LIFESTYLE AND COMMUNICATION OF ANTS Consider the following Qur'aanic verse:
"And before Solomon were marshaled His hosts – of Jinns and men And birds, and they were
all Kept in order and ranks.
"At length, when they came To a (lowly) valley of ants, One of the ants said: 'O
ye ants, get into Your habitations, lest Solomon And his hosts
crush you (Under foot) without knowing it.'"
[AlQur'aan 27:17-18] In the past, some people would have probably
mocked at the Qur'aan, taking it to be a fairy tale
book in which ants talk to each other and communicate sophisticated messages.
In recent times, research has shown us several facts
about the lifestyle of ants, which were not known
earlier to humankind.
Research has shown that the animals or insects whose lifestyle is closest
in resemblance to the lifestyle of human beings are the ants.
This can be seen from the following findings regarding ants:
(a) The ants bury their dead in a manner similar to the humans.
(b) They have a sophisticated system of division of labour, whereby they have managers,
supervisors, foremen, workers, etc. (c) Once in a while they meet among themselves
to have a 'chat'.
(d) They have an advanced method of communication among themselves.
(e) They hold regular markets wherein they exchange goods.
(f) They store grains for long periods in winter and if the grain begins to bud, they
cut the roots, as if they understand that if they leave it
to grow, it will rot.
If the grains stored by them get wet due to rains, they take these grains out into
the sunlight to dry, and once these are dry, they
take them back inside as though they know that humidity will cause development of root
systems and thereafter rotting of the grain.
For more infomation >> Lifestyle and Communication of Ants | Miracles of the Quran | Subtitled - Duration: 2:11.-------------------------------------------
Do I have a life? - Duration: 0:11.
Here's a video for everyone wondering if I even have a life...
since I'm so into Mario and all.
Well... I do.
Thirty one, boi!
Bethenny Frankel Lifestyle 2018 ★ Net Worth ★ Biography ★ House ★ Cars ★ Family - Duration: 3:12.
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Life in the UK - Duration: 15:11.
well hello everyone my name is Christina I'm creating this channel Cristinglish
because throughout my five years I that have been living in England many people have
asked me recently how did I prove my English what did I do to improve my
English and I thought that would be a great idea to share it with you
so you can either improve your English or study English like I've been doing
drama doing my timing here or working experience so I want to talk about all
things related to my experience in England and things that helped me things
that people told me that helped them so they became more fluent in English and it
became more confident as well well let's just get started the first question I
would say is what is your level of English? many people think before you
move to England you need to have some knowledge of English and that is true
I'm not saying come to England whether you speak English or not if you don't speak
English you are more likely to have a bad experience because you're going to
be stressed you're gonna have bad understanding you're going to be
struggling when talking someone to express your emotions so having a bit of
knowledge of English will help you to become more confident in this country
however doesn't matter if your English is high or low is always up to you
it's always going to be you who is going to be working hard to achieve what they
want what you want to do if you want to get a qualified job or if you want to
just improve your usual English speaking. There are many things you can do to
improve your English for example going to an academy that's gonna help you to
get a little bit of knowledge of the English language, the grammar,
the pronunciation... However the real challenge is coming to a foreign country
and see it by yourself, because you're going to see a different amount of
people different pronunciations, people from different countries that pronounced
differently. The second question you should ask yourself before is do you
want to work, do you want to study, or you want a combination of both? If you want
to work and and you have a qualification for example and you have this in them a
decent level of English you will probably find it more easy to find a job
of your choice. However if you're qualified but your English is quite low
try to start from the very beginning try to get in touch with the English so you
can get used to it the way that people speak either native and non-native
speakers because sometimes you're gonna find hard to understand non-native
speakers as well. Also I'd say if you want to study think about what you want
to do if you want to study at the University, if you want to go to a private
academy, if you want to go to school, you want to go to college depends on your
age. The first one the University one is what I'm doing right now and for that I
think it deserves a video so I'm going to make a video of what you need to know
before you apply for uni and after you apply it for uni what you need to know
before you get accepted for the course, which usually is an exam and English
exam that you have to to do it before you you get accepted unfortunately they
have to test your English level if you're a non-native speaker. Then if you
wanna do a combination of both which is what I am actually doing, well right
now I'm jobless but I'm trying to find a job, what it means is I'm trying
to find a part-time job so I can pay my bills and study at the same time um if
you want to do both think about the time you're gonna spend studying at the time
you're gonna spend working. For example I decided to move out of London because I
knew it was gonna be very stressful and very
hard for me to keep my job and keep my studies at the same point and London is
quite pricey so I thought I wasn't going to be able to afford it
and I think I wouldn't be able to afford it. If you want to study and work you can
go to an academy to improve your English so you can put that together as well
with your job you're gonna meet people so you're gonna have to practice
your English and at the same time you're going to be practicing your English more
academically speaking with your teacher, so your teacher is going to correct you
