Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 7, 2017

Youtube daily up Jul 1 2017

gas grill set up for smoking how to use a gas grill as a smoker smoking with a gas barbecue grill

hi it's AlaskaGranny today I'm going to show you how to turn your gas grill into

a smoker the first thing you want to do is set up your gas barbecue grill so that it's ready

to be used as a smoker so you want to open the lid of course then you want to

remove the grate just set them aside and

then every barbecue is a little bit different this one has this kind of a

unit that's a heat distribution cover over the actual gas grill part so just

set that aside this barbecue has three burners that go side to side

some of them go front to back so depending on what your BBQ is what kind of gas grill the way

it's set up this will still work but pay attention to is it three burners this

way or three burners running this way when you want to set up your gas barbecue as a smoker now

we're going to configure the gas grill as a smoker we want to use indirect heat so

there are three burners we're only going to have one burner going while we smoke at one end and

the burner is going to be on the lowest temperature the very lowest setting that you can get

and then the meat will be cooked on the other side of the grill away from the heat source and

then in between you will put your wood smoker chips next to the heating element and then

you'll put your tray of water in the middle and then your grill rack will go

back on this side and that's the side that you will cook your meat and having

the water in there the water helps absorb some of the heat and it allows the

temperature of the gas grill to be kept down which is what the most important key problem when you want to smoke meat is

and it will make this gas grill smoker system be successful so the first thing I want to

do is put in my tray that's going to hold the water so this is the only

burner that's going to be lit and that's where the chips will go so the water

tray will go over here in the middle and this is the side where the meat will be smoked and cooked and

once again the water will help absorb some of the heat to keep it the temperature low enough

so that my meat will smoke without drying out or burning so I put my tray

there make sure it's a tray you don't care what happens to it fill it up with

water and now you're ready to place your chips and light your grill now I want to

light my barbecue gas grill so first make sure your tank is on then you want to just go

to the one side burner that you're going to use and light it then you want to turn it

down to the lowest setting that it'll go but that's not low enough so now you

want to go to your tank and you want to crank it down to just about off and then

crank it back a quarter of a turn so that you choke down the propane and

you're thus keeping the burner on as low as it can go and then you want to make

sure that you didn't choke it so low that the burner went off you want to

check and make sure that it's still with now I'm going to place my disposable

aluminum pan right into the burner that's on but to the lowest temperature

and that's going to hold my wood chips a disposable aluminum pan works way better

than say packets of foil because you can add and remove more chips you can remove

burned up chips and it's easy to move the wood chip tray around to set and discard without it

disintegrating or spilling and making a huge mess put it over your burner that's

just barely on and you can see how sturdy that is and then you just add

your chip then I can easily add more during the smoking process and all of

this is going to keep the heat from burning the meat now I'm going to place

my rack just on this side and this is the indirect heat and this is the only

place that I'm going to cook my meat so then the chips and the moisture will

keep the temperature low and put the smoke on the meat so that's just

delicious now I'm going to close the lid of the gas barbecue grill and wait about 15 minutes for it

to come up to temperature and then I'm going to have the perfect environment

for cooking a pork shoulder ribs or a brisket

please subscribe to the AlaskaGranny channel

For more infomation >> Gas Grill Set Up For Smoking - Duration: 4:51.


【APH North America Brothers】Wind-Up God【Hetaloid Cover + PV】 - Duration: 3:36.

It's all your fault, this catastrophe!

If a genius were to create a device, solving all humanity's problems

The world would be at peace. And then?

A state of boycotting the all-knowing, drawn by the aroma of that fruit

Completely taken in, by a mechanical god

Hey, look, look! A grand invention!

A new item to grant every wish

A competition of insatiable desire

A reality laid bare

A gathering crowd

"What? I never expected..."

Limply, a wind-up god, the fruit having been too sweet

The flood of wishes are honestly, wow, it's just so much

Holding me and crying, "I never expected..."

I'm not going to listen. It was inevitable

It's all your fault, this catastrophe!

Why was I... born?

You were born to be the hero of the world.


That's right! If everyone's wishes are granted, the world will be peaceful because everyone's happy.

Hero... Do you wish for that, too?

Of course! I believe that your strength calls for happiness.

