Thứ Năm, 3 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily what Jan 3 2019

[Monica] We're here at the Rideau Heights Community Center and Library and Nicola joins me

right now and there are so many wonderful things are offered all under

one roof. Let's talk about Housing and Social Services. [Nicola] From Monday to

Friday from 1:00 to 4:00 we have a case manager here from housing and social

services that can answer any questions about your housing and social services

needs. [Monica] Now if somebody does have a question or they need some help

perhaps applying for something do they need to have an appointment? [Nicola] No that's

the great thing about it you can just drop by and a case manager can answer

any of your questions about our different programs. So people can get

more information about subsidized housing, subsidized child care, they can

see a case manager about their Ontario Works file, you can also come down here

to apply for the Municipal Fee Assistance Program. [Monica] Danielle is going to

tell us about some of the other things that people can utilize here at the Rideau

Heights Community Center. [Danielle] Yes you can register for any recreation and city

leisure program here at Rideau Heights as well as on their website

you can also purchase garbage bag tags here, we also sell 6-ride

transit passes for adults, youth and children. You can also pick up garbage

and recycling bins, we also do pet licensing as well as we sell water

bottles and locks. [Voice over] Your city brought to you by the City of Kingston

For more infomation >> See what amenities and services are available at the Rideau Heights Community Centre - Duration: 1:24.


Climate Change - It's What's For Dinner - Duration: 1:41.

Greenhouse gas emissions are leading to climate change.

The good news is, according to a new study from

UConn's Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity,

we all have the ability to have a positive impact.

Because our everyday food choices

generate a substantial amount of greenhouse gas emissions.

Globally, the bulk of greenhouse gases come from four sectors:

electricity and heat production, industry, transportation and agriculture and land use.

Greenhouse gas emissions from food spending alone

accounted for 16% of U.S. emissions

or over 899 billion kilograms of CO2.

For the average U.S. household, 68% of weekly greenhouse gas emissions from food

come from the agriculture and manufacturing stages of the food system.

Overall, 21% of food emissions are from red meat alone.

How can we change this?

Try choosing foods that generate fewer greenhouse gas emissions.

According to the researchers

it's a good idea to steer spending away from beef, pork and other red meat,

since these industries produce the largest share of greenhouse gas emissions.

By analyzing the spending habits of all kinds of folks,

the researchers found that reducing your greenhouse gas emissions

can be as easy as changing the types of food you buy and eat.

Climate change - it doesn't have to be what's for dinner.

For more infomation >> Climate Change - It's What's For Dinner - Duration: 1:41.


Rep. Trey Gowdy shares in an exclusive interview what he feels is his legacy in Congress. - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Rep. Trey Gowdy shares in an exclusive interview what he feels is his legacy in Congress. - Duration: 2:08.


What is causing numerous deer to cross road near Twin Bridges in Henderson? - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> What is causing numerous deer to cross road near Twin Bridges in Henderson? - Duration: 1:58.


വിജയിക്കണമെങ്കിൽ do what you love | Shabareesh Varma | Josh Talks Malayalam - Duration: 14:48.

For more infomation >> വിജയിക്കണമെങ്കിൽ do what you love | Shabareesh Varma | Josh Talks Malayalam - Duration: 14:48.


What is The Best Time Frame To Find Trend In Foreign Exchange | Tani Forex Tutorial in Hindi & Urdu - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> What is The Best Time Frame To Find Trend In Foreign Exchange | Tani Forex Tutorial in Hindi & Urdu - Duration: 10:01.


What a democratic House of Representatives could mean for western Massachusetts - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> What a democratic House of Representatives could mean for western Massachusetts - Duration: 1:13.


What Is a Lead Magnet? | Lead Magnet Explained (PLUS Tips!) - Duration: 3:48.

- What's up everybody?

Today, I'm gonna talk to you about

what is a lead magnet?

("Comeback" by Fvmeless & Vic Sage)

♪ Working on a Wednesday ♪

♪ Then up again the next day ♪

♪ So and so is poppin ♪

♪ Man I skip him like he leg day ♪

- So what is a lead magnet?

I'm gonna tell you and give you some examples

of lead magnet ideas that you can use

immediately after this video.

I was helping one of our new clients

create a sales funnel and one of the big things

that they were missing was a lead magnet.

One of the big things that people need to do

as they create relationships and a business online

is you need to build a lead magnet.

So what exactly is this?

Think of it as a trade.

I'm going to build something of value to you

and in return, I'm most likely gonna get your email address.

Once you give me your email address

and I give you the thing, we're done

with that particular transaction

and that thing that I give you is a lead magnet.

It's something that serves you

in your business, whatever the business may be,

and helps you whether it's tips, tricks,

check lists, case studies.

There's a bunch of different things so let's go into it.

