how to do faux freckles ☆ 2018 - Duration: 3:00.-------------------------------------------
How to make a 12V to 5V , 3.3V and 9V convertor - Duration: 5:01.Wellcome!! In this video we'll learn how to convert 12v to 5v, 3.3v & 9v
I used a switch for controlling the circuit
Fuses are used before regulators so that when load draws more current
fuse will open the circuit and will save the circuit
As we can have a lot of outputs from power supply so for every load seperate fuse has been used
Leds were used at output to see if required voltage is coming or not
Double check capacitors value before going for hardware
I have used 7805 to convert 12v to 5v
I have used LD117 to convert 12v to 3.3v
have used 7809 to convert 12v to 9v
We can take 2 outputs from one regulator.Don't go for more than 2 otherwise u have to compromise on current
How to make a ginger shot — the BEST ginger shot ever - Duration: 5:06.today we're doing the upgraded version of the ginger shot so stay tuned
hi everybody this is Andres from off grid Sweden if you haven't been here
before I want to welcome you for the first time on this channel I show you
things that we do on the homestead tips and tricks reviews stuff related to home
studying and off-grid living and also videos like this one if you haven't
subscribed please do so if you like the content and you will get notified on new
content now back to the topic of this video the easiest way to do this gene
new shot is to use a slow user of some kind I'm using the one from KitchenAid I
think that one is easy to assemble easy to run and easy to clean when you're
the ingredients we are using our all ecological and that's important we have
ginger lemons apple honey and some water the amount of everything would be in the
description of the video and all the steps are in the video - be sure to
stick around till the end all of these ingredients are supposed to be good for
your health there is a flu season now and I take one
shot each day and so far I'm good I actually try to do that all the air
around ginger is good against cold and might even help with your digestion
lemons strengthen your immune system honey is anti-inflammatory and the Apple
contains potassium pectin and vitamin C that's all good for you probably these
ingredients do a lot more than I know if you know something more about these
ingredients please leave it in the comments below
when we have made smaller pieces of everything we run it through the slow
this slow user does a pretty good job in sucking all the juice out of everything
after juicing we add honey and then some water we give it a good stir so the
honey dissolves after that we bottle it so we can enjoy it every morning before
not only is this lemon shot good for you it tastes amazing - have a great weekend
and I'll see you next week if you haven't subscribed already do so by
clicking down there on the Swedish flag and then you can also click on the bell
icon up there and then you'll get notified when I put out new videos and
if you want to watch another video I got one over there for you
[ WORKING ] How to get Nvidia Geforce Now Account ( Outside US ) I PC & MAC - Duration: 3:17.First start TunnelBear ( Link is in the Description )
Connect with USA
Before I was connected with VPN I was in Germany and now I am in USA.
Change your location to USA on the page
Now you can register
Look in the mailbox
Download Nvidia Geforce Now ( Link is in the Description )
it worked as you can see
Here's another proof that it works
How to make a Glow In the Dark Slime - DIY 2018 - Duration: 3:35.how to make a glowing slime
you can purchase powder on eBay. for 3 Dollars or something
add glue,
baking soda
and activator (borax) recipe is linked below the video
mix well until it comes together
add the powder
add little bit less than I did..
otherwise it will go liquidy for long period of time
eventually it will come back together though...
to speed up the process you can put it in the fridge
it becomes even less sticky...
ok.. that´s it.... thank you for watching
How to pick a university course. Stepping Further #7 - Duration: 11:17.-------------------------------------------
How to write code for (ALU) / calculator using Arduino IDE - Duration: 5:01.Welcome!!! In this video we'll learn how to write code for ALU (CALCULATOR)
Using this code we can find addition , multiplication , subtraction and all logic units for two numbers
we can take two numbers from user using serial buffer and user can also select mode of operation.
once numbers and mode is entered the result will be shown on screen
I have used SWITCH statement for dealing with all modes of operation
watch video till end , for code and other details contact me
Dinosaur Storytime: Hansel and Gretel (dinosaur fairy tale + how to draw) - Duration: 8:54.hey guys I'm going to read to you my story Hansel and Gretel and afterwards
I'm gonna draw a velociraptor a velociraptor
once upon a time about seventy two or three million years ago two little
velociraptors named Hansel and Gretel were lost in a prehistoric forest
Hansel we are so lost. Who ate all the breadcrumbs. Wait.
