Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 6, 2018

Youtube daily here Jun 29 2018

Welcome back to my channel so the air i use this from ali

julius, and they send me the malaysian cause i think i have 16 inches and

114 inches and one for tenacious closure and this is the way there looks like straight out of the package

It's really full, and it's super soft and fluffy

so i knew exactly

What i wanted to make?

So the method of this week is i did like the quick week mitad so right, now i'm just showing you the how

I am so in the lace i'm not like a, big, ass part in several videos on youtube if you really

Want to detail i just really just, want to show. You guys how. I make mine

This, is what i mean by creep, we've week, sorry i'm going to be gluing the weave to the cap

Like you know i just have a newborn i don't have time to be so in an entire week anymore so this is what i've?

Been doing for all my weeks lately and trust, me it's just

Saves, me a lot of work it takes me literally

30 to 40 to 40 minutes to make an entire week, which is like super awesome?

So this is the hair right now

as it is

Instead of putting on side i have been like

putting concealer for the pat's and

It's quite, okay, like this is where about i feel like if it's shorter it's gonna look nicer

So i'm just going to

Call out a little bit

And we're just going to

see how, that goes

Have right now

Should i living like this

Should i go shorter i think, we can, still go shudder guys

Cuz i'm really one like a short bump

So i think, we can, still go shot ah


So guys, this is the finished lift as to how

I this is how i stopped because i was cutting it way too short at one point but i think i really

Like this, bob look, you know, someone's coming i really didn't, want to travel long here so i because of this video

Make, sure to like comment and subscribe

Also, check out all the description bar for all the information to this air thank you guys so so much and i'll see you guys

For more infomation >> LOOK HERE!!! HOW TO DIY QUICK WEAVE WIG - Duration: 4:53.


Passive Income Machine Review (GOOD OR BAD?) - Duration: 18:52.

hey what's up guys Roberto here again and you join me on the 27th of June it's

another hundred degree day here in Albuquerque it's crazy hot outside I'm

on my way to pick up my wife but I wanted to let you know what I thought

about passive income machine that's why you're here right you want to know what

Trevor Carr and Paul Nicholls new product is all about so it's about

building your own passive income recurring income each and every single

month using Paul's exact business methods that have taken him like five

years to build up right so I've just finished going through it myself and as

always is it any good well that's for you to decide I'm gonna show you

everything you need to know so that you can make a decision for yourself and so

let's go ahead and jump in to my passive income machine review

alright guys I'm back so here we are on the sales page of passive income machine

and here you're gonna see the video you know here's Trevor car he's gonna give

you his little spiel on the product and let's scroll down I want to show you the

other guy behind this this is Paul Nichols and here's Trevor car and

there's two guys behind passive income machine now it says here in their

headline it says attention would you like to start every month with $2,000 in

passive income read on for details on how to do this fast and easy now this

figure right here is going to be his top-line figure for what he averages at

the top-end okay now Paul Nichols you know averages in between 500 to 2,000

dollars doing this stuff and that's without really putting in that much work

because he focuses on several projects right so he's got very limited time but

let's see here the bullet points it says it's fast and easy to get started this I

