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আমের পায়েস - আমের ক্ষীর - ঈদ স্পেশাল ডেজার্ট - Payesh Recipe - How To Make Mango Rice Payesh - Duration: 7:05.-------------------------------------------
How To Make Bacon Wrapped Grilled Cheese Sandwich - Blackstone Griddle Recipes - Duration: 6:48.what is up everybody this is Lila go hippie BBQ well we're gonna be cooking
today as a recipe that is so good that I only break it out like once a year we're
gonna be making some bacon-wrapped grilled cheese sandwiches we're gonna be
doing it on our black stone griddle and we're gonna be using kind of an Italian
theme with this come on in take a look while we're working with this
bacon-wrapped grilled cheese you can get as simple or as extravagant as you'd
like you could basically just throw some cheese in between two pieces of bread
wrap it and baking grill it off and you're good to go I'm gonna be going
with kind of an Italian theme on this so we're gonna be using some fresh basil
mozzarella cheese bacon then I have some artesian bread now I did this recipe in
a video a while back and I used some onions some basil tomatoes and a little
bit more complicated but with something like this I really think as simple as
you could be the better anyway these are our ingredients I'm gonna let this bacon
come to room temperature and the reason you want it to come to room temperature
is you want the bacon to be somewhat pliable so you can kind of stretch a
little bit if you need to around this bread so when this comes to room
temperature we'll get onto the next step and get cooking this bread toasted up a
little bit we're gonna start building this sandwich now part of the reason I
toasted this was a moist bread is gonna allow some of that well a lot more of
this bacon grease to soak into the bread so that toasting is going to kind of
keep that from happening so basically what we're going to do is we're just
going to go ahead and hit this with our cheese and this is gonna be a very
cheesy sandwich we need a lot of cheese to cut that bacon fat that's gonna be in
here so we got our cheese we got our basil
I'm gonna hit it again with some more cheese get our top on now we are going
to might be easier if I rotate this a little bit and we are going to start
wrapping this sandwich
so you have the one side done when I go ahead and lay some more bacon out we're
going to rotate the sandwich and get the other side or other strips laid out
we're going to place this right on top again and we're going to come back the
other direction
all right now that we have this flea wrapped in bacon let's get out to the
Blackstone and get this grilled up I'd like to apologize for all this noise in
the background so hopefully you can hear me
now one of the good things about doing this on a flattop griddle is that unlike
the last video I did a few years ago I did it in a skillet and sometimes that
bacon grease will have a have an opportunity to kind of pull and soak
back into your bread this should allow us to not have that same issue so let's
go ahead and get our grilled cheese sandwiches on
and we're gonna cook these on this side until they become crisp and then we're
going to flip them over and then we're going to get the edges as well gonna
flip this a couple times during the cook but I want to do my first flip once the
first once the bottom side to build a little bit of a crust to it what should
be about now
now keep in mind we're gonna sear these sides again but we're going to go ahead
and get these edges now we're just going to get it up on its side and don't worry
about any just baking this map to fold it all the way over we're gonna get to
that here in a little bit so let's go ahead and get this other side right
we're gonna go ahead and do all four sides we got all these sides crisp so
I'm gonna go ahead and take these off they're gonna continue to cook here for
just a little bit I'm gonna take them inside let it cool off a little bit and
we'll cut into it and see what we're working with
so let's get into this and see what we think now from an aesthetic standpoint I
did this probably three years ago and I added some red peppers onions and the
basil I think that aesthetically it looked a little bit better from the
inside just because there was some of that red pepper coming through but let's
just go ahead and see we think
here's my thoughts after doing this two times I think I will go with the more
vegetable version like I did in the previous one like I said I card above
take a look at that video you know hats of onions red peppers basil mozzarella
cheese but I did not toast the bread in that one and that's one thing that I've
learned over the course of doing three of these that that is definitely a good
rap to go so this bread is a little bit crisper on the inside than it was
another one so anyway if you do this recipe you know what take
that advice you can't go wrong on it either way that being said I'd like to
thank you guys for stopping my no hippie BBQ I appreciate it
try this out comment subscribe I'm out. Blackstone griddle recipes.
How to make a Paper Ninja Star Shuriken (5 Pointed) New Version - Origami - Duration: 3:02.Dear Origami Lover, Welcome to Ninja Star making instructions
You will need 5 pieces 20cm x 10cm paper
Please follow the tutorial step by step for making a best origami ninja star.
