Thứ Năm, 3 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily game Jan 3 2019

Yo bro! I don't do that! I'm straight yo!

But I'm gonna f*ck you. Is that your straight guy impression?

Yeah it is! Isn't it convincing?

Hey I'm Rory.

Hey I'm Alison!

And welcome to The Probe!

That's the show where we play adult video games and tell you if they're

worth you playing them or not or if they suck or if they're mediocre yeah or

anything inbetween. How sexy they are you know the important things. The important things.

Everything you want to know.

Today we're covering a game that's been

recommended to me by ALOT of people.

And I slept on it a bit because it's, A) not

finished and B) its...

American style art that isn't really my style.

It's created by someone named Dark Cookie and he's got a patreon that makes

$50,000 a month!

Jesus Christ what am I doing with my life? Not making porn games Rory!

Just reviewing them!

So clearly if that many people are willing to

support this game it's got to be good right? Yeah I must be.

It's gotta be. Look at all

the lists of fetishes! All right!

That you can have- Librarian!



So so far just from the description it seems like it covers all bases.


You know what a trap is. Don't you?

I don't know...

It's when you think it's a girl but it's really a guy.


Yeah! That's like a thing they do-

Apparently you don't know what a trap is!

No! I've never heard that!


I am floored.

So, well is that like bait bus or something?

What is that?

You don't know what bait bus is?


Rory are you 18 years or older?


Ready? Exciting soundtrack.

Yeah- Art's beautiful. What name- What's our name Rory?

I always just name people after me when I play these games. Really?

Do you rename your characters of Final Fantasy 7 or like if you play ff7?

Yeah Cloud is Rory thank you.

Really?!? He's not Cloud. See I never renamed them.

I always do. Oh, I just leave them. Oh never.

I name them after all my friends and stuff.

Clean game means new players start from

scratch. Start with $20. Start with zero stats.

Cheats enabled- We'll probably want that.

We want the one where we fap sooner.

in order to properly review it we need to know what the gameplay is like.

So listen let's try this and if we go for a

little while and nothing happens we can start over and try this.

"March 3rd on a rainy afternoon. My father's funeral"

Off to a great start.

"I can't believe he's really gone." Really uplifting.

"He died from a work-related accident at the age of 40. Leaving me all alone with no family to speak of."

"There are three things I have to take care of before the end of the semester."

"1) I have to secure a way to pay the next semester's tuition. 2) I have to uncover"

"the truth about my father's murder, and 3) I have to find a date for the sorority ball."

Sorority ball!

I'm gonna do my best to make this gay so-

Just so you know.

I think I think we should just

give everyone a shot. Well I will certainly I'm not gonna say nobody but

if I get the option "Make this gay" sorry straights!

Oh cool we get to click on things!

What about the cookies? Oh they light up! We're gonna go for the cookies-

Oh we got a voyeur!

Those two people with the same. Oh hello!

"Too late. I always miss the best part."

God we're such a creeper.

Sweet. Cookies?


"Box of my favorite cookies. I should keep them in my backpack in case I get hungry."

See! I bet you that's important later. (yeah) Now we have cookies.

There we go. Wow look at this.

We have to go to Eric's house. Oh! There's moving cars!

Oh that's really cute! That's cool.

Oh Eric, I'm not fucking you. Eric-

We can peep on him though! "Hey Eric." No I would I'd fuck Eric.

"What are you two losers looking at?"

"I think we're gonna looking at a combined IQ of 2."

Oh snap!


(Nelson laugh) ha ha

"Excuse me?!?"

"Huh? I don't get it"

"Didn't your deadbeat loser of a father like kill himself or something?"

F*ckin bitch! Oh no you didn't!

"At least I had a father growing up!" You skank!

"And I don't live in a trailer." WOW. Trailer shaming.

"This isn't over, Rory."

My nemesis! We're gonna f*ck the sh*t out of her later.

AND Dexter! Let's double team them!

Aw man, I hate f*ck her.

Um, AND Dexter. She's gonna watch.

Oh together at the same time. okay I'm down.

Okay so we we've decided we're gonna go into the like cheats enabled

section to see if we can get some sex because we are we played like a little

bit of the gameplay so far to see what that was like but we want to see what the sex is like.

Yeah we just need to get to some SEX.

So we have money. Oh great so we can go to the mall and buy a swimsuit.

Okay. Is this the mall? Yep. "I love the mall!"

There's an upstairs. Pink? Ooh you could buy lingerie? Oh yeah!

Here's the sex toy store. "Wooooow!"

"That's, there's a lot of weird stuff in here." Why would that have that in a mall?

"Maybe these will all come in handy one day."

Oh hey! Let's get the blow-up doll!

"Bye." Oh, can we use that?

"Hey Baby!" "Hi! Can I help you with something?"

"Would you like to see our massage section pamphlet?" YES.


Massage! "Could I see your massage pamphlet?"

"Sure! Suit yourself."

"Thanks!" Oh my god can we please do this? Oh my god.

The most expensive one is down here. Oh my god yes The Cowgirl.

"Yeah I'll have the ultimate please."

"Hehehehe you want it all don't you?"

"I uhhhhhhhh."

"I like myself an eager man."

"Follow me."

Yeah we're gonna get some! Right on!

We just have to pay for it! The mall is awesome!

OH. MY. GOD. He's ready.

"Hehehehe why are you still wearing that? we don't need towels for this kind of massage."

That's right.

Hey hey Ivy!

Oh Ivy!

"Hehe I wonder if it'll fit."

"Are you ready to feel heaven?" "Yeah!"

"Here we go!"


"You okay?" "Yeah go ahead."

Oh! Oh what is this?

I don't know.

I can see it inside of her?!

That is gross no turn that off I don't like it! Oh, wait do it again.

You know what just leave it, just leave it on. On?

I'm morbidly curious. You can see it go into her guts.

I'm morbidly curious. I don't know what- is this like-




Keep going!

"Crap I'm at my limit! She's way too good at this. I'm gonna come!"

"Ha go ahead!"

Come inside?

Whatever you want.

Oh my god the inner thing is so weird I don't know how I feel about it.


"He lasted a pretty long time in there for a teenager."

Alright Allison so that was summertime saga. Yeah we played it.

Today's rating system is going to be

cookies because that's apparently a theme in the game thanks to the Creator.

So that's what we're going with. Cookies.

What kind of cookies? Sticky ones. Ew.

Let's start with the gameplay Rory how many cookies did you give the gameplay?

I gave it five out of five cookies. The gameplay was excellent it was a just a lot of

options and a lot of different things you could do it had it was so

expansive and like you had your money you could get you were trying to make

money to do certain things and then you really wanted to make that money. (yeah)

there's so much shit to buy (right) it's just great.

I also gave it 5 out of 5 I I did

preface this at the beginning of our gameplay by saying that I really loved

stat razors and I know that that's a thing that some people like. Some people don't.

If you do just want to get to the sex this is probably not the game for you. (yeah)

They make you work for it but I didn't feel like,

It's not monotonous. I don't know- yeah

I didn't feel bad. They kept it variety. like you're entertained and it's like cool.

And it really I think just enhances everything when you

you know are really working for it and you get to

know all these different characters they just yeah.

The graphics for this game I

gave 5 cookies because I loved it I loved the design too it was like something

I hadn't seen at its own it was an american-made game so it

didn't have the typical- I mean I love the anime style as well but this

just had a really great style that was very detailed they had so many different

layouts (they did!) and cutscenes and expressions (they did) and so many

characters to (right) with everybody everything was unique.

One of the things okay so before I say that

I gave it a 4 out of 5 and the only reason I didn't give it five out of five

is because like I said it's not a style I really like and so it kind of kept me

from playing it to start with that's my own personal bias but I, it honestly

deserves a high score because of the sheer variety of art that they had one

thing that they did that most games do not do is they had people in the

background. Like, that's not a thing that usually happens usually it's like a

character in front of a background that's got nobody in it but this one

Or that one where it was like all just faceless people.

I think they were kind of faceless?

I mean they were blurred out but,

But that's actually a clever way to do it is to blur them out.

For the story I gave it 5 out of 5 cookies. I thought

it was very developed and had a lot of great options I mean it didn't give you

I guess, I mean it did give you I guess that option to like go where you wanted

when you wanted. I like it when they give you dialogue options

for responses and maybe that would come later. I think maybe that- I think that might come. No I

feel like it would because we we saw a little bit of that.

I mean we did get options like at the mall to do what we wanted and pay for what we wanted

So that was awesome but yeah so I mean I gave it five because it was very

expensive and (it was) and very you get you yeah there were so many options for

what you could do and I I love that about it.