Smeared in craving and desire, a miracle gotten by dragging oneself through filth

Disappearing, becoming transparent, making predictions, trying to reset, it's meaningless

Shift the blame to another, transmission, propagation, a coping method

A victimizing battle is naturally expected, its creator is me

Hey look, look! A great villain!

A defiler driving people mad with miracles

All out war caused by the public's state-of-mind, an anemic longing

A gathering crowd. "What, I never expected...?"

Limply, a wind-up god, the fruit having been too sweet

Through nothing is left, you still try to scoop some out to fill yourself. What do I want to do?

Hey, even if you say, "But I believed", you really don't, do you?

It's inevitable

―――Is it my fault...? This catastrophe

Seize the target. From this, it's a capture.

If I can do it again, that's what I'll do

Having become nonexistent, that's what I'll do

I know that I've become something like that

Surely even an empty world

has more value than the present

And yet it's dear to me

Limply, a wind-up god―Before the mechanical

becomes the world's sustenance in this way

Kill me

Only seeing more wonderful 3-D dreams, and yet, I cannot reach you

A wind-up god, the fruit having been to sweet

I can't take this any longer

Everyone, I pray that you stay healthy

Now, for the next point, this for the young boys,

Take your jokes and sweet drinks in moderation

Well then, goodbye. See you again someday...―――

Why are you a function that grants wishes?

Even without such power, and yet I still couldn't hurt you, either...

Will you listen to my selfishness from the beginning to the end...? Brother...

I didn't want to hear such a thing... brother.

For more infomation >> 【APH North America Brothers】Wind-Up God【Hetaloid Cover + PV】 - Duration: 3:36.


Police Ramp Up For Holiday Weekend - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Police Ramp Up For Holiday Weekend - Duration: 2:06.


Dave Kranzler - Anti-Gold Propaganda Flares Up - gold will $1300 much higher levels - Duration: 3:20.

Predictably, after the gold price has been pushed down in the paper market by the western

Central Banks – primarily the Federal Reserve – negative propaganda to outright fake news


The latest smear-job comes from London-based Capital Economics by way of

Some "analyst" – Simona Gambarini – with the job title, "commodity economist,"

reports that "gold's luck has run out" with the 25 basis point nudge in rates by

the Fed.

She further explains that her predicted two more rate hikes will cause even more money

to leave the gold market.

Hmmm…if Ms. Gambarini were a true economist, she would have conducted enough thorough research

of interest rates to know that every cycle in which the Fed raises the Funds rate is

accompanied by a rise in the price of gold.

This is because the market perceives the Fed to be "behind the curve" on rising inflation,

something to which several Fed heads have alluded.

In fact, the latest Fed rate hike, on balance, has lowered longer term interest rates, as

I detailed here: Has The Fed Really Raised Rates?

Furthermore, to which "gold market" is Ms. Gambarini referring?

There's the fractional paper gold markets of NYC and London and the physical importation

and bullion trading markets in the eastern hemisphere.

While she does indeed acknowledge the upswing in gold demand coming from India and China,

she downplays its significance.

Currently India and China are importing more physical gold than at the same time last year.

Several other smaller markets have been actively importing significantly more gold now than

at the same time last year (Turkey, for example).

Finally, Ms. Gambarini – unbelievably – states that "she sees less safe-haven demand supporting

the market as geopolitical concerns have started to disappear."

I don't even know how to respond to that idiotic assertion considering that Russian

and U.S. military jets are antagonistically engaged in the sky over the Middle East as

I write this.

Either Ms. Gambarini is tragically incompetent at her chose profession or she is purposely

propagating fake news.

If Ms. Gambarini was smart enough to do thorough research on the topic or was interested in

reporting the truth, she explain that, at least 80% of the time, the gold price rises

during Asian trading hours and falls during NYC/London hours, like today:

The mining stocks have been strong relative to the price of gold this week.

My bet is that this reflects the likelihood that the latest price-takedown of gold in

the paper market has run its course.

The dramatic drop in Comex paper gold open interest, as well as a drop in the net short

position of the Comex bullion banks and a drop in the net long position of the hedge

funds (per the COT report), reinforces the signal transmitted by the mining stock this


Any flinch from the Fed in its alleged desire to tighten its monetary policy, or if a "spark"

hits the growing geopolitical powder-keg in the Middle East, and gold will quickly shoot

over $1300 on its way to much higher levels.

