Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 7, 2017

Youtube daily don Jul 1 2017

Know ye (all), that the life of this world is but play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting and multiplying, (in rivalry) among yourselves, riches and children

Here is a similitude; how rain and the growth which it brings forth, delight (the hearts of) the tillers; soon it withers; thou wilt see it grow yellow; then it becomes dry and crumbles away

But in the Hereafter is a Penalty severe (for the devotees of wrong). And Forgiveness from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure (for the devotees of Allah)

And what is the life of this world, but goods and chattels of deception?

Be ye foremost (in seeking) Forgiveness from your Lord, and a Garden (of Bliss), the width whereof is as the width of heaven and earth, prepared for those who believe in Allah and His Messengers

that is the Grace of Allah, which He bestows on whom He pleases: and Allah is the Lord of Grace abounding

No misfortune can happen on earth or in your souls but is recorded in a decree before We bring it into existence

that is truly easy for Allah

In order that ye may not despair over matters that pass you by, nor exult over favours bestowed upon you. For Allah loveth not any vainglorious boaster

Such persons as are covetous and commend covetousness to men, and if any turn back (from Allah's Way), verily Allah is free of all needs, worthy of all praise

We sent aforetime Our Messengers with Clear Signs and sent down with them the Book and the Balance (of Right and Wrong), that men may stand forth in justice; and We sent down Iron, in which is (material for) mighty war, as well as many benefits for mankind,

and We sent down Iron, in which is (material for) mighty war, as well as many benefits for mankind, that Allah may test who it is that will help, unseen, Him and His Messengers: for Allah is Full of Strength, Exalted in Might (and able to enforce His Will)

And We sent Nuh and Ibrahim, and established in their line Prophethood and Revelation: and some of them were on right guidance, but many of them became rebellious transgressors

Then, in their wake, We followed them up with (others of) Our Messengers: We sent after them 'Isa the son of Maryam, and bestowed on him the Gospel; and We ordained in the hearts of those who followed him Compassion and Mercy

and We ordained in the hearts of those who followed him Compassion and Mercy

but the Monasticism which they invented for themselves, We did not prescribe for them: (We commanded) only the seeking for the Good Pleasure of Allah

but the Monasticism which they invented for themselves, We did not prescribe for them: (We commanded) only the seeking for the Good Pleasure of Allah; but that they did not foster as they should have done

Yet We bestowed, on those among them who believed, their (due) reward, but many of them are rebellious transgressors

O ye that believe! Fear Allah, and believe in His Messenger, and He will bestow on you a double portion of His Mercy: He will provide for you a Light

and He will bestow on you a double portion of His Mercy: He will provide for you a Light by which ye shall walk (straight in your path), and He will forgive you (your past)

for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful

That the People of the Book may know that they have no power whatever over the Grace of Allah, that (His) Grace is (entirely) in His Hand

that (His) Grace is (entirely) in His Hand, to bestow it on whomsoever He wills. For Allah is the Lord of Grace abounding

Allah is Greatest

Translated by Green Soul Channel

For more infomation >> Amazing Reading and powerful Words with English subtitle (Don't forget to turn it on) - Duration: 5:32.


Jin saying "I don't give a shit, I don't give a fuck" in BTS Festa - Duration: 0:06.

I don't give a sheet (shit)

I don't give a fuk (fuck)

For more infomation >> Jin saying "I don't give a shit, I don't give a fuck" in BTS Festa - Duration: 0:06.


Don't Matter Now - George Ezra (Acoustic Cover Version) - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Don't Matter Now - George Ezra (Acoustic Cover Version) - Duration: 2:01.


Job Interviews in English: Three Dos and Don'ts of Tell Me About Yourself - Duration: 7:57.

Hi, I'm Annemarie with Speak Confident English and welcome to your Confident English Wednesday


This week we are focused on one of the most popular topics on the Speak Confident English


It's also one of the most common questions I receive by email or from my students, especially

those who are looking for a new job, trying to advance their career, and use English.

So today we are focused on: Tell Me About Yourself.

We're getting very specific on just this one question because it's the most common question

in a job interview and maybe even the most important.

Both native and non-native English speakers search all over the Internet to find out how

to best answer this question and there are some fantastic examples and resources online.

But today I want to focus on one specific thing: 3 dos and don'ts of how to answer this


Today's lesson actually comes from my own experience.

Yes, I've interviewed for jobs before in my life but I've also been an interviewer many,

many times.

And in that experience, I've seen some really wonderful interviews and some not so impressive.

I don't want you to be in that second group, so I'm going to share with you exactly what

impressed me as an interviewer, what helped make someone memorable, and what is important

for you when you interview for your next job in English.

Now very quickly, before we get to the lesson I do want to let you know that I have a super

special download for you today.

It's a step-by-step workbook that will help you think about how to best create your unique

answer to this question.

We'll talk a little bit more about the workbook as we go through the lesson.

But after you watch this video, make sure that you visit the online lesson so that you

can download the workbook and prepare, practice, and perfect your answer to Tell Me About Yourself.

So the first don't in today's lesson is: in this question, don't tell your life story.

Yes, the interviewer is asking you to tell her or him about yourself but they don't want

to you know where you grew up or all of the travels you've taken in your life.

They don't want to know about all your time at university studying.

They want to know one thing: are you the right person for the job.

And they want to get an immediate idea about whether or not you are.

So this question helps them understand that immediately if you answer it correctly.

Now that doesn't mean there's a right or a wrong answer.

But it does mean there is a correct way or method to answering it.

The key is to think about this specific job that you are interviewing for.