and then you're gonna use it to talk to someone else. It's true that I think if
you are for example, I'm gonna put my example which I'm Spanish
if you come to England one thing I'm going to please please don't look for
jobs where there are people from your country because that is a biggest
mistake you can even make. I'd say if you want to improve your English if you
really wanna improve your English try to connect with all the different
backgrounds and that leads me to the following question. So the following
question would be are you ready to meet people from different countries? and they
can be from any country in this world that has been my biggest positive
experience I've lived in London. One thing I have to say is please you need
to be open-minded. What does it mean? you need to share, respect and accept
everyone. Many people struggle when meeting people from other countries I
found it quite interesting because I am always happy to learn about different
things from different countries. For example different food, different... I don't
know... times of the year they celebrate different
things for example Chinese celebrate the Chinese
New Year if you live in London you are going to experience
that because is amazing. I think this question is quite important because when
I moved to England I thought that I was going to meet just English people and
especially in London is very difficult because there are many people
from many countries and I found that quite amazing. The following question is
going to be about are you interested in the British culture? Well I'd say this is a
very important question. For me I'm a very passionate about English and
involves history, literature, culture and the language things I am learning
through this years in this country have been very positive for me because I've
always been in love with the English culture and I always wanted to learn
more and throughout my years in here I've learned so many things, I'm still
learning and I still have to improve my public speech that's why I'm doing this
but learning about the culture and like I said before being open-minded it's
very important because you have to think that the way they are is different from
yours. You can learn from it and sometimes even become part of it because
you're still living in England you have to kind of embrace the British culture
Food! I'm Spanish, I love Mediterranean food and when I
moved to England I refused to eat fish and chips. I didn't want to I didn't want
to eat fish and chips I didn't want to have any roast dinner because I thought
that that was a meat that I wasn't thinking about that now I love it
well I say fish and chips would be one of my least favourites but because I haven't
had a chance to try a good one but roast dinners?
they're so tasty, they're really tasty if you go to a nice pub or a nice
restaurant they're gonna give you a really good roast dinner. I'd say go outside
London you're gonna eat much better than in London. Well let's move to the
fifth one which is money. yeah money everyone asks about money how much money
you spend in England ,how much money should I bring with me, how much money
how much money all the time... I would say don't let it stress you but it's
important to consider how much money you need to spend on the first couple of
months. It depends on whether you are looking for a job on academy you should
bring more or less money. I'd say don't bring too much because you might not
need that much or bring as much as you can if your level of English is not good
because you might not like the jobs that you're going to be able to take. I came
to England because my parents supported me financially and it was a very little
amount of money it wasn't that much money to be honest because nowadays I
wouldn't be able to afford a month with the money my parents gave me but still
it was it was enough for me to work hard and find my way through not having
economic and financial issues through my first year what was the worst I don't
have a very positive experience but because I was always struggling
financially my job wasn't the best and my speaking wasn't the best it was very
hard for me to express myself and I found quite difficult to to cope with my
emotions so it's very important if you're
struggling you think you're gonna go into the depression talk to someone it's
always going to help. My last question for me I think it's the most important
and it's gonna be if you're strong enough? whether you have a good level of
English or not things can change and you need to be ready and you need to be
strong to go through this problems that you might have in the future. I struggled the
first year and I lost the count of how many times I wanted to give up. I wanted
to go back to Spain, to my parents and to get back to my normal life because this
was really really hard for me to take in. I managed to stay afloat and I managed
to work hard and go through this stages, feeling homesick depressed
sad angry all that kind of situations and you're gonna be yourself that you're
gonna find yourself sometimes because life in England is a very lonely life
especially for those who come alone like I did. I didn't know anyone when I came
to England so I didn't have anyone. I made my friends here I have friends in
Spain but obviously they're having their laps in Spain I can't think about them
all the time I can't talk to them whenever I feel stressed whenever I
need to talk to someone, so I found friends in here but that is hard as well
because you're not always going to have the opportunity to meet them whenever
you need to, it's going to be more whenever they are ready or whenever they
have the time for you. One of the things that you need to consider is
working through loneliness it is true, it's a reality I've been talking to many
people about this you need to start thinking about
what can this experience make you overcome and obviously how can I manage
loneliness.It's true that living alone in the country can be a really stressful
and quite sad but I promise you you can go for it and you can become a better
version of yourself, because having the experience in the foreign country can
help you massively. This is my first video so as you can see I've been
really really shy and nervous and I've been try to stay and look at the camera
all the time but sometimes I'm looking at the other side or at the other side
which is my laptop and the screen however I'm trying to do my best.