I gave it four out of five

cookies and once again the reason it didn't get perfect is because the story

while good and detailed was not anything unique or new (that's true) it's a story

that's been done many times before. The whole like guy in school you know going

about his school life is something that is not, I've played lots of those.

But what I did see of the story was good enough for me to give it four out of

five because I felt I was interested in the characters they seemed you know to

have personalities they were definitely cliche but I am okay with cliches.

But there was such a variety I felt like. Yes. There's somebody for everybody yeah for

sure definitely somebody for everybody.

I don't know how much I cared about the dad storyline.

That was a little odd yeah. I mean it would get like good and

dramatic when it's like "Who did it?" and then you find out and then maybe you get

to f*ck him that would be fun.

Wait, f*ck the killer? YES

OF COURSE! If that's not an option I don't know why they put it in here!

I hope it's like somebody we know.

Well definitely! I think it's got to be somebody you know that did it.

And that's I think one of the fun parts of the like it takes it up a notch!

I mean I'm interested- It's a little less ordinary because they added that weird

murder mystery aspect to it. Yeah you're right. You're right they did try to make it a

little bit less schooldays and a little bit more like here's this murder but I

don't know I kind of didn't care I kind of just wanted to fuck my classmates. (yeah)

Well I wanted to fuck the killer. Okay? Wow.

Maybe one day. Teach them to kill my dad! Wow.

Wow You're gonna you're gonna show them with your 12-inch cock!

Yes! That's how justice works in summertime land whatever this is.

Finally the sexiness of Summertime Saga! How many cookies does it get?

I gave it five cuz it was f*cking

sexy I loved the the character designs and I thought it did a great job with

just the cutscenes for the sex that we actually did get to see at the mall.

It was great but one of the biggest things like that I think you would be able to

do is you can basically fuck anybody in this game.

Yeah I think so too.

I think you would like Dexter I think you can fuck that guy eventually.

You're gonna work on Dexter. And I LOVE that!

I also gave it 5 out of 5 cookies because I mean they literally do include everything that you

could ever want and honestly, okay well I did think the x-ray thing was weird.

That was an interesting option. Super interesting I literally never seen that before.

I didn't even think of that but yeah that goes into my five 5 cookies!

I mean I'm just I feel like x-ray f*cking her guts. That was f*ckin awesome.

I feel like the reason to get the full score is because it literally thought of everything!

Like it included everything I even felt like the like scene in the locker room where she makes them strip was kinda sexy?

That was great!

Yes! I loved that! Little things like that. It was just like, yeah super little but yet, still like,

It was phenomenal. Yeah just attention to detail it was just so good.

And like funny like you know it was great.

What's your final score?

I don't know if this is a first but I gave it f*cking 100%

That is a first.

I loved it I thought it was so well rounded and so great because it well and of course

again I don't know for sure if you could f*ck the guys but I loved I feel like

that was where it was going where you can f*ck the guys too and that's perfect if

you can do anything like that.

Right. However you want it to go do it.

Because if you're if you want it you got it if you don't you don't have to do it.

It's true. It's perfect.

I gave it an 80% which is still pretty good and I feel

like honestly I was trying to find things wrong with it because I felt

weird about giving it a hundred. It deserves a high score it was really well done.

I 100% understand why this game has so many supporters on

patreon. It is so well thought out and there's a lot in there

and I mean it's not my perfect game which is I guess is why it doesn't get a

hundred but it it's good. It's good. Play play the shit out of this. Yeah.

I recommend playing this game. Definitely Yes.


We have a hundred score! We should like-

There should be some kind of fanfare! Confetti!


For a game that gets 100% from one of us.

Holy sh*t it'll probably never happen again.

I don't even know if I gave the gay one 100% but that was a pretty good one.

That one was really good too.

I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as we did.

So, I don't know,

Probe seal of approval go download it.

the link will be down because right now you can download it for free.

Because it's in alpha. And it was great. I mean we didn't even get it into it as

far as I would love to go into it and see what you can do with all the items we bought

which I hope that they have that in there. To like use all those

dildos and use the blow up doll and crap.

That would be so much fun. There's still just so much enjoyment you can

get and I mean considering you could download the alpha for free what are

you waiting for go download it now. Do it.

And then support the patreon. See what all the fuss is about. For reals.

Till next time.

Let's probe on out here. I want a gooey cookie.

That sounds delicious. It does let's go get some cookies.

okay bye!

For more infomation >> The Probe: Summertime Saga game review - Duration: 16:13.


Best Upcoming Indie Games for PC Spring 2019 - Duration: 8:12.

In this video I'll be showing you the best upcoming indie games for PC that are slated

to be released during the Spring of 2019 in the turn-based tactics, RPG and citybuilder/tycoon


But if this is your first time on my channel, Good mornin-afternoo-vening, I'm StefaNonsense

and gaming and geek culture is what I do.

This is a new series of videos I'm doing this year to spotlight more games than I can

actually play, so without further ado let's begin with this list.

Druidstone: The Secret of the Menhir Forrest

Is a tactical, turn-based RPG that promises to be one hell of an experience, at least

according to the devs and some of the previews I've seen.

Druidstone is being made by the creators of the Legend of Grimrock games and considering

how those games are more or less responsible for re-energizing the old school first person

dungeon crawler genre, the game does have some pedigree for infusing oldschool gaming

with modern mechanics.

From the trailer available the game looks well-animated, colorful and definitely has

a bit of a Divinity Original Sin crossed with X-Com vibe going on.

As an extra bit of info, the developers have decided to release their mission editor post-launch

to let the mod community go crazy with their game.

Druidstone is scheduled for release something this spring.


Citybuilders are back, baby!

I've been saying that citybuilders are coming back for a couple of years now and 2019 might

just be the year where they return to the attention of an even wider public.

Foundation is one citybuilding title that has the potential to become a major name in

the genre, a grid-less, medieval-themed city builder which focuses on the organic development

of your settlements and on monument creation.

The game was successfully Kickstarted in March of 2018 - full disclosure, I am backer of

the game - and it promises to supply a solid experience of highly customizable settlement

building, monument construction as well as coming with full modding support.

I like how focused the developers have been both on working on the game as well as keeping

their community updated on what is going on with the development process.

I am super excited to play Foundation and looking forward to it going into Early Access

at the beginning of 2019.


This blend of Terraria, Stardew Valley crossed with Don't Starve is scheduled for a January

release and its cartoony pixel art aesthetic, mellow music and constant activity is poised

to eat up a lot of my time this 2019.

Just like in most of those other titles, you have to gather resources, process them into

further resources in order to build and craft more advanced buildings and better objects.

You do all of this in order to explore the land around you and level up your character.

I played the Humble demo and enjoyed it tremendously and you can find our more details by watching

my video about it by clicking on the card in the upper right corner right here.

Fort Triumph is a title that offers a very X-Com-like tactical turn-based experience

set in a very tongue-in-cheek fantasy world.

This would have been enough to sell me on the concept if it were executed well enough

but when I played the demo I was very pleasantly surprised to find a pretty heavy Heroes of

Might and Magic influence inside as well.

The game has been in Early Access since April 2018 and is expected to reach final release

form sometime at the beginning of 2019.

Check out my gameplay video of Fort Triumph to get a better idea of what the game has

to offer.

Gibbous - A Cthulhu Adventure

Changing gears for a bit here.

Gibbous is an honest to goodness old school inspired point-and-click adventure in the

vein of the old LucasArts games.

As the title implies this will be a Cthulhu-themed game but it's a highly comedic approach

to the subject.

The animations are classic hand-drawn frame by frame, the voice cast is solid and the

amount of pop culture references in the thing is definitely sure to cause madness in anyone

trying to find all of them.

I played and reviewed the demo during the game's Kickstarter campaign back in 2017

and you can find it here if you want more details.

Gibbous is expected to be released sometime in the first quarter of 2019, Cthulhu willing.

Workers and Resources

Having lived most of the first 27 years of my life in a post-Communist country, the Soviet-themed

everything that can be seen in this resource management/tycoon game is something that is

extremely familiar to me on a very personal level.

The implementation of the Soviet theme in terms of the planned economy is what truly

interests me since we're kinda sure by now that Soviet-style Communism hasn't had the

best track record out there...yeah...

The game is expected to go into Early Access at the beginning of 2019.

So make sure to keep an eye out for it, comrade, DA?

Encased is the only turn-based post-apocalyptic RPG on this list, although I do expect more

such-titles to sprout up as the year progresses.

