Infinity War as well.

"I think it's good, except it sucks.

So, let me do the plan."

On the other hand, Star-Lord's death would be a huge shock, which might mean it'd be

worth it just for the sake of keeping audiences on their toes.

Besides, he's half Living Planet, and as we all saw in Guardians 2, it takes more than

a couple of blaster bolts to the head to take one of them out permanently.

Nobody ever said these characters have to stay dead to make it onto Thanos' kill count

for this film.

Odds: 10 to 1

Doctor Strange

As the Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange is the only one who's faced the kind of celestial

threat Thanos represents, taking on Dormammu by himself and coming away with a victory.

With that kind of win on his record, it seems likely that Strange's formal introduction

to the Avengers could be the thing that tips odds in their favor.

"Who's laughing now, a------?"

But his future in the MCU is questionable at the moment, since even Benedict Cumberbatch

doesn't seem to know whether Doctor Strange 2 is gonna actually happen.

The filmmakers did already set up Baron Mordo as a villain for his next outing, but we'll

have to wait and see whether that pays off, or if the mystic meets his end in the Infinity

War instead.

Odds: 8 to 1


He saved the day in Age of Ultron, but since then, the Vision's had a pretty hard time

fitting into his role as an Avenger.

In Civil War, he couldn't even stop Hawkeye and Scarlet Witch from walking out of a room,

and a misfired laser beam wound up permanently injuring War Machine, one of his own teammates.

With that kind of track record, it's tough to imagine him lasting long in a fight against


Moreover, Vision has one of the Infinity Stones mounted on his forehead, and from the film's

previews, it looks like Thanos' minion Corvus Glaive might just get to him before it's all

said and done.

Suffice it to say, things aren't looking good for the Avengers' resident synthezoid.

Odds: 5 to 1


It's no secret that Infinity War is drawing pretty heavily from the events of 1991's Infinity

Gauntlet storyline, and in that story, Thanos keeps Nebula suspended just on the verge of

death as a form of torture to amuse himself.

The twist is that Nebula is ultimately able to get control of the Infinity Stones herself,

which sets into motion Thanos' defeat.

Since Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 spent so much time patching up Nebula's relationship

with Gamora — and establishing that Thanos is no stranger to mutilating her just for

kicks — having Thanos target his renegade daughter would be an easy way to show moviegoers

how ruthless he can be.

Or she could end up being one of the people who helps take him down in the end, as it

was written.

We'll have to wait and see.

Odds: 5 to 1

Captain America

Steve Rogers is easily the most beloved of the Avengers, so if the film's producers really

want to hit the audiences with a gut punch, killing off Captain America would do it.

What better way to reunite the Avengers after the events of Civil War than having them rally

around his heroic sacrifice?

The previews certainly seem to be setting the tone for a tough fight between Cap and

Thanos, and Chris Evans himself has confirmed that he intends to retire from blockbuster

movies in favor of smaller films.

It hardly seems like a coincidence that Steve Rogers has not one, but two characters that

could take up his shield if he falls in battle: Falcon and Bucky Barnes.

Evans has mentioned that he's still set to appear in the movie that comes after Infinity

War, but there's nothing that says that appearance won't be in a flashback… or a coffin.

Odds: 3 to 1

Iron Man (Tony Stark)

We don't know for sure, of course, but it looks like Tony Stark is not going survive

this movie.


It might actually be the only logical conclusion to a character arc that's been building since


Over the past few movies, Tony's fears about the changing world, and his efforts to get

ahead of the disasters that come from a world full of superheroes and villains have gone

increasingly off the rails.

His attempt to create artificial intelligence unleashed Ultron and resulted in the complete

destruction of Sokovia, which in turn led directly to the Avengers themselves being

destroyed as a team during the events of Civil War.

Even his most recent protege, Peter Parker, was defined by his choice to reject the path

that Tony took as Iron Man.

With a conflict that's bigger and more far-reaching than anything he's dealt with before, the

consequences are going to be just as huge — and for Tony, that likely means a heroic


There's a certain poetry to it.

Iron Man was the movie that kicked off the MCU in 2008, and what better way to mark the

10th anniversary of the cinematic universe than by killing off its founding character?

It'd be bittersweet, of course, but it'd be the best farewell Iron Man could hope for

to sacrifice himself for the sake of the planet and the universe at large.

"Tell me his name again."

Odds: 3 to 2.

In other words, rest in peace, Iron Man.

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Betting Odds On Which Avengers Will Die In Infinity War - Duration: 10:09.


