Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily life style Jan 2 2019

I've seen loads of people going on about our waking up at 5 a.m. is changing

their life making this new better person about me think yeah right

an apartment we think like I could really be a better version of myself I'm

actually quite sick of like the potential people who think waking up at

5:00 a.m. makes them better than me because it

does and it's really annoying I'm trying to be better so I can look at

you guys and think 9:00 a.m. you wake up ah I remember I used to a hoping I am

oh darn a yo-yo oh boy wake up no really you know 5:00

I'm having a lie-in but sometimes I just don't sleep at all yes 11:43 now this is

how my alarm normally no 11:30 you're not who puts on for 11:30 11:57 hello

darkness my old friend my phone's there I'm gonna be going bed

right there when he gets to 5:00 a.m. I'm going to be waking up running over

to my phone banging on me alarm I'm awake no got a gap at 5:00 a.m.

this is

for a minute to be honest I think I thought I was going on holiday when I

woke up so I like a bit happy but I'm not I'm not going all day that sucks

it's so fucking early only not do so I was going to do the normal stuff I would

do all right so I've gotten ready and got to say normally it's like showering

and brushing my teeth which take the longest but today it was finding the

will to live this is the worst thing ever it's a bit later on of the day by

that I mean 6:00 a.m. apparently waking over 5 a.m. gives you

a winner mindset I do not feel like a winner feel like a loser actually cuz

for one thing why I keep falling asleep while I'm doing stuff

so I'm trying to do some work at the moment I've been saying for about half

an hour all over written I don't even know where that sentence was going I'm

sure take that away I thought this is a good representation of my life right now

just like completely empty with no meaning whatsoever waking up at 5:00

a.m. that's the best you got do it absolutely just real this is what the

top dogs do 5:00 a.m. wake up back so who's winning in this situation

situation all right so it's 10:30 now at night which I didn't has a distinguished

before 10:30 I'm not I know what you're probably

thinking go to bed early makes sense right except it doesn't let

me tell you why wild I go to bed early when I'm waking up early two wrongs

don't make a right today so basically I'm just going to stay up as late as

possible that way it's like balance in it that's

what it's like everything in moderation so you gonna have the late with the

early isn't it Oh why's your jug too Early's well how does that make sense

then you just early you got bean lake all right so this 1157 now basically I

want to get five hours sleep so I ran the numbers like five four three two one

zero I think if either their bed at zero I'll

get exactly five hours and obviously zero doesn't exist it's like 12 it's 12

p.m. because at nighttime to 12 p.m. and yeah so I did like a Google and like I

found out that it takes the average person 7 minutes to fall asleep but I

know that I'm like well quicker stuff like girls and stuff but we've both

saying or you finish so fast light or wide you finish so fast like and

obviously that's like I'm a compliment I'm not boasting about it

and then yeah ready for like a 5:00 a.m. wake up again I met on that grind I just

showed you mine I'm like you work hard you can achieve anything

who would think that I would get up at 5:00 a.m. that isn't mental I actually

can't wait to get out now I'll see you guys tomorrow

laughs night-night let the bedbugs bite

and then quite wake up with the enthusiasm I had last night

yeah just fell but I shit behind and I'm getting so excited and go to sleep but

actually just stayed awake most of time I think I probably should have gone to

bed a bit earlier I thought the logic was flawless

now I'm starting to think maybe maybe actually looks better bear earlier no no

that's not that's not I thought why I thought I even if I went to bed at 5:00

you know in the afternoon I still would have been all right all right so my food

and second day and yeah I'm feeling pretty great to be honest I'm going to

the gym because if that's what us 5 a.m. is doing that's why I call it's not 5:00

a.m. you got beginning to understand obviously energy but fighting enemies of

waking up at 5:00 a.m. so yes that's that's you can see the correlation oh

yeah I think he's lactose free gluten free dairy free protein free protein

shakes when excited actually to come tomorrow which is really anyway I'm on

this is

five minutes later well we made it it is 9:15 I just want to go back to bed

and wake up a reasonable hour such as 1:00 in the afternoon I feel like

there's a snooze button for a reason just press it and you press it ten more

times and that's how a normal functional human being should behave I was 5 a.m.

somewhere that's what they say anyway oh it's 5 a.m. somewhere shut up

For more infomation >> Waking up at 5AM is ruining my life - Duration: 8:06.


