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Up to Date with PSJA: Sept. 28 - Duration: 2:40.-------------------------------------------
Facebook security breach: Up to 50 million accounts hacked - Duration: 2:10.-------------------------------------------
Campus police arrest man accused of lifting up students' skirts, possibly taking photos - Duration: 0:21.-------------------------------------------
We Bare Bears - Brother Up Part 3 - Noah Leach - Duration: 3:41.♥ Thanks so much for watching!
What are you talking about big guy it was all a big mistake
I didn't really I got freaked out and it was just this big accident and now wait a minute
accident Oh
Man whoa a brick, I'm gonna go get your brothers. No, they can't find out. I got to start acting like an older brother
Hey, I got a back-up plan, oh great idea
It's working you really show those flee biters who's boss
Dono Charlie, what do we do now? No boy
Hey ice bear to the rescue
Oh Charlie great idea get that trash can over here, okay
Take that
Charlie we need more stuff to stand on let the stacking begin
Charlie quick get us more stuff Oh the well is dry. Amigos Ice Bear thinks we need help
Good fight
Um Grey's about what happened I just want to know man, this is my bad you're the glue that keeps us together
I can't take that for granted now on we'll be fair about everything. Thanks man. Ice Bear wants to be top bear now, uh,
Okay, I think grace should be on top
Mom puts up billboard to honor daughter, save others - Duration: 1:37.-------------------------------------------
September Wrap Up Part 2 - Duration: 15:24.Hi everyone. I'm rincey and this is rincey reads. Today I'm here to do my
September wrap-up part 2. Yeah September was a pretty good reading month or at
least the second half of September was a pretty good reading month. I read a
decent amount of things. So I'm just gonna jump right in. So first up I have a
gentleman's murder by Christopher Huang. This is a historical mystery
book that I read for the read or dead podcast because we were doing an episode
on historical mysteries. And I like this one. It's a very strong debut. It's not
perfect. I think I gave it a 4 out of 5 stars on Goodreads but it's probably
closer to like a three and a half ish. So this one takes place in 1920s in London.
You are following this character named Eric who was I believe a lieutenant
during World War I and he gets and admittance into this soldiers only Club in
London called the Britannia. And it's one of those clubs that his father was
actually part of like the founding of it and whatnot. But yeah, you are following
basically this like crew of former soldiers. One day a man from the club is
murdered inside the club. And so you are trying to figure out what exactly is
going on here. So that's like the basic summary here but there is a lot more to
this story. Eric himself is actually of mixed-race.
He is half Chinese and white, I don't remember what European descent he is. And so
there's a lot of discussions happening in here about what it's like to be half
Chinese. There's even discussions in here about like the differences that he
experiences versus his sister in this book. Eric is-- In this book Eric has like
a lot more traditionally Asian features while his sister is much more like white
passing. And so he talks about how like he was treated differently and how
people treat his sister differently and all of these different things. Since this
is set in the 1920s, this is soon after World War I has ended. And so there are
also discussions in here about World War I and the PTSD that a lot of soldiers
had from World War I. And personally I really enjoyed that. I think it's because
I read so much more about World War II and historical fiction either set
during or right after or dealing with World War II that it was kind
nice to see a historical fiction book deal more with World War I. Especially
because I know that World War I was a lot more messy when it comes to a war.
Like one of my things about the way that we talk about World War II specifically
is that we tie it up in this like nice neat bow. Like there's very clearly good
people and there's very clearly bad people and these are the battles and all
these different things. And world war II was a little bit more complicated and a
little bit more messy and there were a lot more ramifications in terms of PTSD
it seemed like because of the changes in fighting style that people weren't ready
for or trained for and things like that. So they touch upon those things in this
book which I really enjoyed. So yeah, like this isn't a perfect
mystery in the sense that it's kind of unevenly paced. There are parts in here
that did feel like it was dragging quite a bit and there are a lot of characters
to keep track of. Just a warning for that. But this was a pretty strong debut and I
think there's going to be more books by Christopher Huang following Eric so I'm
definitely going to be continuing on with these books as they come out.
