Roadkill Nights brings fast cars and drag racing to metro Detroit - Duration: 2:38.-------------------------------------------
Police: Venus Williams Caused Fatal Car Crash - Duration: 1:34.-------------------------------------------
How To Give Any Car The Ultimate Protection - 1954 Buick Special - Chemical Guys Carbon Flex C9 - Duration: 6:08.Welcome back to the Detail Garage.
We've still got this 1954 Buick Special in the shop, we started by foaming it, clayed
it and polished it.
Now we want to protect it using something that will give it a durable layer of protection
against water spots, harmful UV rays and anything else that can stain or etch the paint.
So to accomplish this I'll be using our Carbon Flex C9, this is a carbon coating that is
going to give the surface enhanced gloss while protecting it from water spots, contamination
and it will prevent scratching.
So in a car like this, when you're cruising around with your arm out the window you don't
have to worry about scratching the paint and dulling out this black finish.
All you need to do is take the bottle and start by shaking it up.
Included in the kit you get an applicator pad and a micro suede towelette and we'll
wrap this tightly together.
To prevent any spillage just take the cap off carefully and place the applicator on
top and flip the bottle and work it back and forth over the applicator.
Lets take it over to the vehicle.
Now, it is important that you clay the car, wash it off to get as much of the imperfections
out of the paint because you don't want to lock in the contamination.
We'll start here and work back and forth in straight lines covering as much of the surface
as we can and I like to overlap my last pass by fifty percent for an even shine.
So as I had mentioned you want to clay the car first and/or polish it also because you
want to get as much of the imperfections out of the paint before you seal it and the reason
for that is if you coat any kind of vehicle whether it be carbon or ceramic coatings you
put that on top of contamination it will be stuck there for as long as the coating lasts
and the only way to remove that is by polishing it off which is wasting the coating.
So, a common question we get is how long do you wait before applying a second coating
or before you can apply glaze, wax or sealant.
What you want to do is apply this and without applying anything else give this twenty four
hours to bond to the surface.
This way it has a for sure bond and it can cure properly.
You can't wash the wash the car or apply other coatings for at least twenty four hours but
after that you can apply your favorite glazes, waxes and sealants that way you can enhance
the shine while adding longevity to your coatings.
This coating only takes about twenty minutes for its initial layer to bond to the surface
but you still want to give it the twenty four hours so it can breathe and bond properly
to the paintwork.
For those of you who have never applied a coating before, it is really simple it just
takes a little bit of practice and you want to take your time when you're doing this especially
on newer cars.
You don't want to stain any plastic or glass so it's a good idea to tape off that stuff
but on an old car like this that is either metal, chrome or painted it is fine.
I'm going to finish off the rest of this vehicle and after about twenty minutes or so we'll
let it bond and cure then we'll buff off the excess.
So after waiting twenty minutes we're going to start buffing it off.
It's important to use a clean microfiber towel, something that is going to pick up all the
product without streaking but since this product is still a coating it will clot up this towel
so this towel will need to be thrown away when you're finished.
Just work back and forth in straight lines picking up the spent product this way you
don't create any new scratches or swirls, but as you can when you apply a thin layer
it comes off nice and easy.
You can see that deep rich black shine is nice and glossy.
It is important to coat cars like this because it is something that will be outside being
enjoyed at car shows or just cruising around and you wouldn't want the finish to deteriorate
or dull out overt time.
So if you guys want to learn more about these products check it out on our website ChemicalGuys.com.
If you like this car or this video be sure to give it a thumbs up and we'll see you guys
next time right here in the Detail Garage.
That's how slick the surface is!
My New Car - The Daily Overpass #119 - Duration: 6:44.Hi, this is the Daily Overpass. My name is Eric and I make apps. Now today, I want to
talk about.. wait a second. I've been in this office for the last three days.
The only time I filmed outside this office was on Monday. I promise that wasn't gonna
do that. Hang on a second. Yeah, the truth is- today it's gonna
be a little bit different. It's not really gonna be app-related so,
if you want to come back on Monday that's cool with me. Alright today, I've
been looking forward to it all week. Today, I get my new car.
Thank you! (kid in the background) Okay, so the situation is this, we've always been like a one-car family.