would say is fast right it can work fast and it will work fast if you follow the

instructions easy that's subjective right that's up to you and that's up to

you know what skill sets you bring to the table and how well they're teaching

method works for you right now they're teaching method is like a whiteboard

you know whiteboard as if you're in a classroom I particularly like that it's

not too bad for me Paul Nichols himself he goes into like a whiteboard style

method of teaching and step by step and Trevor car here has a little bit of a

different style but I found it easy to understand I did go through the course

myself that's how I know here what I'm telling you so never before revealed so

that is actually one of the rare cases that this is true okay for me I was

really really happy to find that in side of Trevor cars training I found a

really cool tactic to do all of this stuff free on it was so so cool I mean

I've never seen it and I think that you're gonna find that it's very very

valuable easy to do now having said that this is a two in one product okay so

there's 16 modules on the inside and the first 10 modules 1 through 10 are Paul

Nicholls training ok and then modules 11 to 16 I believe are Trevor's right so

you get really two trainings for the price of one I think that that's pretty

good value for the money right now it's not a too high price but let's keep on

going here so 100% newbie friendly this again I would say be careful when you

hear this sort of thing that's 100% newbie friendly because that really

depends on how well they teach it to you right and also not only that but it

depends on how much action you take okay so there's at least two factors there

about how newbie friendly it's going to be for you right so and I'm gonna show

you the members area here in a little bit so you can see for yourself the

thing that I really liked is that Paul Nichols does teach you how to do this

method with a website but then also Trevor Carr teaches you how to do it

without one okay and all the rest of these bullet points you know um I found

to be you know true you know of course here passive I would say that that you

know is gonna I wouldn't say it's as much passive because it's gonna require

some work on your end remember anything good in life and especially anything

great in internet marketing is going to require some work from your part okay

now passive that could mean you know you're working on the couch from your

laptop people have different interpretations of passive right that's

what I'm getting at so what is a passive income machine so passive income machine

is all about setting up recurring income sites membership sites very very

fast and very easy now you have to keep in mind that this is how Paul built up

over the span of five years his recurring income business okay and on a

bad month he pulls in five hundred bucks on a decent month he does two thousand

so it's not bad right for a little bit of work so here we're gonna take a look

at some of Paul's results right so you see all these different payments coming

in of you know recurring payments from his membership sites right it's super

super easy to understand and it's super cool that I mean he's not doing much

yeah you know I think he regularly goes to the beach goes to the gym works out

and he's got this money coming in right I think that's that's pretty cool you

know a lot of people that you talk to will tell you that one of the best ways

to get recurring income is either to get an affiliate product promote it right

and that product have a recurring angle or set up a membership site now of

course membership sites gonna be most profitable because you own the site it's

100 percent your profit so that's that you know it's got a 30-day money-back

guarantee and right now it's at 995 when I looked at it earlier it was I think at

nine bucks it will be going up to I think about 13 bucks or more so if

you're thinking of just jumping in on it I would go ahead and get I get in on it

before it keeps on going up so that's that right okay so let's go ahead and

jump in to the members area because that's what I want to show you so you

know what you're getting yourself into right as I said at the beginning of this

video I'm gonna show you everything you need to know and then you make a

decision for yourself and see if it's for you or not right so here we are on

the members area and this is Trevor car here right and he's you know gonna give

you another little spiel here about what you need to do next after you invest and

here we are so this is what its gonna look like I would say that I like this

members area it's late pretty well pretty easy to understand

and let's see so I want you to keep in mind that chapter one chapter two all

these chapters here are Paul Nichols training okay and all of these videos

are about twenty to forty minutes it's a lot of content on how to set up

recurring income every single month using membership sites now it's going to

be using you know your own products so do keep that in mind

but it's very simple you can make you know he's gonna teach you exactly how to

do it you know it's setting up very very simple products they don't have to be

complicated so don't let that stop you um so all these videos are about twenty

to thirty minutes long now I did take some notes on them and let's see so here

obviously chapter one is going to be the intro and then chapter two is going to

be about how to protect your content right this is a huge issue when it comes

to membership sites you need to know how to protect your content otherwise you're

not gonna be making much money right so that's a really in-depth video and then

chapter three is going to be about how to think about going about creating your

membership sites so you have to remember that this is the way Paul has built up

over the span of five years how to build passive income machines as he calls them