Which City Is The Most Influential To Hip-hop? - Duration: 3:33.

What's the most influential city in hip-hop?

Before you answer, wait.

Netflix has a new series that's about to throw gasoline

on the debate.

"Rapture" dives into the lines of nine influential rap

artists at the peak of their careers.

It's like "Chef's Table" for hip-hop and it puts a spotlight

on the genre's most influential

artists and the cities that shape them.

Here are just a few legends and their hometowns,

featured in Netflix's "Rapture."

The series takes us to Queensbridge, which isn't just the

birthplace of some hip-hop's

greatest artist, Like Roxanne Shante, Marly Marl and

Mobb Deep, but it's an also an iconic

venue where hip-hop culture evolved and grew into a

global phenomenon.

One of this project's biggest stars is Nas and "Rapture"

gives us an unprecedented, intimate

view into the life of the hip-hop mogul as we've never

seen him before, like when Nas's

brother, Jungle, tells us a story of how he saved him

from a particularly emotional and

intriguing predicament.

"I was going to supply dudes and my fucking brother

called me.

I took the drugs, like, fuck it, I'm going to just meet him.

He just want me to run around the city.

He books a flight.

We going to Atlanta.

We jump might in that car.

We are on our way to a airport, I got a shitload of stuff in

my pockets.

So, now, I'm looking out the window like, 'I have to drop

this shit.'"

Nas went from the rough streets of Queensbridge to

mega-stardom, but he never forgets his

roots and in "Rapture," we get a firsthand look at how

Nas uses his powerful position

in hip-hop to launch the career of next generation talent

and Queensbridge native Dave East.

"I see similarities with me and Dave because he comes

from the curb, you know, and I think

he's the next biggest rap artist in the world."

"Rapture" takes us through Queens before landing on

another Mecca of hip-hop, the ATL.

Atlanta gave us Killer Mike, Ludacris, Outkast, Young

Jeezy, Gucci Mane and Two Chainz, just

to name a few, but "Rapture" focuses its lens on T.I. and

"Rapture" gives us an unflinching

look into how he evolved into the artist and activist that

he is today.

In fact, watching T.I. express how he feels about his

activism and the rights of black

youth in America are some of the most moving

moments on television you'll watch all year.

"I'm looking for another opportunity to do better, to do

more. I'm speaking for the people in the community

because if somebody don't speak up, our liberties

and way of life will no longer exist, regardless if you can

change anything or do anything

about it or not."

It's intimate clips like these that show us how "Rapture"

takes a behind-the-scenes view

of the lesser known sides of some of our favorite hip-

hop legends, like legends who hail from


Born and bred in Oakland, California, G Eazy cites his

hometown as a major source of sonic


Like Queensbridge, Oakland has long enjoyed a thriving

music scene that spawned iconic

acts, such as Tupac, Too Short, E-40 and Del The Funky


Oakland may be a fundamental part of G Eazy's roots,

but his sound has taken him all over

the world and in "Rapture," we get to follow him on his

first trip to South America for

an epic, larger than life concert tour.

"Art, like, transcends.

Music is the universal language."

But G Eazy never stops.

Working around the clock to bring his music to his fans

all over the world and the pace

is grueling and breakneck.

Whether it's massive stadium shows, intensely fast-

paced fan meet and greets or hour after

hour recording in the studio, "Rapture" lets us ride

shotgun for one of raps biggest influencers

and stars.

These are just a few of the cities and legends explored

in the new Netflix series.

From New Orleans to New York to North Carolina and

beyond, "Rapture" presents us with the

locations that shape today's biggest hip-hop stars.

But which city is the most influential to hip-hop?

Be sure to check out "Rapture," all episodes now

streaming on Netflix.

For HitFix on Uproxx, he's Steve Vasquez.

And she's Miri Jedeikin.

For more infomation >> Which City Is The Most Influential To Hip-hop? - Duration: 3:33.


Which Is The Best Smartphone Camera — iPhone X, Pixel 2 XL, Galaxy S9+? - Duration: 4:13.

- So, I have the top three smartphones

you can buy right now.

Got the Google Pixel 2 XL,

which has an amazing camera.

Got the Galaxy S9+ with a dual lens camera.

And got the iPhone X or iPhone 10,

which has also a dual lens camera.

Let's start off with the office environment

at the BI offices.

This is mixed lighting

there's some of the artificial lights up top,

there's some light coming through the windows,

so this is a good test for a smartphone camera.

