Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 6, 2018

Youtube daily game Jun 30 2018

how's it going everyone I'm Monty and welcome to Forgotton Anne now I just got

back from VidCon and I've been in Airport for the last nine plus hours so

I apologize if I don't sound like I'm at my peak energy but my friend was telling

me I gotta play this game so we're gonna jump right in and see how it's how it

plays now all I know about this game is that it is a platformer and apparently

animated and look it actually looks really nice all the homeless someone

help him somebody get this man up they're just gonna leave him okay well

look Turtles

I'm loving the like animation style here very distinct it's like it's not perfect

animation it's kind of choppy but it's it fits it fits perfectly alright so we

got a little little bit of a house here a lot of clocks what's gonna happen oh

wow wow the clock just disappeared this pills that dude taking drugs getting

ready for work we're looking for what you're looking for

oh well let's forget about what it oh what's that it

oh it's his other sock wait did he just leave with one sock on that's savage

what a savage who wears one sock why is that sock talking by the way okay

so the sock is alive maybe that's maybe that's his a special sock if you know

what I'm saying a secret sock he keeps under his bed

who's just a mace there so all these things are alive okay oh she makes me

uncomfortable I don't like her I don't like her she mannequins making me

uncomfortable go work in the coal mines oh he looks so sad I never thought

they'd be able to make a sock look so sad

okay so is this like the land of forgotten objects and an I guess

forgotten objects and an this is beautiful though holy crap it's not a

ninja look at that guy on the side there goes okay I looked like a ninja and get

a sword or something I hope we play as the sock

I really hope our characters the suck I know it's not gonna because the game is

called forgotten Han but God is that a gas pump on treads smoking a cigar

oh what a badass who are those Nair dwellers well whatever this is so cool

that I'm loving it I'm loving it so far yeah you better get out of here mister

helmet that gas pump means business oh shit the helmet was a terrorist the

whole time terrorism who's that

oh what a cool beard he's awesome I give his beard a solid seven and a

half out of ten and I know a thing or two about beards oh oh is that a hint

guys guys I think that's Han

oh my god loving it loving the style when do we play we're about to play it

looks like a play yeah this looks this looks pretty playing yeah here we go

what's going on oh I love that voice acting - it's so useful okay what's this

no light could it be in anima outage we've never had one at the tower before

huh okay that's uh oh the transitions

awesome - all right so we're looking around let's see bygone Park looks

completely blacked out the rebels are behind this mess smoke from the

watchtower I hope Tiffany's okay I hope Tiffany's

okay - the plant seems to be operational okay is that everything looks like oh

wait oh what's this fire at the Central Station I need to

get over there as soon as I can must be related to the antibiotic not the anima

no anima at the workshop master bunk who won't be happy about this okay yeah

that's everything all right let's get out of here oh whoa huh

what's over there what's that huh I gotta go over here wait no over here the

the controls I know a lot of you probably don't know what I'm doing but

the controls are like very like they're kind of delayed like because she has to

do the turning animation so it's just it's weird it's a little floaty but

that's okay that's okay master bunk ooh and I see our master

bunk who and I seems like forever ago well you look like you're a little girl

then so probably was don't run into walls all right down the stairs anything

over here there we go there's no anima in the pipes i should activate the

reverser Oh reverse that you say all right let's go check this out door let's

go check it out

there's a ladder if I instill this reverse if I instill this reverser it

can draw anima from the towers reserves there should be a few emergency

cylinders in the basement I can use okay what's this cool cool door here let's

take a look it's the door to master bunk whose tower I haven't been in there for

a long time I can't open it alone what's this it's a dual switch system I can't

open it alone okay that's what she just said cool okay goddess no no good this

way thank you that's the switch I know I'm gonna come

back to this room like you got it right got it gotta activate all that stuff

right this master bunk who must be trying to reach me through the mirror I

need to restore the inner flow okay so quick question if things are inanimate

or if the inanimate objects in this world are all forgotten all forgotten

things like what about the inanimate objects to this world like the bricks

and the ladders and the the towels and that even the clothes she's are the

clothes I'm wearing are they alive oh this could get weird guys it's get weird

really fast I can distill anima from these cylinders and use it to power the

reverser upstairs okay so what do I do oh use my magical glove use the glove

okay press X to use are coming okay so