right so you have to get kind of behind the scenes and inside his head about how

he goes about planning the structure which is really important in my opinion

right if you don't have a structure you're gonna be all over the place it's

not gonna work out all that great right so it's worth the while to sit down

really and you know think about how it is that you're gonna set up your content

your site all that stuff right and then a chapter four is gonna be all about

WordPress and how to set it up using WordPress with plugins and let's see

insecurity so he definitely goes into a lot about secure

here on this one and again as I said I think security is very important you

need to know how to take care of your content otherwise people are gonna rip

you off or you're gonna find your content stolen somewhere on the web it's

happened to me before with the previous product that I released and yeah it it's

it's not good you want to protect your content right so the next is going to be

creating content for your site right and this is where he gets into how you can

use products it's a very clever way to use products to funnel people into your

site I really thought this one was a lot of value it's like a 40-minute video so

do take notes on this stuff okay this is like a class you really need to be

paying attention and taking notes on on these videos and let's see I'm gonna go

ahead and skip ahead a little bit to Chapter eleven right and that this is

where Trevor cars training comes into play

and I want you to keep in mind that Paul Nichols training is a very long-term

strategy right it's not for someone that's looking to make you know thousand

dollars overnight this is really something that you can set up right now

and start making money pretty fast but this is a strategy that's gonna take

some work on your part okay so do keep that in mind it's not for you know the

get-rich-quick crowd as they say you know so keep that in mind now with

Trevor's training I was really thrown back because I mean I was really

throwing back with Paul Nichols training but Trevor Carr really showed an angle

that I've never seen before and I really think that you're gonna have a lot of

ease with this setting it up right because number one it's free and number

two it you can set it up so superfast okay I used one of these websites that

he talks about in here and I was just blown away with how easy it is to set up

everything that Paul Nichols talks about here just in a slightly different way

okay it's still just as profitable but it's really really interesting okay and

these videos are a little shorter about in between ten and twenty five minutes

and it's solid content I would say that if you're someone that's looking to

build a long-term business and something that's gonna stay over the years this is

a good approach for you to look into right because remember without cash flow

you don't have a business right and so that's what Paul really is teaching you

here about how to set up passive recurring income guaranteed each and

every single month if you take a look at some of the biggest guys online

they all have membership sites right when I first came online with internet

marketing I came across a guy called King human right now if you look at him

he's one of the most successful internet marketers online now what does he have

he has his own membership site called a king human elite right and he uses again

I think a very similar approach to this but this is a really really easy to

understand and easy to follow process okay so if you would want to get going

as fast as possible I would recommend you start with Trevor's training because

this is gonna be free it's fast and it works I mean he shows his results in

here guys made over two hundred thousand

dollars okay so he's got the the proof to back it up so that's that super

valuable training so the last thing I want to show you in my passive income machine review is the bonuses right so

I want to show you this of course you got your you know your money back

guarantee you got some results here for the recurring payments that they've had

you know going to talking a little bit here about what it is but more

importantly I want to show you some exclusive bonuses that I want to throw

in for you to make passive income machine that much better if you're

interested in picking it up right so again passive income machine is all

about setting up membership sites to bring in recurring income each and every

single month right so I put together some bonuses are going to help you with

that process right so inside passive income machine he talks about how using

blog content very simple again don't get scared

he talks about how using blog content can be very powerful for driving members

into your site okay so it's very easy to do and I wanted to add to that a little

bit by adding this bonus here okay about how to build up a blog with authority

now you know it goes into how to do proper keyword research how to build

Authority in which platform you should be using you're gonna get it you know

free of charge when you pick it pick up passive income machine through me the

second course is going to be membership site Pro you know all these are

exclusive custom bonuses put together by myself and again you know it's about how

to map out your idea and your site which platforms you can use aside from the

ones that you're taught on the inside of passive income machine the pages the

membership scripts which is really important the software's and how to set

it all up in a very easy to understand video you're gonna get it again you know

free of charge when you invest into passive income machine through my page

right so and then the last one is going to be a Zhan s3 hosting now I see a lot

of people asking questions about how to use this and he'll admit I'm not a pro

with it either but a Amazon s3 hosting is probably the most affordable hosting

that you can use right so you're gonna be setting up your sites you're gonna

have to get hosting right now I want to help save you some money by

teaching you how to use Amazon s3 hosting right it's definitely the

cheapest hosting that I've seen and it's got Amazon behind it right how you can't

go wrong with that so that's that check it out you know let's see the last thing

I want to talk to you about very last thing in my passive income machine review I already said that but the last

thing is going to be the funnel okay so after you invest if you decide to jump

in on this of course you're gonna get hit with upsells right it's internet

market but here's what you're gonna get so the

first OTO is going to be 12 done-for-you products okay so as I said

inside of passive income machine you're gonna get taught how to use very simple

products such as PDFs to drive members into your site right

so in this OTO you're gonna get 12 of those completely done for you for 97

bucks you know if that's within your budget which is within your wheelhouse

go for if not hey don't worry about it you already saw how extensive the

membership area for the front end you already is so that's that and then the

second upsell is going to be case studies okay and advanced training

that's gonna go for 27 bucks and then the third upsells going to be license

rights okay so that's what you're gonna get the license rights are 47 bucks

again not necessary because this is all very very in-depth and it has everything

you need right so okay and let's see so that's that my opinion on this is I

think it's it's a great great product I would say that the techniques that

Trevor teaches you alone are worth the 9 bucks that you're gonna spend on that

product right it's really really cool stuff I learned a lot from it myself

I've never seen a method like that because it's it's I mean it's awesome

it's free and it's easy to get started with so yeah if you're interested go

ahead and jump in and you're gonna hit this button right here or this button up

here and of course you get your 30 days money back if you're not satisfied or if

you find that it's not for you hey no problem get in touch with Paul or Trevor

and they'll give you your money back you know

easy as pie so go ahead jump in and I wish you all the best

For more infomation >> Passive Income Machine Review (GOOD OR BAD?) - Duration: 18:52.