And then thinking about your entire experience, your work experience, your accomplishments,

the skills that you've gained and choosing the things that are most specific that relate

directly to this job so that you can show you are the right person, that you have the

right qualifications, expertise, strengths to perform well and be the best person for

this job.

Now if you've never talked about your accomplishments, your strengths and that feels uncomfortable,

maybe it's not something that's common in your culture, that is okay.

I know it feels strange and awkward at the beginning but that is exactly why I created

this workbook for you.

To help begin the process of brainstorming and thinking about what should you say, what

could you say?

What is part of your background, your expertise that could be important to highlight in this


Don't number two: don't repeat your resume word-for-word.

Honestly, this just isn't impressive.

Your interviewer will most likely have a copy of your resume directly in front of them and

they've probably read a little bit of it, so they don't need you to repeat everything

to them.

Again, remember, the key of this question is are you the right person for the job.

So everything you say in the response to this question should be those skills, those areas

of expertise that will make you the right person for the job.

They should directly connect to that position.

Think of it as an opportunity to highlight the most important things about you and what

you want the interviewer to know the most so that he or she can make the right decision.

This is only the first question.

There will be many more questions in the interview where you will have the opportunity to expand

your answers.

But here you want to give an overview and highlight the key points.

Now in the online lesson, I have given you some good and bad examples so that you can

what I'm talking about when you answer this question.

And I've give you several more examples in that step-by-step workbook.

And don't number three: don't speak for too long.

Again, this is only your first question.

You're just getting started with the interview.

Your answer to this question should be about 2 to 3 minutes long, no longer.

This is your introduction, so you want it to be brief, you want it to be clear, and

you want it to be succinct.

If you know me, you know that I love that word succinct.

It means saying everything you need to say and nothing more.

Now the only way to make sure that you answer this question in the best way possible is

to prepare.

Yes, prepare before you go to the job interview.

Know what you want to say.

Practice it.

Say it out loud.

Time yourself to make sure that it's not too short (30 seconds is too short) but of course,

you don't want it to be too long either.

You want it to be just right and you want to sound natural and free and easy you communicate

in English.

The best way to do that is to practice with it, get comfortable with those words and the

language and what you're going to say.

So after you watch this video, after you download the step-by-step workbook to help you create

your answer, feel free to share it with me.

You can do that in the comments section just below this video.

You can also read comments from others to see their examples.

And I do read and provide feedback on all of them.

It's a great opportunity for you to begin that first step of preparing and practicing

so that you have your perfect answer to Tell Me About Yourself.

And with that, have a fantastic week.

Thank you so much for joining me.

And I'll see you next week for your Confident English Wednesday lesson.

For more infomation >> Job Interviews in English: Three Dos and Don'ts of Tell Me About Yourself - Duration: 7:57.


Don't Cross that River | 님아, 그 강을 건너지 마오 [Gag Concert / 2017.07.01] - Duration: 4:01.

(Don't Cross That River)


Now that I've been released from prison,

I'm going to live as a good person.

I'm sure my mom would love it

if I got her a necklace.

Anyone here?

Nobody here?

No! I have to be a good person!

But is nobody here?

Is someone here?

Ma'am, you're here!

What a relief! What took you so long?

- Gosh, Mr. Kim Cheolsu! / - Pardon?

You're here for your diamond ring.

Here you go.

No! I have to be a good person!

Ma'am, I am not Kim Cheolsu.

Gosh, you're not Kim Cheolsu.

I have bad eyes

so I can't tell who's who.

You can't see well?

- Dear. / - Your husband is here!

What a relief!

You could've been robbed if you were late...

I mean... Not that.

We have a customer.


Are these all the necklaces you have?

We have more.

Go inside and get more necklaces.


Where are the necklaces again?

Let's go together.

Don't go! Don't go!

Don't leave me here alone!

I'm fine, I'm fine.

Just don't leave me behind.

What if a thief comes?

Oh, it's okay.

If a thief comes here,

the security company will come right away.

Oh, what a relief!

It takes them 3 minutes and 30 seconds to get here.

We can't stop anyone from cleaning us out

during that time.

Ma'am, why are you telling me things like that?

Please don't say things like that!

What a relief. You have a security camera.

What's the point?

From there to there is the blind spot.

The blind spot!

If you went through that air vent,

you could clean out the jeweler next door

and the one next door to him.

Don't say things like that, sir!

This is a secret.

It's too late for it to be a secret.

The bigger secret is that thing's fake.

It doesn't film anything.

Use some money, you old fool!

He wanted to save some money so...

This thing.

He pulled out the phone line

so we can't even call the police.

And look at this.


The emergency bell never goes off

since you unplugged it.

- What else? / - That's enough!

No more!

What if you really get robbed?

We got totally cleaned out last time.

See? What if you get robbed again?

He must take us for fools.

The real expensive stuff...

Is in here.

Bet you never thought to look there.

But now I know!

Turn this back!

- How does this work? / - Ma'am!

I'm here on patrol.

Who are you?

What's your deal?

- He's a customer. / - Yes...

Gosh, it's nice to meet you.

Please come here often.

I don't think I should come here often.

You look like such a good person.

Ma'am, is anything new?

Oh, nothing...

Right. Did you catch that thief from before?

We lost him.

The subway station is right outside the back door

so it's easy to escape.

Impossible to catch.

Why would you turn to me and say that?

Lock the back door.

Ma'am, did you fix the window

the thief used to break in?

Sure, we got a strong one.

Gosh, it does look sturdy.

But it looks like if you

sawed at this middle bar,

it'll snap right off.

Why do you keep telling me these things?

Ma'am, you remember what he looks like, right?

