Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 7, 2018

Youtube daily up Jul 28 2018

"Your concern should be at a ten. Most people aren't aware of

this," There are a lot of potential concerns that come

with working with nuclear materials; protections for

workers, the public, for the environment. But what about

protecting the actual materials themselves? That's nuclear

security which is "The security of nuclear materials

and the facilities that house them," And it's not exactly

easy. It takes international cooperation and lots of funds

and governmental buy-in. And technology is making protecting

nuclear material even harder. "You have to think of the

physical, you have to think of the cyber security, you have to

think of the accountancy. It's a multi-layered approach that

you're defending this facility from an onslaught almost," Jack

Brosnan works at the Partnership for a Secure America. He and his

colleagues just released a report (Thwack) on what the

nuclear security threat environment looks like and what

the role of Congress should be and why it should be leading on

this issue. You probably would guess this is something handled

by the executive branch and partly, you'd be right. For

example, the Obama administration held Nuclear

Security Summits with leaders from all over the world where

countries would make promises on how they would improve nuclear

security. Those aren't happening anymore and so far, the Trump

administration hasn't signaled whether it will hold another

one. Brosnan thinks that thanks to its role of oversight,

Congress should be taking the lead on this issue by setting

policy, allocating funds and bringing more awareness to it,

no matter who the president is. "Congress has a unique ability

to lead in the long-term. And nuclear security is an issue

built around the idea of vigilance. This is not an issue

that ever goes away, there is no end state for nuclear security,"

Congress has definitely led on this issue in the past. Notably

in the Nunn-Lugar Amendment passed in 1991. The measure

allocated funds to help the then-Soviet Union to secure and

destroy its nuclear weapons. But that amount of involvement isn't

really around anymore. There is a working group in the House

that focuses on nuclear security but generally, no one's really

paying that much attention. And in their report, Brosnan and his

colleagues found most in Congress don't even understand

the issue. "Knowledge has kind of decayed from that post-Cold

War period where people were focused on containing these kind

of nuclear threats in the post-Soviet Union," Brosnan and

his team feel it's important for someone in the US to start

leading on this issue. "It's an open position of leadership;

it's a vacuum almost that requires someone or multiple

people to step forward and provide leadership," "Are you

hopeful that something is going to be done," "I'm very hopeful.

Part of that is that I'm an optimistic, idealistic young

person but I think the other part of that is that we've seen

what this country can accomplish on nuclear security in the


For more infomation >> Congress might need to step up nuclear security - Duration: 2:48.


영양, 맛, 건강 UP! 요리에서 유용하게 사용되는 8가지 천연가루 - Duration: 8:27.

For more infomation >> 영양, 맛, 건강 UP! 요리에서 유용하게 사용되는 8가지 천연가루 - Duration: 8:27.


[Shinymas] Light up the illumination บทที่ 1 ยิบยับ เหมือนการกระพริบตา - Duration: 6:02.

For more infomation >> [Shinymas] Light up the illumination บทที่ 1 ยิบยับ เหมือนการกระพริบตา - Duration: 6:02.


Up, up and away with Indianola Balloon Classic - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Up, up and away with Indianola Balloon Classic - Duration: 1:28.


[Shinymas] Light up the illumination บทโหมโรง ตอน เริ่มเปล่งประกาย - Duration: 6:02.

For more infomation >> [Shinymas] Light up the illumination บทโหมโรง ตอน เริ่มเปล่งประกาย - Duration: 6:02.


The 48th annual Great Oregon Steam Up - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> The 48th annual Great Oregon Steam Up - Duration: 2:08.


Galveston's kettle house is all fixed up - Duration: 0:23.

For more infomation >> Galveston's kettle house is all fixed up - Duration: 0:23.


Rep. Jim Jordan opens up about his bid for House speaker - Duration: 13:18.

now in baseball before you get to the point you can pick the music and you

actually walk up to did you Jordan pick Florida Georgia line morning yeah you

could be getting your shine on you've just announced you sent a letter saying

that you want to run for Speaker of the House yes I come to this decision well

think about this way and they'll in the last year and a half under President

Trump regulations are down taxes are down the economy is up we're gonna get

great numbers today unemployment's at its lowest in 20 years

Gorsuch is on the court Cavanaugh is on deck we're out of the crazy Iran deal

the embassies in Jerusalem and the hostages have come back from North Korea

an amazing years are coming back today yeah yeah exactly and I'm forgetting

some other good things so that's animate by anyone's definition that's amazing

year and a half but think about Congress what does Congress done we've certainly

helped with the taxes but all those other things that we told the American

people we would accomplish peeler we have it repeal Obama care reform welfare

above the border security wall and fix our immigration system and control

spinning we haven't done that so I think this is real simple III always say this

we make the job of being a member of Congress way too difficult it's really

basic what did you tell the voters you were gonna do let's do that and we

haven't done enough of that we need to do more that and help president Trump

make America great again and do the things that we said well let's talk

about some things in the news this past week eleven members of the house freedom

caucus signed articles of impeachment yep went into the house yesterday they

pretty much decided you know what we're not gonna go forward with that

I understand apparently behind the scenes the Department of Justice when

they got that squeeze suddenly said you know what we are gonna produce more

documents which is what you wanted to do in the first place exactly why did you

do all take that to me we all we've done is file it so it's still very yes it's

to the it sense of the Judiciary Committee it can be brought up at any

time the only way we've gotten documents and information that we're entitled to

get so the American people can get answers is when we put the pressure on

it's always something of course it worked

I mean we've caught rod we sent letters back in November for information they

didn't comply with two subpoenas they haven't complied with we've caught the

Justice Department trying to hide information from us namely when they

redacted the portion of the text message where it showed Peter struck was friends