Here's how NOT to celebrate a goal at the World Cup - Duration: 0:25.

For more infomation >> Here's how NOT to celebrate a goal at the World Cup - Duration: 0:25.


FDA Approves Drug Derived From Cannabis Oil: Here Comes Big Pharma - Duration: 4:56.

The FDA has announced it has approved a brand new drug derived from marijuana.

Epidiolex is used to treat severe seizures and epilepsy.

The drug contains CBD, or cannabidiol, which is derived from cannabis.

CBD, for short, has the same benefits as THC, the main active chemical in marijuana, but

does not produce psychoactive effects when ingested or consumed.

Now, this is the first drug approved by the FDA derived from marijuana, and may signal

a change in drug scheduling from the DEA.

For more on this, we're turning now to Mike Papantonio.

Of course, he's the host of America's Lawyer.

Pap, great to see you.

First, how big is this for the FDA to approve a cannabis-based drug?

Well, the good news is the FDA's decision to approve this treatment shows that they're

no longer able to deny the science that shows us that cannabis oil treatments are incredibly

effective in certain kinds of conditions.

For so long that we didn't know, because the DEA wouldn't even allow people to test drugs

like this.

The science and the trials that have been done showing that these marijuana derived

oil type medications can treat seizures, they've been piling up for years.

As a matter of fact, full disclosure, I own part of Charlotte's Web, which is one of the

first cannabis oils that was actually used to treat epilepsy.

The name of the bill that was passed in Florida was called the Charlotte's Web bill, which

gave us the right to be able to sell this type of oil.

This decision's going to allow people to get prescriptions for cannabis oils.

It will now be covered under their insurance plans, which is a huge step for these patients

that have been having to pay out of their pocket for these treatments.

It should also give the agency the ability to fast track the approval of similar kinds

of treatments derived from cannabis.

It's gonna open a whole new market of treatments for seizures, pain relief, inflammatory conditions.

This is one of the most effective ways to help combat the opiod epidemic that we're

faced with.

As a matter of fact, they're now finding that they can use marijuana to treat opioid addicts.

I think this is really important, especially for an organization that is just so abysmal

as the FDA.

You know, I've talked about the FDA for so long.

It's such a dysfunctional organization.

I think they're always pushed by corporate America.

That's what happened here.

You're saying that this is setting precedence for everything else to follow that could solve

a lot of other issues that America has, like you said, with the opioid epidemic.

But what legal thresholds would the scientists behind this or advocates and attorneys, what

sort of legal threshold do they have to overcome for cannabis to meet before the FDA could

approve this sort of medicine?

No, we have a misunderstanding about the FDA across the board.

The FDA is not really most of the time driven by really what I would call pure science.

It's driven mostly by corporate influence.

That's part of the problem here.

This is what we have to worry about.

Big pharma isn't happy about the idea of being able to use cannabis oil unless it comes through

one of their pharmaceuticals.

Major drug companies were late to the party on medical marijuana, and the studies show

that they're already losing about $4 billion a year as more and more areas allow for medical

marijuana and this cannabis oil.

So, the FDA's decision is rarely really driven by just pure hard science, as you may not

... These are the kind of cases I handle all the time, pharmaceutical cases.

It's abysmal the way the FDA makes decisions.

Most of the time, the clinical-

But Mike, what's gonna happen?

What's gonna happen though if the DEA refuses to classify anything with a marijuana extract,

including CBD ... They still call it a schedule one substance, which means they don't count

this as having any sort of medical benefits.

How are the two government agencies gonna square this or are people gonna get thrown

in jail for having a prescription?

Well, they're now allowing some scientific research type of exceptions to what you're

talking about.

That's the type of thing that's held us up for so long.

These exceptions are gonna continue to grow as we find more and more states actually legalizing


At some point, the feds have to say okay.

And real quickly Mike, I'd like to get your thoughts on Justice Kennedy, his plans to

retire next month.

