Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 12, 2017

Youtube daily what Dec 2 2017

♪ Theme music ♪

Eighty to ninety percent of problems in marriages,

the number one problem is the husband, the guy, the man!

A silent vote of confidence!

Why is that?

Guys, we are meatheads!

We are narcissistic, egotistical, prideful,

out of touch, generally cold hearted lugs who don't get it!

We don't understand, most of us here who are married,

what marriage is all about!

And therefore, marriages are failing all around us,

and eighty, ninety percent of the time,

you could say it's because of the husband!

That's the way it is!

Now, where did marriage come from?

"Well, I just guess it came up through culture and history.

I don't know..."

Marriage is a gift from God!

It's God's gift!

It's not good for man to be alone.

Man and woman created He them.

Marriage is a gift from God.

Did God give us this gift and just say "Lots of luck!"

Nothing upsets me more when somebody says

"I've just been lucky in my marriage!"

Luck has nothing to do with it, gentlemen!

Not a thing in the world!

Now, if we had to put a puzzle together

-this is a child's puzzle of 100 pieces for 5 year olds and up.

Most men and women here could put

this puzzle together without the box top.

We could put it together probably

-most women could put it together in about an hour.

Us guys, we could put it together in about three hours,

without the box top to look at.

We could put it together, only a hundred pieces.

We, we'd eventually figure that out, guys.


We would...

By the same token, if you had a puzzle with say 20,000 pieces

-20,000 pieces, and their little pieces, and we said

"Well, put that together without having a picture!

Don't have a picture.

Just put it together, all 20,000 pieces!"

I don't know if that's possible!

In a lifetime, to put a 20,000 piece, or 30,000, 40,000 piece

puzzle together with no picture, with little bitty pieces?


But a lot of us think that marriage is like putting

together a child's puzzle that-here's somebody who

intelligent, and I married somebody, the wife would say,

who's reasonably intelligent, and surely we can

work out all these problems and decisions, putting the puzzle of

marriage together if we use common sense, and we're

basically good people, and we are quote "Christian" end quote.

But that's not the way it is, folks!

Marriage involves 20,000 different choices, 20,000

different pieces and then some!

Decisions, attitudes, emotions, children, money, living, all the

multiplicity of things, and so many of us in our marriages

could be told by the one word "conflict".

That would describe it.



Disagree on everything.

Argue about everything.

Resolve nothing.

And therefore, it is the male primarily who takes it all in

and stuffs it all down; has all the ego, all the narcissistic

tendencies, and we just say "Man, I married the wrong

person" and the truth is, the success of a marriage

primarily is on the male!

In the Bible, three times, it is said

the man is to love his wife.

Not one time do you find the Bible saying a wife

is to love her husband.

Oh, we, she, she we hope she does!

We should; but it is the husband who takes

the initiative to find forgiveness.

It is the husband who says "I am wrong."

It is the husband who tries to fill the breeches that

happens in relationships.

Now, here's the tragic thing.

I'm gonna tell every man here-I'm gonna give you a

picture of God's picture of your role, your place in marriage.

You know what's gonna happen?

Most of you guys will understand it for a minute, but you don't

have enough stuff to take God's program, God's picture,

God's view, God's way to make your marriage

sizzle and explode, because you won't take it from here.

You'll say something like "Well, I'm just like my daddy!

I've always been like this, and I just can't change!"

Or you'll say "Well, I don't see any hope!

I just, I, I'm just gonna hang in here, and I, I..."

Something happens between God's Truth and putting that Truth

into practice, especially when it comes to marriage, guys.

Especially and particularly when it comes to marriage.

Now, the operative word for a man in marriage is sacrifice!

Say it with me!


Every man, say it with me!

(Men say "Sacrifice").

Some of you can't even...say it with me!

Every man, say the word "sacrifice!"

(Men say "sacrifice").

Now, let's see what Paul has to say!

Look at Ephesians, Chapter Number 5.

I'll read Verse 25.

I'll come back and go through the rest of the Verses here.

It says: "Husbands, love your wives just as Christ also loved

the church and gave Himself up for her so that He might

sanctify her, having cleansed her by

the washing of water with the word."

Now flip over to I Peter.

This is Peter telling husbands, Verse 7.

"You husbands, in the same way, live with your wives in an

understanding way, as with someone weaker..."

That is not mentally, or emotionally weaker.

It's someone who is physically weaker.

"As with someone weaker, since she is a woman, and show her

honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life,

so your prayers will not be hindered."

Go back to Ephesians, if you would.

Now the operative word for men is, gentlemen!

(Men say "sacrifice").

One guy got it!

The operative word for men is (Men say "sacrifice").

All right!

And by the way, you find that in that phrase that I read.

Look at it.

"Husbands, love your wives just as Christ also loved

the church and gave Himself up!"

Sounds like sacrifice, doesn't it?

"Gave Himself up!"

That's the operative word for men.

We know that Paul talks about we are to experience sacrificial

love toward our wives, gentlemen.

Peter talks about we are to experience sacrificial

leadership toward our wives.

Two different things!

So first of all, he says we are

to give ourselves up to a sanctifying love!

What does that mean?

He says as Jesus Christ sanctified the church.

How did Jesus sanctify the church?

He gave His life!

He gave Himself up!

He died on a Cross so that we might be in the family of God!

We might be sanctified.

We may be right with God.

We may be brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ!

We are set aside, and we are saints!

Everybody is a Christian is a saint.

And when we, as Christ sanctified you and me through

the giving Himself up on a Cross, we, we men are to give

ourselves up to our wives, and we set them up on a pedestal.

Guys, we are to be partners with Almighty God to bring out

God's purpose that He gave life to

your wife to for the first place.

Other words, God has a purpose for every woman.

We are to help God bring out that womanhood,

that femininity in our wives!

That's our calling!

That's what we are to do!

That's our role.

That's sanctifying, and to sanctify them,

guys -this'll blow your mind!

You're gonna have to talk to them!

Did you know in America, the average couple spends per week,

thirty-seven minutes talking to one another?

Thirty-seven minutes!

The average couple in a week!

Is it any wonder when the kids leave, you have an empty nest,

you look around and say "Who is this man I'm married to?

I don't know him!

Where did he come from?"

And so many divorces take place in the latter years of marriage

because they don't communicate.

We have to communicate with our wives!

We have to understand how they operate, how their mind works.

We set them up on a pedestal!

You guys who are the strong, silent type;

a lot of women marry guys who are the strong, silent type.

But to your wives, gentlemen,

learn a little bit about opening up!

They want to hear from you, what you're thinking,

what you're like, what your agenda is,

what your fears are, what excites you!

What you enjoy!

You have to talk with them.

Now they communicate in different ways.

Jo Beth watches athletic events with me on television.

She sits there and she looks at it.

Now at the end of the game, she may or may not know who won!