It can't be perfect on the first video so I am aware of that and probably my
speaking is not the best, that's why I'm doing this as well because I want to
improve my public speaking and second, this this channel is created also for
you guys. Any question that you might have in the future about money, time and
also how to get National Insurance Number, how to apply for a job, how to
register in the GP, how to open a bank account, how to apply for university if
you're interested in studying at University, all that kind of things that might come
to your mind just please let me know and I'll try to make a video about it. So
thank you very much and please don't forget to subscribe I'll be uploading
videos probably in a weekly or every other week basis. That's it! thank
you very much! and I'll see you soon!!
How My Parents Changed My Life Forever - Duration: 4:22.
(upbeat piano music)
So the year I was born, my parents filed for bankruptcy.
I was born in April, and they filed in September.
And because of what my parents went through,
my whole first part of my life was completely different,
because they got to this point and they said,
"Okay, no matter what, we're not doing this.
"We're not going back! No matter what."
And because of that,
there was a lot of sacrifice on their end,
and especially now that I'm a mom,
I look back and I'm like, "Okay, they had my sister
"and me, I mean, two small kids through this process."
And I remember, we never went shopping,
like we always went to consignment sales.
We never went on vacation.
I mean, Mom and Dad really, really
made these sacrifices for us.
And I look at that, and I am eternally grateful,
because what I grew up with
was kind of a financial bubble, in a sense,
but that debt was a four-letter word,
and it was just something you always stayed away from.
And traveling with my dad, early on in my life,
and working at events, and doing all these things
in our family business, I saw the pain
that debt not only caused my family
but so many people out there.
And that's one of my favorite parts of my job
is helping people become free of this and get out of debt.
And that's why, here at Ramsey Solutions,
people come here to do their debt-free screams
live on The Dave Ramsey Show.
And it's some of my favorite calls
because people will call in, or again,
some of them will drive or fly from all over America
to come to Ramsey Solutions and get on the phone
and do their debt-free scream.
And they get to explain their story
and all the sacrifice that they did as a family.
And you meet everyone when you come through our lobby.
But my favorite people that I get to meet and see
are the young families that come in,
because the doors to our office will open up
and a little five-year-old boy will come sprinting in
because he's been in the car for like eight hours,
and then a mom will come in behind him
holding a toddler on her hip,
and then a dad walks in holding a baby carrier
with this brand new baby.
And it's the family.
And they don't look heroic,
they don't look like something special,
they don't look like they just walked out of a magazine,
they look like the everyday family,
but what they have done is extraordinary.
And they get on that call, and they talk through
how the dad took out an extra job
and worked overtime for almost two years.
And I look at that, and I just, I hear it, and I see it,
and I think about it, I'm like,
how many soccer games did he possibly miss?
Like what things did he miss
to make this sacrifice for the good of his family?
And that mom, I think about her and I'm like,
she was basically a single mom.
I mean, how many nights did she put those kids to bed
by herself, which is exhausting, we all know that.
Bedtime is hard. (laughs)
But I look at this family, I'm like,
they did it!
And why did they do it?
They did it to pay off everything from $30,000 to
hundreds of thousands of dollars, some people.
But it doesn't matter what the debt was, the amount.
It was the sacrifice that they made.
And as they get ready to do their debt-free screams,
they put on the radio headsets,
and they bend down, the parents,
and they have their kids right there with them,
and the kids are getting excited
because they have a job to do
and they've been practicing
for eight hours for this exact moment.
But this dad and mom, they get to look at their kid
and say, "Okay, are you ready?"
And they get to count it down,
and they say, "Three, two, one."
And in unison, with these little chipmunk voices
in the background, this whole family screams out,
"We're debt free!"
And every time I see these families or I hear those calls,
I mean, it makes me cry, because I think,
"I was that little girl."
Like that little girl that that mom is holding right now,
that was me, and my life would be so different
if my parents decided to go back
and that their legacy was one of stress and debt
and that's how life is.
But they chose a different path, and because of that,
my life is forever changed.
(upbeat, inspiring music)
Narcissistic Abusers Posing As Life Coaches (Warning to Survivors) - Duration: 34:40.
hi everyone I'm Evening Ransom and this is
evening TV. This is a video that I wish I wasn't making. This is a video that I
didn't want I don't want to be making. I've deleted my last two videos. I
put up a video from Puerto Vallarta where I was anticipating going
to a meet-up and I took that down because it was cutting out stuff like
that and my message the message was just step outside of your comfort zone. So I
went ahead and I made a video about getting outside your comfort zone and I
used the example of my going to the meetup as an example of my doing that.
it's like I made it expecting that there was gonna be another video made by the
channel that held the Meetup but that didn't happen and so by leaving
my video up it looks like I'm going along with what happened and
so I swear I don't really talk I don't talk about meetup at all on my video I
just use it as an example that I went and I went outside my comfort zone and
and I still stand by go ahead your comfort zone was a good thing to do and
I'm still doing that by making this video I'm still going outside my comfort
zone fortunately unfortunately for me it was
way more outside of my comfort zone just say nothing okay let me also preface
this by saying my channel is small my channel is small this message is big
this message is really really big and I have contacted the biggest channels
about five or so of the biggest channels that there are on this topic on
narcissistic abuse, this community here and I'm hoping that at least one of
them will will feature this story because it is a really important story.