Well, good riddance.

He was always viewed as this swing vote who was gonna change things.

Not really.

He's never been a swing vote.

He's been a conservative.

So, no big loss.

All right.

I guess we've got to wait and see who takes his seat.

Thank you so much, as always, sharing your expertise with us.

Mike Papantonio, host of America's Lawyer, right here on RT America.

For more infomation >> FDA Approves Drug Derived From Cannabis Oil: Here Comes Big Pharma - Duration: 4:56.


Jijaji Chhat Per Hai - Ep 121 - Full Episode - 26th June, 2018 - Duration: 21:39.

For more infomation >> Jijaji Chhat Per Hai - Ep 121 - Full Episode - 26th June, 2018 - Duration: 21:39.


Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah - Ep 2497 - Full Episode - 26th June, 2018 - Duration: 21:30.

For more infomation >> Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah - Ep 2497 - Full Episode - 26th June, 2018 - Duration: 21:30.


Saat Phero Ki Hera Pherie - Ep 86 - Full Episode - 26th June, 2018 - Duration: 20:30.

For more infomation >> Saat Phero Ki Hera Pherie - Ep 86 - Full Episode - 26th June, 2018 - Duration: 20:30.


Partners Trouble Ho Gayi Double - Ep 151 - Full Episode - 26th June, 2018 - Duration: 21:39.

For more infomation >> Partners Trouble Ho Gayi Double - Ep 151 - Full Episode - 26th June, 2018 - Duration: 21:39.


Tenali Rama - Ep 253 - Full Episode - 26th June, 2018 - Duration: 21:45.

For more infomation >> Tenali Rama - Ep 253 - Full Episode - 26th June, 2018 - Duration: 21:45.


Special Olympics: Creating a Global Movement of Inclusion - Duration: 4:17.

>> As Seattle gets ready to welcome

the 2018 Special Olympics USA Games,

we all have an important role to play in

creating a region of inclusion that welcomes everyone.

The games could be a galvanizing force

for greater awareness and

appreciation of what people with

intellectual disabilities can contribute.

>> We recently caught up with Tim Shriver,

Chairman of Special Olympics to learn more about

the history behind the games including how his mother,

Eunice Kennedy Shriver, turned her vision into

the world's foremost movement empowering people

with disabilities to show up and be seen.

>> Your family is

deeply involved in the Special Olympics,

can you tell us how it got started?

>> The Special Olympics Movement was started in Chicago,

1968 was the first games with a thousand people with

intellectual challenges on the field

claiming to be Olympic,

to be the best of humanity,

exactly the opposite of what the world had seen.

That moment in time had

its roots in the history of my mother's family,

one of her sister, Rosemary,

her older sister, was

born with an intellectual disability.

They grew up, my mom did especially with love of

her sister understanding of

the need in some ways to be protective,

but also with kind of a fierce determination to

change the culture that was around them,

which did not include their sister.

There were no schools, there

were no healthcare institutions,

there were no rehabilitation programs,

there were no employment support, there was nothing.

My mom's genius was to think we could use sports,

we could do what is so

intuitive and natural to all of us,

would just play together and by doing so we might

actually shift the culture

to emphasize inclusion for everybody,

the dignity of each human being.

>> Today, all of you young athletes are in the arena.

Many of you will win,

but even more important I know you will be

brave and bring credit

to your parents and to your country.

Let us begin the Olympics. Thank you.

>> So, one of the mottos

is "it's so much more than sports."

Can you talk about that and what the games mean to you?

>> We don't just do sports,

but we do inclusive early childhood,

inclusive schools, inclusive health programs,

we are the largest public health program in

the world for people with intellectual disabilities.

We teach what we call inclusive leadership.

What would it look like to become a leader if you

knew and understood the experiences

of those on the margins,

which is the gift our special needs

athletes bring to their peers into the culture.

I'd like us to think that every school in

America would have

a Special Olympics Unified Sports Team.

Let's celebrate the fact that sports can

be a platform where everybody can

claim their value not

their label of whatever separates us,

but their value as a contributing member of society.

>> Can you tell us a little bit about how the games

grew and evolved over the course of 50 years?

>> It's an amazing story Brad,

it's a story really mostly of volunteerism.

When we think of having five or six million athletes

involved in the movement every year,

99 percent of our workforce is volunteers

at civic organizations, faith-based institutions,

corporate partners who give their people the chance,

really the privilege of volunteering.