This might be troublesome

but you'll have to come with me to the station.

Come with me.

Where are you all going?

You watch the store for us.

- Why would I? / - And another thing.

Give this to Mr. Kim Cheolsu when he comes.

I want to live as a good person!

For more infomation >> Don't Cross that River | 님아, 그 강을 건너지 마오 [Gag Concert / 2017.07.01] - Duration: 4:01.


'I don't trust the Nigerian government, we can't restructure' - Nnamdi Kanu - Duration: 2:57.

'I don't trust the Nigerian government, we can't restructure' - Nnamdi Kanu

- Nnamdi Kanu has revealed that he does not believe in restructuring of Nigeria. - Speaking to the press, he said the Nigerian government does not keep to its promises.

- The leader of the IPOB has become popular with several groups trooping to meet him in Umuahia recently.

On Thursday, June 29, 7 pro-Biafra groups, agreed to work together under the leadership of Nnamdi Kanu, leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB).

According to them, their aim is to achieve the quest for referendum that will lead to the formation of the Republic of Biafra.

The groups said they decided to work together so that they would be speaking with one voice, seeking one objective of securing the Republic of Biafra.

Recent comments from the All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA), in Anambra state are being viewed as jealousy. The party had said Kanu should stop parading himself as an Igbo Emperor.

IPOB has however said APGA will cease to exist as a political party after November 18 gubernatorial election in the state.

In his reaction, Nnamdi Kanu said he was humbled by the decision of the various groups and assured that he would not let them down.

He said: "I am humbled by this decision of the groups. We started together and we have all ended up together because we are sincere and purposeful. I am not in the habit of letting my friends down.

"Everybody will be carried along; if I am invited for any meeting, I will take some people along. Today is a great day for Biafrans all over the world.

"Today, we have shamed our enemies that think that we cannot come together, who think that if we get Biafra, we will kill ourselves, we have shamed them.

Kanu also said he does not believe in the restructuring of Nigeria being called by eminent Nigerians, saying that Nigerian government would not keep any agreement reached in the restructuring exercise. According to him, it is referendum or nothing.

He said Aburi agreement was reneged on by Nigerian government and that the 2014 National Conference was dumped where it was coated by dust until the Biafra agitation became intense and it was remembered.

For more infomation >> 'I don't trust the Nigerian government, we can't restructure' - Nnamdi Kanu - Duration: 2:57.


Pickleball Doubles Strategy-Don't Run to the Kitchen to fast! - Duration: 4:18.

Have you been told run to the kitchen line no matter what and then this

happened? hmm maybe it's time to rethink that strategy

Hey everybody it's CJ Johnson when I took my very first lesson the one takeaway

that I brought away from that lesson was that no matter what I had to get to the

kitchen line as fast as I could. If you watch 5.0 pickleball players

it can appear that that's what they're doing. Let's take a look

Appearances can be very deceiving. Those teams are strategically moving towards

the net. Pickleball is one of the few sports that when you have the serve you're

actually on the defense. That's because you have to let the ball bounce, so your

team has to stay at the baseline. Whereas your opponent's hit the return and

they're already at the non-volley zone or the kitchen line.They are now on the

offensive. If you're taught the same way I was your and into the kitchen no

matter what and if the ball is a little high it comes back at your feet it's not

your partner's fault it's your fault. You weren't in the right

place so what should you do there's three

things to keep in mind number one watch the trajectory of the shot as you start

to move forward to watch what your opponents are doing and three split

stuff and defend if needed. Here we've got Daniel Moore and Matt stop after the

served they start to move into the net Daniel's return is a little high Matt

immediately recognizes that he stops he split steps he defends he hits a very

soft shot so that the two of them can finish their approach to the kitchen

here we've got Morgan Evans and Laura Fenton kovanda on this first shot Morgan

is going to hit a hard drive which gets returned to about midcourt

he's going to follow that up with a nice soft drop to let him to the kitchen here

we're going to see Morgan and Laura one more time this time the ball is coming

to Morgan's backhand Morgan's going to hit the perfect drop into the kitchen

when Laura sees her opponent Bend way over she runs fast to the kitchen line

and boom easy put away

so remember these few things wait for the right shot to move to the kitchen

line the ideal shot is when your opponents have to bend to hit the shot

if you can't get all the way in use the split step and stop

be prepared to play defense once you hit the next shot keep it soft and then work

your way into the kitchen so now you've even know the game if

you'd like to know whenever I go live make sure you hit the subscribe button

over on the side you'll get the information when I put out a pickleball

video or one of my fitness or weight management tips coz hey being more fat

and being a little thinner they will help you play better pickleball - coz

together we can train smart live bold and aged well I'd like to say a special

thanks to my friends Janet and Bev who helped me in the making of this video by

the way Janet are really packs a wallop so the

duck was not acting that was real thanks ladies

For more infomation >> Pickleball Doubles Strategy-Don't Run to the Kitchen to fast! - Duration: 4:18.


DON'T ASPIRE FOR THE "INDUSTRY" (@RuslanKD) - Duration: 7:59.

For more infomation >> DON'T ASPIRE FOR THE "INDUSTRY" (@RuslanKD) - Duration: 7:59.


Middlesbrough slap £25m fee on Ben Gibson: Boro don't want to sell, six Prem sides keen - Duration: 2:33.

Middlesbrough slap £25m fee on Ben Gibson: Boro don't want to sell, six Prem sides keen

The former England Under-21 international is the nephew of Middlesbrough chairman, Steve Gibson, and has spent his entire career on the Teessiders' books.