The devs promise a sci-fi world that will react to player actions, the presence of an

unstable entity AI within an alien and mysterious Dome, filled with weird phenomenon, advanced

technology and warring factions.

The game world will keep track of what you do in terms of crimes as well as the decisions

that will influence the plot.

It will then react to said crimes and decisions.

Encased sounds like an oldschool RPG version of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and that sounds cool as

hell, and it's planned to enter Early Access at the start of 2019.

Seeds of Resilience is a survival, crafting, sort of citybuilder, set on a traditional

square grid but with a bit of a twist.

It is turn based.

Your party of survivors is shipwrecked on an island and they have to gather resources

to survive and craft shelters to protect them from the elements.

The survival aspect seems to be the second-most important feature of the game after its turn-based

nature because the deserted island that your survivors will be lucky enough to come upon

will be constantly hit with all manner of natural disasters.

Despite the constant assault of the elements, you'll be tasked with gathering, harvesting

and crafting yourself a medieval-level of technology village from the ground up.

One other interesting feature that the game offers is that each gathered resource or transformation

of raw material will have a distinct impact on the environment, which is something you'll

have to consider.

The game is already in Early Access and will hopefully see a full release sometime during

the spring of 2019.

I played the Kickstarter demo of Fell Seal - Arbiter's Mark back in October of 2017

and after the successful campaign the developers took a bit of time and then released the game

into Early Access in August of 2018.

The game is a heavily JRPG/manga/anime inspired turn-based tactical combat game with a solid

focus on storytelling and challenging battles.

As you should expect from the JRPG influence, the game features a plethora of classes and

class variants for your characters, their own attribute and skill systems, crafting

and a whole lot more.

I enjoyed playing the demo very much and the developers have built a great community around

their game, which you can find on their Discord channel.

The game is scheduled for an April release and you can bet your asses I'll be playing

once it's out.


Finishing off my list with what is by far the moodiest and thematically-rich title,

Othercide is presented to be a horror-infused tactical turn-based game with some twists

to how combat will function and a deeply disturbing mystery to explore.

The title caught my attention but it is the art style that really got me interested, the

black and white art direction with touches of red making the gameplay footage look like

a highly stylized cross between a noir and classic horror movie.

The developers say that the turn-based aspect of the game will be approached somewhat differently

and that the gameplay itself will be brutal, featuring permadeath and tough sacrifices

that will have to be made in order to end up victorious.

Not much else is known about the title other than it is projected to be released either

in full or Early Access sometime at the beginning of 2019.

These are the titles that I am most looking forward to checking out during the spring

of 2019, let me know in the comments if any of these tickle your fancies and if you have

other indie titles that you're looking forward to.

Thank you for watching, be kind, subscribe and I'll seeya next time.

For more infomation >> Best Upcoming Indie Games for PC Spring 2019 - Duration: 8:12.





Clean Up Your Bunker Game – Lunge Move - Duration: 6:03.

Hey, Performance Golfers, Matt Walter here, Vanderbilt Legends Club on #2 South.

I'm going to show you a move that you can do in your setup that'll fix your bunker game.

I call it the lunge move because what we're going to do is, we're going to lunge into

our setup and it will allow us to have a good, stable posture with our feet that will allow

us to swing the golf club effectively on this very unstable surface.

So, in this video, I'm going to assume that you have a decent move with the bunker shot,

but with that, I'm going to give you some expert-level stuff, that we're going to move

you into the next phase of your bunker game.

So, the trick to bunkers is that you have to remember one thing.

You're standing on, basically, marbles, the grains of sand, so it's a very unstable platform

which you're standing on that you're trying to swing a golf club with.

So, you're creating forces around your body with the weight of a golf club, and we have

to be able to have a good balance throughout that swing.

So, the swing has to start to change in the sense that, the more narrow my stance becomes,

the less I'm able to swing the club with a lot of force because I'll have some sheering

and twisting with my feet that's going to mess with the surface and our ability to create

pressure on the surface.

So, when we hit a bunker shot, ideally, the goal is to get our stance a little bit wider

than our hip structure so that we can hit a blasting bunker shot out and towards our

target without slipping and sliding and losing traction in the ground.

So, what we're going to do is widen our stance, and we want to get a lot of pressure on our

front foot to keep our balance to where we need it and the pressure on our feet, so we

can swing the club without fear of falling off balance, basically, right.

So, what I see a lot of players doing is, they'll get narrow in their feet because they're

thinking it's supposed to be a pitch shot or a chip shot, and they have this narrow

stance, this shaft lean forward, and then they can't hardly put anything on it, on their

swing, with the velocity of the club that's required to hit a bunker shot because, one,

their feet are too close together and they can't get a good shallow arc at the bottom,

and two, it's not a very powerful stance when your feet are really close.

So, first thing I tell people to do is, get your feet wider, like a driver stance.

Here's where the lunge comes into play.

We want to feel like we're flexing our left knee out towards our left toe, and if we know

anything about anatomy, our knee should go where our toe is pointed, hopefully.

So, our knee should go where our toe is pointed, so we can open up our left foot and point

it towards the target a little bit if we need to, so that way we get a little bit of extra

twist, but we want to feel that left leg kind of lunge.

And so, what we want to be leery of is, though, is when we lunge forward, we don't want to

lunge up onto our toes.

We want to bend that, flex that knee, but we also want to sit down, so we feel our left

heel have all that pressure.

So, the goal becomes, we just kind of widen the stance, lunge our lead leg, put pressure

down into the heel, and this will allow us to swing our hands somewhat quickly.

So, we execute a nice, soft little bunker shot.

Now we can get ourselves shallowing the club out at the bottom and maintaining a good balanced


Now, here's where a lot of players get it wrong.

So, one of the main things that people err and they have the issue with in their hit

is that they take the right stance, they get set up, they have their pressure on the lead

foot, and then they push back off that leg to hit the shot.

That's going to create some problems, as you could probably tell, so here's what I want

you to think about.

Think of it in this light.

When you do a lunge, just in general, you're stepping out and lunging forward.

And imagine you had to hold it and do a bicep curl.

With each bicep curl, we're not doing this motion.

We're maintaining that lunge and swinging our arms.

It's a very similar concept.

We get wide in our feet, we lunge onto our lead foot, pressure's in our heel so that

we can't push off and push back.

So, I'm trying to maintain constant pressure in my lead foot heel as I swing my arms.

And so, while I do that, I can get a nice, crisp, clean contact.

So, at the end of the day, what we're trying to do, just to recap all the wonderful nuggets

we've bestowed upon you, is I'm trying to get my feet wide, lunge onto my left foot,

so there's about 70% pressure.

I put that pressure towards my heel, so I have constant pressure in my lead leg throughout

the stroke.

I have it in my heel, so I can't push back and away from the golf ball.

I have a good, stable balance to swing my hands quick, and we should make a nice, clean


So, with that, I want to give you guys a farewell.

I hope you enjoyed the video.

Please subscribe to the channel.

Leave a comment below, tell us what's going on, tell us how we can help you produce more

videos on our YouTube page that helps your golf game so that you can get better, and

I'll be the one answering for you and giving you the response that you're looking for so

that you can get better in your golf game.

So, with that, have a great time practicing.

Enjoy your bunker game.

I hope this lunge drill helps you find more up-and-downs.

For more infomation >> Clean Up Your Bunker Game – Lunge Move - Duration: 6:03.


AVM Games AVM - Snowland Escape Game Walkthrough 2019 - Duration: 9:55.

AVM Games AVM - Snowland Escape Game

For more infomation >> AVM Games AVM - Snowland Escape Game Walkthrough 2019 - Duration: 9:55.


Jurský Park the Game epizoda 1 film CZ (gamemovie) - Duration: 1:07:05.

For more infomation >> Jurský Park the Game epizoda 1 film CZ (gamemovie) - Duration: 1:07:05.


Game Challenges S1 #0 Can You Beat DuckTales: Remastered Without Collecting any Money? Part 1 - Duration: 20:58.

Hello and welcome to my first gameplay video were not going to do a walkthrough or anything

no no we're gonna do some different we're gonna do a challenge so I thought to myself today

today hmm why don't we play DuckTales: Remastered so I thought of this wait a minute

what if we try to make sure that Uncle Scrooge McDuck doesn't grab any money this

time cuz maybe the bad guys are trying to steal it while we get them all along

so here's the challenge I have for us today can we beat DuckTales: Remastered while

Not Collecting Any Money? the rules are simple as follows we need

to collect no money While completing stages

Except The Collectables & Food

Because They Don't add on the Money Counter

Like & Subscribe Today BOOP!