One of the biggest, easiest lead magnets to make

is a checklist.

In fact, with one of our brands,

it's actually called Girl Brand.

It's obviously ran by a girl.

She has a monthly calendar lead magnet

to help girls get right with their time,

get better at personal development,

and it leads them, it ascends them into a course

and more content and things that she sells.

Another thing that we're doing in the real estate space

is we're creating a lead magnet

on how to find and flip homes.

So real estate person comes in

and they're looking to find and flip homes,

the best strategy, the best structure,

this lead magnet gives them exactly

that strategy and structure and then normally,

someone will have a few videos or extra value

in content that they will give you

in order to probably sell you something.

Because at the end of the day, guys,

we're building brands, we're building businesses,

we are 100% selling things.

So we wanna make sure that we sell things

that have tangible value and logical sense

to the next step of whatever it is we're doing.

So when you are crafting your lead magnet,

think who is this for, what is the best way

to help this person, what's the fastest way

to get this person an immediate result

that they can use this lead magnet,

get success, attribute that success to me

so I can start building a relationship,

give these people more value, more content,

and help them in their journey, whatever that may be.

So think of these things as you create your lead magnet.

A few ideas of lead magnets like I said

could be check lists, you could also do case studies,

whatever space you're in.

We have a lead magnet particularly for us.

We help the company go from $30,000 a month

to over $300,000 a month.

And if you download that lead magnet,

we tell you and we help you,

showing you exactly how we did that

so you can utilize it and you can get

those concepts inside of your business.

Another lead magnet besides checklist and case studies

could be just a content piece on what is going on

in the state of the business,

the state of the industry, essentially,

what's going on, how to help people out.

Also, you can break little nuggets

out of your courses, your content,

your training methodology, put those in

as smaller chunks and make that a lead magnet.

So now I've given you a few ideas

on how to set up the lead magnet properly,

what is a lead magnet, and how you can use it

for your business.

Let me know in the comments below,

what lead magnet you're creating.

For who, what industry?

And let's talk inside.

Also, if you have more questions

and wanna continue the conversation,

join us in our Facebook group.

It's consistently growing.

We talk ads, lead magnets, strategies,

and everything under the sun regarding marketing

and business building.

And as always, do not forget to subscribe,

join the notification squad and we will

see you guys in one of the other videos.

For more infomation >> What Is a Lead Magnet? | Lead Magnet Explained (PLUS Tips!) - Duration: 3:48.


What to do in the Orlando area - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> What to do in the Orlando area - Duration: 1:52.



- Hi, guys.

Welcome back to Addictive Wellness Channel.

My name is AnnaBlanca.

- And I'm Sage.

- And today, we would love to talk about stevia.

Stevia, we love stevia.

It's an amazing sweetener.

And somehow, somewhere it got some bad rap

and we would love to clear up the misconceptions

about stevia.

Not all stevias are created equal.

This is true.

We completely agree with that.

Some of them are really, really bad products.

Unfortunately, this is a fact

because some stevias are not pure and clean,

just the Stevia.

Some companies, they mix in some maltodextrin and dextrose.

And we both know, guys, that it's made of GMO corn.

- This is a lot of those little powdered stevia packets.

- Exactly. - Those little green packets.

- So if you see it on your table and you're like,

"Ooh, stevia, I gotta put this in my coffee."

Turn it around, check out the ingredients,

and do not make this face

'cause that's what I usually do in restaurants

instead of just going,

it's okay. - No, no, no.

Usually in restaurants you go,

"This is un-friggin-believable."


- This is true.

He is my witness, and some of them even add saccharine which

even more unforgivable, right?

- Right. - Exactly.

So not many of them are very well-made

and the taste is also could be atrocious, I agree.

But, but...

- They're not all like this, right?

So, as she mentioned, a lot of stevia products

are not made and extracted well and so they have

a lot of bitter aftertaste in them

and it's given stevia a bad name.

People say, "Oh, I don't like stevia."

"It has that funky aftertaste."

Well, that's poorly-made stevia.

Our Stevia, for example, that we use in our chocolate

and our elixir blends is certified organic

so it's made extremely cleanly.

- They don't use those bad chemicals,

like some of them use. - Right, then there's a lot

of chemicals used in the processing

of a lot of stevias out there.

So no harsh chemicals used.

And then it tastes really nice because in stevia,

there's different compounds that give sweetness.

They're called rebaudiosides, and they're known primarily

as Reb-A, Reb-B, and Reb-C.

And Reb-A is the cleanest tasting of them all

and so if you have extractats that are higher in Reb-A,

it's gonna taste a lot better.

So that's what we use, is one that's very high in Reb-A

and doesn't have so much of the other ones.

So it gives it a very clean taste.

- It tastes better, right?