Like one car is fine, you know, global warming and all that kind of stuff.
But, I'm I'm meeting with a lot of clients lately, like business is getting
much better and I ride a motorcycle. It's difficult when you want to
meet somebody in your suit and nice shoes and everything, and you're taking a
motorcycle and you're trying to stash that jacket and helmet, put the shoes
on and those boots on, then go to those meetings. I decided about a month ago
that yeah, we're gonna need a car. I mean, I'm gonna need a car just
to go around and I'm looking around at used cars because that's what I do.
I do, you know, I only get used cars coz even though one of my goals,
every time I write down my list of goals, at the top
of the list is one day I want to own a Ford Mustang. I have since I was 16 years
old and the thing is they don't really have them in the UK, or at least they
didn't until last year. You could get them imported, but the steering wheels on
the wrong side. Last year that came up with the right-hand drive one. And you
know, they're a bit on the expensive side. At least expensive for me. So, when I was
thinking about a car, I was thinking, well get something that's just like
a beat-up 20 year old thing. It's just for me anyway, and I'm
not that important. And then I started thinking- then I started feeling
old. So you know, a few weeks- earlier this month,
I dropped my son off to- my son left to go to the army, so I've got-
already got a grown child who's moved out. A month from now, in fact, a month from now to
today, I'm gonna turn 45 years old. And I started thinking, if this thing's ever
gonna happen you know me, at least this one little super achievable goal of
getting a getting a Mustang one day. If this is ever gonna happen, why shouldn't
it happen now. I know I can afford it. I know I can make the
payments, all that kind of stuff. And you know, maybe the apps will
tank after like a month or two, but that that risk is always gonna be there.
And maybe I won't be able to find any more clients after a few months, or maybe
the app industry will completely fail. And then I thought that risk is always
gonna be there too. In fact, none of the risks are gonna go away. There's
always gonna be risks and this is something I always wanted. So, I bought a
Mustang. Okay, so a couple weeks ago, I test drove
one. It was really nice. And now, I'm taking it would take two buses,
this is like 50 miles away, but it takes ages to get there by bus. I've just swim in
from Wantage. I'm on my way to the dealership right now to sign all the
paperwork, and get that new car. Always wanted the Mustang, but more so since I
came to the States. Especially when I feel really, really
homesick. I think y'all want- I like something really American. I like a
really American car and you don't see them all the time here. Not
like in the states, when I go back to San Diego, yeah- they're everywhere.
You know, it's just like, wow! There's a Mustang, There's a Mustang!
It's like , it's just become that thing and even when I talk to the
dealership a couple weeks ago, he says now you're about the demographic that
what usually buys them, which he meant, you know, older, a
midlife crisis age. Anyway, I'm really excited and I couldn't get a used
one because all the used ones in the UK have the steering wheel on the wrong
side. I'm excited, but also nervous. Like I'm nervous that look like, what if
after all of this, after all this talking about getting one of these things,
I crashed it on the way home? I scraped up against the side of
something or something stupid like that and I'm also nervous about whether or
not I'm gonna be able to continue paying for it and everything like that. I should
be. I mean, if everything goes like the way has been going over
the last five years and everything should be fine. But you
never know what's gonna come. I thought the same thing about my first
app. I was coating it myself and then I finally just went
and hired some developers to do it for me. And yeah at the time, it was a lot of
money for me. In the end, it all worked out. You know in the
end, these things just tend to work themselves out. But you know,
this is different than an app because the app makes me money.
Alright, this well, you could argue that being able to go visit
clients and everything, is gonna make you money but you know, that's the stretch.
Because I don't need a really nice car for that. But, I could wait till
I'm 60 or 65 or whatever. Now I'm gonna do it now.
Okay, so that's it for today., I've been driving around in this thing for like two hours now. And I love this
car. I mean, it's got so many gadgets inside it. I've never really had a
new car before, so this is- this is way better than I thought it was
gonna be. I've got Android auto connected to the car and everything.So, one of
these one days, for these videos, I'll show you how all that works.