And I gotta say in this one,

it was the Pixel 2 XL that really won out.

The Pixel just offered the best color,

it was the most accurate color.

It's what I see when I look at it through my own eyes.

Now for a look at how each phone handles colors

in an indoor lighting environment.

So, taking a look at these flowers with indoor lighting,

it's kinda warm, yellow lighting.

Colors on the S9 photo kinda looks washed-out.

The Pixel and the iPhone did really well here,

with the iPhone winning out for colors in indoor lighting.

Alright, let's take a step outside to check out

how these photos do with HDR, High Dynamic Range.

That's basically how a camera handles super bright spots

when there's also like a darker spot in the photo as well.

So here we have these tall Manhattan buildings,

and then just the super bright sky

in the middle with the clouds.

So that's perfect test for HDR.

And here I'm gonna call the Pixel on this one.

Again, the HDR on the Pixel kinda won out on the others.

That's not to say that the others looked bad.

The iPhone looks good also,

it's just a little yellow.

So, here's a really tough one for smartphone cameras.

This is a dark, reflective surface.

That means that the camera has to deal with

this dark surface, but also these super bright spots

on this dark surface that are reflecting off it.

So that's really tough for smartphone cameras,

and honestly, a lot of cameras as well.

But here, I gotta say, the iPhone won out here for sure.

And actually, the Pixel just totally blew this one.

Next up, we have the Statue of Liberty

taken from Lower Manhattan,

and here I gotta say it's pretty clear to me

the iPhone or the Pixel did the best.

The S9 again did this thing where it just

homogenizes the whole photo.

It kinda just looks gray-ish.

So, I couldn't leave it there, especially with

the Statue of Liberty being so far away.

This was a perfect test for the 2X zoom lens

on the iPhone X, or 10, and the Galaxy S9+.

The Pixel is not part of this test here,

because it doesn't have a zoom lens.

I think the iPhone looks better here.

It just has this sort of deeper contrast,

which we've seen in a lot of the previous photos.

S9 again kinda does it's thing, where it's just

sort of like makes things a little too bright,

washes out some colors.

Now we go into Galaxy S9 territory,

Samsung territory: low lights.

So I took this photo here of this painting at home.

The Galaxy S9 does incredibly here.

I am just amazed and still shocked how good

Samsung's cameras are at low light situations.

I guess it's time to call it.

Which one is the best?

This is a tough one, guys.

I gotta say, I think the Pixel 2 is still the best

smartphone camera you can find right now.

That's not to say that the S9 and the iPhone are bad,

it's just the Pixel just edges them out

a little bit overall,

and that's what we're gonna see

for the foreseeable future.

We might see something with the Galaxy Note 8

in a few months' time,

maybe Red's special crazy camera phone

will hold some surprises for us.

We'll have to see.

But, for the foreseeable future,

and for a little under a year now,

the Pixel 2 still has the best smartphone camera.

(playful music)

For more infomation >> Which Is The Best Smartphone Camera — iPhone X, Pixel 2 XL, Galaxy S9+? - Duration: 4:13.


Immigrant Actor Jim Carrey Saved Most Depraved Pic For Last Which Might Soon Be In Smithsonian - Duration: 6:37.

Immigrant Actor Jim Carrey Saved Most Depraved Pic For Last Which Might Soon Be In Smithsonian

The once relatively funny but now deeply emotionally disturbed has-been comedian, actor, and artist

Jim Carrey is once again in the limelight.

But this time it's not because he made his newest movie flop, but because he made a truly

disturbing painting of President Trump's adult sons, Donald Jr. and Eric.

And this is only the beginning.

Over the past few weeks since no one is knocking on the comedian's door to give him a roll

in movies anymore the In Living Color star has also tweeted paintings of a scowling White

House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, a hellbound Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner,

and a gross depiction of the President's alleged affair with a porn star.

As you can see below, he is quite the artist, in a kindergarten student sort of way.

Not unlike his acting and comedy routines.

As far as the president is concerned, he's fair game, but doesn't this make you wonder

what the media would have said if someone like Clint Eastwood would have painted a portrait

of Obama and all the corruption he brought to the White House?

Although I am not much for trophy hunting, why is it that Carrey needs to paint something

like this?

The president's sons are private citizens and they have done nothing to deserve a has

been star like Carrey portraying them as dead in a painting.

Especially coming from someone who had a questionable roll in the death of his girlfriend.One thing

is for certain Jimmy, these paintings are about as funny as all the movies you made

after The Mask.

