Ayman Sadik Lifestyle
JORNADA LIFESTYLE HACKING 🔥 - Duration: 4:26.-------------------------------------------
Simple Po*nstar Life Details 2018 - Duration: 23:20.Simple Po*nstar Life Details 2018
Sheikh Mansoor bin Mohammed Al Maktoum Lifestyle,Networth,Cars,Yacht - Duration: 10:15.Sheikh Mansoor bin Mohammed al Maktoum is a son of HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al
Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai.
Sheikh Mansoor bin Mohammed Al Maktoum was born in 1989 in Dubai.
Sheikh Mansoor bin Mohammed Al Maktoumgraduated in 2008 at the Sandhurst Royal Military British
He is Chairman of the Dubai International Marine Club.
Sheikh Mansoor bin Mohammed Al Maktoum net worth of the Al Maktoum family is estimated
at more than US$ 4 billion.
The family owns many yachts including 'Dubai', one of the largest yachts in the world.
We also think that the Benetti DXB is owned by the Al Maktoum family
The yacht Code 8 was built as Golden Cell in 1996.
She is a 50 meter Benetti and can accommodate 12 guests in 6 cabins.
In 1999 Golden Cell was grounded in the Sunshine Coast region in BC, Canada.
She was later sold and named Don Pablo.
In 2012 she was sold again after a bank repossession.
For a short time she was named Jeoon and was refitted in Italy
The son of HH Sheikh Mohammad, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of
Dubai Sheikh Mansoor bin Mohammed Al Maktoum, has an Instagram account full of the kinds
of images we can only dream about taking.
Driving around in his one-digit-licence-plated car?
Making hitting the slopes look easy?
He's done it.
Holding an outdoor meeting with his father?
Ticked that box.
How To Get Unstuck In Life By Taking Action - Duration: 6:16.action okay that was my best impression of the director but yeah taking action
why is it so difficult for so many of us to take simple action and our daily
lives or in a particular area our lives that we really have feel like we've been
neglecting right so taking action is
looks like a very simple process but
it's very easily self-sabotage by our feelings of wanting to get everything
perfect wanting to get everything in line in our lives wanting to wait for
the right perfect scenario before we can start taking action on the things that
we're passionate about in life I feel like in our society right now we're so
focused on you know getting our heads in the right place you know or you know
really detoxing ourselves or you know going on that weekend vacation about
weekend retreat so we can get ourselves in the right perfect moment to show up
and still not take action and I think it's it's driven by the the fear of
failure you know not wanting to take action on something and have the results
end up the way that we didn't foresee so yeah action has been a big part of my
life recently action is what got me to press play and say action at the
beginning of this film that's especially not that funny um but
yeah so you know I just wanted to do a quick talk about taking action
and and and why it's so hard for us to just take the time to get beyond just
that surface thought of I'll do this tomorrow or the time is it right maybe
one day I'll be happy if the right situations in my life fall into place if
I find the right job the right partner the right house the right scenario then
I can be happy instead of taking action today and what we're doing is we're
diminishing the present moment and we're failing to recognize that the present
moment is all that we're ever gonna have in our entire lives on this planet and
we have one at bat and this life is so short the past is always going to be the
past and the future is always want to be the future the only moment we're ever
going to experience is right now and this is the only time that we actually
have influence in our lives it's the only time where we can actually manifest
into the real world a stepped forward a goal or a step toward a passion or
something we wanted to see create created in our lives right now is the
only time we can do it and right now this moment is something that we so
naturally just diminish and push off to another day and it's so easy to do this
and there's nothing wrong with doing this like I have been doing it my entire
life I'm definitely not where I want to be in my life necessarily I'm present
and very grateful for where I am but I want to strive to be better
I want to strive to do better and you know it's it's not taking action and not
getting outside of my head and actually making that step for that change that's
you know could have got me a lot further at this point in my life than I am right
now taking consistent action and consistency being the key every day
finding small ways not trying to do everything at once not trying to solve
our life's problems all at once because if we try to do everything we're
going to accomplish nothing but I think finding ways to take small steps every
day you know start replacing the radio for 20 minutes with a podcast you know
start replacing 20 minutes of TV with the book
this is not like earth-shattering information I wouldn't even think this
is exciting information so I appreciate if you're still watching this video but
you know it's just small changes like that that I've been starting to make in
my life and I'm starting to see the macro benefit from the micro changes
it's something that I simply wanted to share with you so yeah start trying to
find small areas throughout your day consistently every day where you can
take 5 to 10 or 15 minutes of that entire day and to be completely present
do something new if you feel like you live a life that's the same scenario
than the same events every day take a step out of that loop for 5 minutes 10
minutes 15 minutes each day and see how much you can grow internally by just
taking action not waiting for the right moment not waiting for it to be perfect
not even putting out the right content this video probably sucks I don't know
but I'm just like making it so taking action small steps every day and taking
a movement down a slightly different path than you generally experience every
day of this helps a lot of y'all peace
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