Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 5, 2018

Youtube daily what May 30 2018

A lot of you have asked me a ton of questions about RVing and I wanted to answer them and

go through them.

Let me explain this because I know you're gonna want to know this and I'm gonna say

this a lot.

I mentioned boondocking earlier.

Right now we're actually boondocking cause I mean you can hear the cars outside.

Boondocking can also be called dry camping.

People say free camping or camping without hookups.

There's a lot of names for it.

The reason people say boondocking is because you're like really living in the Boondocks,

meaning that you bring all of your own resources so your water, electricity, propane.

If you're going to be cooking, cleaning, sleeping, eating, wherever you're going to be doing,

you have to have water to do it or electricity or some resources to be able to power what

you're doing.

Unless you're just going to be sitting out in the field, which wouldn't be RVing, it

would be probably camping.


You're not hooking up in an Rv.

You can actually hook up to a power source.

So it might be a house, it might be an rv park.

You could have a generator or you might have water that you need, so you might hook you

up to a hose pipe and get your water.

Now you can also have water on board, which is your fresh water.

You can have your water here in the RV, which means that you're carrying it with you.

You have it, so you can take a bath or wash your hands, eat whatever you're trying to

do on board.

You want those resources, whether it be electricity, water or propane, so like cooking on the stove

and propane which is gas.

And, then I also have to have gas and diesel to drive.

So for the front, let's see if we can show you that.

That's the front.

So we're actually like popped in right now.

Boondocking, I mean that's pretty much it.

You boondock and you bring all your resources with you or you hook up to power, water, electricity,

something to power.

Everything that's in here and cook and do what you need to do.

Other than the propane.

You, you would have your propane on here, but you can have like propane extenders and

stuff like that.

If that makes sense.

Hopefully it does.

If so, hit the like button and let me know.

Or, If you have questions about that, please let me know by putting a comment below because

I really love answering these questions.

I just don't know what questions you have because it's not new to me anymore.

So when I say it and people are like, oh my God, what is she talking about?

I don't know that you don't know.

So you have to tell me.

For more infomation >> What is Dry Camping - BOONDOCKING | RV LIVING - Duration: 2:53.


What's one thing you would fix about B2B marketing and why? - Duration: 1:16.

Hey guys

Brandon Redlinger here Director of Growth at

Engagio and today I'm posing a question to my friend Katie Martel. Now, Katie is one of the best on-demand

B2B marketers out there. Katie –

What is one fundamental thing about B2B sales and marketing that you would fix and why?

Hey, Brandon! And thanks so much for asking.

There is one thing about B2B sales and marketing that I've always felt is a little bit strange. And it's how we talk about our

relationship with customers. We kind of sound like we're at war with them, like in a quest for world domination or market domination or

penetrating new accounts – we're landing and expanding at our key targets.

And opportunities in sales become battles that must be wanted all costs. The thing is we're not exactly invading Greenland

We're selling software. We're not conquering nations. We're trying to build a value for buyers

And so I've never quite understood this terminology. Plus if you're a buyer

You don't want to do business with someone when you're feeling attacked by them.

Look, the only thing that we should be battling is our competition not our customers.

We need to see our relationship and describe it in a way that suggests mutual collaboration

not hand-to-hand combat. I say make money not war.

For more infomation >> What's one thing you would fix about B2B marketing and why? - Duration: 1:16.


What is Next for Our Channel? - Duration: 2:59.

- So it's Tuesday and there's no toys

and you're wondering where they're at.

Well I'm gonna tell you, comin' up next.

(upbeat music)

Hi, welcome back, I'm Brian from Three Princess Productions

and I'm glad you're tuning in today.

Toys for Tuesday will return next week

so don't miss out on that video.

If you haven't already, make sure you

click that subscribe button and click the

Belle icon down below.

Starting this Friday, we're gonna talk about

some of the tools that we use to make

some of these videos.

I've got a lot of comments on,

"Hey, could you help teach me.

"Your videos are really good.

"They're edited nice, you know, you got a good pace."

Things of that nature so those have all

been linked in the comments so

what I've done is I've taken a little bit

of a survey and a lot of people wanna know,

what equipment do we use, how do I use it,

what video editing software do I use?

Some people have asked how did I create

the slow motion, what frame rates do I use?

And things of that nature.

So starting this Friday, it won't be

every Friday, but starting this Friday

at least the first Friday of every month

what we're gonna do is we're gonna talk

about some of the stuff that we do

to help make these videos.

So the first thing we're gonna talk about

is we're gonna talk about the video camera

that we use so make sure you tune in this Friday.

I think that it's the best 4K camera

for under $1,000 that gives you a ton

of features and doesn't force you to buy

a whole lot of extra equipment

to keep upping your videos.

So we'll talk about that on Friday.

But we're also gonna talk about

the video editing software that I use.

I'm gonna give you some tips, some tricks,

and tools and tutorials on how to utilize

that software and improve your video quality.

Hopefully you'll join me for the ride

and you'll enjoy these videos.

So make sure you put down in the comments

what type of videos you want to see.

What do you wanna learn about?

Do you wanna learn about slow motion?

Do you wanna learn about how to use your camera better?

I'll do my best to try and make videos

that hit on those topics, so that you

can hopefully grow your channel to the level

that you want it to go to.

So next week, Toys for Tuesday will return,

so don't worry, the girls will be back.

But join us this Friday so we can talk

about the video camera that we use.

So if you like this video, make sure

you hit that like button down below.

Also, subscribe to our channel.

Make sure you click that Belle icon as well

to guarantee that you see our next video.

Until then, we'll see you on Friday

and we're gonna talk about the best 4K camera

for YouTube for under $1,000.

So tune in Friday, we'll see you then.

'Til then, bye!

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> What is Next for Our Channel? - Duration: 2:59.


The Problem With Charging What You're Worth - Duration: 3:50.

I'm smart, funny, and gosh darnit people like me! Right?

{french music}

Today we are going to talk about

one of the hot-button words of negotiation. It's a word that

some people use all the time and it's a word that I do my personal best to avoid

using. It's a word that tends to get a rather strong reaction from people and

usually not a positive one. The word "worth". Charging what you're worth. Asking

for what you're worth. Proving what you're worth. How do you

feel when you hear that word? Some people are super keen. They hear the word worth

and they are all in. Heck yeah! I'm worth a whole lot! And they proceed to

merrily go about transforming their business and their life. Others of us

(myself included) are not so keen on the word. We get a little caught up in trying

to figure out if we can identify our worth. Can you actually assign worth to

human being? And even if we are feeling pretty good about what we're doing

there's a little voice in the back of our head that tells us that our worth

isn't a whole heck of a lot and it's certainly not more than what we're

making or getting right now ... so asking for anything more is completely

ludicrous! See? All sorts of baggage comes up when we use the word worth. So today

I'm sharing two tips that'll help you get over that. Tip number one is to

de-personalize it. It isn't actually about your worth as a human being. We all know

that's immeasurable! It's about the worth of your time. Think of yourself as an

integral resource in your company. You're not you anymore you're a tool. A tool

being used by your company. It's much easier to sort of calculate your worth

that way. Step number two is to convert it to value created. Figure out how much

value you are creating for your business and for your clients. So for example, I

know that with an hour of my time and a really

well-crafted email I can give my clients the skills they need to save upwards of

ten thousand dollars on an event they're negotiating for. That's a lot of value!

That's a lot of worth! That is a great number to keep in mind the next time I'm

feeling a little shaky in my own negotiation. Your homework this week is

the same type of exercise. A quickfire exercise. I want you to write

down a list of your last five to ten clients and how much they paid you. Then,

beside each of those names write down the ROI they experienced

after working with you. See? That's a lot of value. That's a lot of worth. What

you're gonna do is put that list someplace safe maybe it's in your wallet,

in your agenda book, on your bulletin board by your desk. You want that list

safe and handy so the next time you're getting ready to negotiate and you're

feeling a little nervous about asking for what you want need or deserve, or you're

getting ready to send out a proposal at far less than the rate you should be

charging, pull out the list and remind yourself of all value you've created,

the great return on investment, and that you my dear are worth it.

Got it? Good. See you next time.

{french music}

For more infomation >> The Problem With Charging What You're Worth - Duration: 3:50.


Opinion | What's the hurry, Sarah Sanders? - Duration: 1:43.

We're gonna keep today pretty short.

Uh, so we'll keep this short today.

And with that, I'll get started.