oh that's cool now have enough animus to instill the reverser okay so now we

climb up here and we go over here I'll hang her arms going out like she looks

like she's about to beat someone up when she's walking up stairs good fucking

kick this guy's ass let's go let's go bring it on sorry I'm just noticing a

lot of funny things about the animations game alright let's see oh this thing

hold it down and boom there we go one pull deliver should finish the job sweet

let's do it and pull it there we go look at that look at that we just made power

oh he's got a voice the man has a voice to go along with that beard I better

leave the reverser on my house okay cool down here it's so like it it looks like

it's all been hand-drawn this this reminds me a lot of cuphead which I

never played but I did see but it's it's very similar yeah what is at stake oh

shit oh I didn't expect her to be choices in this game I don't like

they're being choices I'm too tired to make moral decisions I'll defend us I'm


okay he's looking a little evil I'm not gonna lie it's he gonna be the bad guy I

bet he's gonna be the bad guy calling it now first five minutes the game he's the

bad guy I'll check on Tiffany at the watchtower and get my wings I'll call

you when I get there good good yes master

I'm evil we're going

we're going home soon wait we're going home soon that'll be the voice it won't

tear my vocals up too badly to do that oh shit it's a scarf all right mr. scarf

you want to break my shit I don't know if I trust this guy yeah give me show me

the sticker mm you're lying or what do you want hmm I don't really believe him

but he has such a charming accent you're lying what's the message yes I didn't

expect to get this far and the rebels of sabotage the primary transfer pump near

the Central Station do you think I'm stupid your story doesn't make sense uh

do you think I'm I will go destroyed his access can't get jobs in the tower

grounds and Tiffany would have never let you through the watch town oh he's lying

she knows me you have no idea what you're doing or what's at stake okay so

what for sex

wait oh whoa what hang on hang on I don't want to kill him there's got it

there's gotta be options what's this new memento I don't want to kill this guy it

don't don't make me kill you there's got to be options

it's hang on what if I what if I bum-rush him yeah oh shit it works I

wonder if I could have killed him like I wonder if the same thing would have

happened this outcome could have been different yes I could okay so I did

something all right I always try to go for the the good guy

I want to be the good guy in this game I don't want to murder all these poor

things although if you can just okay he escaped master Punk who won't like this

well master bonk who's not here I'm here I'm the voice in your head controlling

you making you do all these decisions all right let's move out let's see

what's beyond the door now that that scarf man I'm gonna find that scarf and

I'm gonna wear I'm like the rest of my clothing

art director anders good good job good job and you to lead anime animator

debbie Ekberg or whatever that name said

hmmm alright let's see let's go over here

tools programmer I'm liking these credits too even though you can't really

read them while playing the game the music's really nice ooh-la-la the music

alright let's go right I feel like it wants us to go left but I'd rather go

right I'm one of those people who always explores everything in a game nope

didn't mean press that oh friend

Pavel keep it up

probably he's lying to me the rebels attack none of your business

we'll go through stucked I'll be honest I'm a good person

well he's nice I hope he doesn't die a horrible death or maybe I could kill him

no well mummy alright let's go alright that's cool

I'm loving this game so far I know it's supposed to get plat for me I know that

much okay so that's how you jump lead writer Morton broadened bird

jürg I can't say your name I apologize for butchering I'm assuming the Swedish

maybe I don't know no I don't mean to press that all right

the real sister the real system's got damaged in the blast I guess I'll make

us some on foot today who is that yes I mean well what's that so what if I do

that what did that do oh it's just oh that's cool so you can

there's cases that can be hidden that's very useful to know track one it's

zooming in it's making me uncomfortable okay uh I can't read anything other than

track one okay let's keep going wait what was like was

that how I can sprint oh-ho title card

oh that's so cool I love it I love it

just cough why don't you okay oh I just learned how to do that boom look at that

okay it was a work of at least two rebels okay got the jumping down well

under an edge okay so like this and oh cool okay and then there we go and look

perfect I'm amazing alright so there's a canister down there I am the enforcer

Tiffany okay well I've already got I've already got some anima so let's okay

boom and I just saw another one over here so let's go ahead and restock up I

have a feeling it's gonna be a lot harder to find in the future there we go

stand up and let's grab it Hey oh it's oh there's a limit how far

you can that's weird why does it block you from pushing it a certain distance

why can't I I want it I I'm within range I'm a hello game game I'm trying to play