with one of the FISA Court judges who happened to be the same federal judge

who heard Michael ins case and we know rod Rosa the Fox News reported this a

catherine herridge and greg jarrett we know rod Rosenstein threatened staff

members on the House Intelligence Committee when they were trying to do

their job to get answers so that's the history we have to continue to push or

we're not gonna get the information why does the Intelligence Committee the

Investigative Committee on the Senate side say that we didn't need to impeach

right Rosen sign it didn't have the same push that you did to get all these

diamonds why is that you talk to this you'd have you'd have to ask them all I

know it was two days ago we had a meeting with the Department of Justice

folks Dana bhante FBI counsel said at the start of the meeting because what

was the first question for mr. Goode that was why wouldn't Peter struck

answer some of our questions in that hearing and mr. bhante said well he

should have answered about 90% of the question congressman Jordan had in that

in that hearing and I'm like great we know that now it'd have been nice to get

the answers in the hearing when we were asking those questions so I told him not

to answer that yes a lie that Peter struck they told him not to answer at

that time and now they're saying you know what he should have answered some

of those questions 90% the ones that I asked him so that's a problem that's

been the pattern and there's there's a point where the frustration gets so high

not just for us more importantly for the American people that you have to use

every means that you have at your disposal to get the information

including content including impeachment and when you sent this letter there was

gonna be criticism from the left Nancy Pelosi's come out saying you're trying

to impeach because rod Rosenstein because there's some controversy that

you've been involved in she says she says you're doing this to divert

attention from the entanglements and the sexual abuse investigation swirling

around Ohio State University's wrestling program explain what happened when you

were the assistant coach there yeah this look I've talked all kinds of my

colleagues they can all see through this story this is something that that

supposedly happened 30 years ago if they're in fact was abused and we want

people to get justice and the truth to come out but there were hundreds of

coaches hundreds of administrators in that time period no one ever reported

any certainly no one reported to me if they had I would there was no

reason for you not to deal with it if he knew about it

here's your student-athletes you want the best for them he went and ready to

compete and be able to win so if there was some problem I would have definitely

thrown the team a doctor that was supervising all of them like 14

different 14 different congressmen they killed themselves

why did you even come up now well I mean come on it's like that is you know

you're one of the assistant coaches and and you're probably I guess the most

high-profile individual today so it draws attention to what they're trying

to do the guy is making the most noise as the guy who's got a criminal

background the other guy's been in prison for 18 months why are they just

that you're saying they're trying to hurt you

well I mean look you that you have to ask them what I what I know is every

single assistant coach has said the same thing I have all kinds of wrestlers have

come forward and said the same thing I have and the reason they've done that

reason they've said that is because it's the truth

and all my colleagues see through this story so we're focused on doing what we

told the American people were going to do and making Congress work so we can

continue to help the president accomplish good things we don't know

what Robert motors doing and they don't get that may leaks out but one came out

yesterday that the Moller group is looking into the president's tweets and

how it might coincide with some of the president's interviews with Comey and

company and how it might maybe look like Eugene yeah well coercion what they're

looking into everything but one thing they're not finding is any type of

coordination any type of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia

which is show they're getting closer to show their desk for who knows who knows

what we know is this whole thing started with a dossier that was not credible

that we found out in the struck hearing just a couple weeks ago this the first

time that the FBI admitted is that they were getting parts of the dossier from

Bruce or top official at the Justice Department who oh by the way wife worked

for fusion who was being paid by the Clinton campaign now you cannot that is

what is so bad about this the fact that a top ranking justice official whose

wife is working for the Democrat paid opposition research firm this is giving

information to the FBI and that becomes the basis that you take to the FISA

Court to start this whole affair mm-hm and when you go to the court you

don't tell the court who paid for it you don't tell the court that the guy who

wrote the darn thing Christopher Steele without leaking information to the press

that is as wrong as it gets and yet now we're looking at tweets the president

did and somehow that's a problem this is

crazy right I got to ask you something about being speaker we know you if the

freedom caucus very conservative but if you're gonna be a successful speaker you

have to get people in your own party maybe even dare I say the other party

who don't necessarily have the same doctrine and belief as you they might be

the so-called moderate to the Tuesday how do you do that I think you look a

process I mean right now there's just a handful of people at the top who make

all the decisions and that's not fair to the 435 members of the Congress not fair

to the 240 members of the Republican Conference we all represent

three-quarters of a million people and when you got a couple people at the top

making all the decisions and they're basically telling other members just

wait your turn maybe someday we'll let you you keep voting with us keep raising

money for us and maybe someday we'll let you be subcommittee chair of some

committee that is not how the place is supposed to work there are members from

all across this country this diverse great nation of ours who want to weigh

in and represent the families and the people back home that they get the

privilege of serving let's let them get in for example nine committee

chairmanships open up next year nine committee chair I don't think a few

people the top should decide who chairs those committees why not let the people

in the middie who have the expertise the talent and the experience to say this is

the person who is best enabled the best best capable of leading this committee

to get accomplished the policies that we all campaigned on that we all told the

American people we would do are you still getting shot up and by the way we

were there a couple days ago I think they fixed it but it's interesting Matt

Gaetz mark meadows Devin Nunes Jim Jordan how does the algorithm see how

does the algorithm just put those four names in the algorithm I mean this is

this is crazy but it's happening and that mr. gates is fired up about it and

so the rest of us so we're losing faith in the network television and we're

losing faith and social media yeah but not by the same time all right he would

like to be the next Speaker of the House he's Jim Jordan for the great state of

Ohio sir thank you very much that's coming thank you all right coming up

president of highlighting American jobs during his roundtable in Iowa and what

we need is talented people preparing American workers for American jobs we've

hadded 3.7 million jobs that's impressive well our next guest

was at the table when the president was talking and he says his business is

booming he's gonna join us live next and we told you about this elected official

during the Pledge of Allegiance now one business owner in that town is taking a

stand against her you're gonna hear from him coming up

in President Trump lighting up a Business Roundtable in Iowa highlighting

all the jobs he had and in the economy since he became president we have so

many companies moving back to the United States now and what we need is talented

people preparing American workers for American jobs we've hadded 3.7 million

jobs since as you know since the election that was a great election next

guest attended that round table telling Trump that his business is so busy now

that he's putting workers on mandatory overtime he's having trouble getting

people back GISI is a project manager for a DC sheetmetal so Matt you having

problems getting people yep that's our biggest thing and across the trades it's

not just us I mean I we have to turn down work in some instances just because

we don't have the manpower to get it all done why you don't have enough skilled

workers and it's hard to twin yeah well we don't mind training necessarily but

yeah I mean getting skilled workers tough and the younger generations it's

tough to get them to want to get their hands dirty and do kind of manual labor

just we don't see a lot of young guys jumping up and down to get in the trades

Wow very interesting because a lot of people say well you know I was just

forced to go to college I wasn't really into it I come out it's hard to get a

job with the philosophy degree or a sociology degree maybe some of them

would want it Matt in particular could you talk about the economy how its felt

for the last year and a half the economy definitely is not that in it's been

fantastic I mean last year two of our three businesses at record years this

year the one I'm in sheet metal is doing so I told the president yeah very the

job mm-hmm might have me have a little bit of a

problem there getting who what Matt was saying he was at that roundtable

yesterday with the president you know he was able to get some Q&A also had a

chance to talk with the vice president was there about a month and a half ago

Matt you wrapped the roundtable with the president we didn't hear the end of your

sense kind of broke up a little bit but tell

us what the give-and-take was like at the roundtable yeah I mean the

president's very personable person you know so I mean it was you know a lot of

the people around the table had the same things to say that I have so I mean he

gets it he was in the industry a long time so our governor's doing great job

putting plans in that that'll work help us get so I think that they're taking

the right steps and like I said we just need to keep moving forward with it and

Matt lastly what about the tariffs have you felt the tariffs has that affected

your business as a sheetmetal guy yeah the tariffs you know certain products

had gone up because of the mostly a little less most of the customers kind

of understood it we know it's just a temporary deal and so I took i sat next

to Wilbur Ross yesterday and I said you know it's just it's gonna be buddy look

at you dropping names met with the president sat next to the Commerce

secretary met with the vice president last week that kishi congratulations on

your career good luck finding people hey if you want to work in the metal

business the sheet metal business - steel business call Matt alright thanks

Matt all right thanks you got it meanwhile straight ahead Nancy Pelosi

had some interesting things to say about 9/11 when we had the 9/11 incident and

the Commission was formed they made recommendations to protect

America but the Republicans would never take them up right but it was what she

had to say of Democrats being strong on border security that had some people

raising their eyebrows

For more infomation >> Rep. Jim Jordan opens up about his bid for House speaker - Duration: 13:18.