Gretel I smell something. Food?? Hansel and Gretel followed the
sweet smell to a house it was a gingerbread house. The two hungry
velociraptors started devouring the house.
nom nom nom nom nom nom nom.
This is delicious
So good! Hey, stop eating my house.
Came a voice from the rooftop. It was a very old looking Pteranodon. *cough*
Why just eat a house? Come in come in children I have some delicious meat pies
Something didn't smell right to Hansel and Gretel. They wanted to run away from
the mean-looking Pteranodon but the mention of meat pie made their
tummy rumble. Come inside you poor children you must be starving and the
pies are getting cold. The Pteranodon went inside the house and
the two little velociraptors followed in. Oh what a mistake that was. There was no
meat pie instead the Pteranodon turned out to be a witch. I'm going to fatten you up
and turn you into Velociraptor pie. mmmmm.
poor hansel was locked in a cage and poor poor Gretel was forced to clean the
witch's house. Yuck! One day the Pteranodon was getting very
hungry looking at Hansel and Gretel and decided it was time to cook them.
Gretel my dear please check the oven temperature
something didn't smell right to Gretel. Uh what do you mean?
I mean check the
oven temperature.
uh... but how?
*sigh* Just stick your head in there and see if it's hot enough to cook a dinosaur. I mean bread.
But is that safe?
what if I fall over?
Arggh! It's perfectly safe. Here let me show you.
Just as the
evil witch stuck her head into the oven Gretel
gave her a big push. AHHHHH! And she fell into the oven!
Gretel freed Hansel and together these ran away into the forest where their
father found them. There you are my children. Father!! I thought I smelled
something delicious said father velociraptor. You must have followed the
smell of my pie! Gretel took out a pie and the Velociraptor family ate together
happily ever after nom nom nom nom
mmmmm. I wonder what was in Gretel's pie? hmm
anyway let's draw a velociraptor. First off I need to see what a Velociraptor
looks like and thank you google image here's a nice-looking one ok let's paste
that here a little bit bigger ok now I'll just draw over him and just
kind of studying the kind of the lines of his shape and body like his head
moves to his neck the bottom of his jaw and then his neck and it curves down to
his belly and there's his legs and then his back he's being so one long line of
that's the ugly tail let me try it again. back tail like a triangle good. Alright and his
legs these are massive big legs look how high they start. All the way down here
curve all the way just one curve down and then the back of his leg it kind of
angles. There we go all the way to his feet and toes sharp toes. His arms are
like three little shapes like this. His claws his shoulder and his forearms are
pretty much the same. All right so there's our velociraptor
let me draw over him. Oh let's draw with nicer lines this time. Alright so I'm
just gonna black line and I like this head going to neck shape and the bottom
and then let's try it out again. Head goes down to the neck and then the top
of bottom of his head and then his neck all the way down to his tail I'm just
gonna make it one long line and all the way back can I do it, good
that looks good. Alright I'm happy with that
okay now his legs get into one long line. Curve and curve again like a like a bird
and then just draw some toes here and there for his arms I'm just gonna let it
hang down a little bit more so I'll make that little bit longer and then this
make the claws bigger because these are velociraptors. Sharp big claws okay and
his eyes and he's happy because he smells something delicious probably
all right so now let's just erase some of these lines. They don't belong here
and then move it close and that line shouldn't be there. Okay I'll go all the
way and that line shouldn't be there. I'll keep the other lines and then for
his legs that line shouldn't be there good
this is arms. All right there is our velociraptor. Now we just need a color
him in. What color should he be? blue, orange green? green? yeah so the velociraptor can be
camouflage good for hunting. It's a good
color for hunting. So color him in quickly.
a little bit smaller and don't worry I go back erase all the parts where I went over
to line. Eraser clean that up
nice and then that's just locked the alpha so that I can kind of shade in
some darker green there we go and it's kind of his under his tummy and
behind his legs give him more 3d and some lighter green yeah top of his head
sun is shining the white eyes. Perfect. There's our velociraptor.
hey I hope that
was fun and helpful be sure to subscribe and check out my other dinosaur fairy
tales and my other stories yeah do that I am E B Adams children's author and
illustrator on YouTube. thanks for watching. bye.