As app developer, I told you today it's gonna be nothing about apps. It's just
gonna be my own self-indulgence. But you know, one of these days I'm gonna
show you how the Android auto and everything works on there, because it's
really awesome and all the other gadgets and sensors in this car. I mean, it's
practically like a smartphone. Like I said I
don't get new cars very often. Some of you guys probably already know about all
this stuff, but to me it's just really cool. Anyway, thanks for following me
around today. That's it for today. God, a Mustang! I finally got one, mate!
Ever since I was a kid that was my dream, so anyway, thanks everyone who's indulge me
so far. I promise to go back to apps on Monday. I promise to keep it app-related
and and try to talk about things that are that interests all of us.
You know, every time we learn something new with apps in the App
Market - to tell you everything I know. And you know why I'm gonna do that?
Because my name is Eric and I make apps. I'll see you on Monday.
MY WIFE GOT ME MY DREAM CAR (INSANE SURPRISE) - Duration: 16:50.Can you see it, am I filming am I filming the right way, okay? It's a big deal
If it is what I think that it is, is it?
*Intro Song*
Good morning, Jake Paulers. Jake Is still sleeping
The other day he woke me up with a merch gun, and it actually kinda hurt our own. I don't know how to use of the camera
But basically I'm going to wake him up with the same merch gun. I'm going to aim for the back area
*Random Song*
Jake Screaming
Good Morning
What The Hell
That was supposed to hit you it almost broke the window see I got it on your camera
Hi Jake Paulers. Are you even recording? Oh? Yeah? I learned you
Did it little learning blog was I'm learning. I still gotta stick around my mark oh Lincoln miles are you proud of me?
You really have to work on your aim I'm more than proud of you you really ought to work on your name because that - that is a
Completely different you know that is a way to wake up. Are you here is it booom
We should wake everyone else up
Mean right now. I'm currently getting another Co2 tank for my wife. She's a young vlogger. on the loose
She just wants to shoot people with a merch guns for great content. I respect. She's vlogging everything nowadays
She's just young sexy sweet and lugging always ready to go
Well, that's powerful. Do you have to do team work? You know fellas? I used to water in this camera. I'm pretty good at it
Oh my gosh
So I'm starting to think that she just wanted to do that
Did say that you didn't want to be like this?
I feel like there's a bond in its dress
I'm just really good at vlogging. I'm operating to carry that through that good morning. Jake Paulers this morning
I was surprised for you later. You will have a surprise for you. I don't like surprises
Well your gonna like this one. I'm going to like it. You like it. Are you sure yeah something you wanted and the plot thickens?
What good morning Jake Paulers! I hope you guys are working hard. Oh beard abin on them haters. I hope you're smiling
I hope you're licking yeah people if you new here. I'm Jake Paul
This is the Team Ten house, and it's lit every single day bro. Let's do that. I
Think you should do it. Let's do that bang. That was terrible. Yeah, I put some like that doing that
Let's do that thing
Boo bah hey yo hey yo hey yo
Hello, you're on the move now uncle Nathan on the move okay Uncle Kade
Right now we have to do a photo shoot for this merch. I want to look sexy. I'm going to be honest
That was my favorite piece of merch their ambience of you well show them in the photo. Shoot teaser
All right, what if you get it in a waist up
Yeah, stop. Yeah, I think you shoot it from the waist up Cos yeah, so yeah, no. It doesn't really yeah, okay? Uh
the red goes less
The red the red is actually what the reds worse than the black are the jacket fires are just here Jenny in this day
That's it's so easy what okay get out of photo. Shoot our daughters are my laughs. This is a little here
Yeah, low game pollock, but we'll the merge is great the color schemes
It's good, okay. Uncle Kade What do you know brought your just an Uncle
I'm sorry. Tell me about uncle fashion. Give me much, okay. Thanks, all right. I'll be right back
How's your day going? It's going good here. Not David look so beautiful. Oh, thanks Jake so do you like my merch?
Yeah, custom cap you're uh you're representing your boy yeah mmM. Thank you for that. Yeah, okay
That made you happy. Did you not see me there? Sorry?
Yeah, it was almost like you were just like right over my shoulder really cool. Okay? Okay? Okay? Hi guys I?
Think you're a little bit lonely no big but why all of us are here?