For more infomation >> Dave Kranzler - Anti-Gold Propaganda Flares Up - gold will $1300 much higher levels - Duration: 3:20.


What is up with MCA? Watch this BEFORE joining Motor Club of America 2017 - Duration: 9:00.

hey YouTube my name is Sarah Gilmore and I am an MCA independent contractor I

used to teach for six years and I resigned after I had my beautiful baby

boy about close to two years ago I also have the privilege of being a stepmother

to a daughter she's seven years old and I have another baby on the way a little

girls due October 8th so I have my hands full but the reason why I wanted to

shoot this video was just to introduce myself let everybody know who I am and

what I do with Motor Club of America and just who I am as a sponsor now the

reason why I even joined Motor Club of America is because I wanted a real

company to work for that really paid and the enticing thing about MCA is that

they pay really good Commission and it allows me to work from home I needed a

way to work from home so I can continue to stay home with Conner it was really

my passion to be there for him and not have him raised by daycare so you know I

did some research looked into quite a few things and found mca and i have been

just extremely happy with my experience and with this company so far if you see

me looking down i'm just looking at my notes I just wanted to make sure

I don't miss any important point but I am I'm looking for people that want to

join my team that have been curious some Motor Club of America and maybe

they've looked into it some and then you know they haven't joined yet you know

they've had some questions but they want to find a way to work from home they have

financial goals they want to meet they want to travel they want to stay home

with their children and they need some free time whatever it is they goals they

may have I'm looking for people like that to join my team and what I can tell

you about Motor Club of America is that they actually provide a service to

people there are a lot of programs out there systems where you

join a system and then you have to refer others to it and then you get paid and

there's no real product even offered this has actually a real product that is

offered they offer roadside assistance to their members things like unlimited

towing up to 100 miles and battery jump fuel delivery lockout service if you

ever look for keys in the car they also offer you know they offer quite a few

things I'm just giving a general list they offer a benefits such as if you get if

you have an emergency you get injured you go to the ER then they will offer

you $500 that they will pay you for that ER visit if you get in an accident you

go to the hospital hundred fifty dollars per day they offer discounts on vision

prescription and dental just a wide variety of benefits and that's just a

generalist and I can give you more information as you go to my website but

this company they have been in business since 1926

so that shows you that they're good Cody because they've stuck around right and

they also have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau I know a lot of

people look to the BBB to see if a company is really legit now just because

they're not accredited with the BBB it doesn't mean that not legit but MCA

they've got an A+ rating so I think that really says something now the good thing

about MCA is when you become a member they offer their members a program i guess

you could say an opportunity to make some really good money each member has

the opportunity to refer other people to MCA's benefits and when those people

sign up for the benefits then MCA will pay two hundred percent commission guys

that is crazy 200 percent commission that is the best I've listened to a lot

of things it has the best I've ever seen by far you know it's just like any

other company there's quite a few companies out there that do

referral programs I guess you could call it t-mobile has one where if you sign

each customer you sign up they will pay you $50

you know DirecTV does the "oh bring in a customer" and we will pay you $50

you know mca again each customer they pay 200 percent commission which usually

ends up to be 80 to 90 dollars per referral so what you do is when you sign

up to be a member then and you start referring people to their company you

will get paid $80 to$ 90 per referral depending on the package that people sign up for

and then MCA will pay you direct deposit and they pay every Friday and there's no

limit on how many people you can refer guys you can refer 500 people in one

week I mean you can make really good money doing this so it's pretty awesome

they don't rely on um they don't spend billions of dollars on advertising they

rely on their their associates and their members to advertise for them so they're

able to pay us this type of money so it's pretty amazing so what do I do

exactly like how do I actually bring in referrals to people well or to their

company well what I do is I post ads on social media and when those ads generate

sales I get paid for it MCA pays me and that's it really guys I use social media

is such a great way to advertise because everybody's on it and there's so many

different ways you can use it to advertise so something to really take

advantage of I mean how many of you already on social media already I mean

probably everybody so why not use that tool to start promoting their benefits

and their opportunity to start making some money now you may say I don't have

any friends you know I don't have a big friends list well I really don't either

I don't have a huge friend list but you will receive training when you sign up

with me on how to get people to come to you how to build your friend

list how to build leads so that you're not hunting people down knocking on

their door say, "hey you want to buy some benefits" or calling people up or you

know maybe you don't want to tell your family friends about this you don't even

have to you will have strangers coming to you asking you how do I sign up for

this okay so don't worry if you don't have a

big friends list on Facebook or wherever it is Instagram YouTube I mean just

whatever it is okay so if you do want to join then what you need to be is a u.s.