"Sarah, really quickly."

Sorry, I'm gonna keep moving just 'cause we're gonna be really short today.

Major, go ahead.

Sorry, I'm gonna keep moving just 'cause we're running out of time.


Sorry, I'm gonna keep moving just 'cause we're gonna get real tight on time here.


"Follow up on Gina Haspel --"

I'm gonna just keep moving 'cause I did it to your colleague.


I'm gonna pop around today since we're on short timeframe.


"Sarah, I said I had a second question."

Sorry, I'm, we're tight on time, so I'm gonna hop.


Sorry I'm gonna keep going 'cause we're really tight on time today.

Steve, go ahead.

We're gonna have to keep it quick and short today.

I'm just gonna keep going 'cause we're running light on time.

Sorry, Peter, I have got tight time, I'm gonna keep moving.


Sorry, I'm gonna do one question at a time today 'cause we got short on time.

John, go ahead.


Sorry, I'm gonna keep moving 'cause we're tight on time.


"Just one more question, Sarah."

Sorry, Jacqueline. I'm gonna keep moving.

Go ahead, Kristen.

Jacqueline, I'm gonna move onto Kristen.

Sorry, we are tight on time with the visit of the Alabama team coming up soon.

Go ahead.

"Um, can you follow up on that question?"

I think by my mere presence of standing up here and taking your questions unvetted is

a pretty good example of freedom of the press.

And I think it's ridiculous to suggest otherwise.


For more infomation >> Opinion | What's the hurry, Sarah Sanders? - Duration: 1:43.


Pokéquarium - What animal is Mareanie and Toxapex based on? - Duration: 9:46.

Hello Pokémon fans, I'm Leaderfuzzy, and welcome to this series which I'm now calling Pokéquarium!

*Gen 3 shiny sound effect for new logo*

In this series, I observe a marine Pokémon of some sort and figure out what it is based on!

I'll do this by focusing on different sections that highlight the creature,

and help to understand the reasoning behind its inspiration.

Today, we'll be talking about the dual water / poison type Pokémon Mareanie and its evolution Toxapex,

but before we get into the meat of it, I have a story from my first playthrough of Pokémon sun

where I saw Mareanie for the first time

*Enter Wailord Boat*

As I was exploring Route 7 on Akala Island, I encountered a trainer called "Swimmer Casey"

If you know me from my lets play channel Brohive, you'll know that my real name is Casey.

When I was playing the game and first saw this, I was dumbfounded.

It's as if they put me in the game!

Well we look a bit different, but that's fine!

But that wasn't the end of it.

Swimmer Casey then threw out a Pokémon I had never seen before!

When I first saw this new Pokémon, it was clear that it was based on an interesting marine creature.

The spikes on its arms made me think it was some sort of Sea Urchin,

but the way the creature was positioned meant it could also be a drooping sea anemone or something.

Either way, I needed one on my team.

I did some research, and it turns out the only way Mareanie can be encountered

is if you fish up a Corsola, the coral Pokémon, and make it call for help at low health.

So it's clear that there's a lot going on with this Alolan Pokémon.

And I'm determined to figure out what it is.

Despite Mareanie's design being hard to identify, its behavior and physical features point to it being based solely off of a single creature.

But what real life creature could be the source for all of Mareanie's odd features?

Well it turns out it's not a sea urchin or sea anemone at all,

but a type of starfish!

This is the Crown of Thorns Starfish.

An echinoderm found in the Indo-Pacific Region,

also known as Acanthaster Planci

This starfish can range from 25 to 35 centimeters in diameter, and can have up to 21 arms.

Each one these arms are equipped with many venomous spines, which are sharp enough to easily pierce through soft surfaces.

Making it quite difficult to deal with!

Despite them looking quite stiff and rigid while flaunting their numerous spikes,

Acanthaster Planci's arms are able to easily bend and twist around the only thing it eats.


Yep, these starfish are infamous for their voracious appetite

of one of the most beautiful sessile marine creatures.

Acanthaster Planci is very fast for a starfish, moving at 20 meters per hour.

It is also nocturnal, and each night it can eat its own body area in coral.

This adds up to consuming 13 square meters of coral a year for one starfish.

So as you can imagine, outbreaks of this species are pretty devastating to coral reefs.

Although in some cases, having a *few* Crown of Thorns around a coral reef can be beneficial,

as they usually prefer eating fast growing branching coral.

By eating these fast growing coral species, it can allow for enormous slow growing coral to increase in population

and increase the species diversity of coral in that area.

Now if you look back on Mareanie for a second,

it has one of the most interesting predator-prey relationships with another Pokémon found in the Alola region.

Like I said before, the only way to encounter a Mareanie in the wild

is to find a Corsola in the ocean and have it cry for help at low health.

This usually summons an ally Pokémon to help attack for it,

But Mareanie is different.

Instead of attacking the player, Mareanie will prey upon the low-health Corsola.

In Mareanie's Pokedex entry in Sun, it states that:

"The coral that grows on Corsola's head is as good as a five-star banquet to this Pokémon."

So finding a low health Corsola that is crying for help

essentially means that a dinner bell has rung for Mareanie,

and it'll show up to finish the job

So it's clear that Mareanie is based off of the Crowns of Thorns Starfish, if only for its diet alone,

but one aspect that gives that away more than anything is the shape of its prey.

As I mentioned before, the Crown of Thorns Starfish prefers to eat branching Coral above all else.

This is because it can easily wrap around the coral with its arms and digest it.

Knowing this, Mareanie eating Corsola is much more justified.

Just look at the shape of Corsola!

Its Coral appendages are clearly branched, making it the perfect prey for Mareanie.

Corsola's Pokedex entry in Ultra Moon also states that

its branches are stubby due to the overpopulation of Mareanie in the area.

This perfectly mirrors Crown of Thorns Starfish outbreaks in coral reefs such as the great Barrier Reef,

where they're considered a major threat.

Acanthaster Planci can turn a vibrant ecosystem

into a white mass of skeleton if their numbers are not controlled.

So, you may be wondering why predators don't just eat the crown of thorns starfish?

How can they be so out of control?

Well, those spikes on its arms aren't just there for show.

They're actually very venomous.

However, unlike other venomous predators,

the Crown of Thorns Starfish has no means of injecting its toxins.

Instead, it acts as a defense mechanism.

If anything accidently touches or steps on its spines, they may break,

causing the toxic saponins to be lost in the wounds.

In humans, this can cause a sharp, stinging pain that can last for several hours,

and can also result in nausea and swelling of tissue for a few days.

In addition, the saponins that Acanthaster Planci possesses also have an unpleasant taste.

So anything that manages to eat it likely won't want to keep it down.

Needless to say, this is a creature that should not be carelessly touched,

meaning that it is very hard for its natural predators to control its population.

The only known predator to consistently prey upon the Crown of Thorns Starfish is the Triton Snail,

which is essentially a very large sea snail.

After this Gastropod gets ahold of the Crown of Thorns,

the starfish's only hope of survival is to abandon one of its limbs to get away.

The Triton Sea Snail is such an effective predator that once the Crown of Thorns Starfish smells it in the water,

it will visibly flee.

However, the Triton Sea Snail is not often in high enough abundance to keep the Crown of Thorns population controlled.

And due to its venomous spines,

very few creatures come between it and its coral based meals.

Mareanie and its evolution Toxapex seem to boast a similar toxin,

but one difference between the Crown of Thorns Starfish and Mareanie is that

Mareanie actually has a method of Injecting its toxins.

The venomous spikes of Mareanie's evolution, Toxapex, boast similar effects as the Crown of Thorns Starfish.

Toxapex's Pokedex Entry in Moon states that:

"Those attacked by Toxapex's poison will suffer intense pain for three days and three nights, and post recovery, there will be some aftereffects."

Knowing how much damage the Crown of Thorns Starfish toxins can do,

Toxapex's signature move, Baneful Bunker,

makes a lot more sense.

It's essentially guarding itself from any predators,

and anything that happens to make contact will be heavily poisoned.

And while the Crown of Thorns' venom may not leave you with pain for 3 days and 3 nights,

It can certainly last a few hours.

However, the nausea and swelling it creates may very well last three days afterward.

Maybe those were the aftereffects that were mentioned?

In any case, the Crown of Thorns Starfish has ample toxic protection throughout its entire juvenile and adult life history stages,

but did you know they also contain toxins in their larval stages?

