Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 5, 2018

Youtube daily to make May 28 2018

Tips How To Conceive A Baby Boy How To Make A Baby In Bed 2018

For more infomation >> Tips How To Conceive A Baby Boy How To Make A Baby In Bed 2018 - Duration: 3:28.


How to make Paper Ninja Star? (Origami-Shuriken) - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> How to make Paper Ninja Star? (Origami-Shuriken) - Duration: 3:51.


How To MAKE MONEY As A Designer On STEEMIT - Duration: 6:09.

today I'm gonna show you guys how you can make money using a platform called

steamit which utilizes cryptocurrency and it's actually very very easy for you

to use as a graphic designer and make some money so stay tuned as I explained

to you what steamit is how to use it and how to make money as a graphic


steam it pays both the content creators when their work has invited as well as

the people who curate the best content on the website by uploading other

people's work this is possible because the steamit platform is built on top of

a new kind of digital currency it's kind of like Bitcoin which is another kind of

digital currency has been around for quite a long time which I'm sure you

know about everyday new units of this currency are created by the network and

distributed by its users who can exchange these currencies for actual

real money in USD the longer that someone has been on Steam it and the

more steam power they have the more money they will give to other people by

voting their work the accounts and steamer that have a huge influence on a

lot of USD or steam dollars onion as Wales the whale accounts are the ones

that you want to have attention from and here we're gonna give you a post the

most value when they're actually updated so for example I uploaded a video

tutorial on D tube which is connected to steam it so when you post a video in D

tube is going to be posted on your steam account as well automatically but my D

Tube video was not voted by several different people but one of eight in

particular was D tube itself and seeing as that account has a lot of steam power

behind it and that one of them gave me the equivalent of around eighty dollars

in Steam currency this figure is going to fluctuate daily because the steam

cryptocurrencies do actually change in value compared to USD as any other

currency does so as you can see here on the d2 bifacial account you actually

have voted my video they have 67,000 followers if we go and look at their

wallets you're going to see that steam power and steam dollars are really quite

high but not only that the account estimated value is in over two hundred

and seventy thousand dollars USD now this is a prime example of a world

account on steam it that can give you value on your posts every single post

that you make on Steam it will be open for uploads and edits for seven days

after the seven days are up you're going to be awarded a large percent of your

money earned on that post which i think is around 75%

and when you do earn the Steam dollars by creating content you have three

different choices you can convert the steam dollars into steam and sell them

immediately on the open market for real money essentially cashing out

the second choice is you can hold on to the steam dollars which keeps the money

in the network and pays you 10% interest and the third option is you can exchange

your steam dollars for steam power if you want to invest in the future of the

currency and reap the biggest rewards this is the way to do it but let's look

at posting on Steam itself you don't have to post videos you can post imagery

or graphic design work when you get started you're gonna make very little of

a Sun money I'm a SAP have only been on Steam for two weeks and it takes you

engaging in the community commenting on Paris and adding people who you like and

the content you think is worthy steam is a community after all it's kind of like

a reddit but with money so the first way you can make money on steam as a graphic

designer is to post your work make sure you post engaging content that looks

professional and stands out so try not to simply post one image with a very

little text added to it what I do when I post my actual designs is I tend to post

a huge long image around four to five thousand pixels and height I'll add my

design process and captions as I go for the thumbnail make sure it's the first

thing attached to your post you can add five tags and the list of tags can be

found on the home page of steam it there are limited tile choices but have a look

through and find five relevant tags to your posts the second way to make money

on Steam as a graphic designer is an awesome awesome thing if you

search around your steamer on Google you can actually find accounts to have a lot

of steam power behind them that hold graphic design competitions I entered my

first competition last Saturday and the results are we gonna be given on Tuesday

the awards are often esteemed currency which of course you can cash out into

Bitcoin and then USD after it's all been said and done

there's quite a little bit of legwork to do to sign up to these contests but you

just need to read the bio and adhere to the regulations plus is free to do you

can see the contest here on page now so there was today's tutorial on how to use

steam as a graphic designer let me know what you guys thought to

this video write down the comment section below

and of course you did enjoy today's content drop a like and also share on

social media so the people can see it to steam it can be kind of complex and a

bit confusing when you get started but trust me paying some attention and

give it some time and you will see some rewards quite quickly if you know how to

use it like I said I've just been using it for two weeks and they've already

seen a substantial growth on my user base there and also money if you have

any questions or queries drop them down in the comment section below and also I

placed some links down there too for you to further your education and your

knowledge on how to use steaming subscribe to cetera graphics for weekly

graph design content and tuning tomorrow when I have the second episode of

typography Tuesday we're bringing you guys a video or tutorial that is based

around typography but anyway guys until next time design your future today peace


For more infomation >> How To MAKE MONEY As A Designer On STEEMIT - Duration: 6:09.


How to Create a Great Political Campaign Website - Duration: 7:01.

What makes a good website?

This is the definition of a bad one.

Grainy pictures that don't flatter you, convoluted copy that is difficult to read

or comprehend, with a homepage that looks the same day by day and week by week.

We've all seen those.

That kind of website will not serve you well.

What is a good website?

I'll start with the basics.

Use photographs that flatter you.

If need to need to hire a professional photographer to get them, do it.

You'll need good pictures for your printed material anyway.

The home page should be sticky.

Meaning it should be updated frequently with news articles, information on campaign events,

fundraisers or commentary so that it has a unique look every time a viewer visits.

In fact, most of my clients put the feeds from their facebook, twitter and instagram

accounts right on their home page.

Content that constantly changes makes your website more interesting, and encourages your

visitors to join the discussion.

The banner at the top of the home page should clearly display your slogan, and links to

the social media that you are using.

The main menu items on your navigation panel should also include the following:

*An about page, where voters learn something about you.

*An issue page, where voters learn about your positions on important issues.

