Thứ Năm, 3 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily plus Jan 3 2019


Hey, everybody.

My name's Landyn from Living with Landyn.

And today, I'm going to take you on a tour of my recently renovated space.

We have a small guest house off of our garage that I really have been wanting to turn into


And I partnered with World Market to bring you a really, really cute little renovation.

So if you have a small space, if you're working with a budget, and you're wanting good, quality

furniture, I think I've got the look for you.

So the first pieces I started with were the sofa.

I wanted to make sure I was anchoring the room.

Went with this.

Really cute.

They have a great selection of modern and international type pieces.

So I think mixing the two is so great.

That's one of my favorite things to do.

I don't think you need to stick necessarily with the same style.

This is a little more modern.

The coffee table is also very modern with the marble.

And I love the brass.

So when I started with the sofa, it really just jumped out at me.

I love the style.

I like the lines in it and just exactly how it is.

And also I had to remember that this space is smaller, and so I needed to be mindful

of getting something that didn't overpower the room.

The next piece that I went to was the bed.

I thought, OK, I'd like to do something that has a little more of a contrast against the

wall and carpet, so I went with this fabric covered headboard bed.

It's in a charcoal gray.

I knew I was going to keep the bedding very light, very neutral, so I knew that would

be a winner.

I like to do something a little different on night stands.

I don't necessarily think they need to be matchy, matchy.

In this case, they do match, but they're actually small writing desks.

And they can even tuck a chair underneath.

I have two little stools underneath each one.

They give ample space for a bedside table.

I like to style each one of those.

I put a really cute little telescope lamp on each one and some greenery, maybe a little

clock and a frame.

But still leaving your guests plenty of room for their necessities, phone, and watch, and

all that good stuff.

Then the next thing I did was the desk.

The desk was actually an exact match of a piece of furniture I already had in this space.

So when I saw it in the store, I jumped up and down.

I was like, yes.

So I went ahead and purchased that.

And also, I got this rolling desk chair that looks a little more like a accent chair, but

it's on casters.

So it rolls right under the desk.

It's actually very similar tone and fabric to the sofa.

So I thought, OK, I'm really doing good here.

I've got my anchor pieces.

Now it's just time to layer.

And that brought me to the rug, which had a little bit of gray and a little bit of gold

in it.

But I thought it would really pull the brass tones and the gray from the bed, so I was

like, done.

I like layering rugs, so I went ahead and put this one right on top of my carpet.

Don't ever be afraid to do that.

And you only have the lamps on the nightstands, so I thought, I'm going to do a floor lamp.

I really love this one, super modern.

Brass again.

I had this wall over here that I was like, how can I soften this and make it a little

bit of a seating area, but not anything to overpower the room?

So I actually purchased what is a dining bench for a dining room.

And I think it's a great thing to do.

You could do it in your entry.

I layered it with a little bit of a faux fir, a little hide there, and some textured pillows.

Added a really cute round mirror that was also textured.

So this little part of the room, I'm just in love with.

I just love how it turned out.

World Market does a really great job of accessories as well, taking global accents and things

that feel like you've traveled the world.

And I love that about them so much.

Most times, your guests come from other places.

So I think that's kind of fun for a guest space.

I did a little bit of a gallery wall over this piece of furniture.

And I love the way it turned out, because I kept it very neutral, very creamy, mirroring

the bed.

How I did the layers of the creams and white there, I did the same thing on the gallery


So I think it really, really pulled everything together so nicely.

I just love this space so much.

So much so, I kind of want to just move in all together.

But I really hope you enjoyed the tour.

It was so fun to do.

And thank you World Market for allowing me to use your things and have fun in this space,

because I'm really, really proud of it.

And I love the affordability and the quality that comes with the things at World Market.

So it was a blast to do.

And I hope you love it as much as I do.

For more infomation >> Landyn Hutchinson Guest House Makeover - Cost Plus World Market - Duration: 5:01.



Hi to you ! If you clicked on this video

So now you will attend exclusive

the redesign of the graphic chart of the chain

and video recovery, and this one is

the first of a long series that will resume during the year 2019

By the way, happy new year !