And otherwise, otherwise the story you know I don't have the reach to get it
out there. And also those of you watching my channel, if my channel runs into a bunch
of problems after this happens you'll know why. I'm perfectly willing to, I
mean I am... Here's the thing, I have had a really hard life.
I've been through a lot of things. I have lost... at some point in my life I
have lost
everything that I loved and cared about. all I had left was the truth
and love and if I give up those things I've got
nothing. So you know, it isn't a choice for me. You know, it isn't a choice for me
when something happens I can't not say something. I can't just let it go by and
not say something. Unfortunately not everybody is
is that way.
So this video is about truth. Integrity.
It is about protecting yourself from the people that you listen to. Listening to
your own inner guidance system, and forgiving yourself for mistakes and
moving on. So in one of those videos I made I made a point of
that that you know you need to let people in you do you need to let people
in you need to try things I don't regret anything that I've done ahead of time
towards might happen yet but but you know I don't regret going out and trying
things but you have to be discerning and you have to be able to change things up
in a minute if you if you figure out that you're not in the right place well
this happened at this meet up I would say immediately I had some red flags
going up pretty pretty severe red flags going up but you know I was willing to
it was nothing I couldn't I couldn't you know live with until the next day and
what basically ended up happening is there was basically a a person who came
to the met up, and now this was a small group. Not very many people came. It
was I think a total of four American women came and a British couple
came, and then I was there with my husband
already in Puerto Vallarta and just coordinated coming to be part of it.
Coming to hook up, you know, so I could be part of it since I was there. There
were two youtube creators that appeared to be doing it somewhat
together or they were friends or whatever.
She had been singing his praises for many many videos in a row and just really
talking this guy up and his channel was growing really fast and and together the two of
them have many times many times the subscribers that I have. My
channel is not a big threat to them, but I still have 7,000 people that are
listening to me and so I care about that. and I care about I can't I need to say
something and I need to do all that I can do I need to do all that I can do
and so I've contacted bigger channels and I need make this message and if my
channel disappears or if you start seeing that I have tons of thumbs downs
or if you start saying random people making all kinds of negative weird
comments you'll know that I'm being attacked by these people because I
haven't come to discover that that's this kind of stuff that they do
these were vulnerable people vulnerable people who had been abused who were
relatively new in their recovery I mean like you know some of them were still
with the people some really actively involved in their lives still with the
abusers and one person in particular had just she just had her experience just in
it just six months ago okay young woman traveling alone - she was just really
threatened really threatened and really intimidated and a bunch of really
inappropriate things were said to her and all this stuff by this person who
was posing as a life coach who is clearly disordered in some way and
I'm not in any position to make any sort of diagnosis so I'm not going to make a
diagnosis but from what I saw and when I from what I've been told of what I
believe but I absolutely believe it's true and by the way _ also believes
it's true or pretended to because she was going on and on about how terrible
it is and what needs to happen and how what a violation and blah blah blah, and then she
did nothing. I told her I would support her
if she came out and separated herself from this other channel said you know I
was wrong and made a mistake you know I can't support this channel anymore and
here's why and I said I would stand behind her if she did that and I was
stunned and amazed and so disappointed when I saw the video that she put up
because she didn't mention his name at all she mentioned me barely and then she
just went on and on about what how about friendship it was such a sham it was a
complete and total sham because anyone was not friendly it was _ because the
way that she treated this poor woman was not friendly
and well you know frankly there wasn't much friendly
at all from the minute that you know and I was you know I was I was but this is
my my first experience meeting another youtuber that does is it my first it's
actually my first was my first experience actually I'm meeting a person
someone who write you know camera out and said I've been have had this happen
I know what I know what this is about so I was excited about it and actually
all of us were there was one thing we all had in common is we were all excited
about that and the one thing I also had one thing I really realized and coming
to this thing was you know hearing how a lot of viewers really look at the people
that they see on YouTube and I'm not saying anyone sees me this way but but
because you really really looked up to them and she can talk about all this
great friendship and stuff and I don't know what she's talking
about because people that I'm in contact with went to this thing with never in a
million years ago back well aren't watching your channel
anymore are they sadly distance themselves from YouTube completely feel
more alone and isolated than ever they feel really betrayed and I don't blame
them I don't blame them at all for feeling a trick it was really an awful
thing because you know here's the thing I got I got what the King was doing it
so that was a really great thing to put herself out there and you know try and
have this event and I you know I wanted to participate in it because I want to
support friend doing that because I do I do agree that we are we all all are
isolated and it would be really great to come out of that but
