2 teens die after car went into Lake Summit in Henderson Co. - Duration: 1:28.-------------------------------------------
🚗Your Life As Driving A Car🚗 #Analogies with #TheFreedomExplorer - Duration: 7:59.ever thought about your life as driving a car
more about this exciting analogy right after the intro
welcome to analogies are you ready to explore
I'm the freedom Explorer you can think of me as that
part of you who likes to see things from here from here
from there from any angle and while you get in touch
to that curious adventurous part of you I'll present you
the analogy of the day your life as driving a car
are you ready let's dive right in
imagine a car you can imagine your car
or maybe your favorite car you favorite model
what's your favorite color imagine that car with
your favorite color yeah you look at it from the
outside take your time see the wheels
see the doors whatever color you want
even 2 colors even a pattern enjoy it
have the image in your mind now get inside the car
what color are the seats what's your favorite color
are there leather seats imagine it get inside
by the way this is a car with a stick yeah do you like
driving with a stick imagine yourself knowing
how to do that yeah loving it having more control over
the car so you sit in the driver's seat yeah and then yeah
you take yeah you ignite the engine
and then you put the first gear you put the first gear and
you start driving but remember the first gear take the most fuel
you know what try to imagine yourself
being the engine of the car imagine the car being over a hill
and then you start driving and you're the engine you start
start pullying the car just at the beginning
think about the amount of energy that you as the engine of the
car needs to put in the car is stopped the car
is without any motion you need to give it energy to
take the energy from the fuel to push it from zero
zero speed into motion that takes the most amount
of energy the most amount of fuel but you are the engine
and you do that as 1st gear is the hardest then 2nd gear
3rd gear now you're the driver
you're on the highway and you start getting momentum
you start getting momentum 3r gear 4th gear
you see the views you open the window
you feel the wind you enjoy the ride yeah
and now you're cruising yeah you're cruising
and everything is smooth by the way if you were the
engine right now you would also enjoy it
because you'll enjoy the power of momentum you are
already in motion yeah you already in motion
so you have the energy to go pretty fast without putting
too much energy too much fuel into that because that's
the momentum let's think about it
think about it as your life driving the car
is the analogy to your life you see starting
start driving so the first gear takes the most energy it's just like life
beginnings are hard beginnings are challenging
because that requires us to put the most energy because
we need to go from zero motion into motion
we need to go from zero speed into speed into motion
we need to do the first step the first step is the hardest
but this analogy driving the car as our life also gives us power
because it reminds us if we push enough at the beginning
into the first gear the second gear we will eventually go to the third
fourth and fifth gear and we'll enjoy the power of momentum
we are already in motion yes we're already in motion
think about it so we can go so fast to wherever we wanna
go to our goals imagine one of your life goals
a thing that you wanna do getting this dream job
that dream girl that dream guy
loosing that weight imagine your goals in life
and now you're cruising you cruising very fast cause
you have the power of momentum on the other side at the
end of the day or in the end of the week maybe
when you're tired you need to stop in a
gas station for example by the way I'm here the gas station
so you need to refuel you need to reenergize right
it's like the car you need to refuel and then when you go
back on the street on the road you need to do it again
you need to start again right you need to begin again
put in first gear second gear you need to put lots of energy
just in the beginning right but you remember the analogy
beginings are hard but you push through so you can
get to the second third fourth fifth gear and enjoy the powerful
momentum this what makes this analogy so empowering
because it reminds us the beginnings might be tough
they might be hard but eventually if we push strong enough
we pat ourselves on the back for doing what we really wanna do
we start we take the first step then we can enjoy the powerful momentum
and then if we stop if we stop we can put it again put the first step
again take... put the gear in first gear again
and start again yes yes and refuel if you go here
within the gas station this one make this empowering
analogy so empowering do the first step
reminds you to do the first step and be proud of ourselves
for putting the energy in the beginning
if you have more insights more empowering insights about
this analogy make sure to share them in the comments below
or if you have other ideas about other empowering analogies
make sure as well to comment below so we can explore these
empowering analogies in the next episodes of analogies
aka the empowering analogies so let's see you in the next
episode of analogies
Leasing vs. Buying a Car - Duration: 3:35.Woahhhh.