*A News page, which contains your press releases, good photographs, news, endorsements and pictures

from the campaign trail.

*A You tube page, where you post video messages about yourself, your positions and events

on the campaign trail.

*A contact page, where people can find you.

A little about the content of each section.

The about page is your biography.

I always suggest it be done it two forms.

A chronological biography, easy for the press to read so that they know

where you were raised, the schools you attended, the jobs you held, the charitable causes you

have been involved with and the honors you have received.

Your biography is not a place to exaggerate what you have done.

If you embellish or inflate, or claim degrees you have not earned, it will come back to

haunt you, so make sure your biography is dead on accurate before you post it.

In addition, I usually suggest that my clients post their story— what we called your signature

story in Module 2… a story about some seminal event in your life that changed who you are

and what you became…

…a story that helps voters understand why you view the world the way you do… one that

helps the reader understand your deeply held beliefs and moral principles.

Putting your signature story on the about page lets votes know what make

you tick, and it makes you more interesting.

The issues page is where you let people know where you stand on issues of our time, and

matters that may be of concern to them.

How many and what issues do you cover?

That depends on what you are running for, and the major concerns of the electorate in

your jurisdiction.

A few examples.





Zoning and Development.

Budget Deficits.



The Tax Code.



Climate change.


Campaign Finance.

Ethics reform.

Religious Freedom.


Education standards.

Campaign Contributions.

Gay Rights.



You don't need to do address all of them, but you will need to clearly state your position

on those that matter to your jurisdiction 2-3 short paragraphs on each, along with pictures

or video embedded in the copy to make this section of your website visually interesting.

The news page is a great place to put endorsements, press releases, videos and pictures of you

on the campaign trail, pictures of press conferences, speeches, flattering photographs, factory

tours, town hall meetings and just about anything else you are doing on the campaign trail.

Doing that tells viewers that you are an active and passionate candidate.

It lets your contributors know that you are doing what you need to do to win the election,

and it gives volunteers a chance to be seen and given credit for the work they

are doing.

It also gives news reporters a better sense of who you are, your energy

and passion for the job.

Your You Tube Channel should be embedded on a page of your website for a number of reasons:


Video is a great way to communicate your story, your issue positions, speeches,

press conferences and campaign activities.

In fact, many voters much prefer video to words pasted on a screen.


When you are on camera, voters see your body language, your facial expressions,

your passion and energy.


When voters see your videos, or you talking, they better remember you and what you said.

You Tube videos are easy to do, inexpensive, and an entertaining way to share your message

with both reporters and voters.

The contact page is just that.

It lets voters know headquarters phone number and physical address, and how to email a question

or comment.

You'll note that I did not suggest a special tab for the contribution page or volunteer


That is because those items should be on every page of your website, along with your phone

number and social media icons.


Suppose a voter reads something on the issues page that compels them to contribute to your

campaign, or share what they just saw or read.

You want to make that as easy as possible.

Don't make them hunt for the tab to give you money, or some other section of the website

to volunteer.

Make sure that is always easily found by putting it on every page.

A key function of your website is to capture the email addresses of people willing to leave


Give something away if you have to…a subscription to your newsletter, an insider's guide to

the campaign, a map with your name on it, an autographed window poster.

The email addresses that you accumulate are gold.

It's a central repository of people who have already expressed an interest in you.

—a list you can use to ask people for money, for help passing out literature, going door

to door, or attending a rally.

There is an excellent tool called google analytics that does a marvelous job of telling you who

is visiting your website, how much time they spend on each page, and how they found you.

You cannot monitor what you don't measure.

And if you wake up one day to find that your website traffic skyrocketed you won't know

why or from where those visitors came unless you have the google analytics tool installed.

Facebook now also makes it very easy to insert a code on each page of your website so that

you can retarget those who have visited your website with ads they will see on their facebook


You can also insert a google ad words code on every page.

It will capture information about your website visitors which you can use to reach them with

internet advertising.

You can learn more about these tools on google.

Make sure you put your website address on every handout, flyer, in every email you send,

every sign, every mail piece, in every tv or radio ad.

Don't know how to do a website?


Go to google.

Type in 'how to build my own website,' and you'll find plenty of tools, software

and companies that make it easy and inexpensive.

For more infomation >> How to Create a Great Political Campaign Website - Duration: 7:01.


Tracking the Tropics: Subtropical Storm Alberto to make Memorial Day landfall - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> Tracking the Tropics: Subtropical Storm Alberto to make Memorial Day landfall - Duration: 5:29.


How to make friends as an adult - Duration: 9:15.

For more infomation >> How to make friends as an adult - Duration: 9:15.


TRAILER: How to make KIMCHI. Presented by Kim Jong-un - Duration: 2:17.

Fortunately, it all went differently.

Marshall Kim took a requalification course,

and today he'll teach you how to prepare Kim-chi!

This is the only permitted recipe for Kim-chi.

I promise I will never diverge

from the holy recipe of marshal Kim Jong-un.

That's hot!

That's hot!

For more infomation >> TRAILER: How to make KIMCHI. Presented by Kim Jong-un - Duration: 2:17.