So three of us one of us alone live up scream us all together. Yeah better than way better than 1/3
No, I get this vibe like you're always kind of like smothering or trying to help our religion a strong word
Helpful yeah, yeah, I know you're a very helpful, and I'm very appreciative like you saved a marriage a couple times
But like there you owe me this right?
Do you ever just want like be like hey? I want my own life or no
situation and Dancing Banan Kade I
Mean you know maybe my time will come where I'm just happy have found this much peace in my life
Maybe one day well if you ever need help with that you know you've done so much for me
Yeah, I just want to be able to return that favor cool. Thanks me carry something
Over my shoulder every club. You're going to love this you guys are going to love this watch look at this
Tell me this isn't the truest thing. Why could he actually be our son?
He's like the perfect combo of all of us and he has an attitude like you
I don't know, but he's still like jacked like me. Yo you could be our son. This is great the family just got bigger
It's funny because he wanted to date you
And now he's our son his mom is pretty
Yeah, yeah, it's natchez Mom kind of weird to think about
mean that's Matches Mom - ah
Another update I hate my life leave it the hipster family is
Amazing I wish I could have come up with a p word there, but I couldn't I
Love you guys. Oh my gosh. My mom is trying to my mom's trying to become social media famous what the hell man
So to meet you Tina. What's the next one it gets worse watch?
We can do it we can do it and then we'll celebrate somehow. I don't know how
What man?
Ok, what is it man? Well?
My mom you seen it. Why are you unfazed not going to talk about it anymore? Come on family. I'm what the hell Jesus
Somebody save her she's like 50 something years old, and I respect it mom, and you blogs their fire just comes out
I mean, just it no what happened took them. What's going on surprise for you. Shy, shy my okay?
I can see I can see low right through your hands. What is it okay? Do you know about this?
I wasn't scared as you are
Okay, oh, yeah, what the hell? What are we doing? Oh?
My God, thank you. They're excited. I'm really scared. I'm really fucking good
Can you see it off am I filming am I filming the right way, okay? It's a big deal
If it is what I think that it is that it is tastefully, it's a big deal
If I if it is what I think it is, we're kissing, okay?
Erica don't run them into anything right I know
okay, I
Can't see oh my God my eyes
What you?
Got me no
Just a rental right there's balloons in it, so it's real I can't say yeah. I just don't know what to think right now
I'm just baffled remember how you got me to go. Yeah, but it was just for an hour. Yeah. Yeah, just for an hour
Yeah, yeah, oh
I mean, I still don't
You know Kinda dangerous has the funder in the music video shoot um yeah?
See I I figured you um yeah, that's the only one I can develop, but it's fine if there's two seats plus me
It's three and then plus a kid's
400 it's kind of what?
I'm katy might although I have to sit this one out. I mean alright. You sure yeah, I'm sure okay
I can I'm sorry about that at school car though. Yeah you to a have fun
Well, maybe oh, then we can go for a ride first, and then you can go sign me in it yeah, or you could
Sit on my lap. That's cool. - that's cool. - we'll figure it out. This is like my second favorite thing besides you. Oh
I think we have an audience. Thank you. This is like. We're on is a alive just like a live audience, okay what?
this is the key K to my heart ah
The top comes off we should do that. It's like la. You know. I really know how to work these yet
You got to teach me memories. Yeah, I got you
We're rags. I did right like
She would Wanna turn back on this
This is your car. We just don't know how to take the roof off. I got the otakon not the aventador
So yeah, we still get the driver. Yeah like some gift factor. Yeah. Thank you Eric. Thank you, Erica
It's the thought that counts yeah, we're ready get in yp alright. Let's do it slow right? Yeah. Oh look at that
They're playing our song yeah boy. That's wet already. So this is the on button you have to hold it's like three seconds
This is like a date-date time value. I'm so happy right now a lamborghini
I got you a go a read-only lamborghini how much like I love goats and message you love Lamborghini whenever you're vlogging and
I'm vlogging - you just you just block the truck yeah
cute no, my song I
Snap oh my gosh. That's whatever. I had no idea. This was coming. How long have you been planning this oh a day? Oh
Yeah, the two best things all at one Erica and a lamborghini you deserve it if you put it in Estrada
It gets really loud. Are you ready? I'm ready
Alright pain, it's your turn to drive. Okay. How do I get out you got it? Oh yeah?
