unlike his devout wife, William Avery rockefeller kept away from the church. he
was a traveling man a salesman who sold quite cures from a wagon out on the
western frontier people whispered about his Footloose
life they called him devil dill
bill Rockefeller admitted to one of his neighbors I do business deals with my
sons and I always try to cheat them to make them sharp now John Dee did not
always like those lessons in business but he absorbed them with devil bill
John Dee discovered the excitement of taking a big risk
the allure of cold cash line upon line as his earnings grew his ambition
quickened he borrowed $1,000 from devil bill with interest and plunged into the
risky business of commodity trading buying and selling meat and grain
he was just 18
only a year later the something big he was looking for him surfaced in the
backwoods of Pennsylvania oil news of the discovery Unleashed pandemonium as
thousands of speculators descended upon the region
overnight wildcatters stripped away whole forests and put up thousands of
rickety Derrick's hoping to strike black gold
as the oil gushed skyward fantastic stories appeared of instant fortunes
among the Cleveland businessmen lured to the region was john d rockefeller
he was no wildcatter he saw that drilling for oil was a very risky
refining not drilling he decided was where the steady money was to be made
soon a new rail line linked Cleveland with the oil region
Rockefeller built his refinery right beside it
it was one of the first in the city to produce kerosene the new fuel for lamps
that was cheap and clean
the poor man's light as John Dee called it would bring a brilliant glow into
American homes the soaring demand for it he was
convinced would make him rich
obsessed with the business of warden he mastered every detail developed new
products to sell by age 25 his refinery was one of the largest in the world it
was at that point that John Dee began to conceive of the oil industry as one big
interrelated mechanism and you couldn't just change one component you had to
control the entire machine in a move that would transform the American
economy Rockefeller set out to replace a world of independent oil met with a
giant company controlled by him in 1870 begging bankers for more loans he formed
Standard Oil of Ohio
the next year he quietly put what he called our plan his campaign to dominate
the volatile oil industry into devastating effect
Rockefeller knew that the refiner with the lowest transportation cost could
bring rivals to their needs
he entered into a secret alliance with the railroads called the South
improvement company
in exchange for large regular shipments Rockefeller and his allies secured
transport rates far lower than those of their bewildered competitors
Ida Tarbell the daughter of an oil man later remembered how men like her father
struggled to make sense of events
an uneasy rumor began running up and down the oil regions
she wrote freight rates were going up
moreover all members of the South improvement company a company on the
heard of until now were exempt
nobody waited to find out his neighbors of him on every lip there was but one
word and that was conspiracy
what it really represented was the face of Monopoly it immediately became clear
that the entire nature of the enterprise was going to change in ways that spelled
their doom the image that was always used was that of the Anaconda the
squeezing Python like grips of this economic snake that was just taking
individual entrepreneurs and just putting them out of business and
reducing them to kind of economic straight where they had no alternative
but to really to sell out to sell out to the principles in this conspiracy it was
a conspiracy really it was one of the first great economic conspiracies in
this country in an effort to thwart the scheme many independents refused to sell
crude oil to Rockefeller and his associates
undaunted Rockefeller used the threat of the South improvement company to
intimidate his rival refiners in Cleveland
his brother and business partner William characterized the plan as war or peace
sellout to Standard Oil or suffer the consequences
Rockefeller might create a shortage of the railroad tank cars that transported
he might go out and buy up all the barrels on the market so a competitor
would have no place to store his own or ship it
he would even buy up all the available chemicals that were necessary to refine
Rockefeller instructed standard oil men to communicate in code
the company was nicknamed club john d rockefeller was referred to as
chowder many of Rockefellers targets had no idea
that the local refiners who were slashing prices and acting like
competitors were actually part of Rockefellers growing empire in just two
months he had taken over 22 of the 26 cleveland refineries revealing the
single-minded drive that would make him both the wonder and the terror of
American business methodically secretly john d rockefeller was doing more than
transforming a single industry he was changing forever the way American
did business
the day of combination is here to stay he declared individualism has gone never
to return
by 1879 when Rockefellers for day he controls 90% of the oil refining in the
world within a few years he will control 90% of the marketing of oil and 1/3 of
all of the oil wells so this very young man controls with is not only a national
but an international monopoly in the commodity that is about to become the
most important strategic commodity in the world economy
well oil was very important to America oh it was important to America now of
course back then oil was such a major factor in the US economy and john d
rockefeller the the original rockefeller he began in a small way he began buying
up his competition he was a ruthless businessman he forced smaller
competitors out of business he grew bigger and bigger there were no
trusts he literally had a monopoly on oil until Teddy Roosevelt came around
and busted up Big Oil the Supreme Court of the United States dissolved the