How to WRITE YouTube Videos - Duration: 6:48.This week I wanted to talk about writing, which might seem a little bit out of
place as most of my videos are usually about filming and editing. But your
filming and your editing really rely on your writing. If you don't plan properly
you probably won't be able to execute properly. So this video is just going to
be my best advice for writing a concise video with good structure and flow.
Before you even begin writing you need to have a place to keep track of all of
your ideas. For me this is in the form of a Google Doc that includes quick lists
that I can add to of video ideas as well as brands and creators that I'd like to
collaborate with in the future. Just have some sort of list that you can easily
access anytime that you get a new idea. I like to write my videos on paper for a
couple of reasons. The first is that it's a really good way to visualize your ideas.
If you're someone who's into drawing arrows to connect different ideas this
is definitely for you. Writing also just makes you more engaged than typing does.
Instead of pressing a variety of different buttons you're drawing
different shapes and performing a physical action, and that interaction
with what you're writing makes you more engaged and results in a better product
later. Once I've picked out an idea I can start writing and before I even begin
writing the actual video I'll just write down any ideas that I may have for that
topic as just bullet points. Just get every single idea that you have spilled
out onto that paper and then start organizing. When I'm writing I like to
use an outline format, and that's a format where you indent to elaborate on
certain details and topics. So say the first part of this video is about
filming, and I want to go on to the first tip about filming, so I indent. And then I
want to elaborate a bit on that subtopic that is that first tip, so then I indent
again and I can list details about that. Writing in this format is a pretty nice
balance between straight-up bullet points and a proper paragraph and it's a
really great way to visualize what you're writing. You can really look at it
and see the structure of the video. It's really important that you
don't write for length but instead write for quality and efficiency. The video
should be as long as it needs to be and no longer. You do that by being as
concise as you possibly can be when planning and really thinking about what
details are important to include and what you can get rid of. Even though some
details might be cool or interesting in themselves, you really want to be
thinking about the big picture and if what you're writing contributes to that.
And if it doesn't, scrap it. A good way to be concise is to make the intro and
outro of your video as short as you possibly can so that you can really
focus on the meat of the video- that information value in the middle. For a
tutorial video, that informational value would be the steps in the process. And
for something like a quick tip video that would be the actual list of tips.
The steps in that process or the tips in that list-
those are your subtopics, and the order that you put them in is really important
and is something that you should think about a lot when writing. For example,
when I make a tutorial I try to talk about both filming and editing, so when
I'm writing that video I make sure to talk about all of the filming tips
before I talk about editing. That way, the structure of the video follows the
process of making a film. If you look at this video, I've arranged the different
points in it in such a way that it follows my writing process. The order of
the topics that you talk about is very important for making the structure
understandable for the viewer but it's also important for keeping the viewer's
attention. It's important to grab your viewer's attention early with something
interesting at the beginning of the video but you don't want that attention
level to be dropping off throughout the video, and you also want the viewer to be
left with something interesting at the end that encourages them to check out
your work further, so it's important to work on finding a balance there. When
you're thinking about the order of your subtopics it's also important to have a
way to transition between them. For example, the last thing that I was
talking about in this video is how to order those subtopics to keep your
viewer's attention and now I'm talking about how to
transition between them to keep flow. On here those are two completely
separate topics, but it's pretty easy for me to transition between them when I'm
filming, which makes the video flow a lot better for you. A video with good flow is
one that you can watch without getting distracted, and a foolproof way to
distract your viewer is to constantly repeat words and phrases. Let's say
you're writing a video about f-stop. You want to really limit the amount of times
that you say "f-stop". another bad way to get caught up with repetition is to
start too many of your sentences the same way, and I am completely guilty of
this. If you look back at my recent videos there's one word that I start too
many sentences with. *NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW
NOW NOW* So my problem is the word now but this also applies to common words
like then or next. It seems like a minor detail and that's because it is but
eventually the viewer is going to pick up on that repetition and after a
certain point it gets distracting, it starts to disrupt the flow, and it's also
just a little bit annoying. And the final bit of advice that I have in this video
is not about what you write or how you write it but when you actually write. I
strongly strongly recommend writing a few days before you start filming. This
way before you start filming you have an opportunity to come back and read over
that with fresh eyes and that gives you a chance to edit and notice things that
you won't have the day before. I wrote the outline for this video
two days ago and I've had a chance yesterday and today to come back, look
over it, and think about what I really want to be including. So this was a
somewhat different kind of video for my channel, but I hope you learned something
from it and if you did do feel free to show your support by leaving a like
on the video or even subscribing to my channel. I upload new filmmaking
tutorials every single Saturday, keep creating, and I'll see you
in the next one.