Have you ever driven a lamborghini? No? There's a first time for everything including babies, okay? You got ian say yes
I saw you following us in a drone. Yeah, well, I got to make sure everything's okay, okay?
You don't have to hide behind the wall or told on the fact like I'm right here, all right
He's just got the drone uncle Nathan. What are you?
Stop here you go okay. I hold the goat you have to drive a lambo okay? Hey, what's up, bro?
Don't mind me okay eyes on the sky right right, right?
Yeah, I'm gonna put my I'm gonna put my seatbelt on but we're at night is
She will want us turn our back on it. Go. I'm back on this
You ain't got no flavor that dope it
this top leg stop
Use it yo, what do you think you did it? I do that yes, you do girls
I think I need to take Uncle K for a ride now, okay, okay?
Could you drive now, and then you can sit on my lap Dr.. Greider? It's a family experience
Okay, uncle kade. I'll go kade you're gonna sit on my lap. I think I'll go kay's gonna drive, baby hot
Oh, it is gonna get real hot. Oh yeah, a lot of room in here
This is the best wow like a family well like a family in a lamborghini okay, so you guys need a driver. Yeah
Wow, okay, so I've done this not very many time to system by not many times
I mean, I'd never do. Oh really uncle's are good with cars. Yes, band all bands
Which I got no money do man
Um okay be careful, okay?
Oh, that's a red line. Okay 20 minutes later
I'm gonna go hey guys
Everything's you like Mr.. Luck yeah. We're we're lay right here. Whoa okay?
What do we do these are police okay with please? Oh? Oh I was a babe. Oh
Terribly I was trying to pull into my driveway, but there's a car blocking here. Is there a reason that you're driving with her
Not having to eat. Milk. Don't worry, uncle cable. Take the fall again. Okay. You rock anything for you guys literally anything like jail time
There you have it. Okay. Took the bullet again anything for you guys. Thank you so much. You got tickets. Yeah anything for the family
You know that was so much fun. Thank you for getting getting the level
I was the only one that didn't get a ticket. I don't know whether I'll pay for yours dude
You like the best one I've ever had you serving. I'm not the only one yeah
Which makes you the best award all of the above?
Whoo yo where are we right now, dude. We're a top two building in the sky yeah in Beverly Hills
They see everything you
Must seek the energy to be happy yeah my boys nailed it
You want to know why he nailed it he is from Ohio this man right? Here was my my inspiration growing up
I feel like after Jake Paulo's affiliate. I might be your inspiration this man was my inspiration ha ha
Oh, I watch them every day growing up and here. We are bro. This is I did okay
I have what I like give some knowledge
We peaked but now look if you can't give knowledge in the form of song what good is knowledge
That's what I'm saying, but like Korea. Your life is what you need okay when you need it trust me
And when you're looking for something, you look no further than what live in the energy
No, it's a musical
But like this is this is a good example for you guys the jake Paul is at home to like take it and be like
Yo, you're sitting behind your computer right now watching this and maybe one day
We're going to be children in Beverly hills and you know like life is limitless like anything can happen am I right Rob
We're a little of something happening that is anything. I respect that. I don't know what's going on
I respect that I dropped the song I dropped the rap song I feel you should be on the next one
Bobby light come back Bobby light come back. I appreciate that offer. I am retired. Oh, oh man. He be open there bit
It's everyday bro a because at one time we got to say all three of us
we're all from Ohio, we gotta say, Ohio together ah
Beautiful that's all good right authentic like sometimes you forget like you get these shiny buildings. You don't know where you're from anymore
No, no, no
We're always from Ohio always from Ohio born and raised Midwest Hollywood if you got married over there
Or you birthed your child there, or you see the Hollywood sign, or where they look at Stars klore?