It was recently discovered that planktivorous fish that tried to feed on the eggs and larvae of the Crown of Thorns Starfish

Often rejected them instead of eating them.

This is likely because their eggs and larvae contain similar saponins as their adult forms,

making their early life history stages poisonous instead of venomous.

Side note:

The difference between a creature being poisonous and venomous depends on how the host contracts the toxin.

If you eat something and contract toxins, that thing is poisonous.

If a creature injects the toxins into its prey, that's venom.

So as you can see, the Crown of Thorns Starfish is fairly well protected throughout its entire life,

guarded by a variety of toxins.

Making it a creature you wouldn't want to mess with.

So now that we're done comparing Mareanie's diet and toxins to that of the Crown of Thorns Starfish,

let's take a look at the visual similarities.

Mareanie and Toxapex's colors include

light blue, purple, red, and yellow hues.

This is actually fairly accurate to the real thing, considering the Crown of Thorns Starfish can come in a variety of colors.

And surprisingly, Toxapex is closer to the real thing than Mareanie is.

Just look at these pictures! It's like looking through a much more detailed mirror!

While this starfish is known to come in a variety of blues that resemble Mareanie's arms,

very little Crown of Thorns display the pale purple hue that Mareanie has on its head,

and instead boast much deeper purples and blues.

In fact, the most accurate color these Pokémon have to the real thing come from their shiny forms!

[Shiny Mareanie and Toxapex appeared!]

While the Crown of Thorns Starfish may come in a variety of colors,

it is not often that it will display just one.

This creature usually displays many bright colors to alert predators to stay away.

However, when the crown of Thorns comes in red, it is usually mostly red,

with small hints of other colors to emphasize it,

Now, lets take a look at their arms,

er.. tentacles, or hair?

I don't know.

whatever they are, Mareanie has 10 of them,

while Toxapex is shown to have 12.

The Crown of Thorns Starfish can have up to 21 arms,

so the difference likely exists just to simplify the design.

In terms of size, Mareanie is about 1 foot tall

and Toxapex is a little over 2 feet tall.

Early Juveniles of the Crown of Thorns Starfish are often less than 2.5 centimeters long,

but this is only because they haven't found a stable source of food yet.

Once larger juveniles begin to feed on coral, they grow more rapidly than any stage in their life cycle,

at around 16 mm a month.

And once a diet of coral is established for a prolonged period,

the juvenile can mature into its adult phase,

where they can grow as big as 25 and 35 centimeters in diameter,

but some specimens have been recorded to be up to 80 centimeters long,

that's over 2 feet wide!

Knowing this, Mareanie could very well represent a late Juvenile Crown of Thorns that has just begun feeding on coral,

and is likely doing so to increase in size to adulthood.

AKA, Evolution.

Hey thanks for watching!

I'd like to give a big shoutout to anyone who let me use their art in this video.

You can find links to their websites in the description!

If you want to see more of my work,

I have 2 videos focusing on Crabrawler and Pyukumuku that you can check out now.

It really mans a lot to know that you guys are enjoying my videos.

I have a lot more ideas that I hope you'll stick around for.

I hope you enjoy them!

Thanks for watching, and I hope you have a great day.

(And I hope you enjoyed the subtitles!)

Follow me on Twitter and Tumblr! (Links in the description)

For more infomation >> Pokéquarium - What animal is Mareanie and Toxapex based on? - Duration: 9:46.


What I Eat In A Day (Low Carb & Recipes!) | LazzzySundaze - Duration: 14:46.

so hot, we usually drink our coffee black so no additional milk or sugar the

healthiest way to drink coffee!

Hey guys, what's up welcome back to my channel LazzzySundaze

and if it's the first time you are visiting my channel, welcome my name is Tiffany and today I'm

going to show the guys what I usually eat in the day. It is just my daily diet

so I'm going to show a little bit of what I usually eat. I'm not a nutritionist or

anything I just you whatever I like. At least at home, I eat as little carbs as

possible even though we do eat carbs and stuff

like that outside but like at home or try to eat as little carbs as possible.

I guess that's like one of our diet. I don't count calories

I don't count portions I don't see whatever I want. I just tried to

eat as low carb as possible at home so we do

count carbs I don't think I'm like skinny or anything.

I'm not like fit and I feel like all these food can I help me maintain my

weight now. All these foods is good for you if you want to maintain your weight and

lose your weight but for the losing part, you just have to you know work out

more that's what that's like one thing I don't really do as much. Now it's currently

like around 10 a.m. and we're going to make some omelette

for our brunch!

A quarter of pepper - red pepper

these are turkey bacon we just put some onions and red pepper cut up into cubes

peppers ready

oh my god the turkey bacon looks so good that's for me that's for

me that's for Jeremy

Now we're gonna add some spinach a lot

oops make it rain make it rain

let it sit for a little bit for a little bit

Turkey bacon is done and we're gonna reuse the turkey fat to cook the eggs yeah and this is still

going strong!

Look at that! Can you tell who cooks more often in our house

you put on one side so you can easily fold it in

little crispy on the outside but the eggs still runny on the inside

thank you

looking so good

this is Clark's favorite spot recently! He's on our black grocery bag right.

So it's currently 1:00 p.m. and we're gonna make some dessert it's gonna be

chocolate chip cookie but a healthier version and this is so good we make this

all the time but just happen to run out of it this week so we're gonna make it

today and kind of meal prep the dessert for the rest of the week and it's really

good though it's gonna be low carb and gluten free so it's definitely a

healthier version of a chocolate chip cookie oh but they're so good oh I just

want to eat it now it's it's delicious so these are all the ingredients this is

definitely keto friendly.

Butter vanilla extract

of course brown sugar this is almond flour this is alternative sugar that

we're gonna use you know sugar replacement obviously my

favorite chocolate chip chunks and all these chocolate chips now the butter

is in room temperature I'm just gonna use my fingers oh it's slimy

this is the alternative sugar we're going to use - diabetes friendly, tastes like sugar, easy

to digest, tooth friendly, which is very important

Half a cup

a quarter cup of light brown sugar.This is not even open yet

oops a quarter cup of brown sugar

One tsp of vanilla extract

This thing is from Dollar Tree Betty Crocker

it's very useful just let you guys know okay I'm gonna do this for six to eight

minutes until it's fully mixed

Now we' re gonna put two and a half cups of almond flour into this mix

gonna mix a little bit more.

I should be on a cooking show. JK

it looks like breadcrumbs. Now we're gonna put some chocolate chunks my

favorite part 6 ounces.

Do you see we have a

awesome thing called kitchen scale. I normally don't use it

I just do whatever I want but since this is a video

all the way in guys all the way in

we're mixing it like this kind of like a dough form now

now it looks fully like a cookie dough and we're gonna refrigerate it for about two hours

by the way we did not invent this recipe we're actually following New York Times

recipe right here we came up with the idea of using almond flour and

alternative sugar because the original recipe they don't have that

they u sed natural sugar and stuff like that so I guess technically we did invent this

So it's currently 3 p.m. and I'm about to make some snack I'm gonna

make guac really easy we have two avocados - two ripe avocados that we need to

use up anyway and we got these from Costco's they're so cheap

Ta-da! and guess what we're gonna eat it with

all right guys the best chip ever! Red Hot Blues - Blue chip so it's corn tortilla

chips but with, guess what, chili powder on it it's so good

this is the star of the show today

okay guys it's been two hours I'm gonna put

these out and then we're gonna roll them onto this sugar so then in order for

them to stick we have to use eggs... or an egg

alright I'm gonna use this sugar put it on top of it like this

the cookie right there great

first one

Look at all these cookies, we just made them 14 total I know it's not that much

but and before we put it in the oven we're gonna sprinkle some sea salt on

top of it just to make it awesome

so the cookies are done and we're gonna let

them sit for a little bit but basically they're supposed to be a little burnt at

the bottom, which is fine it tastes so good. Once we let it sit, we're gonna try

one out but it looks delicious.

Taste test

so good

this is one of the best cookies or shortbread I've ever had

look at that melting chocolate - so good

you guys should definitely try this recipe out. This is gonna be gone by

tomorrow and then we store this in a glassware

so we can eat this for like the rest of the week or the next two days.

So it's currently 7 p.m. and we're having salmon and sauteed kale. This is my boyfriend's

specialty so he made it but it looks really good and I'm really excited it's

really light we usually like eat really light dinner, kind of, trying to

For more infomation >> What I Eat In A Day (Low Carb & Recipes!) | LazzzySundaze - Duration: 14:46.


