Thứ Năm, 3 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily life style Jan 3 2019

For more infomation >> The Style pick up for Nurse Newborn baby George?/babies really happy walking around they mum - Duration: 10:24.


DAY IN THE LIFE OF A DEAF YOUTUBER | VLOG | JoelinelifeVlogs - Duration: 11:38.

Hi welcome to my channel, so today I'm gonna go do some things

Umm I have to go to King Soopers

And then come home that's pretty much it

so I'm not gonna glam up or anything I have a jacket and a scarf

umm and that's it

So, um

what was I gonna say oh so

I wanna go to King Soopers which is a food store

So, um, I wanna go and try the

before I was rudely interrupted no I'm just joking

so umm

what I was saying

so what I was saying about keto

I have downloaded keto diet app

I was like hmm I'm wondering if I wanna try that diet

so I'm gonna go to the store

and get a few things to make umm yeah to get a few things to make that are, keto diet friendly


I'm not sure if I'm gonna follow through it

which is fine so I'm just gonna get a few things and try it out and see if I like it

if I do then cool



so yea I'm gonna go to the store plus I'm gonna make hamburgers for dinner tonight

and then

starting Monday I think I will do the keto diet

umm yeah I will see you soon

Just got home and I thought I'll go ahead and show you what I got like a grocery haul

so this is from Target King Soopers and Lowe's

I will show you in a minute and I'm just gonna take this off

hold on

much better

Oh, it was cold this morning but now it's not too bad

so let's see

I got some

beef and cheese



for this

so I wanna mix it like a umm breakfast sausage balls with cheese and eggs and then sausage

so that's what I'm gonna make probably


So we'll see if it's good or not


for the hamburgers tonight. I don't know what it's called, but it is almost like from

Taco Bell that it have meat inside and then so tortillas you can fold it. I don't know. I will show you tonight

how I'm gonna make it. I've never had it before

oh yeah and cheese for the hamburgers

hot sauce

is that, yeah I wanted to make sure it's the original one

oh yeah, forgot about this I'm gonna try this umm

The ones that are like really expensive the crest

umm they have this

same ingredients

let me show you it's right here

Almost the same thing so I'm like this is cheaper so we'll see

You know what, I mean tho like I always tend to look at the ingredients

and then compared the expensive one and then the cheap one, so yea

french fries

to umm to go with the hambugers tonight

and then I had to get coffee creamer

at Lowe's I got this

TMI I know

but the it's for my bathroom sink it's plugged up so

I had to buy and hopefully it would work also we use baking soda vinegar and

Hot water probably from my coffee or a boiling water in the pan I don't know but it has to be really hot

okay, so I'm here at the

auto dealership

and drop off my boyfriend so he can go pick up his car



it's frustrating because

He had to drop off

He had an appointment at 9:45 and then after that

they said it will take about an hour and a half to get him in okay that's fine so by the time they get him in

I don't know

it should have been done by noon

But luckily he decided to take Uber home

and so it's a good thing because they just now finished at five

so I ask him were they busy this morning he goes no they were not busy

so but he made an appointment the night before

so whatever

umm it's currently 5:30

I'm just waiting for him to come out and say yes he already paid and then I'm gonna go home

and then he'll my home too

he uh got a day off today because umm

it was too cold to go to work

so I'm glad he had the day off because if I had to drive his car which

was the plan he'd take this car to work and I take his car here

I would have been I've been here all day


I had an idea or if my boyfriend told me to take Uber home if I was still there

and also if I did took Uber home he would get home around 6

then we would come here and they close at 6 I dunno if that makes any sense

it makes sense to me so like ugh

I'm glad it's over I hope

I think so once he comes out and already paid then that means it's over we're go home and

forget about it

we were in the highway coming home from his mom's house on Christmas day

and he was driving and something hit his car

so like where the headlight is I think underneath I'm not sure

but from another car and it hit our car, his car and so

He just needed to get that replace that was it so I don't know why it took all day just to get that replace