hey guys is ethan and welcome back to week 3 of my brand-new uploading schedule
We are now trying to get to
1,000 subscribers by june so if you guys want to help me get to that goal so i
could get them on a test again and i can make money again
Make sure you press the subscribe button and if you want to know when i post just now post every single friday
Make sure you hit that bell to get notified every single time i post
So today i'm going, to be talking about the service about i use
To double and almost triple my views now let's get on with the video
so recently i found this really amazing service called vid iq i
found it about a year ago from this youtuber named cavis
Around when he had 10000 subscribers now he almost has a million so great job
anyways this service basically teaches small youtubers like me
how to grow your channel in a really really really short period of time
How it works is it takes tak you have now on your video it tells you how to optimize them for your search engine optimization
which basically just means how people can find your videos so when they search in that search bar they can easily find your videos
this by the way is a sponsored by vid iq in anyway i just really loved the service and i think you guys should
Totally go check it out
not only do they help you get your views found in a very broad reach audience
but they also can give you lots of templates for your comment so if you're getting lots of spam comments
you can instantly delete a lot of them and you can instantly reply to a lot of them with a certain template
not, to mention on their website they have analytics across the whole page that shows you likes
Everything all on one board so you can see all of your analytics and how they compare to each other you can see which videos
give you more likes which videos give you more dislikes which videos make your channel spike it's
So helpful and it gives you that layout right there they also have amazing customer support like whenever i have a problem
they respond to me in like 10 minutes and
I am a moderator over there so if you guys subscribe
To their channel i will probably leave a card up there and in the end stream?
make sure you guys check out all of their live streams and all of their videos because they have
amazing tips and they can even check out your channel and give you some feedback
That's all for today's video thank you guys, so much for watching
for more embed i q check out that i quis channel and i will see you guys next week with a brand new video
don't forget, to subscribe for more videos like this bye guys
How To Remove Watermark In Wondershare Filmora Without Buying- Filmora Full Version w/o Watermark - Duration: 6:22.
How to Colour Anime Skin! - Duration: 8:47.Hey everyone!
In today's video, I'm going to show you how to colour anime skin.
All you need is a skin tone pencil crayon.
Just keep in mind that shadows on the face are always in the opposite direction of the light source.
When colouring skin, I always colour the shadows first.
In anime style, you never actually see the nose in front view. So here I'm just colouring the shadow of the nose.
Now, you want to draw the shadow of the nose line.
Always remember to press hard when colouring the shadows.
Since the hair is falling on the face, there is definitely going to be a shadow.
Now for the neck.
Like I said, the shadow always has to be in the opposite direction of the light source.
So the shadow of the neck is going to be diagonal.
If you're doing line art, you should put the cheek lines.
But when you're colouring, you probably shouldn't.
Press hard for the cheeks.
Now, lightly colour in the rest of the skin.
And we're done colouring the skin!
Now, I'm just drawing a t-shirt for the girl to wear.
And we're finally done!
Colouring the skin is one of my favourite parts about drawing anime!
How to draw and color eyes | Tutorial - Duration: 6:57.Start by sketching the basic shape of an eye
using a smooth and light pencil
mine is a 2B by Faber Castell
don't forget to do it in many strokes
so your drawing won't become stiff
you also don't need to worry about details
they'll be done later in color pencils
here I'm making a color grid to help you out
on wich color to use
start by using a pale brown
to fill the iris
and a dark beige over it
to create a honey effect
fill the pupil in dark brown
but let a white space for shinnin' effect
black in the center of the pupil to enhance it
and we start layering with the browns
making it lighter in the center
and darker around the edges
I always use a top layer of white
to seal and mix the colors
*the shinning reflection is not fully white*
just add some grey strokes to it
fill the waterline and corners in salmon
pink for highlights
*the sclera is also not fully white*
using some greyish tones will make it more realistic
*best part to draw*
this is just the same as applying makeup
it will be easy if you're used to it
think about the colors pencils as shadows,
eyeliner, mascara, etc...
we first apply a layer of light pink
and shade it with a darker pink
use the browns and reds
to create some depth to the makeup
as for the eyebrows start by lightly applying brown to it
and then draw the hair in a darker brown
all the hairs one by one
today let's just use some beige tones
to paint some skin color, as it is not the focus here yet
but even using just these two colors
you can do a decent job already, just shade carefully
time to draw the eyelashes
eyelashes are generally curved
and they also don't all face the same direction or curvature
*fixing and highliting some parts*
and it is done!