That's the story of our movement.

First, one country then 10,

then 20, then 30,

today 172 countries have

independent Special Olympics organizations,

110,000 games a year in little villages,

in the developing world,

and big cities like Seattle.

These games are all invitations for us to come

together to see in someone else goodness,

possibility, where maybe in

the past you'd seen something different.

That's no longer a person with

a disability, it's a point guard.

All of a sudden our hearts open

to some basic human value,

I think that's quite powerful.

>> As the premier partner for these USA games,

Microsoft is proud to join

with Special Olympics in bringing

our region together to create

more inclusive communities where everyone is welcome.

Find out how you can get involved

by going to

For more infomation >> Special Olympics: Creating a Global Movement of Inclusion - Duration: 4:17.


Shrimaan Shrimati Phir Se - Ep 76 - Full Episode - 26th June, 2018 - Duration: 21:17.

For more infomation >> Shrimaan Shrimati Phir Se - Ep 76 - Full Episode - 26th June, 2018 - Duration: 21:17.


ICE facility arrests: How we got here - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> ICE facility arrests: How we got here - Duration: 1:29.


FIFA 19's new gameplay features could revolutionise the game - here's 5 big changes - Duration: 3:17.

 From kick-off goals to mindless keepers, there's been a lot to dislike with FIFA 18

 Both casual players and pros have vented their frustrations, particularly in how effective the game is as an eSport

 The competitive FIFA scene has seen massive growth since the game's release in September, with the climax of the season (the FIFA eWorld Cup Grand Final) being held in London on August 2-4

  However, the way we play FIFA may be radically different by the time FIFA 19 comes around in September after a number of new gameplay changes were announced at the EA PLAY conference

 Here we look at five features that will be new for FIFA 19 - but will they result in a better experience? Tactics Overhaul We've all been there

You're behind in the last ten minutes, so you go "all-out attack", but all that seems to happen is your centre back tries - and fails - to play like Lionel Messi

 It appears things may be different in FIFA 19, as the mentalities (such as "ultra-attacking" or "ultra-defensive") that you select by pressing left or right on the d-pad are now customisable with whatever formation and player instructions you decide

 The days of pausing the game to apply your own custom tactics are seemingly over, which will be a blessing for the tactically-minded FIFA pros

 It's also worth noting that the number of mentalities will be reduced from seven to five, with "All Out Attack" and "Park the Bus" removed

 The preset tactics on the up and down buttons on the d-pad have also had a revamp, but appear to remain unable to customise

 Up now gives you attacking tactics ("Get in the Box", "Attacking Full-Backs", "Hug Sideline" and "Extra Striker") and down provides defensive tactics ("Striker Drops Back", "Team Press", "Overload" and "Offside Trap")

For more infomation >> FIFA 19's new gameplay features could revolutionise the game - here's 5 big changes - Duration: 3:17.


Here's How to Watch the Last Launch of SpaceX's Block 4 Falcon 9 - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Here's How to Watch the Last Launch of SpaceX's Block 4 Falcon 9 - Duration: 2:31.


LeBron & Kevin Durant to Lakers? Here's How It Works | - Duration: 7:48.

LeBron & Kevin Durant to Lakers? Here's How It Works |

The latest rumors have LeBron James recruiting Kevin Durant to join him in Los Angeles.

ESPN's Stephen A.

Smith added a bit of a new wrinkle to the LeBron James free agency rumors by reporting King James is recruiting Kevin Durant to join him on the Lakers.

This time of year, it is important for fans to ask themselves two simple questions when you hear a free agent rumor.

First, could the rumor work within the constraints of the NBA salary cap.

Secondly, is it conceivable it could happen, based on all we know about the players involved.

Smith reported James "texted" Durant about joining him in Los Angeles, but also noted Durant was not interested.

While it does not appear likely to happen, let's look at whether the idea is even feasible.

Let's start with the logistical part of the equation first.

According to Real GM's Keith Smith's cap projections, the Lakers will have about $58.4 million of cap space, the most of any team in the NBA.

According to Hoops Rumors, the projected max salary for the 2018-19 season is $35.3 million.

While the Lakers do not have enough cap space to sign both players to max contracts outright, they could likely make it work by having one of the players agree to a sign-and-trade.

Even with all their cap space, the Lakers are well below the more than $70 million needed to sign two max players outright.