But yeah, if you are looking for a historical mystery that has like something a little
bit different going on, I definitely recommend a gentleman's murder. And
especially if you enjoy that sort of like Golden Age detective sort of
British mystery series thing, this definitely falls into that category very,
very well. Alright did the next book, I suppose you could say, novella that I
finished was artificial condition by Martha Wells. This is the second book in
the murder bot series. I talked about in my last wrap-up how I was reading all
systems read for the first time and how I was really, really enjoying it. And I
like basically just went ahead and picked up books two and three from the
library. I haven't read book three yet. I am kind of enjoying like spacing them
out a little bit just because I'm saving it for when I like need something really
enjoyable basically. These are really nice palate cleanser novellas because
they are really interesting and really intriguing and really engaging but also
really comforting in a weird way. So yeah, in this story, you continue to
follow murder bot. You find out that she has left the crew that she was with in
the last story. So I was a little bit saddened by that but you do get to meet
a new bot named ART and I really enjoyed
the interactions between ART and murderbot. But I will say I didn't like this one
quite as much as the first one if only because murderbot doesn't have to
interact with people quite as much. And I think part of what made the first book
so fun was watching her relationship with the humans and the way things
changed and develop and things like that. But they are making sort of like a
deeper backstory for murderbot and you get to find out more things about the
situation that occurred in the past that they reference in the first story. I'm
not gonna like go into super deep details in case, I don't know, spoilers or
whatever. Although it's such a minor thing. But yeah, they start to do a little
bit of a deeper dive into murderbot's backstory, which is really interesting.
And yeah, again, these are just delightful novellas and I have book
three from the library, too. So I will hopefully be reading that one next month.
I still highly recommend this series if you haven't checked it out yet. It's
really just fun and delightful and interesting and heartwarming and all of
those adjectives that I've used a lot. Alright next I have what it was probably
my most anticipated book of the month and that is lethal white by Robert
Galbraith. I talked about this one just a tiny bit in I think my last video. So
this is the fourth book in the Corman Strike series. If you aren't aware, Robert
Galbraith is a pseudonym for J.K. Rowling. I have read all of the books in the series.
I love this series. This is a series where the day comes out, I buy it
immediately and started immediately and finish it immediately. I think I rated it
4 out of 5 stars on Goodreads. I may have created a 3 out of 5 stars on Goodreads
actually now that I'm thinking about it. I like this book but I have some
problems with it and I talk about most of this in my Goodreads review. But first
of all this book is 650 pages which is way too long for a mystery book. Like I
don't care what you have to say about it, 650 pages is too long for a mystery.
So there is a lot of just sort of convoluted stuff that happens in this
story. There's also a lot of repetitiveness in this story. But a lot
of the repetitiveness doesn't have to do with the mystery itself but more has to
deal with Robin and Strike and their relationship. So obviously with each book
JK Rowling, or Robert Galbraith or whatever,
keeps amping up sort of the tension and the attraction between Robin and Strike.
So my whole thing is that I don't like them as a romantic couple. I love them as
a partnership. I love the scenes where they are
together and solving crimes and like bouncing ideas off of each other and
brainstorming together and working together and all of those things. Love it
so, so much. But in this book, they start to get real
angsty about their feelings or their denial of feelings or whatever it is.
There are so many scenes in here where Robin and Matthew have a scene together
and then they end up having a fight and something about strike comes up and then
they end up mad at each other. There are so many scenes in here where
Robin and Strike feel uncomfortable around each other and they don't feel
comfortable talking to each other and then they sort of make a little bit of
progress towards having a normal relationship again. But then they somehow
for whatever reason keep like reverting back. There are so many times
in here where they just talk about how they don't really know how they feel
about each other. Just, there's just like a lot of
repetitiveness in this story and I feel like if you had taken out some of those
scenes you wouldn't have really lost a whole lot from the story and you
probably could have cut this down by like a hundred pages. But I still love
these characters a whole, whole lot. JK Rowling is really, really great at
creating really compelling characters that you just fall in love with. Like I
love, again, Robin and Strike's partnership. I love them solving crimes together.
