Today we are talking about how to create your life the way you want it. Now if you
are done with living reactionary and just kind of going with the flow this is
the episode for you. How is it we can do some amazing and sometimes unexplainable
things like heal our own bodies by the power of our thought mother's intuition
the law of attraction can we really tap into our subconscious
mind can we really create our own realities it begs the question are we
novice gods
thank you for joining me on this documentary series I hope you are
getting out of it as much as I am this has been an amazing journey if you've
paid a ten anyway if this is your first time this is your first time joining us
what we're doing is we're talking about how to unlock the fullness within us how
we have untapped power that often goes unused that we can actually tap into
right now now it's a documentary series have been talking to a lot of people
have been interviewing people and I've been sharing the things that I have
found and things that I've learned and I hope it helps you I'm gonna share with
you something extremely personal that happened just a few days ago that has
changed it's been one of those pivots in my life and it came directly because of
what I'm gonna share with you today it's really talking about how to create your
life the way you want it so let's jump into that okay so four years ago this
last week I was in Las Vegas and it was my first time at a personal development
conference never been to anything like that before and I was so nervous I was
so scared you know with all the people that I was around but I remember talking
to a life coach for the first time had never spoken to a life coach before had
no idea what they were about and she sat down with me and she helped me design my
life designed my ideal you know kind of starting from designing my ideal day and
it was it was transformative for me I had no idea how much I was living by
default that I was just going with the flow and
I wasn't really creating anything amazing out of my life
now backing up just a little bit my my background is I'm a filmmaker I'm a
commercial filmmaker documentary filmmaker and and let me tell you there
are no accidental movies you don't accidentally make a movie you would
deliberately intentionally do that it's I mean it takes a lot of thought it
takes a lot of creativity it takes a lot of teamwork to create a movie and you
know a beautiful film and what are you doing with your life you
know how often are you super intentional about your life yes I understand you may
have a goal out there you may have this dream that you want to do but if you are
not really consciously deliberately intentionally crafting your life it's
never gonna happen or if it does you're gonna achieve
something and realize it's not really what you wanted that's been my
experience and it's been the experience of so many other men and people that
I've talked to who realized that they you know they were living the American
dream checking all the boxes and then they get there and they realized they're
unfulfilled it wasn't what they wanted and you know
it hasn't resonated with them so anyway I just wanted to share with you there
are no accidental movies if you want to live by design rather than default there
are a few things that you need to do and I will share three main steps
actually it's for I'm gonna give you four as a as a bonus so the first thing
is you need to identify your three core values now this is huge this is huge I
mean if you don't want a Stephen Covey I think it's Stephen Covey that said this
said you don't want to end up at the end of your life realizing you put the
ladder up against the wrong wall you know you're climbing that corporate
ladder whatever ladder your of success that you were climbing and you get up to
the top and you realize you've had it leaning against the wrong wall that's
what happens when you don't when you're not super clear on what your core values
are you know you may have these goals and ideas that you want to have in your
life but if you're not really conscious about what your true values are what
really motivates you what lights you up what you just absolutely have to do
before you die if you're not clear on that it's gonna make a hard time to
really accomplish what is most meaningful to you
so the first tip pro tip here is to identify your three core values now if
you want help with this I do have a purpose pad a planner that helps you go
through your morning routine just look in the show notes
happy to that with you but that's the first thing
now the second thing is to design your life with intention
now I shared with you that I sat down with a life coach and the life coach was
wonderful she had me go through what what is an ideal day look like for you
I'd never really thought of that before you know she asked what time do I wake
up what kind of food do I eat where do I live you know what's my family life like
what what is our home like how does it smell she just went through the whole
process you know what's my schedule how you know when do I do certain things
what am i what am i doing for work what am i doing
to make a contribution in life and had had me go through just a whole series of
questions to figure out what it was that I truly would love to do you know if I
could write my own ticket if I could do whatever I wanted to do what would that
be now think about that for you you know translate that to where you're