they said it was an easy fix


I can't wait to get home

and once I get home I'm going to make dinner

not much tonight not too much

he'll probablly play his video game

and I'll be on the computer

probably wanna edit this video

if not I'll just watch YouTube

so we're home now my boyfriend got his car

and then we came home made dinner

this is a mess I know

I'm doing laundry right now

and this is my dresser

that's it for today's vlog

thank you so much for watching

if you liked it please give it a thumbs up

subscribe and click the bell so you'll be notified when I post a new video

thanks so much for watching I'll see you in the next one


For more infomation >> DAY IN THE LIFE OF A DEAF YOUTUBER | VLOG | JoelinelifeVlogs - Duration: 11:38.



The creatures of the Hawaiian forest are unlike those found anywhere else on

earth. After our islands rose from the sea,

it took millennia for them to be colonized. It is estimated that a new

plant species was established every 100,000 years after seeds braved ocean

currents and strong winds or hitched rides on visiting birds, they found new

environments free of predators. Over time many of them lost their defense

mechanisms, which serve to protect them from predatory creatures or safeguard

them from foreign diseases that would try to do them in. The ancestors of our

native species evolved in isolation into a dazzling array of new species filling

in the available space in their new home. Hawaiian culture is closely tied to

these unique plants and animals.

Unfortunately when people introduce plants and animals from other places it

often set off a chain reaction that resulted in extinctions. Hawaii has the

unfortunate title, "the extinction capital of the world" with many more species

currently endangered. The native Hawaiians first arrived, the islands forests were

teeming with tiny land snails, including the Kāhuli or tree snails. Hawaii once hosted as

many species of snails as the entire rest of the United States, their brightly

colored shells gave rise to the nickname, "jewels of the forest", the Hawaiians

celebrated Kāhuli in oli, mele and mo'olelo. They also believed Kāhuli

possessed the ability to sing. Kāhuli performed the role of

decomposer returning nutrients to the environment.

When people first arrived here they would have seen Kāhuli everywhere. You

could turn over leaves and find them snuggling next to one another often

remaining on a single tree for their entire life, they are long-lived. If you

first saw Kāhuli as a child, it's possible you might continue to see that

same Kāhuli into your 20s. How sad it is to think

that most of these remaining species will be extinct in the wild in the next

five to ten years. It is quite possible our grandchildren may see a forest void

of these creatures. When land snails start disappearing from a force

ecosystem you know that, that something is out of balance something's wrong

they're one of the first species that will drop out. They're vulnerable to a

lot of different factors and and so in that sense we can use them to identify a

healthy forest and we can also use them to identify a forest that's experiencing

detrimental impacts from invasive species or climate change. Despite the

many challenges, there's always hope. Hawaii's conservationists work

passionately to give Kāhuli and other endangered species a chance to survive.

Projects focusing on individual species both great and small were formed for

this purpose, including the snail extinction prevention program. There's

currently a captive breeding facility where snails from the wild can be

brought in and kept safely until it's possible to return them to their native

homes. Unfortunately, introduced predators, land

change over time, has all contributed to the decline of of this pretty

spectacular fauna. We're currently on the brink of of losing over a hundred

species within the next ten years at the rate of decline and and this is largely

due to introduced predators.

Often extraordinary steps are taken to protect the species under our care.

I personally was involved in what we called "Operation Snail Bail" when we

moved hundreds of Kāhuli to safety during a hurricane. They are critically

endangered, so we are kind of on high alert. Yeah so I will be spending the

night with the snails here in the office. Our islands without tree snails, without

the beauty of the Kamehameha butterfly, the siren call of the Alala, or the

delight of the Nene, Hawaii's state bird would lose a core piece of their essence,

their culture, their soul. Once on the brink of extinction, there were only

thirty wild nene left on Hawai'i Island by the early 1950s, it already been wiped

out elsewhere across the islands. Persistence and keen focus on the goal

of boosting their population has brought them close to 3,000 today. In this field

naturally I'm an optimist, you have to be. But I am optimistic, we we have the tools

to prevent the extinction. Many provide a great example of how time, dedication,

good science and some luck make it possible to save a species on the brink.