However, if the NBA has taught us anything in recent years, it's that the players have more power than ever.

If Durant and James decide they want to play together, they are going to find a way to make it happen.

Here is what the Lakers roster would look like, as of now, if the two players were to agree to terms with the Lakers.

The team would likely be able to add a few veteran players on minimum contracts as well.

The positions are less important than the players.

Both Durant and James are capable of playing multiple positions.

Lakers Roster & Starting Lineup with LeBron James & Kevin Durant.

C- Kyle Kuzma, Mo Wagner, Thomas Bryant, Ivica Zubac.

PF- Kevin Durant, Isaac Bonga.

SF- Brandon Ingram, Luol Deng, Sviatoslav Mykhailiuk.

SG- LeBron James, Josh Hart,.

PG- Lonzo Ball, Alex Caruso, Tyler Ennis.

Lakers free agents: Brook Lopez (UFA), Julius Randle (RFA), Channing Frye (UFA), Travis Wear (RFA), Kentavious Caldwell-Pope (UFA), Andre Ingram (RFA), Gary Payton II (RFA), Isaiah Thomas (UFA).

If the Lakers were to sign two max players like James and Durant, they would likely have to part with most, if not all, of their free agents.

The Lakers would look to fill out their roster with veterans willing to sign for the minimum in exchange for having a chance to compete for a title.

While that answers the logistical question, the next thing to consider is whether this idea is feasible.

This is where Durant and James to Los Angeles becomes a lot less likely.

Durant is technically a free agent, but all indications are Durant wants to stay with the Warriors.

ESPN's Rachel Nichols reported that Durant has essentially committed to the Warriors.

"I'm planning on staying with the Warriors, and we'll figure the rest out," Durant said, before adding that only the "small details" remained to be figured out.

Sure, there was the awkward joke Golden State GM Bob Myers made about Durant at the championship parade, but that is not enough to send Durant packing.

Durant has more help around him with the Warriors, and a chance to go for a three-peat next season.

The only way the Lakers come into play is if the contract talks with the Warriors break down after Durant has agreed to take less money for two straight seasons to help the Warriors sign additional players.

The other explanation would be if Durant really wants to play with James rather than the Warriors current roster.

Durant did tell the USA Today that the money needed to be right, but the Warriors have indicated they are committed to giving Durant a raise.

"Yeah, yeah, I feel as though [will return to Golden State]," Durant told the USA Today.

"Everything, the money and stuff that's got to, the contract got to (be) worked out, but I plan on being here.

I said that earlier this year.

I didn't plan on anything else.

But this is the NBA, and anything can happen.

And I know that anything can happen, (because) I've been a part of this league for so long now.".

There is no reason for James not to recruit the best players to come play with him, but at this stage of free agency the rumor is lofty, even if the Lakers could find a way to make it work under the cap.

Unless Durant has a change of heart, it does not appear realistic that he would join James in Los Angeles.

For more infomation >> LeBron & Kevin Durant to Lakers? Here's How It Works | - Duration: 7:48.


Jack Fowler Love Island: Harlow Town FC footballer enters ITV2 villa - here's everything you need to - Duration: 2:29.

 Jack Fowler is one of the new Love Island contestants joining the famous ITV2 villa in another Casa Amor twist, alongside Charlie Brake – who is a socialite – and Frankie Foster, who has an impressive rugby career

 The new contestant revealed his claim to fame was the fact he featured "in Tom Zanetti's music video", but he's actually a semi-professional footballer with an impressive track record

 Jack, 22, is a defender and is currently signed to Harlow Town FC, so how is he in the Love Island villa?  According to the football club's website, Jack injured his ankle in his first training session

 Therefore the Essex guy will have to wait to make his debut from the club.  He plays the position of centre-back and has previously been signed to other teams

Love Island 2018 star's exes: Ex boyfriends and girlfriends of this year's . Thursday, June 28, 2018 1 / 16 Play slideshow Love Island 2018 star's exes: Ex boyfriends and girlfriends of this year's

Thursday, June 28, 2018 1 / 16 Play slideshow Jack has dated office administrator Ellie Jones – she's set to head into Casa Amor to surprise her former flame [Wenn/Instagram/Ellie Jones] Love Island 2018 ex boyfriends and girlfriends: A look back at this year's contestant's past relationships as they look for love in the ITV2 show's villa  Previously, Jack was signed to Grays Athletic, but moved to The Hawks in February 2018

 In his last season for Grays Athletic he made 24 appearances and scored two goals

 Before Grays Athletic, Jack played for Ware.  Love Island continues on ITV2 at 9pm week days and Sundays

For more infomation >> Jack Fowler Love Island: Harlow Town FC footballer enters ITV2 villa - here's everything you need to - Duration: 2:29.