HOW TO MAKE A LOGO WITH PICS ART| LOGO Tutorial - Duration: 5:50.

hello guys so today I will change to how to create a yahoo with big heart

so I'm let's start Many Of You Might have installed this App But Many Of you didn't know all features Its a Huge App

with a lot of features editing features so I will tell you about how to create a

logo so let's start I will add firstly image so as you ppl can see i created some logos here But i will Create again for you guys

allow me so it's Malik electrical there is give us will have to click your

effects and you change the effects to black and white from colors so you have

to click black and white and click OK so after click you have to go to draw

option and click draw so here is it we will create a logo so you will have to

click here Oh sorry U have to go back

and from here you have to increase color to 100 and I I mean you have to click

white color so ok so nice now i will zoom this image and now you have to erase

the black so at this image

XOXOooo you have to click here and use Merge

okay so you have to click here and add empty Layer

after that you have to drag upper layer to lower layer then click Transform

Now you have to Add image i downloaded it on which You blend this image

so I'm a scorekeeper me or is you join a enemies the Pantanal is image

okay so you have to add image and resize the photo so it can easily blend

Now you have to select Screen option from here

Oh Sorry Ignore this part :) mistakenly i choose

Now you add image again after selecting Merge

keep capacity maximum,

again go to Draw Beacuse After adding features i saved image

Drag the text from the middle of screen so that i nicely set under of your logo

Draw circle perfectly In hurry i couldn't make it right circle

you can draw it perfectly so you can draw it perfect

Our Logo Created Try it And give your feedback in Comment Box :)

For more infomation >> HOW TO MAKE A LOGO WITH PICS ART| LOGO Tutorial - Duration: 5:50.


✰ How to Make an Origami Jumping Frog ✰ - Duration: 6:32.

How to Make an Origami Jumping Frog

For more infomation >> ✰ How to Make an Origami Jumping Frog ✰ - Duration: 6:32.


DIY moving table fan | how to make a moving table fan | homemade mini moving fan | stupid engineer - Duration: 10:46.

For more infomation >> DIY moving table fan | how to make a moving table fan | homemade mini moving fan | stupid engineer - Duration: 10:46.


How to make 3 wheel Car Electric for kids - Duration: 6:29.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> How to make 3 wheel Car Electric for kids - Duration: 6:29.


How to Make Someone Like You over Text | animated - Duration: 3:54.

7 Steps to Make Someone Like You over Text welcome to lifestyle therapy channel, stay


No.1, Greet the person respectfully.

Everyone loves the phrase, "what's up", but honestly, it's gotta go.

Because those of you who use it, what's the answer you always get?

"Nothing much, you?"

. So think outside of the box, and try something more along the lines of "What are you up to?",

"Whatcha doing?", Something playful that will catch their attention.

They may answer something like, "Hanging out", which is perfectly okay, because at least

you know that they're hanging out, and not dying in the void of "not much".

No.2, Be patient for a response.

Don't text him or her three times in a row, if they doesn't respond in time for the

first one.

they may be actively busy with something important, and simply can't respond to your right away.

they may also be not that into responding at all.

However, if you're impatient, you may come across as clingy; which is a big no-no, if

you're trying to find ways to make someone want you over text.

No.3, Guess their answers.

Another way to have fun and keep your texts interesting, is to guess how they might answer.

This is a great way to spice up your texts, separate yourself from others, and ultimately

get them interested in you.

For example, your text could read: "What are you up to this weekend?, Let me guess…,

taking a speed-knitting class so you can make me a scarf!

You are sooo sweet!".

No.4, Avoid text fighting.

Now I know that text fighting, isn't something that you'd intentionally actually do, but

it happens way too often in relationships.

Couples will actally fight over the text message.

In order to reach reconciliation to solve the fight, you can't do it over text.

You actually need to get on the phone and talk.

No.5, Add value to his life.

In other words, avoid being a vamp.

A vamp is someone who sucks the energy right out of you.

If he or she texts you saying, "Hey, how are you doing?"

Do not text them back and say, "I'm so bored.

What are you doing?"

That's like, people who do that are looking for someone else to entertain them, they're

looking for someone else to add value to their life.

It's like hey, let me plug into your life, and suck the life right out of you.

These people become a drain, and they are no fun to be around.

Instead, you want to be the person who adds value, light, love, and laughter to his or

her life.

So if they sends you a text saying, "What are you doing?"

Even if you are bored at work, send them a funny picture back, that says I am kind of

feeling like this.

No.6, Tease them.

Don't be afraid to poke fun at someone you're texting in a playful, good-natured way.

Not only does teasing someone make them laugh, but it shows that you're not a just a suck-up.

Teasing alone can show that you have confidence, and this will help build attraction.

Here's an example of a fun text, to send someone that reflects this confident, playful

teasing: "You're a closet dork, aren't you…

except without the closet!".

No.7, Try to be the first one to say goodbye.

It leaves the other person possibly wanting more.

Try to recognize when the conversations are slowing down, so that you can be the first

one to cut it off.

They will love you for this eventually, because bad, lazy conversations, usually end in bored

pauses and no actual interesting points.

For more infomation >> How to Make Someone Like You over Text | animated - Duration: 3:54.


How to Make a Cross-Cut Sled for a Table Saw to Cross-Cut Long Pieces Accurately on a Table Saw - Duration: 4:48.

so I have rough time cutting a really long board on the table saw so

I'm gonna build a sled it's real easy I have some scrap plywood here I'm just

gonna attach a couple of glides to it that will fit within these and attach a

board on the edge here and then we'll be set so I'm gonna use this as my

reference for how wide the glides need to be and if I need to plane them I'll

just roll them through the planer so this is about 3/4 of an inch so 3/8 of

an inch to the quarter by 3/8 I have this foot here that I think will work

perfectly for this I can plane it so I got my push if it's perfectly great the

sled I created two guides that fit in here like this and I'm gonna lay the

piece of plywood down on this I'm going to apply some cyanoacrylate glue CA glue

to each of these pieces then I'll set the plywood down on top and the pieces

will get glued to it and then from there I'll wait for it to set and then I'll

put some screws in there some small screws to secure the wood to the plywood

so I'm gonna put some shims below this to cause these pieces to rise above so that

little piece of tape will be enough to lift it up so that the glue will be able

to stick to it I'll reference this to the edge of the table saw [I line the level directly along the edge of the table saw and clamp it down - that way the plywood will be straight] and that's

what I'm gonna butt the plywood up against

so make sure we get this perfectly aligned put my crease here that's where

it's going to be centers here so we'll apply some glue [then I set the board ontop of the table saw and align it with the level that is square with the table saw and then I place the miter saw on top to force it to make contact with the guides that have glue on them] I'm doing these by hand

rather than using the impact driver I need to feel when it's snug so I don't

over tighten it you think that might be okay that's remove the clamps and see

what happens so I just need to clamp that they own

powertec [toggle clamps] it's pretty good

put a screw right in the middle of the buddy took a chunky out of it okay we're

ok, we're locked in and we can start cutting.