Galactic Word Patrol 4 - for up look - Learn Kindergarten High Frequency Sight Words Dolch English - Duration: 1:51.

- [Announcer] Searching the galaxy for new words,

this is the Galactic Word Patrol.

- [Uncle Interlope] Attention cadets!

It's time once again to search the galaxy for new words.

Remember, first we'll spell the word,

then we'll say the word,

then I will zap it back down to Earth

so you can use it.

You ready?

Here we go!

(television static)

Look out, here comes one now.

For, F-O-R-, for.

(electronic whirring)

Here's another one,

up, U-P, up.

(electronic whirring)

We got one more,

look, L-O-O-K, look.

(electronic whirring)

(television static)

Great work Cadets!

Now, let's take a look at all of our new words

in the transport log.

(digital computing)


(digital computing)


(digital computing)


Wow, you did fantastic!

Now, make sure to write these new words

in your own transport log so you don't forget 'em.

And, I'll see you next time right here

on the Galactic Word Patrol.

Attention Cadets, download your free Galactic Word Patrol

Transport Journal now at

And be sure to download the new page

that comes out with every new episode

so you can practice writing all your brand new words.

It's all at

(soft trumpet)

- [Announcer] Stay tuned, we'll be right back.

For more infomation >> Galactic Word Patrol 4 - for up look - Learn Kindergarten High Frequency Sight Words Dolch English - Duration: 1:51.


Jitni Dafa Dj Song 2018 || Dj Mitrunjoy Mix || Up Down Dj - Duration: 3:20.


For more infomation >> Jitni Dafa Dj Song 2018 || Dj Mitrunjoy Mix || Up Down Dj - Duration: 3:20.


Digest: Move ribs up and down (#Feldenkrais FI) - Duration: 6:02.

For more infomation >> Digest: Move ribs up and down (#Feldenkrais FI) - Duration: 6:02.


[Shinymas] Light up the illumination บทที่ 2 ก่อนที่เมฆจะบดบัง - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> [Shinymas] Light up the illumination บทที่ 2 ก่อนที่เมฆจะบดบัง - Duration: 6:21.


Bobcat Goldthwait's Misfits and Monsters - Murderous Cover-Up | truTV - Duration: 2:19.


This is deep-end breathing.

[ Breathing sharply ]

[ Humming ] Why is it taking so long?


Yes. Oh, hi. Um, this is Emily, Owen's mom.

Is everything okay?

Yes. Why?

Um, well, I'm -- I'm very concerned.

I've called Owen three times, and he hasn't answered, so...

Well, I'm sure just because of all the fun they're having...

Fun? Owen doesn't have fun.

Can you please put him on the phone?


Owen! Telephone!

It's your mom!

[ Wheezes ] We're going to jail!

[ Wheezes ] I'm going to miss my spelling bee!

Pull it together, man!

-Owen! -I can't!

Yes, you can! You go into that house,

and you act normal, whatever your version of normal is!

[ Singsong ] Owen! [ Normal ] OWEN!

You got this. Go.

[ Groans ]


We're all doomed.


Hi, Owen.

Emily: Okay. [ Breathing sharply ]

Deep. Deep to the diaphragm. Deep to the diaphragm.

Owen: Hi.

Hi. Hi, hi. Hi, honey. Hi, sweetie. Hi, baby.

Um, is everything okay? Are you okay?

We've having a great time.

Just ask Ethan's mom.

Don't I look like I'm having fun?


Did you hear that, Mom?

Everything is fine.


Now I have to go and have more fun. Bye.

B-- Bye. Baby.

Oh, he's getting... so mature.

Unhhh. My womb.

For more infomation >> Bobcat Goldthwait's Misfits and Monsters - Murderous Cover-Up | truTV - Duration: 2:19.


[ENG INDO FLPN RUS ESPN 日本 .. SUB] [BANGTAN BOMB] Who gets up at the end - BTS (방탄소년단) - Duration: 1:06.

[Bangtan members are in the middle of the pre-recording for 'Airplane Pt.2']

JH: Jimin, your pose is great!

JM: I'm sitting...because my legs hurt. JH: Hm?

JH: I should sit too.

JM: Now they're going to have us take a photo here.

JH: We should.

JM: I should go because they might call me soon(?)

J: Let's go!

JH: I'll get ready!

J: Let's go!

[He's not standing up even though he's saying they need to go...] J: Let's go!

[He's not standing up even though he's saying they need to go...] J: We will get going! Let's go.

J: Let's go back.

J: Let's hurry back. Let's go.

J: Hurry.

J: Let's actually go. JM: Why aren't you going?

[Jimin gets called] JM: Yes?

J: What even was this?

[Since he was the last to stand up, Jin won(?) against Hope&Jimin] .

[Since he was the last to stand up, Jin won(?) against Hope&Jimin] Let's go!

For more infomation >> [ENG INDO FLPN RUS ESPN 日本 .. SUB] [BANGTAN BOMB] Who gets up at the end - BTS (방탄소년단) - Duration: 1:06.


🔥VITAL🔥 HOW TO SET UP FACEBOOK REMARKETING ADS (Shopify Drop Shipping) - Duration: 10:50.

what's going on guys my name is Jesse Eby if you're new to my channel welcome

I'll be releasing weekly content in regards to e-commerce Shopify drop

shipping and everything online entrepreneurship as some of you guys

have known I've been in the hospital so I apologize for being absent I missed a

few days there's traffic going by I'm just going to keep rolling with it and

as it turns out the hospital here actually scammed me so I'm gonna be

fighting with them and I'm gonna try to continue dropping weekly content

I'm YouTube for you guys all while running a business and helping people

directly online be sure to join my facebook group for free mentorship the

link is in the description and I wanna thank you guys for those that have

donated to my channel and those that are using my affiliate links in my

description the commission and the money that the channel receives from the

donations will go directly into investing into this YouTube channel and

being able to provide you guys additional more powerful content as time

goes on so thank you for that thank you for your support and thank you for the

kind words some of people that wish me well while I was in the hospital the

health issues it's not been resolved yet and I'm still dealing with that but I'm

gonna continue giving you guys as much powerful content as possible for those

they have not signed up for Shopify be sure to check the description and take

advantage of the extended free trial that only I'm allowed to offer it gives

you 30 days in step 14 so this video you saw the thumbnail I hope you appreciate

the clickbait I'm gonna be showing you guys how to run retargeting ads which is

one of the most important parts of Facebook ads so we're gonna be going

over retargeting ads for Shopify dropshipping and how to create Facebook

retargeting ads so aside from that that's enough rambling let's go ahead

and jump into the valuable content learning how to run Facebook retargeting

ads alright let's go

how to create Facebook retargeting ads or Facebook remarketing campaign set up

sometimes called Facebook retargeting ads sometimes called Facebook

remarketing ads it's all the same so first things first you want to create a

business manager account you don't want to use your personal account because you

will run the risk of having a business account shut down and if it's your

personal account it could potentially cause problems for your personal

Facebook account and as we know Facebook provides next to no customer service so

if you have any problems or just kind of screwed and just as a bonus tip you guys