Leasing or financing options available. Hmm…
Can I help you?
I want this… but I'm not totally clear on the difference between leasing and financing a spaceship.
Well it's just like leasing or financing a new car.
Except this car happens to reach 50,000 miles per hour and can navigate in outer space.
But other than that, it's exactly the same!
Right, right, right.
The problem is I don't know the difference between leasing and financing a new car, either.
Well it's not rocket science! Here, let me show you.
Leasing a car is like agreeing to rent it for a fixed term of three to five years.
You pay a deposit, you make monthly payments, and at the end of the term, you return the
car and can start the process over again with a new car.
Financing a car means buying it with the help of an auto loan.
You pay a deposit, you make monthly payments, and once the loan is paid back, you own the car.
In general, leasing payments are lower than financing payments.
Woah, woah, woah.
Leasing means I get a brand new spaceship every few years and payments are lower? Sign me up!
Not so fast space cadet.
You need to understand that your monthly payments are designed differently
depending on whether you're leasing or financing.
When you're buying a vehicle, your monthly payment goes to repaying your lender, plus interest.
Once the loan is paid back, your payments stop and you own the vehicle, unlike leasing
where your leaser owns the car and you continue to pay monthly the entire time you're leasing.
So if I lease a vehicle, what exactly am I paying for if I don't get to own it?
Good question. You're not paying for the entire car when you lease.
You're paying for the value you use up during the time you're driving it.
So if you're leasing a vehicle that costs $21,000 new and the leaser estimates that
it'll be worth $10,000 at the end of your lease term, your payment will be calculated
from that difference, plus some interest to sweeten the deal for the leaser.
So that's how lease payments are always able to look so good.
In the short term, based on monthly payments alone, it's cheaper to lease than to finance.
But once you've paid back your auto loan,
that changes because you no longer have to make monthly payments.
Plus, you get the benefit of any residual value if you decide
to sell or trade-in your car after some time.
Of course, there are other factors that can influence the value over time.
When you own a car, you assume responsibility for major repairs down the road,
where as leased cars are well covered by a warranty.
But leasing can come with all sorts of surcharges, like mileage overages, excessive wear fees,
and leased cars often have higher insurance rates, too.
It all comes down to what's important to you.
Some people prefer to drive a new model every few years, even if that means limiting their mileage.
Others prefer the freedom of ownership and being able to drive as much as they want
and customize their vehicle however they want.
What sounds good to you?
Okay, I'm sold.
For me, financing is definitely the way to go. How much does this baby go for?
Twenty-one billion dollars.
On second thought, I can't do the space travel thing because I'm allergic to, uh, stars.
Okay, well, how much does this space suit go for?
Twenty-five million.
Just the helmet.
Six million.
This random tube thing.
One point five million.
Is there anything here in my price range at all?
We have freeze-dried ice cream in the gift shop.
Buying a Used Car - Duration: 4:14.Yeesh, I really need a car…
Hi! Hello there! Hold on a minute!
Have I got the perfect vehicle for you!
Uh, is that a question?
No question about it! Here's your dream car!
It's compact, high tech, only driven by Grandma on Sundays…
No offense or anything, but I think I'm better off buying something brand-new.
On the contrary, did you know that a new vehicle can lose almost half its value in the first few years?
What? Seriously?
That brand-new car you're thinking of buying starts losing value the moment you
drive it off the lot, and loses the most value in the first few years.
That's why buying a car that's a few years old can be a great way to save some cash!
It's all right here in my trusty blue book.
But I don't know where that car's been.
Hey, watch it lady.
I've been around the block a few times, sure, but I'm still in tip-top shape.
Whhhhaaaaaat? A talking car? Well, I'm sold!
Great! It's a deal! I'll go get the paperwork!
You know, we're really just not right for each other.
Pfft. I always wanted a talking car!