I hope this tutorial was useful! See ya! ^-^
How to Make Spicy Pate Cake / Jhal Puli Pitha / Spicy Puli Pitha / Kusli Pitha - Duration: 5:47.Hello viewers, in this video I will show you how to make Spicy Puli Cake
Ingredients will need for cooking
Potato 1 Cup
Beans 1/2 Cup
Onion Slice 1/2 Cup
Coriander leaves 1/4 Cup
Cinnamon 1 inch
Red Chilli Powder 1/4 Teaspoon
Green Chilli 2
Garlic Paste 1/2 Teaspoon
Cumin Paste 1 Teaspoon
Ginger Paste 1/2 Teaspoon
Spice Mixture 1 Teaspoon (Cardamom 2, Black Cardamom 1, Black pepper 5, Cloves 3)
Bay leaf 1
Panch Phoron 1/2 Teaspoon
Nigella Seed 1/4 Teaspoon
Rice Flour 1.5 Cup
Salt and Turmeric to taste
First, I will prepare the fill for the puli cakes
For this reason, I will heat 4-5 teaspoons soybean oil in a pan then I will add bay leaf and Panch Phoron to fry for few seconds
Next, I will add potato, Beans, salt and turmeric, ginger paste, cumin paste, garlic paste, green chili, dried chilli powder, cinnamon and onion and will cook it for 2-3 minutes
After 2-3 minutes, I will add Spice Mixture and 1/2 cup water and will cook it with cover for 3-4 minutes in low flame
I have cooked the onion with all ingredients and did not fry before. If you want, you can fry the onion before then you can add all ingredients
After 3-4 minutes, remove the cover and cook until the entire water dries up
Then I will add coriander leaves and cook for 2-3 minutes
If necessary then you can use a little water
The fill is ready for puli pitha, now I will process rice flour for puli pitha
For this, I will heat 1.5 cups of water with 1/2 teaspoon salt in a pan
When the water starts to boil, I will add rice flour
After adding rice flour, I will reduce the oven in very low and mix it well
When it is cool down a little then I will add Nigella Seed and a table spoon of soybean oil and will mix them well
If you use oil, it will make the dough soft and it will be useful to make the puli pitha
I will take a small amount from rice flour dough and will make small bowl shapes with it
Then I will put vegetable fill in the middle and will make the puli pitha
Now I will heat soybean oil in a pan and will fry the puli pitha in golden brown
Spicy Puli Pitha is ready to be served
Thank you for watching my Video
If you like my video please share and subscribe my channel
Revd Peter Yuichi Clark, Spirituality for Physicians Part 2: How Do I Respond? - Duration: 14:14.[BLANK_AUDIO]
Welcome back, I'm Peter Yuichi Clark, and
I'm here to talk to you about spirituality for physicians.
This is part two of a four-part lecture series, and
as I said in part-one, each part is organized around a central question.
So for part two, the question is, how do I respond when spiritual issues arise?
And what's important to know is that, when you're talking with
patients about spirituality, you can come at it from one of two directions.
The first direction is what I call the reactive or
emergent direction, which is how do you respond when the issue comes up?
The second one is the proactive or evoked direction, which is,
how can I discuss this proactively as part of my clinical interview of a patient?
So, this section of the series is talking about the reactive case.
What do you do when a patient brings up a topic that
has some spiritual implications?
And how do you respond other than,
oh, as I often do when I'm speaking with patients.
So, let's talk a little bit about what you can do in terms of
addressing spiritual issues with patients when they arise, and this comes from
a couple of really strong articles that are going to be attached to this video.
And I hope you'll take a look at those and read them in more detail.
But in summary, what they say is that a physician should try to elicit and
identify a patient's spiritual and or religious concerns.