But I can tell you one thing, she'll know every little

personal story she hears about one of the players,

about their mother, their daddy, the magic of Tim Tebow.

We knew so much about his life, and more than his athleticism.

She didn't know whether he was a quarterback or a tackle,

I mean...

But we know, because she likes that!

Women like that personal thing At the end of the game,

she said "Boy, wasn't it wonderful to hear about the,

the half-back and so forth, and so on, and so on?"

I said "How did you know that?"

"Well, they told it..."

You know, I've got a book in my hand.

I watch the game.

All this other stuff is filler!

I'm not interested in all that!

Let's just play football!

Let's just play basketball!

Let's just play baseball!

I don't want all that stuff about this, and mama's uncle,


But she loves all that!

That's what she remembers!

She doesn't remember the game!

And I have to understand that.

I have to try to tune into that and say

"Oh, I didn't know that."

I listen, and I try to perk up now during that time so I can

be involved in the game that she's watching!

So we sanctify.

We build up.

We put them up.

There must be a giving up sanctifying love.

Also, there must be a giving up beautifying love.

Look at this!

"That He might present to Himself the church in all her

glory, having no spot or wrinkle, or any such thing,

that she would be holy and blameless."

In other words, as Christ is to present all of us as His Body;

He is the Bridegroom.

We're the bride.

He wants to present us to God without spot, without wrinkle,

and the, the shed blood has covered our sin.

God sees you and me as perfect.

So we are to present our wives and make them beautiful!

How do you make your wife beautiful?

By encouraging.

By building them up!

That's how we make them...


I can talk to any wife here, truthfully, about fifteen to

thirty minutes, and I can tell you in a skinny minute, with

unerring authority, whether or not that wife, that husband

really builds up, and honors, and adores that woman!

She'll have a beauty in her that you can't miss!

By the same token, if the husband has been a dullard and

doesn't get it, and just going through the motion of

husbanding, I can tell that too!

Doesn't haven't to be very smart!

You can tell a woman whose loved by her husband,

the way Christ loved the church!

It shows in her steps, in her words, in her attitude,

and her whole giveness!

It just overflows because she's secure, and confident of his

love, and his faithfulness, and his fidelity to her!

So we are to love with a beautifying love.

A friend of mine said recently, just the two of us, he said

"You know, I, I'm so thrilled to be able to enjoy the beauty

of my wife for over 30 years of marriage."

He wasn't talking about physical beauty.

Every female will come increasingly, physically

more beautiful inside when we men know how to love them!

Love them...

So there is a, give yourself up is a beautifying love.

Look at other kind of love that Paul tells us how husbands ought

to perform, how we ought to act.

It says here in Verse uh, 28: "for no one ever hated his own

flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ

also does the church."

There is to be a cherishing love.

We're to give ourselves up so we can have

a cherishing love toward our wife.

What in the world does that mean?

It means she knows that she's of first importance to us.

If I handed out a piece of paper, and I asked you guys to

write down the three things your wife most likes to do.

My point is, do you really know your wife?

What makes her laugh?

What makes her cry!

What makes her...

How to keep...

Do you know her love language?

Everybody has a love language.

And then the next way we love!

And this is in our Scripture.

You give yourself up so you can participate in Divine math.

There's Divine math that Paul gives us here.

We know what it is.

We've been over it before.

Listen to it!

"Because we are members of His Body, for this reason, a man

shall leave his father and mother and shall be joined to

his wife and the two shall become one flesh."

We give ourself up, guys, to our wives,

so that Divine math can take place.

What's Divine math?

One plus one equals-one!

Say it with me!

One plus one equals one!

How does this take place?

How does it work?

It's an amazing thing how it works.

You have two different individuals,

and it's not his and hers; it's ours.

It's not he and she; it's we.

Two become one.

It is an irrevocable commitment to an imperfect person for life.

That's a definition of marriage, God's way!

God's way...

And in that deal, two become one, and that's so difficult.

How does that happen?

The Bible tells us in Genesis, Paul tells us, it's found

-Jesus tells us in Matthew 19, "You leave!"

You got to leave all those other relationships.

First place, if anything comes in your life, it's your wife.

First place, it's your wife.

First place, you got to leave everything else.

Your wife, your wife, your wife, gentlemen.

You have to leave all other relationships.

She is first and primary.

And you, unless you leave, they can't have any togetherness.

See, the action words there are the verbs.

You leave, you're joined, and you become.

Leave, join, become.

"Join" in the King James would be "cleave".

You can't, unless you leave, you can't cleave!

But when you leave, then you can cleave.

And then you become one flesh, and that is a Divine thing.

That is a mystery.

That is a supernatural thing.

Just like if you are in Christ as Christ is in you,

do you understand that?

I am in Christ, Christ in me.

Do I understand that?

No, it's a mystery!

That, so it is with marriage.

It is a mystery.

Christ in you, Christ in me; your wife in you;

you and your wife.

Your wife, you become one flesh.

How does this work?

You become one in body.

That's Eros.

That's the physical part of marriage.

We'll talk about that in weeks to come.

You become one in body!

A symbol of the covenant with the church,

a symbol in the marriage.

You become one flesh.

That's the Greek word "Eros".

And then you become body and soul.

Soul is the will.

It's where we make decisions, and you become one in soul.

That is friendship, that is phileo.

That is friendship love.

The Greek word, "phileo".

We're friends.

Your best friend is your wife!

Your best friend is your wife...

Then we become one in spirit, and that's agape love.

That is unconditional love that God has for you and me!

He doesn't love you any better

when you're worse, or bad, or good.

It's unconditional love.

That is that unconditional love.

That is a spiritual thing.

Now, we see what Paul has said about marriage.

We are to demonstrate sacrificial love.

Peter comes in.

In a very brief time, he just nails down

our role as leaders in marriage.

Look at it in uh, I Peter, Chapter 3.

"You husbands, in the same way, live with your wives in

an understanding way."

In other words, we are to lead with understanding.

We are to be leaders in the home,

but we have to be understanding leaders.

Years ago, we had a seminar in our church by Dr. Smalley,

and he used the figure.

He said that men are buffalos, and women are butterflies.

I like that!

Guys, we're buffalos!

We just-I mean, we're just brutes!

Women are butterflies!

Boy, they just fly around!

I mean they are multi-colored.

We're just-we just are lugs!

Boy, it's hard for a butterfly to communicate with a buffalo,

and a buffalo to communicate with a butterfly!

That's the challenge we have!

So guys, we are charged by God to understand our wives,

to see what makes them tick!

To work through these things, to listen enough,

to love enough, to care enough to give ourselves

up enough to lead in an understanding way!

Very important!

Very important...

And look at the next way that we are to lead.

Peter's still talking to us now.

He said "As with someone weaker, since she is a woman, and show

her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of God."

We are to lead in honoring.

There should be an honoring leadership.

