Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily to make Jan 2 2019

so welcoming in 2019 president moon jaein held a new year's event earlier

today the first working day of the year also giving a New Year speech that lays

out the country's path moving forward under his administration for more on

that let's go over to our correspondent Shin Semin who joins us on the line sir

sermon the president's focus this year was mostly on the economy right and mark

I want to start off with the theme of president Putin's New Year's an event

which is a more prosperous of a theme that is of the new year's event which is

a more prosperous safe and peaceful Korea now the event took place at the

Korea Federation of the SMEs this morning with some 300 people in

attendance including political figures and business tycoons like Samsung

Electronics ejo candy groups Executive Vice Chair Tong

Nissan and the heads of SK and LG groups now the underlying message is the

president's goal of steering the country's economy to a better position

by using both small and mid-sized firms and large businesses to propel economic

growth and the president called on the need for patience as the government

pushes for innovation in all industries and added he will improve the

foundations for companies to do business

QB to target on fan gerrymander indeed or Shinsegae Sumida kimchi by John Doe

is jogador killed when killed by a tsunami that he will work on creating a

safer work environment and highlighted his flagship policy of making Korea a

more fair and just nation sakura-chan take a song called Combe in Turkey so

Sam's okay so city geometry taro channel target Sumida commuters highly organized

Evo Putin double no more pumpkins Arsenal's high Rokinon Sottero

Montero boepgetsseumnida alright so say I mean it seems much to the focus for

the year is on improving the lives of the public

by hopefully boosting the economy but the president did also mention his peace

tribe did he not with North Korea as well sure but ultimately it's also a

peace and economy now towards the end of his New Year's speech president moon

gave his word that his administration will make efforts to efforts so the

stream of peace will become a irreversible wave in the new year and

with the ultimate denuclearization and lasting peace in the region he said then

the Koreas can actualize the new economic plans like the railway line

running from the Korean Peninsula through China and Russia all the way to

Europe and he added that such developments will connect with countries

to the north of the nation and on the southern side a community of peace and

prosperity with ASEAN member nations and Indo Pacific countries ultimately

creating an era where peace can give our economy another boost mark

For more infomation >> President Moon promises to make country a more prosperous and peaceful nation in 2019; promises - Duration: 3:15.


How To Make 'Wooden' Texture Mug - Duration: 8:52.

how to make texture body mug

process make a mug

give a slab or Clay that's been melted

Then put it on the mug

sodium silikat or water glass . Form a liquid

For more infomation >> How To Make 'Wooden' Texture Mug - Duration: 8:52.


How To Make A LinkedIn Video Thumbnail // - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> How To Make A LinkedIn Video Thumbnail // - Duration: 2:12.


How To Make Cake Decorating Ideas Compilation 😍🍓🍰 The Best Cake Decorating Tutorial - Duration: 10:21.

How To Make Cake Decorating Ideas Compilation | The Best Cake Decorating Tutorial

Thank you for watching! Hope you enjoy & like it!

For more infomation >> How To Make Cake Decorating Ideas Compilation 😍🍓🍰 The Best Cake Decorating Tutorial - Duration: 10:21.


How To Make Chocolate Cakes Ideas 2019 | Top 10 Chocolate Cupcake Cake Dessert Recipes Videos - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> How To Make Chocolate Cakes Ideas 2019 | Top 10 Chocolate Cupcake Cake Dessert Recipes Videos - Duration: 2:50.


How to Make Your New Years Resolutions Stick - Duration: 4:50.

Have you ever wondered why most New Year's resolutions fail?

Hi, I'm Stacey Berger here with Mastering Your Mindset. I am passionate

about you living a life that you love. Today I'm sharing with you three reasons

why New Year's resolutions fail. The most common mistake that I see when people

are writing their goals, when they're writing their vision, when they're making

their New Year's resolutions, is they write them in a way that's really called

an avoidance goal, versus an approach goal.

So an avoidance goal is something that you no longer want in your life. It's

what you're wanting to give up, what you don't want to be doing anymore, and we

write the goal or the vision focused on that. So here's some examples of what

that would be - I want to lose the weight, I want to get out of debt, I don't want

to worry anymore, I want to be stress-free, and with all of those things

there's still what we want to avoid in there. I don't want any more stress - we're

still using that word stress - and so what happens is as long as we're using the

word stress it usually creates an emotional response to that. So you're

thinking maybe more about the stress than the stress-free. And so an

avoidance goal would be, here's what I don't want in my life anymore. And

instead if you can look at that list and reframe it into what do you want? So if

on the what I don't want is I don't want any more back pain, I don't want my knees

to hurt anymore, I want to get off the medication - instead, an approach goal

would be I wake up and I move with freedom and ease, I'm playing with my

grandkids or my kids, I'm going skiing and doing all the activities that I love.

And so an approach goal is more what you're focused on creating in your life.

So instead of where are you coming from, you want to write those New Year's

resolutions and those goals in to where you're going.

So first reason New Year's resolutions fails, because of focusing on that

avoidance goal versus the approach goal. The second reason is we try to go at it

alone. So if you can imagine you're setting a new goal, you're setting a new

vision, a new resolution, something that you want to accomplish, but you've got

patterns and habits that aren't like that. And

oftentimes what happens is when we try to accomplish it on our own, even with

the very best of intentions, we find ourselves sabotaging our own results.