There is a new character that I think is introduced in this book named Barclay
who I adored. He doesn't get a whole lot of page time in this book and I'm hoping
that that changes in future books and he gets a lot more. And I'm hoping that
changes in future books and he gets sort of like a larger part of the mystery. But
yeah, like I'm still gonna keep reading these. I still enjoy them but I don't
love this one a whole lot because I feel like it should have been edited down
quite a bit. I feel like this one got a little bit out of hand. Now I will say I
keep making the joke that this is following like the Harry Potter series
pattern where each book is slowly getting larger. Like the last book was
around like 400 ish pages and book three of the Harry Potter series I think is
close to like 400 pages or so. This one is 650 pages and that's pretty close to
the page count of Goblet of Fire. And so if she continues
on this trend that means the next book is going to be like 800 pages long and
I'm not okay with it. I'm just making the thing right now. Will I still read it? Yes,
of course. Am I okay with it? No I am not. So yes, in the end, like I said, I gave it a 3
out of 5 stars. Your enjoyment of this book is going to rely heavily on how
much you like Robin and Strike as a couple. I know a lot of people who really,
really enjoy them as a couple and so you guys are probably going to love this
book a lot more than I did. But yeah, I still really like the series
a whole lot. So yeah. Alright the next book that I read was the last place you
look by Kristen Lepionka. I almost dropped my book there. So this is one I
read for the read or dead podcast. We were doing an episode or we just released an
episode about LGBTQ detectives or books that feature LGBTQ detectives. And so I
picked this one up. You are following this private investigator named Roxane
who is bisexual and she lives in Ohio. She gets hired by someone that her
brother knows to look into the disappearance of this girl named Sarah Cook.
Sarah Cook disappeared around like five years ago and her parents were brutally
murdered. The girl that hires Roxane, her brother Brad was convicted of the
murders. And so one day she's, like the sister is at a diner or something along
those lines I'm like looks across the way and believes that she sees Sarah
Cook. And so she hires Roxanne to look into it to see if Sarah Cook is around
and alive and that will hopefully help get her brother off of death row. But
then as Roxanne starts looking into this missing persons case,
there is, as you would expect, a lot more happening than originally meets the eye.
So yeah, this was a really strong mystery book as well. This is also a debut. I gave
this a 3 out of 5 stars that it's not perfect and there are certain things in
here that feel very stereotypical. But I really like Roxanne as a character. She
has like that Veronica Mars-y type of vibe but if Veronica Mars had a lot more
issues. And Veronica Mars already has a decent amount of issues but like Roxanne
has a drinking problem and she has very messy relationships and has difficult
relationships with her family members or some of her family members. Her dad
recently passed away and so she's dealing with that
as well. And her dad was a detective and so there's just all of the baggage that
comes with that. But yeah, like I said, this is a strong debut if you are
looking for a new mystery series that features a bisexual detective then this
is a good one to pick up. It features her with both male and female relationships.
So there's that. And then there's also like something cute that happens with
one of the teenage girls in this story. I don't want to give too much away. But
yeah I enjoyed this and I think that this was a good author to pick up if you
enjoy just like your standard private detective sort of stories. I do want to
give like a slight trigger warning for abuse, both physical and sexual.
It doesn't get like super graphic or anything like that but like towards the
end of the book even I started feeling just like a little bit uncomfortable. So
yeah, I just like to provide that when I remember to. So yeah, 3 out of 5 stars.
This will be an author I sort of like keep my eye on. I think that it's a good
strong mystery and it was a really fast read as well. Like I think I finished
this in two and a half days or something along those lines. Because it's like less
than 300 pages and it's one of those stories that like keeps you hooked. Alright
and the final book that I have finished this month is the fire at this time a
new generation speaks about race and this is an essay anthology edited by
Jesmyn Ward. So I read this slowly over the course of the month. I was slowly was
reading an essay here or there sort of like in-between other books and things
like that. And I really enjoyed this a lot. Some of the essays are significantly
stronger than others. Like I think actually the first couple of essays for
me personally were like the weakest and the least engaging, which I think is part
of the reason why I had a hard time reading this one towards the beginning.
But then I got into some other essays and like I came to essays of writers
that I knew and were familiar with and whose writing I had enjoyed and
things like that and I started to get more and more engaged with the book as
the book went on. And like some of the essays in here are so, so well done. The
essay white rage but Carol Anderson is probably my favorite out of the
collection and I didn't know that she had like expanded that and written a
full book called white rage. So I now have that on my list of books to read.
Blacker than thou by Kevin Young was also really, really good and it talks
about Rachel Dolezal and that whole nonsense. And it also sort of
relates to his book called, is it bunked or debunked? Something like that which
talks about like hoaxes and stuff like that. There's an essay in here from
Claudia Rankine, which is fantastic. There's an essay in here from Kiese
Laymon who wrote about Outkast and like how hearing Outkast was like one of the
first times he saw himself seen as an artist. Because he's from like the south
and like their style of rapping and the things that they reference and things
like that made him realize that he had a very
specific like voice and point of view and things like that that he could
express in his art and writing himself. So yes, if you are looking for a
essay anthology, if you are doing the read harder challenge because I use this one
for my read harder challenge, I think that this is a good one to pick up.