We can say hi to joggers and sing songs on road trips together…
What do you know about buying a used car anyway?
Just pick the newest, cheapest one. Simple!
That might just backfire on you.
I'm certainly not the cheapest. I don't think she gets it.
First of all, you've got to do your research.
Start off by setting a realistic price range.
You don't want to get stuck making monthly payments you can't afford down the road.
I see what you did there.
Only look for makes and models that fit into your price range.
Keep in mind the cost of insurance and repairs, as well as the features you actually need.
Like mega-awesome talking ability?
Like the junk you're hauling around… there's no way I can carry all that.
Yeah, I guess not. Maybe a roof rack, though?
Ugh. Roof racks are so not my style.
You may be better off with a nice hatchback. Have a look over there.
Well, this one is pretty awful, but I like the sporty one!
I'll buy this one instead! I can always throw on some talk radio.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Pump the brakes there, turbo.
Before you commit to a used car purchase, you should always evaluate the car.
First, take a good long test drive to get a feel for the car, and to spot any immediate problems.
Then get the vehicle checked by a trusted independent mechanic.
Finally, get a report of the vehicle's history based on the VIN.
The… what now?
The Vehicle Identification Number, or VIN, can usually be found on the driver's
side where the windshield meets the dash.
The VIN provides useful information on a car's accident and repair history,
manufacturer recalls and vehicle use.
Wait, hold the phone!
It says here this hatchback has been used to deliver bowling balls to ski resorts for years,
and it once got major water damage from rolling into a hot tub! No thanks.
Glad you checked, aren't you?
Heck, yeah.
I just wish I could afford a car as clever as you, but maybe with some more room.
We've got options for miles! Let's wheel and deal, huh?
Well, I'm no master negotiator…
You don't say.
Learning to effectively negotiate is very important, whether you're shopping
at a dealership or buying direct from the previous owner.
And the most important part of negotiating is always being prepared to walk away.
I think I'm going to take some time, do my research and come back with the perfect game plan!
Good idea. See you then!
Remember… research, evaluate, negotiate.
Nice job, sales guy. You sure know how to close the deal!
Oh, go take a joy ride!
La, la, la, la, la, la.
Grrr. I should have done my research.
Arkmiido Dog Car Seat Cover Review (Hammock Style) - Duration: 8:31.So okay so we're gonna unbox this baby I would tell you what this is but it does
have this Amazon Christmas wrap on it so I think it should be a surprise since
this kind of looks like a present yeah I'm a little late up I know this is the
seat cover that I found on Amazon this is gonna protect your seats and at the
same time keep your pets in the backseat by creating a barrier but also it's
gonna have a little window here in between the seats so that your dogs can
see you very clearly and it might help de-stress their anxiety you know since
they are gonna be you know kept away from you but at the same time they'll be
able to see you very you know clearly and from my understanding this thing is
you know extremely easy to use it just folds out into the backseat and you know
protect like I said it protects the seats and the doors it protects the
entire backseat area of your car from you know your pet may be scratching or
biting or possibly going to the bathroom that sort of thing and then it also
offers a mesh window that you can see right here so that your pets can see you
in between the seats so it is a barrier so it does kind of keep your pets you
know from getting at you while they're in the back seat which is very
convenient for somebody like me who has three dogs who if I put them in the back
seat within three minutes they're in the front seat you know trying to get at me
while I'm driving that's not good this thing is also going to be a little bit
of a safety item for me you know if it does indeed keep my dogs in the back
seat like it says that it will and it does look pretty sturdy so far it's
made out of a1 fills to be like a reinforced nylon there's like it looks
like two or three layers here of some pretty heavy-duty nylon and their flaps
here and there's a picture in the description and I'll put a link to I'll
put a link to Amazon so that you can find this thing and the pictures on
Amazon you'll see a lot of different pictures of this being used in a car so
the first thing we're gonna do with this is I'm going to install the backseat of
my car once I get this installed then I'm gonna
put my dogs in the backseat and we're gonna see how well this protects the
seats which they probably won't do much to the seats themselves they never do
and they're house-trained so I'm hoping this will keep them out of the front
seat while I'm driving so from what I can see on Amazon this is the thing to
do the trick for that you know unless I wonder if it still like maybe what they
