Start by going to the link in the description to get the tool box mod that'll be used in this video.
You must be signed into a klei account to download.
Use 7-zip to minimize the chance of corruption if you have it.
With the modmain open rename the characterprefabs to your character's name.
Open up the characterprefab and rename it as well.
Find the assets for your mod in the modmain.
Copy/cut the lines in the tool box and insert it into your character's modmain.
Put the remapsoundevents after the assets of your mod.
Next open up your character's lua file and copy the only line in the charactersprefab into you common function.
The next step is if you don't have a mp3 file. Skip to the 5 minute marker if you do have one.
An example if audacity doesn't like the file you inputed.
So lets convert those nonmp3s into mp3s.
You can directly drag the file into the window, just doing it more manually.
Don't click the dropdown arrow.
On older vlc players the default is H.264+mp3, set it to mp3 audio
Name doesn't matter, just put it somewhere you'd like.
If you have more files to convert then lets remove the previous one we had.
...and repeat the process
This section will mainly focus on the general idea of voice/item sound creation via audacity.
Lower the gain so you won't blow up your ears.
Go to the drop down section on the bottom and select start and length of selection.
Get the farthest right time section right with the numbers stated in the tutorial.
Cut and paste onto a new window
Low the gain as well.
The playback level should mainly be green any higher will hurt your ears and other people's ears.
It ain't nice to blow out peoples ears...
Fading out the physical sound file is an option if your experienced with these types of programs.
Otherwise another option will be available later on.
Fade out can be applied multiple times.
If your done then export to wav file which is read by fmod designer.
Naming doesn't really matter to fmod, to you just for categorizing.
Bookkeeping, not needed.
Alright lets open the fdp file.
Windows 8 and above don't know how to open programs any more...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Don't Starve Mod Tools\mod_tools\FMOD_Designer
Use fmod_designer.
Skip to 9 minute marker, just quality checking.
Never know if something strange happened to the toolbox download.
Here we can set the fadeout option to 150 if you didn't do the option back at audacity.
Makes the voice quite down naturally instead of a sudden dead silence.
Alright lets get to renaming characterprefab to your character's name.
Go to banks and do the same.
Really do read the warning, avoid a headache later on.
Keep a folder with all your wav files somewhere you don't mind being there.
The fdp file will go back to this if you make a mistake or re-edit it, if it ain't there...
Alright lets drag our wav files into the playlists.
If fdp can find all wav files then it should be white through out, red will cause it not to build properly.
Skip to 12:08 if you don't want to do this.
Locking cause the percent not to be altered if you decide to change another's percent.
Just unlock when your done.
Save it as your character's name.
Create a new folder named sound. This is where your fev and fsb files go.
This mod was made before if you're wondering.
You have to build and rebuild to get the fev and fsb files, otherwise one of them won't be built.
And test it out.
Ment to delete fdp is mainly what you need.
Delete unused objects.
Remember a place where you don't mind storing your files.
Build and rebuild again.
Open up the structureprefab fdp, it can be reworked to whatever you plan to do.
Notice the repeating loop on event1, the others are oneshot (aka one play)
Here are more options on how the playlist will play.
Some quality checks but the last option is up to you how far this sound will be heard.
fade out option again doesn't sound good when your sound goes dead silence in zero seconds.
If you need more than three events the right click the folder and add a simple event.
Doing this however doesn't come with the previous settings set.
Now lets go rename our banks.
I missed up with the name, haven't worked on that mod for years.
Either way, keep that file location the fdp will go to when building.
Rename the folder to your liking it'll be your second search path address.
The event the third search path address
The first search path address is the name of the fev file.
The bottom section of the modmain is all you need for non-character sounds.
Insert this code into your assets of your modmain.
Here theres a couple of files with common sounds from each prefab.
Structureprefab has a killsound code that isn't found in the other prefab files.
But inside each lua has common code used in dst. don't starve have minor differences.
Need to declare the item as a soundemitting otherwise it will crash.
Getting lost.
If you plan to kill(stop) a sound type the search path twice in playsound and killsound.
Its programmed to play the sound nearby and kill it when you get a certain distance.
The files in the toolbox can also work on weapons even though there's no weaponprefab...
Read the notes inside the lua files of the toolbox they'll have some useful tips.
Like a restaurant menu get what you want, you don't have get everything.
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