Nene are now well re-established on Maui and Kauai and have recently been seen on

Oahu for the first time in 300 years. The blueprint for saving the nene has

adapted and progressed it's a guide being used in attempts to reintroduce

and save other species like the Native Hawaiian crow, the Alala.

Can you imagine never having seen a nene? We can't give up hope. There's so much at

stake and still so much that can be accomplished to keep our forests, what

they offer to both our natural and cultural worlds vibrant and alive. We're

faced with choices, do we let native plants and animals slip away, victims of

a voracious modern world or do we find the time, the energy, the

money and the emotional investment to return them to the rightful place in our

collective consciousness. Return them to the forests for life.

For more infomation >> FORESTS FOR LIFE, Seg #2 PROTECTERS OF ALL CREATURES GREAT AND SMALL - Duration: 7:03.


Roman Reigns Lifestyle ✪ 2019 - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Roman Reigns Lifestyle ✪ 2019 - Duration: 3:15.


The Perfect Size For Permanent Living With Lifestyle Tiny House | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> The Perfect Size For Permanent Living With Lifestyle Tiny House | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 3:37.


Daily life DIY - Man build a simple bamboo bow and hunted fish for food - Duration: 8:12.

This man will show you how to build a simple bow

this is his daily life activities to find food

For more infomation >> Daily life DIY - Man build a simple bamboo bow and hunted fish for food - Duration: 8:12.


Tonight | Gacha Life Meme - Duration: 0:52.

Hit or Miss, I guess they never miss


You got a boyfriend I bet he doesn't


He gon find another girl and he won't


He gon skirt and hit the dab like


I have committed a huge sin

Come and walk with me

1 2 7 3

Down to Rockefeller Street

Life is marchin' on do you feel that

1 2 7 3

Down to Rockefeller Street

Everything is more than surreal

For more infomation >> Tonight | Gacha Life Meme - Duration: 0:52.


Live Life of Your Design - Subliminals For Success - Duration: 10:13.

I am living a life of my own design .

I am confident with my skills and abilities.

I am an action taker.

I am free of any negative thinking, I only think positively.

I am extremely focused on achieving success.

I am in 100% control of my own life.

I find it easy to think positive.

I find it easy to set goals and achieve them.

I am a hard worker.

I have an intense desire to get all I can from life.

I keep moving forward no matter what happens .

I live a life of my design.

I am finding myself more confident each day.

I am turning into someone who is highly focused.

I am finding myself more sure of myself by the day.

I go after what I want.

I have detailed plans to achieving my goals.

I am turning into a success magnet.

I am transforming into someone who shuns the daily grind and goes after what they want.

I take action every day.

I have everything I need to get where I want to get in life .

I find it easy to think only positive thoughts.

I know I am destined for great things.

When I think about my dreams I get a rush of excitement.

I know that my future is going to be nothing short of amazing.

Taking action is easy for me.

I enjoy going after the things I truly want.

People are always saying how hard working I am.

People look up to me as a source of living life on your own terms.

I always have high levels of motivation.

I now ask my body and mind to work together to fulfill these affirmations.

I now manifest and fulfill these affirmations as fast as safely possible.

All beneficial and desirable changes from these affirmations are permanent.

All the changes take place as fast as safely possible.

You are living a life of your own design .

You are confident with your skills and abilities.

You are an action taker.

You are free of any negative thinking, you only think positively.

You are extremely focused on achieving success.

You are in 100% control of your own life.

You find it easy to think positive.

You find it easy to set goals and achieve them.

You are a hard worker.

You have an intense desire to get all you can from life.

You keep moving forward no matter what happens .

You live a life of your design.

You are finding yourself more confident each day.

You are turning into someone who is highly focused.

You are finding yourself more sure of yourself by the day.

You go after what you want.

You have detailed plans to achieving your goals.

You are turning into a success magnet.

You are transforming into someone who shuns the daily grind and goes after what they want.

You take action every day.