Help the patient to feel comfortable bringing them forward.
Then collaborate and connect with patients by listening carefully and
acknowledging the concerns that they raise.
Then a physician should try his or her best to respect those patients views and
to follow the patient's lead, while avoiding theological discussions.
In addition, physicians should maintain their own integrity regarding their own
religious beliefs and
practices and avoid engaging in specific religious rituals whenever possible.
They should identify common goals for care.
Goals that the patient feels comfortable with as well as the clinician.
And then they should utilize appropriate professional resources of support for
patients such as referral to a chaplains like myself or
encouraging patients to be in touch with their own clergy or faith leaders.
Now you may be thinking to yourself, that sounds like a huge list.
Yeah, it's a huge list.
It's an ideal that busy physicians are gonna feel very challenged by.
You have 15 minutes to talk to the patient maybe at best and how are you
gonna do all of that in the short period of time that you have to engage a patient.
Well, I don't have easy answers for you about that.
I do have some suggestions, and
one of the ways that we can get to the suggestions is by looking at cases.
So, let's pause for a moment and I invite you to read this case about Ms.
Alice Sutter.
So welcome back.
As you have read the slide, you'll notice that Ms.
Alice Sutter has received a prognosis that's not very good.
And as she's talking with you about the prognosis.
She asks you a question.
Doc, I wonder why this is happening to me?
Well, that's a powerful question, and
there are a number of ways that you could engage it.
The strategy that I would encourage you to think about is to resist the temptation to
answer the immediate question that comes to mind.
She's asking Doc, I wonder why this is happening to me.
And the temptation for you as a clinician might be to say oh,
well let me tell you about the disease, let me tell you why you've gotten to this
stage in your illness, and answer sort of the concrete details of the question,
rather than listening for the question that might be underneath.
For example, what meaning does my life have now that I have this illness?
Am I alone in this?
Has God abandoned me?
Those kinds of questions are actually possibilities hiding underneath
the immediate question.
And as a clinician, you're not expected to have the answers to those questions.
But you can remain sensitive to the emotional and
spiritual dynamics that are within the question and
allow the patient an opportunity to tell more of her story and hopefully
discover some of the meaning that she's looking for in this time of her illness.
So here's another case study and I'd invite you to pause the video again and
take it in.
So as you've noticed in this slide,
the patient is affiliated with the Jehovah's Witnesses and
so part of the dynamic of her treatment is around blood products.
She's refusing transfusions during the day but she's allowing them at night.
And that's an important thing to know in terms of her care.
In this part of the slide, this part of the case, the nurse calls for an ethics
consult because she believes that the parents are influencing their daughter to
refuse the blood transfusions even though the transfusions are prolonging her life.
And the nurse was noticing that when the parents were away on vacation,
the patient seemed more willing to considering transfusions.
Now, let's talk a little bit about what happened next.
There's a lot here so
I'm gonna pause for a moment and I invite you to pause and read through this.
All right, welcome back.
So an important dynamic for people who are affiliated with the Jehovah's Witnesses.
Is that they read scripture in a very particular way, in this case the Bible.
And there are several passages in the Bible where blood is equated with life.
And they interpret that equation to mean that if you are prohibited from murder,
you are prohibited from taking any kind of blood products, because you
are essentially taking the life of another in order to receive those blood products.
And therefore, doing that can jeopardize your relationship with God,
it can jeopardize your eternal destiny, and it will also jeopardize your
connections, your relationship with other members of your faith.
And if you remember from our first video, the two major components of
spirituality are that if gives a person a sense of meaning and
purpose, and it also gives a person a sense of connectedness.
And so, in this case the prohibition against receiving blood products
is highly important because violating means you're going to break both elements
of spirituality for a person who's in the Jehovah's Witnesses tradition.
So in this particular patient's case, she wasn't as
religiously devout as her parents around these particular theological teachings.
But she ultimately decided to defer to her parents' wishes because she didn't want
the break in connection with them and with her peers and others in her congregation.
The medical team disagreed with her decision because they felt like it
was not medically wise.
But they respected her decision because they were paying attention to
her emotional and spiritual needs.
So here's another case study, and I'd invite you to read this for a moment.
All right, welcome back.
I do wanna say that the photograph that you see for
this slide is not actually of the patient, actually it's
a photo still from a wonderful series of films known as Worlds Apart.