For more infomation >> LA PLUS BELLE CHAÎNE YOUTUBE ? - Duration: 2:44.


What Is a Lead Magnet? | Lead Magnet Explained (PLUS Tips!) - Duration: 3:48.

- What's up everybody?

Today, I'm gonna talk to you about

what is a lead magnet?

("Comeback" by Fvmeless & Vic Sage)

♪ Working on a Wednesday ♪

♪ Then up again the next day ♪

♪ So and so is poppin ♪

♪ Man I skip him like he leg day ♪

- So what is a lead magnet?

I'm gonna tell you and give you some examples

of lead magnet ideas that you can use

immediately after this video.

I was helping one of our new clients

create a sales funnel and one of the big things

that they were missing was a lead magnet.

One of the big things that people need to do

as they create relationships and a business online

is you need to build a lead magnet.

So what exactly is this?

Think of it as a trade.

I'm going to build something of value to you

and in return, I'm most likely gonna get your email address.

Once you give me your email address

and I give you the thing, we're done

with that particular transaction

and that thing that I give you is a lead magnet.

It's something that serves you

in your business, whatever the business may be,

and helps you whether it's tips, tricks,

check lists, case studies.

There's a bunch of different things so let's go into it.

One of the biggest, easiest lead magnets to make

is a checklist.

In fact, with one of our brands,

it's actually called Girl Brand.

It's obviously ran by a girl.

She has a monthly calendar lead magnet

to help girls get right with their time,

get better at personal development,

and it leads them, it ascends them into a course

and more content and things that she sells.

Another thing that we're doing in the real estate space

is we're creating a lead magnet

on how to find and flip homes.

So real estate person comes in

and they're looking to find and flip homes,

the best strategy, the best structure,

this lead magnet gives them exactly

that strategy and structure and then normally,

someone will have a few videos or extra value

in content that they will give you

in order to probably sell you something.

Because at the end of the day, guys,

we're building brands, we're building businesses,

we are 100% selling things.

So we wanna make sure that we sell things

that have tangible value and logical sense

to the next step of whatever it is we're doing.

So when you are crafting your lead magnet,

think who is this for, what is the best way

to help this person, what's the fastest way

to get this person an immediate result

that they can use this lead magnet,

get success, attribute that success to me

so I can start building a relationship,

give these people more value, more content,

and help them in their journey, whatever that may be.

So think of these things as you create your lead magnet.

A few ideas of lead magnets like I said

could be check lists, you could also do case studies,

whatever space you're in.

We have a lead magnet particularly for us.

We help the company go from $30,000 a month

to over $300,000 a month.

And if you download that lead magnet,

we tell you and we help you,

showing you exactly how we did that

so you can utilize it and you can get

those concepts inside of your business.

Another lead magnet besides checklist and case studies

could be just a content piece on what is going on

in the state of the business,

the state of the industry, essentially,

what's going on, how to help people out.

Also, you can break little nuggets

out of your courses, your content,

your training methodology, put those in

as smaller chunks and make that a lead magnet.

So now I've given you a few ideas

on how to set up the lead magnet properly,

what is a lead magnet, and how you can use it

for your business.

Let me know in the comments below,

what lead magnet you're creating.

For who, what industry?

And let's talk inside.

Also, if you have more questions

and wanna continue the conversation,

join us in our Facebook group.

It's consistently growing.

We talk ads, lead magnets, strategies,

and everything under the sun regarding marketing

and business building.

And as always, do not forget to subscribe,

join the notification squad and we will

see you guys in one of the other videos.

For more infomation >> What Is a Lead Magnet? | Lead Magnet Explained (PLUS Tips!) - Duration: 3:48.


Plus belle la vie : Un nouvel élève débarque au Lycée Scotto, et il cache déjà de sombres secrets - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Plus belle la vie : Un nouvel élève débarque au Lycée Scotto, et il cache déjà de sombres secrets - Duration: 2:17.


Amouredelavie...Curvy Outfit Ideas...Plus Size Curvy - Duration: 2:36.

Amouredelavie...Curvy Outfit Ideas...Plus Size Curvy

For more infomation >> Amouredelavie...Curvy Outfit Ideas...Plus Size Curvy - Duration: 2:36.


