Little Baby Spiderman Lollipop Finger Family Songs
Finger Family Nursery Rhymes for Children | Wild Animals,Dinosaur,Toddlers,Gorilla,Arcus N Media - Duration: 3:19.wild animals finger family nursery rhymes
Family Guy A Shot In The Dark Part 3 - Henry William - Duration: 3:49.PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE Thanks you very much!
Whose rights not to be shot
Look Cleveland what?
Delecti sure. I thought he had a gun. I never want to do anything to hurt you or your family
You're my friend. I was your friend now get out of here. You're nothing but a worthless
Wow, I really messed up I haven't felt this bad since I drove by that speed sign
Hey, is anybody know if Cleveland's coming by I was hoping to apologize and collect his deposit for the community watch shirts
I talked to him earlier. Yeah, he doesn't want to be anywhere near you. Hey, look, they're talking about the shooting
Good evening, two nights ago. There was a shooting right here in our own backyard the victim a fourteen-year-old boy named Cleveland Brown jr
Joining me tonight is his father Cleveland Brown. So that's not really Quahog. It's just a big picture now. Mr. Brown
I understand you're trying to get the police to reopen the investigation
That's right tom my family and I believe this shooting was a hate crime and we'd like to see mr
Griffin held accountable for his actions
Hate crime, that's crazy. I love all people
I love blacks. I love Asians. Hell, I even love gay Aborigines
Wow, this is just great Peter everyone in town hates us now the cashier at the grocery store told her to push on and then
She snapped her fingers. And now I think she's my new favorite lady in the world. I don't understand. I'm not a racist
It's well-documented that my dream three-way is s epatha Merkerson and CCH pounder
Yes, this is c CH c CH this is s it is my intention that we conduct this with both sexiness and dignity Peter
This is a hot-button issue. I mean you shot an african-american kid. Of course. This isn't just gonna go away
It's gotta be something I can do to make things right? I'll just have to prove to everybody that I'm not a racist
How are you gonna do without well for starters? I'm gonna head over to the YMCA
There's nothing black guys like more than out-of-shape indoor basketball white guys
Hey, I'm trying my best here and trying is what matters most of all
You're right, dear. We need to give you a chance no matter what color your skin is. Come on. Let's play some ball
Then Peter and his new friends went for ice cream the end
Okay kids are your parents out of the room good let's get back to sloppy flappers magazine
What are you doing Louis to show I'm in touch with what it's like to be african-american
I am gonna go to the middle of the town square get naked and paint myself Brown. No, no, that's offensive
You can't pretend to be black. That's a stupid idea what it's a stupid idea. You're a stupid man
It's never been this bad before what do we do well
Family Success What do you have to invest - Duration: 9:43.ever looked at another family and wondered how do they do it everyone
seems so put together they're so organized
and their kids are like nice they must have a deal with the devil let's talk
about it very Smith here with you to stock community pastor author husband
father and a guy who's dealt with my share of family dysfunction not just my
own which I talk about a lot but after 25 years of pastoral care ministry
coaching and counseling I can assure you that we're all jacked up now be sure to
watch this video till the end as I've got a free powerful and super helpful
PDF with numerous resources to help you be a family success which is the point
of this video series family success what do we have to lose what do we have to
invest and what do we have to focus on the reason that I've done this series is
because there's just too many jacked up families out there and it doesn't have
to be this way divorce is about as common as getting a
filling at the dentist whether it's someone cheating or an addiction
financial pressures or the elusive irreconcilable differences broken
marriages and broken homes are way too common and broken homes are turning out
broken kids more than three and 10 kids grow up in broken homes and it's these
kids who account for 70% of those in juvenile detention 63% of teen suicides
71% of teen pregnancies ninety percent of homeless juveniles and runaways 71
percent of high school dropout seventy-five percent of all drug users
and 85 percent of behavioral disorders according to the Richmond Times
newspaper a few years ago and 70% of all long-term prison inmates grow up in
broken homes if Americans don't put some intentionality into our marriages and
into our kids and into our families in general we're going to keep producing
what we have been producing which is quite frankly a mess
according to Esther Perel psychotherapist and best-selling author
of the state of affairs both happy and miserable couples
experienced the same problems it is how each couple comes together and relates
to each other that defines whether the relationship will thrive or end I agree
with Esther I didn't anticipate saying something like that on a video but
everyone has problems every marriage and every family has their share of issues
the difference between flourishing and failing families is investment so if
you're ready to have family success and keep families together we have to invest
in three distinct areas number one invest in effort now that may sound a
little weird but it's so true we must make an effort sometimes it's an effort
of time time is your number one commodity where do you spend it you may
be surprised that families fail because of a lack of time spent in the
relationships there's also the effort of attention it's not just enough to put in
the time we have to give our attention to there are thousands of distractions
even when we give our family our time especially our cell phones put them down
finally there's the effort of intentionality time and attention are