1-2 Years For The Rest Of Your Life (Key Fitness Mindset) - Duration: 5:36.

All right, so if you're still a beginner at the whole fitness thing, you're not happy

with the shape you're in right now, maybe you're on the thinner side and you want to

put on some muscle, maybe you're overweight and you want to lean down, or you're somewhere

in the middle and you want to do both, I know that if you've never really been in great

shape before then it might seem like kind of a lofty goal right now, there's a lot of

things you're trying to keep track of; figuring out your calories, your macronutrients, food

choices, setting up a proper workout plan, getting to the gym consistently, putting in

the actual effort during your training sessions, tracking your progress, your supplements,

it definitely can feel a bit overwhelming at the start.

I've been there myself.

You might be having a tough time, you might be questioning whether or not it's even worth


But one very important thing that you have to keep in mind is that learning the ropes

in terms of building muscle and losing fat is just like any other skill.

And once you've gone through that initial grind and you've gotten accustomed to things,

you've learned about your body, you've built up the proper habits, you've achieved some

decent muscle building and fat burning results, it might be easy to just focus on the immediate

short-term game that you're gonna see, but you also have to understand that by just putting

in the work for that initial year or two you're literally setting yourself up for an entire

lifetime of benefits.

And the specific time frame it's gonna take for each person to get to that point where

they really just get it in terms of training and nutrition, and they've built a decent

physique, and everything is mostly on autopilot, that time frame is gonna differ a bit it depends

on whether you're being exposed to the right information and how closely you're dedicating

yourself to your plan, but I think in most average cases probably somewhere between a

year or two if you're getting the right informatio, that's all it takes to really get a solid

handle on things where training has just become a normal part of life, probably something

you enjoy and look forward to, at least on certain days of the week, and where nutrition

is mostly just automatic and is something that you don't really have to think too much


I mean, if you go about things properly you should be able to gain roughly 50% of the

total muscle mass you're ever gonna build just in that first year alone.

And then probably the second year will be another 25%, so within one to two years you

can make a very solid transformation if you stay consistent, and be right up around 75%

of your genetic limit.

And then the next year or two would be used to fill in most of the remaining amount.

And not everyone is even trying to be as muscular as possible, so if you're going for a leaner

more aesthetic look, then by the two-year mark you might already be carrying an amount

of muscle that you're satisfied with.

And if you compare that to the scope of your life as a whole, that's really not a long


That's seven hundred and thirty days, and it's a hundred and four weeks.

And then the other very important thing to understand in this whole equation, is the

fact that maintaining your physique after you've built it is a lot easier than the actual

process of building it from the ground up.

Not only because you'll have all the right habits in place already so they're easier

to stick to but even just physiologically as well, it doesn't require as heavy of a

training stimulus to keep your existing muscle mass intact in comparison to initially building


So once you've achieved a physique that you're happy with, at that point if you want you

can be a quite a bit looser with your training and your physique probably won't change that


And then because of muscle memory if you do happen to go off the rails a bit down the

line and fall off track a bit, which happens to most people here and there, you're going

to be able to rebuild any muscle that you might lose at a way faster pace than it took

to originally build it.

So, what I'm ultimately getting at here is that, if you're in those beginner stages,

if you're thinking this is really hard, I'm overwhelmed, I don't know if I can maintain

this, understand that there's a huge lifetime ROI involved with just buckling down and putting

in the work for the first one to two years.

Even though it might seem challenging right now, if you can just grind through and move

forward regardless, stick to your training plan, stick to your nutrition plan, continue

researching so that you can expand your knowledge further, that is going to massively benefit

you literally for the rest of your life, because it really just gets easier and easier the

longer you've been doing this.

And once you've gone through those first couple years, you'll always be in shape and have

a body that you're happy with moving forward.

You'll be healthier.

You'll be more confident and you'll have the knowledge to easily get back in shape if you

do fall off track.

One to two years is not a long time to ask for in the grand scheme.

There are a lot harder things in life than going to the gym and eating well.

Those are things that will directly benefit you not just physically but mentally as well,

so just go and do it, keep that bigger picture in mind and understand that the effort you're

putting in right now is going to have a reverberating effect ten, twenty, thirty, fifty years or

more down the line.