Amid their unsuccessful battle against the drop last season he was one of their most impressive performers, earning a senior call-up.

Gibson was linked with a whole host of Premier League big guns over the course of the 2016/17 campaign, including champions Chelsea.

And it seems Middlesbrough are aware Antonio Conte maintains an interest in signing the centre-back after they slapped a hefty price tag on him.

Chelsea reject XI: Mohamed Salah and other players they let go too early   MOHAMED SALAH is set to sign for Liverpool - here's an XI of players who Chelsea sold too early.       GK: Petr Cech  .

Chelsea, Tottenham, Everton, Leicester, Southampton and Stoke are keen on Boro star Ben Gibson. According to TEAMtalk, Boro are demanding £25m before they'll let Gibson leave. And it remains to be seen whether that figure will put would be suitors off.

TEAMtalk claim Chelsea, Tottenham, Everton, Leicester, Southampton and Stoke have been keeping tabs on Gibson.

Ben Gibson impressed despite Middlesbroughs relegation last season. However, new Riverside Stadium gaffer Garry Monk is desperate to keep hold of the 24-year-old. Middlesbrough begin their return to Championship action away to Wolves on Saturday August 5.

And they will be hoping to retain Gibson's services as they look to mount a promotion push.

For more infomation >> Middlesbrough slap £25m fee on Ben Gibson: Boro don't want to sell, six Prem sides keen - Duration: 2:33.


Slow But Steady Contributor to the Coming Economic Crisis Young People Don't Spend - Duration: 5:28.

Decrease in Spending from America's Young Promises Future Economic Crisis


Unless you're a statistician, the topic is as exciting as a Green Party stump speech.

But it matters.

Today's young people spend significantly less of their income in the real economy—and

their numbers are growing.

This acts as a permanent headwind to economic growth and assures economic crisis in the

not-too-distant future.

That's because the sheer volume of young people—the so-called Generation Xers and

Generation Yers—comprise a rapidly growing slice of the population.

As we can glean from the table below, in 2010, people aged 45 and older comprised six of

the top 10 most common ages groups.

By 2016, it was down to only two.

This is graphic evidence that America's young will exert a greater proportion of economic

output going forward.

And that might not be a good thing.


Because young people spend far less of their income than those a generation or two earlier.

According to Toronto-Dominion Bank (NYSE:TD), even though millennials make more discretionary

purchases than older people, they spend less money than the average consumer.

After accounting for a basket of spending inputs, Generation Xers spent 23% less than

baby boomers, while millennials spent 27% less.

That's a significant problem when you're talking about tens of millions of people in

each category.

Of course, with each passing day, the younger generation becomes an increasing portion of

total consumer spending, worsening the problem.

It's a slow-moving demographic and economic crisis with no clear solution.

Simply put, unless attitudes significantly change among America's youth, the free-wheeling

days of carefree consumer spending are over.

America's young are carrying the cross of stagnant wages and higher debt loads.

Both limit the amount of discretionary income available to spend.

This is leading to changes in spending patterns.

America's youth aren't shopping less by volume; in fact, they're shopping more.

They aren't boycotting the malls or shunning consumerism.

According to TD's metrics, discretionary purchases are up (see above).

But what they're clearly doing is spending less on the items they do consume.

For example, millennials eat out on average 13 times per month, compared to just five

times for baby boomers.

Yet, millennials spend just $103.00 per month versus $139.00 for boomers.

Multiply this example to a thousand other ones, and soon you're talking about real


Whether America's young are simply content with living within their means, disavow the

excesses of their parents, or are simply broke—the spending slowdown is real.

It makes us wonder whether future investors will spend less money on stocks, too.

Boosting Consumption Proving Difficult

The most powerful economic minds in America are constantly looking for ways to boost consumption.

Whether that's the Fed Reserve Chairperson or CEO of a huge multinational corporation,

lack of consumption growth is causing mature economies to fail.

The Fed has been trying for eight years to boost growth through ultra-low rates to meet

inflation and growth targets.

It's mostly failed.

It's not like people don't want more or better stuff, but there's a limit on how

much one can borrow.

If I only make "X" amount of money and my real wage hasn't risen in a decade, I

can simply only take on "X" amount of debt.

Short of banks paying the consumer interest to borrow (which amazingly, does happen in

some situations), debt saturation will always limit growth.

Take the $1.4 trillion student loan debacle as a prime example.

That number is $620.0 billion more than total U.S. credit card debt, and works out to $37,172

for each 2016 graduate.

So already, so many of America's young are saddled with significant debt even before

they've earned their first entry-level paycheck.

Is it any wonder why they've become so thrifty?

Call it adaptation, call it survival instincts.

But the fact remains, with wage growth consistently lagging behind real inflation; with younger

generations saddled with high student debt; with workplace automation threatening to pare

back job growth, we doubt young people will carry the growth torch.

The most "spend-sational" generation has come and gone.

It's not coming back.

Thus, the Federal Reserve and corporate America have an impossible task.

How do you boost consumption when a growing army of youth guard the purse strings?

Lower credit standards, cheap credit, and financization of the economy have already

been tried.

It worked great while it lasted, but that growth engine is dead.

There are no easy solutions.

And with increasingly fewer "spend generation" folks able to prop up a debt-riddled construct,

future economic crisis is assured.

For more infomation >> Slow But Steady Contributor to the Coming Economic Crisis Young People Don't Spend - Duration: 5:28.


Poll Shows Majority Don't Know Trumpcare Cuts Medicaid – This Is Why Republicans Win - Duration: 3:45.

According to a new Kaiser Family Foundation poll released this past Friday, only 38 percent

of American citizens understand that the House version of the American Healthcare Act, cut

Medicaid by 800 billion dollars.