When you're on your own, it's very difficult to keep that accountability

and that momentum, and so having a partner in believing, finding somebody

that's willing to support you, to hold you accountable, maybe to achieve that

goal with you where you can work on it together, we're so much more likely to

succeed when we have a support system around us. So the third reason New Year's

Resolutions can fail is because there's really not that commitment. There's not a

burning desire. So it's more about wishing and wanting and hoping, without

it really being a full commitment. So how can you turn up the desire on your New

Year's Resolution? Think about why is it important to you.

So as you fast forward to December 31st 2019, and imagine yourself having

accomplished it. how is that going to feel? How proud of yourself are you going

to be? How will you celebrate? And now imagine if you don't do it, if another

year goes by and you don't accomplish that goal, how is that going to feel? So a

real strong commitment and decision, I'm doing this! Versus a when I have the time,

or wishing or wanting or hoping for it. So how committed are you to that New

Year's Resolution? So as you look at your New Year's resolutions and your goals

for 2019, make sure they're written in that approach manner, who is your

structure of support? Who is your support system to help you be accountable to

that, and how committed are you? And if you do those three things, you're

certainly going to increase your success in 2019. So comment below, what's one

thing that you're committing to in 2019, and as a community we'll support you in

reaching that goal. If this video supported you, make sure you like it,

subscribe to our channel, follow us on Facebook and here's

to your success.

For more infomation >> How to Make Your New Years Resolutions Stick - Duration: 4:50.


How to Make Your Subscriptions Private & How to Show Your Subscriptions - Duration: 3:01.

This video will show you how to make your subscriptions private, and how to

show your subscriptions.

The first thing (that) you want to do is click on your YouTube icon in the top right

hand corner of your screen.

The second step is, once you click on the icon, this drop down box will show, and

then you click on settings.

When you click on settings, your screen should look something similar to this

with all of your information on the left-hand side.

Next, you'll find history and privacy, and you click on that.

Your screen should look something like this, after you've clicked on history and


Here you'll find a box that has 'keep all (of) my subscriptions private'. You will

click on that box. To show your subscriptions, remove the check from the


After that, you click the 'Save' button.

Once you click the Save button, you should see this confirmation at the top

of your screen.

Now, if you want to go back to your channel to see if it worked, (then) you click

this box on the top left-hand corner.

Once you click that box, a drop-down box will show, and then you click on 'My


Your homepage should look something like this.

Click channels on your home page,

and here are your subscriptions. It will look something like this.

I hope this was helpful to you. Please subscribe, like, and share.

Take Care! =)

For more infomation >> How to Make Your Subscriptions Private & How to Show Your Subscriptions - Duration: 3:01.


How to Make Christmas Cookies | Christmas Pretzels Recipe For Kids | Cooking Games Online - Duration: 5:40.

How to Make Christmas Cookies | Christmas Pretzels Recipe For Kids

For more infomation >> How to Make Christmas Cookies | Christmas Pretzels Recipe For Kids | Cooking Games Online - Duration: 5:40.


My New Year's Resolutions for a Year of HEALTH + 3 Tips on How to Make Your Own - Duration: 8:23.

So 2019 is upon us, it is tomorrow.

and I

think that a lot of you guys probably feel the same

as me where New Year's resolutions are kinda stupid.

But honestly I feel like if we have New Year's

resolutions, that's the one thing that keeps us accountable

and prevents us from being the lazy pieces of doodoo.

that we are. Hey guys. In today's video, I'm gonna share with you

my New Year's resolutions

and also share with you tips on how to make resolutions

of your own. I just want to preface this video by

apologizing for the lighting. I am currently in Germany

at my boyfriend's apartment, and if you guys

have been with me since the beginning of my journey on YouTube,

then you know how much I hate it here because there's

like no sunlight whatsover and today is not an exception.


Also, I'm sick.

So that's another thing.

So nothing's gonna cooperate today, great.

Ok, so onto my New Year's resolutions. I

actually do not have a notebook with me. I forgot to

pack one from home and ended up

having to ask my boyfriend for a notepad

and pen. But honestly I feel like having

a notebook that keeps track of your resolutions

and keeps you on track with

crossing off your goals and also to

remind you of what your goals are is really important. So actually

after New Year's, I will be shopping for a notebook because I really need

one. But anyways, ok. The first thing

that you wanna come up with is one word that

will be your whole theme for the new year.

Mine is going to be Health, so that's what I wrote at the top of

my resolutions list. I'm going to share with

you what my resolutions are right now.

Sleep before 2 am, wake before 10 am, gain weight

(preferably around 10 pounds), connect

with the right people (on social media), keep

going, enjoy the process, do more of what I

love and feels right to me, seize my travels,

try different things, stop working

after 9 pm, pay attention to what I buy,

do more inspirational videos,

focus on one thing at a time,

be more reflective, I wanna at least journal

for 182 days, so half a year,

and keep my hands off my face

(I am a chronic pimple picker, so that's gonna be

really hard for me), have more positive

thinking, and spend more time away from social media.