you but you're not letting me there we go give me a sweet anima that's sweet

sweet anime that I love all right and I'm assuming I pull this switch like

like so right here let's just give that the good old one tuple yay Tiffany a

lamp Tiffany are you a lamp

I'm glad I'm here too you're so dumb Tiffany you really messed up this time

tiffany boss is gonna have your head be more responsible don't blame yourself

I'm torn between saying what I'd probably really say or being just nice

actually I probably would just be nice

except me I almost got hurt oh he's gonna be furious that blast destroyed

the rail system it's gonna take a while I need to get my wings you want me to

bring you the enema wrench would you

all right so we have an objective let's see

all right I'm assuming your wings are somewhere back here cuz I couldn't go

forward I'm guessing they're in the air

alright let's look around let's do a little look-see what's this there's a

parcel here it looks like a CCU unit from master bonk ooh oh check the

basement oh there's the wrench I need this is what Tiffany needs to fix the

gate good ok so I can fill this up and I can well hang on I got I can refill

myself here so boom look at this what does this do

all right oh it's like a supply line oh that's cool

there's another lever here can I like make can I like change the direction oh

god what are you hello there hello there dummy okay so he's got a canister so

what happens we fill him up oh so wait did I make him what if I sucked the life

out of him what hang on can I like destroy him oh dang okay so let's see

what if I do it a third time okay so this is like does damage I think right

it looks like I'm doing more and more damage hang on or not damage but looks

like he's waving more no okay I thought I thought he would like fall over so

then I got an achievement for it though that's pretty cool I'm gonna leave him

with life because I can just take the one that's in here I think probably an

achievement for that too yes give me there we go all right that's cool wait

wait a second wait a second what's that what's sorry guys I I know this is

probably knowing but I I literally explore everything the wood door why did

I collect all this stuff oh it's her room so I'm guessing she was the like

Watchtower person before before what's-her-face took over alright let's

take that back I like games that do this where there's just like minor bits of

world building paired up with just gameplay you know like exploring makes

you see the world better I love that I love that so much alright well there's

another one they give me a lot of these canisters wait what's this Oh

unfortunately it was able to escape I didn't want to kill him Tiffani did her


Tiffani prevented most of the rebels from entering the tower grounds so evil

I'm calling it he's evil yes sir all right wait okay there we go go run

up the stairs oh I love how like she's walking towards

the camera - that's really cool alright what's this why is it like a hint

there's like a handprint thing I can oh okay okay okay I think I see so we go

boo let me go boom-boom ah there we go we're

doing it we're making things happen boom and boom yes the wings okay just give

him a like can I fly I wonder this this this game so cool I love it I love it

and look at that likes wolf maybe not seamless but it was a pretty good

transition left B or RB to activate wings oh that's awesome

okay so that tells you and then you jump alright well we'll figure out how this

mechanic works in the next episode because I'm all out of time for this

video I'm doing my best not to talk during the cutscenes cuz I want you to

enjoy the story with me and I feel like if I talk through them too much it'll

just kind of ruin it but yeah let me know how you guys like this game down

below in the comments and let me know your own theories because I could be

wrong I don't know I just I just feel like the the main dude is the bearded

guy is gonna be evil it just it's coming off that way also I'm assuming the

aether bridge is like the way they get back to our world since this is like the

realm of Forgotten things but I guess we'll see as the game progresses I have

no idea how long this game is I don't know how many videos are gonna be made

from it but again I hope you guys enjoyed it and if you guys liked this

video be sure to hit that like button if you want to stay up to date with all my

content hit that subscribe button but that's gonna do it for me guys so until

next time everyone my name is Monte Q and I'll see you around


For more infomation >> Forgotton Anne | THIS GAME FEELS LIKE A GHIBLI FILM!!! | Walkthrough | Part 1 - Duration: 25:05.


Game of Thrones Season 8 - BLOOD MAGIC - Duration: 12:31.

Have you ever wondered how many times Bloodmagic is used in Game of Thrones?

Why is it so important and what role it will play in season 8?

Stay tuned to find out...

Hello Everyone.

Welcome to UBM.

Your one stop for book and TV series reviews.

I post new videos every Saturday at 07:00 pm IST or at 09:30 am EST.

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And I want to thank you Aaron Arguelles for contributing to my channel.

Blood magic or blood sorcery is a type of magic rooted in blood.

In the books, Qyburn tells Cersei, "Bloodmagic is the darkest kind of sorcery.

Some say, it is the most powerful as well."