Becky Lynch...Curvy Outfit Ideas...Plus Size Curvy - Duration: 3:01.

Becky Lynch...Curvy Outfit Ideas...Plus Size Curvy

For more infomation >> Becky Lynch...Curvy Outfit Ideas...Plus Size Curvy - Duration: 3:01.


Mila a décidé de re-séduire Théo – Plus belle la vie - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Mila a décidé de re-séduire Théo – Plus belle la vie - Duration: 3:35.


Plus belle la vie : Gabriel ment à Thomas - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Plus belle la vie : Gabriel ment à Thomas - Duration: 1:00.


Plus Belle La Vie en avance Ariane sur les podiums - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Plus Belle La Vie en avance Ariane sur les podiums - Duration: 0:46.


Duchess Clio Plus Size Model | Gorgeous Fashion Model | Value Fashion - Duration: 2:04.

Duchess Clio Plus Size Model | Gorgeous Fashion Model | Value Fashion

For more infomation >> Duchess Clio Plus Size Model | Gorgeous Fashion Model | Value Fashion - Duration: 2:04.


How to get free ps4 - free playstation plus - ps4 gift card - psn codes **WORKING SERVER** - Duration: 3:40.

How to get free ps4 - free playstation plus - ps4 gift card.

For more infomation >> How to get free ps4 - free playstation plus - ps4 gift card - psn codes **WORKING SERVER** - Duration: 3:40.


Ce chien qui ne peut plus grimper sur les lits dort avec la chemise de son papa - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Ce chien qui ne peut plus grimper sur les lits dort avec la chemise de son papa - Duration: 3:13.


ALEXUS...Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas...Trendy Plus Size Outfit Ides - Duration: 2:46.

ALEXUS...Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas...Trendy Plus Size Outfit Ides

For more infomation >> ALEXUS...Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas...Trendy Plus Size Outfit Ides - Duration: 2:46.


[ENG SUB] KING CRAB LEGS MUKBANG + SHOUTOUTS┃il y a pas plus explosé en ce moment.. - Duration: 15:03.

So welcome..

..or welcome back to our channel 🤗

Today we're going to eat

King crab legs with sausages

With stuffed mussels and homemade rice.. As usual

As usual

We've Bloveslife sauce.. Bethany's recipe

And the sauce that we often eat with snails

And the garlic + butter + parsley sauce that all French people like to eat

That most French people like to eat, especially at the end of the year holidays

As a drink, we have Orangina

And I'll start by doing the shout outs

So, I'll do the shout outs 😊

First shout out for

And in special shout out, we met

In the streets of Saint-Denis in Reunion Island

In the pedestrian street downtown

So big shout out to you two girls and to all the others that I just mentioned

We love you all very much ❤❤

We also have great news to announce today, guys

✨ We received a trophy ✨

We received a trophy from YouTube

We received a magnificent trophy

To celebrate 100K subscribers

Yes, we've exceeded the 100K subscribers but it's the obstacle course to receive this trophy

You must make the request then wait to receive a secret code by mail (2 months) then wait 5 to 6 weeks to receive the trophy

And on it is written "Mommy and Sephora"

And on the trophy, as you can see..

Here I show you the trophy

I don't know if you can read

It's written "Mommy and Sephora"

It's written Ryanne and Sephora, so today we received our beautiful trophy

And there's a little thing here..

Yes, it's the YouTube logo

So thank you guys, without you it wouldn't have been possible at all

We know where we come from and we know where we're going

We love you all very much and thank you again for subscribing and supporting us

And above all don't look at the mess that there's at home by looking in the mirror of the trophy, we know you 😂

Thank you guys

Why are you doing this ?

To the trophy

I start with stuffed mussels

I don't like mussels

Eat something else, there are sausages and king crab

And we have .... Sausages

Say "Aaaaaah"

I tell them not to you


Taste that, it's good

Keep the sausages for you *I know she loves it*

In addition there's one for me there

Look !

It's good huh ? It's a sausage

Yes it's very good

Well !

We move on to serious things or not ?

You don't want it ?

I want some !

Do you want me to open it for you ?