I'm just gonna add a little bit to the end of that. So,

every time I've spent time away from social media,

I actually a lot less stressed, but at the same time

I felt a little bit more stressed

because I felt like I wasn't keeping up with my content,

I was like disappointing people or more like

having them unfollow me or unsubscribe because

they obviously don't know like what I've been up to, which

I always let everybody know to follow me on Instagram

to keep up with my schedule

and everything. I always update you guys there. So if you

haven't already, please follow me on Instagram.

I've taken a lot of social media breaks this year

and it actually helped me to reflect on

what I'm doing with my life and how I want

my relationships with people to be like

and it's actually been really nice. So, for

2019, I really want to

take more breaks from social media and/or

just don't stress about when I don't show

up for a couple days. I actually skipped

like 6 days last week because

I was too busy playing hostess to my boyfriend who visited

me back at home. And now that I'm trying to get settled

here in Germany--of cours we've been really sick, but--I just

really want to not stress about that. Now, if you wanna get really

into it, you can copy your

resolutions and do it again

on another piece of paper or in a notebook and

put columns there. You can organize

your resolutions how ever you want to.

For instance, my resolutions, they don't all

flow together. So like, 'sleep before 2 am,'

'wake before 10,' those can go with

'stop working after 9 pm.' Do you know what I'm saying? So,

you can do it like that. But honestly, I just--I

can always remind myself about things. I don't know.

I just work like that. But if you need more

organization, you can totally do that. I guess what would be nice is if you

didn't want to use a notebook, you can always do it on

a notepad like this or pieces (sheets*) of paper

and tack them up or tape them up onto your wall.

So wherever you sit like at your desk, for instance,

in your bedroom, you can always have your resolutions right

in front of you. Ok, so here are my tips on how to

create your own resolutions. There are 3 important things

that you need to keep in mind. First of all, this is not part of that.

But come up with that one word

that will be your theme for 2019.

Again, mine is Health. That includes

physical and mental health. Mostly

mental health because my physical health is pretty good.

I do work out 3x a week and I am very

mindful of what I eat, so I'm ok with that. But it's

more mental health. Try to be specific as possible

and that will help keep your mind

on track of what you want your resolutions to be about.

Here are the 3 tips on creating your resolutions. #1: Try to make them attainable.

What that means is whatever resolutions

or goals that you have for yourself, make

sure that you are (going to be) able to meet them. Don't go too

crazy and tell yourself you're going to lose like

200 pounds or you're going to gain, I don't know,

20 pounds and I don't know, you can do it

obviously, but it's just a lot of mental strain.

So I wouldn't say to do that like,

I don't know, for the whole year. Maybe to just chop

it down and make it realistic

for your lifestyle. The 2nd and 3rd tips kinda

go together, but you can make your goals

continuous and/or time-sensitive (I meant -specific :D).

So, #2 if you want to make your goals continuous,

then they* obviously need to

be something you can do for the entire

year, they'll* just go on. So for instance,

on my list, I have more positive

thinking. So I don't want that to be a time-

sensitive thing where I'm only thinking positively for like a month.

I want that to be every single day, throughout the whole year.

And then #3 if you want your goals to be

time-sensitive, then maybe if you wanna gain weight

or lose weight, you can put, "I want to

lose weight within 3 months." So try to be very time-specific with that because if you just put

down "I want to gain 10 pounds" like I did

on my thing, then maybe it'll be a lot less

attainable or a lot less realistic for me if

I don't give to myself a time-table. But at the same time,

if you're not that hardcore with your weight gain

or your weight loss, then don't really

stress about it.

At the end of the year, if I gained 10 pounds,

then I gained it. If I didn't, I didn't. Like, I'm

not too crazy with that. But if you're very serious about

your goal like that, then definitely give to yourself

a time-table.

My lips are getting stuck together because of this Kat

Von D Everlasting Liquid Lipstick in Lovesick. Ok guys,

that's it for my video. I wanna wish you guys a

Happy New Year and please be safe

with whatever you choose to do. This year has been a

wonderful, rocky, arduous

journey for me. I only hope that 2019

will kinda be the same, I guess.

Like, wouldn't life be nice if it was nice

all the time. But life is not like that. And I want you

guys to stay inspired and

think positively. Know that things will

get better and you really do deserve to

see that. I love you guys so much. Thank you for all the support

in the last

whatever how long you've been here with me.

I truly appreciate every single one of you.

If you enjoyed this video, please give it a thumbs up,

subscribe to see way more videos and

even blog posts coming up in the new year.

I'm trying to get back into it since I've been away from

social media for so long, but I swear I'll be back.

Click the notification bell so you don't miss a video. I hope you guys have

have a wonderful day and I will see you in my next video in

the new year. Bye!

For more infomation >> My New Year's Resolutions for a Year of HEALTH + 3 Tips on How to Make Your Own - Duration: 8:23.


How to Make Mote con Huesillo - Duration: 7:36.

Whats up?

Today I am going to make a Chilean drink

right here

called mote con huesillo


I had this when I was in Chile

I had it once on the streets

the first day

and then the second. Or early on at least.

And then the last day I had to have it again 'cause it was so good.

Do I am going to teach you how to make

this drink.

It's got

wheat berries kind of at the bottom

and then

dried or were dried


that were soaked, and then

a liquid that I'll show you how to make.