And sometimes, let's say I'm in the store

and I'm demoing our chocolate because it's one of

my favorite things to do because I would love to meet people

who are trying our chocolate for the first time.

And some people say, "Ooh, I do not like stevia."

"It leaves a bad aftertaste in my mouth."

And they taste it and they go, "Wow."

"I would've never thought that it actually"

"can taste like that."

So 2% of the people in the population,

that's what you usually tell me.

- This is our estimate from our experience.

- Estimate.

About 2% of people-- - Can taste it.

- Have a very strong sensitivity to this flavor of stevia

and just can't handle it, right?

- Yeah.

- But most other people, even a lot of people

who have written off stevia because they had a bad stevia,

can actually do great with a really clean

and good-tasting stevia, so don't give up hope.

- Don't give up on us. (laughs)

- If you think you can't handle stevia, at least try

one of our products one time to see if it's just

the stevia's you've been having that have been no good,

or if you are a stevia super-taster.

Maybe you are.

- And then you can determine, right?

- And then you can actually know.

- And there are some other things about stevia.

There are some rumors that are coming up lately, right?

- Right, so there's been rumors around for a while

about Stevia regarding its effect on fertility.

Now this goes way back to the 60's

when the study was first done in Paraguay

by a guy named Professor Kruc.

Not C-r-o-o-k, but K-r-u-c.

- Dr. Joseph Kruc and yes, his name is misleading.

His intentions were not bad.

- He is a guy with good intentions.

But here's what happened.

He gave rats such a crazy high level of stevia

that would never be reproducible in a human study

because nobody could eat that much stevia.

And of course, they ran into these problems

and he even later came out and said that it was probably

just that they were overdosing on it

and it was way too high of a dose.

And even a few years later after that, he said he thinks

there's no problems with the stevia at all

as a result of his future research.

- Yeah, he retracted.

And there was another study in 1999.

How much stevia they gave them? (laughs)

- In '99, they did a study where they were feeding stevia

to hamsters and they fed them at about

10% of body weight per day.

Now, what does this play out as if you're

looking at a human?

Well, let's say you weigh 120 pounds.

If you wanna replicate this study in your body,

you're gonna have to be prepared to eat

12 pounds of stevia per day.

You're gonna have a lot of other problems

before you run into any fertility problems.

You're just gonna...

I don't even know what would go wrong with you.

It wouldn't be fun.

You would probably never want to have a sweet thing again

in your entire life.

Now, even at that crazy high dose,

there were no fertility problems.

So it just goes to show that you will die

from too much stevia just because

your stomach explodes, probably,

before you would run into any fertility issues.

- And in 2008, the Journal of Endocrinology

and Reproduction came out with a report that

they didn't find any proof, either, that stevia would have

infertility or fertility effect at all on human.

Or in mice, on mice.

They did it on mice.

Nobody ever studied on human.

- Right, so if there's been no longterm studies on humans.

No real studies to speak of at all.

- 'Cause there was nothing but a point.

- Right. - 'Cause they couldn't even

find it in Endocrinology.

- The way these systems of studies work is that

they first have to show something in an animal model

and then they'll go through the trouble

of doing a human study-- - Exactly.

- 'cause that's much more expensive and complex to do.

So, didn't even get past an animal level,

so hopefully this helps to put these silly rumors to bed

and you guys can go help armed with this information

to straighten out the true story out there in the world.

Thanks so much for joining us, guys.

We hope you enjoyed this video.

Please give us a like or leave a comment.

- And follow us. - Subscribe and follow us.

We really love sharing this kind of fine information

with you, and we hope you enjoy it too.

Have a great day, and we look forward

to seeing you again soon.

For more infomation >> DOES STEVIA AFFECT FERTILITY? WHAT DOES THE RESEARCH SAY? - Duration: 6:30.


5g Network Technology | What Is 5G and How Will It Make Life Better? - Duration: 6:09.

What Is 5G

and How Will It Make My Life Better?

Everybody loves speedy internet,

so it's no surprise that every major telecom in the world is working to make it even faster.




and cars are increasingly requiring stable internet connections.

In order to pipe in enough bandwidth for that precious wireless feed,

we're going to need an entirely new form of wireless signal

that's where 5G comes in.

Similar to 4G and 3G before it,

5G is a wireless connection built specifically to keep up with the proliferation of devices

that need a mobile internet connection.

It's not just your phone and your computer anymore,


Home appliances,

door locks,

security cameras,



dog collars,

and so many other inert devices are beginning to connect to the web.

Gartner predicts that 20.8 billion devices will be connected to the Internet by 2020.

By comparison,

there are currently an estimated 6.4 billion connected devices in the world.

That's a lot more devices asking for a quick connection.

To make 5G and the future of wireless internet a little easier understand,

we decided to break down exactly what it is

and how it will make your life better in the very near future.