at right now what is an ideal day for you what does it look like what time do
you wake up where do you live what are you doing are you making a contribution
does your life matter do you have value is there any significance in your life
where you just go and day by day I bet you've got some significance I bet if
you think about it there are things that you would truly like to accomplish and
to contribute in this world so anyway that's pro tip number two is to design
your ideal day look at what you truly want to accomplish now the third thing
is once you design this out once you figure it out and it may take a while
for you to put this all together and really get really good conscious about
what it is that motivates you and drives you once you get that all written out on
who you are and what you're about and again these are dreams these are things
that have not yet you've not yet accomplished what you want to do is you
want to live as if they have and so you want to start programming programming
that into your subconscious mind a wonderful way to do that is to create
your life vision write it out in story form and then record it and I would
suggest that you record it in your own voice in present
tense with music behind now there is there are lots of opportunities for you
to get some inspirational music that you can put behind that but you want it to
be something that when you when you read this when you I mean when you listen to
this you're gonna feel emotions of power and inspiration and it's just gonna it's
gonna motivate you to get up and to do this what you want to do is you want to
train and program your subconscious mind to actually believe that you're gonna
accomplish this so those are the three main tips and then pro tip number four
this is a bonus tip this is the one that actually really matters and that is to
ask God now I know I'm trying not to make this show religious you know it's
very spiritual it's very spiritual minded as the base foundation but I got
to share with you something that happened just last week when I was
interviewing Tiffany Fletcher afterwards we had an extra conversation and I
filmed some of that and then we had an even more in-depth conversation and I
did not record that until I got home with my journal and all the things that
I wrote down well the interesting thing is that morning in my individual prayers
and again I I use I use this purpose pad that helps me get really intentional in
my mornings and one of the activities it has me do it is it has has me asked what
is the single most important question I need God to answer today so that was
that was my question that I put into prayer that that morning and the
question that I asked was you know four years ago I designed my life I created
exactly what I want it to be but God do you have something different in mind and
so I wrote that down I went to prayer I went to the Scriptures seeking the
answer the answer came later that day when I was talking to Tiffany Fletcher
it was amazing it was definitely life-changing it was one of those pivot
points in my life and as we were talking she was
excited about my video skills and the things that I can do and how I can help
other people now she's a speaker and she knows many other speakers that work to
make other people's lives better and she said what if you create movie trailers
for these speakers where they can in three minutes tell their story you know
what is your life what is your message in three minutes and as she talked about
this just the ideas started flowing about all the different things that I
could do and it was a slight pivot to where I had designed my life the
interesting thing is I went back and reread through all the things that I had
designed for myself this fits in perfectly it just gives me a little bit
more specificity if I'm saying that right specificity to what I will be
doing day by day and who I will be serving and how I will be doing that
isn't that amazing so as you are going and looking at
designing your life I hope you take time to pray take time to listen take time to
be quiet and when you ask really specific questions like that searching
and then go searching for that answer in prayer in Scripture study in talking
with other people God will answer you and it may be a pivot to whet where you
were going anyway I wanted to share that with you I want you to think about this
main question what do you want your life to say at the end of your life what do
you want it to be about if I were to do a three-minute film about you what would
your story be so think about that I want you to design your life I want you to be
conscious about it to be creative you are a creator and you have the
opportunity to create amazing things I hope that helps you out I hope that
inspires you on how to design your life rather than just living by default what
are your thoughts you've had time to think now it's time for you to share in
the comment section below share your thoughts ideas and questions
especially any in that inspired you to take action of
course the best place to take action is at Scott Wilhite calm because if you
join me for a free web class I will reward you with a purpose planner so you
can start each day with confidence clarity and conviction what if you are a
god in the making that would mean there's purpose to your life meaning to
your challenges you have a great work to do may you have the courage faith and
power to become who you were truly meant to be see you next time
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