First you'll need two table spoons of brown sugar

a half cup of sugar

A cup of wheat berries, I just use farro

and soak it over night or for about eight hours

in four cups of water

one or two cinnamon sticks

A cup of dried peaches

My frig is freezing so I guess I get some ice too



about eight hours or over nigh in four cups of water

So first we are going to add


in this case we are gonna add the ice

but were going to add the water

that is holding the peaches

We are just going to add the water

because I don't really want it to splash when

when the peaches fall in

so we're going to add the peaches next.

After adding the peaches we're gonna add

the two tablespoons of brown sugar

After adding the two tablespoons we are going to mix it all up

so the brown sugar kind of dissolves

in the mixture.

Then we are going to

let it boil

for about 45 minutes

and then after that 45 minutes we are gonna add

the half cup of sugar

as well as the one or if you really like cinnamon


sticks of cinnamon

And then we are gonna mix it up so that sugar dissolves

Then we're gonna cook it for about


30 minutes more

and we are left with this

and we're gonna mix it up just a little bit

and take it off the burner

Now we are going to be working with the wheat berries

So we are going to get rid of the water here and

we are going to do that with this strainer

We are going to try to get all the wheat berries out

After getting everything out we are going to wash it out because we don't want that

that whitish almost milky


We are going to clean that out.

until we get water kind of looking like that normal color

Now we are going to put it in a pot.

and we are going to cover the wheat berries


just enough so that it is covered.

Then we are going to cook it for about 25 minutes.

Then we are going to remove it from heat.

We are going to pour it into the strainer again

kind of to get rid of that excess liquid.

Now we are going to rinse out the wheat berries

so that it's cleaner

because it will probably have a kind of whitish

almost that milky color

we are going to rinse it until it is clear.

After that we have everything cooked so we just have to do the mixing


we are going to use the wheat berries

this mixture that we have

with the peaches

and since most of my water evaporated

I'm going to add a little bit of extra water.

So I put the wheat berries in first

then the mixture

and now I'm adding

some water. You can

add as much as you want. The flavor is still there form the mixture

so if you want more flavor

just add more water or less water, however you like it.

and we are going to mix it up here

And this is what you're left with.

mote con huesillo

Alright, now we are ready


to serve it.

So what you need to do

take first

the wheat berries here at the bottom

and I guess if you get some of the peaches that's fine.

Once you have a good amount of those wheat berries down there

you're going to get a couple of peaches, one or two

depending on how much you want.

so here's one

I am going to break it up in here

to they're not huge chunks

Here's the other one.

Break that one up too.

And then, we're going to put a little bit of this liquid in

and maybe some peaches come down with it that's fine


So how you eat it is I guess up to you


you can eat some of the berries

and peaches together

get some liquid, kind of however you want.

For more infomation >> How to Make Mote con Huesillo - Duration: 7:36.


How To Make Money From Your Music This Year | Music Artist Tips - Duration: 10:59.

music artists and entrepreneurs what's good Mike Sarge here from my

And it's the new year you already know what time it is

I'm so excited to start off the New Year with you and because it's the new year

well I'm started off the right way which means I'm gonna start off this month by

answering the four questions that I get the most starting with if I'm in music

how in the world do I make money I don't know I never thought I'd get this far

and as always you don't want to miss this one so go ahead and hit that

subscribe button - even the subscribe button looking New too.. oh man let's work

salutes to that all right so before we really get this going I need to put out

some disclaimers real quick disclaimer number one alright this is assuming that

your content is good alright you're trying to make money off of off music

and being within the music industry this is assuming that your music is good and

this is assuming that your content is good alright if it's not good I do not

want you guys expect any people you know I don't want you guys expecting people

to to buy your stuff to buy into your brand when it's not quality right and I

don't want you guys ended up like my boy Squidward and the other disclaimer

please do not watch this video and assume these are the only ways to make

money within music there are a bevy of ways in which you can make money within

music actually do your research study and and put that knowledge to the test

alright so tip number one sell your music duh now what I mean by selling

your music I'm talking about distribution and I'm talking about

streaming when I say distribution I'm talking about selling your music on

iTunes I'm talking about Google Play places like that where people

can buy your music and when I talk about streaming obviously you know that I'm

talking about Spotify I'm talking about title I'm talking about Apple music I'm

talking about Pandora as well and also don't forget YouTube is a

part of streaming I know so often we watch so many videos and we don't think

twice about it but YouTube watching you know views on YouTube it counts as

streaming so that means if you are a music producer and you sell beats you

need to have videos of your beats you need to have a youtube channel so

artists can check out your stuff and artists fans singers musicians you need

to have a youtube channel as well so you can show off what you can do you know

for singers you know the fastest way to get content is to make covers of your

favorite songs so make sure that you're doing it it counts once you get a

certain number of subscribers I believe it's a thousand you can start monetizing

on those streams so again streaming is another way in which you

can make money off your music alright so the first tip is sell your music but

this next tip is sell your brand alright so you're probably wondering what in the