But at least to see these paintings we don't have to shell out $12 and come out wishing

we could get our money back while pondering the sad fact that we will never get those

2 wasted hours of our lives back.

Here is more on Jim Carrey's left-wing activist paintings via The Guardian:The comic actor's

short film about his paintings is painful viewing, but he's not the first star who

has tried, and failed, to moonlight as an artist

This is not a scientific law, probably, and I cannot suggest what causes the phenomenon,

but the most embarrassing and talentless of all celebrities who try their hand at art

tend to be Hollywood actors.

Jim Carrey may or may not be a great comic actor.

He is an astonishingly bad painter and sculptor.

Carrey has released a video of his artistic efforts that makes for painful viewing.

Can he be serious?

Is this all a build-up to a film in which he plays a deluded character who thinks he's

an artist?

Val Kilmer: 'Lord, I'm never going to read this tripe!'

To be fair, Carrey took up art to get over a painful end to a relationship and preaches

it as therapy rather than claiming to be the new Picasso, or even the new Sylvester Stallone,

whose fatuous daubs have been exhibited in actual museums in France and Russia.

If his art helps and heals him, that's great.

He just should not be showing this stuff to anyone and expecting anything except derision.

Crudely coloured Jesus-like faces, lurish fluorescent portraits, random abstractions

and kitshch clay figures – this is a joke.

Please, say it's a joke.

The art Carrey has been filmed making would be turned down if he offered it to a Salvation

Army store.

It gives amateurs a bad name.

Some celebrity artists put on a perfectly decent performance.

Rock stars turn to painting without completely humiliating themselves.

Ronnie Wood's portraits of the Rolling Stones are a decent visual diary of the ageing rock

'n roll life and Bob Dylan's paintings give convincing visual form to the landscapes

of his songs.

But then he is a Nobel laureate.

Perhaps musicians are more well-rounded.

Maybe actors give so much in their roles they've got no more to give.

Whatever the reason, Carrey joins Hollywood's artistic walk of shame.James Franco knows

more than Carrey about the style and language of contemporary art, spicing up his efforts

as a painter with video, performance and suchlike fashionable stuff, but this just gives his

work a glib faux-sophistication.

His art is a shallow pose, from all his "ironically" bad paintings to a daft video he made with

greased models posing as Renaissance artworks.

Val Kilmer has a bit of the same pseudo-understanding of contemporary art that Franco exhibits in

such devastatingly crass overload.

Kilmer makes text-works in the style of Ed Ruscha as well as terrible pop images of his

roles as Batman and Jim Morrison.

Didn't he already do enough harm to Morrison, whose legend was turned to tack by the Oliver

Stone biopic in which he starred?

The superficiality and lack of soul of these actors' art is telling.

Los Angeles has a thriving art world and film-star dollars help it prosper.

Stars doubtless feel they "know" art because they've got a couple of Warhols and a Ruscha.

This is a horrible delusion that encourages the worst kind of unexpressive, oddly impersonal


By contrast, rock stars tend to be much less aware of artistic fashion, and so more honest

and heartfelt in their drawings and paintings.

A bit of homespun sincerity is better than lurid exhibitionism when it comes to amateur


It was not always this way.

Once Hollywood nurtured real art lovers and proper artists.

Vincent Price was a noted art expert in the 1950s.

The tough guy actor Edward G Robinson was such a sensitive collector that his paintings

were exhibited at The Museum of Modern Art.

Kirk Douglas made modern art real for the film public in his great performance as Van

Gogh in Lust for Life.

These stars had far too much taste to impose themselves as "artists" on a celebrity-addled


Instead they used their talent and wealth to support and popularise real art.

One star who did become a true artist was Dennis Hopper.

This legendary actor and director who moved between Hollywood and the avant garde took

photographs with genuine power and beauty that have become part of the American canon.

It's genuinely scary to look at what stars are doing now in the name of "art".

Is a work of art a window on the soul?

Let's hope not, for Jim Carrey's sake."

For more infomation >> Immigrant Actor Jim Carrey Saved Most Depraved Pic For Last Which Might Soon Be In Smithsonian - Duration: 6:37.


Immigrant Actor Jim Carrey Saved Most Depraved Pic For Last Which Might Soon Be In Smithsonian - Duration: 6:49.

For more infomation >> Immigrant Actor Jim Carrey Saved Most Depraved Pic For Last Which Might Soon Be In Smithsonian - Duration: 6:49.


Immigrant Actor Jim Carrey Saved Most Depraved Pic For Last Which Might Soon Be In Smithsonian - Duration: 6:47.