For more infomation >> How to Make a Cross-Cut Sled for a Table Saw to Cross-Cut Long Pieces Accurately on a Table Saw - Duration: 4:48.


DIY arts and crafts | make a Paper Flowers 2018 - Origami Flower Tutorial - Duration: 3:12.

make a Paper Flower

For more infomation >> DIY arts and crafts | make a Paper Flowers 2018 - Origami Flower Tutorial - Duration: 3:12.


hard chicken with fava beans how to make hard chicken with fava beans - Duration: 7:18.

For more infomation >> hard chicken with fava beans how to make hard chicken with fava beans - Duration: 7:18.





How to make aubergine kebab in a PATTERN CHICKEN - Duration: 11:46.

crispy flavors

eggplant kebab in the oven

For more infomation >> How to make aubergine kebab in a PATTERN CHICKEN - Duration: 11:46.


How To Make Money With andriod Earning App - Best Earning App For Making Money Balnce 2018 - Duration: 8:32.

For more infomation >> How To Make Money With andriod Earning App - Best Earning App For Making Money Balnce 2018 - Duration: 8:32.


How To Make Chocolate Cake Decorating! 20+ Amazing Cake Decorating Ideas Compilation - Duration: 12:28.

For more infomation >> How To Make Chocolate Cake Decorating! 20+ Amazing Cake Decorating Ideas Compilation - Duration: 12:28.


How to Make Smooth West Coast Beats - Duration: 1:30:00.

what's 88 times 288 times to iPhone help me out 88 times - I'm going to make this

beat over the head phone so I can hear it the frequencies easier so one knows

it two men need to go back to school 176 let me record this make sure alive

we live you're not live okay be back okay what

up your boy Dre so I'm gonna like I got to start these ideas before it escapes

from my mind so I'll try to answer your questions as fast as I can but when I

have an idea it has to come out or else I'll forget it so I have a melody in my

head I want to record it so goes boom boom boom it's like a West Coast beat

okay let me do the bass line first

now I have that part when I do the whistling part the melody so that's the

melody thank God I got it out before I forgot so I'm thinking like a Snoop Dogg

kind of West Coast beat yeah you got to put in the time man I didn't realize

like making a mix this is just a mixtape and you got to make like 20 songs to

even have two good songs and you got to record those two good songs it takes

forever so man I really do appreciate the album making process I haven't done

it in a long time but it takes a lot you know this is why you see a lot of

producers who can make beats and stuff but they rather work with other

producers because it cuts down on time and you know you don't have a bunch of

time you got to get people who can help you solve that issue so I might have a

couple friends of mine producing a couple tracks on here got a question who

came up with your purpose in life who came up with it I had a revelation

spiritual revelation where I was revealed my purpose long story

boom boom boom boom boom boom so your best ideas come from your brain just as

as long as you record it you can always translate it Snoop Dogg even getting his

slash Snoop Dogg even on his one track that I love on his darn 220 album or

mixtape whatever it was he just recorded like into his phone or something just

like a raw idea and they turned it into a track so it's the same thing so let's

open up Nexus we looked we were gonna look for a hard piano so I know there's

a hard pan on here

you know that deep octave is called dance piano 2k7 it they really hit those

keys hard for this one is this a different track yeah we're doing like a

West Coast thing now because it popped in my head so boom boom boom now you

want to add a little humanization to it which means a little off time so let's

go into piano roll draw it out when you have a good idea you have a good idea

just make sure you record it down at least the rough ideas this is different

yeah yeah sorry about the saxophone yeah so now we have a solid idea coming into

the studio I think we're gonna have a lot more fun this time now the second

thing you want to do is make sure that you're in the same tuning I'm not gonna

get into that because we have a whole video on tuning type into tuning type

into YouTube tuning busy works beats you'll find the whole video

in short you know every song is not tuned to 440 Hertz middle a and it's

very important that you tune your instruments just like you tune your

guitar and don't know why the snap to grid strip in here I don't know who the

spiritual revelation came from a game from the spirits main spiritual world I

don't know I went to a different place

Nefera did go to like it's the spiritual realm which is like more real than this

world it's very weird like the spiritual world is way more real than this reality

sounds weird but it is true and I was around the source of joy that's why I

have full confidence there's a creator of the universe because I was I think I

was around that energy whatever it was but it's a long story

we crank up the volume just to see if that adds to the velocity boom boom boom

it adds a little bright tone so I love the busy works

I love Bape so that's where it came from

so the off swing is gonna come from the drums octaves little brights let's pull

back the volume boom boom boom all natural it's a natural pulls down an

octave controlled down just after that one man I was in the spiritual world

blinking I don't know how else to say it I was out of my body I believe I was out

of the body and I went into a spiritual realm of some sort and it was much more

real than this reality that's the easiest way I can describe it I only

tell people I'm close to the whole story I told it once on Instagram live but

other than those people who heard it random question but what but video was

it when you used the waves Abbey Rose it's been a while since then I'd say

probably a loaf I hip-hop track so type in lo-fi hip-hop busy works piece

it wasn't like black panther spirits of the ancestors type of thing but you know

similar I guess but not like that Bungie some heart drums live drums so I'm gonna

