From beginners to intermediate to
professional photographers
when we buy a new camera or we think about an upgrade
we all get this thought...
we will discuss about the same
whether you have used a DSLR or not,
but I am sure you all have used mirrorless camera.. :)
Our smartphones are nothing but mirrorless....
and when we switch to LCD mode in DSLR
then we are virtually using a mirrorless
What's the difference between DSLR or mirrorless camera?
Many of you would know...
but before we start the comparison, let me brief you....
when we look into the view finder of a DSLR
how do that image appear in view finder?
there is a mirror in front of the sensor in DSLR
When the image (light rays) falls in a mirror
the mirror reflects the same to view finder via prism
we click after we preview the image
and as soon as we click the mirror goes up
and light falls on the sensor
There our image is captured....
When it comes to mirrorless, there is no mirror....instead
the light will fall on the sensor
The information is sent electronically to the view finder
the image is captures when we click the shutter
The entry to mirrorless
has drastically changed the camera market
No more DSLR monopoly
If some of the limitations of DSLR are overcome in mirrorless
mirrorless has its own disadvantages
we will talk about all these in this video....
and we will see which one is better
I am going to touch upon many topics today..
if you have specific topic of interest
you can see the timeline mentioned in the description
DSLR and mirrorless is a vast subject
I had to divide the topics of comparison
The topics are..
This video is predominantly for photographers
but I have included some points on video as well
We will start will BUILD
DSLRs usually have a robust body
despite the delicate mechanism
it can take minor scratches and light impacts
unless its a very heavy damage
Mirrorless cameras are light and more delicate
you need to be more careful about it
DSLRs are usually bigger than mirrorless
obviously because we had the additional mirror mechanism...
with a mirror
mirrorless bodies are light
both have their advantages and disadvantages
If you are a travel blogger
you would want the equipment to be light
you can maintain light weight , esp during your flights...
in this case mirrorless is an advantage
but sometimes i have seen, when you try to attach big lenses on to mirrorless bodies
I feel mirrorless cameras are little too light for such lenses
I mostly use 5D Mark 3
When we attach 70-200
most of the times, I am just holding the body
and without any issue, I can carry that heavy 70-200 lens
When I even think
about attaching big lenses on to
light weight mirrorless camera, i m afraid
on most of the mirrorless bodies we do not find
the buttons like how we have in DSLRs
Most DSLRs have buttons and joysticks on the body which makes
your job easy
Fortunately however, we see some new mirrorless cameras
having buttons like DSLRs
which means mirroless is upgrading itself..
Exposing the sensor
Sensor is a very delicate part in any camera
and we always want it to be protected
When we remove the lens from DSLR to change
the mirror stands in front of the sensor to protect the same
even in case of dust, the mirror is impacted
whereas most of the mirrorless cameras
without a mirror
when we remove the lens
the sensor gets exposed which is not good
Looks like canon has released a mirrorless body
where the sensor is automatically covered as soon as we remove the lens
but as I said in most mirrorless cameras
thats not the case..
Talking about shutter, we have 2 shutter mechanisms
A mechanical shutter and an electronic shutter
Mechanical shutter obviously creates vibrations....
it could be negligible..... but that will have an impact on image quality....
because there is no mechanical movement
in electronic shutter
it does not generate vibrations at least because of shutter
Despite the fact that DSLR has silent shooting option
having just the mechanical shutter, it does generate a little sound , even in silent mode...
On the other hand we can expect silent clicks from electronic shutter
When we click the shutter button
Mirror goes up,
sensor gets exposed
Then shutter clicks
and then the photos are captured...
its a mechanical process
however fast we do it, it has a limitation
So, however fast is the shutter, there is always limitation on Frames per second
I think high end DSLRs have mas FPS upto 16
In case of mirrorless , they go easily upto 30 FPS
There also thing I want to share which I have not heard many photographers saying..