Make 5 unites same
HOW TO MAKE COCONUT YOGURT - Duration: 4:44.Hi and welcome to Steve's kitchen by the end of this recipe you're going to learn
how to make a delicious and thick super thick coconut yogurt and its rich and
full of probiotics. Now we've been doing a few good stomach recipes over the last
week we got that lovely sauerkraut, the german sauerkraut, the fermented cabbage,
which was really delicious and then we did the buttermilk as well last weekend.
Today we're taking it up a notch, something super delicious, strap yourself
in and learn with me how to make a delicious coconut yogurt. You'll see I've
got a variety of coconut milks and creams here and I've experimented with
them all so you don't have to. Now you'd have thought that a thick coconut cream
would work better than a coconut milk but I can tell you from my experimenting
the milk makes a nicer yogurt. It's just the right sort of texture, they both work
by the way. Now I've gone for a pure coconut milk by the way there's nothing
else in here, many of them do have emulsifiers and different additives in
it, doesn't matter they do all work. This particular brand that I found is perfect,
they are little Diddy tins but they're just the perfect size for me. Now whether
it comes in a can or a carton first thing you want to do. Let's give this a
good shake up, break up the fats, any solids that are in the top of the can
and then everything after this is pretty simple. Crack open the lid, pull that top
off and you'll see with the shake-up there are no solids on the top. Now we
take this coconut milk, now I've put the coconut milk into a glass jar just so
that you can see what I'm doing but a little tip here you could just do it
straight in the can it makes no difference. Now many of you will know the
cultures we use to make a dairy yogurt they grow naturally in milk but we don't
want to introduce these if we're going to go dairy free, so I've got some
probiotics, these are little capsules you can get in most chemists or supermarkets.
They're very simple, so simple little capsules, as you would find in any tablet
form. Take your little capsule give it a squeeze, a little twist and all those
little probiotics will come out. Just pour it on top of the coconut milk and
then just take a teaspoon and give this a good stir through. Now
these are the natural healthy probiotics that you find in the stomach and when
you put them into your coconut yogurt like this at room temperature they are
actually going to bloom. They're going to multiply, it's going to take a couple of
days for them to make a very thick yogurt. Now initially I'm going to leave
this for 24 hours, a little bit of muslin or cheesecloth over the top, just to keep
the dust out. In 24 hours time you're going to uncover your coconut yogurt and
what you're going to notice is there's often a little bit of coconut water at
the bottom and it will have started to thicken slightly. Not as thick as a
normal yogurt, although we're starting to get there, you can see but on the first
day what I like to do is just give this a stir through. Just to bring the coconut
water back into the milk. Cover it over and we're going to leave this at room
temperature for another day and by then it's going to be a lovely thick yogurt, a
little bit like a Greek yogurt. Now different temperatures around the house
will mean that this will take slightly varied times to actually finish but
don't worry it could be within one day or two days, it's certainly going to set.
Now by the second day, you just look how beautiful and thick this yogurt has set
and you can eat it just like this, I'll give it a try. My that is so delicious.
Now if you set that in the fridge for a little while it will set super firm like
a really dense Greek yogurt and I would serve this with some fresh fruits or as
I'm going to do now, I've got this wonderful homemade lemon curd, which is just a
great combination. Now just look at that, I think the combination of lemon curd
and coconut yogurt, you just can't beat it. Having said that I'd love to hear if
you've got a better combination but here goes, I'm going to tuck in and give this a
Wow that is heavenly, it is so, so good. I love it. Now the reason we made this with
the probiotics also was to keep it completely lactose free and it still
tastes really delicious, so if you're intolerant towards any milk products.
This is the yogurt for you, oh it's so good, I'm going in for a second helping
of this. Share the love, comments down below, let me know what you
think of it, if you do any yogurts or you make something with some beautiful
fruits in it, send me a picture across on social media. In the meantime have a
great week and I will see you for another episode of Steve's kitchen very
shortly. Chin! Chin!
ASMR | Oddly Satisfying Video | Tried a new tool to make an awesome crunchy asmr sound! - Duration: 3:27.ASMR | Oddly Satisfying Video | Tried a new tool to make awesome crunchy an asmr sound!
ASMR | Oddly Satisfying Video | Tried a new tool to make awesome crunchy an asmr sound!
[ENGSUB - V LIVE] 송윤형의 슬라임 - HOW TO MAKE SONG's Slime - Duration: 3:55.-------------------------------------------
How To Make A Button Clasp Friendship Bracelet - Duration: 3:35.To make this button class friendship bracelet, we're going to start with a 30 inch piece of leather cording.
This is round leather cording lace. It comes in a package like this and you can get it at the craft store.
The one we're using is 1.5 millimeters in diameter.
We also have some scissors, a ruler, and a little silver shank button.
And the first thing you want to do is you want to fold your cord in half.