Only 38 percent of people in this country knew that the Republican Healthcare plan included

cuts to Medicaid.

This poll actually tells us a little less about healthcare, than it does about how in

the hell Republicans keep winning elections.

I have long said that if Americans citizens actually paid attention, if they did a little

bit of reading, a little bit of research, nobody in this country would ever vote for

a Republican again.

At least nobody in the 99 percent.

That's what this poll proves.

That shows us why Republicans are able to win elections.

Because people aren't paying attention!

People don't seem to understand what these Republicans are doing.

Yeah, I know they've got a negative approval rating, and people like to go on Facebook

and Twitter and complain about Republicans.

But clearly, as this poll tells us, at the end of the day, they don't fully understand

what's happening either way.

It's not good enough to just be anti-Republican, folks.

You have to understand why Republicans are bad for the working class.

Why Republicans are bad for the underclass.

Why Republicans are bad for the environment, and for Wall Street, and for the energy sector.

They're poison for everything.

But if you don't understand why, then that's not helping.

How are you going to win an argument with a conservative friend, if you don't educate

yourself about what these Republicans are doing?

How are you going to convince other people that conservatism is wrong and has failed

when put in practice, if you don't know your history?

I know a lot of people, obviously, watching this video, understand the things I'm talking


But we have to do more.

That's what this poll's telling us.

It's less about people knowing that there's cuts to Medicaid, and more of an indicator

that we aren't doing enough.

The Democratic Party isn't doing enough to educate people about the damage that Republicans

are doing.

At the end of the day, the Democratic Party is the only one that can afford to take out

ads on television and explain these things.

But they're not.

I can't afford to do that.

I'm pretty sure most people watching this video can't afford to do that.

But the Democratic Party could, and they're not, so they fail.

So that's where we come in.

We may not have as much reach as an ad running on, say, prime time in New York City, but

we all have to do our part to continue educating everyone until that 38 percent number reaches

100 percent.

Then we start educating on the next issue, and the next, and the next.

If we don't do that, Democrats do not stand a chance in any future elections.

For more infomation >> Poll Shows Majority Don't Know Trumpcare Cuts Medicaid – This Is Why Republicans Win - Duration: 3:45.


Top 10 MYTHICAL CREATURES We're Glad DON'T EXIST - Duration: 9:02.

Hey YouTube, Jim here!

Welcome to Top10Archive!

From the incredibly awesome to the downright terrifying, mythical creatures have been the

fascination of mankind since history has been recorded.

So for the second time, we're counting down our pick of 10 mythical creatures

that we're glad don't exist.


Baobhan Sith - Scotland Vampires are the stars of different legends

all across the globe, but Scotland's version of this creature is particularly scary.

The baobhan sith drinks blood and sleeps in a coffin, but that's where its resemblance

to your typical vampire ends.

She usually appears as a beautiful woman who seduces her victims by charming them into

dancing, then drinks from the open wounds caused by her long talons.

If she kills a woman, then the victim becomes one of their kind.

Don't worry too much, though, as they can be killed with iron or by being trapped in

their coffin surrounded by stone.


Vodník - Slavic Have you ever felt something brush against

your leg while swimming in a lake?

You might want to show caution next time­ – it may be the vodnik!

Though they tend to not be evil by definition, that doesn't make them any less terrifying.

The frog-like vodník is territorial and drowns those that swim into its home and their souls

are kept inside porcelain cups.

The soul can be released if the lid is removed, however, and when a fisherman is having a

bad–or lazy­–day, they can offer the vodník a pinch of tobacco to bring them fish.


Black Annis - England You know that feeling of being followed?

If you're in the woods of England and can hear teeth grinding, it might be Black Annis!

Also known as Black Agnes, she is said to search through the countryside for children

and lambs to eat, then tans their skin by hanging them from a tree to wear as a belt.

She has blue skin and long, steel claws that she uses to reach through windows to grab

her victims.

Her legend has been told in different ways throughout the ages, but in most of them,

she's been used to get unruly children to listen to their parents.


Campe - Greece Greece mythology is home to all kinds of horrific

monsters, so it's hard to choose just one, but Campe definitely belongs near the top

of the list.

She is said to have a beautiful woman's head and upper body with the lower half of

a dragon and scorpion's tail.

If that doesn't seem excessive enough, it gets even worse.. she has snakes around her

ankles and, where the dragon and woman halves meet, is filled with bubbles holding the heads

of various animals.

Campe has black wings and long, sickle-like fingernails, and was tasked with guarding

Cronus's prisoners in Tartarus.


Bubak - Czech Republic Like a terrifying mix of Santa Claus and the

Bogeyman, this European monster could cause nightmares for anyone.

Said to appear like a scarecrow, the bubak hides on riverbanks and lures his victims

by crying like an innocent, lost baby.

His cries lure in both adults and children alike, and his clothing is woven from the

skin of his victims.

Known to many as the Sack Man, bubak carries a sack over his shoulder, much like Santa


The two differ in that bubak uses his to catch his prey - so it's definitely not filled

with fun presents and the Christmas spirit.

This anti-Claus is most active on nights when there is a full moon, makes clothes for his

stolen souls and rides around in a cart drawn around by black cats.


Pontianak - Malaysia Said to be the ghosts of those who died during

childbirth, the pontianak is similar to a vampire in that they feed on humans.

They appear as pale, dark-haired women with red eyes and also uses the cry of an innocent

baby to lure victims… a popular method among monstrosities.

They kill their victims by using their nails to open the victim's torso to eat their

organs, while some say they are capable of sucking your eyes right out of your skull.