For more infomation >> Game Challenges S1 #0 Can You Beat DuckTales: Remastered Without Collecting any Money? Part 1 - Duration: 20:58.


Airplane Fly Simulator (by Game Tap) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 5:48.

Airplane Fly Simulator (by Game Tap) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ

For more infomation >> Airplane Fly Simulator (by Game Tap) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 5:48.


[ENG SUB]Poor jimin...Bts playing in kitchen!!!!! Making meringue game from run bts ep 57 - Duration: 3:36.

You should make meringue to get your ingredients!!!

Ahh meringue

You should do with egg whites and sugar? Right?

This this this.

Meringue is used in confectionery

(Focused) Mixing sugar along with egg whites in airy way. It is a airy type of crem

[chef's tip] What you should be cautious here keep the egg white cold

Pour three times sugar slowly

To a point where they are not running when the cup is turned upside down.

It has to be thick. It'll be fun

The team which makes the meringue faster

And when placed upside down on you head will be the winner

On your head? It'll be awesome if it runs.

If it runs we have to do our setting again

Taehyung ah I'll whip and place it in your head

Ah you don't believe your friend?

Don't even think about winning. We have jungkook


We have Yoongi hyung here

We have many brains here

(jimin for 95s) For my team i am there

In proper timing I'm gonna pour sugar (Ref team getting ready)

Guy's ready? (jungkook and suga is ready)

(95s still arguing) lets do stone paper scissors

Jimin shi be quiet

Let's do stone paper scissors

Let's do? Good (Boxers)

Jungkook ah lets go

(moving hands)

Fighting.I've never done this before.

Hyung no one has done this before

Should we do it like this.

Do you wanna try this first.

Shall we start?

START ( whipping hardly)

(something went off)


(the older one cheering for the youngest one)

(V is off the fence) lets go

Taehyung ah am i doing it correctly

Jungkook is killing it. Do it faster

Jungkook ah good

Taehyung ah my arm hurts

Is it ok?

(boxers adding sugar)

Jungkook ah is it hard? No. Fine!!!! Go go!!!

(95s helping each other) hard right?

You should get when my arm hurts


I think we are leading!!

Jungkook ah get your head ready. My haed? No! No?

Jungkook ah hold the bowl for me!!

123 ok We did first.... Yeahhh...

It stopped running.

(Nervous eyes) 123

Done done


Why did you do it?

Don't lift your head

Jimin ah you made a thumbnail!!!

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB]Poor jimin...Bts playing in kitchen!!!!! Making meringue game from run bts ep 57 - Duration: 3:36.


mẹo Hack game tài xỉu Bịp mới nhất và hướng dẫn quy luật game Tài Xỉu trên điện thoại - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> mẹo Hack game tài xỉu Bịp mới nhất và hướng dẫn quy luật game Tài Xỉu trên điện thoại - Duration: 6:21.


TOP Những Bản Game Bầu Cua Hack Hiệu Qủa Nhất Khi Làm Cái - Duration: 10:47.

For more infomation >> TOP Những Bản Game Bầu Cua Hack Hiệu Qủa Nhất Khi Làm Cái - Duration: 10:47.


Black Survival Highlighted Ranked game Sua ซูอากับจังหวะที่ขาดช่วง - Duration: 23:01.

For more infomation >> Black Survival Highlighted Ranked game Sua ซูอากับจังหวะที่ขาดช่วง - Duration: 23:01.


My First Ever Video!! Playing Monster High Games - LinkPlays! - Duration: 13:52.

Hey everybody its me Link here! And today i'm with ZantTwilightBuzz,

And today I am doing my OWN first videooo. YAY

So we are doing a monster high VIDEOOO, 'cause Zant wanted to do a MONSTER HIIIIGGGGH SO WE'RE DOINNGG ITTTT

So uhhhh what are we supposed to dO HERE?!?!


For more infomation >> My First Ever Video!! Playing Monster High Games - LinkPlays! - Duration: 13:52.


Camera quay nén cảnh mua bán Phần mềm hack game bầu cua bịp trên điện thoại ngay tại nhà - Duration: 14:10.

For more infomation >> Camera quay nén cảnh mua bán Phần mềm hack game bầu cua bịp trên điện thoại ngay tại nhà - Duration: 14:10.


My Advice for Game Development (Getting Started) - Duration: 24:41.

what is that what is that even okay now I'm not gonna

talk about that

giggles I'm back for another video and today I'm gonna talk about some stuff

this is a commentary video and today I'm gonna be doing a game development

tutorial alright so this isn't gonna get into any of the craziest that involves

like you know I just realized I haven't had my pack on this whole time I am an

idiot I'm hip an idiot I've been recording for

like 6 hours today I am an idiot anyway you guys want to make games here's a

list of the things you have to do not specific like this is how you code that

it's like just the things you should do leave me alone

stop stop why do people have to be so annoying

you didn't even friggin hit me either he's just sat there maybe your dog nah

but anyway I love making games I've only done it a few times ever released

anything official yet but I've put quite a lot of effort towards making games for