The easiest way to do that is to line up your ends like that and
then your cord is perfectly folded in half.
We want to make a little loop at one end. The loops right there. And we're just going to tie a knot.
And what this knot is going to do is create a little loop at one end that's going to serve as part of our clasp.
And I want this knot to be about an inch and a half from the end.
I'm going to make it a little smaller than the loop I just made. There we go. And just pull that tight.
That's one end. And now to figure out where we want to put our little button clasp.
What we want to do is measure our bracelet. And we determined that we want our bracelet...
we want the finish length to be seven inches long.
That's just the right size for me.
So I'm going to measure to seven inches, then I'm going to add an inch and a quarter and
we'll show you why in a second.
So I'm going to go to eight and a quarter and
I'm going to hold on to the leather there and I'm going to slide my
on to that part of my cord. And you just need to slide on one side
of the cord. You can leave the other cord in just as it is.
So I want to make sure it got that in the right spot. So
that's going to eight and a quarter inches. And
now what I want to do is take the cord that I ran through that button and I'm going to fold it back on itself
like that.
So now you see I've got what looks like three cords. Really it's the two main cords and the one I just folded back.
I'm going to grab all three cords and I'm just gonna tie a simple knot. And
I think it's easier, instead of trying to feed all this stuff through your knot,
it's easier to use the loop end and just make a knot...like that.
Feed all three of those pieces through. It's just easier than than the one with the button on it.
And I want this knot to end up about the same distance from the end as this loop.
So I'm going to kind of loosely tie the knot.
Like that, and then I want to sort of check and see if those knots ended up about the same distance apart.
Actually, I'm going to move this one down just a tiny bit like that.
So now we've got our button clasp on one end, our loop at the other,
and we want to trim these little loose ends that we have here.
So I'm going to use my little scissors here. And I like leaving a little bit of a tail-just because it's kind of fun.
Be sure not to cut the wrong part of your bracelet. And
now to clasp my friendship bracelet, I just feed the loop over the button.
Like that. And we have a darling button clasp friendship bracelet.
5 Proven Tips To Make Money Selling Second Hand Clothes! (Cheap BIG Brands) - Duration: 7:06.hi everyone welcome to my channel today we are going to talk about how you can
shop and make money as well so when win right who doesn't love
shopping as well as making money I mean that's just like me summed up to a tee I
mean money and shopping yes please so today I'm going to talk about how you
can shop and also make money so to start it off is you need to know number one
you need to know your thrift stores this is all on secondhand shopping number one
is know your thrift stores now all thrift stores op shops and secondhand
stores have sales I know right it is just mind-blowing to think that these
places that are already dirt cheap have sales sometimes even have clearance
racks so get to know your store or your stores that you would like to go to or
you go to and find out what day's the sales are on you can even ask I mean
that's what I do I acts and what day the sales are on what's the best day to come
in for sales and when do they stock up the shelves with new stock and also some
of the stores have clearance racks so it's all about knowing when those
clearance racks come out and are updated I'm here in New Zealand it's Monday so
the beginning of the week depending on what store you go to will determine that
I mean a lot of the stores every day it's updated so it's just been concern
about number two and know what it is you're looking for so brands in
particular are key so know the brands that are selling well that are popular
um Tommy Hilfiger Levi's you don't always need to go to the extreme like
Gucci and Louis cuz they're not always available so you need to go for
something that is a bit more mainstream that is popular in New Zealand we've got
one teaspoon katsu be Camilla and mark Camilla those brands are really popular
and really hold their value so you need to make I'm do a bit of research go on
eBay and see what things are selling for and kind of know where your price ranges
number three is half the time so it is a carrier full-time job
yeah so you need to make sure that you have the time to go through things and
let you in the mood because that is key we all know what it's like to go
shopping and you're not in the mood to do it you're just like oh I can't be
bothered mother just wanna go and eat and then go
home and that's totally cool we all have days like that but just make sure that
you've got the time to actually sift through things and have a good look
because you want to make sure that you're going through each Rack will not
eat gosh some of these stores a huge and but like specialize in a specific area
is key so make sure you know it as you're looking for maybe one day you
might go in there go okay I'm gonna look for denim and these are the brands I'm
going to keep an eye out for and then you can sift through the racks pull out
what you find obviously make sure that they're at a reasonable price so you can
actually make a good return on them when you do sell them so number four is be
consistent now like I said in the previous one was op shops thrift stores
are always updating their wax and they'll always have clearances on
specific days so make sure that you're going in there on days that you know
will work for you being consistent is key because obviously the brands that