Not to worry, though, because the pontianak can be fought off - by ramming a metal nail

into the nape of her neck.

The legend says that this will turn her back into a beautiful woman and a good wife...

until the nail is removed, that is.


Dybbuk - Judaism Within Jewish folklore exists a terrifying

spirit monster called the dybbuk.

They are said to be the souls of people who have died and could not move on, sometimes

as punishment for sins the spirit committed while alive.

Similar to most cases of possession, a dybbuk can be removed by an exorcism of sorts.

Exorcists interview the spirit to find out its reasons for needing to stay and find out

the spirit's name.

It was thought that if you could learn its name, you could control the dybbuk.

In one story, the exorcist holds up a white candle and a flask and recites one passage

to reveal the name, and recites another passage to command the spirit to leave.

Once the spirit enters the flask, it will glow a bright red.


Acheri - Native American In Native American tales, the spirit of a

little girl lives in the mountains and hilltops and comes down at night with the intent of

bringing sickness to its victims, usually children.

They are often said to have dark eyes and grey skin and are sometimes called "hill

fairies" or "plague demons."

In legend, they play instruments through the night and anyone who hears them play grows

sick and dies - while some legends say their victims are killed by the Acheri's shadow.

Legend has it that the only defense against an Acheri was to tie a red ribbon or thread

around your neck and avoid their shadow.


Al - Armenia The al is a horrifying legendary creature

- mostly associated with pregnancy and childbirth.

As the legend goes, the al steals the internal organs of pregnant women and women giving


Sometimes, they even steal babies and put an imp in their place.

They are described as terrifying, with sharp fangs and metal teeth, tusks, and claws, but

with a humanoid like appearance.

Once they've stolen their victim's organs, they will flee and try to cross water.

If they succeed, the woman can no longer be saved.

Some legends claim charms and prayers can stop the al from escaping and reaching a body

of water.


Penanggalan - Malaysia In Malaysia, a penanggalan is a midwife who

has made a deal with the devil for her magic and beauty, and has promised not to eat any

meat for forty days after her pact.

If this promise is broken, they are cursed to become vampire-like in nature.

The penanggalan will keep a jar of vinegar in her home and at night will remove her head

and innards from her body and–wait for it–fly through the air to find a victim and drink

their blood.

When she returns home she immerses her entrails in the vinegar so they will fit back into

her body.

When she isn't…uh…separated, she is said to only be told apart from a normal woman

by the smell of vinegar that surrounds her.

You can protect yourself from a penanggalan by scattering thorny plants around your home,

so as to puncture its organs when it flies too close.

For more infomation >> Top 10 MYTHICAL CREATURES We're Glad DON'T EXIST - Duration: 9:02.


Mainstream Media Is In Freefall Collapse! Don't You Love It - Duration: 8:18.

Mainstream Media Is In Freefall Collapse!

Don�t You Love It

by Edward Morgan

There was a time once when news anchors wielded an outsized influence over the American public.

Distinguished names such as Walter Cronkite, Dan Rather, and John Daly, with their smooth

blend of on air charisma and authority could effortlessly push the mainstream narrative

into the unsuspecting minds of the American public.

Not anymore; the new breed of anchors cannot hold a candle to their predecessors, contributing

to the continued decline of the mainstream media�s influence.

In the following video, Today�s Yellow Snow (formerly Right Wing News) looks at the declining

state of the mainstream media today.

With the rise of independent media and the Internet, more and more people are seeing

the mainstream media as the biased mouthpieces that they are.

The mainstream media are of course scrambling to stay relevant, but their efforts are futile.

Where will the mainstream and independent media stand a few years down the line.

Jon Rappoport at State of the Nation reports:

There are many reasons why viewers are deserting mainstream news.

This article is about one reason that has been overlooked.

One vital reason�

Elite television news anchors are absolutely essential to the hypnotic delivery of fake


They have always been a mainstay of the mind control operation.

From the early days of television, there has been a parade of anchors/actors with know-how�the

right intonation, the right edge of authority, the parental feel, the ability to execute

seamless blends from one piece of deception to the next:

John Daly, Douglas Edwards, Ed Murrow, Chet Huntley, David Brinkley, Harry Reasoner, Water

Cronkite, Dan Rather, and more recently, second-stringers�Brian Williams, Diane Sawyer, Scott Pelley.

They�re all gone.

Now we have Lester Holt, David Muir, and an as-yet unannounced permanent replacement for

Scott Pelley.

Muir and Holt are decidedly junior varsity; they couldn�t sell water in the desert.

Lester Holt is a cadaverous timid presence on-air, whose major journalistic achievement

thus far is interrupting Donald Trump 41 times during a presidential debate; and David Muir

has the gravitas of a Sears underwear model.

The network news trance is falling apart.

The networks have no authoritative anchor-fathers waiting in the wings.

They don�t breed them and bring them up in the minor leagues anymore.

Instead, armies of little Globalists and ideologues who don�t realize they�re working for

the Globalists have been infiltrating the news business.

At best, they�re incompetent.

This is one reason why mainstream news has been imploding.

When gross liars don�t have hypnotism, they don�t have anything.

And lately, things have gotten even worse for the mainstream.

Their ceaseless attacks on Trump are backfiring.

More members of the public are seeing through the puerile throw-ANYTHING-at-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks

approach; and more important, the style of these attacks is breaking the time-honored

rhythms and pace of traditional news presentation, and thus are failing to put the viewing audience

into passive brain-states.

Fundamental and tested means for trance-induction are going out the window.