world do you mean by sell my brand merchandise so some examples of this

sell some t-shirts wristbands CDs posters stickers flash drives

sidenote which also means if you're gonna sell these things you need to have

one a place where you can sell these items like a website and number two you

need to make sure that you have a presence online and offline as in you're

actually traveling you're going out to different places within your city within

your county within your state and maybe within your Coast another way to make

money off your music is through licensing and getting placements now for

artists when I say placements I'm talking about finding ways to get your

music within you know on radio within commercials with in TV shows video games

things like that that's what I mean when I say placements and if you're a music

producer what I mean my placement says you know working with artists that are

actually talented so when they blow your stuff is is a part of their journey and

so people can they'll always ask you know and this happens a lot for rappers

where you know if I released a really good song and people like it they're

like yo who made that beat for you and that's a quick plug for that producer so

now other artists are gonna go check them out so if you're a music producer

make sure that you're working with talented artists and not just working

with anyone another way to make money off your music is crowdfunding for those

of you that have a small following or just a big enough following to where

people really want to invest in what you're doing you can set this up you can

set your account as if it's a subscription to say like a

Netflix or something like that so what ended up happening you make a promise to

your fans through your followers and you say hey if you sign up for this

subscription whether it's you know ten dollars a

month twenty dollars a month whatever you said it at um you know you'll give

them two songs a month or a song a month or they get a free t-shirt every other

month or something like that you get to determine the terms but that's a steady

income that's coming to you from people that really want to support you alright

so those tips are ones that you guys have probably heard if you've been doing

it for music for a little while so now I want to get into some other ones that

people tend to forget about when they're trying to make money okay once if I

would give is if you have a venue or you have a big enough house or apartment

throw a house party alright throw a house party in charge like five at the

door five at the door then you guys get to you get to determine the rules

because it's your place or it's your buddy's place if you guys want to have

drinks there you want to have food there you want to turn it up loud you can just

you guys can control the climate and people that have never heard of you they

can check you out you know through connections and friends you know friends

of your friends family members of your friends of your family members and

things like that so have a house party and maybe charge five at the door that's

the easy way now let's say you have a particular skill alright so say you're a

really good singer right or you're a musician and you play a particular

instrument whether that's the you know the guitar or or the you know the piano

or something like that why not have singing lessons you know why not have

lessons for playing that instrument so you can make some money in just charts

per hour I'm pretty sure you can find some you know young people in your area

that are trying to get better at playing and they want someone that's experienced

that can actually show them how to play better so try that alright so from our

producers right um and I do not see this enough I don't I don't understand why I

don't see this enough why are producers not selling beat tapes

beat tape so what does the B tape so artists you know music artists we

release EPS we release albums of our music as a producer you can sell a B

tape which essentially is a project of you know beats that you've selected and

me as an artist I would buy your B tape to hear these beats and because I bought

it I can then use them for my next project all right so our producers

please make beat tapes release them and also if your producer make sure that if

there are other producers wanting to have your secrets or you know you figure

out what type of plugins you use what vsts you use all right make a drum kit

for that you know what are the snares that you use what are the kicks that you

use you know that the sound effects and things like that make a kit for that and

sell that that's another way that you can bring your revenue now if you're a

sound engineer if you're the type of person that you know you genuinely stay

behind the scenes but you're really good with mixing and mastering you know how

to make a song sound good then why don't you do that why don't you find other

artists in your area regardless of genre talk to them listen to their music and

go like hey like this is a pretty good song but I believe it could get to the

next level if you let me make some master a matter of fact you may even you

may even because I know I've done this in the past where I'll tell an artist

hey I will mix a master a track for you for free or maybe even a song that you

are you know already released if you sent me those files like I'll show you

my version of that very same mix and then they get an idea of how good you

are and then maybe for their next release they'll want to work with you

you know exclusively and they'll want to pay you for your next project so take

that into account what do you bring to the table sometimes it's not always

about asking all the time sometimes it's about giving and that's it you know a

easy way for you to make a little bit more income now while I'm on the route

of services because I mention music services but that also goes with things

visually alright so if you are good with graphics if you're a graphic designer if

you can make album cover single covers quality ones if you can make good fliers

things like that that is another way for you to bring in revenue as well and then

the last thing I'm going to give is for your recording services look many of you

have your own home studio right you have your own space because you can't afford

to go to a regular studio and make it happen but if you know you have other

friends that have the same struggle as you as far as finding a place to record

then why not offer your spot if you're able to and say like hey I'll record you

you know I'll record you for this many songs for this

that's the easy way to make some cash believe me do you know how many artists

are in your area that they're just looking for a place to record and they

want to do it they don't want to just do it anyone they want to do it with

someone they trust well why not do it with someone they know like just think

like I said these aren't all the ways to make money when it comes to music there

are plethora of ways that people make music there are people that are making

music off of their royalties from their performance performance royalties there

are people that are making music from doing music reviews doing just reviews

on someone else's album or EP right there are people within music that are

making money off shooting music videos and things like that there are many ways

to make money with their music you just have to find that niche you have to find

that thing that you're comfortable with that you love doing anyway within music

and allowing it to be a source of income for you now I know a few of you guys

felt like man I went through that really really fast and I didn't really go in

depth compared to most of my videos that's okay I'm going to be having

future videos where I'm actually breaking down step by step a lot of the

things that I mentioned so do not fret do not worry I just want to throw that

you know quick little plug in your ear so that you can get going so you don't

have to wait on someone in order to you know start funding yourself for your

career and like I asked at the end of every episode did you like this video if

so go ahead and hit that like button then hit that subscribe button so you

get notified every time I drop a new video also if you have a particular

topic or you have a question that you want me you know want me to address in a

future video go ahead go into the comments section

leave your suggestion I do read my comments so I will add your suggestion

to the list and as always be you enjoy your life live authentic so lucid a

catch y'all later

For more infomation >> How To Make Money From Your Music This Year | Music Artist Tips - Duration: 10:59.