You have everything you need to get where you want to get in life .

You find it easy to think only positive thoughts.

You know you are destined for great things.

When you think about your dreams you get a rush of excitement.

You know that your future is going to be nothing short of amazing.

Taking action is easy for you.

You enjoy going after the things you truly want.

People are always saying how hard working you are.

People look up to you as a source of living life on your own terms.

You always have high levels of motivation.

You now ask your body and mind to work together to fulfill these affirmations.

You now manifest and fulfill these affirmations as fast as safely possible.

All beneficial and desirable changes from these affirmations are permanent.

All the changes take place as fast as safely possible.

For more infomation >> Live Life of Your Design - Subliminals For Success - Duration: 10:13.


Lifestyle| Ni Luh's new room tour! - Duration: 12:42.

hi everyone and welcome back to my channel I'm here today to show you the

new room we have made for Ni Luh since we move we create this bedroom

for her where she will have her own bed on her own space and playroom we thought

she was not 100% happy with the code because she was always preferring to

sleep on the floor and always like needing more space so we decided to buy

a bigger bed for her and we found this amazing room that will help us to have a

nicer room for her and a lot of space and for me to have working pays near her

while she's playing hope you like it if you do please don't forget your likes

likes likes if you like this video if you know my channel thank you so much

for passing by and don't forget to press the red form of subscribe for more

videos every Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays now I'll see you on the next one

this is how's it look like now this is the end result

it's gonna be my working day ball needle bad and then over here you have these

little cup or for her books this was meant to be just draw but it's damaged

we will receive the missing and damaged pieces back at the mid of China or ePub

it looks really cute and that is going to be the place or hair is going

For more infomation >> Lifestyle| Ni Luh's new room tour! - Duration: 12:42.


COLLEGE WEEK IN MY LIFE | University of Southern California - Duration: 5:39.

hey guys I'm meeting faith I'm hittin famous youtubers at school this is joy

which I'm so tall I like have to bend down all the time but she's a famous

youtuber and we're gonna go take you in the day of a life so stay tuned so what

did you do to that like what's like the start of a famous youtuber longer or

like you know Jake Paul vibes what do you do I actually was on the list of the

most paid oh yeah also we go to the University of Southern California USC

Annenberg majors we sit next to each other in class a lot of clout in one

classroom you like he hates us sometimes but then I thought he also used us as

test subjects

where'd you say we're going what's the wrong through these two nine rooms oh

yeah also mind you guys that this is I'm finals studying for finals

this is where the man

where she being a famous influencer

when influencers have that attitudes and they're not creating content okay we

just laughed yeah it really hope they hit me I'm the

worst father ever and I got an ego and 1% oh yeah this is

my b-roll for class

just like you

actually what became


oh my gosh sorry guys this is the worst whatever kind of I just want you guys to

know this is how famous youtubers and famous influencers are yeah I'm plating

I said you're supposed to be studying guys hey guys it's another day another

vlog Emily crying and with one eye we're

going to study I'm the worst vlogger ever but she's

helping me reminds me we're gonna see Carly and Carly is going to be YouTube

famous so we'll meet you guys here we go

I'm just really excited quesadillas and if they're bad I mean really

the quesadillas are here kind of like the cops


For more infomation >> COLLEGE WEEK IN MY LIFE | University of Southern California - Duration: 5:39.


Honda CR-V 1.6D LIFESTYLE NAVI/CAMERA/XENON - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Honda CR-V 1.6D LIFESTYLE NAVI/CAMERA/XENON - Duration: 1:07.


Red Cross shares advice with Upstate homeowners that could save a life - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> Red Cross shares advice with Upstate homeowners that could save a life - Duration: 1:18.


Chipotle introduces lifestyle bowls - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Chipotle introduces lifestyle bowls - Duration: 0:52.


Living Local, Wed. Jan. 2 - Style of Life Dance Company - Duration: 6:29.

For more infomation >> Living Local, Wed. Jan. 2 - Style of Life Dance Company - Duration: 6:29.