Around 1376 to 1521 AD, Aztecs used blood and sacrifice frequently as an offering to

the Sun God.

The Aztecs saw death as part of life, just like birth and believed that the supply of

ritual blood will maintain plentiful fertile crops and will aid in the continuation of

the Aztec World.

Dying for their God was an act of honour for them.

So they sacrificed fresh blooded sacrificial victims to the Sun God to get plentiful crops

and healthy long lives.

Is it just me, or does the Aztec's beliefs seem a LOT like Melisandre's beliefs?

In the books, when Stannis's army sails for the wall, Melisandre sacrifices Alester

Florent to R'hollor to get favourable winds for the voyage north.

She believes that the Lord of Light cherishes the innocent, that there is no sacrifice more


She is afraid to dream as she believes that sleep is a little death, dreams the whispering

of the Others.

In the books she thinks "She would sooner sit bathed in the ruddy glow of her red lords'

blessed flames, her cheeks flushed by the wash of heat as if by a lover's kisses."

Blood magic has been used many times in this series in both books and the show, and the

reason I am discussing bloodmagic is because I believe that it will play a very important

role in season 8.

So let's take a look at the blood magic used in the show first.

In season 1, when Drogo was dying from his wounds, Dany asks Mirri to save him.

Mirri kills Drogo's stallion and Rhaego, saying "Only death may pay for life."

She saves Drogo's life but he is in a catatonic state.

This gives Dany an idea on how to hatch the eggs.

She knows she can bring life to her dragon eggs by paying with three lives.

In the books, when Dany builds a pyre, puts Drogo's and his horse's body on it, and

binds Mirri to the pyre, Mirri tells her that without the spells, the Blood is nothing.

When Dany burns them all, she is able to hatch the dragon eggs.

But if without the spells, the blood is nothing, how was she able to use the blood magic?

I think that's where the symbols come in.

She didn't need the spell because she had the symbol, just like Leaf and the Night King.

There's power in these symbols.

I'll discuss all these symbols in detail in a separate video.

Anyways, so this blood magic ritual brought the dragons back into the world for the first

time in more than a hundred years.

Magic had started fading from the world when the last dragons have died, and it started

coming back when Dany's dragons were born again.

I have a feeling that it's all connected somehow.

In season 2, Varys tells Tyrion the story of how he became the eunuch and how he came

to Westeros.

His body parts were thrown into fire as a sacrifice either to R'hollor or to the Great


I think it might be counted as a blood magic ritual, but I can't be sure.

What I do know is it's also similar to the Aztecs rituals.

Their rituals also included offering the hearts of the sacrificial victims to the sun God.

A body part is offered to the Gods in both cases.

Anyways, As I had said in my Varys's journey and predictions video, this might be the incident

which motivated Varys to come to Westeros, maybe on the orders of the voice he heard

in the fire.

Then in season 3, Melisandre brings 3 leeches gorged on Gendry's blood to Stannis.

He throws them in the brazier and says the names of Robb Stark, Joffery Baratheon and

Balon Greyjoy.

Later, all three of them die.

So Melisadnre and Stannis wiped out 3 of their enemies by using blood magic, and they killed

Renly by Melisandre's shadowbinding magic.

And in season 5, Cersei recalls meeting Maggy the Frog, who uses blood magic to predict

Cersei's future by tasting her blood.

I believe that in trying to prevent this prophecy, Cersei made the prophecy come true.

She always believed that Tyrion was the Valonqar, so she started hating him even more than she

already did.

She became over protective of her children, she pampered them too much and we know how

they all turned out, especially Joffery.

She was afraid that Margery was the younger queen, so she tried to get rid of Margery

by arming the Faith Militant, and we know how that turned out.

So, in a way, Blood magic played a part in all this too.

Now Let's take a look at some of the book's events.

In the books, Marwyn the Mage tells Sam, "What feeds a Dragon's fire?

All Valyrian sorcery was rooted in blood or fire."

Septon Barth speculated the Valyrian Bloodmages may have created dragons using Wyvern Stock.

Wyverns are kin to dragons but they do not breathe fire.

If Septon Barth is right, then not only blood magic brought the dragons back into this world,

it was the very reason for the dragon's existence in the first place.

It was also the source of the Valyrian's powers.

Those who practice blood magic are called Blood mages or Maegi.

Mirri Maz Dur and Maggy the Frog were Maegis.

The Dothraki fear a Maegi because they think a Maegi lies with demons and perform evil


That's why they wanted to kill Mirri.