YouTube Banner - How To Make Perfect YouTube Channel Banner/Cover Photo (Professionally) - Duration: 6:43.

YouTube Channel Banner Design in Bangla

How To Make Perfect Size YouTube Channel Banner/Cover Photo (Professionally).

YouTube channel art/cover photo/banner very professionally perfect in adobe Photoshop cs6.

YouTube channel art is mostly known as channel banner or cover photo.

It's tricky to create one because the size of the banner has to be perfect and if you don't know then actual way of doing it you might not get it right

This video will help you to create your own YouTube channel art/banner with Photoshop.

YouTube Banner

For more infomation >> YouTube Banner - How To Make Perfect YouTube Channel Banner/Cover Photo (Professionally) - Duration: 6:43.


How to make flutes your best friend... Carry them around (Cheap and easy way) - Duration: 4:27.

Hello Friends!

Today I will update you about a trick on the flute's carry case

I will tell you about how to easily carry your flute everywhere... from classes

to performances

May a times, the carry cases

are not sent by the flute makers

to us when we purchase the flute

They generally send it in a round cardboard sealed box

Whenever we purchase it online we generally get these cardboard ones but...

the branded ones may send it in cases like these (SEE VIDEO)

But the lower end stays hollow...

Also, the upper end has this problem that it does not close easily; the chain is a bit clumsy

I generally do not prefer these kind of cases at all...

I got some cases like this one made on my own but with a dozen of additional features

I will tell you about them today

These are way more convenient!

So, I got this one made (SEE VIDEO)

This thing that you see in my hand is called an end-cap

and the pipe that you see is PVC that is used in our homes...

for garbage disposal and water plumb-lines etc.

You can easily acquire these as very low costs at any hardware shops

They are sold on the base of their diameter (in mm)

The one in my hand is a smaller one for a smaller flute

This is very easy to carry and see, like that, I can easily close it with the end-cap...

Also, I got this velcro put so that it does not open on its own

And as you see there is an end-cap at the end as well

You can also buy these at very cheap costs from the hardware shop

Remember to buy an end cap that fits it- not small or big...

Also to make carrying easier, I got this strap put

To make it more attractive you can put designer ones but these are more economical

The final touch or the adding of cloth or leather to the bag are made by bag-makers or tailors

This is very convenient and cheap.

If you don't have a case for any of your flutes, get these made

Like, I got this one made to keep three to four flutes together...

This also has this end-cap

I got two straps put here to make carrying even easier...

Whenever, I go for a class on a scooter, I can easily carry these...

You can make these to keep your flutes in groups...

I've gotten this third one made as well

This is very thick and durable PVC...

Even if your flute falls on the way on the road

and a four wheeler runs over it... then also it won't break...

Like this you can make covers for the smallest to the biggest flute that you have...

All you have to do is... purchase the material it give it to a tailor to stitch it together

This will enable you to take your flute over the longest journeys without fearing breakage...

Today's tutorials was to tell you this small but effective trick...

Thank you for watching!

If you liked the video, please subscribe...

For more infomation >> How to make flutes your best friend... Carry them around (Cheap and easy way) - Duration: 4:27.


Cách Làm Bánh Cam Nhanh Ngon - How to make Sesame Sweet Rice Balls - Duration: 15:26.

How to make sesame sweet rice Balls

with black bean and coconut flakes


250g glutinous rice flour

25g rice flour

25g cornstarch flour

50g smashed potato

3 -- 5g salt

125g sugar

5g Double acting baking powder

200 ml warm water

25 ml cooking oil for the dough

and cooking oil for deep frying

About 1 cup of sesame seeds

For the filling, using 1 can of black bean

1 Cup of sweetened coconut flakes

With 50 g more sugar

and vanilla

For more infomation >> Cách Làm Bánh Cam Nhanh Ngon - How to make Sesame Sweet Rice Balls - Duration: 15:26.


How To Make Money Testing Websites - Duration: 5:47.

Hey guys it's John Kevitz from Acquire Liberty thanks for spending your time with me here

today. Today I have a website for you where you can make some pretty decent money

folks and it's relatively simple work but before we get into that I want you

to subscribe to our YouTube channel click on that little bell notifications

every time I make it upload you'll get to see it first

and listen depending whether you want to make passive income or very little

income maybe you want to make some a little extra money alright I got the

videos for you on this YouTube channel take a look

browse around it's a full plethora of education that gives you the ability to

work from home whether you want a little money or a lot of money passive income

or full-time income check it out folks it's there for you

and remember if you want to generate passive income my number one rated

opportunity for working home is down below click that link below it's the

first line in the description below watch the free video so I got started

and thousands of other people got started and may this gave us the ability

to work from home full-time alright guys okay without any further ado let's check