So, I hope this was helpful.

Like I mentioned before, having access to the proper information is a critical aspect

of helping you learn the ropes as efficiently as possible and maximizing your results in

those first couple of years, so if you do want to grab a fully structured step-by-step

plan that lays out everything you need to know in terms of training nutrition and supplementation

using a no BS science-based approach, I definitely recommend checking out my Body Transformation

Blueprint program by clicking up here or visiting

Definitely a resource that I wish I would have had when I first started.

For those who are new to the channel, my brand new science-based pre-workout fish oil and

multivitamin are also now available over at, the link is

in the description.

And make sure to hit the like button, leave a comment, and subscribe below if you haven't

already, in order to stay up to date on future videos.

Thanks for watching, guys.

And I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> 1-2 Years For The Rest Of Your Life (Key Fitness Mindset) - Duration: 5:36.


ESPORTS ARE A LIFESTYLE | Legends Never Die (ft. Against The Current) Reaction - Duration: 11:09.


Sounds like I'm wearing plastic bags, doesn't it? I?

Look like a race car driver. So there's that. Hello everybody

My name is Kat and welcome back to miss Kat squad the Kiki Channel. That's all about you guys

Guessed it geeky goodness and games speaking of a great game. Why don't you guys go back to the League of Legends fandom?

It's just so gorgeous. It's so filled with beauty. It's

Hype the hype is real within this trending

Let me just get that cuz I mean the thing is is some I gotta start staying up to date on the eSports of League

Of Legends and staying up to date with that kind of stuff because hey it is so freakin awesome

It makes me be like how the heck are you able to do that?

How the heck are you able to be so good at this game? How are you? It's a lifestyle

You know

it's like it you may have football you may have basketball you may have baseball but no when it comes to eSports just like a

religion, you know, it's like this whole type of religion thing because everyone loves it so much but and they're so dedicated to it and

And I got to get into that kind of stuff like I am a bogus

But yeah, I mean that's the thing is like how they are

so competitive with each other you guys said rise was based on the actual world champions of League of Legends and so is this one

what you guys have been requesting as said by the comments section you guys said cat react your legends never die and

That's what we're gonna do right now because again, I don't understand how people are so good at certain games

I for one am not that great, but I'm great at giving commentary on that

So if you guys want me to give commentary on anything League of Legends related, even if it's like reacting to the actual


Championships or the life things that go on let me know because I would love to do that because this is awesome

The hype is real

Finally part of the span them like I got to know more of the characters and I still want to know more of the player

So this will work out great

This would be great

It'll be great. So let's get reacting

She's waiting to get onstage look at that boy. Look at you

The Nutcracker get out the get out the stress

Boom whoa. Oh you

You know, we're all Chico Chico wahoo you

Yes, they do

Reaching hey, there's all my goodness. Yes

She is so cool, she's so cool

But look at that hair, I wish I could do that

Oh god this song

His hair

So cool doing some music that's why this is what I love about this high five

Boom the sickle his hair Oh

It's not like I wish I could do that but look how cool UI love her hair

It's a girl training, okay

How much dedication must go into prepping for these games

They're not just video games guys like this is you have to literally dedicate your entire life to this

Tom unless the visible vetted to Utley it must have inspired the players, you know, I must have inspired people who were oh

Whoa at faith go

Yeah the boom but it must have inspired them to get better like to like train and I love this

Today to keep their entire life to this like oh



It went from oh my god, he went from okay. She went from shooting it and then equipment to stuff

Brilliance, this is directed perfectly. Oh

Yeah, let me see that too in there. Oh my god

See them under their characters and they're getting ready for it. Oh

my god

Chase your legend. Oh

Alright k so what I loved about that, did you see the end?

No excess chaser legend now, they don't have to do this for the players of this game

They don't have to like in a way build them up with their inspiration, but they do you know

Like people have to understand these eSports and everything about these games. They're not just games

This is just as much as valid as it is with actual sports. It's not even bigger

There's so much dedication hard work that has to go within it because number one they got to do with the tech number two

If ya get with tech speaking of tech if something goes wrong

There and they can't like practice for a long time if their computer shut down everything what's gonna happen?