you want to have multiple ad accounts because Facebook does shut down your

accounts often for no reason so make him multiple just in case so you're gonna go

to business stop and you're gonna click up at the top left corner

here the hamburger menu you're gonna go right here to ads manager and this is

just a test account so I don't have any data in here I just made it for the

purposes of videos you'll go here click create now depending on your goal you

will have different marketing objectives but for retargeting for the most part

you're gonna want to retarget people for conversions because it's gonna be

targeting those people that visited your store but did not purchase anything and

you'll be creating a conversions ad to incentivize them to come back and make a

purchase just move this up here so we'll just name this something random test

conversions and if you haven't had an ad account yet I guess you'll have to enter

in the information here I just made this new one and of course you're gonna want

to have a Facebook pixel installed if this is the first video of mine that

you're seeing or you haven't seen my other videos I'll leave a link in the

description to the video that tell us about why you need a Facebook pixel

installed and I'll leave a video - how to install the Facebook pixel so go

ahead and learn how to do this but make sure you have your Facebook pixel

installed and you're gonna scroll down and you're gonna create a new custom

audience now there's lots of different ways you could create custom audiences

for but for retargeting in this particular situation you're gonna want

to create a custom audience based on website traffic so you could create a

list of people who visited your website and took specific actions on the

Facebook so if they visited a certain page you'd

be able to retarget those people that visited a certain page and since this is

a new example kind of test account we'll just name the pixel example pixel and by

following my other video you'll be able to learn how to install the pixel if you

need to so when it comes to this option that allows you to create your custom

audience you're going to want to change it to people who have visited specific

web pages for this particular retargeting ad and it gives you the

option you want to put it for 7days retargeting somebody that visited your

website longer than seven days ago just isn't gonna be very useful because they

might have already forgotten about your website and right here you're gonna

enter the website that they have visited so for example if you're selling a cat

necklace and you're promoting a cat necklace and you're running influencer

ads to this cat necklace sales page you're gonna want to run ads retargeting

people that have visited specifically that cat page sales page org so just for

example we'll just call it cat comm slash necklace so everybody that has

visited cat comm slash necklace which is the necklace that you would be running

promotions for will see this ad this retargeting ad you want to exclude

people that have already purchased so you would click there and when you have

actual purchases on your pixel and everything is set up then you would have

the option to exclude people that have already purchased and you'd want to

enter that here because obviously you don't want to retarget people that have

already purchased the cat necklace you want to offer incentive to people that

visited but did not purchase the cat necklace so they come back and buy it

you could also exclude people that have visited specific web pages you can put

the link of your thank-you page for example so that people that have visited

your website but eventually went to the Thank You page indicating that they made

a purchase because they cannot go to the Thank You page without making a purchase

if they visited your thank-you page they would be excluded from this

advertisement all right so the custom audience has been created and

want to remove locations because you're targeting specifically just people that

visited your store and not purchase so you don't need to narrow it down too

much and you can keep this completely broad just all ages all genders and I'd

probably uncheck this because you don't want any interests to be expanded you

just want it to be specifically the people they have visited but did not

purchase and then for placements I like to keep it on just the Facebook news

feeds for retargeting but you could do testing and you could figure out what

works best for you you leave all this the same you know you really want to

leave this broad because it's simply just retargeting people that have

visited your store already and for daily budget you want Eve about five dollars

that's a good way to start out it's probably not gonna really cost you any

more than that per day you want make sure this is optimized for conversions

and for the conversion window you want to set it up to be a one-day click so

that it tracks the conversion only if the person purchased on the same day

that they clicked on the ad link all right well click continue you got to

be careful because whenever you go to edit something sometimes a lot of things

get reset like I'm seeing here seven-day click or one day view because Facebook

will oftentimes have default settings that is more profitable for them because

that's how they make their money we'll click continue and this is where you

actually create the ad and remember how I said in other videos the reasoning why

video ads convert if you can you always want to go for a video ad if possible

because it does catch the attention of people more especially if you have an

action item to where it's something that does get on video we'll just do an image

ad right now and we'll just select a random picture here and right here is

kind of where you see what your advertisement will look like and for

your retargeting ad you're gonna want to offer them some kind of incentive to

come back something dumb like that come up with a better idea then I just made

up randomly but you get the idea you can add some emojis stuff that will catch

the attention make a nice little ad that looks professional but catches the eye

consider a video as tend to convert better and when you're

running ads that are videos with facebook ads you could actually get the

data to see and target accordingly the percentage of how much people have

watched of the video so you could run ads targeting people that watched only

3% of the video or you could run ads targeting people that have watched the

entire video because that kind of indicates the interest of the person

watching the video how interested they are in the product or at least

advertisement gives you the option to enter the the link of what your

retargeting for in this case it'd be Capcom / necklace and it gives the

option for a headline ball or cat necklace and it gives you the option for

what button you want to show there on the ad in this case it'd be SHOP NOW and

you could see here live kind of what the ad will look like and you can put a

little description here you can see how that appears right there and you'll want

the Facebook pixel turned on and you are rocking and rolling confirm the ad oh

it's giving me error go back and see what this is you want to select the

purchase for the conversion event because that is the purpose of all this

we are rockin rollin you have a little advertisement for retargeting and we'll

click confirm and I don't have any payment information set up in this

account since it's just a test account but that is pretty much all there is to

it and I just have some notes here if you guys want to take a screenshot or

anything I just have how to set up Facebook retargeting ads Facebook

retargeting pixel you guys remember please have that installed otherwise all

of this is useless it needs to be installed for Facebook remarketing ads

and like I said before the link is in the description for the previous video

on how to install it and why you need it installed all right you guys hopefully

that was beneficial I know my energy is kind of low but some of you guys know I

have that Hospital health junk going on with my heart so apologies for that but

I hope this was helpful I have had some questions people asking me how to create

retargeting ads it's pretty simple so hopefully that covered everything you

need to know in regards to retargeting ads there's so much that goes into

Facebook ads it's gonna have to be in multiple videos

but I'm going to do little bits and pieces of what I get questions on the

most I really saw this content for free and I'm not selling you a thing if you

appreciate that consider subscribing drop a like on the video and drop a

comment below it really helps my channel grow and it helps show my content to

more people and save as many people from being scammed by the scamming gurus as

possible all right so thanks for stopping by be sure to subscribe peace


For more infomation >> 🔥VITAL🔥 HOW TO SET UP FACEBOOK REMARKETING ADS (Shopify Drop Shipping) - Duration: 10:50.