Abundance Pick a Card `~ What do I need to know? ~` - Duration: 11:50.

welcome to abundance pick a card I have three sets of cards for you to

choose from today to ascertain what you will wish to know and abundance isn't

just about money isn't just about what you have in the bank it's also how you

feel about your life your career your family how rich you feel emotionally

spiritually so I'll give you a few moments to decide which card will answer

those questions for you and you can choose by the the number in front or

the crystal I'll give you a few moments to decide

okay if you chose these cards this is your answer this is the abundance card

that comes forth for you today focus on your priorities where you put your focus

is where you receive your outcome your priorities are calling to you which may

produce a feeling of anxiety unless you give them the time and attention they

and you deserve even a small amount of time devoted to your priorities will

help you feel better and more confident

the energy that's surrounding you and your question at the moment is 2 of cups

I love you not only for what you are but for what I am when I am with you so

perhaps your questions revolving around financial and emotional priorities at

the moment so depends on which one you feel more that will bring your abundance

I guess what you feel as though your abundance means to you is that financial

or emotional spiritual family loved ones so let's have a look and see what else

we can come up with what the cards bring six of spring wonderful news is on its

way smart choices that bring rewards success

and public recognition so again it comes down to what your priorities are at the

moment let's choose another card which I have right here

successful complete completion this is the time of incredible accomplishment you're

justified in feeling joy a sense of completion and pride in the amazing job

you've done you've been blessed with many spiritual insights

soon you'll begin a new journey but for now take time to bask in

happiness of your dreams coming true sir perhaps this card is saying you can have

both I think it's more to do with prioritizing your time rather than one

or the other so I don't think you need to make a choice about which one

you will pursue I think it's more about how you go about putting your

effort into so whether or not you can balance both your new relationship which

comes through here or your work commitments your financial commitments

because there are choices that are coming in as well so I think it's more

to do with balancing time rather than financial outcome to see where you put your

focus is where you receive your outcome but that's not necessarily one or the

other you can have both it's just time I

think that's what it is at the moment you're putting one off for the other and

I think it's time to even a small amount of time devoted to your priorities will

help you feel better and more confident so time dividing time management is what

you need at the moment okay if you chose this one this is your answer sorry my

cat is in the way it is time no sorry he wants to be in it as well okay your

abundance card at the moment is as you consistently save for your future your

future is saved you do your future self a big favor as you consistently set

aside present funds this is a part of your self-care and path to feeling

secure as you focus upon your life purpose so putting aside a little bit

now will add to future comfort and

security so even if it's only a few dollars here and there

it's the loose change in your pocket put it aside for your future and let's see

what your energy around you at the moment is to clarify that 7 of

Pentacles with time and patience the mulberry leaf becomes a silkworm so I

think that is saying it takes time to save for what you want in your life

it depends too on how much you think enough is for some people a few dollars

saved here and there can feel like a fortune so perhaps not having a coffee

every day at the coffee shop and put that money away perhaps that's a

big step in your financial freedom but patience it takes time to grow what you

want it takes time for money to accumulate let's see what else we can

find to go with these two cards an action card or an affirmation 3 of

fire abundance things look very good have patience at this time make

long-term plans so saving will eventually produce the funds that you

are looking for it may take time you can't you know buy a house with only

$5 but or have a holiday with $5 but over time which may take longer than you

may wish to at the moment but patience will see out and a

business venture trust and follow through on the new business idea of a

career opportunity part-time job another job on the side bit of moonlighting

might help to with your budget so that's what this this reading is for for you to

give you ideas about what you can do to increase your wealth but saving

certainly the top priority I think for you at the moment and second job perhaps

might tide you over add a little bit to the coffers but patience is definitely

before ? here so I hope that's helped you a little bit to ascertain the

answer to your question okay if you chose this set of cards this is your

answer to your abundance question and the abundance card is raise or promotion

congratulations an increase in your abundance flow

awaits you this is a result of your positive focus and willingness to take

action based on your divine guidance keep up the good work and the energy

around you at the moment five of cups better by far you should forget and

smile than you should remember and be sad this

seems to me that you've had a disappointment somewhere along the line

perhaps but this one this card saying that there's a promotion coming to you so

maybe you've missed out on a situation at work but you didn't see this one that

was on offer as well perhaps this one became the the second choice

so maybe there is still an opportunity for you to advance or to get what you

want but in in a different direction than what you were thinking about

because looking back isn't seeing what's in front of you so see that there are

possibilities that you didn't see before and maybe that second choice was the one

that was the best one for you let's have a look and see what kind of energy is

around you at the moment life experience let go of belief systems that no longer

work for you an important life-changing event a situation that leads to

significant opportunities so this missed opportunity it's going to lead to this

new opportunity perhaps and you're not seeing at the moment because you're

looking back at your disappointments rather than looking forward to a new

opportunity that's staring right at you but you can't see it because you haven't

turned around and let's have a look this card 9 of air enjoying life's little

luxuries spending quiet time alone successful self-employment so maybe this

opportunity is about self-employment perhaps you didn't think about that

before perhaps you have the skills now to venture out on your own because

the new opportunity is coming opportunities that you this is the tower

and the tower means that foundations weren't as stable as what they should

have been to build on so maybe now this opportunity is coming up for you

let's just hope because the future does look brighter than what you're seeing

at the moment so take heart there is another opportunity coming to you

don't keep looking back look forward and you'll see

new opportunities that maybe you missed or didn't think were the right

ones for you that possibly are

I hope that helps everyone

For more infomation >> Abundance Pick a Card `~ What do I need to know? ~` - Duration: 11:50.


What does dealmaking mean? - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> What does dealmaking mean? - Duration: 0:35.


What is "The Ferber Method?" - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> What is "The Ferber Method?" - Duration: 5:05.


Elderly Woman Catches 4 Boys Sneaking Into Yard, Weeps When She Realizes What They're Doing - Duration: 2:39.

Elderly Woman Catches 4 Boys Sneaking Into Yard, Weeps When She Realizes What They're

Doing This little 75 year old woman was about to

be arrested and taken away in hand cuffs when a group of young boys in Texas stepped up.

They never even met this woman but they didn't want to see her got to jail because her grass

was over 18 inches tall.

Gerry Suttle is the 75-years-old woman, she was issued a notice to appear in front of

a judge regarding grass on her land being unkept.

The law states that grass needs to be under 18 inches, Suttle said she was unaware of

this law.

The woman also said that she hadn't received the letter regarding a court date with the


Unfortunately, when she failed to appear in court a warrent was issued for her arrest.

When a group of local young boys heard about the woman's arrest warrant they immediately

jumped into action to help."IT'S A SUMMER DAY, WE DON'T HAVE SEASON PASSES YET TO




The boys knew that she need their help she was 75 years old it was the 'least we could

do' one of the boys said.

The boys effort was about more then cutting grass in the overgrown yard it was about keeping

her from going to jail, being kind, and treating others with respect.

Shortly after the boys began mowing the lawn, other neighbors in the area began to notice

their efforts.

It was over 90 degrees and the boys were using push mowers to mow the large lot.That's

when some of the neighbors showed up with riding mowers and began to help the boys with

the enormous job.

With everyone's help the lawn was mowed and looking beautiful in a short 2 hours.

Suttle came out she was shocked!

She couldn't believe what the boys and her neighbors had done for her and she was left

completely speechless.




THAT I DIDN'T HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY"She couldn't believe it!

These young boys would go out of their way to help an old woman like her, for no reason.

Her faith in the younger generation has been restored.


WHEN WE COULD HAVE JUST DONE IT FOR FREE"If we all did one thing a day randomly to show

others in the world kindness.

The world would certainly be a much better place to live.

For more infomation >> Elderly Woman Catches 4 Boys Sneaking Into Yard, Weeps When She Realizes What They're Doing - Duration: 2:39.


People Protect What They Love - EHF Fellow Camden Howitt, Sustainable Coastlines - Duration: 6:23.

(upbeat music)


Kia ora te whanau (Māori introduction)

- If we protect the realm of the land and the sea,

the people will be sustained.

I'm Camden Howitt and I am here to tell you a love story.

First a little bit about where I came from.

I grew up on Ōtautahi, Christchurch.

And now I live in Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland.


And I have a vision

and I want to share that vision with you.

I have a vision for beautiful beaches.

Imagine beaches around Altura in New Zealand,

around the Pacific, around the world

with no plastics on them, with no pollution on them.