The reason I am discussing them is because as you can see it's not necessary to be

a Maegi or a bloodmage to perform a Blood magic ritual.

I know Melissandre had performed it because she was a shadowbinder and a sorceress.

But Dany was able to perform it too.

And aside from Dany, I think there have been three other incidences in history, where bloodmagic

has been performed by someone who wasn't a Bloodmage.

1) Harrenhal – According to Old Nan, Harren Hoare included human blood in the mortar of

Harrenhal, and Harrenhal is said to be cursed.

I already explained my theory on who actually cursed Harrenhal and why in my Harrenhal's

curse theory video.

2) The Wall and Winterfell - I'll read a couple of lines of Ygritte and Jon from the

books first.

"Ygritte - I hate this wall.

Can you feel how cold it is?

Jon - It's made of Ice Ygritte - You know nothing Jon Snow.

This wall is made of Blood."

According to Ygritte, the wall is made of blood.

Just like Harrenhal and as I've said in my Stark Blood video and What's hidden in

the Crypts of Winterfell Video, Winterfell's walls were made of blood too.

We all know that ancient spells were woven into the wall to stop the Whitewalkers from

crossing it.

And you know my theory on why "There must always be a Stark in Winterfell."

I think Bran the Builder used blood magic with the Children's help in creating the


The wall was more than just Ice and Stone.

Jon thinks in the books that "The wall protects itself," and that, sometimes it seemed to

Jon a living thing with moods of its own.

Melisandre tells Jon in the books, "I have dreamed of your Wall, Jon Snow.

Great was the lore that raised it, and great the spells locked beneath its ice.

We walk beneath one of the hinges of the world."

It must have taken some VERY powerful spells and magic to build the wall, and blood magic

is the most powerful magic.

R'hollor takes sacrifices to resurrect people or do other magical things.

We know Bran the builder put huge blocks of ice one on top of the other.

But how did he made it stick and stay that way for so long?

That's why I think maybe blood magic was involved.

May be someone sacrificed his/her life or gave their blood to build the wall?

Either that or maybe a rogue White walker helped Bran the builder in building the wall

of Ice?



3) Azor A'hai - I already discussed how he created Lightbringer in my "Who Jon will

sacrifice to create Lightbringer" video.

AA used bloodmagic to create the sword.

And as I had said in my "Prince that was promised and Azor A'hai " video, I think

Jon is Azor A'hai.

I also think that he will perform a similar bloodmagic in season 8 to create a new Lightbringer.

He could either use a symbol like Dany did, or someone can say the spells for him.

I already discussed my theory on who is Nissa Nissa but somehow it's hard to believe that

Jon would kill someone he loves to create Lightbringer.

But as Thoros said, "Great power requires great sacrifice."

But still, somehow, I do believe Jon will get Lightbringer in season 8 and will

use it to kill the Night King or Viserion.

What do you think?

Anyways, it's time for the comment shoutout now.

Todays comment shoutout goes to My Jolly Sailor Bold, who said, "I think the sorcerer took

Varys to use his royal blood and to see things in the fire.

I think Varys is a Blackfyre and this is the reason why he shaves his head, to hide his

silver hair."

I like your theory about Varys shaving his head to hide his silver hair.

In the books, he is a master of disguises too.

And I completely agree that Varys might have the King's blood in him.

I discussed this theory in my Varys's vision in the fire video.

So, what do you think of these theories, don't forget to tell us in the comments.

If you liked this video, please click on the like button below, share the video and subscribe

to my channel.

Have a great Day.

Bye Bye..

For more infomation >> Game of Thrones Season 8 - BLOOD MAGIC - Duration: 12:31.


Mon the Warlord Cat Player Rival Rebels Game WIP - Duration: 3:07.

Mon the Warlord

Hello. I'm Mon. The warlord.

Oh no it's the maniac cat!

How do I look?

whoa dude you look amazing dude we're on the same team

I guess this is a new beginning. I'm the warlord.

Deal with it.

You were the last person I was expecting. I mean cat!


Okay let's make the cat.

Oh no, no hair.

Hello I'm Rodal the creator of Rival Rebels

I added more features to the customizer.

Now you can change eye color eyelash color and facial hair color

I'm a cat. Deal with it.

This applies to any head you have selected.

This is still a work in progress.

In this panel you can change mouth color, in this case it's the snootle.

the skin color, and you can change how open the eyes are.