and and I will say that with the other people with the other people that came I
do have friendships I mean I did actually
after this whole you terrible thing happened if you think about what we were
gonna do about it I came to really care about them and I and I believe that they
trust me
but the meetup itself was a fiasco
it was not safe and
there was a lot about these YouTube creators that
so I'm not gonna go surprised to say that she was predatory or trying to do
anything on purpose but certainly she was unhealed and the thing that the
thing that really really bothered me was that once this thing happened and this
poor woman came there and had this terrible thing that went on for two days
with this crazy guy who's now even while he's doing that he's there in his room
making video uploading videos trying to answer people's questions and here's the
thing that I know I know we want to be right I know how much we want to be
right and so anyone that watches those channels if you're watching this you're
not gonna want to believe me because you're gonna you know you go oh no I uh
you know I followed the iPhone those people for a year or two years you know
I thought it they've given me counseling services whatever I paid them money and
once you're invested like that you want to be right about it you don't want to
be wrong cuz it's a huge betrayal and you don't want to be duped in it nobody
wants that i Kelly it's just like it's just like when you try and you try and
go tell somebody about the the abuse you've experienced and no one believes
you I totally get it I don't expect a big response here about
how anyone's gonna go oh my god you know thank God for telling me I know I know
that's not gonna happen that's why I resent I kind of resent the position I'm
in because there's nothing good to come for me
there's nothing good from this to come to me this can really
only you know only be back for me you know it's like I didn't need this I went
there to support can't you know support camp could make a friend you know be
friendly and also because I was thinking you know I'm moving to Mexico that was
possibly could be the place I'm gonna go and I would maybe have a friend there
you know that was seriously what I was thinking when I went and I couldn't say
that I knew probably within twenty minutes of meeting her that that wasn't
gonna happen that we were not going to be friends and then after this happened
I wouldn't trust her with anything because she is willing to sacrifice the
truth she's willing to sacrifice people that trusted her people that she's
responsible for she's willing to sacrifice their well-being to not admit
she's wrong which is who does that sound like and to you know protect whatever
whatever thing she's got going on there or whatever you know if it's if she's
concerned about money she's making if she's concerned about you know I tried
you know I tried to say you know I really believe that now that those
things happen the very best thing you can do is just come out and be honest
about it separate yourself from him and you're gonna be fine but that's not what
she's done and so they're what I have no choice I mean my
my choices were to either do nothing and then I mean what in which case I am
doing something you you know you can't there is no not communicating right I'm
communicating something if I say nothing I am communicating I'm enabling it I'm
enabling what happened and so what this essentially was was that whether she Kim
actually said she's sovereign flags and then once this all came out she
basically started talking about things that she knew about that he was doing
and so definitely it had I been in her she's already known he was a problematic
person because he had problematic behaviors and before this was happening
and frankly so did she and and admitted those because I don't
think she recognized that they were problematic I'm not sure but
at some point I'll share this whole story about what happened it didn't
happen to me so I'll say that it didn't happen to me I have to meet up by the
way here's something everyone that came never got together one time a mess and
the main thing was that there was a predator invited in and told and told to
vulnerable people that this is someone you can trust
I vouch for him and then he abused somebody
and she knew about it and did nothing after so after promoting his channel
after bilious Tamela and I just think that's absolutely wrong and I did not
expect that she would do nothing I expected there her saying something was
a given was a given and you know what she never took responsibility she kept
saying she kept talking to the group but what we are gonna do Mike you know the
group doesn't have to do anything these poor victims don't have to do anything
they came now because they trusted you you were responsible you invited this
guy here you vouched for him I'm gonna say something I feel sort of responsible
because I'm a youtuber I'm a YouTube creator I've said that I'm gonna be at
this Meetup and so I feel responsible for saying something about what happened
you know but I that was sort of self-imposed you know I don't I don't I
could have easily if I was looking for a way to weasel out of my responsibilities
here I probably could have come up with it but definitely she was responsible
and in the meantime you know since this has happened at least dozens dozens of
people at least have signed up for him you signed up with with both of them or
you know whatever and you know I just I now watched him grow he's going to
twice my size since she's been supporting his channel and um I was you
know I was like I I was more power to him I thought that it was it was fine it
was great you know I um you know I knew about their sort of marketing agreement
because I was offered I was offered to do something at the same you know the
same kind of thing and and because I don't charge for any of my services I
don't you know I charge anything I can really justify that kind of a cost you
know I didn't earn that kind of a coffee it's someone else to promote my channel
and so and I you know I basically kind of also really affected when you're your
thing you're doing is this you know it's not okay it's not like I'm mom you know