Imagine healthy waters,

waters we can wade through,

waters we can swim in, waters we can take our kids to

and waters we can drink from

around Aotearoa and the world.

And imagine inspired people everywhere

that love the place they live in,

that want to protect that place they love.

This is my vision.

The amazing ocean explorer and filmmaker,

Jacques Cousteau once said, people protect what they love.

And that's why this is a love story,

because if we don't have love, we don't have protection.

I love our coastlines, I love our ocean.

I've spent my entire life as a New Zealander

surrounded by the sea.

We have 15,000 kilometers of coast,

the 11th longest coastline in the world.

We can't be more than 120 kilometers from it.

We harvest from it,

we play in it.

Our economy depends upon it, and we love it.

But we need to protect it.

I traveled and when I was in Puerto Escondido in Mexico,

surfing wave that I should not have been surfing,

I was hit in the face by a nappy.

I returned to the shore,

found a toilet seat on a beach

amongst the plethora of rubbish that I found

and was disgusted by what this place could be

but in love with the place at the same time.

This is a story of love, but a story of pain, as well.

I traveled further

and saw what our world could be, the bad that it could be,

not just for the environment, but for human health.

Burning plastics creates dioxins, the same active agent

that was used in Agent Orange.

It's also the animals, our brothers on earth

that live there that are suffering from the same fate,

those things we love.

And I came back to New Zealand full of hope.

We are clean and green, we are 100% pure, aren't we?


we had exactly the same problems.

We're one of the highest consumers

of waste per capita in the world.

Our streets are littered, our drains flow to the sea.

Our birds are filling up with plastic.

I've seen nest of black back gulls on Rangitoto Island

in Auckland's Hauraki Gulf, made out of plastic.

So what did I do?

I went and worked in advertising,


selling people things they didn't want.

And I really, really, really struggled with it.

I was not fulfilled.

I had no purpose.

And I lacked that purpose.

I tried my best, I wrote sustainability policies,

I helped people recycle,

I put up signs beside the light switches saying

how much they were costing the business

and how much carbon they were burning

if they left the light switches on overnight.

But I was working in advertising.


But it didn't change until one day a friend of mine

that I was in Mexico with, Sam, came home

and he didn't have any money left

so he lived on my couch.

And we planned some stuff, some fun events.

And we ended up in Tonga in the Ha'apai Islands.

We cleaned up eight shipping containers worth of rubbish

from beaches that had never, ever been cleaned before,

an island group that had never had rubbish removed.

And following that,

I had an experience which changed my life.

I was underwater with a humpback whale

and I decided I wouldn't fly back home

to my job in advertising

and I would quit to protect these places that I love.

And now that's what I do.

We pick up rubbish.

We decided to start small

but if you pick up rubbish,

all you'll ever do is pick up rubbish.

So we scaled it up, we got more people involved.

We decided that actually you'd need to be the fence

at the top of the cliff,

rather than the ambulance at the bottom.

Education, behavior change,

societal change, attitude change, everything,

to solve this problem before it begins.

And to clean up our coastlines we looked upstream.

We had started cleaning up our rivers

because you need to do both.

And now, 10 years on, we've picked up 1.4 million liters

of rubbish from our coastlines,

35 shipping containers full.


We planted 60,000 trees to restore our waterways.

And educated nearly 200,000 people about this issue.

But it's not enough.

We need to scale this up.

We need to make it systemic.

We need to make it across our entire community.

We need to prove this problem once and for all

and how the solutions are going to work.

So that's why I'm here.

We need to scale this up around the Pacific,

around New Zealand, and do everything we can

to solve this issue.

I want to harness the power of technology for good.

And I want to harness the power of love for even better.

So thank you so much.

I look forward to this journey and having you with me.


For more infomation >> People Protect What They Love - EHF Fellow Camden Howitt, Sustainable Coastlines - Duration: 6:23.


What is a Dental Cavity and How to Prevent Adult Cavities by Brushing Teeth Correctly - Duration: 7:05.

Hi, I'm Dr. Derrick Johnson and I wanted to answer a patient question I had this week.

And fairly ... it seems like a simple question, but what is a dental cavity.

It's a very common thing we see in dentistry, but what causes these cavities?

Again, I'm gonna use this program.

It's called Consult-PRO, but it has very good demonstration.

This shows the basic anatomy of a tooth and we're looking at ... there's three layers

of the tooth.

There's the hard outer layer.

This is like the protective armor of the tooth, and this is the hardest structure in your


It's much harder than bone.

Inside that, is the layer called dentin.

This dentin is 10 times softer than the enamel, and that's gonna be important when we talk

about how a cavity progresses through a tooth.

Inside the tooth, this is the pulp.

A tooth, a healthy tooth, is a living part of your body so it has a nerve and a blood


What is a cavity?

A cavity is basically an acid attack on that tooth.

Where do these acids come from?

Combination of three things.

We have the food we eat, bacteria that gets in the mouth, and saliva and it forms a sticky


You've probably heard the term plaque.

Plaque is this sticky film filled with bacteria.

The by-product of that bacteria is lactic acid, and when there's enough of that plaque

on the tooth and it's sitting there long enough, that acid becomes very corrosive and destructive.

Let's take a look at how that works.

The very common place to get a cavity is in the top of that tooth.

I'm gonna play this, and we're gonna see a cavity starting to work its way through there.

Now, this part, it takes a while for that to happen because remember we said this enamel

is the hardest structure of your body.

Look what happens when it gets into the dentin.

This softer area.

All of sudden, ... it starts to really expand out pretty quickly.

As it goes down, it can actually get in and destroy the nerve of the tooth.

The point here is the sooner that we can correct this, the easier it is.

Because this goes from a very easy problem to correct.

Now we're getting ... the nerve is at risk and we're gonna see as this progresses, it's

actually going to go and affect the nerve, ultimately destroying the nerve of the tooth.

That infection goes all the way down through the tooth into the jawbone, and guess what?

Into your body.

So now there's channel in and now the tooth has broken down.

That is the progression of the breakdown of the tooth, because of a cavity.

The other thing that's important to know, sometimes this whole process can happen without

any pain.

Sometimes, there is a toothache.

Sometimes there is sensitivity.

Sometimes not.

What can we do to prevent that?

The biggest thing, let's get back to the cause, is plaque and the acids in the mouth.

One of the biggest mistakes I see people make is they'll brush their teeth, but they're

not effectively removing that plaque because that plaque can go in some tricky areas.

All right, so we've talked about what a cavity is.

Now let's talk about how to prevent it.

We get back to this concept of plaque.

Plaque is an acid, and if we have an acid, imagine a corrosive acid sits on anything

long enough, it's going to eat a hole through it, right?

We got to get rid of these assets, which it's actually quite simple to do, but most people

don't do it effectively.

I see so many people that sincerely brush their teeth two or three times a day, and

they're still getting into this kind of problem.

The reason is, it's a technique thing.

Actually, you're better ... You could spend five minutes a day, but if you use the right

technique, that's better than brushing three times a day, doing it the wrong way.

I often think of the analogy of, imagine a beautiful house and a beautiful lawn.

You mowed the lawn every week during the summer, but you never did any weeding or trimming.

Your house would look a mess, because there'd be weeds all over the place and it would look

out of control.

It's the same thing with the mouth.

It's actually all in the details of, how do you get the little corners and details?

And when you spend the time there, that's what makes the difference.

I want to show you this little diagram of how the plaque forms.

Where does it go on the teeth?

The main place that it goes is right at the gum line, and actually, these big surfaces

of the teeth are self-cleansing.

Your body's saliva actually naturally claims those areas.

Plaque doesn't tend to accumulate there, but if you watched most people brush, they'll

spend all their time brushing these areas that really are already clean.

The areas that need attention are the gum line, and in between the teeth.

You can see, this is the progression.

Here's a healthy tooth.

Here's plaque starting to form.

The plaque gets more mature, and it starts to cover the tooth in that way.

It's also getting in between the teeth.

There's a technique that we can use, if this is where you focus.

When I brush my teeth, I'm focusing on where the gum and the tooth meet.

That's the area that I want to keep clean.

I just wanted to show you with a ... Here's an electric brush, which electric brushes

are really worth the money if you're using them the right way.

I take that brush and I hold it at about a 45 degree angle, and I brush the gum line.

Just go through and imagine brushing the interface between the gum and the tooth.

And then when you floss, and flossing is important.