or Canadian citizen you need to be at least 18 years of age you need to

have a bank account because MCA pays by direct deposit into your bank account so

if you don't have one guys open one up it's pretty simple steps not that

difficult open up a bank account so why should you join me because I will not

abandon you you will join my group you will receive step-by-step training you

will learn what I have learned in order to be successful and you'll have that

support you will learn how to build a website or you can use another system

that I will show you so you have options and you will have training and you will

have my support and the support of others so if you are interested in this

opportunity if you have more questions please feel free to email me I will have

my link below in the description if you are ready to sign up I will have my link

below in the description you could follow me on Facebook I will have that

link below in the description as well guys I mean really don't miss out on

this opportunity because the sky is the limit you can take this business as far

as you want typical average associates they earn between five hundred to two thousand

dollars weekly and many even make more and these are weekly paychecks so take

advantage think of your financial goals and let's go for it, K let's get

started today hit me up

For more infomation >> What is up with MCA? Watch this BEFORE joining Motor Club of America 2017 - Duration: 9:00.


William and Kate Middleton Gear Up to Send George to School: Inside Their Parent Orientation. - Duration: 2:22.

Prince William and Kate Middleton Gear Up to Send Prince George to School: Inside Their

Parent Orientation

It feels like just yesterday we gathered around our televisions as Kate Middleton emerged

from the hospital with little Prince George bundled up in her arms and now he's off to


That's right, the 3 year old is set to begin preparatory school at Thomas's London Day

School in Battersea come September.

But before he slips on his backpack and whips out his box of crayons, News has learned George's

royal parents took time to meet the teachers, students and fellow parents that will join


We are told Kate and Prince William attended a reception and new parents orientation Wednesday

night for the approximate 60 new children that are expected to attend the school in

the fall.

They were spotted mingling with all the other new parents, putting their royal titles aside

for the evening as they took a keen interest in George's education.

"They were there just chatting with the other parents.

They seemed very sweet and normal," a source told us.

"George was there as well.

He met his new teacher."

In fact, the insider added, "The kids went into their new classrooms for an hour to meet

their new classmates and hear from their teachers.

During that time, the parents met the head of the school and were given a welcome talk

where they were told the exact specifics of the children's first day."

Meanwhile, we found out that George would be attending the school in March when Thomas's

Battersea released a statement expressing their joy that the royal family chose to send

the toddler their way.

"We are honored and delighted that Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

have chosen Thomas's Battersea for Prince George," said Headmaster Ben Thomas.

"We greatly look forward to welcoming him and all of our new pupils to the school in


But along with a warm welcome, the school will also come with a hefty price tag.

Prince William and Kate are expected to spend about $7,975 per term for George.

tell us your thoughts in comments below.

thanks for watching.

please like,subscribe and share my videos.

For more infomation >> William and Kate Middleton Gear Up to Send George to School: Inside Their Parent Orientation. - Duration: 2:22.


Company With Ties To UFO Cover up Gets Huge Antarctica Contract Why All The Defense Contractors An - Duration: 9:13.

Company With Ties To UFO Cover-up Gets Huge Antarctica Contract - Why All The Defense

Contractors And Mercenaries

- Clif High Web Bot Project Shows 'A Lot Of Weird Stuff Going On' Down There

By Stefan Stanford

According to this interesting new story from the Herald Review, studies that were completed

upon sedimentary rock in Antarctica have given us undeniable and conclusive evidence that

palm trees once grew there in that land long covered by ice as also heard in the 1st video


As the author of the Herald story asks, how is that possible when nothing other than primitive

vegetation grows there today?

As we hear in the 3rd and final video below featuring Clif High of the Web Bot project,

the data that he mines every day tells him that something very, very strange is going

on in Antarctica, and each day he's getting more and more indications that something huge

is ramping up down there.

Sharing with us evidence he's gotten through his internet word-monitoring project that,

beyond many visits made by the elite to Antarctica, including Newt Gingrich himself in February

of 2017 as seen in the Twitter screenshot below, he also sees a big ramping up of jobs

in Antarctica including highly elite globalist corporations, (one with long ties to the UFO

coverup!), and the numbers of military passes there indicate to him a major operation is

being prepared for.