After a particular shutter speed, electronic shutters tend to create issues with background blur/ bokeh
I do not understand the reason behind the same
I guess, its around 1/1000 to 1/1200, the issue starts... this is the typical shutter speed we use when we do outdoor shoots
Now we shall talk about FOCUS
In many mirrorless cameras we have touch screen focus
If you are talking a photo or a video,
and your camera is not automatically able to focus on the object you intend to
then you can touch the screen and make sure the focus is correct
we have this feature is very less DSLRs
Speaking about AF points, in DSLR all AF points are in the middle
like a cluster
In high end cameras you may see AF points from 90-100
On the other hand in mirrorless cameras
AF points cover 95% of the view area
Some high end mirrorless cameras have around 5000 focus points
But over the years , DSLR has developed a strong AF technology and is very powerful..
Mirrorless however is not behind, its constantly improving
Not just that most mirrorless cameras have EYE - AF technologies
When we do portraits
we can accurately track subjects using the same
FOCUS PEAKING is a good feature in mirrorless cameras
when we use manual lenses we may not be able to decide whether we are focusing right
What focus peaking does
it highlights the area which is in focus
this will be helpful to be very sure
that the right part of the image is in focus
I feel a company like Canon
deliberately has not activate it's focus peaking feature in many DSLRs
probably it does not want us to use cheap 3rd party manual lenses (easily , using Focus peaking)
Magic lantern , a firmware however
can be used to activate this feature in cameras
Lets talk about VIEW FINDER
The images that we see in view finder,
its a reflected image
which means whatever you see out is exactly what you see in view finder
In mirrorless cameras however,
we see the final image which we are about to capture
which means we get to see the picture , the way it will look after all the setting in the camera has been applied....
the is a great feature
esp. for the beginners
Brands like Canon and Nikon
give us a large collection of lens
that we have a lens in almost all situations...
2-3 years back, we hardly had such options
for mirrorless. Not only we have decent lens options,
we also have intelligent adaptors which can attach 3rd party lenses with minimal issues.....
So, definitely
mirrorless cameras are improving a lot in this matter
Let's talk about battery life
There was a time when mirrorless batteries would drain out in an hour of so...
By the way why mirrorless batteries have such low battery lives....
Initially companies focused on making compact size cameras..
which made them make small sized batteries resulting in lesser power
but today, the focus is not on size but features...
So, the new cameras have improved , powerful batteries...
One more reason why mirrorless cameras drain out batteries is because
compared to DSLRs which uses mirror to reflect the image to view finder,
mirrorless uses battery to send the information to the view finder
Not just that, mirrorless mostly keep the censor ON
unlike DSLR which only powers sensor when image is captured...
Image stabilisation
We have minimal bodies with IS in DSLR
mirrorless has a lot of bodies with built in image stabilisation
Even when we shoot videos, this in important
and we also know that when we buy lenses,
the lenses with inbuilt IS is always expensive
If we have IS within a body
then we do not have to worry about the IS in lens
I am not a video expert
but let me tell you 2 important points
High frame rate is important
esp, when we plan to make a slo-mo cinematographic video content
In DSLRs, we get the combination of 120FPS and 1080 pixels only on very high end cameras....
In mirrorless, we get it
even in intermediate cameras...
Talking about 4K
In today's date, may be its not that important
we watch videos in smartphones
and we don't expect 4K
One more reason we don't expect is because, in India internet is speed is not that great in most places...
But some day the speed is going to increase and 4K resolution will be common
considering that
4K will become an important factor
In DSLRs there are very less 4K cameras
but we have it in many mirrorless cameras
There was a time when mirrorless used to be 'cheap'
but today thats not the case
because, in order to incorporate important DSLR functions mirrorless have increased its price..
But still considering the features, mirrorless is still .. slightly a cheaper option
Now, we will have a couple of questions in our mind
If it time for DSLR to go out of the market?
If you want buy a new camera or upgrade
whats the best option? DSLR OR mirrorless?
We have to agree to one thing, the entire system
Flash, strobes and all other accessories were made considering DSLR market
not just that, if we consider entry level DSLRs, the market is still strong
I have a 5D mark 3 and I feel I can use it for another 2-3 years... easily
By around that time.. max, mirrorless cameras would have overcome all its limitations
I could be wrong... but thats what I feel
But if you are buying it today, you need to figure out what features you would want in your camera....
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