And I highly recommend those for physicians and
other clinicians who are interested in paying attention to cultural and
religious differences in patient care.
For this particular case, you'll notice that the patient does not
have significant brain function over and above the autonomic functioning.
But the family is wanting a miracle, and
they're insisting upon artificial nutrition and
hydration but the medical team don't feel that it's warranted or possible.
So the family consulted imam in Pakistan, and
the imam said that they should do everything possible for their loved one.
So they gave him holy drops of water from Mecca and
as they were praying over him and providing him with these rituals,
they felt like he improved and that his movements became more intentional.
And they decided that they wanted to take him home.
They understood that he was probably going to die, but
they felt like he would be more peaceful there.
The medical team disagreed because they felt like if they removed the patient from
the ventilator his death would be painful and very upsetting to the family.
Now given these circumstances,
if you were the clinician in charge of this case, how would you wanna respond?
Please pause the video for
a moment and thing about how you would want to intervene in this case.
All right, welcome back.
So here's what happened next.
The chaplain invited a local imam to the family/physician conference.
The imam explained to the team and to the family that any brain function at
all in the patient showed that the patient was not dead and that,
according to Muslim teaching,
everything had to be done to keep him alive in order to respect Allah's will.
The physician did something that was really powerful.
He asked the imam to pray at the end of the conference, and
the family really seemed to appreciate the physician's sensitivity and respect.
And as a result, the team and
the family agree that they would remove the patient from the ventilator.
And then, to everyone's surprise,
the patient was able to breathe on his own without the ventilator support.
So the family took him home and the medical team sent
a resident several days later to check on the family, see how the patient was doing.
And the residents saw that the family members were very loving and
attentive, and that they were taking care of the patient,
as well as he could have been taken care of by the hospital.
And the patient died at home a few days later and
the family felt respected by the hospital, and
they felt like their religious needs were being observed and held with care.
Okay. So, now that we've done these cases,
let's talk about an example of something that might happen to
you when you're talking with a patient about his or her treatment or prognosis.
You might have a patient who says to you,
doctor, I'd like to pray, would you pray with me?
And in my experience,
physicians are often uncomfortable with this kind of request, but fortunately
there's a whole range of responses that you could offer to a patient.
For example, you could remain in the room and
stand quietly without saying anything about prayer.
You could disclose something about your own beliefs as a clinician such as I'm
not of your faith, which could make sure that the patient knows that
you don't share the same preferences and values that the patient does.
You can offer passive support, such as saying, I know that prayer is important to
you, so I'll leave and you can pray with others and do what you need to do.
You could also be more active in your support by saying, you know I understand
that prayer is very important to you so I'll stand here quietly while you pray.
Or you could choose to join in the prayer in a way that is
consistent with your own beliefs and values and practices.
I'll quietly pray with you in a manner that I'm comfortable with.
The most directive and
direct form of responding to this request is to join actively in the prayer, and
say I'll be happy to participate with you in your prayer.
Now I'm not here to say that you should do that particular response.
What I'd like you to remember is that there are a range of responses and
it's gonna be important for you as you are meeting with patients and
interviewing them and interacting with them, to find the style,
to find the response that feels most appropriate for you.
So that way you are responding and reacting authentically with the patient,
because we all know that, the more we try to put something on, the patients
are gonna see right through it, and their trust in us is going to be eroded.
Okay, so what happens if I wanna take the initiative and
bring up the topic of spirituality in a patient interview?
Well stay tuned.
We'll talk about that more in part three.
How to Download Files - Duration: 8:12.Hi everyone, in this video I wanted to go over how to download files that you may
need for your class.There will be a couple different places that you might
need to get files from, so I wanted to go over those real quickly. In our
Blackboard course website, many times I have files available to you
for certain assignments. So, for this example I'm going to click on the
chapter 2 assignment. Even if you're not in this particular class, the
principles are still the same so don't worry if you're not
seeing something that's totally familiar here. So you can see here in this area
where I'm going to be working on project 2a and 2b I do have some files that I
need to download. I am using the Chrome browser and when you use
different browsers you do get different methods of downloading, but again
hopefully, this will cover enough for you to get you familiar with the process.