you're going to be looking for are very likely in the brands that other people
are going to be looking for for themselves so you want to make sure that
you are in there and on top and on the ball so you can pick up those items when
they come available and number five is have fun have fun doing it don't just
look for things that you can sell look for things that you want as well so
that's what I do I'll go shopping and I will find things that I love and I like
this so as you would have seen in my last video I actually picked this up
from the thrift store for like $30 these retail for 350 dollars so I look at it
like I love this I'm gonna keep it but if I don't love it anymore
I know I can sell it and probably make more money than what I bought it for
which I've actually done that with quite a lot of my items so I kind of like I'll
buy things I'll wear them I love them and then once I've kind of fallen out of
love with a moister wear them as much or get as much use from them
I will then resell them so once you've got these top fives altogether you can
start selling so I use a variety of platforms to sell my secondhand clothing
and eBay in New Zealand we've got trade me and
design a wardrobe which I love designer wardrobe specializes in specific in
designer brands obvious obviously that's such a huge variety of items that you
can sell but I mean I've I make I can double my
money more I do double my money actually most times and
what happens is that is a filter that map right around and it actually just
pays for the things that I keep so I end up going out and having a great day
shopping tick love a good shop and I find things that I can sell chuck them
online I sell them I actually make money which will then either cover the cost of
the things that I've kept or gives me more money to do more shopping which I
think it's like a total win-win I know if you guys like me I love shopping love
it I mean I could do it like full-time I mean it's just what I do it's what I
love love fashion I love accessories I love all that kind of stuff so if I can
pick things up at a really good price then that means the things that I've
made can't like I can't find at secondhand stores I can buy them because
I've made money from things that I have sold at secondhand stores and it's
something I love to do and as you saw jump on my other video if you haven't
seen it and it shows you what I picked up and that was just in one day that was
in one day and maybe spent maybe like three hours going around for different
four or five different options on K Road in Auckland and that's what I found in
one day so I will be making sure to upload to you guys what it is I find and
I'll also update you on what it is I sell these items for the profit I make
and teach you guys how to do it as well because at the end of the day who
doesn't love shopping and if you can find things for yourself and you can
also find things to sell and fund the habit which is what I do why not
it's just Oh anyways guys thank you so much for watching my video if you have
any questions at all just chuck them down in the comments also I would
absolutely love to see you guys on board please subscribe and flip give me a like
if you've got the time it would be so wonderful I'll be uploading more videos
like this on how to shop and make money along with the things that I do find I
also will be doing some unboxing and reviews of my of
other items I do like to do a little bit of a splurge every now and again look at
it like if I'm saving all this money buying my clothes and I deserve to treat
myself every now and again and I will be uploading all those videos as well
anyways guys I hope you have a great day or night or whatever it is where you
guys are but yeah like I said please subscribe hit Mia like any questions
that all give me a comment I'll get back to you as soon as possible and and
thanks for viewing my video
How To Make Spaghetti alla Puttanesca | Okuyasu / Tonio | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure | Anime Recipes - Duration: 4:04.Hello and welcome back to my channel!
In this video, I'll be making Spaghetti alla Puttanesca
as shown in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable.
This is an easy to make Italian dish that has two main versions,
one with anchovies and one without.
In the anime, they use anchovies.
In this video, I won't be using them but feel free to add them to this recipe if you'd like.
Let's get started.
I hope you like this video.
If you want to see more recipes from me click that subscribe button
and hit the bell to get notified.
What would you like to see next?
Let me know in the comments below.
Thanks for watching!
Cara membuat cireng - Cireng Bandung (How to make tapioca fritters) - Duration: 4:20.Cireng ''Gres''
2 tbs tapioca starch
chicken powder
pepper powder
garlic paste
stir well to avoid any lumps
cook in a low heat
cook until thick and clear
tapioca flour
chicken powder
mix well
add in hot porridge into tapioca mixture
miw to combine
until it's cooling down, use hand to mix the dough
please give a taste
form as desire
fry in a medium heat
fry for about 2-3 minutes on both sides
turn to avoid burned
set aside
serve hot with any favorite sauce
Crunchy in the outside and chewy in the inside
Beads - How to make keychains: chameleon 1 (tắc kè) - Duration: 18:43.-------------------------------------------
how to make a paper rose origami | juliet paper rose - Duration: 7:52.subscribe now
How To Do Towel Animals | Step By Step Towel Folding Guides - Duration: 4:10.
Fold the towel horizontally towards the center.
Make sure to Stop folding when both ends meet at the middle part
How To Make Cool Branding Logos On Android | Logo Editing Tutorial - Duration: 3:32.
How to Create Youtube Channel With Full Settings (2018) - Duration: 14:01.Never Forget To Like Our Video
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