Do you honor your wife?

Do you, do you really, are you thrilled with her?

When you see your wife, does your heart beat faster?

When you see your wife, are you, you want to be with her?

You want to be identified with her.

You honor.

She knows that of all the people in the world, you place her up

higher than anybody else!

You applaud her more than anybody else!

You're on her team, no matter what happens!

So, let me tell you something: In marriage, it's not win-lose.

It's win-win.

If the wife wins, the husband wins!

If the husband loses, the wife loses.

It's lose-lose, or win-win!

It's never win-lose with a marriage, because you're one,

see it?

You're on the same team.

So we love with an honoring love.

And then, look at the next thing.

This is, this is interesting.

It sort of surprises you.

It says "So that your prayers will not be hindered."

Peter says we are to love with a praying leadership!

Guys, you want your marriage to come alive?

Just pray with your wife!

"Well, I'm not much on prayer!"

Let me tell you something: My dad didn't become a

Christian til' he was in his 40's.

My mother led us in reading the Bible and praying night after

night, my brother and myself.

Dad never participated.

But after he became a Christian, I remember the first night!

I remember it like yesterday!

I could recreate the little bedroom, and the bed where

we were seated, and my dad came in for the first time and

heard the Scripture read, and I prayed, and Mother prayed,

and my brother prayed, and then my dad prayed.

It wasn't a "Thou" and "Thee", and "In Jesus Name"

and didn't have all those religious words!

He didn't know those religious words.

But I'll never forget that prayer!

It changed everything in our little family.

Guys, lot of you'd argue about athletics; you'd argue about

politics; you'd argue about business; but I ask you simply

to say a simple prayer, and you think I'm asking you what your

maiden name is, guys!

Just learn how to simply pray with your wife.

It'll change everything!

Now you can't say from this day forward "I just don't know how

to conduct myself as a husband.

I don't get all this..."

That excuse is lame!

It is invalid, because at least you were present today, guys!

And you got it as clear and as straight as I know how to

deliver it, led by the Holy Spirit of God Almighty!

Now, what are you going to do with it?

It's not going to be "Shazzaaam!"

In the morning, but as we begin to put this picture together of

God's role and plan for a guy in marriage, wonderful things begin

to happen, and one day, you'll wake up, and you'll say

"Who is that woman I'm married to?

I don't recognize her!

Man, she's more beautiful, and charming, and sweeter,

and more loving, and sympathetic!

I can't imagine how she has so radically changed!"

Gentlemen, she has not changed!

You simply, I, we have begun to understand the mission, and the

calling, and the privilege of loving, and leading as men of

God, as husbands in a marriage, and all of a sudden,

we'll wake up and say "Wheww!

It's a miracle!"

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I'm always amazed this time of year

at how the world around us is transformed into Christmas.

All the sights and sounds and the season

are in the air all around us,

but yet some of us, in fact, a lot of us are going to miss it.

You see we have cluttered it up

with a lot of insignificant things and we end up missing

the simple, plain truth and power

of the Savior of this world being born into a lowly manger.

To help you stay focused on the true meaning of Christmas,

we have written a special daily devotional called "The Gift."

Each day you'll get a scripture, a brief devotional and a prayer

delivered right to your tablet, smartphone or computer.

It's easy to read wherever you are.

To get your devotional go to our website - and sign-up for "The Gift."

Use this devotional to prepare yourself for the celebration

of the ultimate gift, Jesus Christ this Christmas season.

Get your devotional-I'll tell you,

you'll get in the spirit of Christmas!

And the spirit of Christmas, it'll get into you!

For more infomation >> What Every Husband Needs To Know | Dr. Ed Young - Duration: 28:31.


WATCH: Melania Prepares To 'Flip The Switch', Onlookers Suddenly Notice What She's Wearing - Duration: 3:34.

President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump took part in the 95th annual National

Christmas Tree Lighting, a tradition which dates back to the 30th President of the United

States, President Calvin Coolidge, in 1923.

As Melania prepared to "flip the switch," which would illuminate the massive Colorado

Blue Spruce, onlookers suddenly noticed what she was wearing.

First Lady Melania Trump has spent the entire week ringing in the Christmas season on Capitol

Hill in Washington, D.C.

Indeed, as soon as she returned from Mar-a-Lago, where the first family spent their Thanksgiving

holiday together, she wasted no time in commencing the festivities.

On Monday, Melania officially unveiled the opulent Christmas decorations which are on

display inside the White House.

After months of preparations in order to create the perfect holiday atmosphere at the executive

residence, viewers were stunned to see what the first lady had come up with.

Melania settled on the theme "Time-Honored Traditions" for her holiday decor this year,

and it went off without a hitch.

She even included a special tree dedicated to Gold Star Families and a spot in the White

House for military families to pen letters to their loved ones who are deployed this

holiday season.

The first family also created their very own tradition this year by producing a Christmas

ornament all their own.

The golden ornament, which bears the presidential coat of arms, was made by a company in Rhode

Island especially for the Trumps to pass out to their close friends and family.

Then, on Thursday, Donald and Melania Trump participated in another highly-anticipated

tradition; namely, the lighting of the National Christmas Tree.

"We want to wish everybody a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year," President Trump said

at the 95th annual National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony.

"Have unbelievable holidays, and we are now going to light a very beautiful tree.

And I'll ask our first lady to get ready, and maybe we'll do a countdown from 10."

Meanwhile, Melania stood poised and ready to flip the switch which would illuminate

the massive tree behind her with thousands of tiny, twinkling lights.

As Trump cued his wife, she pressed the button and the huge Colorado Blue Spruce lit up the

night sky as a crowd of onlookers applauded with excitement.

Then Melania flipped the switch, and the thousands of lights on the Colorado Blue Spruce lit

up behind them.

But Melania's outfit was even more lit than the tree.

She wore a stunning Christmas-colored jacket that matched her husband's tie:

She is the Christmas queen.

[Source: IJR] The tree was magnificent, paralleled only

by the beauty of the first lady, who was clad in a long red coat to match her husband's


Indeed, Melania looked radiant and festive.

She was the perfect person to flip the switch on this year's National Christmas Tree,

effectively ringing in the holiday season for Americans from sea to shining sea.

"Today is a day that I've been looking very much forward to all year long," the

president said after the tree lighting, according to ABC News.

"It's one that we've heard and we speak about and we dream about and now, as the President

of the United States, it's my tremendous honor to now wish America and the world a

very Merry Christmas."

This year, Americans have truly been given the most awesome gift in our beautiful first


The president promised to bring Christmas back to the White House, and Melania is steadfastly

helping him deliver on that vow.

For more infomation >> WATCH: Melania Prepares To 'Flip The Switch', Onlookers Suddenly Notice What She's Wearing - Duration: 3:34.


What is Education | True Meanings of Education - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> What is Education | True Meanings of Education - Duration: 3:13.