The eyes will keep on blinking but the blink speed will vary depending on how open they are.

You see? Sleepy cat!

Here's the real Mon. absolute perfection. He bigs!

I also added the accessories menu.

Deal with it.

In this case you can choose between no glasses, glasses down, and glasses up.

The bodysuit paint is now more accurate.

But I still need to organize the color palette.

What?? It's the maniac cat!

I'm a cat. Deal with it.

Dude you're here! Follow me.


Interesting. Meow.

Follow me!

Very well.

If you want to learn more about the building system, please watch my previous video

where I went more in-depth with the building system.

Dude, about that what were you doing with my girlfriend in that video?

Uh, I don't know...

You have a girlfriend?

Yes! Jupiter. I'm not really sure why she was in that video though.


I also added some icons to the building system to guide you when you are extending a shape

You can click and drag to stretch the shape along the direction the arrow is pointing.

If you keep a shape selected you can expand it in any direction

This allows you to make infinitely many combinations and develop all sorts of structures

Another cool feature is the rotation selector, which lets you easily choose

the rotation of the shape.

Also thanks guys for all the comments subs and support!

Sub sub sub!


Remember to like and sub dude!

Well that's all for now. Peace! Rodol out.

For more infomation >> Mon the Warlord Cat Player Rival Rebels Game WIP - Duration: 3:07.


The easy-ist game ever?- Bad game reviews E1 - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> The easy-ist game ever?- Bad game reviews E1 - Duration: 2:00.


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For more infomation >> **Free psn codes* Free psn gift cards* Free ps4 games**How to get psn free - Duration: 4:11.


FREE PS4 GAMES OR FREE PSN CODES 2018 *FAST & EASY* - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> FREE PS4 GAMES OR FREE PSN CODES 2018 *FAST & EASY* - Duration: 4:55.


Ký ức game - TRỞ VỀ VỚI TUỔI THƠ THÔI #12 | GATA VICE CITY - Duration: 19:03.


For more infomation >> Ký ức game - TRỞ VỀ VỚI TUỔI THƠ THÔI #12 | GATA VICE CITY - Duration: 19:03.


Bầu cua bịp không tang - Hack phần mềm quy luật game bầu cua tôm cá bịp - Duration: 6:36.

For more infomation >> Bầu cua bịp không tang - Hack phần mềm quy luật game bầu cua tôm cá bịp - Duration: 6:36.


THE SILLIEST BATTLE ROYALE GAME OF ALL TIME - Totally Accurate Battlegrounds - Duration: 14:25.

For more infomation >> THE SILLIEST BATTLE ROYALE GAME OF ALL TIME - Totally Accurate Battlegrounds - Duration: 14:25.


How to get free psn codes/ps4 games-free psn gift cards 2018* - Duration: 3:24.


For more infomation >> How to get free psn codes/ps4 games-free psn gift cards 2018* - Duration: 3:24.


Ký ức game - TRỞ VỀ VỚI TUỔI THƠ THÔI #11 | GATA VICE CITY - Duration: 17:27.

For more infomation >> Ký ức game - TRỞ VỀ VỚI TUỔI THƠ THÔI #11 | GATA VICE CITY - Duration: 17:27.


After Months Of Rumors, Melania Makes Game Changing Announcement – Do You Support Her - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> After Months Of Rumors, Melania Makes Game Changing Announcement – Do You Support Her - Duration: 2:48.


GAME RACING / First Download and Cover "ASPHALT XSTREME" On iOS - Duration: 16:55.

For more infomation >> GAME RACING / First Download and Cover "ASPHALT XSTREME" On iOS - Duration: 16:55.


Colorful Game - Tayo Bus Car Toy Change Learn Colors With Rainbow Paint for Kids - Duration: 10:03.

Colorful Game - Tayo Bus Car Toy Change Learn Colors With Rainbow Paint for Kids

For more infomation >> Colorful Game - Tayo Bus Car Toy Change Learn Colors With Rainbow Paint for Kids - Duration: 10:03.


FREE PS4 GAMES AND FREE PSN CODES 2018 **zazozazodu59** - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> FREE PS4 GAMES AND FREE PSN CODES 2018 **zazozazodu59** - Duration: 4:39.


[ENG/CHN SUB] 180617 Morning Call 모닝콜 - WINNER 위너 Game Punishment WWIC2018 - Duration: 0:49.