NEW BTS Extension Pak Nam & No Cell Phone Expat Lifestyle in Bangkok (Thai Subtitles CC) - Duration: 10:48.

pak nam next station

so I made it down here to Pok Nam it's like a really relaxed version just

outside of Bangkok there's a lot of space here I'll try and do a 360 as I'm

talking a lot of times I want to do these little blogs and there's literally

not a spot to sit in Bangkok or maybe there's 20 million motorbikes whizzing

by if there is a spot to sit I can't really do it inside that's kind of

boring so it's just great to come down here it's just a few stops from my home

my condo and just get down here and there's food there's Street food there's

nice sort of it seems like the air is a little better down here so really nice

so today is gonna be about sort of the emphasis in the blog is how I don't have

a cell phone here and I kind of wanted to parlay that thought into the fact

that if you're gonna retire or even retire early like I did in Thailand I

mean I'd call myself semi-retired I don't have a cell phone I always wanted

to not have a cell phone in the US but it's just impossible you can't do it

right your your friends would hound you you it would just be impossible every

single day 20 of your friends would tell you get a cell phone even if you had a

job where you didn't need a cell phone right well guess what I'm in Thailand I

don't have a cell phone I don't want a cell phone nobody can get ahold of me

right now which is cool I mean it's cool you guys got to think like okay here's

my dearie you have a cell phone on you right now right and I'm not saying it's

bad but I'm just making a point like somebody can get ahold of you and

as your life progresses if you think about it usually get more and more

responsibility in your life well you're gonna be having more responsibility at

your job and what I'm saying it's kind of a snowballing effect where people are

contacting you more and more and more as your life goes on you get more

responsibility at work right people are gonna call you more often maybe you get

have kids now people are gonna call you more often so the point is I'm not

saying it's bad when your kids call you or anything like that I'm just saying

you cannot get away from people contacting you in the u.s. you

cannot have like a second piece and I sort of think this is a important

thought maybe the way you could handle this in the u.s. is just to go without

your cell phone for a few hours every week or something but the way I've

handled it here in Thailand I just don't have a cell phone so I think where I'm

going with all this is it's like if you really want something here it seems more

attainable to me and just seems like everything's more relaxed here and I can

just sort of do my thing and do what I please so it really really makes me a

lot happier stuff like this that I'm able to go through life without a cell

phone I can contact people more on my terms via email

I do work every occasionally but you know they have to contact me via email

it's just great I feel like it's great for me great for them so early

retirement in Thailand you know get that savings going maybe buy some property

get over here I all do some blogs about how the lifestyle is and today is going

to be one of those blogs so we're going to just try and head over here and grab

some street food I know it's Monday and that's a little weird day in Thailand

sometimes of the street food guys you know take the day off for street

cleaning or something but we'll head over here and try and find some all

right I found some stuff over here you never have to wander too far Hardin

Thailand to find some street food so let's see what we can find if we go over

here and try and just grab some just a little snack

got some squid at that spot some drinks

more drinks

looks like squid is a big one here let's see what this is it's more squid it's

already cock i'm gonna grab some of this it looks like they cook it you might

have to wait a little bit longer but they cook it for you right in front of

you so I like that so we're gonna grab this one

No all right we got there we got a little snack there when we head over

maybe get a drink in this car all right we got the coke coke in a bag sometimes

they actually give it to you in a bag but this time we got a cup and we got

some fish balls here I'm not gonna I know it's a little dark I think I got

this pumpkin if you can even see it like a little pumpkin or something try it

hmm great they put like a spicy chili sauce on here they said was in Burma

thing I like about this I'll probably do a whole video on this one day where the

reason I picked that spot is cuz they're actually barbecuing right there in front

of you so you know worst comes the worst of your in an Aryan you don't really

know a lot about the area you they're cooking the food right in front of you

so you know sometimes Street food sits out all day in the street and the fumes

and the car fumes that's this kind of stuff I sort of recommend trying to stay

away from but this is great and they just cooked it's really hot very spicy

there's a cool that'll um can't see me but there's a cool kind of outdoor

exercise bikes right behind me they're just sort of stuff that they anybody can

come down here and just exercise anytime right on the river very cool I love it

and if you can see as I turn here there's a temple I know it's gonna look

really small to you guys but so really bright temple there I don't know which

one it is well that was great I think it was pumpkin was a little bit undercooked