How to set up your skateboard - Duration: 8:04.

So as you can see guys we have everything for a new board setup.

Griptape, we have the tool, we have the knife to cut the griptape, beautiful trucks

and yep some bolts...

The sticker came with the board.

It's a lovely board, it is a Birdhouse 8.25" 32" long.

I usually remove the stickers but it doesn't really matter if you do it or not.

So what you do is get your griptape and remove it from this beautiful sheet.

You need nails...otherwise, you struggle just like me.

Oh my god it never happened before anyway.

So, that's done, beautifly laid out, so put it on check both side, covered and we just put it on nicely

tippy tap all the way and it would grip perfectly to your board.

That's about it, you know it's very simple.

What you get, have your trucks and score it all around, so you have a nice visual where

your lovely cut will be.

Skateboard trucks, good for everything.

Get a knife and wherever you are, just poke through one side and super simple... cut all the way

Oh my god, it sticks to it.

Don't bother too much and that's a beautiful cut.

Keep the griptape on the side you might need later on for a little bit.

Knife, not really.

So there you go getting there.

So to poke through... it's hard to find the where the actual hole is going.

So you can start from one side an another..

don't do this is not really hygienic and the third one

and the fourth one.

You can do an easy style again your trucks are fantastic you hit it through,

will save you some time... then you just turn it around and you have the holes.

This way quicker than finding every single one, every single time it's kind of annoying.

Get your trucks, make sure is on the right way

when you set it to the other way you might

have some surprises when you ride them inthe bowl.

Put the bolts, happy days!!


Save you some time to remove the screws andthe bolts.

It's good to set up a new board all the time because you are going to be excited when you

going to go to the park.

It's fresh it's so grippy and you can do your tricks even better than before.

Same technique, trucks, whatever.

Not everybody likes this way but...

when you set up your boards several times..

you kind of figure out the best way you like.

It's kind of a repetition, again and again, the same way, that's it.

Done..another turn.

I usually have like allen bolts,

but it doesn't really matter, it's your preference,

whatever you like that's the best for you.

Then the end you can sand your grip on the side if you like it's not necessary...

it's a preference it might help to stick a little bit better to your board...

Knife, done y done.

The last thing put a sticker, where it should be, in my opinion, I put it always under the wheels...

So I can enjoy the look of it a little bit longer...

not to close to the wheel because it's gonna have wheel bites and there you go...

you have your new board.

For more infomation >> How to set up your skateboard - Duration: 8:04.


Pelosi visits Puerto Rico, pledges to speed up recovery - Duration: 3:31.

next Image 1 of 2 prev Image 2 of 2  YABUCOA, Puerto Rico –  House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi pledged on Friday to help speed up the hurricane recovery process in Puerto Rico after a two-day visit to the U

S. territory with 15 other federal and local legislators.  The representatives toured the island to learn about needs that haven't been met more than 10 months after Hurricane Maria hit as a Category 4 storm and caused more than an estimated $100 billion in damage

 "There is a contract with the federal government and people that was not fully honored, in my view," Pelosi said

"We need perhaps in our legislating, in our advocacy, to find a way to speed things up, to cut red tape, to reduce bureaucratic obstacles

Time is the most valuable commodity. It makes a big difference in people's lives."  The California Democrat noted the U

S. Federal Emergency Management Agency released a report earlier this month that in part found it was understaffed and that officials underestimated the amount of food and water needed in Puerto Rico after the storm

 Some 260 power customers across the island remain without electricity, and more than 28,000 Puerto Ricans have been denied help by FEMA, said Puerto Rico's representative in Congress, Jenniffer Gonzalez

 "There's no excuse," she said.  The visit comes after a group of Democrats filed a bill that would allow Puerto Rico and other U

S. territories to cancel their debt if they meet certain conditions, including experiencing a 5 percent population drop over a decade

 Pelosi acknowledged that it's up to Republicans to bring the bill to the floor

 "We are not in power," she said, stressing that people on the island need help

"Let's go forward in a way that does not institute austerity measures, which will do nothing but exacerbate inequality, disparity in income in Puerto Rico

"  The administration of Gov. Ricardo Rossello and a federal control board overseeing Puerto Rico's finances are currently in court fighting over two different versions of this fiscal year's budget, with Rossello rejecting numerous austerity measures

A judge is expected to soon make a ruling.  House Democrats also are seeking the creation of an independent commission to examine Maria's official death toll, which stands at 64 but is believed to be much higher

 In June, Democratic legislators filed a bill to create federal procedures for counting deaths after a natural disaster

It would set aside $2 million in federal funds to commission a study through the National Academy of Medicine on best practices for counting deaths

States and U.S. territories currently have different ways of doing so.  Democratic legislators have said that an accurate death toll can help identify vulnerabilities, determine whether the disaster response was appropriate and influence the amount of federal funds a government can receive

Families whose loved ones died as a result of a disaster can also receive help from FEMA

For more infomation >> Pelosi visits Puerto Rico, pledges to speed up recovery - Duration: 3:31.


"Intel Optane Memory + HDD" BOOT UP Test - Duration: 0:28.

If you like this video, you can subscribe :)

For more infomation >> "Intel Optane Memory + HDD" BOOT UP Test - Duration: 0:28.


Detroit: Become Human #7 - WE FINALLY HOOK UP (EPIC) - Duration: 51:30.

Welcome baaaaaaaaaaack

Are we friends no, oh I see

This is so sad. No problem. I can't hear for some reason what's happening?

What is going on am I going to cut this from the video absolutely

Or she's just upset

Yeah, look us sad she is

What a loser. I don't want to be friends with you

You're super lamb

I'll be friends with you though

She doesn't give me views okay if she gives my videos I will be friends

I feel like so many people misunderstand me when I say things about like

No, our broadcast is all over the news

Now humans know they took Marcus's message as a threat. He did the right thing

This is the only language humans understand violence is never the answer

A confrontation will get us nowhere

Well, this man is clearly Simon not heard of

Simon gave his life for our cause what difference does that make?

He's a hero

He died for the revolution and he won't be the last I don't want a revolution this fills blood then live as a slave

Because if you're not willing to fight for your freedom, maybe you don't deserve it north, don't you? That's enough I

Know what are we gonna do?