go to Just Blaze drums first and bones you won't find like a hair sample the


it was not crazy it was I wouldn't let me stop okay

wherever I was it was like the highest level of joy ever it was like higher

than any joy I've ever experienced in the body ever that's how I know there's

a much higher joy than this world so that's why I don't you know this world

doesn't really faze me as far as you know death and passing on there's

something much greater and I have full faith that there's a creator I wasn't

meditating it just in my dream space I went to places that wasn't drunk either

perfect I'll tell the whole story one day but yeah it was like wherever I was

you like I heard singing and it was like the most happy thing ever it was like I

don't know how to say it was like a perfect chord I believe the Bible has

great principles integrate wisdom in it I believe a lot of people don't

understand the bigger picture and they kind of get stuck in the smaller aspects

of it but it's a place to start that's all you know it's the place people can

start so no shade to your or whatever religion you are it's it's more about

understanding wisdom and if you seek wisdom you'll be fine so the snares a

little off a little lagged for some reason

these drums are way delayed and I'm not sure of beste because of the vocal so

let's move the vocal over a little bit hit shift right one two three four why

did he sound so delayed the snares on the I don't know why the snare sounds so

off so I'm gonna pull it over to the left it shifted left I doubt it was a

satanic attack trust me I was around the source of joy it's like way higher than

any thing you've ever experienced and if you haven't done it then how do you know

if you've never experienced it you just trust in somebody else's words in a book

I've experienced it in myself

move the kicks over I mean you know everybody has their own experience I

mean if you didn't experience it yourself you wouldn't really get it all

right blinkin have you seen Satan himself if you haven't seen them then

your whole point is irrelevant

actually means adversary for your information as well it's a bigger

picture - it can't be scared man you gotta open up man I'm telling you I'm a

person who went through the experience believe me more than you believe words

on a piece of paper I actually experienced it man yeah trying to tell

you man my did you feel the high-pitched buzz and maybe feel like your molecules

went to infinite gold light no not that feeling I've had that before where you

feel like you're going into like a tunnel of like gold and yellow kind of

pulsating lights feels like your body's being like suck that full force through

something I've been to that whatever that is a couple times I know blanket

I'm just for everybody watching the replay man this is just you're just

sending me things that other people might be thinking so I'm just answering

that no shade to you man but as far as who as far as Gary yeah I've been in

that like yellow feels like a you're being abducted by a UFO I've been there

before I'm not scared of Satan man I'm guarded

by angelic things we're doing that we're being were successful I'm not scared of

the enemy I'm out the devil would tell me to give people Bibles to show love

and to be filled with the spirit of truth

I doubt it that would be the message that the devil would implant but I mean

to each his own man you don't have to believe my story or anything it's just

I'm just telling you my story those are the three things they told me be filled

with the spirit of truth give Bibles and show love that's just what I was told

a little off I think it's just a sample

perfect perfect eye hat because it has that room verb in it so I've noticed my

beats sound a little bit different when I make them over the headphones versus

the monitors Deuteronomy 28 and I don't know this stuff off the top of my head

now say control B there's like a religion there's like some weird like

mining thing and like not Mexico but some kind of like southern I want to say

maybe it's Mexico they're like miners and they like they're scared of the

devil and they like what do they do I figure what they do they make like

shrines to the devil and all this because they're scared that he's gonna

kill them or something trust me there are people out there who try to stop you

every day those those are more satanic people meaning the adversary that's more

the people you want to worry about so that that first kick is a little delayed

so I don't like that delay so I'm gonna move everything over 1 bar and instead

of pulling my snare back like I did with the MIDI and the piano roll I'm going to

leave it where it is and slide this just hit alt cube quantize I'm gonna pull

everything to the left instead pull my drums with tiny bit to the left hit

shift left oops

because they should not be lagging that bit I got your blinkin you can defend

your your beliefs just give me my experience man maybe my

vocals are just super early maybe that's it oops

something's at a time

a lot of that a lot of that West Coast sound comes from playing the drums a

tiny bit early like on the MPC needs a little more swing about the slave ships

you know I like the biblical principles like um how to treat people show love

that type of stuff it's a lot of wisdom in there how to be a leader like a lot

of people don't even know like they you know again we're not going religious but

I'm just trying to open you up to bigger concepts a lot of people are like

they're like you know the gospel they like preach the gospel of good news but

they don't even know what their own Messiah was teaching like if you don't

know half the lessons that Jesus was actually teaching through parables then

I don't think you understand the gospel it's a lot of lessons it's like very

business focused to a lot of its here without my focus a little more context

we gotta have another nice are anything

let me just record like whatever comes to mind


okay no space I need auto-tune but I don't want to use

it yet

so I'm trying to decide if I want basin here hmm if we do base that's gonna have

to be a mug barrel we're gonna do the acid base again

now that I convinced my parents that with career improve I have a video on

that actually type in parents busy works piece I have a video on how to convince

your parents on how to get into music type and parents busy work speech and

YouTube it'll pop up what man does it turn into religion yeah that's a whole

my thing is I don't judge people on their beliefs like your beliefs are your

beliefs I'm not gonna change them you know you're not going to probably change

anyhow so there's just a lot of bigger concepts to

these books and stuff it's way bigger than people know like a lot of people

again if you don't know the history of like concepts and stuff just focus on

the bigger picture what's the message what are they trying to teach us like

what is if they're messiahs and messengers what's the message I think

that's the key you know because there's stories similar to that the story of

Horace for example you want to read a book called

the hero with with a thousand faces it'll give you the history of all the

stories that we hear over and over again about immortality like Gilgamesh you

know stories like that this stuff is a human kind of recurring theme I used to

you know a couple of things from driv a long time ago

that's right lyric and then let's wrap this up this bead is really simple

nothing to it really it could use more transitions and synths and stuff could

probably add chords in here you see chords

have some rose quartz now again I don't understand too much time to sleep or

concept is down we can always get like a player to play some chords yeah business

right on the road will take me some time towards that's laudanum I don't to waste