selling something I mean we're talking about we're talking about life here yeah
we're talking about the life and you know right and wrong and you know things
like that as we're talking about here and so I just really hoped and believed
that that most of us were in it for the there most of us real point was we just
wanted to spread the word about this problem we just wanted people to know
about narcissistic abuse we just wanted to help victims to heal and we just
wanted to get people to be aware of what this thing was Mabel identify it you
know that's what I you know fruit to me the bigger people got the more people
that came on here I was the how was happy about it because that meant we
were closer to my goal my personal goal was that we could spread the word about
nurses to get views it wasn't my personal gain it wasn't about how many
subscribers I have it wasn't about any of that it was about a mind making a
living there's not any of that and and so it never you know never
bothered me when more people came on and remind me of other people who faster
than me it didn't grow none of that but you know my only thing it bothered me
about that was that I want to make sure I was doing something people wanted
people wanted you know I wanted to make sure that I was giving you what was
needed and so that was that was the only thing that um that bothered me about you
know if I wasn't growing very fast or whatever is is that I you know that
meant maybe I wasn't providing the things I already wanted but you know I I
don't know I don't know what what I really don't know actually the formula
what it is that you guys exactly want and why certain channels grow faster
than others I really honestly can't say that I know I know that I know that I
read a little every tricky cell because you know I had some pretty heavy stuff
happen you know I was her talking about her son that died I was here talking
about you know some pretty pretty dark stuff and I in might a lot of my videos
are a lot more can I story time kind of videos talking about my life and that
kind of thing and less about you know here's five ways to this day was is that
and you you know that it was less about that less about my be necessarily a
teacher more on my being a friends and and so it was a little bit a little bit
different in that way but you know I you know and I figured that but you know I'm
I have a work I was studying steady growth and it was okay with me I didn't
care I'm right you know like I said I'm not I'm not trying to make living off of
this I'm not trying to it wasn't about that for me and I felt like I feel like
that really kind of corrupts things you know once you know what you're gonna you
know you're getting people to pay you to promote them I don't know it just seems
like it's too easy to easily corruptible especially if
now especially if you don't have a really good code you know my codes
pretty ingrained because you go through some stuff like I've gone through you're
tested you know I mean this is no test you know I mean this is no test for me
compared to what I've been through there isn't
I'm not scared of him him and David I'm not scared of them make it you know how
can how could they you know what do you take for me yeah I've already been taken
you know there's no there's no threat they have over me so you know but but I
could tell you what if I didn't speak up I and I compromise my integrity and I
and I was part of what's happening in there I was and I was involved with you
know not saying something and knowing that someone was an abuser and then
someone else gets harmed and they're going to they are going to because it
was a clear sign that he's you know not stable not stable at all and so you know
he is a threat and he's a danger and oh I I would have to say Kim as to because
she willing to sacrifice the truth willing to sacrifice people for what she
wants I offered my place up for an a meet and greet to happen on the first
night her subscribers to these three women showed up on my doorstep and we
had a great time but she never showed up and then when they left I said you know
basically our tea was over and knock knock and it was like the second
wave and it was us just ended up being really kind of a nightmare really kind
of a nightmare and I've got the guts to say something
so I'm saying something I couldn't live with myself any other way and so you
know if my channel goes down the ball of flames I'm sorry people who is fungal it
lasted you know but as long as I'm here you can trust me to tell you the truth
and the truth is that there are people on YouTube who are putting themselves
out there as pillars of the community and as healers that are dangerous that
are threats that are unhealed and you know it is really tricky it is really
really tricky because you um because we know that a lot of us have gone to you
can't use credentials of it as an as a measuring stick because a lot of us have
gone to the phd's and all that and they didn't know any up personality disorders
and I myself my my my doctorate program but I was in I I I dropped out of it
because it didn't have anything about person I didn't have enough uh
personality disorder so that's what I wanted to focus on so you know it isn't
credentials necessarily that you know so it really is it really is hard to know
how to do it but here's the thing it's okay to try people out it's okay
they you know subscribe to every channel watch every channel and figure out which
ones you like best but don't get so invested that you can't
you can't back up and change your mind because even this Davis clay I well I
don't think he'll mind my saying so that he in retrospect can say that he had
concerns from he had he said he wasn't on one of ones he wasn't that great that
he said things that were you know bothered him but he was still you know
it's like when I was saying before you gotta try out lots of people but then
you gotta fire them quickly so our problem with like the abusers we were
with in our past wasn't that we got involved with them lots of people got
involved with them lot of people knew them but other people didn't stick
around for the abuse okay and so I was wrong too
you know I was wrong too but the difference is is that I knew within a