I mean like with sports and everything all different types of sports are so valid

Especially with eSports too because so much love and heart and dedicate you and goes into this

Hey pretty much awesome their characters like come on get them in there. Awesome

But this is the thing you have to understand about with eSports is they spend their entire lives training for these big events?

and it's so inspiring to me as somebody who would never be able to do such a thing because you know

I'm not that great with video games like

if you want it like me make me commentate on stuff sure absolutely, but when it comes to playing certain video games hope

Should be show some clips of cat playing some video games and failing miserably

Shall we do that Thank You Derek. Let's go

Huh, oh man. Oh

It came from absolutely nowhere

Uh-huh. I'm so well so Oh God

Please save there. Please save there. Please. Save there, please. Please. Please stay for there, please

Please save there. Ah

So as you noticed I know I'm not that great at playing video games but with these types of games these

People these players these people who literally represent this game and dedicate their lives to this

they are heroes to people there are people out there who are literally looking up to them as heroes as

legends and they are legends what I loved about this was how

Again, these types of events don't have to do that

You know, they don't have to create things that say well, I'm going to inspire you. I'm gonna lift you up

But they do and that probably meant a lot to these players

It probably meant allows them to see that their characters were number one being animated

But number two that this company and also the entirety of the event was supporting them and it probably lifts their spirits

Up to be able to realize that there are people out there cheering them on

And I want to be able to cheer them on I want to get more into this look the eSports realm and especially with games

Like overwatch League of Legends and World of Warcraft because the teams they're so humble people. They literally spend their lives

Training for these events, you know, it's stress

They must go under you know is you just want to be like look it's it's gonna be okay

you know you you need a nice massage or something like massage these hands like the thing is it's like whether you're playing with a

Controller you're playing with a mouse and a keyboard. You cannot understand that your knuckles and everything must be like

Bein a

threat is carpal tunnel gonna

Avoid that but that's that's the thing too is like if something happens to their wrist

They're gonna have to learn how to play with their feet or something because it's it's tasking, you know

It's it's why people always say online, especially when I do dear young creators, which is a little Twitter series

I do on my own personal account. It's like you gotta realize you got to take breaks

you gotta be able to take these breaks cuz if you don't what's gonna happen your

Wrists gonna fall off your hand is literally gonna be like, it's gone

And that's it's not good because you need your hands to be able to play these games. So

They better be taking care of themselves

I mean why these companies sponsor them and are for them because these energy drink companies they always sponsor them and also like show them

So much support because they want to give them energy

You know, it's like you don't just play this game and because I'll become a whiz at it like overnight

It's like you got a dedicate your life to it

so if you guys want me to cover more events on League of Legends and to see what the pro gamers are doing and what

They're up to and like see what they're up to

Like let me know because I would love to do stuff like that because and we want I love supporting other people number two

I love to spread positivity within different fandoms and number three. I love these types of games while me myself

I'm not great at being pro at these types of games. So seeing people do something. I can't do it blows me away

It's awesome

but I'm I guess if you like this be sure to give it a thumbs up get up to a thousand likes and I will

totally know if you guys want me to cover more League of Legends coverage and like, you know

seeing the cinematic to seeing at the the music videos and also

supporting the people that are within the League of Legends fandom because supposedly the pro gamers because again,

They they go through a lot, you know sponsored or not. They they go through a lot

They it's just it's just like pro gamers and like pro basketball players pro football players

You don't think they seriously dedicate their entire lives to this

So give them a round of applause you see I'm if you go online

Spread some positivity enjoy it for them because no matter who you support them under what team you're on

You got to give them all credit for what they do and what they're passionate about because they they really inspire others

Especially younger generations to really get this is huge eSports enormous, but love it love to commentate on stuff

But anyway, don't forget to subscribe if you want more League of Legends content

Don't forget to give this a big thumbs up and don't forget to hit the bell

Notification because if you don't then you go to miss updates on this gets going and sure you don't want to do that

But anyway guys, I hope you have an amazing day

You see safe out there and as always miss cats until next video where soon a fangirl and their fanboy every single day

Hi guys. Hey squad

Thanks so much for tuning in to this episode of Miss cat squad if you want to follow our adventures outside of YouTube

Be sure to check out the description down below for all these awesome fun links and if you really love what we're doing on youtube

I'm going to be part of the journey and to contribute to it

Be sure to check out to our patreon page for awesome monthly awards

Thanks again squad and until the next video embrace her inner fangirl hindering a fanboy every single day

For more infomation >> ESPORTS ARE A LIFESTYLE | Legends Never Die (ft. Against The Current) Reaction - Duration: 11:09.