too much time on chords but first I'll record the vocal harmonies then we'll

back it up with the course if we have time again this is like eating up so


what's the something did that just gonna say ride on ride on ride is my favorite

word for some reason when I'm freestyle people unplugging the big auto-tune


ooh automatic automatic automatic right

let's pick our skill and I'm very kind of been in the studio for two days

you know back-to-back will not back the back but like two days apart and my

voice is gone so I got to get these concepts out bare-bones we can always

fill it out that was kind of dope but I didn't expect it to be that so it's just

all the white notes so C major or a minor we're just gonna go C major

only thing about this is that it's too fast so it doesn't sound natural yeah do

that again delete you know you know

I'm leaving a little natural because I'm gonna pin this hard left hard right hard

left and hard right practice a little bit

so it's regular regular regular low okay so how we do you should hear me in the

vocal booth when I'm in the studio I did like 17 takes of the intro and I said

four words that's how like ridiculous I am when I'm recording


how do I do it oh my god stumpy off okay middle down middle further down middle

no middle down middle further down middle down then it went low okay

hopefully I remember this lost my count oh my goodness

stumped me off so bad okay let's recreate the standard cuz

that like I can't even remember how I did it oh my gosh

but the tracks gonna bow

see what that sounds like left right and center it looks like I did four takes

yes instead of mixer I'm going to talk like this let's just send it to the

mixer and right click and route select a channel starting for this chart and it's

on your left center right left center left center right center there's like a

90s 90s sitcom didn't bring back the 90s baby let's get it

ah but 90s had like those cross harmonies to where it would overlap

heard this sounds like unmuted my voice is really gone let me see where tracker

real attracts well go to track 13 channel routing isolated and earnest

track we're in left center right left think oh we did enough take so we did

three each good eyes see what it sounds like

Carlin without spaces yeah Catalina Catalina his name no my name is

Carlin haha I see where there's a mix-up you were talk okay Kathleen I thought

you were talking about her name my name is Carlin Carlin pretty cool name

actually it means a little champion it's a Gaelic or Irish or a little

champion because I'm a little champion believe in yourself kids move that over

to its own space because it clashes with the first harmony

alright but this is how you expand don't like your bare-bones projects are

actually think of your beats like a canvas after you're done the beat these

are my vocals we just recorded on my microphone be fuckin track a little bit

because the vocals are loud you can't really hear the drums

go to your wrench mode turn up volume multiplier I got you appreciate you

Karolina it's all good oh no sweat only thing is that come that preamp kind of

makes it sound like it's compressed and I don't like that so I'm gonna run it

through the way we got you a d6 10 gives me like the craziest drum sound want to

run the drums through here so crank up the tube so they're prime alright and

he's a little more bounce boat you know let's just quickly add delay again if

you're spending a thousand hours on one small thing you're probably doing way

too much and it's just gonna kill your workflow trust me especially if you're

in a studio where you got to pay for the time

anything I just layer those sub-base underneath the piano same notes

to show that there's a little bit swingy

sure this sub-basin sounds like a kid cudi melody pulls down a block there's

control down

don't have that sitting underneath the track

you make me hate there when I can do

I don't know the lyrics somebody help

timing so for drums you know big snow video double geniu dressed in all the

loop with the khakis SuperFlow riding in my

6fo humping the drape for the crazy on this westside day sun shining and I

smile my way as I move down the city with these 10-inch ramps upgraded to the

20 like my team's girls in the backseat jumping with a chop saw and my top saw

and my cop car feeling crazy with this black and white stash the white had to

tip off from opals on the back of the life down for the slick Long Beach

California in this let me tell you my pain real rag riding on that side

sigh okay there freestylin I'm not gonna sound like snoop on this mixtape that's

an ode that is an homage to snoop it is in a mosh to the Westside you know big

Snoop yo GG I dressed in all blue with the khaki suit that flow riding in my

6fo jumping the Drake little racy on this Westside bait sunshine and a smile

my way as I move down the city with these 10 inch ramps up braided to the 20

like my team's girls in the backseat jumping with a top saw in my top soul

and my cop car feeling crazy with this black and white stash the white had to

clip off from popo's on the back of the light down for the slick Long Beach

California in this let me tell you how I came real rad riding on that side by

side shout out the snoops new gospel album snoop went from snoop to snoop

lion to back the snoop to Christian albums was back with Martha Stewart I

mean he's just a figure man alright so my voice is kind of going but

let's just hear what the sound we could add little tickle guitars since and

stuff pom-pom but I think you know we could always do that stuff later all the

chords I forgot about the chords that's stuff later

you know makes no real GG yeah I dress the knob bloke with the khaki SuperFlow

fighting in my 6fo chopping the drape for the crazy on this Westside hey

sunshine and I smile my way as I pulls down the city to these 10 inch ramps

upgraded to the 20 like my team's girls in the backseat jumping with a chop saw

and my tops off and my cop car feeling crazy with this black and white stash

the white had to drip off from popo's on the back of the life down for slick Long