great but without adding specific intentionality they fall short for sure
we have to be more intentional with our time and our attention putting in these
three efforts takes sacrifice and that my friends is why so many families are
failing it's the sacrifice and that's tough it's serious work if it was easy
there wouldn't be so many divorces and broken homes nor would there be all the
crimes and suicides and drug abuse that's out there to be a family success
you not only invest in effort you invest number two in priorities just putting in
the effort is not enough you've got to make your family a priority where do
they fall in the grand scheme of things of your life only you can decide that
but decide you must and that brings us to your message in a tweet if you don't
get anything else get this you can post this on Facebook Instagram or Twitter to
not make your family a priority is to state that they are not your priority to
not make your family a priority is too actually say and make public they are
not your priority and that's kind of brutal I know for me this is my priority
scale number one God number two spouse number three kids and
number four everything else notice that my job and career aren't
mentioned of course my career in my church and my friends are all important
but they fall into the everything else category I'm at liberty to rearrange
those things in almost any order I want once I have the first three in place
because listen if God is number one he'll guide me in number for everything
else and if I Jack that up God will reveal that to me through the power of
the Holy Spirit also notice that my wife is a priority over my kids you may not
agree but it's biblical and if I want to have success and raising my family I
will show my kids that my wife is a priority over them because let's face it
it's not only biblical but one day those kids are going to move out hopefully and
it'll just be me and my wife I've got eighteen to twenty years or so
with my kids and a lifetime with my wife successful families know how to
prioritize and to not make your family a priority is to state that they are not
your priority invest in effort invest in priorities and number three invest in
help in the first video of this series we lost three roadblocks ego comparisons
and the perfectionist mentality once the ego is gone and you realize that you're
not going to be perfect you absolutely must get help from time to time these
helps could come in the form of books courses podcasts blogs and youtubers a
couple of muster ebooks for spouses are his needs her needs by Willard F Harley
jr. and the five love languages by Gary Chapman both are foundational to a
successful marriage and their ultra practical I've also posted the links to
raising girls by Melissa Trevathan and Cissy golf as well as wild things the
art of nurturing boys by Steven James and David Thomas two incredible and
insightful books on raising your kids online courses are also a great help to
my wife and I just launched some courses online and one happens to be on
sale right now it's called the marriage transformation blueprint' and the other
courses on parenting are going to be available soon
they are super practical and so valuable for you in being a family success and
they have a money-back guarantee to boot those links are all listed below if you
would like to purchase that there are numerous podcasts blogs and youtubers
out there from the behemoth focus on the family to thousands of youtubers who
focus on parenting or marriage or moms or single parenting and that just about
anything you could imagine my wife and I have a YouTube channel called family
with purpose where you can see dozens of free videos that we post weekly with
insight on all things family from marriage and parenting to decluttering
and decorating we even have a series on preparing to send your first kid to
college the point is everyone needs help from time to time if you want to have
family success getting help is a no brainer trying to do it on your own is a
waste of time and energy get some help to have family success you got to invest
in number one effort time attention and intentionality which takes sacrifice
number two priorities for me it's God spouse kids and everything else but your
family has to be a priority somewhere or you're stating that they're not your
priority and the final area is help books courses podcasts blogs and
youtubers some are free and some cost a few bucks but the dividends are
invaluable when we invest in these three areas we will be better our spouses will
be better our kids will be better and our society will be better and that's an
awesome place to be and to help you out I have a very special free PDF to give
you just click the link below and let me know where to send it I summarized this
message and lists all of the books and courses and the links that I mentioned
on marriage and parenting plus some more valuable links this will help you be the
successful family that God has called you to be just click that link and let
me know where to send it and take a minute and post which of the areas of
these three areas do you plan to invest in this week effort priorities or help
you go ahead and post that right now what area can you work on this week you
do that right now and as always like share comment subscribe to this channel
it helps us get the message out there and if you like our stuff consider
supporting us with a tip on PayPal or a tax-deductible donation at you choose
community the links are all below a lot of links this week we'd certainly
appreciate it so right now go ahead hit that thumbs up and share this thing
because no doubt somebody you know probably needs to hear this
until next time you click that link to get that free pdf and a recap of this
message with some valuable links on marriage and parenting
Family Guy A Shot In The Dark Part 2 - Henry William - Duration: 3:49.PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE Thanks you very much!