Kim Kardashian Lifestyle ✪ 2019 - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Kim Kardashian Lifestyle ✪ 2019 - Duration: 3:31.


Sammyy02k...Latest Plus Size Summer Fashion Style-Curvy Fashion - Duration: 3:01.

Sammyy02k...Latest Plus Size Summer Fashion Style-Curvy Fashion

For more infomation >> Sammyy02k...Latest Plus Size Summer Fashion Style-Curvy Fashion - Duration: 3:01.


Yash (KGF) Lifestyle ✪ 2019 |Cars,House,Awards,Movie Shoots, Wife. - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Yash (KGF) Lifestyle ✪ 2019 |Cars,House,Awards,Movie Shoots, Wife. - Duration: 3:06.


Seat Leon ST 1.0 EcoTSI Style Business Intense 115 pk (vsb 20209) voorraaddeal - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Seat Leon ST 1.0 EcoTSI Style Business Intense 115 pk (vsb 20209) voorraaddeal - Duration: 0:49.


Welcome to CrossFit One Life - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Welcome to CrossFit One Life - Duration: 1:01.


Perfect Beautiful The Lifestyle Series 7200DL Tiny House | Living Design For A Tiny House - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Perfect Beautiful The Lifestyle Series 7200DL Tiny House | Living Design For A Tiny House - Duration: 3:41.


Changes Are Coming // A Year In the Life - Duration: 5:22.

Hi, I'm Harley welcome to 2019

I'm usually not one for resolutions

but these are things I want to do for months and now just seemed like a good time to start

I have this thing where if I say something publicly or to my friends, I feel more inclined to follow through with it

So in hopes of holding myself to my resolutions here they are I'm gonna tackle them this year, hopefully

with you by my side

My news relations are as follows. Number one. Be more honest with myself and

others by extension but mostly with myself

I have a tendency to hide myself so that others might like me more or just so that I won't be invalidated. I

Don't lie. I just leave parts out that people might not ignore me

number two

Share more of what I create with the world. I

Love dancing I write I sing I make videos and ever post them and I want that to stop

I want the world to know what I'm doing, even if I don't or if nobody's really watching

number three

Stop taking myself

So seriously

I get caught up in my own head so much that I barely leave

I want to have more fun think less and do more and make memories. I actually want to remember

Number four

Take care of myself better

My body my mind my space

My life, I want to take back control of things that I totally lost control over

I don't know if you can really tell but the room behind me is

a mess and

It's been that way my whole life

Really. I have never been able to keep my room clean

I clean it like every few months, like deep clean it, and do all the stuff and then

Two weeks will pass and it'll be like this again

from what you can see it's not that bad. There's my closet back there my door and some my bookshelf. this floor

is more stuff than floor

My bed, the sheets, the fitted sheet keeps coming off my bed, and I just don't fix it. I just sleep on a comforter now



Not okay, but I keep doing it. I'm fully aware. That's a terrible way to live, but do I stop? No

So, yeah, that's the thing we gotta fix this year

or maybe this week who knows and

Number five out of the big ones is stop feeling guilty

For taking care of myself. I

Can't spend money. I can't cook. I can't do anything without feeling like I should be doing something for someone else and not for myself

so five is to not feel bad for doing something that I need to do and

Of course. There are smaller ones in between that we will also be tackling together

But there's the five big ones that I want you tell me to keep myself accountable for this year

I'll be addressing these in videos things like, you know,

Cleaning my room

Introducing myself better on camera, probably tomorrow and oh, yeah, probably making a video every day

There's a lot of things this year that are going to change

But not everything has to

So I want you to be there for the changes I control


For the ones I can't so if you want to keep up with my little journey, you can subscribe to my channel

below, you can follow my instagram at horrible dot harley

A lot of times im active on my story you can ask me questions. I

sometimes ask you questions about polls of what you guys want some next and that

Is a fun time sometimes I just ask you which animal is cuter

They're very serious questions, right I got enough I really want to know

So, yeah

Oh, you could also follow me on my tumblr. I have two tumblrs that I like use a lot one