have in the backseat of a police car which I can't afford that but you know
this thing was only twenty three ninety-nine I could afford this so I'm
gonna put this in the backseat of my car like I said they put my dogs in the
backseat we'll see how they do I'm assuming you want to put probably a
blanket back here with them just something soft for them to lay on like I
said this is not course by any means but it's it's definitely not like a you know
soft is like a dog blanket or something like that and up here you can see this
strap right here it hangs for your clothes hook or your safety hook or
whatever you want to call that thing and it speakers up there it protects them
from getting out of the edges of this thing while you're driving so you see
here it's over the seat right here and it is a snap back here so that you can
easily snap this on and off and that's what I did when I first put it on you
can get that as tight as you want to you can pull this up over the seat like this
or you can just use the easy snaps here and just pop it off like that and then
you know take it out so you'll see there it attaches on each seat so both of your
back seats and attaches towers the entire backseat of the car
and then there's one attached there to the passenger seat and one attached to
the driver's seat there's no part of the seat okay so here's the stars of the
show are these the droids you're looking for
don't look in their eyes laser beam heart it's a really farm back here and
it doesn't seem to bother them at all it seemed to like it back here they're a
little bit anxious because daddy's holding the camera in their face but
other than that they seem to like it you can see right here this is their view
there's the front seat so it's very easy for them to see through this little mesh
here they are their life back here folks this arc meadow dog seat cover is a big
winner in my book it's very big it covers the entire backseat your car I
did forget to mention that it has a really cool feature it's got some rubber
down right where it lays on the bucket part of the seat so it doesn't slide
around so you've got this rubber on here and I saw it but I was thinking I wonder
what that is you know as a new item so I didn't pay much that much attention to
it I realized when I got it out that's what holds him place on the bottom so
this has six anchor points so it's got your two seats or if I'm sorry your four
seats have you know straps and then your luggage racks or you know your little oh
crap handles you know they've got straps for those two and it just is like a big
you know it's almost like a just a barrier through your back seat that kind
of keeps your dogs you know in this like little hammock area and that is pretty
awesome I think that your dogs will like this it probably will make them feel
sort of protected and at the same time it'll keep them out of your front seats
so that they're not you know getting you in danger while you're driving and also
you know just to kind of save or maybe wear and tear on your car and to save
any accidents of number one or number two because it does feel like it would
protect against any kind of liquid barrier and I'm sure this will be great
at you know protecting against poop as well and I'm assuming that you know very
easily you could wipe it off of this you know use a little bit of 409 or
something and get it up this is just a really nice heavy-duty nylon it feels
like so I don't think you're gonna have any problems keeping this thing clean if
you do have any accidents look down in my comments section for a link for this
on Amazon go check it out if you're a pet owner you got small dogs maybe even
big dogs I suggest getting one of these things especially if you're transporting
your dogs a lot you don't want them get into your front seat but at the same
time you want to be able to see you this would be a really great item I will be
using this every time I transport my dogs now very easy to install gets in
and out in less than five minutes and my dogs don't seem to mind it and it's just
gonna be really nice knowing that I'm able to drive down the road and not
worry about my dogs getting in the front seat this is a must-have item in my
opinion this is a big winner in my book if you've enjoyed my video today please
remember to subscribe to my channel so you can come back and see more videos
and remember folks I'm not here to make any money I just love to make videos on
YouTube seriously though remember stay focused follow your dreams
god bless you folks I want to thank you so much for tuning in today if you
haven't yet subscribed to my channel please hit the subscribe button and
you'll be able to come back for future videos and remember life is short so if
there's something you want in this life always remember to never lose focus and
follow your dreams god bless and until we meet again
Car Bursts Into Flames After Falling Down Garage Elevator Shaft - Duration: 2:09.-------------------------------------------
Dump Truck Is Working | Little Red Car Cartoons & Nursery Rhymes For Children - Super Kids Network - Duration: 46:36.Dump Truck Is Working...