out what I have for you it is jumped at it up start up lift calm I'll have all

the links in the description below so you can click on them and have it easy

access to them so you can have you can just get right to work if you want now

the main thing that this does here it's really simple it's really effective now

we've talked about web search evaluators and you know task performers for

websites to test things out this is not really either one of those things this

is similar in a way because you're going to someone's newly developed website and

basically while they're doing is they're not giving you tasks per se they're just

asking you questions like what do you think of this what do you think of that

how is the interaction with this how is the interaction with that and basically

all you're going to do is write you know a couple sentences about each question

that they have for you and that's it and then after you finished doing those some

simple things answering those simple questions you make five dollars now in

theory depending on let's just say you have a lot available here I mean look at

the right now these are the ones that are available that they're currently

looking for right now one two three two trees so you got nine of them here

so nine times five 45 bucks you can actually sit down and bang all these out

all these tasks or websites asking you questions about what you thought about

their newly developed websites and you can make that kind of money fast because

it's not gonna take you long to write a couple sentences about a you know for a

couple questions for each website and make the five dollars so this is what

I'm talking about and you can make some decent money doing this now is this

going to be a full-time gig are you gonna get rich doing this absolutely not

because probably what the amount of jobs that they're gonna have available to you

is not going to be able to sustain you and give you any kind of full-time work

or in theory maybe some part-time work at the most but it's a nice way to make

some really fast money and you know get it really quick and five bucks doesn't

seem a lot but when you see how fast you can actually do each website it actually

adds up really quick we could probably bang all these out

probably within an hour so you talk about some serious money for an easy job

no qualifications whatsoever you just have to sign up and that's it and they

tell you okay get going you're hired let's move you're gonna make money and

now these guys here they pay you once a week with PayPal PayPal PayPal PayPal

we're getting back to the norm the last couple of videos we talked about there

was a lot of it was direct deposit this one is PayPal so basically they will

give you your PayPal money once a week I'm thinking it's probably gonna be

Friday okay now get paid now this is where you would sign up get paid to give

your feedback now this is to me it's actually the best way to make money

because it's simple it's easy as effective there's no pre-qualification

is needed to do the job and you can actually have you know spend your day

making some pretty good money because these generally change here every day or

every couple days so you're talking about some you know decent money every

week if you're gonna spend the time to do it spend an hour doing these every

every every day every other couple days and you're gonna make some decent money

for the week right so here's where you would go to sign up make some make some

extra money and basically what you do is you come to this page right here and

I'll leave the link in the description below so you don't have to be searching

for anything it's really simple and basically come down here

click here to register you click on that with a valid email address email address

signup username password login well guess what guys five bucks five bucks

five bucks five bucks boom boom boom boom boom that's how

quick you can make the money guys this is really simple it's really easy

it's really effective if you need to make some quick money fast okay you can

get paid by the end of the week not a bad gig right okay guys that's all I

have you today remember subscribe to my youtube channel click on that little

Bell notification so every time I make an upload you'll get to see it first and

remember if you want to learn how to generate passive income click that link

below watch the free video you'll get to see how I started and thousands of other

veel got started working from home full-time and more importantly

generating full-time income passively yes that's key and remember

subscribe to my newsletter ok subscribe to my newsletter I'm gonna give you this

free ebook that you see on the screen right now it gives you the ability and

teaches you how to use your email list how to generate email lists how you can

generate more sales from your email list how you can build a relationship with

your customers and your audience alright guys so any further ado what do I always

say what I'm done with you for a video I always say God Bless guys take care and until next time

bye now...

For more infomation >> How To Make Money Testing Websites - Duration: 5:47.


Pres. promise to make new year, where all peoples' lives improve evenly with no inequality - Duration: 2:23.

President Moon Jae-in delivered his New Year's address today,... where he pressed hard on

ultimately bettering the country's economy.

He also mentioned the situation with North Korea, pledging that he will continue with

the denuclearization and peace process laid out over the last year.

Our Blue House correspondent Shin Se-min reports.

President Moon Jae-in's proposal for the brand new year of 2019... is to build a nation in

which everyone can prosper together.

In his New Year's speech, President Moon urged the creation of a new economic model for South

Korea,... saying the country's economy right now faces the challenge of persistently slow


His plan for the coming 12 months... is to improve the lives of the people across the


"In 2019, I will do my utmost to help the people of Korea see the results of our policies

in their lives.

I will work to make this the first year in which people's lives improve evenly, and in

which we overcome inequality."

The president said he will call for interested parties to make compromises and concessions...

so that economic growth can be felt by everyone -- something he said will require patience.

On the issue of job creation,... the president also promised to build 30-thousand smart factories

and to create a regulatory sandbox for new businesses in the IT and communication sectors.

On his drive for ultimate peace,... the president promised to do even more... and to cement

the gains already made.

"The peace we enjoy now is still temporary.

In the new year, the government will do its best to turn this stream of peace into a big,

irreversible wave."

He said through the ultimate denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,... the country can

open up an era of peace and prosperity.

Connecting that with the economy,...

President Moon said,... will link countries to the north and the south of the nation in

a peaceful and prosperous community -- that includes Russia, Europe and Southeast Asia.