few minutes that I wasn't gonna get involved any further with this with
these people you know I and and actually I will have to say too I watched them
all equally kind of across the board you know kind of just like I like to stay
abreast of what everyone's talking about what everyone's doing and so it wasn't
like I was a loyal subscriber I've just only Kim's challenge like that you know
I basically I think I support most of the channels I think I subscribe to most
all of them you know once the ones that if I've even watched one video that I
really believe what they had to say and I supported their message I subscribe to
their channel and and I watch you know I watched every kind of equally if they
whoever has the topic this title is interesting to me here
something I'll watch it so it isn't like I was a loyal you know and I and I
hadn't done any I hadn't ever done anything was had to
watch videos it's all I ever done with any of these channels it only doesn't he
hadn't done you know gone to any 101 there any any sort of thing like that so
but I gotcha now here he says he - this is an outspoken woman really outspoken
she was really out smoking about a lot of things and so the fact that she's
trying to you know play coy now and not me not be out smoking and act like she
doesn't to poke the bear now it is a little bit of a sham because she is
right in your face or all kinds of crazy stuff and the fact that she's not coming
out and and saying something about this is a total sham especially because she
was firing off emails left to write about what you know about AI everything
that was wrong about this guy after this happened you know and with her it was
clearly you know people are you know wonderful or awful you know it's like
you know it didn't see what there's any middle road when it came to how either
of them felt about people and and they were both having all kinds of conflicts
with all kinds of other channels and all kinds of problems with other people and
that was a red flag for me for me as well and that which is why I'm actually
counting on myself you know just becoming one of the many people that
they have promised was this anyone that speaks out against them is now you know
becomes like focus of a smear campaign or something and it's all kinds of their
attention and this they sends a lots a lot of time I'm doing stuff like that
which I did not know until they they basically told me all about it at this
and I was really stunned and and and the channels that you know they'll focus on
earth you know small town you know inconsequential no reason to be giving
all kinds of energy and yet they do so I expect it X like that I am probably just
setting myself up for tons of that happen to me too but you know hope you
know I don't care bring it on bring it on I you know I I you know what I had to
lose was I you know was I you know I'm not gonna be intimidated into being
silent and letting an abuser out there and you know keeps a nut on my watch
yeah exactly on her watch no not on my watch not on my watch you know she
brought she set up a situation to happen let it happen and it is continuing to
let it happen and I I just can't I can't agree with that I can't let that I just
can't so so that's that and you know hopefully you're gonna see me on on a
bigger Channel telling this story and um and when that happens or maybe um maybe
I'll make a follow-up video and actually tell you exactly what happened but I'm
actually saving that right now just to try and try and be able to tell them to
a really bigger audience because the poor woman that that had happened to its
fame of her to hear it and she's wanted you know so I really love would like to
tell it one time and so I'd like to do that our bigger channel but if you know
if no one's will bring me on then I'll tell it on this channel at least 7,000
of you will know what happened and you can spread the word but anyway that's
not to stir you guys I'm sorry to have have that bad news but um if you feel
cheated and you feel tricked or you feel you know I'm sorry
you should feel cheated in trick but don't feel stupid don't feel stupid
don't feel like oh my god my judgment so bad
everybody says everybody says healthy how would you know you don't know to
expect something like this you don't know nobody could have known so don't
don't don't get
don't get don't get down on yourself I don't get down on me because you you
want to believe that it was true that you know that it's not true that you
couldn't have been wrong about them it's you know
of course who would ever expect it you know who would ever expect that that
kind of thing would happen that some of you putting themselves out there that
would then turn right around and do do this kind of thing and and so don't get
don't get down on yourself don't get down on me because you you want to
believe that it was true that you know that it's not true that you couldn't
have been wrong about them it's you know of course who would ever expect it you
know who would ever expect that that kind of thing would happen that some of
you putting themselves out there that would then turn a ride around and do do
this kind of thing and and so it's you know kind of unbelievable
so anyway I'm sorry to have to be passing along bad news but I you know I
had to head to a the truth about me and I also hope that this doesn't mean the
end of meetup so this is I mean I hope this doesn't mean that you know people
won't really try and get together and do things do things in the future because I
the premise of the idea that really was good the idea that really was good
because I do think that we need to come out of isolation we do need to make
friends and all that stuff but when you do that first of all first of all first
of all I think that there's something a little bit inherently dangerous about
promoting people and last year for any reason other than you really believe
what they're doing that's the only reason to promote people so that was
inherently a flaw already so there's all this promotion going on and then so and
and also kit you know she admitted later that she she knew things about him she
knew things about him and either she didn't care and so she was willing to go
ahead and subject people to him anyway or she minimized minimize the threat