What is POTS? - Duration: 4:48.

hey everyone it's Alexandra and today we're gonna be talking about POTS

POTS or Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome

is a type of dysautonomia that affects the blood flow throughout

the body so when we stand up the body has to work harder to get the blood up

from the extremities. The autonomic nervous system that regulates blood flow

is affected in people with POTS. There are many diseases and genetic conditions

that can affect the autonomic nervous system. When the autonomic nervous system

isn't working properly it's called dysautonomia so

a dysfunctional autonomic nervous system = dysautonomia

and POTS is a type of dysautonomia. So there you go

POTS causes an increase in heart rate when standing

which can lead to lightheadedness, being dizzy, fatigue

things like exercise intolerance for some people these symptoms are so severe

that it really does interfere with their daily lives to a point where

40% of people with POTS are actually disabled.

so some of the most common symptoms of POTS are:

fatigue, dizziness upon standing, brain fog,

heart palpitations, headaches, nausea, abdominal pain,

chest pains, shortness of breath,

insomnia, sweating abnormalities, but the three most common symptoms are

dizziness, fatigue, and brain fog. Yes. POTS is usually diagnosed through

testing by a cardiologist, neurologist or a general practitioner the most common

test is a tilt test the patient is strapped to a table that is tilted from

a flat position to a standing one the heart rate and blood pressure changes

are monitored for up to 10 minutes or more after standing a study found that

people generally have to visit 5 to 8 doctors before receiving a correct

diagnosis for POTS what?

So how do you treat POTS

well POTS is commonly treated with diet exercise and medications so let's start

with the nutrition aspect of it the most important dietary like thing is

hydration water is a must for people with POTS say it with me people

you are a fish now if you have POTS congratulations

you need to live in a fish tank

studies have shown that being fully hydrated regulates

and improves blood pressure which reduces POTS symptoms

The general recommendation is 2 litres of water per day but that depends on your weight and

whether or not you have kidney disease listen to your body and your doctor to

determine what amount of water is right for you ya fishy speaking of diet salt

intake should also be increased in people with POTS salt can increase blood

pressure decreasing symptoms again people with kidney disease should check

with their doctor if you can't get enough salt in your diet your doctor

might give you salt pills and the coated salt pills cause less nausea than the

regular salt tablets FYI. A reason that people with POTS might have a worsening

of symptoms right after a meal is because the blood flow um goes to the

digestive system and it reduces the blood flow to other areas so yeah if you

feel like crap after you eat this might be why I certainly do so I have to

eat very small meals like throughout the day

um another thing that can help with POTS is exercise but how do you exercise when

you're too tired to literally do anything because exercises that you need

to do or to increase blood flow not heart rate for example

a recumbent bike has been shown to decrease POTS symptoms also the

other good thing about the recumbent bike is that the position of it kind of

relieves dizziness while you're exercising like with medications for

example there's a long list of conventional medications and I will

leave those in the link below in the description box for you guys and your

doctor can kind of determine what's right for you if you prefer the more

natural route a naturopath can always provide some safe treatments like

homeopathy okay so what causes POTS so it could have many causes and it can

either be primary or secondary the reason I'm looking in the corner of the

screen so much is because I have my script or my document my paper right

there I'm not going crazy it's just right there

POTS can either be primary or secondary

primary causes of POTS are usually neuropathy physical

deconditioning and various viruses secondary causes of POTS are when

another disease or condition causes the disease some examples of secondary

causes include anemia, adrenal disorders, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and tumors

Oh also Lyme disease oh that's all I wrote okay well um so I

hope you guys learned something about POTS and if you live with POTS what are

some things you do to kind of relieve the symptoms? let me know in the comments

below thank you for watching this video and until next time stay comfy

bye everyone

For more infomation >> What is POTS? - Duration: 4:48.


8 Ball Pool Trick Shots 650M Complete - What Is 8 Ball Game - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> 8 Ball Pool Trick Shots 650M Complete - What Is 8 Ball Game - Duration: 4:21.


What Child is this - Christmas Cover - Duration: 3:37.

What child is this who, laid to rest On Mary's lap is sleeping?

Whom Angels greet with anthems sweet, While shepherds watch are keeping?

This, this is Christ the King, Whom shepherds guard and Angels sing;

Haste, haste, to bring Him laud, The Babe, the Son of Mary.

So bring Him incense, gold and myrrh, Come peasant, king to own Him;

The King of kings salvation brings, Let loving hearts enthrone Him.

Raise, raise a song on high, The virgin sings her lullaby.

Joy, joy for Christ is born, The Babe, the Son of Mary.

This, this is Christ the King, Whom shepherds guard and Angels sing;

Come, Come to Christ the Lord The Babe, the Son of Mary.

For more infomation >> What Child is this - Christmas Cover - Duration: 3:37.


Earn Money and Improve The World Doing What You Love | Quantum Consult #38 - Duration: 7:48.

Awesome so I think what I'm hearing you say is that once you've read - Breaking

Normal is a huge catalyst for you to live in congruence to your

deepest desire, to your calling, to your Dharma, to your heart's desire and

because of that you started the shift of becoming self-sufficient and no longer

being under the ploy of other people's gain that's not gaining for you? And

you're in that transitionary phase and when I'm hearing you ask is how can you

support yourself and I'm assuming you mean financially for some reason

Yea. Definitely.

Okay. I caught a quick glimpse of you and I'm imagining you're

American by citizenship and you're in Bali and you look healthy, am I right about that?

Yea. Yea.

Cool and how are you making money before - what was the

shift? Did you quit a job or something or did you stop doing a certain freelance

job for money that no longer served you or what was that shift exactly in

like a quick coconut shell?

I hear ya. I hear you. So now, quickly - what is something - what is like your -

the thing you're best at compared to anyone - the most amount of people in the

world - so if I'm going to take a pool of a random billion people on planet earth

right now, what skilled trade or craft or something that you are capable of

creating money or becoming a part of that pie are you the top percent of? - And

then the same question for yourself if there was a billion people what would

you have be in the top percent of having the most fun doing?

Well the first of all how close are you to the volcano that's erupting?

When you found that news out - when this eruption started happening and when you

found that out, how is - what did you feel? Like what was your feeling then?

I felt like it was okay. Like the world has a purpose for us being here

Would you say you felt better?

Okay well I would say you've probably guessed this or could have guessed this

before you even talked about it I'm imagining your support system lies

somewhere in between those two phases and maybe that is facilitating extreme

collective emotional release and then embodiment almost like a volcano - and you

being in that space and making sure everyone - you holding the

space and holding the vibration that "yes everything's gonna be okay." To not look

at things out of perspective. I mean here we are on planet earth with volcanoes

that could erupt at any time, anywhere and who else knows if we start

going into the hole - the infinite universes and the

multiverses - the thing is that yeah it's all - this is all a

part of the dream of life and to have someone that can remind groups of people

of that collectively and then really embody that - that's a beautiful thing to

get paid to do. I'll tell you that. I can see them I can try I'm smiling.