A lot of people I know are not too thrilled about having to floss, but what you're doing

is you're going in there, and you get in between the teeth, wrap around each tooth, and pull

that out, and you're sweeping away that plaque, so it can't mature and do damage in there.

That, coupled with ... Every time we eat, we kind of get an acid attack.

The acids build up when we take in sugars.

So brushing after you eat, or even just rinsing with water after you eat are all really good

ideas, because we want to turn the mouth into this chemically neutral environment versus

this acidic environment.

An acidic mouth is going to be a diseased mouth.

You have so much control of which type of environment you have in your mouth through

some oral hygiene things.

Anyway, I hope that was helpful.

I don't want to get too long-winded on this short video, but if you have any more questions

or you feel like this cavity situation is out of control and you need some help, that's

what we're here for; to answer your questions and help you in any way we can, so you can

visit us.

Find out more at

For more infomation >> What is a Dental Cavity and How to Prevent Adult Cavities by Brushing Teeth Correctly - Duration: 7:05.


Yook Sungjae Shares What He's Learned From "Master In The House" + Hint For BTOB's Comeback - Duration: 3:31.

Yook Sungjae Shares What He's Learned From "Master In The House" + Hint For BTOB's Comeback

In a recent pictorial and interview with Singles magazine, BTOBs discussed being active in several parts of the entertainment industry, from music to variety shows to acting.

One of his current projects includes his regular appearance on SBSs . Yook Sungjae shared, I take every little thing that these masters who became the best in their respective specialized fields have said to heart. Expressing how he wants to live his life, the idol added, Something that comes to mind right now is how Jeon In Kwon told us, Do your own thing.

Then, your time will come for sure..

Soompi. Display. News. English.

300x250. BTF Soompi. Mobile. English.

300x250. ATF.

The BTOB member also complimented his fellow cast members and revealed how he looks up to them.

Lee Seung Gi is the perfect example of someone who has been very successful in all the fields that I want to improve on, Yook Sungjae explained.

Lee Sang Yoon doesnt just go through the motions when it comes to acting and anything else, and sees everything as a new start.

Yang Se Hyung is simply a genius.

Im always impressed by his ability to think on his feet..

The idol talked about how he views himself as an actor as well.

When asked what he believed were his strong points, Yook Sungjae replied, I think my strength is how I really immerse myself into the character.

After I receive the script and start to analyze the character, I try to live as if I really am the character himself.

Of course, I am still lacking in many ways..

Yook Sungjae also commented on BTOBs , saying, I plan to give it my all while promoting this new album.

He added, If I were to give a hint about this album, I think it would be good to think of it as the summer version of .

The rest of Yook Sungjaes photo shoot and interview can be found in the June edition of Singles.

Check him out in the latest episode of Master in the House!.

Source ().

For more infomation >> Yook Sungjae Shares What He's Learned From "Master In The House" + Hint For BTOB's Comeback - Duration: 3:31.


What is (🤔 and how to calculate) the PE Ratio? - Duration: 7:52.

One of the most fundamental ways to value and compare stocks is with the PE, or Price-to-Earnings,


If you plan to do anything in the investing world - even if that's just spectating or

watching CNBC - you're gonna feel lost if you don't understand this ratio.

Luckily it's really easy!

Everything you need to know… coming up!

Hey there!

It's great to see you again.

On this channel, it's my goal to help you build your rapidly-growing, highly-diversified

net worth, one video at a time.

And understanding investment basics, like a company's PE Ratio, is important for your

long-term investment success.

Because a company's share price does not in any way reflect its value, it's not helpful

at all in our effort to value and compare companies.

Apple, despite its $150 share price, is still worth $150B more than Amazon.

The Price-to-Earnings Ratio provides us a simple way to assess the value we're actually

getting when we purchase one of those shares.

.It measures how much you're paying for every dollar of a earnings

You can use it to initially gauge how similar companies in similar industry sectors compare

to each other.

It's made up of two variables: a company stock's Price Per Share and a company's

Earnings Per Share, or EPS.

Price Per Share is easy to see.

It's simply the share price at which a company's stock is currently trading.

EPS, on the other hand, requires a little calculation.

It's the company's profit divided by the number of shares outstanding.

So it's the amount of profit that could be attributed to each of those individual

shares that you're considering purchasing.

Kind of like you would do with any investment - I'm going to buy this house for $100,000

that is renting out for $5,000 per year - that's your ...Earnings Per House.

There is obviously a lot more that goes into that, but when you're considering an investment

you want to know how much its producing.

And Earnings Per Share gives us a quick and easy (albeit incomplete) glimpse at this.

Thus when you're comparing the Price of a share to the Earnings per share - in other

words, when you evaluate the PE Ratio - you learn how much investors are willing to pay

for every dollar of earnings, or how much you would have to pay for each dollar of earnings.

For example, at the time of this recording, Google (or Alphabet's) shares are trading

around $1,000 per share.

Its Net Income over the last 12 months was just under $17B and there are about 700MM

total shares outstanding.

That means they earned around $24 per share ($17B/700MM shares).

With that information, investors have been willing to pay the current $1,000 price per


Thus, they're willing to pay around $42 (Price/EPS or $1,000/$24) for every dollar

of earnings, or you could say, Google has a PE Ratio of 42.

You can compare that to the fact that investors are only willing to pay around $16 for every

dollar of earnings from Apple, or Apple's PE Ratio is 16.

Facebook's PE Ratio is around 100.

Netflix's is a little over 200.

Amazon's over 250.

You might also want to use this number to compare a company to its industry or sector.

The technology sector, for example, right now has an average PE Ratio of just under


Or you could look at the market as a whole.

For example, you could use the Standard & Poor's 500 as a proxy for large United States companies.

It's PE Ratio right now is around 25.

From these numbers, it would appear, investors are expecting much more future bottom line

growth from Amazon than Apple.

If you have reason to disagree, you have reason to believe Apple will grow just as much or

more than its competitors, perhaps you have the start of an investment thesis that Apple

is undervalued, and thus would make a good investment for your dollars.

Or, on the other side, maybe you think investors are overestimating Amazon's future.

And you have a case for its stock being overvalued.

Neither one of those reflects my personal opinion, they should just serve as an example

of how PE can offer a down and dirty, side-by-side industry comparison.

And how it could help steer the direction of your research.

So, depending on how you compare it, a company could appear over-, under-, or appropriately

valued based exclusively on its Price-to-Earnings Ratio.

But obviously, there is so much more to a company than its earnings over the last 12


For example, as I just mentioned, this calculation in no way accounts for expected future growth,

which is likely the reason that Amazon consistently maintains a high ratio.

On top of that, it also doesn't accurately account for a company's current financial

position (considering important factors, like debt and cash reserves).

Many investors prefer to use a metric known as Enterprise Value to account for that as


Also, consider the fact that net income does not accurately account for a company's current

operating performance, like the metrics EBIT or EBITDA might.

If you missed either of the videos I did explaining those subjects, be sure to check them out

through the links in the description right after this.

Despite its shortcomings, you'll still hear PE Ratios referenced all the time in the investing


Its quick and easy calculation offers a convenient metric for initial comparison and cause for

further research and analysis, which is a great way to use it.

But you should stop there.

Definitely, do not use a company's PE Ratio as the primary driver for you investment idea.

Try to figure out what else is going on with the company.

Is there a reason for any discrepancies you may have discovered?

Next time we'll cover more comprehensive company comparison ratios.

However you chose to use them, I hope you find this information helpful on your path

to building your rapidly-growing, highly-diversified net worth.

I really do hope so, because that's my goal with this channel.

So if you're new here and you want to keep moving along that path, don't forget to

subscribe and click the bell.

And if you found this video helpful in some way, then don't forget to like it and share


I hope to see you in the next video, just click on the one of these that you think would

help you the most.

I'll see you there!

Take care.

For more infomation >> What is (🤔 and how to calculate) the PE Ratio? - Duration: 7:52.


What are your death wishes? | A Mortal Minute - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> What are your death wishes? | A Mortal Minute - Duration: 1:56.


calum scott // what i miss most {sub español} - Duration: 4:08.