Standard Oil Trust Teddy Roosevelt was president he was a Republican because a
trust buster so he broke up the AT&T monopolies broke up the Standard Oil
monopoly but when it ended up happening was that Standard Oil Trust was broken
into about 25 different companies by States he had Standard Oil of New York
which later merged with standard of Kentucky to form Mobil yes Standard Oil
New Jersey which merged with some other Standard Oil state companies to form
Exxon Standard Oil of California with Chevron became Chevron standard of Ohio
became so high oh and then was bought by British Petroleum sterols of Indiana was
Amoco so he had all these uh standard oil companies that that ended up being
state standard oil companies they merged with each other these 25 companies
eventually became really more powerful than ever because of that because there
was the you know the Rockefellers it was Rockefellers this decision by the
Supreme Court was actually an economic boom north of further expand is big oil
Empire John Dee soon found himself in need of big money and big bank that's
where and when the Morgans came in story of how the house of Morgan and house of
Rockefeller got together to forge one of history's unholiest alliances and the
Morgans and the Rockefellers uh you know we're both financed by Jacob Schiff Kuhn
Loeb and you know back in the 1800s the big push in the United States was this
westward expansion so what the London bankers really wanted was you know to
basically tap into the asked resources of the West and so they
financed the the Morgans and the railroads and the Harriman's were
involved with this - Debra Herrmann was was very powerful man the Vanderbilts
were involved with this Cornelius Vanderbilt but the morgan bank financed
it nothing can operate inside the United
States whether it be an industry in government or in politics without the
endorsement and the support of the major banking institutions the Rockefellers of
course went into banking as well and they of course had both an industrial
base they had their immense interest in the
oil sector and also in financial institutions and of course this gave
them a tremendous amount of power not only in terms of production but also in
regard to politics it is important to note Nazi Germany's war effort was
largely supported by two organizations one of which was called IG Farben IG
Farben produced 84% of Germany's explosives and even a zyklon-b used in
the concentration camps to kill millions one of the unspoken partners of IG
Farben was JD Rockefellers Standard Oil Company in America in fact the German
Air Force could not operate without a special additive patented by Rockefeller
Standard Oil the drastic bombing of London by Nazi Germany for example was
made possible by a twenty million dollar sale of fuel to IG Farben by the
Rockefellers Standard Oil Company this is just one small point on the topic of
how American business funded both sides of World War two
it was 1956 America stood at the pinnacle of its prestige and the
Rockefellers were the nation's first family not only of wealth but also of
power if there was an establishment in America
in the 50s it was these Rockefeller Brothers these young men have taken
their place as these absolutely unique members of a unique family they're in
some sense the very tip of this kind of a the American Century the American
experience this this optimism that bouys America in the post-war era they were in
many ways of the center of business life conservation life environmental life
political life they were in the middle of it that's exactly where they wanted
to be and they loved it Fortune magazine published a glowing
profile of his grandchildren each brother was said to be worth upwards of
100 million dollars but more important than their wealth fortune argued was the
vast social empire which the brothers commanded from their headquarters in
midtown Manhattan their influence reached into every sphere over the years
through the Rockefeller philanthropic enterprises charities support of science
their business enterprises a web had developed which spread out and was
interconnected with practically every center of power in our country and
abroad as well so this was the real strength and power of the family going
well beyond money alone sometimes they would joke about it they say well David
David gets Europe Nelson is going to have Latin America and you know John D
the third gets Asia then they make some joke about what
winter of God you know which would be something like Arkansas but nonetheless
there was something really behind the joke but going over American history and
I think this is very instructive you've been if different epochs in American
history America was pretty modest to it it wasn't much of a developed country
before the Savoy before the period following the Civil War we had the age
of the robber barons from 1865 to about 1901 America grew very very prosperous
the railroads came into being large corporations were formed this took place
over that period about thirty-six years the the progressive age succeeded it it
lasted until the 1920s the Roaring Twenties
followed that period roaring capitalism gross excess it came apart in 1929
we had the New Deal that succeeded that epoch and then Harry Truman's fair deal
and then Lyndon Johnson's Great Society and that ended in the mid to late 1970s
and ever since then we've had we've had the most extreme form of capitalism and
it's not just the oil patch the Rockefeller azaab they own you know they
control Honeywell they control Monsanto they control Quaker Oats they control
United Airlines American Airlines you know just on and on and on you know AT&T
they control just a vast swath of US industry and all the insurance companies
New York Life equitable these are all Rockefeller companies so they vary and
horizontally integrated across the US and global economy to a point that it's
really almost like Alice in Wonderland I mean people won't believe it until they
actually start researching it and then the facts are just right there so just