I would also say to

come attend one of our events or something like it. Whatever the event

that you inspire to maybe do your own upgraded version of it - your own

unique upgraded version of it - but it's the most close to what you're aiming for -

I would potentially consider attending that and paying to attend

as a customer because that's going to be a huge thing - that's a great thing to say

for me to sell you one one of my events. I understand that and it's true that I

was talking something about this other day that it became so much easier for me

to charge thirty five hundred dollars for a ticket once I invested in an event

that was thirty five hundred dollars and before it almost felt out of congruence

What I'm gonna say is since we have eleven minute

that's the 11 minute mark I would say let it - get it off your mind. Forget it

and see what - like you said - that heart that's waking up more and more

says and man beat off that drum. Then I think money or whatever it is whatever

support you're looking for is inevitable.

For more infomation >> Earn Money and Improve The World Doing What You Love | Quantum Consult #38 - Duration: 7:48.


❓ What is Marcus Body Coding (MBC) is all about❓ - Duration: 1:00.

Do you feel sometimes you don't get enough time to practice in dance class?

maybe too much instructions or just too much material to digest?

And then, when you are at home and want to practice, you are not sure how?

Frustrated, because deep down you know that practice is the only way to get better?

If this is the case, this channel is exactly for you.

I am Assaf Marcus, International Dancer, Teacher, Choreographer, and Performer,

welcome YOU to Marcus Body Coding - MBC.

A system and a method I created to help people like YOU,

become better dancers in the most effective way.

Here you'll find: Full dance tutorials


Join me, subscribe and let's Practice together.

At least 3 NEW videos:

Every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday.

For more infomation >> ❓ What is Marcus Body Coding (MBC) is all about❓ - Duration: 1:00.


What Is Love and How To Find It!? - Duration: 3:39.

Love, what is Love?

The word has been abused and used incorrectly.

People don't understand the weight of the word and sometimes it is used to exaggerate

how much they really like something or somebody.

The more you misuse the word it starts to lose its power.

There's a saying that love hurts, but love is the most powerful expression anyone can


We were made to love.

Loneliness hurts, rejection hurts, but can never hurt.

In order for you to know what love is, is important to know how love works.

Feelings can be very deceiving.

Sometimes what we think is love is actually another type of emotion.

Love is the heart's expression of the soul.

Love is not a word, is the good deeds and actions towards another individual.

It's more than just a feeling.

Its patient, unselfish, giving, forgiving, unconditional.

We have no control over it.

Its not about how many months or years you both been together, its about the acts of

love you demostrate every single day.

Love doesn't hurt others and it doesn't hurt self.

If you can't find love inside of you, you will never find it outside of you.

You see we live in a world where you can buy sex, companionship, and attention, but love

cannot be bought and it will come by its own grace and will.

It cannot be turned off, no matter how bad you want to forget somebody, no matter how

hard you try to distract yourself, love is bigger than you and its subject to no human


You can't force or demand anyone to love you, it will come in its own time.

The reason most relationship fail is because couples fight with pride instead of working

things out with love.

Love is an unconditional commitment towards an imperfect person.

It's sacrifice.

It's 2 people committed to making each other happy.

Spend time with the person you love and don't underestimate the power of a listening ear

and a small act of care.

You see, love is not confusing, people are confusing.

Get to know someone first before committing to them.

When it comes to love, don't force anything, just let it happen.

You only have control of your own feelings, you can't force someone to be with you, no

matter how much you love that person, letting go of someone who doesn't love you back is

one of the most biggest act of love you can do for them because love its about wanting

the best for someone and seeing them happy.

Those who believe they will never find love listen; you're not alone, you're reserved.

Love is out there for everyone, it will come with no warning and when you least expect


Sometimes the love of your life will show up after the biggest mistake of your life.

Sometimes your ego and pride to find that perfect person won't let you see that the

man or woman that can bring value and meaning into your life is someone who never crossed

your mind.

It may be the person you least expect it to be.

Love is not on sight but in the heart.

Remember a beautiful face doesn't mean anything without a beautiful heart.

Next time you meet someone, look at their soul and not there body and I promise you

you will be able to see that imperfect person perfectly.

Love is very real and it comes in different types, but just remember, God is the true

meaning of love and we can only experience the feeling because he is love and loved us


Honestly, love is the most beautiful thing you can experience and share with someone,

but at the end of the day, its not about how many times you say "I love you" its about

how many times you can prove it.

May the Gospel give you life.

For more infomation >> What Is Love and How To Find It!? - Duration: 3:39.


With Michael Flynn's Guilty Plea, What's Next In Russia Investigation? - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> With Michael Flynn's Guilty Plea, What's Next In Russia Investigation? - Duration: 1:43.


What is an SSPX Brother? - Duration: 14:50.

Credidimus Caritati

the motto of Archbishop Lefebvre was chosen out of zeal for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

From the early days in Econe, Switzerland to growth and expansion across Africa,



Europe, and beyond, the life blood of the Society of St. Pius X's mission has

always been: the Catholic priesthood.

Each year, numerous priests join ranks in the Society's apostolic mission which aims

to give souls the grace they thirst for – through the Traditional Latin Mass, the traditional

sacraments, and even through the formation and education of the faithful.

Founded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the Brothers of the Society of St. Pius X work

to support this apostolic mission of the priests.

The Novitiate in the United States, called the Holy Angels Novitiate, has recently taken

new roots in the spiritually fertile and historically formative grounds of St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary's

former campus in Winona, Minnesota.

Rooted by voluntary vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, the vocation of the Society

Brother is both simplistic and sublime.

My name is Br. Benedict.

I'm from Post Falls – I've been a Brother for seventeen years now.

My religious name is Br. Simon.

Br. Mark.

Br Rene of Mary.

My religious name is Br. Stanislaus.

Br. Boniface. I'm originally from Minnesota.

My name is Br. Marcel, I was born in South Africa, and I've been a Brother 25 years.

Very few of our priories have Brothers.

Most people don't know what a Brother is.

And they look at our life as something surprising, shocking, maybe austere, and we're none of that.

We're normal men.

We have Brothers working and living in Phoenix AZ, in Dickinson TX, in Ridgefield CT, at

the district house near Kansas City, Missouri - and of course at the seminary in Virginia,

as well as some who work at the Novitiate in Winona.

The Brothers' vocation, essentially as the Archbishop saw it, was a vocation to help

the priest.

They are dedicated to serving Our Lord in the priest, and with a very close connection

to the Mass.

The Brother's habit is essentially a cassock without the tails on the sash.

The Archbishop probably wanted to keep them very similar so that they would be recognized

as a society member.