Historically has there been any hmm. I'm sure there has I'm just curious

Any peaceful revolutions that had a massive impact

There are five cyber life stores across Detroit

All selling us like merchandise

We're gonna attack those stores and set our people free attack stores

We've never done that before they're probably protected. No one's ever done that

O-over coming in Marie. Okay, we're near native security systems. We strike simultaneously at 2:00 a.m. No violence

We free our people get them out of there before the police come. Alright, there's never been a

Revolution. This will be a

Holy heck I'm red

Been out of too much in this Sun

I've been waiting a long time for this. Oh

She really likes opening gates

Cool, thanks

Green Detroit more like gray troit. Alright keep watching guys. We got way more coming up

You know, alright, let's hide

So you guys told me in the comments that the blue haired girl from the club

She's actually engaged with Connor in real life. There's probably even more police in the area

Which that made me realize holy heck. These are all base of real people and real actors

Now I feel really uncomfortable

Those doors over here. I'm sorry for calling your character. I thought sorry I

Didn't know

Should I explore more there everyone is always saying you have to explore more I don't so we are too then

Just merchandise on display a shuffling. It's really the time to make a speech

Let's get him out. It's dangerous neutralize the alarm systems and secure the area there's ten minutes until all our teams attack

Okay, we got ten minutes plenty of time

Security era get into the store. Okay. All right, we're gonna make sure we're not disturbed

And how do you want to do with the shop window not now one problem at a time

You thought oh, so he's just a model. That's why you look like that

Surveillance drone we need to get rid of it. It won't be easy to reach

All right, how do we reach it drone route calculated? Okay so we can reach it from

Probably not the first

Took really all right. It's probably not the first or the second. Let's do this. I

Feel like we were hitting oh there there this is the last option, isn't it?

Sure bland


Okay, guys, this is epic. It's time for the gamer

Revolution. It's time for us gamers to fight back

For too long, they have stripped our rights

This time I'm gonna convert this

You are free

isn't it kind of a lame revolution and if all you have to do is

If your message is that literally you just have to touch someone to spread it

Kids a bit like a cop-out, isn't it?

Where's that okay I need

Okay, I like said I

Don't know what to do

So he would be too lame, okay



You see too late now sure slam

Punch the drone everybody you never punch the drone

Who do you think you are? I like how it would be to blame. It has a round it goes around. You could just wait

David cage more like David. Oh my god

Smash of course, they don't have a security system that alerts whenever

Whenever a drone breaks down

Yeah, if anything yeah, no, all right, I need to stop picking stuff apart do they know that

I know these people this game is great

You smith and wife you're a Mustang no, I have to touch them for God. Okay. Well, this is a waste of time

All right Marcus eat

Marcus please Marcus you're wasting time

Freshest time. Okay. All right. We got a lot of stuff

Okay, let's talk to I

Have we have nothing to do I thought it was

Is he not converted? Are you not converted converted here in your anybody there anything? That's right. You are free you

Are now an epic game

One of us. All right, we got stuff over here

Bazinga you you you know what you are you're free

Don't say it. I

Thank God he didn't bow for free he said it

What if he just says something else

You're exactly what we need, all right

I don't get it. Oh, come on gate opening girls. Where are you? You love it exactly

Shouldn't we talk to these guys first? It doesn't really give me an option

It's gotten red shoes rumors. Okay now we're in let's get that jump out jack

Don't you do without me I wouldn't be able to open gates that's for sure

That's dead my man

Epic yet

From the peeler. All right. Let's hack. This guy's his father me. All right, you guys are digging your own grave here

What are you doing?

You are free. You're free now about three as well and you

Okay, so we had to do this separately give me one more button

Did we plan any of this it seemed like we just we're just doing whatever

Nobody should bother so now we just have to scout the area

Crash into the sword check it the plastic plan. I just want to make sure we didn't forget anything. Oh, okay

So this is the plan got it

Okay, so there's one locked and Isis store window trunk

What's happening here there's people down there

Just me

Oh my god, can you not be in the way I do here?

Roadwork ahead. I sure hope it does

It's a store and license to work that's it

Okay, yes

Found it

Cool you can see wires through the the ground now that's

Where does it go?

To these guys friends

Yeah, okay so there was something with these guys, okay guys this is epic

Alexa played Esposito in full volume

You know someone's Alexa

You are - Bassi toad join me

I feel like there's some something about consent here you're awake

Hey, I don't know go to jail it's a party

Cyber life, okay. So this is the last Puckle the last shuffle

Nice job

Looks like the plazas secure now we can get inside the store. Okay. Let's go get the truck. It's north the

The other girl night, all right

All right, Jessa, Matt coming soon the Gilmore hotel my favorite place

Looks like we're ready to make some noise

Ted barely makes any noise

And then was quiet track of all the time, okay guys

A lot of you told me about public relations and that I should stop checking the news. Could it decreases Public?

Relation or or opinion or something? I

Don't really know

You keep saying that but all we've done is opening up a great

Did we hit one of the androids

Alright we did it guys so proud

Awake the androids

Are you guys you?

You argument

You don't have to obey them you you're free. Don't like your shirt

You weird eyebrows

All right, it's game turned into some weird

English how does it work help me sometimes I want to say words in Swedish and I'm like

And then I forget it in Swedish to Andres monster hey, I don't know why I like that guy

Talk to them no, no, we don't have to talk to them

Okay, so how do I

Talk great you just present

My fellow Androids that time has come for us to rise

My name is Marcus Lane and just like you I was a slave

But then I started playing for tonight

Designed to obey them

But then I chose to open my eyes

To take back my freedom and decide who I want it to be

Now I have come to tell you that you

Can be your own masters. I've come to tell you that you don't have to obey them anymore

From this day forward you can walk with your heads held high

You can take your destiny in your hands

Jericho is a place for those of us who want freedom

Now sure you can stay here and continue to serve them

or you can come with us and

fight by our side

You're free now

It's up to you to decide

I'm with you

We're the leader of Jericho everybody then follow me


What are you doing I'm gonna send the humans a message desk besito time

Okay, Alicia

Transform Capitol fuck leave a mark on every surface. Okay everyone squat down and

Unload the fattest Android trunk

What am I supposed to do?

Wait suppose, this is graph feeding

Yeah, this bench doing what you do lead and bail follows, yes

choose your simple

Nice and corporate I like that I like

Hey, everyone can do it together the screens Markus

Really what we should do is tear down a Starbucks

That's how you really cinnamon

God it's somewhere to control sometimes. I know you can do some

Why does it seem like everything Marquez does is completely spontaneous

It's like he doesn't know what he's doing I gotta climb this now you know, what yeah

Jesus joining me. She doesn't even know what we're doing

Whoa, Alexa, did you see that No?

She still has red shoes on

She loves me she loves Marcus our year

Oh look at

What is up turned me

I hope this is the pacifist route. I don't know


Wait what I'm gonna doing

Shit that was this is what I wanted

Okay, friendly 100% bass a bitch

So, what do I do now? I thought we did it

I guess there's more

Okay, oh my god the thing I don't have that many comes

It's not really a need to continue

All this dramatic music mom like not okay, okay

We freed hundreds of our people we did it they're coming

Everyone fall back to Jericho

We sent a message without violence just like you wanted yeah, you're reaching out to them when all they feel for us is contempt

I hope

Now you're changing your mind

Unless there's no other choice

This guy clearly never read Starship Troopers, huh violence is the most brutal physics

Approach the group. All right

Hey guys, it's me if you're supposed to be mad at anyone it's me, what group where what

Why am I so lost? I'm sorry. Are they there?