Between large tracts of land in Australia and New Zealand being dedicated to something

new and still mysterious, he also tells us of the creations of new cargo routes from

the areas closest to the land of ice, where it is now winter.

High tells us he expects we may see something huge during the Antarctic spring while telling

us one of the biggest indicators of what might be happening there now are the huge number

of high tech companies becoming involved.

He also tells us that whatever it is, the American people may never hear anything about

it with the companies now involved.

According to the Professional Overseas Contractors website, a new company called LEIDOS recently

took over the massive Antarctic support contract formerly held by deep-state, military-industrial-complex

tied Lockheed Martin.

Their story interestingly mentions that nowhere on LEIDOS company history page did they mention

their parent company, a mega-giant for the 'deep state' called SAIC, the Scientific Applications

International Company.

And as High tells us in this video, SAIC has deep ties to the secrecy surrounding UFO's,

history that can be traced by those willing to investigate it including a slew of CEO's

from the military-industrial-complex including retired US Navy Admiral and CIA Deputy Director

Bobby Ray Inman, who's held several influential positions within the intelligence community,

including time at SAIC, and who has long been believed to be one of the 'UFO Gatekeepers'.

Interestingly we also learn that the reason SAIC created LEIDOS was that they were unable

to bid on certain government contracts as SAIC, but as LEIDOS they were able to bid

upon them.

Add in the fact that Lockheed Martin's Antarctica contract was supposed to run through 2025

but was 'conveniently' cut short, with LEIDOS taking over, and all kinds of questions arise

that need to be answered with the starter: What is REALLY going on down there?


According to Steve Quayle's book "Empire Beneath The Ice", the truth about history has been


In 'Empire Beneath' Quayle persuasively argues that most of what we have learned about World

War II and the defeat of Nazi Germany is wrong, and the truth is something not only sinister

but are at the root of some of the biggest secrets of our age.

Interestingly, Quayle's book aligns greatly with much that we're hearing from Clif High

now via his Web Bot project and High tells us he believes that what's happening down

there might somehow be UFO/alien related.

He also claims that with most jobs in the Antarctic being seasonal and short term, there's

a mathematical certainty that more and more information will be leaking out about what's

really going on down there that he'll be able to data mine through his project.

Might Steve Quayle's book have been way ahead of the truth?

These main points of his book are shared with us.:

Why the suppressed evidence proves Adolf Hitler didn�t die before Germany surrendered during

WWII, and how he eluded capture.

How Nazi SS members, scientists, and soldiers escaped with Hitler to create colonies in

other parts of the world to continue their monstrous research.

Why in 1947 Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned that the US should adopt measures to protect

against an invasion by hi-tech aircraft coming from the polar regions, adding, �The time

has ended when we were able to take refuge in our isolation and rely on the certainty

that the distances, the oceans, and the poles were a guarantee of safety.�

How, using advanced technology, Nazi saucers defeated the US military � long after WWII

was supposedly over.

Why the US space program was mostly a sham, and why the �UFOs� that started appearing

around the world in the late 1940s were (and still are) most likely flown by Nazi pilots.

How key government, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, financial leaders, and institutions helped

Hitler come into power, and facilitated the preservation of Nazi wealth and power after


Why today�s world is secretly controlled by a malevolent shadow government and entire

populations are being surreptitiously brainwashed.

How ancient stargates have been duplicated to open portals into spiritual and demonic


Why those controlling our planet have laid the groundwork for a takeover by a dictator

who could best be described as the Antichrist of the Bible.

Empire Beneath the Icecarefully documents these and many more astounding facts, divulging

the truth about what is happening today.

It gives you the insights to help prevent this diabolical takeover or, if it occurs,

reveals the details and essential actions you and your loved ones must take.

Empire Beneath the Ice exposes the dangers our world faces, and will arm you with the

tools you need to counter these unspeakable, secret evils.


While High makes sure to reaffirm that we still don't know exactly what's going on down

there, he claims that based on the few clues we do have that things are definitely ramping


The fact that LEIDOS/SAIC refocused a core science group on Antarctica, which did part

of their past work in 'reverse engineering', tells him that, while we're now living in

very exciting times, a major inflection point is ahead.