Cold weather hitting car batteries hard - Duration: 1:33.-------------------------------------------
Trial begins for daycare owners accused of leaving toddlers in hot car - Duration: 2:55.-------------------------------------------
Doc McStuffins Run Down Race Car Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Leon Watts - Duration: 10:01.PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thank you very much!
CITY CAR DRIVING - Duration: 13:20.-------------------------------------------
Extreme Cold Can Be Tough On Car Batteries - Duration: 3:35.-------------------------------------------
UCF student had fully automatic AR-15 in his car on campus, police say - Duration: 1:46.-------------------------------------------
Police: Retired Correction Officer Shoots Would-Be Car Thief - Duration: 1:51.-------------------------------------------
Vehicles removed from Miami parking garage after car falls 9 stories - Duration: 2:08.-------------------------------------------
Linkin Park - In The End (Mellen Gi ) : Music Clip : Car and İstanbul Edit - Duration: 3:40.It starts with one
It starts with one
All I know
All I know
It's so unreal
It's so unreal
Watch you go
I tried so hard and got so far
I tried so hard and got so far
But in the end, it doesn't even matter
But in the end, it doesn't even matter
But in the end, it doesn't even matter
I had to fall to lose it all
I had to fall to lose it all
But in the end, it doesn't even matter
I tried so hard and got so far
But in the end, it doesn't even matter
But in the end, it doesn't even matter
I had to fall to lose it all
But in the end, it doesn't even matter
It starts with one
All I know
It's so unreal
Watch you go
I tried so hard and got so far
But in the end, it doesn't even matter
I had to fall to lose it all
But in the end, it doesn't even matter
I tried so hard and got so far
But in the end, it doesn't even matter
I had to fall to lose it all
But in the end, it doesn't even matter
Director : Mansur MUTLU
Director of photography : Mehmet Can SUBAŞI
Driven Dirty: 100-year old race cars saved from life in museum | Why I Drive #14 - Duration: 5:58.(wind blowing steadily)
(slow, beautiful music)
- Back in the 70's,
an old family friend of ours passed away,
and he was kind of like a grandfather to us.
He didn't have a family of his own.
And he left me a trunk.
When I opened the trunk,
there is this jersey that said National.
I didn't know what National was.
I thought it might be a football team or something.
I realized that he had been racing a car
by the name of National.
When I found this stuff, I started studying
what had happened in history.
I felt like, my gosh, not only are the cars getting lost,
the cars are sitting in museums, nobody's driving them,
nobody uses them, nobody sees them out on tracks at speed.
When I finally tracked down a car and drove it, I thought,
my gosh, this is a piece of history
that we've got to keep alive.
(relaxing, beautiful country music)
Car Number 16 is a 1912 Packard.
We believe that's the oldest Packard race car in the world.
It's got a 420 cubic inch, four-cylinder engine.
And Number 20 is a 1911 National
that ran in the very first Indy 500.
It's probably the fastest of the bunch.
It did over 100 miles an hour at Indy,
and it's got over 450 cubic inches.
It only makes, probably, about 100 horsepower.
(engines clattering steadily)
Car Number 17 is a 1916 National,
and that one has a smaller six-cylinder engine,
which is 303 cubic inches, but about the same horsepower
as the others.
Starting the car during this period of time
is so different than what we're accustomed to nowadays.
It's a long procedure, and a big part of driving the car
is just being able to get it to run.
We have to check the oil level,
because these engines have a splash oiling system.
So, the level of the oil in the crank cases is critical.
They tend to leak water because there were no rubber gaskets
back in those days.
There's no electrical system on these.
The engines are cranked by hand.
And then, once it fires, we have to advance the timing.
We start with it retarded,
so that it doesn't kick your hand back so hard
it'll break your arm, which happens on an occasional basis.