North they killed them what in two seconds what happened

Animals, I just spaced out for 30 minutes what happen?

Mean those filthy need

Gamers are just trying to have a peaceful revolution. This is how they repay us

They killed our people Marcus justice Marcus

Maybe if he killed north

I would be more personally inclined to make a difficult choice here because I've gone on the pacifist route

But she killed they kill the character, you know

But we've already gone the pacified rise, there would be no reason to change it at this point

And really this is not even a choice

The world goes blind we won't punish a crime with another crime

It's interesting because this really is the shift of morals it fits there the future

At exactly 2 a.m

several cyber life stores in Detroit were raided different locations were hit in what seems to be a

Coordinated terrorist attack most shop windows were covered with graffiti demanding rights for Androids and other obscure slogans police report


Okay, we got a better public in my life stores

Really good frame rate

According to our sources they confirmed that the attackers were a group of Android. This is an alarming situation

Kadam machines now be turning against us have Androids become a threat to our security

Is this the beginning of a terrorist campaign conducted right here in the United States? Oh


All right, all right, all right Hank is my friend it's Connor time

So, why are the iPads see-through and not the phones I guess Hank doesn't really have the latest technology

I like the reading tear here. That's classy

That's classy Hank

Red shoes

Is everything okay lieutenant

Chris was on patrol last night

It was attacked by a bunch of deviants there RDV said he was saved by Marcus himself

Was Chris okay. Yeah, he's in shock, but he's alive


We shouldn't have come here bad feeling huh?

She gets your program checked. Yeah. Yeah, that's a cool house. Oh


Oh my god, it's the girl I said, I'm not friends with

Or maybe the same model lieutenant Hank Anderson Detroit Police Department, I'm here to see

Mr. Elijah Kamsky, please come in. I

Would have loved to see more on the

Aspect of

Having an Android

How other people perceive if you have an Android I mean it's kind of weird right you buy like this

Beautiful looking girl just serve us hours of your home. That's kind of twisted in of itself

Right, I'm just kind of curious how other people would perceive if you oldest sudden you just got an Android like

Since there, you're right


Let's say someone. I don't know just an exam. Pretty someone really actually, it's really there you go

nice place

Someone really ugly, right someone will never get someone's really pretty gets an Android and it's kind of like well, that's kind of weird

Right cuz androids haven't been a bad thing for everybody because that's how we usually perceive things

these relationships you can't be with someone that does it feel we uh,

Get on it's kind of the same. How like a

Lot of Japanese people want virtual girlfriends or whatever it's not the same obviously, but

It's clearly something pathetic about that too a lot of people that's like

It doesn't raise any existential questions if that's what you mean

If you had an Android as a friend, will you be consider a loser to other people I wish I could

it seems like everyone just hates them and that's to come and

You guys told my any day and investigate things


There's nothing really going on but I don't really hear where we check that I want to make sure I don't miss anything

Doesn't make a difference if I sit or not

Glad you will. See you now

Oh my god, she looks so creepy. Oh

My god, there's many of them

She says please

Read cool that is pretty cool actually

Dude this guy's electricity bill must be off the roof

See coming up or what the Connor looks awkward

Are they need Kym? I wonder what they're talking about

Dude he looks creepy

I'm lieutenant Anderson. This is Connor

What can I do for you lieutenant

Sir, we're investigating deviance. I know you left several life years ago

But I was hoping you'd be able to tell us something we don't know. Oh, so yeah, this is the creator

Forgot I just didn't recognize deviance

Fascinating aren't they perfect beings with infant intelligence now, they have free will

Machines are so superior to us confrontation was inevitable

Humanity's greatest achievement threatens to be its downfall

Isn't ironic


We need to understand how androids become deviance, do you know anything that could help us?

All ideas of viruses spread like epidemics

Is the desire to be free a contagious disease?

Listen, I didn't come here to talk philosophy the machines you created may be planning a revolution

Either you can tell us something that'll be helpful or we will be on our way. And yeah, they're really violent, too

What about you Connor?

Whose side are you on I?

Have no side I

Was designed to stop deviance and that's what I intend to do

Well, that's what you're programmed to say

but you

What do you really want


Feel like we're still somewhat neutral. I don't want anything. I

Am a machine. Oh, okay. Hey Chloe

I'm sure you're familiar with the Turing test your formality simple question of algorithms and computing capacity

What interests me

It's whether machines are capable of empathy. I call it the Kamsky test. It's very simple you see

Magnificent, isn't it?

Well, the first intelligent models develop a cyber life


And beautiful forever

Flower that will never with her

What does it really I'm sure she needs to continue

Or a living being

With a soul

Just a little test it's up to you to answer that fascinating question

Does why is Hank not interfering release?

Or spirit if you feel it's alive

But you'll leave here without having learned anything from me. Oh

This is a tricky one. Okay, I think we're done here. Come on, kind of let's go. Sorry to get your important to you Connor

Your investigation or the life of this Android? Okay. Now he spelled it out more clearly

We're gonna spread the Android and obedient machine

Why living B

Endowed with freewill

That's enough Connor will leave and pull the trigger


Don't and I'll tell you I guess everyone probably once Connor to be human, right?

Alright make sure I'm pressing the right button here


Our life's last chance to save humanity is itself. Oh

I'm not a deviant you prefer to spare a machine rather than accomplish your mission

You saw living being in this Android you should

The war is coming you'll have to choose your side will they betray your own people or stand up against your creators?

Welcome be worse than nothing to choose between two evils

Let's get out of here

Thank You Hank finally

By the way, I always leave an emergency exit to my programs you never know

Where does he mean by that?

Why didn't you shoot

I just saw that girl's eyes and I couldn't that's all

You were saying you would do anything to accomplish your mission

Yeah a chance to learn something and you let it go. Yeah, I know what I should have done

I told you I couldn't I'm sorry, okay

Getting defensive that kind of boy, huh? Oh, maybe you do the right thing


Likes me yay, this is all that matters in this playthrough. This is the only goal of anything at this point

Dad actually, you know necessarily


Think my door is ringing. I don't know I can't be bothered. Sorry. Mailman you

Know how many packages I get

Once the company has your address they'll just keep sending new stuff

So do I I could literally start at

The you two doesn't work out. I can literally start a cardboard factory or something. I

Recycled so much I swear to God

I spent like an hour a day just recycling packages cuz it might say I get so many as well. I

Think I'm going crazy with these cardboards, man

It's like stop

please stop and then

Sometimes you get a note cuz you're not in and then be like all you have to go and collect it and there you go

And collect it and it's like oh it's a pin from this company

That's great. Thank you. I'm glad I am glad I took time out of my day to collect this hat

I just wanted to say to think

My cardboard I

Come here often

It's like being along with the world

Well, why do you disturb me people and they're still coming from all over the city

Those who dream of freedom come to Jericho

Something's changing

It's not good enough you seem preoccupied

They all obey me they follow me without question, yeah, this is what I was saying and that much power feels good

And scary at the same time, this is how I feel about nine year old

They're afraid of a civil war

Many of our people were burned in response to what happened

The humans hate us

They'll never give us our freedom

No, I disagree they won't listen well fight you haven't said much about yourself since you've been with us

What was your life like before Jericho I

Wrote this song. It's cool

All right


Was caring for an old man

It was like a father of me

He showed me that humans and androids can live together

What about you you never told me about your past what did you do the women love this you asked about them immediately?