The "G" in 5G stands for "generation."

Wireless phone technology technically started with 1G,

and in the early 1990s,

and it expanded to 2G when companies first started enabling people

to send text messages between two cellular devices.

Eventually the world moved on to 3G,

which gave people the ability to make phone calls,

send text messages,

and browse the internet.

4G enhanced many of the capabilities that were made possible with the third generation of wireless.

People could browse the web,

send text messages,

and make phone calls,

and they could even download and upload large video files without any issues.

Then companies added LTE,

short for "long term evolution,"

to 4G connectivity.

LTE became the fastest and most consistent variety of 4G compared to competing technologies like WiMax.

The difference between WiMax and LTE is similar to the difference between Blu-Ray and HD DVDs

Both technologies achieved similar outcomes,

but it was important to create a standard for everyone to use.

LTE did just that,

and it made 4G technology even faster.

5G will build on the foundation created by 4G LTE.

It's going to allow people send texts,

make calls,

and browse the web as always

and it will dramatically increase the speed at which data is transferred across the network.

5G will make it easier for people to download and upload Ultra HD and 3D video.

It will also make room for the thousands of internet connected devices entering our everyday world.

Just imagine upgrading your data connection from a garden hose to a fire hose.

The difference will be noticeable.

In short


Speeds will be significantly faster.


4G LTE transfer speeds top out at about one gigabit per second.

That means it takes about an hour to download a short HD movie in perfect conditions.

The problem is,

people rarely experience 4G's maximum download speed because

the signal can be disrupted by so many different things



other wifi signals.

The list goes on and on.

5G will increase download speeds up to 10 gigabits per second.

That means a full HD movie can be downloaded in a matter of seconds.

It will also reduce latency significantly

(giving people faster load times).

In short,

it will give wireless broadband the capacity it needs to

power thousands of connected devices that will reach our homes and workplaces.

There are already huge consortiums of major global

telecoms working to create worldwide standards around 5G.

Although most of those standards haven't been solidified,

experts expect it to be backwards compatible

(with 4G and 3G)

in addition to having some interoperability across the world.

In their most basic form,

cell phones are basically two-way radios.

When you call someone,

your phone converts your voice into an electrical signal.

It transmits that electrical signal to the nearest cell tower using radio wave.

The cell tower bounces the radio wave through a network of cell towers and eventually to your friend's phone.

The same thing is happening when you send other forms of data

(like photos and video)

across the network.

Typically when a new mobile wireless technology comes along

like 5G

it's assigned a higher radio frequency.

For instance,

4G occupied the frequency bands up to 20 MHz.

In the case of 5G,

it will likely sit on the frequency band up to 6GHz.

The reason new wireless technologies occupy higher frequencies is because

they typically aren't in use and move information at a much faster speed.

The problem is that higher frequency signals don't travel as far as lower frequencies,

so multiple input and output antennas


will probably be used to boost signals anywhere 5G is offered.

It's already available in some test locations around the United States.

This week at Mobile World Congress,

Verizon announced that it's begun limited trials of 5G in Texas,


and New Jersey.

Not to be left out,

AT&T announced that it will begin testing 5G technology in its own labs before hosting fixed trials.

Although both Verizon and AT&T,

the nation's two biggest internet service providers,

are already testing 5G,

don't expect to see it anytime soon.

Most experts predict that 5G won't be widely available until 2020.

But it will be well worth the wait.

If there's anything that everyone can agree on,

it's that speedy internet is a necessity in this day and age.

And the importance of a quick connection is only going to increase.

If we're going to realize a vision of the future with billions of connected devices,

then blazing fast internet is going to become a basic necessity

and 5G will help us get there.

For more infomation >> 5g Network Technology | What Is 5G and How Will It Make Life Better? - Duration: 6:09.


What Guardiola said about Van Dijk ahead of Man City vs Liverpool - Duration: 2:52.

 Pep Guardiola has hailed the "exceptional" qualities of Virgil van Dijk ahead of coming up against the Liverpool defender on Thursday

 The Manchester City boss was linked with a move for the Dutchman prior to his switch to Anfield last January, but the centre-back opted to head to Anfield in a £75m deal

 In his year at the club he's helped transform the Reds' defence, which is now the meanest in the Premier League having conceded just eight goals all season

  WIN £25,000 for FREE with Footie5 - click here to play  That record will be severely tested by the league's top scorers City, but Guardiola is in no doubt about the quality of the defender he'll need his attacking stars to get the better of

Read More Why Virgil van Dijk was late for training and how it "shaped him as a human"  "He's an exceptional player," said Guardiola ahead of the game

 "When a player costs whatever it costs and it works, it is well worth it.  "When you pay less and it doesn't work, it is so expensive

 "If he can play every three days with no injuries and play consistently, it is well worth it

"  Guardiola is expecting a tough task against a Liverpool side he greatly admires

  "They are solid in behind," he told Sky Sports .  "In the positional game when the opponents defend deep they had problems attacking them but now they are able to attack them really well

 "In the transition as always, they are so good. In the set-pieces they are a massive, tall team

Read More Jurgen Klopp warns Liverpool stars another Man City "thunderstorm" is coming  "So it is a team that can control all areas

That is why I am saying what I am saying.  "In front they play the same players, but in the middle they have changed a little and especially at the back

They have changed a lot of players at the back.  "And they know each other better

They have had four or five seasons together."