When you add in rude and contentious interviews and thinly disguised editorializing by �news

reporters�who have no business being within a mile of a broadcast studio, who spout random

shots of venom, the news-production techniques that enable an ongoing illusion of oceanic

authority collapse like magnetic fields that have been suddenly switched off.

The selective mood lighting, the restful blue colors on the set, the inter-cutting of graphics

and B-roll footage, the flawless shifts to reporters in far-flung places�it�s as

if all these supporting features have suddenly been overcome by actors in a stage play who

are abruptly stepping out of character.

The spell is broken.

Humpty-Dumpty is off the wall and lying in pieces on the floor.

Elite mainstream news is committing suicide.

And in a fatuous attempt to save themselves, they are trying a democratic approach.

Anchors are sharing more on-air minutes with other reporters.

But this is counter-productive in the extreme.

The News has always meant one face and one authority and one voice and one tying-together

of all broadcast elements.

It�s as if, in a hypnotherapist�s office, the therapist decides to bring in colleagues

to help render the patient into an alpha-state.

Network news executives are clueless.

News directors are clueless.

The whole lot of them are too young and too foolish to remember what once made news dominate

the public mind.

Plus they are swimming in shark-infested waters.

The sharks are independent media.


This is a cause for celebration.

The movie called fake reality is packaged rolls of footage in the back of a very large

truck moving slowly toward a graveyard.

The elite standard has always been: can we hypnotize the viewing audience and keep them


And now the answer is leaning further toward NO on both counts.

Information mind control, as delivered by elite television news, depends entirely on

the elite anchor.

His modulated voice and presence and delivery are the glue that holds the illusion together.

If by some miracle, the news bosses could raise Walter Cronkite, �the father of our

country,� from the dead and put him back in the chair, they might have an outside chance

of re-establishing their dominance.

But too many years have gone by; years of unaccomplished anchors.

Humpty-Dumpty is in pieces on the floor, the horse is out of the barn, the cat is out of

the bag.

This is why major news outlets have been appealing to the new king: social media.

Facebook, Google, Twitter, and You Tube are, in various ways, trying to shape the news

the public receives and doesn�t receive.

But their desperate attempt is failing, too.

It is crashing on the rocks of vast, uneven, open decentralization of information.

One veteran news director told me several years ago, �We�re losing the war.

We don�t have the stars [elite anchors] anymore.

The star system is dead.

The same thing happened to Hollywood.

Now it�s happening to us.

You could comb all the local news outlets in America, and you wouldn�t find one face

and voice who could really carry the freight.

They�ve vanished.

The up and coming people are lame and weak.

We�ve made them that way.

It�s some cockeyed standard of equality we�ve internalized.

And now we�re paying the price.�

For more infomation >> Mainstream Media Is In Freefall Collapse! Don't You Love It - Duration: 8:18.


The Real Reason You Don't Hear From Vanilla Ice Anymore - Duration: 6:10.

Vanilla Ice, whose real name is Robert Van Winkle, was one of the early '90s most memorable


He broke onto the music scene with the smash hit "Ice Ice Baby" and went on to sell 160

million records.

But as time went by, his star began to fade to black — leading many to wonder — where

the heck is Vanilla Ice these days?

The rapper has suffered a number of highs and lows since climbing the charts more than

20 years ago.

Here's what the onetime music icon has been up to lately.

Flipping houses

Who knew Vanilla Ice was a home makeover guru?

The '90s rapper knows his way around a stack of nails and hammers.

In fact, he's the host of the DIY Network's The Vanilla Ice Project.

For seven seasons, Vanilla Ice has hosted the show and organized several home renovations

— each one leaving audiences more speechless than the last.

Although he's best known for his lyric slinging, these days he's reportedly a well-recognized

real-estate entrepreneur with decades of experience under his belt.

Who knew?

On the road

When Vanilla Ice isn't taping his reality show, he can be found on a stage around the


He's part of the newly launched I Love the 90s tour which has dozens of dates set for


"It's all about people coming out and enjoying it … People get dressed up.

They come in costumes.

Some people dress up like Ninja Turtles."

Vanilla Ice said he came up with the idea of doing the tour and tested it out with four

shows in Florida and the rest is history.

"You're dancing for four-hours straight.

You know all the songs.

It's all the songs you grew up to.

It's great memories.

It's good times.

It's smiling, it's dancing."

Then again, the touring lifestyle isn't always about smiling…

Anger management

Like any overworked or over-traveled person, Vanilla Ice gets cranky at airports.

Unfortunately, his crankiness was caught on camera.

Vanilla Ice was captured on video losing his mind at Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International

Airport in the summer of 2016.

A bystander caught him feuding with a Delta employee because he missed his flight to Nebraska,

where he was scheduled to perform.

The man who filmed the catastrophe says the rapper missed the flight because he was on

the phone during the boarding announcements and that he also arrived 10 minutes past the

final boarding call.

The man recording the mess interjected himself into the matter and got a mouthful in response.

"You gotta watch the monitor, dude."

"Hey, I don't need any information from you, man.

Shut your f****** mouth.

Shut your mouth."

A representative for the star told Page Six his client was traveling a lot that week,

stating he had concert dates in for different cities across the nation in a four-day period.

Vanilla Amish

For two seasons on the DIY Network, Vanilla Ice lived as an Amish man in Ohio.

"You better believe it.

I'm going Amish."

The rapper ditched his fancy Hollywood digs and stuck to the simple life for the series

Vanilla Ice Goes Amish.

Not only did he adopt a few unique skills, he worked as a master craftsman to renovate

homes for deserving families.

It's a skill he's come to appreciate over the years.