As he continues, with the old system dying and a new one being born, there are great

opportunities along with great risks.

In the 2nd video below our videographer talks with us about the massive military build-up

going on down in the Antarctic region including many defense contractors and mercenaries.

Also discussed in the eye-opening final video below featuring Clif High are Bitcoin and

other digital currencies and the potential for financial unrest ahead.

The conversation turns towards Antarctica at the 24 minute mark.

For those new to the Web Bot project, Cliff High's cutting edge technology is a set of

algorithms used to process variations in the language that can offer insight into the mood

of the collective unconscious through �predictive linguistics.�

For more infomation >> Company With Ties To UFO Cover up Gets Huge Antarctica Contract Why All The Defense Contractors An - Duration: 9:13.


4th Of July Security Steps Up - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> 4th Of July Security Steps Up - Duration: 2:24.


RIDOT Wraps Up $1.3M Construction Project - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> RIDOT Wraps Up $1.3M Construction Project - Duration: 0:43.


ROSETTE NEBULA MAKE UP #MarvellaContest2017 - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> ROSETTE NEBULA MAKE UP #MarvellaContest2017 - Duration: 4:38.


•Queen Victoria & Lord Melbourne | Light Me Up - Duration: 2:45.

They all think because I'm small that I'm still a child.

They've always underestimated me.

They expect me to fail.

They don't believe me capable of being Queen.

I think they're mistaken, Ma'am.

To me, Ma'am,

you are every inch a queen.


I wish to be called


I'm afraid.

I know, Ma'am,

but I also know how much courage you have.

Queen Victoria

At the beginning.

I thought that you were the father

I never had.

But now

I feel,

I know .

that you are the only companion I could ever desire

You once told me .

that when I gave my heart

I would give it without reservation.

Yes, I remember.

He's the only one who understands

I want to dance with you.

You dance so well

I wish I could dance with you every night

For more infomation >> •Queen Victoria & Lord Melbourne | Light Me Up - Duration: 2:45.


Goodwin Fire strikes during worst time for community up north - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Goodwin Fire strikes during worst time for community up north - Duration: 2:09.


Grow up ditt jävla mongo! - Duration: 8:39.

For more infomation >> Grow up ditt jävla mongo! - Duration: 8:39.


Video: 16 shelters team up to find cats new homes - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Video: 16 shelters team up to find cats new homes - Duration: 1:26.


Microsoft Education: Set up New Windows 10 Education Devices using the Windows Setup Experience (DA) - Duration: 2:12.


If network bandwidth is not a concern or

you don't have a lot of PCs, you can use the Windows 10 first run

setup experience to set up the student PCs.

This joins your devices to your Office 365 as your

active directory and

management services like Intune for education.

To set up student PCs individually,

use the Windows 10 creators update first run experience.

Note that you'll need a Wi-Fi network or ethernet

connection to join the student PCs to your school's Office 365,

and Azure active directory.

Select your region on the first screen

here to start the process.

Choose your keyboard layout, decide if you want to

add a second keyboard layout, continue with setup.

Here, select set up for an organization and click next.

Then sign in with your work or

school account using your user name for Office 365 or other

services from Microsoft, then enter that account's password.

It'll take a few seconds while Windows sets up your device.


Next, choose privacy settings for

the device based on your school's device policies,

noting that certain settings are turned on by default,

including location, diagnostics, relevant ads,

speech recognition, and tips and recommendations.


This last part of Windows setup may take a few minutes, so

if you have another device to set up,

now is a great time to start while Windows wraps up setup.


That's it.

Once setup is done, you'll see the Windows desktop and

you're ready to roll.


For more infomation >> Microsoft Education: Set up New Windows 10 Education Devices using the Windows Setup Experience (DA) - Duration: 2:12.


Seola Puts Her Hand Up Eunseo's Skirt And Pokes Her Right In The Butt - Duration: 1:07.

Seola Puts Her Hand Up Eunseo's Skirt And Pokes Her Right In The Butt

The events that led up to these shenanigans start with Eunseo bothering Luda with her sweet punches to her shoulder. Luda told Eunseo to put her hands out to receive her punishment and Eunseo decided to take responsibility for her actions.

Playful Luda decided to hit Eunseo's head instead of her hands and Eunseo was startled!.

Eunseo stood up to say something but Luda was one step ahead and poked her right in the belly!.