Beach California in this let me came

to stop it but what I'm going to do is record just random piano parts to it

because I forgot that uh that stuff my brain is going to mush its record notes

on automation and I'm just doing a minor 7 strum style F major 7 I assume you F

major 9 a minor 9

and then doing like

the route in the thirds

we'll figure it out okay just do that

welcome to the west side you know it's so big snoop d-o-double-g am I dressed

in all loop with the khaki suit by Flo Rida in my 6fo jumping the dre feeling

crazy on this Westside Bay sunshine and I smile my way as I close

down the city with these 10 inch ramps upgraded to the 20 like my team's girls

in the backseat jumping at the top saw in my top saw and

my cop car feeling crazy with this black and white stash the white had the

tip-off from popo's on the back of the light bouncing slick long beach

california in this let me tell you how I came up real rag riding on that side by

side alright so that sounded pretty cool isn't improv piano so that added a

little more spice to it shout out the Vincent for telling me that a while ago

the roads hopefully everything's fine

there's still a lot to add like triangles different things

shout-out to Taylor the Cali girl she's doing okay

supposedly shout-out to Taylor just realized the bum bumbum is in the

background and I had no idea

let's filter that let's filter this out that a bandpass

all the way how about this I'll leave it in the intro I don't know if I get to

play it all the way through cuz it's out of tune but instead of

doing the bandpass I'll do a high-pass just so people get here

yo GG q press the knob loop with the khakis SuperFlow ridin in my six fo

toughen the drape feeling crazy on this Westside Bay sunshine and I smile my way

as I cools down the city with these 10 inch ramps upgraded to the 20 like my

team's girls in the backseat burning of a top saw in my top soul and my cop car

feeling crazy with this black and white stashed away at the dip ball from popo's

on the back of the light now I'm feeling slick Long Beach California in this let

me tell you how I came up real rad riding on that Westside

you see what else

welcome to the west side you know what's up big snoop d-o-double-g dressed in all

blue but the khaki SuperFlow riding in my six fuck stopping the dre for the

crazy on this westside day sunshine in a smallmouth

welcome to the west side you know this big snoop d-o-double-g yeah i dressed an

envelope with the khakis SuperFlow ridin in my six fuck toughen the dre for the

crazy on this westside bait sunshine and a smile my way as i close down the city

with these 10 inch ramps upgraded to the 20 like my team's girls in the backseat

jumping with a tops off and my top saw and my cop car feeling crazy with this

black and white stash the wife had to rip off from popo's on the back of the

light down for the slick long beach california in miss let me tell you how I

pay my real rag riding on that

welcome to the west side you know what's up big snoop d-o-double-g dressed

another loop with the khaki suit by Flo Rida welcome to the west side you know

what's up big snoop d-o-double-g yo I dressed in all blue with the khaki suit

by Flo Rida and my six fuck topping the dre feeling crazy on this Westside Bay

sunshine and a smile my way as I close down the city with these 10 inch ramps

upgraded to the 20 like my team's girls in the backseat jumping in with a chop

saw and my tops off and my cop car feeling crazy with this black and white

stash the white had to dip off and popo's on the back of the light down for

the slick Long Beach California in this let me tell you how I came up real rag

riding on that Westside

welcome to the west side you know it sir big snoop d-o-double-g yeah I dressed an