I will say again like some of them aren't as strong as others but when they hit,
they hit hard. And I really, really recommend this essay collection. And I
also think that this is a good way to get introduced to new and different
black writers. So yes, recommend it. Oh there's also some poetry in here which
is very nice because I'm someone who doesn't read a lot of poetry but I
really enjoyed the poetry that was in this collection. So yeah, that's
everything that I have for you guys, leave a comment down below letting me
know what you guys read this month. If there is a book that was particularly
your favorite or something along those lines or if you read one of these books
and you want to talk to me about it, I always love doing that down in the
comments section below. Or if you have any questions about any of these books,
always leave those questions down in the comments section as well. And also a
reminder that I have a video coming out on Monday. If you watched my sort of
talky video that I did last week where I talked about all my projects, Monday that
videos coming out. So yes, see you all then. Kind of. I don't really see you guys
but you know what I mean. So yeah, that's all I have for now and thanks for watching.
Silsbee High School gears up for homecoming game against Lumberton - Duration: 2:52.-------------------------------------------
Kyung Seok & Mi Rae || Light Me Up. - Duration: 3:07.In middle school,
I remember laughing only once...
-it was because of you.
Big Weekend Warm Up Ahead - Duration: 2:14.-------------------------------------------
Senator Dole tears up as Washburn dedicates statue in his honor - Duration: 2:36.-------------------------------------------
Episode 8. Mayo King - Duration: 16:19.-------------------------------------------
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia | Season 13 Ep. 4: Crank It Up Scene | FXX - Duration: 1:08.Got to get your shit together, Frank.
-You... -Oh, I wish I was dead.
These vultures are picking my carcass clean.
Whoa, Frank. Hey, stop talking.
-Where'd you get that robe? -Upstairs.
I got to get one of them, man. Nice.
Whoa. Wait, Jesus, Mac. What the hell happened to you?
I'm gonna be honest. The first half has not gone well.
-You got exposed, too? -Oh, yeah, he did. Big time.
He did a role-play thing, it went bad.
Wait, role-playing thing? Y-You were supposed to do nothing.
I mean, n-now you're all sweaty and twitchy?
Well, it's-it's so hot in here.
I mean, I feel like they crank up the heat.
Oh, they cranked it up. I'm roasting.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Which one of you just grabbed my ass?
Did you see that? Did you see--
t-that is a problem for us.
T-Their powers are growing. Okay?
Now, we got to start taking this more seriously, okay?
Can you guys just go back in there and do nothing, okay?
Just don't say or do anything.
BMW X5 3.0D XDRIVE HIGH EXECUTIVE Head up Adapt. Cruise Hifi 259PK! Zondag a.s. open! - Duration: 1:11.-------------------------------------------
BEAUTY EMPTIES | Products that I Used Up (CC Vietsub) - Duration: 7:22.-------------------------------------------
Fountain-Fort Carson picks up first home win over Legend - Duration: 1:13.-------------------------------------------
Mother considers legal action after breastfeeding mix-up at hospital - Duration: 3:05.-------------------------------------------
Phrasal Verbs - Back Down, Back Off, Back Out, Back Up - Duration: 5:27.Hello! Tudo bem? Qué tal? Ça va?
What's up guys? Welcome back to Phrasal Verb Friday!
In today's video, I'm going to teach you how to use the following phrasal verbs like a native speaker:
But before we get started, remember to subscribe to the channel, click on the bell,
and turn on the English subtitles if you need them.
Okay, are you ready? Let's take a look!
So, first let's start with the phrasal verb "back down."
We use this phrasal verb when someone quits or surrenders when they are faced with some challenge.
Perhaps someone else or something else too strong or intimidating
makes the person decide not to take on the challenge.
Let's take a look at an example of this phrasal verb used in a sentence.
In this example, you can see that the man was originally planning to fight,
but when he saw how big his enemy was, he decided to quit. He backed down.
Here's another example.
As you can see in this example and the previous example, it's very common to use the word "from"
after the phrase "back down" to explain what caused the person to quit.