It's fun, getting a group of guys together,
and we like to take more than one car out at a time
when we do, so, it may all be in perfect running condition
when they leave the shop.
Within an hour, somebody's gonna be broke down,
somebody's gonna be towing,
somebody's gonna have a push-start.
(engines sputtering and buzzing)
These cars are challenging to drive.
You've got a hand throttle, you've got a hand sparkler,
you've got a...
The throttle is in between the clutch and the brake.
You've got to double clutch
any time you go up or down a gear.
(relaxing, beautiful country music)
(engines clattering)
You can't take your eyes off the road.
You're vibrating, everything is so rough,
and the road is rough, so your riding mechanic will tap you
on the knee, and he'll point to one side or the other,
to let you know that someone's about to pass you
on the right.
Next thing you notice,
you just see this great big giant wood wheel,
and then you got to be ready, because,
right after he passes you,
you're gonna get this big slosh of mud, or dirt, or leaves.
Every time we've taken these cars out and race them,
we that we have successfully completed a journey,
just because we were able to go race for 30 minutes,
and make it back in one piece.
The thoughts that go through your mind,
driving these cars, make you wonder, at times,
did they have the same worries that I have?
Were they worried about the wheel coming off?
Did they grind the gears as much as I grind the gears?
Did they have trouble getting the brakes to work
after they got muddy?
And so, all of these things are part of this experience,
and that's kind of what we're doing.
We're reliving history.
(engine buzzing deeply)
A race car that sits in a museum
is a travesty.
I mean, the only thing worse is if it didn't exist at all,
because to just have it just sit in a museum,
it doesn't run, it just looks like a race car,
and it was a race car, but,
we can't make it run, or,
we don't want to run it,
or, we're afraid to drive it,
or, it's too expensive to race.
Our feeling is,
if these cars were built to race,
they were meant to be raced,
and that's what we do with them.
(beautiful, warm, acoustic music)
We've saved a piece of history that might have gotten lost,
and at the same time, we had fun doing it.
We got to restore a cool car,
we get to drive them, we get to race them,
we get to wave at the bleachers full of people as we go by.
And, it makes us feel like we're heroes for a day.
(engines grumbling)
My name is Brian Blain, and this is why I drive.
(car engines buzzing)
(beautiful acoustic music)
(engines clatter quietly)
(music flourishes)
Doing This Will Destroy Your Car's Transmission - Duration: 5:08.rev up your engines, billy-bob says Scotty does shifting my car from reverse
to drive without fully stopping cause damage to the transmission, yes it can
especially if you do it at higher speeds and do it all the time, years ago you
could seriously damage the transmission, because they didn't have lock outs on
them, and I had quite a few customers over the years, they were either driving
something and their kid hit the shifter and went from Drive to reverse and
destroyed the transmission, or they had a big bump or something and they jarred
it and put it into reverse, a lot of modern transmissions are set up so you
can't actually do that they're locked out, but if yours can, you don't want to
do that, when you are going from Drive to reverse, or reverse to drive switching
the way the transmission is spinning one way versus the other, always come to a
complete stop before you do that and shift it from either drive to reverse or
reverse to drive, and also if you don't want to destroy your transmission, stay
the heck away from water, transmissions have little drains in them
their little vent holes, and if you go into deep water and that gets
underwater, you can get water in the transmission, and water destroys
automatic transmissions, and the same thing with a lot of cars their
transmission coolers are part of the car's radiator there in the bottom of
the radiator to cool the transmission fluid, if you find that that's leaking
and you're getting a mixture of transmission fluid and water in your coolant
and in your transmission, you want to fix that right away, don't let that go too
far and destroy the transmission from getting water inside it, seven eight nine
nine nine sas Scotty, if the first gear pops out constantly, would a clutch replacement
fix the issue, no if you have a transmission where it pops out of first
gear while you're driving, your transmission is shot, every one that I ever
worked on that you're driving down the road and it
pops out of gear, it was a problem inside the transmission, and the transmission
needed to be rebuilt, that's not a clutch problem, a clutch problem is you can't
get into the gear or it grinds when you're going into gear, but if it's in gear