go ahead and research it everyone should it was 1973 when the Rockefellers
decided they needed their own State Department the foreign policy was too
important to be manipulated from behind this sink the formation of the
trilateral commission in the early 1970s badi David Rockefeller and he had a
tremendous amount of influence over the Trilateral Commission it was an effort
to create dialogue between wealthy elements within North America and
Western Europe and our Japan the Commission was founded by David
Rockefeller during this time he was also running the Council on Foreign Relations
another elite international organization the reason they call it trilateral is
because they were trying to integrate US policy with European policy with
Japanese policy those three entities well North America and I should say
because Canadians were also part of that so it's this globalist internationalist
attempt you know to basically create this new world order to basically create
this situation where national governments would no longer have power
the trilateral commission is attempting to create a one-world government other
groups such as the Bilderbergers have also been accused of pursuing similar
goals several u.s. politicians including Barry Goldwater also believed the
trilateral commission is an attempt to consolidate power and influence outside
of the traditional political structure ultimately with the goal of overpowering
governments yeah sort of how powerful they are I mean Paul Volcker was the
Federal Reserve Chairman in this country for many years and when he retired his
Federal Reserve Chairman he became the chairman of the Trilateral Commission if
you look at what's happened since then with you know for example NAFTA WTO all
these international trade agreements these international you know free trade
umbrella groups this is all an offshoot of the trilateral commission
as many of you already know the Rockefeller family is one of the
wealthiest families on the planet with independent estimates pointing upwards
of 11 trillion US dollars the Rockefellers have a proven history
of lying in order to conceal their true wealth they own the majority stake of
ExxonMobil which is the world's largest publicly traded oil company and the
world's largest company by revenue Exxon holds the record for highest profits of
any company ever
the Rockefellers also own JPMorgan Chase which is the largest banking institution
in America by deposits and market cap Jason turn operates the largest hedge
fund in America it was during David Rockefellers years as chairman of Chase
that he devised the plan to build the World Trade Center complex and with the
cooperation of former New York State Governor Nelson Rockefeller the
Rockefeller family commissioned the first designs for the World Trade Center
along with the World Trade Center the Rockefellers have been involved in
many large real estate projects such as one Chase Manhattan Plaza the Council of
the Americas the Museum of Modern Art Colonial Williamsburg the Lincoln Center
the Embarcadero in San Francisco and many more the Rockefeller family has
also been instrumental in creating and sharing various private and politically
motivated institutions including the Council on Foreign Relations
moving beyond the Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations the
Rockefellers are also heavily involved in the Bilderberg Group the Bilderberg
Group encompasses influential players in the fields of business media and
politics they meet in secret locations once every four years and discuss secret
David Rockefeller is the original u.s. founding member of the Bilderberg Group
a life member and member of the Bilderberg steering committee many have
identified them as the kingmakers the puppet masters that pull the strings
behind the scenes meet the Bilderberg Group this elite group meet annually
around the globe there is a core group of members who
have attended every year for decades such as David Rockefeller Henry
Kissinger and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands these members invite others
who are politically and socially relevant at the time each year around
140 people are in attendance ever since the Bilderberg Group first met the exact
purpose of the talks had never been fully explained the delegates meet in
secret for three days of discussions but nothing they talk about is ever revealed
afterwards for over half a century no agenda or discussion topics have become
public nor is any press covered allowed a few invited are sworn to secrecy
meeting procedures by Chatham House Rules
letting attendees freely express their views in a relaxed atmosphere knowing
nothing set will he quit or revealed to the public Arkansas governor Bill
Clinton for example who attended in 1991 there David Rockefeller told him why the
North American Free Trade Agreement was a Bilderberg priority and that a group
needed him to support it the next year Clinton was elected president and in
January the 1st of 1994 NAFTA took effect numerous other examples are
similar including who gets chosen for powerful government military in other
key-positions documents released by the group in 2001 revealed that in September
of 1955 the group met in Germany and covertly outlined the idea of a European
Union section II European unity discusses the general support for
European integration and unification and the idea to unify Germany once again
with the rest of Europe under a common marketplace ought to be set itself up as
a group that is telling governments what they should
do individuals within the group could and I'm sure in many cases did express
their own views and those views might have been influenced by the talks at
Bilderberg but they were expressed as individual views by the person not the
views as a cup of Bilderberg I think the important thing was to get private
citizens coming from different walks of life in the private sector to meet with
people from from public responsibility to discuss issues of mutual interest and
concern in the world the other bird members include David Rockefeller jr.