For more infomation >> Immigrant Actor Jim Carrey Saved Most Depraved Pic For Last Which Might Soon Be In Smithsonian - Duration: 6:47.


Cathay Pacific A330-300 VS. 777-300ER, Which One Do You Like? - Duration: 4:25.

Cathay Pacific A330-300 Landing

Cathay Pacific A330-300 Takeoff

Cathay Pacific 777-300ER Landing

Cathay Pacific 777-300ER Takeoff

For more infomation >> Cathay Pacific A330-300 VS. 777-300ER, Which One Do You Like? - Duration: 4:25.


Immigrant Actor Jim Carrey Saved Most Depraved Pic For Last Which Might Soon Be In Smithsonian - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> Immigrant Actor Jim Carrey Saved Most Depraved Pic For Last Which Might Soon Be In Smithsonian - Duration: 6:05.


Contest Determines Which Town Is The 'Most Delco" - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Contest Determines Which Town Is The 'Most Delco" - Duration: 0:50.


Immigrant Actor Jim Carrey Saved Most Depraved Pic For Last Which Might Soon Be In Smithsonian - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> Immigrant Actor Jim Carrey Saved Most Depraved Pic For Last Which Might Soon Be In Smithsonian - Duration: 6:04.


Immigrant Actor Jim Carrey Saved Most Depraved Pic For Last Which Might Soon Be In Smithsonian - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> Immigrant Actor Jim Carrey Saved Most Depraved Pic For Last Which Might Soon Be In Smithsonian - Duration: 6:04.


Huge Debate Blows Up Over Which 'Friends' Character Would Have Voted For Trump - Duration: 4:11.

Huge Debate Blows Up Over Which 'Friends' Character Would Have Voted For Trump

A "Friends" reboot isn't on the cards anytime soon — or ever, per various members of the hit sitcom's cast and crew.

But what if Ross, Rachel, Monica, Chandler, Joey and Phoebe really did end up returning to TV screens in this politically heightened age? On Wednesday, BuzzFeed editor David Mack posed a question that many "Friends" fans were likely too afraid to ask: ok if they reboot Friends and try to make it topical which one of them voted for trump — David Mack (@davidmackau) March 28, 2018 The query came after Tuesday's successful reboot of of the sitcom "Roseanne," complete with its Trump-supporting main character Roseanne Conner — who is portrayed by real-life Trump voter Roseanne Barr.

Mack's post stirred quite the debate, with hundreds of people on Twitter putting forward theories of how the six Central Perk-loving "Friends" leads would have cast their ballots in the 2016 presidential election.  Chandler- didnt vote; sez he did Monica- Hill, obvs Phoebe-Stein, Oobvs (b/c vaccines) Rachel- didnt vote, got busy & gets to polls 5 mins too late, lol Joey- thinks both r mean, votes John McClane in protest ROSS IS TRUMP VOTER, straight lies about it.

Reason: Hils voice — Katharine Clark Gray (@KatieGonzo) March 28, 2018 Ross voted for Trump Monica & Chandler voted 3rd party Rachel & Phoebe voted for Hillary Joey slept through the election and didn't vote — Beyoncé biter we WILL find u (@tribranchvo) March 28, 2018 Ross for Hillary (science) Chandler for Trump (jobs) Monica Jill Stein to not anger these two Rachel didnt vote cuz she forgot Phoebe for Trump (Angry Berner) Joey for Hillary (trying to get a chick) — Juan G.

Andujar (@rajudnajuan) March 28, 2018 Would they vote for Trump?   ❌Ross (anti-Semitism/LGBTQ/science) ❌Monica (anti-Semitism) ❌Chandler (anti-LGBTQ) ❌Phoebe (anti-environment).

❌Joey (we saw how he reacted to his dads affair, or any harassment of sisters)   ✔️Rachel (because of her dad) — ErikHitoshi (@TheOlsgaard) March 28, 2018 Ross and Joey voted Bernie Monica voted Trump Rachel and Phoebe voted Hilary Chandler pretended to vote Trump to please Monica but actually voted For Hilary.

— Rock in Peace King of Pop, Chester Bennington (@TonyMackSays) March 29, 2018 Rachel, most definitely! Her job consists of pleasing the rich by being their personal shopper.

If the rich benefit, she benefits.

Shed probably be even hawking the Ivanka Trump line at Bloomingdales.

Thus, shes most definitely a Trump voter.

— Whats in a name?.

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