what was that whoa I almost just found the void now almost was really bad but I

anyway yeah so I'm gonna describe all the things that takes to make a game so

I guess to start off I'm gonna tell you how to do it my way

it's really easy and it's a lot of fun so what you're gonna want to do is

download Visual Studio I use 2015 version I don't know if you can get a

newer version that's free doesn't really matter a heck of a lot to me

but you know just get a version of Visual Studio going and then download

mono game if you guys don't know model game is it's Microsoft XNA which is

basically a bunch of like graphics libraries and stuff that had been has

been updated for modern times because XNA wasn't I think they dropped support

for it let go and people wanted the net

framework that programming so model games the thing so that yeah use that

and you're gonna want to learn C sharp or any C language basically no are you

just trying to jump in the void now I was trying to stow away my diamonds in a

spot where they couldn't see but obviously they didn't want to fight


so anyway you're gonna want to do that you know I learn visual studio C++ or

C++ I mean it's pretty similar to C plus

supposed to be honest to you with you it's very similar to Java as well so if

you learn C sharp you've almost completely learned Java also why are you

like this wow really

a serious are you serious you know why like this almost worked in the void by

that was such a stupid decision why'd you do that

no oh boy anyway if you want a tutorial I would recommend you look up the New

Boston on YouTube for either the Java series or the I don't know if they do a

see put I think he doesn't C++ series do that

do the C++ because c-sharp is basically the same thing it's just got a few extra

yeah features I guess and once you do that then you can get started um as far

as the specifics go I don't really know what you should do first I mean it's

great to have like something small you know be able to create a grid of

textures on the screen load the mob starting with a tile based game is

probably your best bet to begin with something to be something turn-based not

necessarily but you know something that's 2d mostly and grid basis of

squares so we're looking at like the Pokemon type of games like the old

Pokemon games the good ones and you should be better off learning that way

and then you should try to I don't know at that point it's up to you if you

think something's cool go for it and then as you go if you don't know

something that's fine then just google it it's like how I always forget this

years later it's like how to initialize a list of strings in Java

I always forget and it's just like you know what there's no shame in that just

cuz you don't know how to do something doesn't mean you shouldn't give up you

should just look it up and then continue on where you left off and sometimes

I mean rarely the route you're going won't work at all I mean there's a lot

of times when the way you do things isn't the most efficient but it's the

way you learn how to do it and that's great because then it like you know

gives you a chance to learn how code works it's not bad I don't do what other

people do don't like follow a tutorial and then make the same exact game as the

person that's making the tutorial just explore the ideas you know just like

make your own game trailblaze don't look things up unless you absolutely need to

unless is something I'm like the basic level like how to declare a list if you

don't know how to display a tile map on a screen then figure it out you know I

mean the way I figured it out is like okay there's a list of coordinates right

I mean I learned this from minecraft there's a list of coordinates in a game

so what if and every coordinate there was a tile or a 2d version of a block oh

nice well that was quick a 2d version of the

block and every coordinate we get a 2d version of a block or a tile and then

you would just have a list of them I had one list that made things more

complicated in the future because you know using XY coordinates had to be done

in a workaround kind of way so to get to something that's I get a specific x and

y-coordinate you had to take the width of the area multiply it by the

y-coordinate and then add the x-coordinate and then that gave you that

location in the list of tiles that gave you where you're currently standing I

had to like write things down on paper it was like okay this is how you figure

that out and I did when it would have been easier to make you know a nested

list or something like an array list inside an ArrayList of tiles but I

figured it out my own way and that taught me a lot about code and it's okay

because then you get to teach yourself new ways to do things and you just grow

as a person you read you old work and you just you keep learning you're always

a student don't make games immediately to make a

product make games to learn thank you oh

that worked out really really really well if every if every first bed break

went like that I would be super stoked that was great

all right I'm going straight to green I am not saving any time that went perfect

because they brought me the diamonds when they died like that was just a ball

if only it always ended up like that but anyway yeah don't treat it as if it's a

chore just do it when you're feeling it but sometimes you do have to give

yourself a goal so maybe tell your friends hey I'm gonna be making a game

I'd like you all to beta test it on Friday and if it's not done by Friday

then you're gonna look really stupid so you gotta finish it by Friday and it's

just like just for fun you know just my advice you just got a sometimes you got

to give yourself that push all right I think I'm gonna break a little bit and

then jump dude I have been just on the rampage lately you know let's see if

anybody's been going for me gray might have know they were going for the other

team but it's a good thing I jumped because red is connected to my base so

that's not wait they're connected to my base hold on I gotta get my facts

straight here whites over there I'm not blue team what am i what am I

talking about I don't even freaking out man I guess

I'm going for white then yeah let's go away that was ignore my brain all right

I'm exhausted I have been playing bed Wars straight

for a very long time I think at some point I have these energy cubes like

these little caffeine cubes that I brought with me to this thing I'm

thinking what I do is I start to eat one because it is almost dinnertime actually

I probably should eat my sandwich instead

what is that what is that defense okay now I'm not gonna have to worry

about that team doesn't game what the hell am I looking at right now that's

hilarious I'm more scared of people going for my

bed though let's see who could go for my bed the others dead greens dead I don't

know also something's going on in guilt chat

right now not quite sure what but anyway um as for the game making tutorials oh

hello I how you are thinking about coming from my bed but guess what I'm

here want to fight me Brad I don't think so good you don't have a

bed so you're too scared you're too scared to fight my boot fight me and

break my bed Oh what other advice should I give um collaborating is hard I don't

think I successfully managed to make any of my programming projects a group

project yet some people work better than rip stuff what are we gonna do that make

sure you guys you know learn github and figure out all right I'll work on this

file you work on this file and not be stupid about it and accidentally work on

the same file then you know rewrite someone else's code things like that

it's really tough though when you bring multiple people into the equation things

start to get really complicated so I think it's best to stick to small

projects that you are passionate about but you know what you got to do if that

makes sense also there is a noob in mid and there's a final killin it

oh he he was the last person in the game okay I guess I'll go break his bed then

he spent all of this time making this thing and then like immediately

disconnects and dies to me like one hmm

okay oh dude I completely forgot you know

it's really great for game development working on mods for other games and more

specifically I'm guessing a lot of you guys in the audience play Minecraft or

at least have played Minecraft or see Minecraft videos a lot dude if you want

to learn programming really really fast get into minecraft plug-in development

for like craftbukkit slash spigot slash bungee cord mostly craftbukkit because

you know craftbukkit command or craftbukkit plugins work for spigot

that's why I meant to say but yeah it is really good like you should seriously

you should do it it teaches you so much I mean it's Java so if you're gonna do

that then make sure you install eclipse and then make sure you go on to spigot

mcs website and then you download a thing called build tools and then you

follow the instructions on the website you're gonna have to get a thing called

git bash I think and then you run a command in the git bash and get back

here or something like that and then like spigot that something it tells you

on the website it's not important but what it does is it will download the

latest version of craftbukkit spigot and bungee cord to your computer know what

you do you take those files and you put them somewhere in your computer that's

safe so maybe in the My Documents folder you make something called my programming

that's what I did and then you could put it in there those jars and then what you

do is you install eclipse make a new project and then call it something I

called mine sub you craft menu that's always it was a compass menu it you know

teleported people around nice and simple plug-in just an inventory menu with a

compass so there was that is this defense can you take knock-back

please what is what's your connection is so crappy dude oh my God if you freaking

live because of this lag nope dead but yeah you're gonna want to install

that and then what you do is you add to your resources the file so speak at MC

all right now craftbukkit is the one I'm using right now I don't

know if you could actually include spiggott as like a a source

I think it's craftbukkit though I don't know it's weird anyway that's what I use

is craft plugin so then you add as a reference and then there's a quick

tutorial there's all sorts of them make a basic plugin I would recommend

something where it's like you're gonna have to learn permissions you're gonna

have to learn events and event handlers mostly so on enable is a it's an

essential method I think that's what they call me Java for a a spigot plug-in

and then what you do is in the on enabled method you have to define all

your permission so you'll have them to find up above but then you'll say like

say permission creative world is equal to new permission whatever and then you

in the on enabled section you would then initialize it you would say it's equal

to our add permission function is this is the stuff you look up in a tutorial

the specifics or whatever I'm just providing the road path or the you know

what I mean the path for you to go on not the specific way to do it I don't

want to hold your hand the whole way if you want to make plugins you just gotta

you know figure it out for yourself that's part of the learning process of

becoming a programmer or whatever anyway once you've done that you can yeah you

you'd have your permissions I don't think permissions are really essential

event handlers are definitely essential so then what you would want to do is

make a new class you could sick you could set up a package

system so basically what packages are in Java I'm pretty sure it's just like a

folder it's like a way to organize things so you can make a package okay

that guy actually had armor which is annoying but you can make a package

called commands and then have a bunch of jar files in there for all the commands

in your plugin you can have another package called events and that's where

all your event handler classes are and basically what an event is in Minecraft

it's when something happens like what mostly anything so placing a block is a

block place event breaking a block is a break block event chunk loading event

chunk unloading events mob spawning event mob okay

are you kidding me grain you don't even have a bed if he has TNT I'm gonna be so

mad he doesn't and he's gonna freaking get it because he has an axe he's gonna

win damn it stupid well that was another loss

because this dude had like many levels of prot I could not break it dude I

gotta win so many bed wars games I'm like not even halfway at this point it

needs to be 9:00 p.m. to hit the halfway point well that's how ridiculous is

challenges it's driving me nuts I need to have at least 70 wins in three more

hours I think I can get there 70 wins what in the hell during this challenge

is redonkulous and I'm talking the whole time Oh anyway yeah once you figure out

event handlers and stuff you can do some really cool stuff so maybe if you want

to make it so that you cannot break a certain block in the game so if you want

to re-implement adventure mode basically you can have it so that like on block

break event if character get inventory to get item in main hand

is similar to a diamond shovel with the name block breaker if that's not true

then cancel the block break event and it basically makes the block does not break

I just gotta go and that's really all it is you just got to make an event handler

for block break event and then just add one if statement so basically in English

if the player is holding a shovel and named block breaker then it will let you

break the block otherwise it will cancel the block break event that's it and it

just won't break the block it's like that thing in plugins when you're

breaking something you're not supposed to and the block immediately goes back

but for like a millisecond it's not there that's what it looks like that's

because your client is catching up to what happened on the server normal stuff

but yeah I would like to think I know quite a bit about plugins I'm not the

most experienced plug-in developer but you know I figured it out and I've made

some pretty cool stuff so far including a builder's wand and a lunch box which

replenishes your your hunger bar over time what else did I and the document of

order which sorts chests and not just any chests about multiple chests at the

same time so that's cool

so you can sort like multiple chests as if it was one inventory also I'm your

big live in go quick nobody knows I'm here wait

oh dang he was over there that was inconvenient for blue he went

in and got the kill and immediately uh his bed went down let's look the pink

doesn't go for makers I feel like that's gonna happen probably I've been playing

so much bed wars today that I feel like I could predict basically anything

including you disappearing probably shifting in the generator to be honest

are you in here yeah that's close enough are you kidding

me oh we just cracked my neck oh I mean you just got cleaned stop with this

malarkey no no no oh my god most dead oh come on I so many though I didn't bed

Wars is a game of either sweep your way through super fast or get delayed by

like one dude and then the game goes on forever

did he just he just failed a fireball jump good job

so plug-in development and mono game are my biggest recommendations for routes to

take if you want to start making games trust me you will not regret it it is an

awesome experience

and make sure to join Twitter if you do it because then you actually can get you

know shout it out by the mono game people I'm starting to get to the point

where me getting emotional about the game just doesn't happen anymore

unless it's like my bed's gone and I'm about to lose it although I did some

chill she's okay I died oh wow I'm just gonna get B's because it's faster I feel

like I don't need to rely on that crap anymore the armor that's actually a

pretty good feeling so I just like freaking oh dude look at this no no yeah

I can just say I know it's not that at all no one no one saw that are there any

other recommendations um as I said don't do what people tell you

to do like specifically just have fun with your project you want to make the

Pokemon game make a Pokemon game that was a dumb decision

aqua why'd you do that if you want to make a Legend of Zelda game a collage

result and game Call of Duty go for it I mean it's gonna be a little harder cuz

3d but I bet you could learn it you know I am trying so hard not to fall on the

void right now I do not have enough blocks

maybe a deal no I don't this time let's not miss click by putting that in the

proper spot there ya go oh he could be really far away right now actually rap

that's where he was going for my bed whoops

well time to actually try this is gonna be annoying there you are the ball

that's a shame too bad I don't really have invest bit

and GG oh my god what am I gonna hit level 200 dude alright so leave a like

down below if you guys enjoyed this video I'm not playing this map no no but

yeah so that's how you make games of course you're gonna need other tutorials

for this one but why not just go for dude you got this or do that there's a

female programmers out there from the screen name I'm almost level 198

For more infomation >> My Advice for Game Development (Getting Started) - Duration: 24:41.