Downtown or everything dirty lit you're always from mojave all we grow if you're not from Ohio
You should start saying you're from, Ohio, shit farther in life
Let me tell you kids guys jake pollard's keep on chasing your dreams keep on working hard
I'm gonna go back to the team ten hours. Let's go. Oh
Yeah back in 1410 house guys. It's been a long day. I did some meetings. I'm a business man. Here are guys
Here's a good day today was awesome. Erica. Got me a lamborghini and
As always check out the fire March Lincoln is in the bottle and Jake Wallace. We will see
the girl
Everyday, bro. Whose cake Polish, what's pop and check out this new March
Whoo that March is hot boy?
new items of Merchandise limited time
Click the link make sure you're subscribe to keep up with my life on a daily basis
And you want to see more content check out yesterday's vlog because it is super lit plus
I have a second channel Jake Paul to which you guys can subscribe to right now
And if you want to see more content from everyone in the house our group Channel is called team 10 check it
See you guys tomorrow
What's the Most "American" Car You Can Buy? | Consumer Reports - Duration: 1:49.If a car rolling off the assembly line today could talk,
you would hear it speaking in many languages.
Because the parts manufacturing and vehicle assembly
take place all over the globe.
That's why buying American isn't as simple
as consumers might like.
So which are 2017's most American-built cars?
We looked at vehicles in five categories
with the highest percentage of domestic parts
and that were assembled right here in the good old US of A.
The most American built vehicle overall is the Kia Optima 2.4L
sedan, with 83% of its parts coming from domestic sources.
This Consumer Reports top pick is put together
at its plant in West Point, Georgia.
The Honda Ridgeline is the most patriotic pickup
you can buy, with domestic parts making up 75% of this truck,
and it's assembled here in Lincoln, Alabama.
The 2018 Honda Odyssey is also assembled
at the Lincoln, Alabama plant.
This minivan bleeds red, white, and blue,
with 75% of its parts sourced domestically.
The Chevrolet Corvette is known as a quintessentially American
car, with 64% of its parts coming from domestic sources,
and it's assembled in the all-American city
of Bowling Green, Kentucky.
The small SUV market is huge, and the biggest flag waver
of the bunch is the Honda CR-V. It's put together
in East Liberty, Ohio, and sources 75% of its parts
For more on cars of every nationality,
check out consumerreports.org.
Grand Theft Auto V - NEW CAR - USA UPDATE - Duration: 3:12:46.-------------------------------------------
Car toy for kids | Dump truck, excavator, cranes, truck for children videos | Bibikids - Duration: 10:02.Car toy for kids | Dump truck, excavator, cranes, truck for children videos | Bibikids
5款豪華中大型轎車 華麗大作戰[2/5]空間配備篇 | U-CAR 集體評比(BMW 5er、M.Benz E-Class、Lexus GS、Infiniti Q70 、Volvo S90) - Duration: 5:33.-------------------------------------------
Ivanka Trump and Her Children Load Up the Car and left Washington D.C home - Duration: 2:41.-------------------------------------------
Police Car Monster Truck vs Red car for Children | Emergency Vehicles | Videos for Kids BinBin Tv - Duration: 16:26.Police Car Monster Truck vs Red car for Children | Emergency Vehicles | Videos for Kids BinBin Tv
Khung Log Bao Chua Colors Banana Car Khung Log Bao Chua Wild Animals King Kong Hoat Hinh Khung Log - Duration: 1:08:54.Khung Log Bao Chua Colors Banana Car Khung Log Bao Chua Wild Animals King Kong Hoat Hinh Khung Log
Caught On Video: Brazen Thieves Target Gas Station Car Wash In Lathrop - Duration: 2:00.-------------------------------------------
2017 Wuling Confero S Hong Guang 1.5 Luxury Car Review - Duration: 6:35.WULING COnfero S
Kid Songs | How To Make Colors Car DIY Clay Play | Colors For Children Toddlers Kids | Baby Play Doh - Duration: 2:07.Blue blue blue blue is great, blue blue blue blue is great.
Blue blue blue car is blue, blue blue blue car is blue.
Blue car.
Red red red red is great, red red red red is great.
Red red red car is red, red red red car is red.
Red car.
Yellow yellow yellow yellow is great, yellow yellow yellow yellow is great.
Yellow yellow yellow car is yellow, yellow yellow yellow car is yellow.
Yellow car.
Green green green green is great, green green green green is great.
Green green green car is green, green green green car is green.
Green car.
Green car, green colors Yellow car, yellow colors
Red car, red colors Blue car, blue colors
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