HOONY: Inseo ah, hurry up to get up since you gotta go to school

You don't want to?

Then play with me! (aegyo tone)

MINO: Inseo ah, hurry up to wake up, the breakfast is ready

hurry up, the food is turning cold

YOON: Don't you hurry your ass up to wake up?!

Food are all cold now!

JINU: (whispering) just sleep more, go back to sleep more, it's fine, it's totally fine, just go back to sleep more, you may sleep more.

(sorry for my scream becuz Jinu has the sweetest morning call in that sense lol)

For more infomation >> [ENG/CHN SUB] 180617 Morning Call 모닝콜 - WINNER 위너 Game Punishment WWIC2018 - Duration: 0:49.


Black Survival Normal game Isol ไอซอล สายTrap กับชัยชนะที่คนเล่นยังไม่เข้าใจ - Duration: 26:29.

For more infomation >> Black Survival Normal game Isol ไอซอล สายTrap กับชัยชนะที่คนเล่นยังไม่เข้าใจ - Duration: 26:29.


Colorful Game - Elsa and Anna are dressing up, going out for PICNIC, Barbie & toddlers wth kid music - Duration: 14:31.

Colorful Game - Elsa and Anna are dressing up, going out for PICNIC, Barbie & toddlers wth kid music

For more infomation >> Colorful Game - Elsa and Anna are dressing up, going out for PICNIC, Barbie & toddlers wth kid music - Duration: 14:31.


The Story of Hideo Kojima: Metal Gear Solid and the Cinematic Game Revolution - Duration: 10:53.

The world of gaming had changed.

The PlayStation had ushered in a new era of polygonal graphics in home consoles.

For the first time, 3D rendered environments were possible on gaming devices that were

in the homes of millions of people.

Game makers were experimenting with an entirely new dimension as they found ways of making

their games feel more immersive and alive.

Some older 2-dimensional game genres were making the transition a lot more successfully

than others.

Hideo Kojima was excited.

Where many of his colleagues saw the third dimension as an obstacle to overcome, he saw

it as his opportunity to finally create the games he'd always wanted to make.

Hideo, already a noteworthy game creator thanks to his work on the Metal Gear series, was

about to blend video games and movie tropes in a way that had never been done before.

He was going to use the impressive power of the PlayStation to completely revolutionize

the idea of what a video game could be…

Most people, Hideo insists, are made up of at least 70% water.

But not Hideo himself.

Instead, he is made up of 70% film.

Hideo was raised by the television, and he'd always dreamed of making movies, before instead

finding his niche making video games.

Even as an adult and an established video game creator, he still felt the filmmaking


Whenever he was recording a home movie of his wife and son, he'd imagine he was a

cameraman on a film set, and he'd do his best to incorporate sweeping camera shots

that, he hoped, lent a greater production value to these videos.

Hideo was working on a title called Policenauts when he first heard of the PlayStation's

technical specifications.

He was blown away.

Realizing just how powerful this machine was, he began to speculate about what games might

look like on this new system.

With the PlayStation, came an opportunity for Hideo to finally live his moviemaking


What if he created a game that was presented like a film?

With dynamic camera angles, fleshed-out characters, and a strong narrative that kept the player

motivated throughout the action?

These elements weren't entirely unheard of in gaming up to this point, but Hideo had

lofty goals of tying everything together in a way that would create an interactive movie.

He wanted this game to feel truly cinematic.

While still working on Policenauts, Hideo began dreaming up ideas for this technically

impressive new game.

He decided that he wanted to return to the Metal Gear series, as now, with all the new

graphical power afforded him by the PlayStation, he could make something new and innovative

with this familiar franchise.

He titled his new creation Metal Gear Solid; a reference to his lead character, Solid Snake,

as well as an indication that this game would have dimensionality that was lacking from

earlier titles.

This game was to feel real and tangible thanks to its polygonal design.

It was like moving from a flat 2D square to a 3D cube.

It was also a subtle dig at a rival company.

Hideo worked for Konami, who wanted to surpass Square, the makers of Final Fantasy.

Hideo was going to show his rivals how to really get video game storytelling right.

Cubes and blocks were also literally used in the development of the game.

Where previously, Hideo had only needed to plot out level spaces on a single, flat plane,

he now needed to think about the way players would explore a 3D environment.

He needed to be able to see the various game areas from new angles before committing to


The solution was to reach for Lego bricks.