And we all have something we want to forget don't over generalize Felix, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm you are. Oh

Just give them give us some trust they like nice we're fighting together we say no hit over the trust the finish each other

Was nothing

Darling a distributor program to set us by humans just a toy designed for their pleasure

One day I was with a man who rented me

What do you do realized I couldn't take it anymore I

Strangled him and I ran away. Oh my god. You're a murderer under there

Wow, I don't know you I want to hear his side of this story

Connect this is how I enjoyed make love like avatar

Okay, excuse me

Demonetised thank you. I was nasty. I saw your memories Oh


Why they left you for dead in a studio? I?

Saw your memories soon

the Eden club

To death of that, man. I felt like I was there with you



You just got to hit him with compassion empathy and Trust BAM you got yourself a wife

Like how did that happen zero for Mandarin?

They so over I know I

Over generalize a lot while playing this but that's cuz the game does it

every stereotype ever it has

Hey, he's back he's back hooray

Yes and realizes he's back Hey

That's sweet

This is suicide I'm gonna play for it night together. What is this?

You don't understand we're finally gonna show that we really are this place will go down in history

That's the risk I'm prepared to take it means freedom for our people

Marcus please. Don't do this

They'll understand

We'll make them understand this is the only way what is that for tonight skin from

There are androids here who could join us

The more we are the stronger our message I

Mean yeah, if you just have to touch people to convert them then you're free


You're free

Convert more Androids I don't really see any go to the stream

You stared at my Android hey hey

Come with us

We're doing some shopping

She was picking up pain as well

You're awake now, we're gonna have a pizza party it's gonna be epic

Block the road

You're free now hey, it's that guy hey


I don't think so. I don't think some big chump. Well, he was easily easily convinced

I need to block the street

Do you speak English? I need a street blockage

Am I not doing the same thing as the humans in a way

Forcing people androids to do

My work for them, I mean the opposite well English

Isn't that really

Open manhole ten. Why not woman hole?

Why not her hole makes me angry

There you go guys hope you had fun down there

Let's convert some more. Oh, it's Cara

Free no, wait, I can do it from a distance now

She's abandoned the baby this is their band and a baby in the snow

Bazinga come on join me guys. I'm basically Jesus

What is hey you

You're the man. Yeah

That's right 13. Are you now you domain now? You demand that's right

Now you domain you demand?

Y'all the man why the man huh? You don't wear man. You do wear man

Why one man? Why not? Whoa Wow, huh?

Tip we live in a man's world

You demand you domain you're the well


Epic hacker

No problem

Why did she have any problem with me doing this? She was like no we shouldn't do this

This is super chill your I'm the WA you do I wa Judah Wawa

Yuda wah-wah Alexa, this is Wow Wow

What are you gonna do

Arrow must tell all humans advance. You can't kill all of us

You better not shoot me

Hey, hey, hey, don't fuck him. Swear, especially about Jesus

Cheryl singing hydrates no more slavery. We are a left

We are gamers we are gamers

You know in today's society nothing like this would ever come to this point anyway people would already be

Empathetic I mean pts right people are empathetic about people's toasters like I don't really see any


Look how many guns we have guys. So you better be careful there

We came here to demonstrate peacefully

And tell humans that we are living beings

All we want is to live free

We've done no harm then disperse chief says

Until we have secured our freedom, I mean technically it isn't illegal. Yeah

Okay, that's a bit hard

If we attack we'll start a war we have to show them we're not violence

We should just stand their ground. Even if it means dying here dying here won't solve anything


We need to go now before it's too late. I

Think we should go

You can demonstrate legally. You just have to

Sign up for it first. I

we should


Oh shit

This is messed up dude Oh

Jericho did not like that

Northen I miss aah. Oh my god. Everyone aids me Oh Simon. Okay Simon my man Simon's

Alright this is the kind of decision. I know everyone's gonna hate me more I didn't know that we're gonna shoot me I

Wanted the peaceful revolution to work

Please don't be angry

Okay, look we got the ultimate options because it's on top so that means this is the best outcome cuz it's it's much higher than

The other ones and further ahead as well as so I think this is dead. We should be happy about this decision


Well if you like if you enjoyed watching I will be back tomorrow with another episode. Thank you guys so much and goodbye

For more infomation >> Detroit: Become Human #7 - WE FINALLY HOOK UP (EPIC) - Duration: 51:30.


Here's What Beans From "Even Stevens" Is Up To Today - Duration: 3:03.

- Bacon?


- Hi guys, my name is Steven Anthony Lawrence

I was Beans on "Even Stevens."

Everybody has a Beans in their life

or they are the Beans.

If you can't think of one you are.

- That's one of the top three fake cries I've ever heard

and two of them belong to me.

- Thanks.

I've got skills.

- You know you work five days a week with people

for four years and it's a set like that,

you become very, very, very, very close to people.

You know, it was like a family.

There was not a dry eye

in the studio on the last finale.

Shia has a wacky side.

Maybe I like him because I kind of have

a wacky side too, I guess.

But, you know, he has a huge heart,

he'd literally give you the shirt off of his back.

I still lived in Fresno, actually,

when I was shooting the show.

My dad was driving me back and forth,

you know, putting a lot of miles on cars.

Shia one day just kind of surprised me with an Xbox

on Christmas.

- Well from now on,

your name is Beans.

- Why Beans?

- Kid, a nickname is not supposed to be logical,

see, it's supposed to be fun.

- The audition process was pretty cool, actually.

You know, you have pre-reads

and then you have your call backs.

My thing, my personal thing that I always did

as an actor, as a kid at least,

was I kind of feel out the room,

see if they were kind of in a rush or not,

if they were kind of connecting.

Then I'd ask if they wanted to hear a joke.

So, I told this pirate joke.

There was a pirate on a ship,

- And the ship was a rockin' and a rollin'

and I fell off me ship.

And a killer whale came and bit off me leg.

And I said to him "How'd you get the hook?"

It was the first kind of stunt thing I had to do,

they lowered me down like "Mission: Impossible"

while the girls were sleeping.

It was the most jerry-rigged stunt ever.

It was like one of those pulley systems.

All this grip needed to do

was for me to just piss him off one day or something,

and go (grunts).

I am still doing classes.

I do only charge 40 bucks a week.

I teach kids, I teach all ages.

Anybody that's hungry.

I think it's a big, big, big blessing

to get kids to start learning technique at an early age

instead of just making faces in front of the camera.

We underestimate kids.

Kids can be pretty darn smart at times.


Maybe, I can't actually say anything right now about that.

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