It must have been a year since

I was thrown across an ocean far from home

Life is making no sense

Riding in between the highs and lows

when I wake in the morning I, ooh

It's the first on my mind

Maybe what I miss most

It wasn't made of steel and stone

And maybe what I miss most

It wasn't born of skin and bone

Under the sun, above the waves Under three crowns when I'm far away

Maybe what I miss most

And maybe you'll never know

And maybe you'll never know

Maybe you'll never know

Life beyond the window

I'm jealous of the way that black bird flies Free among the people

Those quarter million stories pass me by

lie awake in the moonlight, I

It's the last on my mind

And maybe what I miss most

It wasn't made of steel and stone And maybe what I miss most

It wasn't born of skin and bone

Under the sun, above the waves Under three crowns when I'm far away

Maybe what I miss most

And maybe you'll never know

And maybe you'll never know

And maybe you'll never know

I remember at the table

All those faces, where did they go?

I imagine what it looks like When I'm not there

I remember, every summer

But now the years are, just a number There's no backwards

Time is faster with everything I've left behind, oh

But maybe what I miss most

It wasn't made of steel and stone

And maybe what I miss most

It wasn't born of skin and bone

Cause under the sun, above the waves Under three crowns when I'm far away

Maybe what I miss most

And maybe you'll never know

maybe you'll never know

maybe you'll never know

For more infomation >> calum scott // what i miss most {sub español} - Duration: 4:08.


Testimonial, What Would Jeff Do? Dog Training Tip of the Day #127 - Duration: 6:21.

- Hey everybody, how are you?

Jeff Gellman of Solid K9 Training

with my What Would Jeff Do? Dog Training Tip of the Day,

Tip number 127.

I get a lot of testimonials on a daily basis.

Just people emailing me letters.

People that I've never met before,

people in other countries around the world,

people who's first language is not even English

and they take my videos and they decipher them

and they make dramatic results.

But this is not as much about me.

Believe it or not, most of my content,

I don't want it to be on me.

It's about all of you, helping all of you.

I get my ego strokes through helping as many people

as possible.

But there's a lot of folks out there

that are saying how bad prong collars are,

how bad shock collars are.

I'm very aware of the conversation

but I want folks to know over and over and over again

you are being lied to.

You are being lied to!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with prong collars

or remote collars,

and I don't even have to say if used properly.

Bottom line, there's nothing wrong with them.

Even if you used them wrong to semi-wrong,

you're probably gonna be better off than you are today.

But let me just read you a letter

that I just got in an email.

Hi Jeff, I only recently discovered your YouTube videos

but better late than never.


I have three dogs, a nine year old Lab, which is 66 pounds,

a five year old Cockipoo at 40 pounds

and a four and a half year old mixed breed cherry healer,

Sadie, this is what the message is about, who's 40 pounds.

Sadie is 40 pounds.

Sadie is a lovely little dog

but extremely nervous and reactive.

I think that I have a bin full of every collar, leash,

and harness system known

in my attempts to be able to walk Sadie

and keep her from lunging at other dogs and people,

men in particular.

When she would get excited the other two were affected.

So she was trying to walk all three together

as most people do that have multiple dogs.

I have been pulled over more than once

and dragged across the road in a prone position across snow.

Very dangerous for all concerned.

Sadie has successfully bitten a human while on a walk

and had some near misses.

At one point I muzzled her.

I was always familiar with prong collars

but had some misinformation on its uses and effectiveness,

which so many people have as well.

Why, there's so many lies out there about these tools.

And they are blatant outright lies and misinformation

that a certain segment of the population

is putting out there

knowing there's actually nothing wrong with them at all.

I spent the better part of an afternoon

about a month and a half ago

watching your videos on prong collars

and ordered a Herm Sprenger for Sadie.

I followed the training steps

and on my first walk with Sadie it was like magic.

She very quickly responded to subtle corrections

and we are gradually working up

to being able to pass other dogs

on the same side of the street.

Occasionally she's still reactive,

which is fine, we're all on a journey,

but it's short-lived and I'm learning her cues

to when she's becoming hyper-focused

and correcting that before she's too heightened.

You're following my videos, good for you.

I bought prong collars for the other two as well

and we typically walk loose leash together now.

I am relaxed so they tend to be relaxed as well.

Yes, the human is relaxed.

It's so important that we also focus on the enjoyment

of the walk for the human.

I feel badly that I waited so long

to help Sadie with a prong collar,

as I imagine that her heightened state and anxiety

was not pleasant for her.

No it wasn't, but don't beat yourself up.

Her other issue is excessive reactive barking.

The Garmin Bark Limiter arrived today, we suggest those,

and we will give it a try.

This is another training tool

that I have been hesitant to use

but what I want for Sadie

is not be in anxious state unnecessarily.

I got that today.

So I emailed her back.

Hey, cool, cool testimonial.

I always ask permission, is it okay if I used it.

She said yes, but then she emails me right back

saying Sadie has had the Bark Limiter on

for about three hours.

First time using it, three hours.

It's the first time that we have been able to sit outside

and enjoy a Sunday afternoon without coming in

due to her barking.

The neighbor's dog even came over to the fence

and she abandoned that very quickly.

She is now perched at the window inside

and quietly enjoying the outdoors.

I think that is what is what is most significant for me

is her altered states from intense and anxious to calm.

How wonderful for her.

Thank you again, and that's Deb up in London, Ontario.

Over and over and over again I get these emails

from people who have been busting their butts

with no results.

She's been trying for over a year with this dog

and in just a couple of weeks

she can walk all three of her dogs on a leash being calm,

less anxious, the owner is enjoying it.

She wasn't able to be outside with her dogs

because her dogs would be out of control barking.

She'd have to bring them in.

The first time she used a bark collar

she's able to be outside with her dogs enjoying it.

Over and over and over we get these stories.

If you're struggling with you dog,

if you think you have tried everything,

get yourself a Herm Sprenger collar,

get yourself a bark collar for excessive barking,

and get past your struggles.

And also if you have to have a bark collar on

with your dog every time it's outside, who cares?

Don't let tell ya somebody

that's oh you're just managing your dog.

I don't care, I'm enjoying my Sunday afternoon,

so is my dog.

If you have to wear a prong collar every single walk,

don't let somebody say oh, you're just managing your dog.

So what, you are enjoying your walk

and so is the dog by the way.

Jeff Gellman, Solid K9 Training,

I am truly madly in love with you.

I'll talk to you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> Testimonial, What Would Jeff Do? Dog Training Tip of the Day #127 - Duration: 6:21.


Beautiful Ukrainian Women Are Asked What They Want - Duration: 3:10.

Would you marry a foreigner?

What about a black man?

He is also a foreigner...

Good afternoon.


Our project is called "What Girls Want."

Tell us please what do you want in life?


We only have one life so all we have to do is enjoy it!

And what do you want from your man?


and I want to make each other happy.

What is love to you?

To me, love is when the person you are with means everything to you

When you are next to him he takes your breath away.

When you see him, he sends shivers down your spine.

What do you think is the secret to catching the man you want to marry?

You have to be yourself.

And suit each other in all areas.

You should feel each others souls.

Because life isn't always a bed of roses

you are going to spend your life with him, through the ups and downs of life.

The most important thing is you compliment each other.

What are the three main qualities you look for in your husband?






What do you think are the main three qualities

men look for when choosing a woman as his wife?


Yes, men.

They look for a faithful women.

Good housewife, probably

and... for the type of girl that will make other men will envy him.

Would you marry a foreigner?

It's a difficult question

because first of all, the language barrier

and so you can not be fully open with him

the way you can be with our native men.

For that reason, I'd say more likely "No" than "Yes."

Would you marry a black man?

He's also a foreigner

so probably not.

Do you think SEX is one of the most

important elements of a happy relationship?

Well, It's not the most important, but it's one of the important.

It's a human physical need.

What would you prefer SEX or shopping?


Can you easily get what you want from a man?



It's my personal secret)))

Do you think men respect a woman that

have sex with him on the first date?

No, I don't think they have respect for them.

Will you do anything to satisfy your man in bed?

I would think about it.

What is your biggest sexual fantasy?

Can we leave this question?

What is the craziest place or situation you've ever had sex?

Let's drop it!

Thank you. All the best. Good bye.

For more infomation >> Beautiful Ukrainian Women Are Asked What They Want - Duration: 3:10.


What is my goal? Tarot Reading video by Alejandro Jodorowsky for Elisabetta - Duration: 17:39.

In this tarot reading,


Pascale Montandon Jodorowsky,

that are filming me,

I'm going to do an experiment I've never done before

and I give my word of honor

that this hasn't been prepared by Pascale and me.

It's a wish I have to make an experiment

in which

I have to begin,

I have to start the tarot reading

without having prepared anything,

without knowing where my mind is going to lead me.