Has the same name as this channel. It's

other one is



My neighbor just walked by with his dog was my window is fully open

You can follow my TWO tumblr pages. one is my main tumblr

It's mostly like memes and YouTube stuff and also a lot of stuff about you know

Equality things that it's

My other one is like a fashion aesthetic tumblr that I'm trying to keep up with trying really hard. I fashion is something

I really love I just I'm really insecure about it



About further ado

Thank you guys so much for watching! You can leave a like if you liked the video

comment down below what you want o see next

I've been Harley you've been amazing and I will catch you on the flip side. Peace

For more infomation >> Changes Are Coming // A Year In the Life - Duration: 5:22.


How to Create Your Life the Way You Want It - Duration: 12:18.

Today we are talking about how to create your life the way you want it. Now if you

are done with living reactionary and just kind of going with the flow this is

the episode for you. How is it we can do some amazing and sometimes unexplainable

things like heal our own bodies by the power of our thought mother's intuition

the law of attraction can we really tap into our subconscious

mind can we really create our own realities it begs the question are we

novice gods

thank you for joining me on this documentary series I hope you are

getting out of it as much as I am this has been an amazing journey if you've

paid a ten anyway if this is your first time this is your first time joining us

what we're doing is we're talking about how to unlock the fullness within us how

we have untapped power that often goes unused that we can actually tap into

right now now it's a documentary series have been talking to a lot of people

have been interviewing people and I've been sharing the things that I have

found and things that I've learned and I hope it helps you I'm gonna share with

you something extremely personal that happened just a few days ago that has

changed it's been one of those pivots in my life and it came directly because of

what I'm gonna share with you today it's really talking about how to create your

life the way you want it so let's jump into that okay so four years ago this

last week I was in Las Vegas and it was my first time at a personal development

conference never been to anything like that before and I was so nervous I was

so scared you know with all the people that I was around but I remember talking

to a life coach for the first time had never spoken to a life coach before had

no idea what they were about and she sat down with me and she helped me design my

life designed my ideal you know kind of starting from designing my ideal day and

it was it was transformative for me I had no idea how much I was living by

default that I was just going with the flow and

I wasn't really creating anything amazing out of my life

now backing up just a little bit my my background is I'm a filmmaker I'm a

commercial filmmaker documentary filmmaker and and let me tell you there

are no accidental movies you don't accidentally make a movie you would

deliberately intentionally do that it's I mean it takes a lot of thought it

takes a lot of creativity it takes a lot of teamwork to create a movie and you

know a beautiful film and what are you doing with your life you

know how often are you super intentional about your life yes I understand you may

have a goal out there you may have this dream that you want to do but if you are

not really consciously deliberately intentionally crafting your life it's

never gonna happen or if it does you're gonna achieve

something and realize it's not really what you wanted that's been my

experience and it's been the experience of so many other men and people that

I've talked to who realized that they you know they were living the American

dream checking all the boxes and then they get there and they realized they're

unfulfilled it wasn't what they wanted and you know

it hasn't resonated with them so anyway I just wanted to share with you there

are no accidental movies if you want to live by design rather than default there

are a few things that you need to do and I will share three main steps

actually it's for I'm gonna give you four as a as a bonus so the first thing

is you need to identify your three core values now this is huge this is huge I

mean if you don't want a Stephen Covey I think it's Stephen Covey that said this

said you don't want to end up at the end of your life realizing you put the

ladder up against the wrong wall you know you're climbing that corporate

ladder whatever ladder your of success that you were climbing and you get up to

the top and you realize you've had it leaning against the wrong wall that's

what happens when you don't when you're not super clear on what your core values

are you know you may have these goals and ideas that you want to have in your

life but if you're not really conscious about what your true values are what

really motivates you what lights you up what you just absolutely have to do

before you die if you're not clear on that it's gonna make a hard time to

really accomplish what is most meaningful to you

so the first tip pro tip here is to identify your three core values now if

you want help with this I do have a purpose pad a planner that helps you go

through your morning routine just look in the show notes

happy to that with you but that's the first thing

now the second thing is to design your life with intention

now I shared with you that I sat down with a life coach and the life coach was

wonderful she had me go through what what is an ideal day look like for you

I'd never really thought of that before you know she asked what time do I wake

up what kind of food do I eat where do I live you know what's my family life like