Jay Rockefeller is a big nav Brzezinski Hillary Clinton Bill Clinton Tom Daschle
Chris Dodd John Edwards Tony Blair Bill and Melinda Gates David Gergen Chuck
Hagel John Heinz Vernon Jordan Henry Kissinger Dan Quayle George Pataki
current Treasury secretary Hank Paulson : Powell Condoleezza Rice Bill
Richardson Paul Wolfowitz and many more the list while incomplete represents the
greatest amount of economic and political power ever concentrated in one
single organization America and European countries and and I'm afraid too many
others have the best democracies that money can buy the powerful interests the
powerful business interests get whatever they want because they buy the
politicians sometimes they become politicians and then they recycle back
in the business there is an unholy alliance between business big business
and big government it's true in America it's true in Europe it's true in many
other countries it really is an unholy alliance and you combine these forces
one hand feeds the other and they harm so many people and what they do that's
the way the system works is it certainly is the way America works
politicians corrupt politicians embed wood corrupt CEOs and they literally
steal what they want they benefit each other they harm the world
the politicians wage wars so that these ugly people the corporatist can make
money they like a zero growth society that one's a little bit obscure it's
hard to know what they mean by that but they say without prosperity or progress
only great greater wealth and power for them at the expense of everybody else I
think a good way of explaining it is to explain what's going on now there's no
growth going on in most Western countries growth is actually declining
in major ones Britain Germany France Italy Spain Greece Portugal Ireland but
the bankers are having a party how can the bankers make money when the
economies are declining because the central banks that they either own or
control print all the money that they asked for and what do they do with this
money they use it to make more of it they speculate with it they steal they
stuff their pockets they pay themselves big salaries and bonuses so they
benefit just fine thank you very much ordinary people are harmed poverty is
undercut of control unemployment is out of control
homelessness hunger deprivation at record levels in America and yet the
bankers a supremely rich this stocks doing very very well their profits their
bonuses extremely high in economies that are very weak this is a perfect world
for the Bilderberger they believe in perpetual imbalance they want to have
artificially created crises around the world that will further increase their
wealth they also believe in manufactured crises and permanent wars because wars
are profitable and the more than a fort the wealthier they get they want
absolute control of Education to program the public mind to train those chosen
for various roles and to train others to be compliant they want centralized
control of education they want us all be learning their propaganda one size fits
all the size they determine the size they want the size that benefits them at
the expense of everybody else they want centralized control of foreign and
domestic policies they want the United Nations to become the world government
they want the United Nations taxes they want the UN to act as a de facto world
government imposing a UN tax on everybody in the world they want
expanded trading blocks such as NAFTA and the European Union to reduce the
importance of individual countries and of individuals to have control over
their destiny they want global trade policies one rules that they make that
benefit them and again that homme everybody else a global WTO World Trade
Organization again they make the rules nobody else does they want to expand
NATO and other regional military forces again to weaken the power of individual
countries they want NATO to be a global world in Forza Challenge some and naval
and NATO will ravage your country murder your children enslave you destroy your
country to turn it to rubble that's the role they want NATO to play that's the
perfect Bilderberg world they make the rules everything goes the way they want
anybody dissented kill them that's the Bilderberg world
you'd be specific about when you met Rockefeller how it happened in these
discussions I met Rockefeller to a female attorney I
knew who called me up one day and said one of the Rockefellers like to meet you
I made a video called mad as hell and he'd seen the video and wanted to meet
me and knew I was running for governor Nevada so should love to meet them and I
met him and I liked them and he was a very very smart man and we should talk
and share ideas and thoughts and he's the one who told me 11 months before
9/11 ever happened that there was going to be an event never told what the event
was going to be but there was gonna be an event and out of that event we were
going to invade Afghanistan it's a run pipelines from the Caspian Sea we were
gonna invade Iraq you know to take over the oil fields establish a base in the
Middle East and make it all part of the New World Order now we go after Chavez
in Venezuela and sure enough later 9/11 happened and I remember he was telling
me how how are you gonna see so just looking in caves for people in
Afghanistan and Pakistan and all these places and it's and there's gonna be
this war on terror which is no real enemy and the whole thing is a giant
hoax you know but it's a way for the government to take over the American
people he told you was gonna be a host oh yeah oh yeah there's no question
she's the this war terror and he was laughing
9/11 was done by people and our own government and our own banking system to
perpetuate the fear of the American people and to subordinating themselves
that anything the government wants them to do that's what it's about and to
create this war endless war on terror this was 11 months
before 9/11 you know and Nick Rockefeller he's a lawyer he is he's
become her friend over the previous years and he's saying to you that was
gonna be the big event and then out of that we have a