The Brothers of the Society would differ from other religious, first of all, in the sense

that they are active so they are involved in the apostolate with the priest.

They both serve the Church, they both serve God, they are consecrated to God but in a

different way.

The vocation of the Brother in the Society is a devotion to Christ's Priesthood.

It is a consecration of self and dedicated to the priesthood of the Society of St. Pius X.

A collaborator with the priest for the salvation of souls and to glorify God.

It could be stated, "Why didn't you pick the Benedictines?", "Why didn't you

pick the Carmelites?".

There's all kinds of religious orders, but this time calls for this religious order in

preservation for the Priesthood and for the Mass – and that's what's most attacked nowadays.

Once a postulant completes his first year, he becomes a novice, taking on the habit of

the Brothers, and making an external step that reflects the internal changes that take

place during the first years of formation.

His habit mirrors that of the priestly cassock to show its corresponding but supporting role in the apostolate.

Two words that I would use to describe Brother's vocation is consecration and sacrifice.

Stability and joyfulness.

Generous and simple.


A challenge.

Secure and fruitful.

"Ora et Labora" We pray first, and then we work and our work is a prayer as well.

What it means to be a Religious is that God calls that person to a more perfect life – specifically

through the vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience

Most Holy and most adorable Trinity, I give Thee thanks for all Thine innumerable benefits

which have prepared me for this day on which I intend to make the gift of myself, by pronouncing

the vows of religion according to the statutes of the Brothers of the Priestly Society of

St. Pius X.

O Jesus, my Lord and my divine Master, may the graces of redemption acquired by Thy Sacrifice

on the Cross, which is renewed daily on our altars, wipe out all my faults and negligences,

so that charity may fill my soul on this day of my religious profession.

O Mary, our Mother, help me to understand the grace of this gift as a cooperation with

the sufferings of the divine Priest for the salvation of my soul and of all souls.

Saint Joseph, Saint Pius X, and all our holy Patrons, intercede for me before the divine

Master, so that I may persevere in the quest for perfection that these vows express.

I, John Aladdin, in religion, Brother Simon, before God and the Church, take the vows of

obedience, of poverty, and of chastity, according to the norms of law and of the statutes of

the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X, for the duration of one year.

The whole purpose of living those vows quite simply, basically is living for God, consecration

to God, devotion to God.

The Brothers of the Society take the three vows of religion as any religious would; poverty,

chastity and obedience.

The vow of poverty for example will free somebody from the concerns of material things.

The vow of chastity is meant to free you from the concerns of the flesh and family life.

The vow of obedience frees you essentially from your own will.

The Brothers of the Society are active so they are involved in apostolate with the priest.

Simon on the Way of the Cross.

Our Lord is carrying the Cross and He needs the help, so they bring Simon of Cyrene – and

the Brother is that Simon.

So the priest is carrying the Cross, the apostolate, and the Brother is there as that Simon to

carry the Cross with Him, to help Him, to be underneath Him, but to be there to support Him.

So he can fulfill his mission, and that is being on the Cross.

The priest has to be on the Cross with Our Lord and so we're there to help him.

The religious life in itself is very peaceful, because you Christ as your anchor and Christ

doesn't change.

So the Brother helps the priest in his apostolate by his example of living a religious under

the vows, by his prayer life in common with him, and then lastly but not least his active

work as a Brother – what he does day to day.

It's in various material and spiritual sides, the spiritual side – with the attendance

of the Office, serving of Mass, helping in the administration of the sacraments.

The Archbishop, when he was in Africa, had Brothers who had helped construct schools

in Africa, schools which have lasted to this day.

It's common that a Brother has a particular skill or a trade that he learns, maybe he

even goes to some classes or schooling for it.

And then he uses that trade which could be anything from woodworking to electrical to

even agriculture if that's going to help support a community in the future.

He can work as an accountant.

He may be able to work as a teacher, work as a schola director, as a sacristan.

It can be driving the priest to his mission runs or a sick call.

It can be cooking.

It could be maintenance work.



It could be anything.

You don't necessarily need to come with some kind of skill or some kind of trade,

or some kind of career before.

The Novitiate will give you a formation in some kind of professional trade or schooling

for academics if that's what your talent is from God.

Your God-given talents, and we all have them whatever they might be, you use them in the

religious life - not just for yourself but to use them for the glory of God.

Before I became a Brother I'd just gotten my Journeyman's license as an electrician

so obviously my work, a lot of my early work as a Brother gravitated towards that field.

My main line of work is the formation - a technical formation of Brothers in artistic

works - but I also work for the US District on their projects.

Design work.

I'm at school so during the school hours of the day then I teach two classes and I

prepare for the classes.

And then outside of school hours then I am a house father to boarding boys.

I also have charge of the Archconfraternity of St. Stephen in the US District.

I also work with the Kansas City Scout - the Boys' Scout group, Catholic scout group.

We built the doors for the seminary - all the exterior doors, and right now we just

finished up building the ceiling for the library.

And we're currently working on the bookcases for the library.

The material work that we do relates to fulfilling a spiritual calling.

It doesn't matter what you're doing materially – every Brother is doing the Will of God

and I think that sums up the vocation of a Brother.

What drew me to the Brothers was the fact that it was a very simple life.

What attracted me was the simplicity of the life – something I'd never thought of

before, and it had that it was actually possible to do.

You give everything to Our Lord so there's a great joy and a great peace that comes with

it that can't be described to anybody in the world - even people that live with the

Brothers that work around the Brothers, they don't know the peace and joy that comes with the life.

I think if someone's thinking about a vocation then they should definitely try it out.

And I would encourage a man that is considering a vocation to talk to a Brother.

Each of us has our own story, and they're pretty amazing.

How our own vocations developed and fostered, and how we finally took that leap.

I would say if one is having cold feet about thinking about a Brother's vocation I would

say that's completely normal.

Of course when you're encountering something which you didn't see coming your way you're

going to be scared, you're going to be afraid.

The best thing to do is what any priest would ever give any advice to any person discovering

his vocation: Pray, be open to your priests, be open to your parents if you're young,

and pray.

The devil doesn't want you to have counseling and often times people come to retreat at

a crossroad, and it's the best time to come on retreat - when you're trying to make

a big decision in your life.

Go on retreat, you can settle down, you can listen to that Divine whisper, you have excellent

counseling from the priests.

Your mind – the world is tuned out and God is tuned in.

On the Day of Judgement, God willing, we are found faithful to our calling.

And imagine you'll have a special badge you'll be wearing as a religious – you

were a special friend to Our Lord, a close friend, and that's what the vocation is all

about - being a true friend of Our Lord.

Only so many can be priests or have that vocation, but it's much more open to be a Religious.

I think that the Brothers are very necessary, not just to help the priest, but also simply

as religious to help save souls.

Because we all know that there's lots of souls out there to be saved today.