I've never did this experiment before.


I'm doing this experiment because

I'm paying a debt bit by bit.

One hundred people


to the production of my movie

Endless Poetry

in exchange for me reading them the tarot afterwards.


this reading is made in exchange for that contribution,

but I don't know who's contribution yet.

Tell me...

I still have

almost fifty tarots to read, one per day.

So the people who are watching me, the people...

You, who are watching me, and I don't mean Pascale,

but the viewers

who want to

learn to read the tarot by watching me read it,


here they are.

I speak to you, future reader.


tell me the name of the person

who's tarot has to be read now.

Elisabetta Daolio.




With what you say

I see an Italian woman.

Her name is Italian.

Tell me her age now.


43 years old.

For me, considering I'm going to be 90,

she is a very young woman!

But for a woman in that abnormal life,

in which there's an adolescence cult,

42 years old is...

is when a woman

in this society starts to ask herself:

"I had kids, I didn't have kids;

I live with my family, I don't live with my family;

I have a profession, I don't have a profession; etcetera."

A question about herself.

What is the question Elisabetta asked?

"What is my goal, my mission in this earthly life?"

You see? It's what I said, Elisabetta,

do you hear me? I had no idea

and that's exactly what I told you.

What is your mission

in this earthly life?

When you say that:

"earthly life",

it means you feel trapped

in this social life

because you have nothing but your earthly life.

Life is earthly, we haven't left the Planet yet,

we aren't living life in another dimension,

we aren't living a heavenly life.


you feel...

If you ask what your mission is

it's because you...

you feel like you don't have a mission. You haven't discovered it yet.

I asked you to send me three numbers.


just give me the first number.


Number 17.

Here is number 17.

Look: that's the first number you asked for.

It's... We will see afterwards

that she is working towards the past.

Because one starts reading from here to here, then here, then here, then here,

to the past.

And she is naked,

naked in her truth,

which means she has no labels:

she is not a teacher,

she isn't somebody's wife,

there are no labels, namely you live in your truth

and you have a small flat

or a small land,

a small place that is yours and that you worship

because you have a knee on the ground.

You worship it.



feel that your past, that past

is kind of stormy,

because with your...


yellow liquid, which is the liquid of thought,

of your spirituality,

you are trying to bring spirituality to your past,

and with that blue liquid that comes from between your legs,

you are trying to bring

creativity to your past.

But you are already a conscious being, because you feel

these seven stars:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

Between an eight star,

which is the sun of perfection,

you see?

You've got 1, 2,

3 blue ones

that form a triangle,

which is spiritual life,

and 1, 2,

3, 4,

which are your material life,

that is to say an inner God

that is at the bottom

of your spiritual life,

which is

at the bottom

of your earthly


you see?

And here you are answering yourself immediately.

What is your mission

in this life?

Your mission in this life is to find the place where you belong,

to find yourself as you are, naked, without prejudices,

to have a positive look at your past

in order to understand why you don't have

a goal, why they didn't give it to you,

and that's it.

That's the first card you get.

Now, Pascale, tell me the second number.


Number 6?

And here is number 6.

As you can see, number 6...

The inner God...

The inner God is here.

The sun.


the concept of inner God, of inner life has grown

and in the present you realize

that love is growing in this spirituality

that you have.

There's a love that is renewed every day,

which means you have

a youth and an energy,

a very strong wish to love, don't you?

And in this wish to love there are three characters.

Look at the characters.

The arrows

of the angel aim


a couple.

But the partner you find probably

belongs to another woman.


Then we would fall for...

(I'm telling you this


because it's what tarot says.)

We would fall

for something for which many women fall, namely


there has been no father

for them,

when the father,

for example,

has been...

hasn't dedicated himself to the daughter

as he had to

and has buried himself in his relationship with...

with his partner, with the mother,



this need of the father's attention is left unsatisfied.

Then when the woman reaches adulthood


she will have affairs with married men.

Se will always have an affair with a married man.


will not manage

to have the man just for herself;

she won't manage to take the father away from her mother,

speaking in terms of...

in terms of...


psychological analysis, right?


the goal in her life

would be to find a father.


that's what tarot is saying.

Excuse me...

As I don't know you and I start from nothing, excuse me if I'm wrong,

but I'll keep basing myself on that theory.

Now what's the other number, which is the last number?


Here it is.


Well, it confirms it.

The father you've been looking for is here:

the hermit, you see?

The hermit is the selfish father

who never gave you anything when you were a kid, who you loved,

who, according to you, didn't look at you, who was worried about his study,

worried about his work,

worried about his health,

worried about himself.

A man who...

A man who...

who was enclosed in himself and who didn't give you anything.

So, well,

that's the problem, that is to say

you think

you don't deserve

to be seen,

you think

you don't deserve

to be loved,

you think

that you were an unwanted child,

that your birth wasn't planned

and you keep yourself unborn.

And you were an unprotected child.


I hope I'm not wrong.

I keep reading the tarot you get.


I have three cards here.

There are nineteen cards left.

So number 17...

I will put a card on it

that will be card number 17 here.




Then it will be card number 6:







And then


8, 9.

That's by chance!

And by chance,

just by closing my eyes

and shuffling

I will pull out a card to know

what is the past you want to cleanse.

Here is the past.

It's a guardian angel, I don't know what.

And the sun.

The symbol...

The symbol...

speaking of the father, the mythical,

absolute symbol of the father...

of the father, who is giving


to a partner who is not you.

He is with a woman that

the father... And he isn't with you.

And notice

that on this first card

your pots

are giving.

They are giving to the father from the past...

cleansing the father from the past,

you see?



she doesn't give.

You give nothing. You aren't able to give to the father from the past.

You pour it all towards yourself, towards your suffering,

and you don't want to accept

what the past is.

You don't want to accept it, you see?

You see?

You don't want to accept it.

I keep it


for me.



in that trio that is formed

in which the man doesn't belong to you,

the father appears again.

The father.

On number 9 there's you and the other one

and the father is that enormous, huge father


that hurts your head, you see?

He hurst you, he hurts your head

with which you keep thinking and thinking but you don't...

you don't solve that


You don't have a goal in life

because there's something that keeps you from being born,

because there's something that keeps you from feeling protected

because you think that anything can hurt you.

You think that you don't deserve to be loved.

Well, and you think that you don't deserve to be understood by me

as I'm seeing you.

You don't complain,

you see?

And what is going to happen?

Look what you are getting, you see?

What's going to happen?

The father

will have a change.

It's called the fortune wheel.


These two people

who are in a conflict

will find the resolution here

with the last card you get,

which is

the Judgement

where your goal in life is achieved.

Listen to me carefully:

your goal in life is to admit

that you have your father

inside you,

you have him,

to admit

that if your father let you down

when you where a child, a teenager and all that,

he is just a man, but he is not the generic father,

he is not the summary of paternal love

and he is not the summary of the inner God you have inside you


And then

when you discover your inner father

your inner woman appears.

Because you don't live as a woman,

you still live

as an unsatisfied child.

So by uniting

the alchemical marriage of heaven

and earth

inside of you

you transform yourself into the great alchemical work

of the complete being.

So the complete being,

because of his creativity,

you see? Because she was trying to bring creativity to the past

and she was cleansing the past, wasn't she? The truth,

you find your creativity,

don't you?

And you find your inner truth.

And that inner truth,

you see? That inner truth

is symbolized

by this flag here, you see?

Which is a cross,

a cross

with a verticality

and an horizontality.

The horizontality

relates to your question:

"what is my goal

in this earthly life?"

Was that the question, Pascale?

Do you remember the question? Repeat it.

"What is my goal,

my mission in this earthly life?"

"What is my mission in this earthly life?"

Here is the mission.

It's the question, you see?

You've got

"acceptation of this earthly life",

like if this earthly life

was the source of your happiness.

And then the vertical line,

which is

to ascend

to within yourself,

because one doesn't descend

to within oneself, one

ascends to oneself,


to this...

this existence,

to life, it ascends.

And when you ascend

your mission in life is





to stop not living it,

to stop

thinking you don't have the right

to live your life,

to live your life,

to do

whatever you want,

because that is sacred.

Well, that's my tarot reading.

Thank you for having collaborated with us

in the creation

of The Dance of...

No. The creation of Endless Poetry.

Just like you collaborated

with that crowdfunding,

you can collaborate

with yourself.

Give yourself the possibility

to create your work.

Thank you.

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