For this one, notice I get the hand, I can just click on that and it will download
it and, oops... sorry I have two of these because I had just clicked on it before, so we
ignore that first one. The other thing that I can do is when I get that hand
again, if I right click on that link I get the option here to do "Save Link As"
so I'll go back to my left click and this will open up my save as dialog box.
In this example I'm going to save everything on my USB Drive or my
removable Drive, so I went ahead and clicked down here. I'm going to... I already
have a folder set up for my class that I'm working on so I'm going to click on
that and then let's say I'm clicking on chapter 2 because that's where I want to
put it. In this instance because I did the right-click and I'm already in the
"Save As" dialog box we can go ahead and save the file
right as we need to so we can just go ahead
click on "Save", because we've given it the proper location and this is the name
that we're going to keep for right now. So I can click on save and that actually
saved it. Now if you wanted to do the other way where we just did a left click,
if I click just on this little up arrow here I can say show in folder and so if
I do that then here's the the file, (ignore these other ones because I was
just experimenting), so basically what it did is it put it in the Downloads folder.
If you want to move this into your folder what you can do here is it's
selected, so I can right click on it and I'm going to choose cut, because cut always
means move. Now what I'll do is come over here again to my folder that I want to
put it on, in this case I'm working on my USB Drive. I did a double click on
chapter 2 because that's where I want to put it and then I can right click again
anywhere in a blank area and click on paste, and there's my other file (ignore
the number 3 again), so that's one method of downloading items from your course
website. So there may be instances again there might be depending on what
assignments you have for your particular class you can see in this example here
are a couple of other files that we'll need to download and you can use either
method that you would would like. The other area that you might need to
download files from is from our MyITLab site if I'll go ahead and just stick
with chapter 2 here so I'm going to click on my chapter 2 link to open that
up when I scroll down here I see that I have a Grader Project assigned. so if I
click on that link this is one of the assignments where you're going to
download files from my IT lab, work on them in your program, and then re-upload
them for grading and there's another video that kind of goes through all
those steps, right now I'm just concentrating on the download materials
area. So if I click on download materials you can see there are three files for
this particular exercise. If you're comfortable working with zipped folders
you can just click on that and it will download a zipped folder and then you
can extract the files from there. These files are relatively small so if
you prefer to just download each one at a time what I would do is just click on
the download button and you can see it gives me the green so I know I
downloaded it and it shows it to me down here. I'll click on this one and then
I'll click on that one. So basically I just downloaded all three files at the
same time. Now what I can do is use again that little up arrow click on show in
folder... I'm going to move this over just a little bit so I make sure I grab
all the right files... so now I can see that I have, here are my instructions, I
have the the theme file here and then I also need to find my beginning file. So now
what we can do... you can see I have several files that are in this
particular downloads folder, you may or may not have this many. I just need to
kind of clean it out. But what you can do if your files are not sitting all
together notice I have this one selected I still need this one down here. I'm
going to use the CTRL key on my keyboard. So first I press on the CTRL key, then
I just do a left click to select that one and then you can let go of your CTRL
key at this point. Now I need to go find that last file here which is our
beginning file. Again I'm going to press down on CTRL, just one click with my left
mouse button and now that one is also selected. If I'm scrolling up and down
you can see I have three items selected. Now what we can do is on any of the
three that are selected, again you can right click and then let's click on cut.
You can also do CTRL and then "X", that's the keyboard shortcut for
cutting or moving files. But because I had all three of them selected my
right-click and then choosing cut affects all three of them. So now if I
scroll down again I'm going back over to my USB Drive, back into my chapter 2
folder, again anywhere in a blank area I can right-click and choose paste and you
can see all three of those files came over at one time. So again we were in the
Downloads folder and here it is over here you can scroll up and down until
you find it, and then by using my CTRL key, because the files were not next to
each other that allowed me to select all three files at the same time, cut them
and then paste them in the folder that I want them to end up in. You can
certainly do them one at a time, but why not use the CTRL key to help you out so
that is just all done in one step. OK? So I hope that this helps you out.
Let's go over to our folder down here, so if I click here we can see I'm on my USB
Drive, in the 140 folder, in chapter 2. I download these two files from our
blackboard site and these files I got from my IT lab. So you can see I
successfully got all of those files over into my chapter folder. So again I hope this is
helpful! If you have any questions let me know.
Take care
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