envelope with a khaki SuperFlow riding in my six fuck

topping the dre feeling crazy on this Westside Bay sunshine and a smile my way

as I close down the city with these 10 inch ramps upgraded to the 20 like my

team's girls in the backseat jumping with a chop saw and my top saw and my

cop car feeling crazy with this black and white stash the white had the

tip-off from popo's on the back of the light doubtful slick long beach

california in this let me tell you how I came up real rad Dr Manette was Cyrus

welcome to the Westside you know this big snoop d-o-double-g honey just an

envelope with a khaki suit by Flo Rida near my 6fo jumping the drain feeling

crazy on this Westside Bay sunshine and I smiled my way as I closed down the

city for these 10 inch ramps upgraded to the 20 like my team's girls in the

backseat jumping in with a chop saw and my tops all and my cop car feeling crazy

with this black and white stash the white had to dip off and poke holes on

the back of the light down for the sling Long Beach California in miss let me

tell you how I came up real RAGBRAI no necklace

welcome to the Westside using noise with us up big snow video template we set up

a talk box or a vocoder in this case more now the thing is you have to play

really well so yeah sorry I'm missing comments my bed

what am I doing here mano

so this attract 23 I got to do this kind of fast because

it's because all right so that's the carrier and my voice will be the

modulator a modulator the modulator war I don't think we need that track but

whatever here's the vocoder so we need something that makes the sound in

something that morphs the sound my bed my bed chambers what am i doing I am

opening up fruity volca Dex loca Dex mocha next and we need to route these

tracks the carrier track to the vocoder man once your voice goes your brain goes

okay vocoder carrier route to this track only I think I haven't done this in a

while and the modulator is my voice so let's do this turn your voice and let's

route it to the vocoder directly

welcome to the west side you know wassup big snoop d-o-double-g Nia I'm Kristin

all blue with the khakis SuperFlow riding in my six fuck toughen the Drake

feel you crazy on this Westside hey sunshine and a smile my way as I close

down the city with these 10 inch ramps upgraded to them

I'm gonna do it on the master track so you can hear my regular voice too till

it's baby so I'm sometimes I'm not even in key

it's just the synth kind of overrides it

I don't know what phrase to say okay let me just freestyle and we need to record

I think notes on automation I think I always forget how this works you need to

record your vocals and your man I forget how we record this I think

you record

and I think you record here we do we arm the track the vocoder and the shit

record baby so I drop a phrase it but maybe we're talking too much

that's record Audion a playlist as an audio clip and

it didn't work why did that not oh my god I do that I knew it knew it stood

this way I have to edit the video cuz that thing messes up the audio so we're

not recording I always free how we do this let me try it let's just record

notes on automation see if it works oh you know what I have to do record my


hmm FL studio' needs to get the recording game together this is you

shouldn't have to click on the track to make it record that's not how it should

be welcome to the Westside you know what's up big snoop d-o-double-g

dressed in all the loot with the khaki suit that flow fine in my six fuck toe

in the Drake feeling crazy on this Westside Bay sunshine and a smile my way

as I move down the city with these 10 inch ramps upgraded to the 21 my team's

girls in the backseat jumping with a top saw and my tops already in my car

feeling crazy with this black and white stash the white and the ball from Folsom

doubtful slick Long Beach California in this let me tell you how I came up real

rag riding on that Westside

okay so you couldn't hear me because I was like the vocal was on the master

track so let me take my now should have recorded the hardest part about a

vocoder is figuring out where the audio is I literally forget how to record the

audio literally literally now this was probably right you know this makes the

video GG Kristin so I'm gonna route this too I think

last time we record it into Edison I think that's what we did

all right so what I'm gonna do is take off my mic off the main track we're

gonna say Cali Cali girl with the pitch bending you got to do the pitch pin now

the pitch Bend is too hard so we need to pull it down to one pitch range

I wish I could take off the velocity sensitivity in FL Studio it's probably

somewhere but it's probably somewhere weird don't forget to keep smiling

awesome let me take off my mic on the main track

Gallagher oh now it's in here we need to grab our

wanted to make a note since FL studio' is so velocity-sensitive and messes up

the thing I was like yeah so what I'm gonna do is switch it out with silent


I'm hearing daddy and the vocoder so all we need is a simple sawtooth

Khali their sawtooth so this should work and we can't hear because it's rounded

up so that's the small change so I'm going

to delete that Edison take because the velocity was going up and down and up

and down it's hard to manage so let's scrape that

scrap that whatever my brain is still recovering from the gym and let's turn

off the

welcome to the west side you know what's up Vic's real double genius

Preston army loop with the khakis super flow by mi6 fuck toughen a dreadfully

crazy on this Westside hey sunshine and a smile my way as I close down the city

for these 10 inch ramps upgraded to the 20 like my

girls in the backseat jump in with a top saw in my top soul and my copic all

feeling crazy with this black and white stash the white had to drip off and

bubbles on the back of the light down for the slick Long Beach California in

this let me tell you how I came up real rad riding on that were side by side so

a couple people requested more verse lyrics maybe

I'm not melancholy my mom thought that too it's just like my voice is gone

when in the studio for over 16 hours it's like

a lot of a lot of time Oh Mike is fallen over fix this bad boy okay so so I'm

gonna EQ the vote well I've auto-tune on my voice when EQ the vocoder or is it

donde esta on this track for an hour and a half

my mom sound like speakers welcome to the west side you know is so big snoop

d-o-double-g your buddies dressed an envelope with the khakis SuperFlow ridin

in my six fuck it's helping the drinkin so the Cali Cali girls kind of

conflicting with the base I mean the lead so they're not working well

together welcome to the west side you know is big

snoop d-o-double-g yuppies dressed in all the loot with the khaki suit that

flow riding in my 6fo topping the Dre from the crazy on this Westside bait

sunshine and a smile my way as I close down the city with these 10 inch ramps

upgraded to the 20 like my girls in the backseat jumping with a top

saw and my top saw in my cop car feeling crazy with this black and white stash

the white had to drip off from popo's on the back of the light I'm feeling slick

Long Beach California in this let me tell you how I came up real rag riding

on that west side by side I don't know Portuguese what up

I can't play guitar that well

welcome to the Westside you know with suck makes no money on our ass screaming

the live event unfortunately will record it but not stream little tighter on the


the whole song back over but yeah this is just a canvas you can arrange it when

you're recording in a bigger studio or you could spend time to do that it's a

different step but this is not the full song

welcome to the Westside you know what's up big snoop

d-o-double-g young artist dressed in all the loot with the khakis SuperFlow

riding in my 6fo jumping the drink feeling crazy on this Westside bait

sunshine and a smile my way as I close down the city through these ten inch

ramps upgraded to the 20 teams girls in the backseat jumping in

with a top saw in my top soul and my cop car feeling crazy with this black and

white stash the white had to dip off from popo's on the back of the light

down for the slick Long Beach California in this let me tell you how I came up

real rag

welcome to the west side you know what's up big snoop d-o-double-g bunnies

dressed in all the loot with the khakis took the flow riding in my six fault

it's open the drain feeling crazy on this Westside okay sunshine and a smile

I guess I gotta say these 10 inch rims upgraded it great when he liked my teams

girls in the backseat jumping with a chop saw in my top saw in my cop car

feeling crazy with this black and white stash the white had the tip-off from

popo's on the back of the light I'm feeling slick Long Beach California in

this let me tell you how I came up real rad riding on that Westside

I'll try to be quick I'm totally crazy in this way you know I can't be this

time that was a massacre sorry DJ Quik you know what's happening by now he

talks but I can't get his right tone yeah you know what is happening know

what is happening

no no I can't get it stone do what I do wet sack no all right forget it so I

leave it open just the beat twice through and then we wrap this one

up but I invested a little more time in this one because it actually came out

the way I pictured that's why I started with that melody and whistling first the

other track this was not what I was imagining it to be



welcome to the west side you know it sir big snoop d-o-double-g your onions

dressed enough blue with the khaki SuperFlow riding in my six fault

open the drain feeling crazy on this West Side hey sunshine and a smile my

way as I close down the city with these 10 inch ramps upgraded to the 20 like my

team's girls in the backseat jumping with a top saw in my top saw in my cop

car feeling crazy with this black and white stash the white had to drip off

from popo's on the back of the light down for slick long beach california in

this let me tell you how I came up real rat riding on that was side by side

welcome to the west side you know it sir big snoop d-o-double-g parties dress the

knob blue with the khakis SuperFlow riding in my 6fo topping the Dre feeling

crazy on this Westside hey sunshine and a smile my way as I close down the city

with these 10 inch ramps upgraded to the 20 like my team's

girls in the backseat jumping with a top saw and my tops all and my cop car

feeling crazy with this black and white stash the white had two great ball from

popo's on the back of the light down for the slick Long Beach California in this

let me tell you how I came up real rag riding on that Westside

all right so that one came out okay so this process of making a mixtape really

is like if a song doesn't hit meaning like it doesn't sound good

it's like you got to make another one it's crazy how much effort it takes just

to make a small mixtape it was fun I don't know if I'll stream again I mean

I'm not tired but if anything I got to use my headphones the stream I can't

crank up the volume we'll see what it's looking like maybe I'll streaming like

five minutes so alright thanks for watching it's busy works beats dot-com

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