Is GTX 960 Is Good For Gaming In 2019? - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> Is GTX 960 Is Good For Gaming In 2019? - Duration: 5:19.


ASTERIA - Nisha Labyrinth (Vocal. Sophiya) (Eng Ver.)|'Elsword' Original Game Soundtrack - Duration: 3:29.

Nisha Labyrinth

Vocal by Sophiya

I try blinking the tears away

As they're trickling down my face

I don't know how many days have passed me by?

So I'm counting 'em one by one

But they tangle up in each other I give up so lonely

Would you know if I vanished? No..

Stuck inside this maze without an exit

I'm so bored in this sea of emptiness

And every night it's haunting me

Why can't I have somebody by my side?

Someone there to keep their hand so warm in mine

Someone to make me smile

I can't help talking to myself alone

'Cause I think that I'll go crazy if I don't

I wanna know my heart

Don't remember how I got here again, in the forest, black as my memory

Oh so bleak, oh so desolate

Always feel like I'm lost when I got nothing to lose anyway

In the distance I see a ray of light

Wanna reach it but I'll be staying right here and now, I wish I knew how

'Cause there's gotta be a reason that I came into existence, right?

Someday, when I see you again

Would you take me right into your arms

Hold me tight, let your trace wash over me

I'll follow where that light may lead

Why can't I have somebody by my side?

Someone there to keep their hand so warm in mine

Someone to make me smile

I can't help talking to myself alone

'Cause I think that I'll go crazy if I don't

I wanna know my heart

How could you leave me here and run away?

Sick and tired of the hide and seek we play

I'm done with all these games

I don't know how to be the one you need

Even if I nag just please stay here with me

I want you now, your heart

I know there'll be somebody by my side

Someone there to keep their hand so warm in mine

Someone to make me smile

I can't help talking to myself alone

'Cause my faded soul is so emotional

I'll be alright, my heart

For more infomation >> ASTERIA - Nisha Labyrinth (Vocal. Sophiya) (Eng Ver.)|'Elsword' Original Game Soundtrack - Duration: 3:29.


Mittelborg: City of Mages - this game feels so impossible - Duration: 27:47.

my name Oh my name will be Shani hello friends I am dragon eight and welcome to

MittelBorg I think I have no clue how pronounced the universe is November has

beginning is brings around Mittelborg a world between worlds is a city of mages

that govern equilibrium in the world and they are ruled by great Chancellor

Chancellor's tasks to watch over the world tree if it does everything will

perish if it dies everything will perish and now it is dying okay so uh the I I

don't think the developers of this are a native English speaker so there's gonna

be some possible you know grammar and spelling mistakes which not too big of a

deal really because the throne is empty Mittelborg needs a new chancellor and

so what happens that World Tree has chosen you so this should be a cute

little game about you know being a mage and stuff I'm so so click just what I do

oh okay it's fine do offers no if you leave the game before the end tutorial

or break the current profile we will fix it soon oh okay so I have to complete

the tutorial then otherwise it just completely breaks it

that's horrible okay continue we were waiting for you Chancellor magical

tempest it's badly Patrick mittelBorg but is in your power to restore the

former greatness of the city let's start with protection this Court is called a

guess how do you pronounce that word I guess I

guess once it was a symbol of the magical power of the city but now

there's just a tower of light here let's take a closer look at it okay so click

on I should see with our light supports a magical barrier rebuild it in the

brushes of witching wind won't do you no harm

repair 450 okay as for to obtain from swords and arrows because the garrisons

here the city guard live tough and fearless folks it starts with the iron

force of defending the city from visions make sure the gerson as healthy fires in

the city will be reliably protected from enemy raids so also repair 425 alrighty

your main resource is aether as you can see we have almost none left but

fortunately we know how to get more of it very good I hope so Advent emits a

trading quarter of metal a Borg and this is where the windcatcher stands your

main source of aether assigned a mage ooh

production fifty per day is a tempest major serve the wind catcher

there are more of them are here the more ether you can get in general medicines

are your the best helpers you can send them to any quarter and they will

improve its work we lack ether to restore the strength of the gearson well

you have to use magicians one mage is worth many warriors send a mage of the

garrison to strengthen it already one mage there there you go prophecies did

not lie sire you are indeed a quick learner

glory to the new chancellor don't give me no praise now were you ready for The

Tempest and the day oh okay so this is like one of those turn-based things but

it seems to be a little bit different interesting very interesting thick

clouds filled with evil might surrounded the city and lilac lightnings drew runes

in the skies roaring waves of aether cause a la damage with the city stood

this time so incoming twenty-seven magical damage magical berry received 27

damaged during the temperatures he will face many dangers one of them as barrage

a stream of dark energy sweeping away everything is path Mirage has caught

damage here barrier but the tree to not suffer you remember what the tree means

to us of course I do continue

and a raid Oh God not ever so live to see that day huh that's so sad

living more in the dead city guards repelled the raid but the garrison had a

hard time if the enemy breaks through the damage will be inflicted on the tree

and we won't be able to restore it even with the help of the force every day The

Tempest you bring catcher gains aether you can use after the end of The Tempest

all right I had the storm that is not luck the lull is here on this if it is

not luck the lull is here I understand nothing threatens the city so I have the

storm a piece of silence settle above the world between worlds is it a calm

before the storm with a long experience peace main thing that will bark me rest

now you survived the first Everest now you're ready take control ready to take

control sorry I read very very quickly all right well we should repair this

obviously you buy potions girls and even artifacts on the market improve the

quarter to open new goods for a fee their list can be updated oh well I

don't have anything to purchase now randomize signs for - nope heals the

world treat every day of The Tempest by 3%

well the world chief seems fine to me so let's not worry about that traitors

district ok oh I upgraded the districts not the not

the place oh ok I didn't know that your chambers

you can deter here you can determine your future clients to think about your

fate lovely come back special o death sire is only the beginning once your

spirit leaves the body you'll be seeing a bright light stay away from it hit for

the darkness and we'll meet again be reborn well I guess we should end the

day I should have put actually the other beige into here because nothing should

offend wait what never mind I lied portal allows you to send mages and

expeditions they will return out to the end of the next tempest and bring

trophies with them neat nice that's kind of cool how do I get more mages I want

to get more mages as I need let's send someone on there I guess hopefully that

was not gonna be a bad choice a lot of damage and then I had this are

okay taste of the wind tear one potion increases limit of ether to the end of

the next serenity about 25% okay oceans can be consumed before the

timbers begins their effect will last fall tempest and can save your life ooh

surprise effect random bonus at the end of the cycle okay sure let's get that

lets go to my inventory up here we'll use this thing drop of elec let's see

what happens to that one hmm okay so raid portal is closed bla bla

bla resistive for damage garrison has taken 33 it takes so much damage at that

place this one what we get in the laboratory you can mix potions oh and

later artefacts at first the process will be unpredictable but later you will

discover more reliable albeit expensive methods well let's go there place potion

to the slot this one place potion into the thought I don't have any okay so

this will become question mark oh now stone elixir increased physical

resistance by 10% okay I actually don't think that's too big of a deal honestly

I think that's actually a really good one mate no wait a sec recall mage recon

wait do I have time I have a fourth mage oh good sweet well let's put I don't

think I should put four on there I don't think that's gonna be a good thing

because I'm not gonna get too much stuff there

well let's definitely put one there this or mmm should I know you know what I'm

gonna send one on the portal thing as well a road to the high tests

sure let's do that send one there and so I guess to get more mages you kind of

just have to wait maybe it seems not totally sure

okay well that received a lot world retreat world tree received 12 damage

great lovely thank you very much I appreciate it

cockroach run the day was the unusually boring was was it not unfortunate day

was unusually boring was it not effort fortunately I happen to have two boxes

with running cockroaches now how about a small bed in which a loser will not be

stingy for a reward I suggest you this part here of what do

you say maybe some different game this option is very well give it to ya'