For more infomation >> What Guardiola said about Van Dijk ahead of Man City vs Liverpool - Duration: 2:52.


Jason Dalton trial for killing spree: What to expect - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Jason Dalton trial for killing spree: What to expect - Duration: 2:39.


What Is The Keto Diet? - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> What Is The Keto Diet? - Duration: 2:49.


Thomas and Friends Minis | Blind Bag Opening | What's Inside? - Duration: 4:25.

Hi Kids! Today I'm opening Thomas and Friends Minis!

Cool! So we got two of them. We have thomas minis blind bags

this is what it looks like and I wonder what's inside? We used to collect a whole bunch of them

and jake

has tons of them so maybe one day we can show you the whole collection so go

ahead and open up the first one baby that looks it there. Lets go see!

uh oh it fell down haha

i got Percy!!

ok! show them. show them! all right! so we got Percy.

Show then what Percy Looks like!

there you go oh look at that that's funny

he has like little monkeys on him.

Yea! its Jungle Percy! are you sure that's what it is?

maybe we can look at the instructions or the or the paper. Ok lets look at the paper! ok lets see, go find him!

Here Mom! I found him! Thats not percy!

Thats Camo Rosie!

Camo Rosie! But why does his face look like Percy?

He looks like Percy because he's green.. right? huh? oh yea that is Percy! See the number 6?

oh it is percy? thats confusing! there you go little monkeys all over that's funny yeah

It's not percy.. its camo rosie. no see the number 6!

that means its percy! but on here it says its Rosie!

its Rosie! ok next one.

i got a peek it is the same!

the chances yeah so look same thing see that's the thing that's how

was that a fail why because we got to the same thing but that's okay now we

can share away Jason right all right kids

all right kids I'm gonna plan my jobs maybe tail yeah it's okay look up here

yeah yeah it's ro and leave a comment happy new year

For more infomation >> Thomas and Friends Minis | Blind Bag Opening | What's Inside? - Duration: 4:25.



Okay, you all so it is 12:07 and I'm just now getting to the gym

I've been Miss Errand girl all day but anywho y'all let's go ahead and kill this workout

alright guys so here in the gym I don't even know this but my upper body

still is like kind of sore but today's upper body day and I've had like

what four days away from doing any upper body workout so I'm gonna do something

with my upper body I'm not entertaining this right now

so less than one minute left on this elliptical. I've burned 123 calories I'm

so hungry! I need food like actual food in my

system all right guys like I said your girl is

hungry one of the girls that work in the gym... she was eating y'all

I was like come on. I'm over here starving I just want to ask her for just

a little piece of chicken but I was like nah let's not do that.

Just a quick little Lazy Keto Grocery Haul!

So, let's go ahead and get into this part

So your girl bought some

Coke Zero I needed this in my life I missed it so

freakin much I'm tired of drinking just water y'all I

need something else besides water

Next thing I got are two of the Sparkling Ice Cherry Limeade.

I love these they're so good. Nutrition facts zero everything you

see and their just so good this is I think this is my favorite flavor from

the next thing is some bacon yes if y'all care about the nutrition facts

it is 8 grams of fat zero carbs six grams of protein

very happy to be

blowing this away bacon bacon it's good for me

Next thing I have is some country sausage patties

they're so freakin' good Nutrition Facts if you're interested 12

grams of fat zero carbs and six grams of protein

Next is the Buffalo style hot wings from Tyson love these bad boys so friggin

much it's great for like you know when you really don't feel like cooking you

need something quick fast and in a hurry this is what I love to indulge in I

purchased two bags of broccoli cuts um you know because we over here trying to

get our hashtag health going on over here

I think broccoli is maybe my favorite vegetable I don't know what about y'all

what's your favorite vegetable next thing is Daiya dairy-free American style slices

I've said this but if you're looking for some vegan or

dairy-free are just limiting your dairy this is a nice little option I love Daiya Cheese

I also purchased some sugar-free jell-o thank you God

I love sugar free jello it's so good

Y'all, I have not had diet cranberry juice in a

while yes it has been a while so I saw it and I was like girl what are you

doing with your life get you some. So, I got me some and I know I'm gonna be

happy of course y'all know your girl had to

get this So Delicious Dairy Free Coconut Milk Vanilla Bean No Sugar Added Ice Cream