He told HuffPost Canada, "It's not an artificial thing.

I was living and working with real Amish people...Not to criticize any other shows, but after living

with the Amish, I know that real Amish don't drive Cadillacs."

He says he learned so much from watching the men work and that he put his sweat into every

project — including building a barn in two days.

But his toughest jobs were dealing with the animals on the farm.

He quipped, "I had to get up really early, shovel s**t first thing in the morning.

I watched a cow give birth … You get out there and do everything, and they get more

done by lunch than most people do in a full workday.

You sleep so well, let me tell you — you don't even dream, it's so deep.

It was an honor for me to go out there, and have them accept me."

Who would've pictured him for a country guy at heart?

Personal problems

While music, TV, and the construction-design businesses have been good to Vanilla Ice,

his personal life hasn't been as successful.

In fact, his 20-year marriage to wife Laura has been strained and plagued by drama.

In 2008, Vanilla Ice was arrested in Palm Beach County, Florida for allegations of domestic


According to People, he was placed into custody after his wife told authorities her husband

"struck" and "kicked" her.

After a short investigation, the case was dropped because Laura recanted her statement.

Vanilla Ice's attorney simply said "it was just a verbal argument.

He didn't physically harm his wife."

In 2016, though, they announced their divorce.

According to TMZ, the couple had been legally separated for two years and share teenage

daughters Dusti Rain and KeeLee Breeze.

It wasn't the last time he'd be cuffed for his antics, though.

Bizarre burglary

In February 2015, Vanilla Ice landed in jail again for allegedly stealing several items

from an abandoned home near a property he was renovating for his DIY show.

Among the items allegedly swiped were art work, a pool heater and two bikes.

What makes the situation so strange is that Vanilla Ice supposedly told authorities he

had plans to purchase the home but could not produce any contracts or financial statements

to back up his claims.

He also said he "found several of the items next to the curb and thought they were trash."

He was ultimately charged with grand-theft and burglary.

In all, Vanilla Ice was ordered to pay the estate between $1,100 and $1,300 and complete

100 hours of community service with Habitat for Humanity.

"It's shocking I go like 'wooah' I don't know I was just waiting for Ashton Kutcher to come

around the corner and say 'You're Punk'd' or something."

Dancing with the stars

After years of hitting the stage to rap, Vanilla Ice put on a pair of dancing shoes to prove

he's got rhythm.

And it turned out that he...doesn't.

The rapper had a short-lived stint on Dancing with the Stars in the fall of 2016 and lasted

just four episodes.

He was paired with professional dancer Witney Carson and placed 10th overall.

"Hello guys, it's 25 years ago.

I'm not as young as I used to be."

He said of his ultimate elimination, "We did 'Ice Ice Baby' so I'm good, I'm happy."

Shoulda gone with "Ninja Rap," man.

"Go go go"

"NInja Ninja..


"Ninja Ninja..


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For more infomation >> The Real Reason You Don't Hear From Vanilla Ice Anymore - Duration: 6:10.


dvsn - Don't Choose - Duration: 3:43.

I did some things so she could love me, yeah

Don't choose a club over this tonight

Don't choose your friends over this tonight

Don't you forget the way I make it feel

Don't say you won't when I know you will

Don't you know that I told myself to fall back from you

I turn around and come back for you

Sometimes I want it all back

Sometimes I want it all back, yeah

You said that you need someone who's constant

Before you go cut your other options

You know that I got commitment issues

But I'm way too honest when I'm with you

I love you and I want to be loved

But I just don't know how to tell you, oh no no

I did some things so she could love me, yeah

I love you and I want to be loved

But I just don't know how to tell you, oh no no

Don't choose your bed over mine tonight

Don't you pretend that you'll be alright

I wonder if you're really telling the truth

'Bout who's around, when I'm not around

When you're in your feelings or I'm out of town

I wanna know who you got that's loving you

I wanna know if somebody made you choose

You say that I always change the topic

When you ask about my other options

But you know that I got commitment issues

But I'm way too honest when I'm with you

I love you and I want to be loved

But I just don't know how to tell you, oh no no

I did some things so she could love me, yeah

I love you and I want to be loved

But I just don't know how to tell you, oh no no

For more infomation >> dvsn - Don't Choose - Duration: 3:43.


Before you light your fireworks, make sure you don't start a fire - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Before you light your fireworks, make sure you don't start a fire - Duration: 1:09.


Auroville: the city of the future where politics, religion, and nationality don't matter - Duration: 3:54.

Auroville: the city of the future where politics, religion, and nationality don't matter

Auroville: the city of the future where politics, religion, and nationality don't matter.

Auroville, or 'the City of Dawn', is an international township located in the south of India. The township is meant to be an experimental international community free of politics and religion. After looking at all these bright and beautiful pictures that were taken by Anne Schonharting, we at Bright Side decided that the experiment was a success!.

The geographical and spiritual heart of Auroville is Matrimandir. It's a temple for meditation and yoga practice. Matrimandir is absolutely free of any religion.

But if you think life in Auroville is an endless holiday, then that would be totally wrong. Everyone there has something to do.

The main purpose of education in Auroville is to give a child an opportunity to grow up, develop, and completely fulfill their dreams. The main emphasis is on exercise and an improvement of their creative skills.

There are no cars in this township. The main vehicle they use is a motorcycle.

There are more than 2,000 people from 45 countries in Auroville.

Auroville is an experimental attempt to build a huge ecovillage where people of all countries live in peace and harmony together. Step by step, they create their own perfect place. Since the city is still existing, it proves that this project was an absolute success!. Photo credit: Anne Schönharting.

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