My heart always timidly hides itself behind my mind I
Set out to bring down stars from the sky
Oh, oh my god. Four men are beating me my arm. I think it is broken
Who are you guys? Why why I'll give you anything
If you would only stop hitting me, please stop pulling my nose. It is not fake
I think I am dying. Please take me to the hospital
Your words have been witched me. I need your arms around me
Come to my chamber at once and bring pain key and bring poundcake
Peter please come to bed enough of the community watch. We live in a very safe Street Lois
You wouldn't believe the things we see out there. There was a kid riding his bike while holding a tennis racket for real
Come on, let's fool around or watch a movie. I'll finally click that crackle icon on the TV Lois
I am an unelected vigilante and I take my job very seriously
Like serious George. Hey George want to go to the park. Uh, thank you, but no it's a beautiful day
Lots of mischief to get into I don't doubt that but as you can see, I'm pretty busy
I'm trying to get a head start on my taxes. Oh, I see trying to figure out a way to deduct bananas. Ah
Cuz I eat bananas terrific Hey you're inside so don't wear a hat unless you're leaving which would be terrific also
What the hell hey you
Step away from that table
See brain-fuck window. Sorry. Oh
No right there. I'm warning you hands where I can see them
Leave like jr. Oh my god
Shoo unlike you I just dodged a bullet
Okay, next is the Brown family Oh, oh my goodness. I'm so sorry
Sometimes I write descriptions of my patients to help me remember them. No, it's okay. Our last name is brown. Oh, okay
Whew, ah then this must be chubster dumb-dumb?
I'm sorry, sir, no visitors. Excuse me. I'll have you know, I'm the shooter
Sarah how's he doing? How's he doing? How do you think he's doing? You shot my son. Well Cleveland, I'm real. Sorry
I thought someone was breaking into your house and I panicked it was dark
I I don't know why he didn't just say it was him. I couldn't hear you. I was listening to music
I want to turn it down and the next thing I know you shot me
Why how are you climbing in the window of your own house?
Anyway, my dad says opening the door lets out too much air conditioning. I already have a bullet in my son
I don't need one in my wallet. You wouldn't have fired that gun if he was white, that's not true
I'll shoot anybody Joe. Give me a gun. Here you go. Wait a second. Look, let's all just calm down. Calm down
I want this racist out the room and I want him arrested
Racist I put these gloves on for everybody. Oh, oh you're talking to him
Look, the police department has deemed the shooting accidental given the circumstances Peter was within his rights to fire his weapon
And what about my son?
Family Friendly- Wojna przyjaźni - Duration: 2:18.-------------------------------------------
Our Family Chuseok in 10 min!! - Duration: 10:15.
Hello grandfather.
Grandfather, you have many fans (on YouTube).
Hello grandmother.
Many people have been waiting to see you in another video.
It looks delicious.
Why do Koreans cut the top part off?
It's a way to show respect to our ancestors.
It brings us luck.
Yes, this is for your benefit. If I treat our ancestors well they will help you be successful.
We have the ability to perform the ceremony and it's good for us too.
Of course you can do it, you're rich grandma haha
Anyway, that's why we do it.
Did we have watermelon last year?
Marilu, want's to know if we had watermelon last year for Chuseok.
[[ Preparing the alcohol for the ceremony. ]]
[[ We put up the names of our ancestors so that they can find their way to our table. ]]
You only know how to cut the fruit.
Be careful, I have a knife (so don't tease me).
Aunt, look what my mom is doing!
This is a big knife, so don't tease me!
It's water kimchi.
Is it good?
How do you feel about going to the army?
I don't want to go.
Is it octopus?
It's web foot octopus. (a smaller version)
[[ They will go to the army soon so they are asking for good luck. ]]
[[ She will take the college entrance exam soon, so she also needs luck. ]]
Time to eat!!
[[ He also got a Chuseok present haha ]]
Night walking.
Pension time with my maternal relatives.
I brought my camera.
You're just like your mom (always taking pictures).
Don't record me!
You don't have that right haha
Hyunbin, say hello.