Wow y'all that's a mouthful um I have tried their butter pecan ice cream

and it was delicious I am hoping this is good please don't

let me down So Delicious please do not let me down

I am feeling a little sick

scratch that I am sick so I bought some Nyquil and also some Ricola sugar-free lemon mint throat drops

Here's my Sugar-Free Powerade Zero this is in the

flavor Mixed Berry. This is my favorite flavor from them you know what I've only

tried this one and the fruit punch I'm over here acting like I'm an expert but I

really do like this flavor y'all they were only 80 cents and I really wanted

to get more y'all but there are some people working over there in that area

and I don't want to be like you know judge whatever so only got three next

item that I purchased was the No Sugar Added Sweet Gherkins listen y'all I have

to be careful with these things because I will literally eat the entire jar and

maybe this one as well they're so good like oh my gosh like why are they so

good I don't know I also purchased the multicolored cauliflower blend like does

it matter about the color does it taste any different I don't even know but

we'll find out and just in case y'all are interested in the nutrition facts

here they are hashtag lazy keto so I purchased some Tyson grilled and ready

fajita chicken strips and nutrition facts is 110 calories 4 grams of fat 1

gram of carbs 0 grams of fiber 1 gram of sugar and 17 grams of protein next thing

I purchased was some raspberries I love berries period y'all and yes I have

fruit on the keto diet that's not gonna change I love me some fruit it's

not like I'm eating a ginormous I'm out of fruit but a little bit here and there

there's nothing wrong with having fruit. I also purchased some pecans because I

plan on putting these pecans in either maybe my keto muffins or some keto cookies

I don't know. Or, you know what I may just dig my hand in the

bag and eat some pecans who knows what's gonna happen and to end this

maybe what little lazy keto grocery haul I did purchase two bags of my pasta zero noodles

In case you don't know, here are the nutrition facts zero grams of fat

four grams of carbs three grams of fiber and one gram of protein if you are maybe

like a vegan or vegetarian on the keto diet I will link in the description box

for my favorite vegan keto friendly meal and it includes these bad boys oh my

gosh all I still eat this to this day so good I almost forgot to tell you all

that I did purchase this cookie scoop and the only reason why I got this is

because I was watching I think maybe one of the live videos from Keto Connect

and Megha said that we should get one and that's what I did

okay y'all so it is 2:30 and I haven't eaten like actual food yet so I'm about

to start cooking but I'm about to have some of these no sugar added sweet gherkins

um I wish this thing will stop moving sir please stop because I am

gonna eat you whether you want me to or not thank you alright you guys so one of

my favorite first meal of the day I'm having two eggs two sausage patties two

pieces of bacon strips and I whole avocado that I cut up and I put some

salt on top of my avocado about to eat all of this

okay you also we are going to

Walmart um so I guess that's what us Mississippi people do we hang out at Walmart

My mom is so cold. We both got here sick as can be we don't

even need to be out here you really don't but we just getting a

couple of items out of Walmart then we going back home I realized I guess I

really don't want to get well because I don't have anything protecting my neck see

how prepared my mother is

She's like I'm not even here for this weather right now alright you guys so

here shopping at Walmart I guess I'll show y'all a few of the items that I have

gotten so far I haven't gotten anything much but here are my beef hot dogs then

I got two avocados and I also got some NyQuil. I had to get some more

NyQuil because...whew! I am clumsy this could just be me being crazy but then

again I don't feel like that's true but I have the berry flavored NyQuil

and I just feel like it's not doing anything so I'm just gonna use the

regular NyQuil the last time that I got sick I bought the berry flavor NyQuil

and I just felt like it didn't do anything so I went and got NyQuil

like the regular kind and this time I accidentally bought the berry kind and

now I just really feel like it doesn't do anything for me I just need the

original og NyQuil that's what I need in my life so that's why I'm

getting it and yeah hopefully I'll be happy and knocked out tonight just made

it home I found this recipe for a cauliflower soup online and so I'm gonna

try to basically copy it but try to add and take away a few other things so I'm

bringing a whole new meaning to lazy keto because I just don't feel like

cooking bacon because um I just don't so I think I'm going to use my Gardein Beefless Ground

instead of bacon for my cauliflower soup this meal is of course

going to be dairy-free and keto friendly so let me go ahead and get started

cooking my food I'm also going to link the recipe down in the description box

because I think it's pretty cool and it doesn't seem like it's gonna take too

long either so yayyy! I know this doesn't look like freakin amazing but y'all all

I put in this was bone brothm cauliflower rice, my vegan butter, broccoli, and eggs

and honey this is delicious I'm shocked right now like I am shocked at myself

y'all I've already started eating but I forgot to let y'all know that I did add

in my Beefless Ground from Gardein like I said I just did not feel like

cooking any bacon or anything to that nature so yeah I'm very happy at this

meal y'all like wow in order to make this like a vegetarian keto friendly meal

Maybe, just don't have the beef broth just add

maybe just like vegetable broth or whatever like I said I'm gonna link the

recipe down in the description box, but y'all you gotta try it. I plan on trying it

the way the actual recipe say but y'all I like this though mmm look at me

something so simple yet so good

For more infomation >> KETO WHAT I EAT IN A DAY 2019 I LAZY KETO GROCERY HAUL 🛒 - Duration: 10:08.