Yes, but don't dip in any of these sauces

Yes, I give you and you do what you want with

So guys..

Soon we'll have 200K subscribers

We're still 163K, we're still far from reaching but yes soon 200K subscribers 🤪

So I can already tell you

What I planned when we reached 200 K subscribers

To enter the giveaway

Follow us on Instagram, subscribe to our YouTube channel and comment on each of our videos. There will be a draw

1st Prize: The last Ipad tablet

2nd Prize : 200 €

All this when we reach 200K subscribers

So you guys..

The giveaway will only be for those who are in France

Sorry for the other countries that are watching us

I think there are few chains that make giveaway in France so..

Here 😊

No thanks

Say "ah"

There's a sausage here

Go ahead, eat it

This is for you

And besides the sausages are juicy

Ah really ?

And the King crab too

You want it ?


No ?

In my opinion, I think garlic + butter + parsley sauce is better than Bethany's *no hate*

But maybe it's because I'm used to this sauce since I was little and I love it

I'm used to this sauce too

I'm only used to this sauce, not the other one

Do you know that you are wetting the cardboard ?

Say "ah" it's a sausage

It's juicy, huh ?

When we landed in Paris..

It was 26.6° F *gosh*

I was shocked, we left Reunion Island it was 87.8 ° F and we landed in Paris with 26.6 ° F

Fortunately, in my city it's less colder than in Paris

Your brother is Uncle Noé

And he's watching us

You think ?

Yes I think so

Hey uncle Noé 😊

I know he wants to taste it too

So ? Did you like the holidays in Reunion Island ?


Did you like it ?

Yes !

It was too hot, huh ?

Yes, but I love when it's hot

I love it when it's hot and I love it when it's cold

You're a liar huh, when we were there, you didn't stop complaining about the heat

"Mommy, it's too hot ! It's when we get home ?"

"Mommy, I'm tired of it !"

You're rather Team heat or Team cold ?

They love the cold and the heat

Really ?

You think subscribers prefer cold or heat ?

Both !

Really ?


Watch out for our trophy !

Don't put the stuff on it

Where we will put the trophy ?

In the living room or the corridor ?

In the corridor

It will be beautiful in the living room ✨

When I celebrate my birthday with my friends, I'll say, "No, no, no !"

Don't touch the trophy !

When I receive my friends at home, they must follow my rules

My friends must follow my rules at home

Yes, when you receive your friends they must follow your rules and don't let them impose anything on you

This is your house, my house and Haku's house *our cat*

It's your house first because you're the mother

😄 Yaaaaay 😄


I have to follow your rules

But my guests follow my rules

*she repeats everything she just said.. she's a girl* 😂

I'm so tired guys 😪

I'm extremely sleepy, the jet lag is horrible..

I'm not tired

No wonder, you slept well on the plane..

When we were coming back to France

You slept very well


You spread yourself no matter how..

You kicked me

Also punches, at one point you found yourself on the floor on the carpet

You slept like a savage

You even snored

It means that I slept well

It's pure truth

You slept very very well

Mommy ?

You know that when I snore it means that I slept well


When I don't snore it means I don't sleep well



You're happy to finally be at home ?


Are you happy to have found your room ?

And no longer have mosquitoes that sting your legs

At least here, there are no mosquitoes that sting you

I didn't like when they stung my body

It's certain

Nobody likes to be eaten by mosquitoes

I will show them something

It's something that is extraordinary

Look in the middle

A bouquet of flowers

The old bouquet is dead

Yes, the other has faded

It has completely faded, the bouquet is dead

So we threw it in the trash and we bought another bouquet

We see it in the middle

And there are pink flowers

You chose this bouquet

Yes, I chose it

You want some King crab ?

You still have sausages, but do you want king crab ?

No ?

No, I don't want any more


What is the meat ?

It's the sausage

My belly is starting to be full

Not me

Your belly is stretchy, you are always hungry 😯

Did you see my belly ?

It's big 😯

It's big but I'm still hungry

You have a big belly 😝

It's you, look

Oh no, I don't have a big belly huh

When I'm not eating, I don't have a big belly

Oh ? How is your belly normally ?