✅ Chrissy Teigen's New Becca Collection Is Here -- Get Ready for the Ultimate Glow Up! - Duration: 2:09.

 Following the successful launch of the Becca x Chrissy Teigen Glow Face Palette, the model and cookbook author has linked up with the makeup brand again for a second collaboration

  Known for her glowing-from-within radiance, the California girl has created the Endless Summer Glow Collection, which features limited-edition items that'll give you a major glow up this summer

  The mom of two teased the release back in April on her Instagram account with a video of her on set with the Becca team

  She then shared this pic of her standing next to a huge bottle of the Glow Body Oil in June, which is exactly what you need if you want to look like you've come back from the beach

The golden bottle of luxurious, lightweight oil is the one. It leaves a sun-kissed glow on the skin with a touch of shimmer and a sultry aroma of Italian bergamot and exotic, warm sandalwood notes

 The range also includes three shades of lip glosses called the Glow Gloss and a three-in-one Endless Bronze & Glow compact of bronzer, blush and highlight, which can be swirled all together or applied individually

  Score the coveted beauty buys below before they're gone!  Becca x Chrissy Teigen Glow Body Oil $42 Becca x Chrissy Teigen Endless Bronze & Glow $38  Becca x Chrissy Teigen Glow Lip Gloss in Beach Bum $22  Becca x Chrissy Teigen Glow Lip Gloss in Malibu Soleil $22 Becca x Chrissy Teigen Glow Lip Gloss in Nectar $22  Watch the star spill when daughter Luna will make her red carpet debut in the video below


For more infomation >> ✅ Chrissy Teigen's New Becca Collection Is Here -- Get Ready for the Ultimate Glow Up! - Duration: 2:09.


SpaceX launch LIVE stream: Watch Falcon 9 blast off online right HERE - Duration: 4:21.

 The SpaceX Falcon 9 launch will take off early on Friday, June 29, from Florida's Cape Canaveral Air Force Station

 The SpaceX launch is expected to blast off at .42am BST (5.42am EDT) towards the ISS

 You can watch the rocket launch in its entirety above thanks to NASA's public online broadcasting

 Additional live streams of the event will feature on SpaceX and NASA TV. Related articles  SpaceX live broadcasts typically kick off just 5 minutes prior to countdown

 Ahead of the launch, SpaceX conducted a successful static fire test of the Falcon 9 on June 23

 The Falcon 9 will deliver a robotic cargo module, dubbed the Dragon, to the ISS to resupply the space laboratory

 The launch marks the company's 5th orbital delivery to the ISS.  SpaceX tweeted: "Static fire test of Falcon 9 complete – targeting June 29 launch from Pad 4 in Florida for Dragon's fifteenth mission to the International Space Station

"  A parachute test of the company's Crew Dragon module was also carried out on June 26

 The SpaceX launch comes off the back of the SES-2 satellite delivery on Monday, June 4

 The SES-2 mission saw SpaceX successfully deliver a geostationary satellite into orbit above Earth

 The company said: "SES-2 is a uniquely designed satellite that will allow telephone companies, mobile network operators and internet service providers to deliver more reliable cellular backhaul and faster broadband service

SpaceX's Crew Dragon: Step inside Elon Musks's astronaut ready spacecraft Mon, May 2, 2 Step inside Elon Musks's astronaut ready spacecraft, the Crew Dragon module

Elon Musk/Instagram of SpaceX Crew Dragon ship in anechoic chamber for EMI testing before being sent to NASA  "From its orbital position, SES-2 will also be pivotal in supporting government efforts to bridge the digital divide through connectivity programs and provide television operators with additional capacity to deliver more content and higher picture quality to meet customer demand

 "With six wide beams and 72 high throughput user spot beams, SES-2 is one of the largest geostationary satellites SES has procured

" The satellite developed for SES by Airbus Defence and Space. After launch, SpaceX did not attempt to recover the reusable Falcon 9 booster rocket

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