E4: Focus More on the "How" Than the "What" of Communication - Duration: 3:05.

When you're discussing veganism with a non-vegan,

how often do you end up in an argument

that leaves you feeling misunderstood and frustrated?

One of the reasons we can end up feeling this way

is because the focus of our communication is in the wrong place--

it's on the content, which is what we're talking about

rather than on the process, which is how we're communicating.

A simple shift from content to process can dramatically change our experience

and our impact as vegan advocates.

The process determines how we feel,

and therefore how receptive we are

to the information or content that's being shared.

Just think about a conversation you had last week or last year.

Chances are, you don't remember much of what you talked about,

but you probably do remember how you felt in the conversation.

We can't force someone to change,

but we can communicate in a way that increases the chances

they'll be open to our ideas.

And we create this openness

by making sure that the process of our communication is healthy.

In a healthy process, our goal is mutual understanding--

to understand each other's thoughts and feelings.

And we do our best to empathize with

and not judge or invalidate the experience of the other person,

which creates a sense of connection and safety,

both of which are essential for people to be open to new ideas.

Even if we're explicitly advocating veganism,

such as when we're working at an info stall at a vegfest,

without a healthy process as our foundation,

it's unlikely that any facts we share will be convincing.

In an unhealthy process, our goal is to be right, or to win,

which means to make the other person wrong, or to lose.

Most people are highly defended against being wrong and losing,

and they also pick up on and resist any motivation

to get them to change their opinion or behaviors.

So the next time you're advocating veganism,

or talking about anything, actually,

instead of simply sharing facts

and trying to change the other person's opinion,

try doing the following:

listen openly to their thoughts and feelings about veganism;

empathize with their experience talking with you,

and you'll be more likely to say and do things

that help them feel connected and secure in the conversation;

make it your goal to reach mutual understanding;

and accept that the other person may or may not change their opinion.

When our process is unhealthy,

it doesn't matter what we're talking about--

we'll probably end up arguing.

But when our process is healthy,

we can talk about just about anything productively,

and be much more effective in our communication,

and therefore in our vegan advocacy.

For more infomation >> E4: Focus More on the "How" Than the "What" of Communication - Duration: 3:05.


What's Holding You Back from the Life You Really Want? Emotional Baggage and Getting Unstuck - Duration: 10:09.

and this is all really new information to me it really is and I mean you know I

we hang out together we talk all the time and never have I thought to equate

being feeling stuck in certain situations to loss

thank you so much for tuning into our second act with Paige and Silke for your

second act of life hey Silke hi Paige Paige today we have what I consider an

interesting topic in our emotional health series we've done a lot of

programming lately on you know recreating life after 50 moving on etc

etc and a lot of the comments we get are is that people feel stuck they don't

believe that they can move on that you know it's too late of course that our

age is something we hear a lot and when you and I talked about this you brought

up that you know it could be losses that we've experienced in our past that are

keeping us stuck in whatever current situation you know we're stuck in today

and I I've never heard that before yes so typically when people hear about

loss they think death especially when you're at you know midlife so what I'm

here to talk about is yes loss is death however there are so many other losses

that we experience through life and by the time you hit midlife we've got a

junkyard of losses so when you think about all the way back to as far back as

you can think as a child think about all the things that you feel you lost what

were losses for you and these losses builds and builds and builds and build and what