Siyoon, say hi.
You want to record me? jaja
We should stand up (to say hello).
Sasha Pieterse Lifestyle 2018 ★ Net Worth ★ Biography ★ House ★ Cars ★ Family - Duration: 3:00.Sasha Pieterse Lifestyle 2018
Sasha Pieterse Lifestyle 2017
Sasha Pieterse Lifestyle
Sasha Pieterse Nationality
Sasha Pieterse
Sasha Pieterse Family
Sasha Pieterse Husband
sasha pieterse parents
sasha pieterse cars
sasha pieterse car collection
sasha pieterse house
sasha pieterse pet
sasha pieterse tv show
sasha pieterse facebook
sasha pieterse twitter
sasha pieterse instagram
Actor Kumaran Thangaraj Family Photos - Kumaran with Wife Suhasini and Child - Duration: 2:31.Actor Kumaran Thangaraj Family Photos - Kumaran with Wife Suhasini and Child
Family Guy A Shot In The Dark Part 1 - Henry William - Duration: 3:49.PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE Thanks you very much!
It seems today that all you see is violence in movies and sex on TV
But where are those good?
old-fashioned values which we used to rely
Hey great idea bringing the couch out here from your den Peter
Yeah Lois and I dragged it out here last night for a little hump sesh so I figured I'd let it dry. Oh
That's one of those words that if you say it over and over it starts to sound silly Joe
You need to take a class on small talk. You're not gonna believe this. I'm in one it sure is cloudy today
Good you could have also responded to Janet who said her son died. I'm sorry your son died on such a cloudy day
All right kids here's your bacon I called the paper towel, ah, damn it
You gotta move fast when Meg's at the table Brian. All right. Well, I get the box when we have pizza for dinner
Doesn't work that way. You gotta call it when it's happening
Good morning family. I'll be out front with the guys if anybody needs me Peter
I thought we were gonna try to get the garden going again today. I know sweetie, but then I realized how stupid that is
Okay. Bye you guys are my everything
Why'd you ever marry him believe it or not? He used to look like a young Gene Hackman
That's that that's that's not even good
It's going
What's gone what dragon couch somebody must have stole it? You left the couch out on the curb?
Well, somebody probably thought it was trash and took it
You said you were gonna bring the couch right back in what were you thinking?
I'll tell you what. I was thinking. I was thinking we lived in a safe neighborhood, but apparently I was wrong
Wait, you're saying you were
Rude rude I get it the Fonz can't say wrong. No Peter. He's 70. He's having a stroke
Wow theater, I think starting a community watch is a great idea. Yeah, I even got shirts made up for us
This is quality work. Where did you get these via the web? Hey listen Cho. Um, you think you can get us all guns?
No, Peter, they're too dangerous besides you can't just go get a gun
You have to be certified in gun safety you go through an extensive background screening process Adam Oh
How'd you get him so quick that was easy like pressing that easy button at the office supply store
Hey, thanks for all your help. No problem. Once you go ahead and hit the easy button, okay?
What did I just do don't worry about it
Hey quagmire, you're a sex guy you watch any good
Porto's lately, I mean
I guess so. What's your pleasure? What kind of movies you like? I don't know milf stuffs kind of cool
What about you Amy? I have very particular tastes
I like a soapy bottom what well softcore soaked up butts like from a pg-13 camp movie
I can't get enough of it drives me wild. Okay, let's talk about something else. All right
It's kind of too cool for the air-conditioner and too warm for the heater, huh, ah
I gotta walk that boner off, huh? Yeah
Hey guys, you better come with me there's some weird big nose guy hiding in the bushes outside some chicks house
Family and friends support Beau Chêne homecoming queen on her debut - Duration: 0:26.-------------------------------------------
Learn Colors With #Minions & #Octopus ! Funny Finger Family Nursery Rhymes 4k #Toys for kids videos - Duration: 1:55.
◐Choco-Tale Minimation -5-2-◐The Family ◐ [Undertale mini_drama] - Duration: 2:31.-------------------------------------------
VJ Anjana Family Photos - Anjana with her husband and baby - Duration: 2:48.VJ Anjana Family Photos Anjana with her husband and baby
Middle class family 👪 life's? - Duration: 8:50.-------------------------------------------
◐Choco-Tale Minimation -5-1-◐ The Family ◐ [Undertale mini_drama] - Duration: 2:47.-------------------------------------------
Cynthia Bailey's Mom "Fires" Her from the Job of Family Protector | Iyanla: Fix My Life | OWN - Duration: 1:57.Forgive me, Cynthia, Malorie.