what what is our home like how does it smell she just went through the whole

process you know what's my schedule how you know when do I do certain things

what am i what am i doing for work what am i doing

to make a contribution in life and had had me go through just a whole series of

questions to figure out what it was that I truly would love to do you know if I

could write my own ticket if I could do whatever I wanted to do what would that

be now think about that for you you know translate that to where you're

at right now what is an ideal day for you what does it look like what time do

you wake up where do you live what are you doing are you making a contribution

does your life matter do you have value is there any significance in your life

where you just go and day by day I bet you've got some significance I bet if

you think about it there are things that you would truly like to accomplish and

to contribute in this world so anyway that's pro tip number two is to design

your ideal day look at what you truly want to accomplish now the third thing

is once you design this out once you figure it out and it may take a while

for you to put this all together and really get really good conscious about

what it is that motivates you and drives you once you get that all written out on

who you are and what you're about and again these are dreams these are things

that have not yet you've not yet accomplished what you want to do is you

want to live as if they have and so you want to start programming programming

that into your subconscious mind a wonderful way to do that is to create

your life vision write it out in story form and then record it and I would

suggest that you record it in your own voice in present

tense with music behind now there is there are lots of opportunities for you

to get some inspirational music that you can put behind that but you want it to

be something that when you when you read this when you I mean when you listen to

this you're gonna feel emotions of power and inspiration and it's just gonna it's

gonna motivate you to get up and to do this what you want to do is you want to

train and program your subconscious mind to actually believe that you're gonna

accomplish this so those are the three main tips and then pro tip number four

this is a bonus tip this is the one that actually really matters and that is to

ask God now I know I'm trying not to make this show religious you know it's

very spiritual it's very spiritual minded as the base foundation but I got

to share with you something that happened just last week when I was

interviewing Tiffany Fletcher afterwards we had an extra conversation and I

filmed some of that and then we had an even more in-depth conversation and I

did not record that until I got home with my journal and all the things that

I wrote down well the interesting thing is that morning in my individual prayers

and again I I use I use this purpose pad that helps me get really intentional in

my mornings and one of the activities it has me do it is it has has me asked what

is the single most important question I need God to answer today so that was

that was my question that I put into prayer that that morning and the

question that I asked was you know four years ago I designed my life I created

exactly what I want it to be but God do you have something different in mind and

so I wrote that down I went to prayer I went to the Scriptures seeking the

answer the answer came later that day when I was talking to Tiffany Fletcher

it was amazing it was definitely life-changing it was one of those pivot

points in my life and as we were talking she was

excited about my video skills and the things that I can do and how I can help

other people now she's a speaker and she knows many other speakers that work to

make other people's lives better and she said what if you create movie trailers

for these speakers where they can in three minutes tell their story you know

what is your life what is your message in three minutes and as she talked about

this just the ideas started flowing about all the different things that I

could do and it was a slight pivot to where I had designed my life the

interesting thing is I went back and reread through all the things that I had

designed for myself this fits in perfectly it just gives me a little bit

more specificity if I'm saying that right specificity to what I will be

doing day by day and who I will be serving and how I will be doing that

isn't that amazing so as you are going and looking at

designing your life I hope you take time to pray take time to listen take time to

be quiet and when you ask really specific questions like that searching

and then go searching for that answer in prayer in Scripture study in talking

with other people God will answer you and it may be a pivot to whet where you

were going anyway I wanted to share that with you I want you to think about this

main question what do you want your life to say at the end of your life what do

you want it to be about if I were to do a three-minute film about you what would

your story be so think about that I want you to design your life I want you to be

conscious about it to be creative you are a creator and you have the

opportunity to create amazing things I hope that helps you out I hope that

inspires you on how to design your life rather than just living by default what

are your thoughts you've had time to think now it's time for you to share in

the comment section below share your thoughts ideas and questions

especially any in that inspired you to take action of

course the best place to take action is at Scott Wilhite calm because if you

join me for a free web class I will reward you with a purpose planner so you

can start each day with confidence clarity and conviction what if you are a

god in the making that would mean there's purpose to your life meaning to

your challenges you have a great work to do may you have the courage faith and

power to become who you were truly meant to be see you next time

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