happens is by the time you hit midlife it now becomes a pillar that sits in the

middle of your path and maybe your pillar is this wide this wide or this wide

all depends on how much loss you've experienced what you actually tuned into

if you've grieved any of those losses and found places for them and and

reframe them or if you never did then your junkyard is probably huge heaps of

all different kinds of loss not just death because losses create big barriers

in our path well and you know as you say that that makes a lot of sense but I

this is all really new information to me it really is and I mean you know I we

hang out together we talk all the time and never have I thought to equate being

feeling stuck in certain situations to loss how does one become aware of that

you know how whatever specific losses are affecting a specific situation so

what I would do is I would give a homework assignment so here it is

what you can do is think all the way back to your childhood and think about

what things felt like wow that really felt like a loss to me and what you do

is you just write down bullet points and sometimes the bullet point you want to

write a little bit more pending them on you know what comes to you you start a

timeline what is my timeline of loss from as far back as I can remember

until current day so something like like if you had to move or you lost a

childhood friend or a pet or somebody was mean to you that is that the kind of

stuff you can't about yeah all different kinds of things and you know one of my

losses was I was a chronic stutterer I couldn't even finish a sentence when I

was a little girl and so I was constantly made fun of and you know back

then the teachers would go around and you get called upon and I was always

sweating profusely with anxiety of oh my god am I gonna be able to speak without

stuttering so for me was the loss of my self-esteem

because I didn't think well I was smart enough or I could do this because I was

too worried about what the other children thought so just just a thought

so when you have your list Silke and you have your timeline you'll

be able to start to see wow that's a theme that's a theme that's a connection

and you'll start to see how these themes run through your losses and how that

equates to what's going on in your life right now if you feel stuck in a

relationship stuck you don't have a relationship stuck because you can't

move forward in a career you don't know where to move you don't know what to do

whatever it is stuck stuck stuck take a look at the losses you've accumulated in

your junk yard through the years to see the size of the pillar that's in your

path so and then it's a matter of dealing with the loss which is I'm

assuming a grieving process part of it is a grieving process

so and what I say to people is sometimes people are very quick to think oh it's

the big losses and I'm like okay yeah it might be the big losses but so many

times more than not it's the things they look back on and go wow that was such a

small situation but that theme and the impact in that small situation was

excuse me gigantic and that felt like such a loss

so yeah you do have to grieve what maybe you didn't get or what you feel like wow

I lost that I didn't get a chance to do that whatever so you first have to

create that time line and see what have you carried forward to midlife that's

still blocking you and then you'll get another piece of homework from me is

what do you do next after you have the time line and what do you do with it

well yeah exactly and you know it's funny when we're

talking and you know one thing that came up to me on a couple of these shows that

we've done including now this one is that I've learned I equate expressing

emotions with weakness that was a huge huge awakening to me because here we are

talking you know it's no I you know feel your emotions deal with your emotions

telling people to do that and then I am writing copy and it's like and I put ask

yourself if you think you know you think showing emotion is weakness and I'm

writing this and it was and I think that that came from a sense of loss of never

being able to show my emotions when I was that's huge

and when you think about our population our generation Silke how many times did

we hear from our parents stop crying if crying what's gonna help something

don't you think everybody would be doing it so you know many of us heard that and

it was like okay let me swallow it let me stuff it let me not go there and that

was a loss so that's kind of again I don't want to make this by myself but

you know I just feel like if I'm going through this you know there's there's

tons of other people that may be experiencing the same thing never having

thought of it that way then that is a loss a loss of being able to express

yourself so it's that kind of stuff is what we're talking about that all of a

sudden becomes a theme and an aha moment in in our life after 50 right and I

think you've heard me say this before what when you come to be midlife

anything that you haven't dealt with really builds up and especially with

women who's you go through perimenopause and menopause because the mask is ripped

off and the stuff just comes out you know unfiltered completely so you're

getting an opportunity to look at what have the losses been in my life that

not are all about physical death that are stopping me in my current path well

we're going to be doing a lot more programming on this and you know you've

given us a homework assignment for this segment which is identify the losses and

identify that timeline and then you said you have some homework for what to do

with it afterwards it can give us a quick taste of that no I'll have you

tuned in one thing at a time because I don't want to overwhelm people it's it's

enough for them to go back because when you start to see some of the losses

sometimes you will get emotional but remember this the next piece of homework

that I give on our next show will be how do I take this grieve it and shift and

change it so I can move forward and my pillar doesn't have to be this thick

this wide and this stuck so I can move forward great well then let me ask you

what you'll leave our viewers with for this segment take the time to do the

timeline you don't always have to do it in one sitting and just realize that if

you go no freakin way am I going there you can do that but just know that no

freakin way is your pillar going anywhere either

it's stuck in front of you it's in your path until you want to really look at it

okay okay what do I need to do to move forward everyone always says to me oh my

god I'm afraid to do it because am I getting completely to compensate

fall apart and never be able to function again I'm here to tell you know that we

were given emotions to feel and tears to cry so we can clean and cleanse and move

forward even better as you said Silke you are afraid to feel the emotions

because on a weakness weakness is not going there

strength is stepping in and on that note let's close out the segment I look

forward to our next segment when we talk about what to do with the discoveries

you've just made about yourself and the losses in your life so we'll see you on

the next segment of our second act with Paige and Silke for your second act of

life bye-bye

thanks so much for watching for more information on living your life to the fullest after 50 please visit our website and if you haven't already done so be sure to subscribe to our

channel button so right over here see you next time bye bye

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