And so somebody can dedicate their life to God by being a Brother and no matter what

they're actually doing, whether they're gardening or whether they're washing dishes

– they're doing it with the vows under obedience and they're meriting very much,

and they could be saving souls that way.

Credidimus Caritati is the motto from which flows the interior and exterior work of the

Brothers of the Society of St. Pius X.

It is through the three Evangelical counsels that the Brothers bind themselves to God.

It is through their daily work that they support the priestly apostolate in saving souls and

glorifying God.

The salvation of souls relies upon the work of the priest.

The work of the priest relies upon the commitment of each Society Brother.

Let us also believe in Charity.

Credidimus Caritati.

For more infomation >> What is an SSPX Brother? - Duration: 14:50.


What Is Patriotism? – Speech by Emma Goldman (1908) - Duration: 6:24.

For more infomation >> What Is Patriotism? – Speech by Emma Goldman (1908) - Duration: 6:24.


Our Senses: What Sluggish Sloths Tell Us About Balance - Duration: 1:48.


>>ROB DESALLE, CURATOR: Balance and hearing are usually associated with each other because

the organs that do the sensing of sound waves and that detect position, they're very close

to each other.

They're in the inner ear.

They work in somewhat the same fashion, too.

The cochlea that detects the sound waves has fluid in it, and interacts by the hairs being

bent by the fluid.

Balance, on the other hand, has three little structures called semicircular canals arranged

in an X-Y-Z coordinate fashion.

These three semicircular canals are filled with fluid, too, and are lined with hairs.

And so, if you bend a little bit forward, what you're going to do is cause the fluid

to go in the Z direction, and that's going to tell your brain, "Oh, I'm bending forward."

Sometimes, balance is not that important for animals.

Three-toed sloths are awesome because they live in trees, and they've evolved to be

very, very slow.

They rarely come out of the tree except to poop.

And when they do their movements and balance are very, very herky-jerky.

The reason for this is that their semicircular canals have started to degrade.

They're a really great example of how a sense is no longer needed and becomes vestigial.


For more infomation >> Our Senses: What Sluggish Sloths Tell Us About Balance - Duration: 1:48.


What's Up! San Bernardino (December 4th to 10th) - Duration: 3:05.

Hello everyone, here's What's up in San Bernardino for December 4th through December 10th, Twenty-seventeen!

Santa Claus Incorporation is having their annual open house.

The mission of Santa Claus, Inc. is to provide critical assistance to children in the Inland

Empire by supporting and strengthening the family element through their community-based programs.

Volunteers are encouraged to attend the workshops to see how they can provide goods and services

for over a hundred thousand children in Twenty-seventeen.

Santa Claus Incorporated is located at 824 East 6th St, San Bernardino.

For more information visit their Facebook page.

The San Bernardino Public Libraries will be hosting visits by Santa Claus at the city

library this twenty-seventeen holiday season.Santa Claus and one of his elves will be visiting the Feldheym Central Library on Tuesday.

Children can visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus during story and song times and after they

will receive a free book of their choice.

The Feldheym Central Library is Located at: 555 West 6th Street, San Bernardino

Join your neighbors and community for coffee and conversation with the San Bernardino Police Department.

There are no agenda or speeches, just a chance to ask questions, voice concerns, and get to know the officers in your neighborhood!

Refreshments will be served at 9am-10am. This event is located at The Art Institute of California, Inland Empire at:674 E. Brier Drive, San Bernardino.

Sash-Iko is a form of decorative stitching.

Join a class with Ruthie Grenier, Hosted by the San Bernardino Sew-Vac business.

In this class you will learn the basic parts of the machine and stitch samples.

The event is from 10am-1pm. The San Bernardino Sew and Vac is Located at 1255 North E Street, San Bernardino.


Bring an unwrapped toy for a tot and make a kid smile.

This event is the Support Night so bring any donation, whatever the gifts will go to the

Families of the Inland Empire. The Drive will be held at: 2089 North Mt Vernon Ave, San Bernardino.

Winter Wonderland is a family friendly event that helps the community bring in the holiday spirit.

There are many activities for families to participate in all day long including a

Snow Hill, Vendors, Live Entertainment, Cookies with Santa and much more!

The Event will be held at Perris Hill Park Rd, San Bernardino,

The TWMX Race Series consists of four five-race championship series for a total of 20 events in Southern California.

Competitors and spectators are welcome.

The front gates and race registration open at 6AM.Practice begins at 8AM and racing following.

For more information contact: (909) 880-3090

The Glen Helen race track is located at: 18585 Verdemont Ranch Road, San Bernardino

And that's What's up in San Bernardino for December 4th through December 10th, 2017.

If you have an event that you'd like us to highlight here, please send an email to

events at

And we'll see you next time when we'll let you know!!

What's Up San Bernardino!

For more infomation >> What's Up! San Bernardino (December 4th to 10th) - Duration: 3:05.


What do waffles eat? - Duration: 2:09.

Alright, are you ready to tell me a story?


Ok let's hear it.

Once upon a time...well, there's four donkeys.


A mom, and a dad, and a sister and a brother. "Oooh I can touch my tail!"

What do, what do waffles eat?


Oww!! (crying) Don't!


Then he sticked his head out the waffle's mouth.

And he just plopped down his leg.

The waffle, well, he was in syrup.


It went 'thump'.

Ooh, that's the gorilla.

Yes, he's a gorilla!

He's an angry one.

Oh watch out!

And it went, gah!

It knocks them off... and they go down, down, down...

They both went 'thump'!

They fall into...

One-hundred donkeys.

They ate all of the donkeys.


He got bigger!

He got bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger!

Woop he got even bigger!

And then what happened?

Oh, the police came.

"Look, there it is!"

the police officer said.

"We need a bigger net," the police officer said.

"We need a bigger net."


"Woh, he got bigger!?"

"We need a bigger net."

"He's gonna get in real big trouble..."

For more infomation >> What do waffles eat? - Duration: 2:09.


Turtle Shell Peeling? What to do during shedding! | Turtle 101 - Duration: 6:21.

Hey guys, welcome back to the channel, it's the Turtle Girl.

Today, we're talking about turtle shedding.

So, I noticed that Nemo was just shedding recently, so I thought I'd do a quick video to show you guys

what this is, why they do it, how it works, and what you can do to help it along.

So basically, turtles shed both their skin and their shell scutes

in order to keep their shell healthy and to allow growth.

So when they shed their skin, you can only see it in the water

and it'll look kind of translucent and metallic. You'll know it's shedding because it looks kind of thin and wispy

Some people mistake it for fungus

but if it's thin and wispy, it's probably shedding. This is totally normal, all reptiles do it.