Normally it's like that.. Like yours

What is this song ?

The song is..

*yes, I like to invent the lyrics* 🤭🤭

It's good, now I drink juice

Well, I eat that and then I say goodbye because my belly is very full

But no, look, it's not full !

We keep to eat tonight

Your belly is not big so it's not full

We'll eat the leftovers tonight

You burp and you say you're still hungry ?!

Yes, I'm still hungry



When I burp it means I'm still hungry

*wait.. what did she say ?!*

We drink this and then we say goodbye

There you force yourself, don't you think you're pretending ?

I'm not hungry anymore, are you still hungry ?

I'm not hungry anymore

Then we say bye ?


For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] KING CRAB LEGS MUKBANG + SHOUTOUTS┃il y a pas plus explosé en ce moment.. - Duration: 15:03.


ASHLEYGRAHAM...Gorgeous Fashion Model...Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas - Duration: 2:31.

ASHLEYGRAHAM...Gorgeous Fashion Model...Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas

For more infomation >> ASHLEYGRAHAM...Gorgeous Fashion Model...Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas - Duration: 2:31.


Bri Martinez...Plus Size Fashion...Curvy Outfit Ideas - Duration: 3:26.

Bri Martinez...Plus Size Fashion...Curvy Outfit Ideas

For more infomation >> Bri Martinez...Plus Size Fashion...Curvy Outfit Ideas - Duration: 3:26.


Plus belle la vie épisode 3704 Boher propose un gros coup aux frères Cortez - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Plus belle la vie épisode 3704 Boher propose un gros coup aux frères Cortez - Duration: 3:23.


Free PS4/PS3/Vita PlayStation Plus Games For January 2019 Out Now - Duration: 2:15.

It's a new year, and that means a new lineup of free games to start things off right.

If you're a PlayStation Plus subscriber and wanna know what's available, I've got you covered.

Here's the January lineup.

First up on PS4 is Steep, a sports game that'll be just perfect for winter.

Steep drops you onto a mountain range and gives you the freedom to take on skiing, snowboarding,

wingsuit, and paragliding challenges.

You can pull off sweet tricks and discover hidden spots all across the Alps.

Second, PS4 is getting Portal Knights--and I won't blame you if you did a double-take

thinking this was Minecraft footage.

Portal Knights is all about crafting and building in a giant sandbox world, but it's also an

RPG, letting you level up and fight monsters.

The first free PS3 game is actually two in one: Zone of the Enders HD Collection includes

both mainline ZOE games: Zone of the Enders and The 2nd Runner.

You can check out both mech games from the mind of Hideo Kojima, a name you probably

know from the Metal Gear series.

PS3 owners can keep the action going with Amplitude.

This rhythm game also puts you in a spaceship, but you'll have to hop across different tracks

and shoot gems in time with the music.

You'll probably hear a few familiar tunes as you fly and shoot--and you can also blast away

on PS4 thanks to cross-buy.

Speaking of blasting, the Vita's first free game, Super Mutant Alien Assault, is

part platformer, part shooter.

Each level is just one screen, but you'll have to leap around a random combination of

evil aliens and tricky platforms to clear them all.

Finally, the Vita is also getting Fallen Legion: Flames of Rebellion.

Your goal is take back your land from an evil empire, and that involves fighting through

big RPG battles and mastering the game's combo system.

Thanks to cross-buy, you can master it on PS4 as well.

And those are your free PS Plus games for January; they're available right now, but

only until February 4th.

Remember that you can always check out gameplay clips and reviews for these titles on GameSpot,

and be sure to stick with us as we report on the new PS Plus games every month.

For more infomation >> Free PS4/PS3/Vita PlayStation Plus Games For January 2019 Out Now - Duration: 2:15.


Amouredelavie...Latest Fashion...Plus Size Curvy - Duration: 2:31.

Amouredelavie...Latest Fashion...Plus Size Curvy

For more infomation >> Amouredelavie...Latest Fashion...Plus Size Curvy - Duration: 2:31.


Adriana Lima...Curvy Outfit Ideas...Plus Size Curvy - Duration: 3:26.

Adriana Lima...Curvy Outfit Ideas...Plus Size Curvy

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