and you take off and it pops out the only thing that can do that is internal
wear on the transmission and you're just gonna have to
have the thing rebuilt that's just the way that it goes, Kari says Scotty what
do you think of having a 2004 VW Jetta as a daily car, only if you don't drive
it much, my wife used to drive a mile and a half back forth to work when she
taught at a school and it was only a mile and half away,
okay maybe you could get away with it then, but if you're gonna be putting ten
to twenty thousand miles a year on that thing, it'll bankrupt you those things
are money pits as they age they're just, especially if they're an
automatic transmission and if you live in a place like me Houston where it's
hot, their air conditioning systems break and you can only use new compressors
because they're weak enough as they are I've had people try rebuilt compressors on
them and they always break really soon after, so I would not use that car as a
daily driver unless you're driving a couple miles a day, alex says
Scotty I'm planning to buy an old classic car, Range Rover manual classic
81, or Mercedes cl600, okay get the Range Rover if you must, those
classic wants were better made, the Mercedes cl600 is an endless money pit, I got
customers have bought those things, they threw endless money into them and when
they sold them they lost all the money they throw into them, their just endless
money pits at least the Range Rover is an 81 it's simpler, you can still get
parts for it because the English love those things, and that's what I'd go with
it, I personally would buy either one but I definitely would not buy the cl600
they're endless money, Berghoff says dear Scotty our Jeep Wrangler manual
transmission won't go into reverse when it's cold, do you know why does it need
new oil, well you can change the oil and stuff, but if it won't go into reverse
but it goes into all the other gears then you want to check your linkage
maybe the reverse linkage is not going in right and if it's adjustable, adjust it
but if there is no adjustment, and it only goes to all the other gears fine
but not reverse, it means reverse gear is starting to go out, and I see that on
those all the time as they age that's the weakest thing is generally reverse
gear is the first gear to go out on those things, martin says Scotty how do you
fix a 94 honda accord with the brake
light and the blinker lights that stay on even when the key is out, and the radio
doesn't work, well you got an electrical short somewhere
but first, your brake light stays on first thing you want to check is, your
brake light switch, those things have little plastic pieces that the brake light
switch sticks on and when that breaks, then the brake light switch goes
into the hole where the plastic was and that will stay onm so check that first but
if your blinker lights stay on, then you've
got some kind of a short to power or relay or something, you're gonna have to find
out where the power is shorting out to them just pull the fuses, see if they go out
when the fuses are out, and if they do then you know somewhere between the fuse
and the power there's a short, you got to figure out where the short is first, so
if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to
ring that Bell!
The dog that helped to design a car - Duration: 1:57.This is a Emil our Australian Shepherd.
He definitely loves playing, he loves to be outside ...
... he loves to swim.
Yeah, he's a very agile and active dog.
Emil is a bigger sized dog.
Bigger sized dogs come with bigger transportation problems.
The front seat, it's not ideal
because he cannot really lie down properly.
And the rear he doesn't have enough space either,
so particularly when he wants to move around
and put himself in a different position.
Definitely the best place for him to be transported
is in the trunk.
Ideally in a decently sized dog box.
My name is Rene Berns,
I'm an engineer who worked on the all-new Ford Focus
and one of the challenges was to package one of the biggest dog boxes
for larger dogs like Emil my Australian Shepherd.
Unfortunately not all larger dog boxes
do fit in all station wagons.
For me it was in my personal interest to make the larger dog boxes fit
into the all-new Focus.
in order to have a comfortable space to travel for Emile as well in the trunk.
We want all the best for dog
we want to drive him carefully and comfortably,
so basically he's a family member.
it's not just a thing like a suitcase you put in the trunk.
Emil is really such a nice dog.
Having him around is making a smile,
so we'd rather buy him a dog box he's really comfortable in
because he just deserves it.
This lad was the inspiration
for how we shaped and designed the trunk
of the new Ford Focus Wagon.
Good boy!
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