Shin Se-min, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Pres. promise to make new year, where all peoples' lives improve evenly with no inequality - Duration: 2:23.


How To Make This Your Best Year Ever - Start Now! - Duration: 1:35.

Today isn't about dreaming,

it's about doing.

It's not about scheming,

it's about starting

It's not about fancy,

it's about finishing.

It's not about who, where, or how,

it's about when:


There's always reasons, resistance, obstacles, excuses maybe that's why they say:

Just Do It.

Today isn't about what if,

it's about what now,

how to put your feet to the ground.

It's not about what you think,

but what you say out loud.

It's not about what you want,

but what you will, what you vow.

Today isn't about what's in your heart,

it's about when you start.



Hey guys! I'm JP McLeod and this is my family.

Say hi guys!

You'll see more of them in the weeks to come.

Thank you guys so much for watching

I hope you enjoyed the video if you do and if you did

please hit subscribe, give me a thumbs up, and

I'll be posting videos here every single Tuesday so we'll see you next week, bye!

For more infomation >> How To Make This Your Best Year Ever - Start Now! - Duration: 1:35.


How to Make Slime Easy Step-by_Step - Duration: 2:31.

Today we're gonna learn how to make magic unicorn slime using all these fun

different ingredients. Here's what you're gonna need some glue, baby oil, saline and

baking soda. First thing you do is empty the glue into a bowl. We're using

glow-in-the-dark glue for today's example. Once you have all the glue out,

add a teaspoon of baking soda and mix it together. Once all of that is nice and

mixed together. You are ready to add a little bit of saline solution so add a

few drops at a time and then mix together your glue saline and baking

soda till it starts to get really sticky. Keep adding a few drops of saline

solution until you get it to the right stickiness so that you can start to pick

it up. Play with it once it's ready pull it out of the bowl and start to

squish it around in your hands. Add a little bit of baby oil. The baby oil is

what keeps it from sticking to your fingers. So keep mixing the baby oil on

it until it starts to get to the right sticky consistency and it's not sticking

to everything. Now you have your different slime, you can add things

like glitter to your slime. We're gonna add a little bit of glitter to our

purple slime and mix it all together. Now you've got sparkly slime which is

perfect for a unicorn. Now for the really fun part once you have all your

slimes ready, they're the perfect consistency and they're really stretchy

and gooey, you can put them in a room and ...are you ready? Turn off the lights!

Now you can play with them in the dark and you can keep stretching them and

Isn't this so much fun? I hope you have fun

making unicorn slime together with your family. Thanks for joining us and we'll

see you next time bye-bye.

This lessonwas brought to you by the doodleInstitute check out the free printable PDF

and the doodle Clubhouse become a member today!

For more infomation >> How to Make Slime Easy Step-by_Step - Duration: 2:31.


How to make Princess house from play doh, Doll's house *Fancy Doll - Duration: 10:29.

Okay, let's go I want to get a pair of beautiful shoes and another new dress.

Fancy Doll.

Let's make a dollhouse from play doh.

Starting from preparing play doh into thin square sheet.

Make a house base.

White house.

Yellow roof.

Pink roof tiles.

Finished one side.

Continue another side.

Finished on both side.

Add the house door.

Add window.

The first house is finished.

Then put it on the house base.

Let's make a small house.

This house the roof is pink.

The door is blue.

The top of roof is purple.

Decorate the house with glitter.

Yeah! it's finished then place it next to ther big house.

Wow! so cute.

I will put a little bit of a glitter on a big house.

Continue to make a pond in front of the house.

Have a bridge too.

Put small cute stone on the edge of the pool.

Now it's time to add water to the pool. I will use slime to make water.

Wow! very realistic, right?

Add shade to the house with a large tree.

So we come to make leaves together.

Add color with fruits.

Finished and then place on the side after fence.

Laying stone all over the house.

Add two more cars.

One tree would not be enough. Add another one better.

Make grass.

Finished! put it between the stones.

Brighten the grass with beautiful flowers.

Oho! very beautiful.

But not enough yet because I will make a fence for the house too.

Wow! the house is finished .

Come to see the high angle.

Princess short story.

At Aurora's house in the morning.

Hmm! today I made an appointment with Rapunzel to go the market.

But why she hasn't arrive or that she has other business?

Aha! she is coming.

I was worried that you were busy.

Sorry! I come a little late.

It's okay.

Well, can we go now?

Because the market will over soon.

Ok! let's go, I want to get a pair of beautiful shoes. And another new dress. Yeah I want I want. (Wait wait wait slowly slowly wait for me. Oh no! will I fall from the bridge?) Hurry Hurry Rapunzel (Yeah!! I'm coming)

How to make a doll house is finished, do you like?

In next video, I will make cute things for you.

Please Don't for get to watch.

And if you like my video plaese click like, share and subscribe for more fun video.

Thank you for watching. See you next time, bye bye.

For more infomation >> How to make Princess house from play doh, Doll's house *Fancy Doll - Duration: 10:29.


How To Make Chocolate Cake 🍔🍓🧀 Most Satisfying Chocolate Cake Video 2019 - Duration: 10:16.

How To Make Chocolate Cake | Most Satisfying Chocolate Cake Video 2019

Thank you for watching! Hope you enjoy & like it!

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