okay who magical resistance decreased by 10% no dick

tears of the merchants little by one doesn't end up next remedy okay I feel

there's a real point in that why did I get tincture of light increases magical

resistance by 10% okay good goody goody goody okay so let's let's use this

please thank you very much I still have only four flippin mages put another one

into here I guess which one do I love a lot yeah what did the level do oh it

increased the barrier instead of at 50 it's at a hundred nice ok well that's

cool and Dave worm beer gross dangit sorry have you heard what's brewing in

Advent 'im caverns are set on fire and our babies is the owners are beaten they

say all the beer and ale in the city are tainted they say living worms can't come

with every drink and that the beer tastes awful what should we do pour the

beer into the river that's probably a terrible idea

arrest the angry mob arrest the owners world trees received one damn are you

serious if I was tough I have not seen such a brawl for a long time splinters

flew everywhere the stones to the tree also got it great some drunken fools

climbed up on him to break off some limbs we found them all right fresh

founded them all right the damage has already been done this stupid thing so

low the firefly stirs magical barrier each tempest day by 5% sounds very good

combine three potions to create a potion of your choice

what the heck well that's total crap and there goes the friggin tree what the

hell oh all of a sudden we received like 300 friggin damage in one damn thing

sorry like what the heck that's iris on the beginning oh yeah I have for the

darkest both of lucky here beside your dead steel but soon we'll be back

however we may use this time we have wisely where would you like to send your

soul to wander and observe a short unnoticed visit to the past future or

the present choose the way and I'll guide you what is the future so you've

been talking in sleep you've been away for a long time and all that time vision

stormed your brain the future was darkness I was the only word you said

distinctively and loud you screamed it in fact what does that mean

okay so game over following achievements levelled nice okay that's good I guess I

don't know what exactly that does hands down hands down start over store without

aether nice you were dead but not gone let the skin of Bones decay while the

spirit lives on the tree summons you back to middle board science struggle

continues Oh so knowledge plus five percent that's

guards so I I don't know why I have ten percent and 5 percent over here oh well

10 percent is because of mage for the 5 percent here I'm not quite sure what

exactly that means merchants my blaze brought in a merchant sired laughs at

least that's what he calls himself stripped to the skin hungry shaking all

over he says the Gnarls killed his bodyguards and took all the wagons he

had wagons with precious whereas I reckon but the wagons is not what's

troubling the poor fellow it's his daughter who was inside he begged you to

help sire what shall we do he's lying arrest and interrogate how horrible kid

the best Pathfinder to search or send the scouts to investigate let's get the

Pathfinder magical barriers healed 4-0 great well scouts returned with terrible

news merchants don't lie about Gennaro's and his daughter I'm afraid it was a

mess sire we were not telling what we found good news is we've just got a weak

spot in the barrier and the works are under way sometimes good comes from the

bad still sad ok an expensive life my affirmance report the dis a sense guild

received a contract for the head of fat simon gunsmith our garrison we are ready

to act but the order has to be given first um let him defend himself destroy

the guild no we're gonna hide we're gonna hide Simon it's bloody guild not

only did they get away we have also lost Simon what I thought we hit him

do you know what the motto is we'll get out of the ground to take you under

Hecky they really did that this time so I spent two weeks in the dungeon he was

guarded vigilantly only released to visit the restroom there he was killed

someone smacked him so he sat on the you know on the toilet shame about is it

poisonous flash giant worms and the great numbers we had to fight hard to

shake them off our backs now and from under our feet as well if anyone get

stuck stay there Maz that's an order forward ashes to ashes dust to dust

after the attack of verbs the streets and alleys are filled with meat gross

the stench rises above the stones in metal borg and the dog knows what to do

with this carrion but here's carson a cook he offered to make goulash for the

whole garrison he says he will stoop half of the carcass on the meat it's

quite legible he says sure feed the garrison the healers are cursing our

names they work double shifts to cure those who had tasted worms make money

delicious as it but my poisonous as well well I guess I should have known it said

poisonous flesh what do you want for me ah so the achievements you get are what

do the different things so this one here in Greece of protection against all

times damage by 15% if the cycle is started without ether that's not a

search party - itis

Wow that was like one of the first times and absolutely nothing happened

hopefully this one's a good one as well nothing happens never mind

red mas troubles again my lord every day I received reports about poor quality

products in our market cheese meat even milk we inspected all the goods they

were covered with strange mold of a fiery red shade I suspect this is

someone's evil intent well we'll be your next move confiscate substandard

products I hope God garrison takes more damage great riot broke out due to the

shortage of food that crashed half the market before the soldiers arrived in

time fricking well that's unfair I'm glad I upgraded this district this time

everything died everything went to crap how do I get a new mage I think this is

no literally impossible because like these things are permanently at such a

such a low amount like this one I'll never be able to upgrade this this the

level of this to increase the barrier to 100 so the world treats is gonna be

constantly getting damaged I just watch like there's that then we get another

thing yep goodbye world tree one more thing

come on let's go yet let's kill everything frickin hell no strangers

black coating like dead me wrong the I something a goal around a returnee let's

invite him for a time garrison gars why is it like how do I know what does what

well I can't say no I'm glad you sent me for me ruler I have a proposition for

you two of your kind fresh alive I mean mages preferably ones like his tongue so

I will make you discount three green leaves of the trees of the deal what I

refuse no screw that physical ink resistance increased by 20%

good I'm glad is that like a permanent buff now they the baby Unitas no I just

say the gloomy world under the sky of stone with pools of blue light in the

eternal darkness well so be it on one of the deep tears of atheists I I just I

don't know we found a baby he lay here on diapers above him the dried-up husk

of a woman child looks healthy and only huge milky white honey's betraying a

spawn of chaos Care Act's offered to kill the infant have ways for your

command a gentle Sunbeam touches the alabaster tick of the baby and tender

glow protrudes of white veil slides nose eyes and tree rustles quietly creating

and greeting a new mage in the wall of Middleburg well good so we have

another we have a new mage warmbier okay um so pour the beer into the river

you've required a potion acquired a potion saw the firefly great the cursed

gift magnus left baja left a faint trailing to robo the blessed dimension

of white water this will be an easy journey the streams of eternal youth

dried up with the inhabitants of robo did not cease to grow old and ill their

life is now a continuous torment and death is an unattainable relief elder

falls before you on his knees master destroy his tribe why does the person

need immortality of every second is hell and eternal misery reason with the elder

and leave to destroy his tribe why why destroy his tribe is that a good idea

Shai destroy his try or just kill him reason with him yes kill them all Z and

mortals shouted in fear so it's not the first death in their lives they ran away

and disgust and panic but we which came to help in joining the slaughter are you

serious we couldn't help enjoying this oh my god

Wow okay well I'm sorry that's not what I wanted oh that buff was only

temporaries well that's crappy sorry everyone is moping city is more sad than

the goblins mother I think the city might need something to cheer it up

something decent of cars but with a hint of advice I think we can rock the thanks