like purposely undercooked like in a good way so very good get a sip of the

coke they put some chili on there it's quite spicy

can't overemphasize how cool it is to get down here get out of the city get

out of Bangkok city just come down here you have space like actual space to walk

around so these are the fish balls these are not going to be the ones as good as

the ones in Chinatown the other day you fish balls so but we'll give it a try

I love the fact that she I'm sort of doused it with its both chili pepper and

there's some spicy sauce both so to getting the spice from two angles well

since my hands are full with the camera and with the food I can't really do much

about getting a drink but it's very very good I like him a lot so fish balls on a

stick and I got one more thing like a mushroom and this was five bucks this

was all 20 baht and I think the coke was 20 baht he was having a little

preheating that change yeah everything's great it's usually all great I mean this

amazing thing it's hard to come across anything that's not really good so just

another day in the life in Bangkok and you know some of the food and getting

down here the whole point that I hope you guys liked it I know personally I am

really liking not having a cellphone so just not being connected at all to

internet or something I think this is really goes a long way as far as our

health and our mental health and stuff so I hope this is something that people

really start to think about seriously in the future I know it's an individual

thing but I really think it's good for anybody to get away from their cell

phone and the internet as much as they can and so I try and do it a lot and I'm

able to now so that's great so I'm down here not connected to anything so just

another part of the you know great aspects of living and lifestyle in

Bangkok so I will see you guys next time and thanks

For more infomation >> NEW BTS Extension Pak Nam & No Cell Phone Expat Lifestyle in Bangkok (Thai Subtitles CC) - Duration: 10:48.


2019 New Years Resolutions and a happy, significant life - Duration: 2:18.

Happy New Year everybody, it's resolution time so one of my resolutions is

actually to be in touch with you more often and these videos are gonna be one

way of mine doing that - please help me stay accountable to myself to help me with

that. Some resolutions are about planning your work

and work in your plan. what does that involve? It means we're gonna aim

at something. If we even nothing, we tend to hit it with really good accuracy. So, the question to ask ourselves

is: what it that we're aiming at? How important is it? Also bearing in mind that these

decisions are made with very high energy levels. For most people that involves high

emotion. So, for example, your car breaks down, you got a check engine light. Its

not really real for you, until you're stranded on I4 and really angry, because you've got high emotions.

And then you make the decision. I'm gonna get this fixed. Right? So, gotta ask ourselves, what it is that we're aiming at,

how important it is. When I meet with my clients, we talk about a Life of Significance which

is being happy. None of this goal setting really matters unless we're really happy

people right? That's what I think, so it is comprised of the Science of Achievement

and the Art of Fulfillment, two pieces. the Science of Achievement is built on by being

really consistent. So, Olympic athletes for example very consistent people.

Consistent diet, consistent practice, consistent performance. We have to have habits and a process.

If you have a fitness goal, you have to have the habit of waking up in the morning and getting

that workout done. If you have a financial goal, you gotta have that process of

having that budget that works for you, to make sure that you can't spend that

money at the end of the month. This is really helpful when you have an

accountability partner. An accountability partner excuse me, could

be like a family friend, family member or individual,

yourself, by writing it down. If you're a client of mine, I'm your

accountability partner and you're already well aware that. The second part

is the big part, it is the Art of Fulfillment. This is the really tricky part.

no P's and Q's and number signs to follow right? It's that sense of

happiness. This built on purpose and meaning within your own community. So if you've got a church that you're a part of,

or some sort of volunteer organization. You give to that group, and it gives back to you, and that sense of belonging.

So, it is really key for the Life of Significance, the happy life, to have both of them.

That's a little bit about the Life of Significance.

I'd love to hear about what your New Years Resolutions are!

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