I didn't know any better, cause my mom stayed
with my dad no matter what.
BARBARA BAILEY: And I felt like I
really didn't have anywhere to go,
because he controlled everything.
Cynthia, you don't have to be the boss of the family anymore.
- I am the boss-- - Oh, my god.
BARBARA BAILEY: --of the family.
And I want to take better responsibility.
So I'm just-- you're fired, OK?
That would be great, but I don't believe that that's
what's going to happen.
Why not?
Because I didn't pick the position.
I was given the position.
IYANLA VANZANT: You took the position.
I took the position.
I think old habits die hard, and I
think people are who they are.
And we all are a certain age at this point.
But that includes you too.
And let them fall.
Let them fall.
Because they have to learn that they can get up.
There's a distinction between supporting someone because you
can and dragging them along with you
because you think you have to.
You've been dragging them because you think you have to.
Let them fall.
You don't have to look after us anymore.
You have a lot going on in your life.
We're going to be fine.
I receive it, and it's like a burden
lifted off of me, honestly.
IYANLA VANZANT (VOICEOVER): Now that Queen Barbara
has reclaimed her throne and is demonstrating
a healthy new pattern, it is my hope
that miss Malorie is ready to step out of Cynthia's shadow
and finally receive the feedback she so desperately needs.
MY WEEKLY MEAL PLAN // FAMILY MEAL IDEAS ~ WEEK 6 - Duration: 5:16.hey guys thanks for joining me for another video today I'm just gonna be
showing you guys my menu plan for the week I just have a couple pics magasin
recipe books I pulled up here one of my favorite ones is harvest baking and I
thought it's like some comfort food magazines today I'm only gonna be using
this one so I found a couple of recipes I want to use in there and my Pinterest
but boatloads of recipes that I use on my Pinterest board so if you guys so new
to my channel welcome and feel free to go ahead and subscribe down below I do a
ton of menu planning videos and cooking videos cleaning videos anything that has
to do with like being a mom and everyday life so um I'm just gonna get started
with showing you guys what I have planned for next week I like to plan
ahead so I can do my grocery shopping so yeah I already picked what I'm gonna be
making so I'm just gonna jump that dump you guys alright so I have gone through
my Pinterest board and my magazines here and I've chosen what I'm gonna make so
I'm gonna get started right away here so for Sunday I'm going to make slow cooker
beef ragout
with now I have no idea how to say this because this is actually the first time
I've ever seen this word and I think it's a type of pasta but it is pepper
del I think that's how you say it you spell it like this P a P P 8 r de oh but
I think that's how you say it but it looks really yummy so I have to go to
grocery store and find this pasta so I found this recipe actually from pinch of
young calm I'll have all the links down below in the description box for you
guys in case you want to go check out those recipes so for Monday I'm going to
do chicken and sweet potato chowder I know this recipe I got from my magazine
here it is right here just in case you want to use it I'll see if I can you can
pause it and use the recipe if you need to so this one looks really yummy and I
love soups for the fall time they're definitely a comfort food um so Tuesday
we are gonna do beef pot pie my kids really love those like a one-pot meal so
we do a lot of those and they're really easy and it's really great for leftover
so you can just reheat them especially because we're busy with sports
ok so Wednesday we're gonna do vegetarian taco salad so in this recipe
they use black beans so you can kind of use any kind of bean you want but my
kids are like black beans so we're gonna use that and Thursday we're going to do
chicken fajitas
Friday we will do him and broccoli
alfredo pizza now this one is also in the magazine here so I think I have it
the page bent here somewhere up there okay so there is the recipe you guys can
see it I hope you can see it but it looks really yummy it's something
different we eat a lot of chicken and beef in this house and so changing it up
to ham is kind of fun something a little different the kids really like ham so
that's good too and so Saturday we will do ground turkey and sweet potato
okay so that is it for my meal plan for the upcoming week obviously you guys can
use this for any week if you happen to be watching this video like a year from
now or whatever it doesn't matter so yeah I'm gonna be making my grocery list
figure out what I need pick it up this weekend and that's what we're eating
next week it looks like I got a notification anyhow if you guys enjoyed
my video go ahead and give it a thumbs up down below don't forget to subscribe
and we will see you guys next time in the next video thanks for watching bye
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