The only time you would need to be concerned is when you see excessive shedding. This is when the skin is just

sloughing off and there's a lot of it, you can see it very clearly,

and there's just layers upon layers of skin coming off. This usually means one of two things:

Either it is a sign of rapid growth, which can be caused by overfeeding or high temperatures -

so if you notice that your turtle is growing really fast

and they're shedding a lot, then you might want to tweak either how much you're feeding them

or the temperature of the water. Alternatively, this could mean that

your turtle has some sort of irritation or infection, so you might want to investigate that.

However, shedding of the skin is usually a pretty easy process - nothing to be worried about.

In fact, you won't always notice that they're doing it.

Then there is also scute shedding. Scute shedding is the way that they allow their shell to grow and

keep their shell healthy. Scutes are just the little portions or sections of the turtle shell.

Periodically your turtles will shed these. For growing turtles,

this is more often in order to allow for their growth, whereas adult turtles just do it to make sure that

their shell is healthy.

It's a pretty regular occurrence for most turtles.

I say most because certain turtles don't shed until a certain age or they shed in a different way.

For example, diamondback terrapins won't shed until they are adults whereas things like soft shells

will have to shed differently because they don't actually have hard shells. But most turtles will shed their scutes.

Some indicators that your turtle is shedding

is first of all, you might notice that their shell looks a little bit metallic

or shiny when they're in the water,

and this is a result of air bubbles being trapped underneath the scutes,

because those scutes are loose. So that would be your first, (kind of most obvious) indicator of shedding.

Also, you might notice that your turtle is basking in an effort to get UVB to keep the shell healthy and to promote shell growth.

Then you might notice that your turtle is rubbing its shell against decorations.

So these are all good signs that your turtle is shedding.

Then when they actually start shedding, the scutes start coming up in

papery thin sheets and these are made out of keratin, the same material as our fingernails,

And you usually can just find these floating around the tank and you can take them out.

There are a couple things you can do to help shedding along and make it an easier process for you and the turtle.

So first of all, something really easy you can do is add a pellet to their diet that is high in vitamin E

and vitamin A. So vitamin E and vitamin A just

help promote a healthy shell and shell growth,

all those types of good things. The pellet that I use and that a lot of other turtle keepers use is

Hikari koi wheat germ. Now, it is a pellet made for koi, but it's high in both those two vitamins

so this really helps with shell growth and you can just replace about

30% of your turtles normal pellets with this and that can really help shedding along.

Links to Hikari wheat germ in the description if you want to check that out.

Another thing you can do is take them outside for

some real UVB, of course when it's warm enough - at least over 70* F

and if they're younger than probably more like 73* or 75*, just to make sure they don't get cold.

But you can take them outside when it's sunny for some

real UVB, because the artificial stuff that we provide them

isn't always the strongest or the best, so it's a good idea to take them outside

and just give them 15 to 30 minutes of

outdoor time in order to let them soak up that real,

strong, healthy UVB actually from the Sun.

Now, you just want to make sure that you are ALWAYS watching your turtle when they go outside.

They can move surprisingly fast, so just always watch your turtle when they're outside and

make sure there's no predators around. Make sure your cat

or dog isn't out there. They can quickly snatch up your turtle and bad situations can happen.

Just watch your turtle if you take them outside, but natural sunlight is a

great thing that really helps with shedding.

Finally, another thing that you can try is taking a soft bristled toothbrush and

gently rubbing your turtle's shell with this. This will also help clean the shell and loosen the scutes.

Now, some turtles don't always like this, so if your turtle seems really

irritated because they feel the bristles through their shell, then just leave them be and

give them some rough decorations for them to

scratch their shells on. But if they'll allow you, that can be another thing that helps with shedding.

Now, one thing you should never ever ever do when a turtle is shedding is

once you see the scutes coming up and they start peel off, never use force

to pull off those with your own hands, because though you might be

intending to help that turtle shed, you could actually

end up hurting them more, because by pulling up the scute you could

accidentally be damaging the growing shell underneath. So never pull up a turtle scute

that is being shed in effort to try to remove it with force. Just let it fall off naturally.

They will eventually come off naturally.

So yeah,

shedding is a totally normal thing.

Nothing to be worried about. If you have any questions about it feel free to leave it in the comments!

Thank you guys so much for watching,

I hope this video helped you, and I'll see you next Friday!

Have a turtley awesome day! See you guys later, Bye!

Oh, WAIT, wait, wait I almost forgot... okay.

So, you guys, we have merch now, so if you want to get a cool - turtley awesome shirt,

then be sure to check out my recent video - all the details are in that description, so yeah... ok for real now -

See you guys later. Bye!!!!

For more infomation >> Turtle Shell Peeling? What to do during shedding! | Turtle 101 - Duration: 6:21.


What Graduation Looks Like - Duration: 1:14.

All right so here we are coming to a ABGI what do I need to know about ABGI oh

well they are hard workers they're very dedicated to the process and it was a

joy to work with them a ABGI these guys are awesome and they are now what we

call graduated from the system so I worked with them for about two years

taught him everything I know and now they are off and running on their own so

this is gonna be fun for me to see them again because I don't get to see them

every quarter like a lot of my other other clients they actually moved during

our time together so that was kind of fun to watch them go through that

process which would have normally been very

head taken and you know crazy and sporadic but because they planned ahead

and they had really great tools and really great people it just wasn't

well they I would say it was a non-event they might say it was anonymous all

right let's go check it out.

For more infomation >> What Graduation Looks Like - Duration: 1:14.


Latam, Planes and Brazil, Married - What could go wrong! - Duration: 8:38.

For more infomation >> Latam, Planes and Brazil, Married - What could go wrong! - Duration: 8:38.


What have I been doing? - Duration: 1:49.

hey guys and just wanted to say hello

I haven't made a video. Well um I'm making videos

everyday but I'm just now uploading them to YouTube or Dtube but I'm doing a little

experiment which is gonna take 30 days so that's why you haven't seen me and

and it's gonna take 30 days before this thing is completed so I'm doing this

this little thing and I've got a new camera by the way. I've got a lovely

new camera a Canon 70 D it's fantastic and it's got a brilliant lens on it.

It's got a 30 mm lens on it very very good I'm very pleased with it anyway so that's

why you haven't seen me being rather busy with this experiment I'm filming

every single day and in 30 days time I've been doing that for

over a week now and in 30 days time I'll release that video and you'll be able to

see what I've been up to.

If you've been following me for a while you will know

that I never buy equipment from my own earnings from my hard-earned wages

I buy equipment from money I make online.

This camera and this new laptop

I bought from my earnings online and you know that camera is brilliant this

laptop is an i7 8 Gig Dell fantastic you can write on the screen there's all

kinds of wonderful stuff and yes so um I'm on steem you know I work on steemit

I do a bit of work on steem and I've just started doing work on a thing called

Bitconnect but yeah I'll put the links down below you can go and have a look at them

but if you're not on steem and you want to make some money

You should jump on there straight away that's all got to say. Bye now

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