war on terror and it's just gonna go on and on right and endless want it with
that of that any real enemy but you can never so you can never define a winner
and did he say that it's gonna be perfect cause you can't you can't define
a winner there's no one who is going to beat so goes on and on forever and they
can do whatever they want they scare the hell out of the American public look
this whole war on terror is a fraud it's a farce it's very difficult to say it
out loud because people are intimidated against saying it as if you say it they
want to make you into a nutcase the ultimate goal that these people have in
mind is the goal to create a one-world
government run by the banking industry run by the bankers we're and then
they're doing it in sections the the European currency of the euro and the
European Constitution is one part of it now they're trying to do in America with
the North American Union right and they want to create a new currency called the
Amero right and the whole of the whole agenda is to create a one-world
government where everybody has an hour an RFID chip implanted in them all money
is to be in those chips all right there'll be no more cash and
this is giving me straight from rockefeller ourselves they want to
accomplish and all money will be in your chips and so any so in that instead of
having cash anytime you have money in you and you're in your chip they can
take out whatever they want to take out whenever they want to if they say you
always this much money in taxes they just deduct it out of your chip
digitally total control total control and if you like me or you and you're
protesting what they're doing they can just turn off your chip so he's trying
to stay one step ahead with an idea to implant our brains with computer chips
the first human to be infected computer virus he is a real-life
Cyberman the mind control works through a device implanted directly into the
motor cortex the part of the brain that governs voluntary movement electrodes
pick up pulses within the millions of neurons and send them to a computer the
stunning dexterity a monkey reaches out to grab and turn a handle with a robotic
arm controlled not by its hands but directly by its brain the reward for
each turn of a handle a drink of water
no study or government will ever abdicate us from our individual
responsibilities uphold the principles that maintain our free society do our
own individual actions a columnist sparking outrage saying that it should
be illegal to be a stay-at-home mom Sara Leigh Marquand writes for The Daily
Telegraph in Australia and says quote rather than wail about the supposed
liberation and a woman's right to choose to SH unpaid employment we should make
it a legal requirement that all parents of children a school age or older are
gainfully employed so it would it be great if it is illegal and women have to
return to work why would you want the state to make that kind of decision
force us to to you know become whatever the state wants and they would raise our
children some of us have values and principles that we want to infuse in our
children we don't want the state or strange I understand give them freedom
this is America yeah what you do and where you go on the Internet is about to
become even less private then Trump is expected to sign a bill that would allow
Internet companies to sell your online browsing data this is a bad step down it
down a dark path which allows your online information to be stored and sold
by broadband Internet service providers like AT&T Comcast and Verizon without
your consent some of the information internet service provider sites are
collecting from you your browsing history online shopping habits
even apps and GPS history on your cell phone can now be up the sale what's so
upsetting about this is there isn't a whole lot that consumers can do it's all
there from your google searches to video chats and even to smart products that
connect to the internet I'm a simple question what the heck are you thinking
what is in your mind why would you want to give out any of your personal
information to a faceless corporation for the sole purpose of them selling it
give me one good reason why Comcast should know what my mother's medical
problems are you know how they'd know because when I went to the doctor with
her and they told me what it was I had no clue what they were talking about I
came home and I searched it on the net and I searched the drugs that she was
taking the same with my children just last week I bought underwear on the
Internet why should you know what size I take or
the color or any of that information we're just afraid that it's ISPs are
gonna turn the creepiness up to 11 my phone number my social security number
my credit card number my passwords everything is mine and yet you just want
to give it away companies like Google and Facebook already save and sell user
information we're talking medical information we're talking passwords
we're talking financial information we're talking college applications there
is nothing in today's society that everyone of us doesn't do every day on
the Internet and yet Comcast is gonna get it you can always opt out by
contacting the internet service provider and saying you don't want your data to
be sold but we should know there is currently no
law requiring ISPs to allow you to opt out the decision is up to each
individual company and scull these businesses know your digital footprint
is worth billions of dollars to marketing and ad agencies decades
researchers have worked to create a better and more direct connection
between a human brain and a computer those advances have been notable but now
the work is yielding groundbreaking results but there are still a lot of
questions and concerns about connecting brains to computers it's a debate the
Stanford team embraces
do you want to know what it is
if this drug was in fact for the AIDS virus sent parents a letter warning them
to make sure their children are vaccinated immunization for our children
admits the group takes money from the vaccine industry to have Radio Frequency
Identification ships placed inside their hands
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