Eunseo was REALLY close to retaliating when suddenly… Seola sneak attacked Eunseo with an upskirt hand grab!.

Luda playfully looked at the two and gave a thumbs up to Seola's attack!.

Eunseo kept blushing over the sneak attack that she kept fanning herself!.

For more infomation >> Seola Puts Her Hand Up Eunseo's Skirt And Pokes Her Right In The Butt - Duration: 1:07.


VW Move Up TSI: o que melhorou na versão Connect 2018 | Avaliação Completa | Best Cars - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> VW Move Up TSI: o que melhorou na versão Connect 2018 | Avaliação Completa | Best Cars - Duration: 5:49.


Plan With Me | July 2017 Bullet Journal Set Up | bluelahe - Duration: 3:27.

Hello everyone. I'm Yu and today I'm making my July monthly spread

I have already done a rough sketch with a pencil and now I'm writing the header

I'm just doing a gradient using darker markers and I'm also adding highlights and shadows

I'm planning to do a dedicated video about headers in the future for those of you that are interested

So I won't talk much about it here

I'm currently using the Crayola supertip markers

But you can find all the others supplies I used in the description box

The theme for this month is red

So I'm just doing some flowers in a suitable palette

It may look a bit complex

But the flowers are actually really easy to draw the only hard thing is figuring out the composition

And this is the finished result. I hope you like it. Now let's move on on the calendar.

I already did the header to spare you the same process I used before

And now I'm just making the grid

I have just noticed that I forgot to write the numbers of the day

So I will have to do that off camera. Sorry

Now I'm just adding some flowers in the same style as the other ones

I have also added some mini habits trackers. Just like I did for last month

If you want to know how they work I have explained it in the plan with me video of June

but basically they are just the normal trackers

I will link it in the cards

This is how it looks completed

I still have to fill out the calendar so it feels a bit empty right now

anyway, now I'm doing the gratitude log

I started doing it again last month. And... you basically have to write two or three things you are grateful for

every day

And this can really make you feel happier

Thank you so much for watching this video. If you liked it you can subscribe to my channel by clicking on the round icon.

And see you next time, bye!

For more infomation >> Plan With Me | July 2017 Bullet Journal Set Up | bluelahe - Duration: 3:27.


What's Up for July 2017 - Duration: 2:47.

[ ♪ ]

What's Up for July?

Prep for the August solar eclipse

by observing the moon's phases.

Plus, catch 2 meteor showers.

Hello and welcome. I'm Jane Houston Jones from

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

Solar eclipses occur when the new moon passes

between Earth and the sun

and the moon casts a traveling shadow on Earth.

A total solar eclipse occurs when the new moon is

in the right position to exactly cover the sun's disk.

This will happen next month when the new moon will

completely block our view of the sun

along a narrow path from Oregon to South Carolina.

During August's total solar eclipse it may be dark enough

to see some of the brighter stars and a few planets!

Two weeks before or after a solar eclipse

there's often, but not always, a lunar eclipse.

But it's not necessarily a total lunar eclipse.

This will happen because the moon will be at opposition.

The full moon and Earth and the sun will be lined up

with Earth in the middle.

[ whoosh ]

We can see all the moon's phases beginning on July 1st,

when the first quarter moon rises at noon

and sets at midnight.

Even through binoculars you'll see craters

and some of the prominent mare or "seas."

Many of the Apollo landing sites are located on

the lit side of the first quarter moon.

To see the landing sites, though, you'll have to rely on

photographs taken by lunar orbiting spacecraft.

On July 9th the full moon rises at sunset and sets at dawn.

July 16 is the last quarter.

It rises at midnight and doesn't set until noon

allowing you to enjoy a nice moon view in the morning sky.

The new moon occurs July 23.

The new moon is the phase we'll look forward to in August

when it'll give us that total solar eclipse.

July will end with another first quarter moon phase on the 30th.

[ whoosh ]

Finally, we have two good meteor showers this month,

both peaking on the morning of July 30.

The southern Delta Aquarids have a maximum rate of

25 meteors per hour between midnight and dawn.

The nearby slow and bright Alpha Capricornids

peak at 5 per hour and often produce fireballs.

You can catch up on all of NASA's missions at

And learn all about the eclipse at

That's all for this month. I'm Jane Houston Jones.

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology

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