As Hideo plotted out the environments that Solid Snake would sneak around, he constructed

areas in miniature to get a sense of the space.

This made for an interesting office environment.

At one point, Hideo's son came to visit him at work, and after that, the little boy

was convinced that his daddy's job was to simply play with Lego all day!

This wasn't the only way that Hideo tried to make the game world feel more real during


At one point, his team were able to perform research by meeting with a SWAT team at Huntington

Beach in California.

They were shown how tactical espionage takes place in the real world.

The team were given the opportunity to watch and participate in drills featuring battering

rams, explosives, firearms, and tanks.

Hideo took particular glee in firing off rounds from a machine gun for the first time, while

his coworkers viewed him warily.

He also got stuck in with a battering ram at one point, haphazardly chipping away at

a locked door piece by piece rather than managing to break it open instantly.

Finally, when the door lay in ruins, he was treated to some slightly hesitant applause

from onlooking SWAT members.

Even back at work in their office, the team consulted regularly with a military advisor

in order to ensure that Metal Gear Solid accurately portrayed a realistic view of stealth and


That said, Hideo refused to stick very rigidly to the reality of modern military rules and


This game was to be a science fiction story, and he wanted to play with as many fantastical

elements as possible.

Hideo felt that the world of Metal Gear Solid should feel a lot like people's idea of

what the 23rd century might look.

He wanted to show that a seemingly faraway, distant future was actually a lot closer than

people thought.

In order to fully capture this, and in order to fill the game with engaging, interesting

and visually distinct characters, Hideo hired a new artist, Yoji Shinkawa.

It was Yoji's job to breathe life into the characters of Metal Gear Solid.

Hideo's vision called for a far larger cast of digital actors, and they needed to look

and feel distinct.

Yoji was already a big fan of Hideo's work, and of the previous Metal Gear games.

He wanted to chew up Solid Snake, digest him, and then produce his own, original version

of the classic character.

Hideo had some suggestions to make as to how Yoji should go about this.

Specifically, Hideo wanted Snake to be bereft of color, with washed out greys.

The logic here was that it would be easier for players to project onto the character

if Snake didn't have too much to distinguish him from the grey environments of the game.

Plus, it made sense from a stealth perspective.

By contrast, Yoji was given tremendous freedom to experiment with the designs of the rest

of the characters in the games.

Together with Hideo, he came up with a series of weird and wonderful characters that matched

the pseudo serious, occasionally farcical tone of the game.

When the first trailer for Metal Gear Solid debuted at the E3 gaming expo, audiences were

taken by complete surprise, and instantly fell in love.

Hideo was incredulous at the reception.

While his work had always been well regarded, he hadn't considered himself to be a hugely

big deal in the worldwide gaming industry.

The trailer for Metal Gear Solid was left playing, looping on a screen, throughout the

entire show.

Hideo spotted some people who had been watching it in the morning who were still there at

the end of the day, staring in awe at the footage.

With so much anticipation came a degree of pressure to deliver, but even so, Hideo still

wasn't aware of just how big of a deal his game was about to become.

He had heard of notable big budget video games selling upwards of a million copies, and he

hoped that his would manage similar numbers.

When it finally released, Metal Gear Solid instead sold over 6 million units.

The game was everywhere, worldwide.

It was a full-blown phenomenon, and many players announced that it was the best game on the


Hideo found himself catapulted from being a well-respected game developer to suddenly

becoming a fully-fledged superstar.

Everyone wanted to know more about him, not just in Japan, but throughout the rest of

the world.

Hideo was pleased.

His dreams had been realized, and he was now free to push the boundaries between games

and movies even further in his future projects.

The moral of the story is that you should hold onto your daydreams.

We don't always get to do the things we wanted to when we were little.

Hideo Kojima carried within his heart to make epic cinematic masterpieces, but even as a

game developer, this wasn't entirely possible.

It was only once technology caught up with Hideo's vision that he was able to make

the kinds of cinematic games that he wanted to.

What's more, he was only in a position to make Metal Gear Solid because he'd developed

other talents in different creative media first.

If you have something that you're passionate about, that doesn't seem to be quite working

out for you at this time, don't give up on that dream.

But see what else you can do in the meantime.

Develop different skills and talents, and see what other interests you can pursue.

You never know how these learning opportunities might be useful later in life.

Pursue your dreams.

Try your best.

If you keep working hard, then even if you don't end up exactly where you expected

in life, you can still feel the joy from doing what you love.

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