that it was or something for some reason or another she knew some things about
him and still brought her more important maybe she shouldn't know these behaviors
were problematic in which case it just goes to show that is it that isn't a
person that's in any position to be counseling people because these
behaviors definitely were problematic and they were red flags and I would have
seen it a million miles away and I think he would have to and so you know at
first try to play the hole you know that she got played thing by him but she's
talked enough to tell you she told enough talked enough she and she can't
stop herself from talking she talked enough to let it out of the bag that she
needed plenty to have known he was a problem and and and also when they left
my house she left him she left she left she went home and left the two of them
alone and and that I already saw was a problem as well I I said I thought that
this woman was in harm's way even at my house and I but I didn't think she would
they all up together and so I didn't think that I didn't think they
you know that they can't protect her you know I didn't think that anyway anyway
it was just um I'm just all-around really bad situation that God could have
been prevented what shit could have easily been
prevented and then even even okay so there was so many steps along the way it
could have easily been prevented but say it wasn't prevented saying it still
happened then it could it could easily have been at least
modify our rectified or stopped and it's just been allowed to just continue here
we are like work a week or a week and a half or so after it's happened and
nothing's been said and you know I think that in her in her estimation just the
fact that she stopped singing his praises you know making this big like
promotion of him was going to be enough well people aren't gonna put that
together they're gonna put something together she did come right out and say
what he did you know carotids say I made a mistake I can't no
longer promote this channel and here's why and the fact that she's not willing
to do that and in fact her her position was I'm doing what's right for me so
apparently what's right for her is too
go along with you know letting people you know setting people up to be abused
and that's you know not right for me and it's not right and I would be enabling
that if I said nothing so I'm saying something and so I'm really sorry about
I'm sorry about it because together collectively they have almost 40,000
people that are listening to their channels and you know that's a lot of
people and
but those of us would have met them
no something a little bit more and it's not good thanks a lot for listening and
I again I'm sorry I'm sorry to be delivering this bad news I really wish
that I wasn't I really do I it would have been much more appropriate well it
would have been much better if it didn't happen at all would be great if I could
be saying what a great time we had that would be great but given that it would
be much better if if Kim was the one saying it and I was just standing behind
her that would have been that that really would have been us so much better
but unfortunately that isn't how it is so I'm a standing out here say in this
story myself because I am the only one that was there with channel who was not
one of the one of the people participating in the abuse so that's
what I'm presented with so that's what I have to work with and that's what I'm
doing that's where I am all right you guys thanks so much you listening I'll
talk with you later bye bye
Three new ways to style a denim shirt – AJIO Style Easies - Duration: 1:16.
Here's how you can go from basic to bold with a denim shirt, in three new ways!
Do denim on denim with an edge.
Pair it with some distressed shorts and a basic white tee for that relaxed, easy look.
Try some layering.A cool velvet jacket and an asymmetrical skirt are the perfect combination for a sharp, trendy vibe.
Want to keep it minimal, yet cool? Have some fun with this and go for a bold striped denim trousers and chunky boots.
There are your three fun ways to take your denim shirt to a cool, new level!
Devotional Meditation: There is a Divine Plan For Your Life! EHSM 9.15 - Duration: 3:30.
Daily I contemplate my importance in a divine plan
My thought is a gateway to illumination
I Know that the Spirit within me is my strength and power I
Approach life with a sense of security and well-being.
I know that I have a secret source and God, I know that my thought is a gateway to
Illumination it is the secret place of the Most High within me
From which comes inspiration guidance and wisdom
Therefore I accept
the fullness of this moment
I accept the gift of this glorious experience a
spiritual adventure
I Believe in myself because I first believe in God
I Believe in my destiny because I believe that the law of good
Is operating through me?
I have a calm confidence in the future a
keen and enthusiastic
Expectation of good things to come
IOpen my whole consciousness to the
that all the power and
There is surrounds me in an
eternal embrace
That the spirit forever imparts its own life to me
Forever flows through me into happiness success and well-being
Knowing that I cannot live unto myself alone
But that I am a part of all
I gladly and
enthusiastically unified with people
conditions and events
flowing into them with a certain knowledge
That I belong to the universe in which I live
This universe belongs to me and I am a part of it
Necessary to it and one with it
This has been your Zen moments with ZenDiva4U
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Like and share and I will see you next time be blessed
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hello guys , how are you,
were here in the condo , or they called compound
were in boss brother
they have here a little store , swimming pool an d playground
i will show you around how it looks like , like their buildings
so hot
its so hot here guys
were just finished swimming
the kids are playing
thats why the nanny
the nanny
are making some fun
so here we go
Night in the Life of a Mom| Livestream - Duration: 30:13.
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