How about you? Do you ever back down from a challenge?
Alright, now let's look at the phrasal verb "back off."
We use this phrasal verb to show that someone stops doing something to another person.
This phrase is usually used in contexts where someone is doing something negative to someone
or where someone is doing something to some person that that person does not appreciate.
Let me show you an example of this phrasal verb used in a sentence.
In this example, the person is bothering the girl because he keeps sending her messages,
so he is told to stop, to back off.
Here are a couple more examples.
Notice that in all these examples, the phrase "back off" is used by itself without any objects.
With this phrasal verb, we never use an object. You can't back off something; that doesn't make sense.
You just simply back off.
So the next time that someone is bothering you, you can tell them to back off.
Okay, now let's look at the phrasal verb "back out."
We use this phrasal verb to show that someone previously committed to do something,
but then later they decide not to do it.
If you back out of something, people are probably not going to be too happy with you,
because you already said that you were going to do that thing, and now you're saying that you won't.
Let's look at an example of this phrasal verb used in a sentence.
In this example, we see that someone committed to help with the event, but then right before the event starts,
he says that he can't do it anymore. He backed out of his commitment.
Here are a couple more examples.
As you can see, when someone backs out of something, the situation usually turns negative.
Also, there's one other meaning of the phrasal verb back out.
When you're in a car, and you're parked in a parking space,
and you need to go in reverse to leave that parking space,
in English we say that you "back out" of that parking space.
Does that make sense?
Alright, lastly, let's look at the phrasal verb "back up."
This phrasal verb has a few meanings, but I'm just going to teach you the most common one.
We use the phrasal verb "back up" to mean support.
If you back someone up, that means that you are supporting them or defending them in front of other people.
Usually, it means that that person is in an argument or fight with other people,
and you either support what that person says,
or you defend that person when they are verbally or physically attacked by the other people.
Let's take a look at an example. Let's pretend I say the following:
In this example, I'm talking to someone else,
and I ask Carl to support and defend what I'm saying because the other person doesn't believe me.
I'm asking Carl to back up what I'm saying.
Here are some other examples.
In this last example, the speaker tells the person that they need to support their claims with evidence.
They can't just say something and expect people to believe it, they need to back up their claims.
Okay, now it's time for you to practice with what we've learned today.
Leave a comment down below using these phrasal verbs in your own sentences.
Let's see if you can use them correctly.
Alright, I hope this video was helpful for you.
Remember to give this video a like,
share it with your friends and family,
and subscribe to the channel.
I'll see you next time!
Aaron Ramsey won't let up before he leaves Arsenal - Emery - Duration: 3:22.Unai Emery has backed Aaron Ramsey to prove his worth amid the Welshman's ongoing contract situation
The Arsenal midfielder's deal expires at the end of the season.He had agreed fresh terms on a four-year contract with the north London club but that offer was withdrawn as talks broke down
That means Ramsey, who has been at the club since 2008, is likely to leave on a free transfer at the end of the season
Manchester United, Chelsea and Juventus are all keen to sign him — and the Wales international would consider a move overseas
Arsenal may try to cash in on the Wales international in January but Ramsey is thought to be keen to stay until the end of the season, knowing that he would be likely to receive a better financial offer if he moved on without a transfer fee
And Emery admitted the 27-year-old has to do what was best for himself — while suggesting that focusing on his displays for Arsenal will provide the best platform to do so
Emery said: 'We want the control for the three elements — for the club, for the player and for me
I want to give them the most stability to show us they can be focused on the performance only and to show us with each match
'In the football years I know the same situation.Because the football career for the players is very short
They are professionals for 10, 12 or 15 years, but not more, and need to take the best performance and also work very hard in these years for the future and the family's future
'Now I am sure the best for us and the best for him is to take this opportunity to do the best performance each match, to show everyone his best quality
' Emery, who has led Arsenal to six straight wins in all competitions, also suggested he would not be dropping Ramsey due to the questions over his future
Asked about Saturday's game against Watford, he said: 'I am not going to change my idea
' And when it was put to him that the uncertainty could affect Ramsey's performances, the Spanish manager added: 'I think not
I want to have also the best preparation for him for his mentality and his quality to give us our best performance, to help us to win
' Emery will be able to call on Sokratis Papastathopoulos against Watford, who are a point ahead of Arsenal in fourth, after he recovered rapidly from a groin injury suffered in the Everton game
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