around here sire a arrange a feast arrange a tournament let's hold a solemn

ritual let's arrange a feast people were working hard for too long getting off

the leash made them almost insane there was an oops and and uh oh and someone

may have probably dropped something valuable

he knows sire losing that artifact should never be so funny well I never

had an artifact so it didn't matter to me Oh girls contained the wisdom of

generations it'll be useful to you in the event if you run into a problem the

scroll can reveal the safest and most profitable solution to it thank you for

the 100 physical damage I appreciate it much Lee can you fully repair and this

is where it all goes to crap how did I get a fourth mage before I want a fourth

mage again okay the green deal orcs are here side the demand their leader and

has no who was kept from her person to be set free they suggest a trade or

there will be fight fight not good let him go I guess I've acquired 400 - whoa

okay good well I mean that means I can repair everything this next time right

white plague tempers seem to have no end at all

wonder how long we'll be able to hold out as my father always said hold on

lads nothing lasts forever of the white play expressed through the city sire

strange is he strange deadly plague doesn't discriminate in matter of hours

or rots you alive the rich and poor alike there's a cure and we use it as

much as possible but there's not enough for everyone who do you want to heal

first nobles or commoners make no difference save the mage I don't know

rumor what's the use in saving a mage you can't heal himself they ask well

there's no way we're gonna explain the reason but the same question will stay

for a while people are feeling the sounds tricked I'm afraid I'm sorry

ooh I went into the tavern or the Academy Oh okay so is that because I

have maximum and no I've obviously gone more um we're done the power it'll be

head reveille innkeeper laughs and the Dean angrily wraps his robe random

citizens are waiting for you answer Academy hope you're happy now bookworm

Pete barkeeper walks down the hall and the please Dean pals before you won't

regret a sign I'm about to finish it well you'll see soon enough it were to

return in the evening with a really tremendous gift ooh

well now I have a some choice I can either upgrade the

Advent um district for 150 or I can upgrade one of the other two for 200 I

don't know what is best probably one of these two probably this one mostly oh

you can put an artifact on the Hall of Fame to get its effect so far only one

size available to you but later you'll help at the second one okay well maybe I

didn't need to do that I guess I don't know chop the tree's branches or

firework no Bernie would you find hmm acquired a scroll voice is the voice of

steel no darker place in the world the signs this place and tracks the rotten

world around and and tracks around facts is a pic full sight just a couple of

decades in the locals will degenerate into terrible amphibians with no future

no past could burn out this infection of outbreak dampness and decay but will be

terribly painful hearing the low post Lord of these Brooke tiles screams out

when he sees the burning potion the mages hands get out of here with their

filthy magic we don't need you around he calls the girls when we retreat hastily

that in the right way this world's not safe anymore

sadly rip town Shelton run but the flames are not to be stopped in Mars

till they say this place we should just go well that's unfortunate

oh don't dig deeper we should seal the pit instead this is exactly like huh

Lord of the Rings here they they dug too deep into the mind and now just boom

boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom drums every day drum in response may be

real tree is healed for 8 well lovely thank you 191 damage wonderful let's

just kill the world tree already shall we come on come on world tree

time to die oh no oh it's amazing ah we didn't lose the world tree how amazing

and wonderful isn't it prepare that repair that all right come on world tree

time to die it's gonna happen this round that's for darn sure

ya see it game over what'd I tell you oh look guards now at eight percent this

is so four hundred that's still three of this is illa five how do you get more

frickin mages that's all I want is it flip flap and mage burners arrives are

fleeing from the table or spoiling a battle this mirror left some of the

militia until it's too late embers is passing townspeople that had to fix its

damage Bergmeister rohrich says it's not enough money the Treasury to pay for

everything at the to sire will be support residential areas where houses

are something else please think everyone is often

impossible save the living quarters firefighters brushed in the narrow

streets and climbed the glowing walls bucket by bucket soon the fires thirst

quench women in children scream but just in fear not in pain

not a single soul been lost on flames sunbeams through the smoke and in DDA's

dawning rural trees receive damage and world tree is already dead bargain

for the girl what does it matter we're dead who cares

start over again it feels you know I feel like this game is it could be

really really fun but right now it's just annoying it's like it's really

impossible to defer game do much of anything at all like you you how do you

get more mages I was able to get a fourth mage the first time I played with

in like two days there are two rounds or whatever the heck you want to call it

and I don't understand what the heck happened not really some ages okay well

someone for mages in the garrison what are you what I lost a mage you have got

to be kidding me but I found another no I didn't find another I lost a mage what

the frickin hell I need for mages it's never gonna happen if I'm losing them

and like friggin I need two more to upgrade this time to kill the world

trade come on die world tree Oh the Oracle as you predict the duration

strength to the next tempest use this information wisely

okay great wonderful what how do you get out of here

difficulty heart length unknown oh great thank you very much I appreciate it

there we go let's kill the World Tree already come on let's do it

sweetie for your story I'm garrison magical bear receive zero damage good

I'm go ahead good bye rotary screw you okay well I'm think I'm kind of done

with this one for now I don't know I I think this game could be really really

fun and it really was to start with but like the difficulty increases way too

quickly and I don't know what the heck it wants from me I somehow got a fourth

me is the first time playing and from then on I haven't gotten any new ones

and then I lose one of course why not I need a I have a quest to get for mages

and I lose a mage instead wonderful I don't know what it wants for me it

doesn't really do a good too great of a job of like explaining what exactly it

wants from you and I think that definitely to improve but that's a

finality all I can't very soon have wonderful day bye bye and God bless hope

you enjoy okay I just want to kind of start recording this a little bit again

and show you guys I've gotten a little bit further I've gotten all these things

up to level 5 now all these districts looks like this round may end up being

close to the end but and what else freaking heck but look we got a fourth

mage now that already happened once before I actually got to 5 mages which

was amazing if you ask me repair for 500 well it looks like this this round

actually wasn't too bad see we've got that we can buy a couple of things if we

wish a storm stone blue protection of that but see there is an achievement for

going so may 8th round without using artifacts 12 rounds without artifacts

see and then 12 rounds without using potions as well so I kind of want to get

those things now I need to send a search party to do whatever that is oh it looks

like I can't I actually can't upgrade these anymore either which is

unfortunate so I literally can't do anything else with the rest of my I

guess that I have stuff that I that I have there Oh Hall of Fame is here okay

heals world trade for three percent and then also what's this thing increase

production of aether by the catcher about 5%

that's good I need more mages now please come on give me more mages all the crap

that took down a lot of health oh come on that was total garbage 500 great for

30 not even full awesome well this is just becoming very unfair now phone bird

chaos Chevelle my goodness I could Magnus possible to go there that place

do dangerous even think about we're in the heart of the Casa del sire and I

have bad news mrs. Kray just empty he left us a sign his ring wasn't printed

on the forehead of a dead guard on guard I mean to escape but our fate is still

unfolding gas mains are closing in I need your advice sire uh disguise we hid

our faces and swords under the black capes and walk past Russian guards

having some sort of prayers they looked at us and surprised and said something

their language we provide nothing and that was the end of our disguise hey

hopefully this doesn't kill them but who's gonna kill the city by evacuating

the mages but it's only supposed to be three days so neither guys managed to be

protected as fast as possible mmm also do you mean to say she's a

magician death the walls of mittelborg Lourdes gnarls now here's a text on his

creatures made the way the gate we have to started almost every last one of them

but retreating monsters drank Petrus youngest mage in their dimension what

should we do it was cynical him to do the job go get pitcher slowly speaks the

chief mage instructing the giant clay figure with obsidian eyes so that walks

away and returns soon afterwards compared to his Petrus unconscious and

with the Giants Garko spamface is hanging from a shoulder he might survive

if he's lucky I think you'll be fine okay well it seems that my potions are

bugged I've purchased a ton of different potions and I can't do anything with

them they are completely freaking bugs that's unfair and I've also had the only

thing that's working as Scrolls so that really sucks I think I've even gotten a

couple of artifacts and those are not able to be used either so hooray

report a bug

all these purchasing artifacts works I know that much now how on earth did

Magnus escape I don't know let's go further up the hill uh go further plug

on through ice and snows in the purse are spreading Dark One's are pushing us

apart and frostbite spear we reached a peak with only half of them and can't

proceed after night and the snow we return for replenishment now wait till

it's over and can't even use this potion it's just

totally glitched out entirely that's really unfortunate easy in a length of

10 oh okay well I I think I'm gonna hand this one here you just kind of want to

show you guys how far I did get now the only thing I need to figure out I guess

is how to get even more aether although it doesn't really matter because you

can't upgrade these things and they hired the only thing now would be mages

and getting more mages apparently you can get up like 30 or something like

that so you know I guess that would be nice and it would be also nice if my

potions weren't completely glitched out but hey yeah

so either way that's it thank you all so much for watching I just kind of want to

show you that so yeah see you again very soon

have a wonderful day bye bye and Godbless and the funny thing is as soon as

I said bye to that I acquired a fifth mage so hooray

For more infomation >> Mittelborg: City of Mages - this game feels so impossible - Duration: 27:47.


121 PLAYERS FIGHT IN ONE SURVIVAL GAME AT SAME TIME! 2019 (Battle Royale Gameplay) - Duration: 14:14.

Im xray

For more infomation >> 121 PLAYERS FIGHT IN ONE SURVIVAL GAME AT SAME TIME! 2019 (Battle Royale Gameplay) - Duration: 14:14.


Crazy Gang Wars (by Grand Game) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 9:33.

Crazy Gang Wars (by Grand Game) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ

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