We've got a daughter Tekine.
apparently that... that sacrifice made such an impression on me that I
decided to name my first-born daughter after her.
And, I'm apparently now known as the Drunkard.
Welcome back folks to another exciting edition of let's play
Crusader Kings 2 Holy Fury as always I am your host
JSquared Jon Jeremy and last we left off we managed to raid
through a few of the territories of Kirghiz and now the Kirghiz going through a bit of
a revolt, unfortunately we can't take advantage of that revolt but in the
meantime what we can do is while the Uygher forces are currently occupied
with I guess a battle down here to their southwest.
We're going to go ahead and we're going to try raiding their main territories here and notice they do have a
two-hundred-and-fifty soldier unit right there on our border but we do have more
men and I think this is a great opportunity for us to try and
gain some prisoners, to gain some gold to build some things
and eventually grow our army let's hope that will be the case.
As we continue with our campaign here.
Now our lord did create a new clan.
At the end of last episode, Khan
Arkhai of Sartaq however we I believe now at this point
are got a Blood Oath going on with our lord here I believe.
If I'm not mistaken maybe I am.
I know we got marriage
ties but I thought it would have gone with the blood oath by now but perhaps not.
Okay, so we're making our way inwards now toward that territory.
Suvraga Khairkhan.
And, in the meantime here it looks like.
The character's revolt is going to lose against the Kirghiz
so actually is that the same guy? Yeah it is.
I thought for a second there was a new ruler there.
Which we could of taken advantage of.
I have decided to institute the Tax Shifted Burgher Obligations Law. All that
is needed is the support of yourself and my other loyal vassals.
Yes but you don't get taxes from us so I'm not really sure why this matters, I'll approve it.
If only to make sure that your opinion of me doesn't go down.
My wife Nomolun is pregnant.
That's great, downside is it's the only person I think we have that does not
have a genetic trait to go along with that hopefully our genetic trait will carry around.
So there moving over to our capital here Uvs.
And we'll see what we've got here on our border, okay so.
There are no soldiers here we know that for sure.
So we can definitely raid Tarvagatai perhaps we can make our way
Perhaps but I'm not positive we'll give it a shot though we need the
gold that's for damn sure. Bartan lead the way my
We're going, we're going in, doing some raiding.
I'll get there in August, like I said those guys he's too busy.
Well... Well... There was a battle down here, I guess he's taking care of that now because all he has left is
is the Kirghiz revolt their's his army right there, army of Khan Kutan.
Now we're sieging down this territory.
Yep, we've definitely made me angry because he's red now but he can't get to us in time that's for sure.
We're gonna assault this holding, hopefully grab a prisoner or two.
Nope, nothing.
Alright keep on moving.
This capitals undefended looks like.
Possibly maybe. This pregnancy has made my fwife Nomulun much more talkative and cheerful
than usual. She never misses the chance to chat with anybody within ear shot.
Unfortunately, most scholars agree that
a pregnant woman should spend as much time as possible resting in a dark room
to avoid giving birth to a sickly child. So we have two options here, you should rest,
minus two stewardship at plus twenty plus point two-five health.
For another
five months or so. I will say, I will let her
have her fun, diplomacy plus one stewardship minus two, so either way she gets minus two stewardship
but it's either a small gain to her health or a small gain to her diplomacy.
We're Mongols we don't cower in
our huts.
Let her have her fun.
Hopefully that doesn't backfire on me.
We are locked in, hopefully there's no army still there by the time we get there.
Nope, no army excellent okay and the garrison is small as well.
So there should be a prime opportunity for us.
Terrain is
the key to winning battles. If I focus my studies, I believe I can master the tactics of one type of terrain...
We can be a flat terrain expert combat in
plains, farmland, and step, plus twenty percent. A rough terrain expert, forest
and hills plus twenty percent or mountainous expert, plus twenty percent. I think I am gonna go with
flat terrain expert.
Because all these are plains and farmlands and
steppe lands, so we're gonna go with that, that's a nice boost there I believe.
Surprising I got that with just a misguided warrior trait that's pretty nice.
Must be the fact that I have my war focus on.
Alright, so we're gonna assault this holding here.
Still no prisoners.
Still no prisoners unfortunately. Okay so.
We can go over to Uzur, we can go up to North to Uda.
Downside is where's that army?
Oh it is all the way over here.
Let's check out what's near
Uzur and if it's there's no army there we will go attack it, otherwise we'll go up
north and attack that guy up there.
I don't want to go down this
way. Yah know there is that person over here but that's way too close to the army I don't want to get involved with
I'm shocked I wasn't able to capture any prisoners so far, slightly annoyed as well.
Both... Both are true.
Now we are locked in.
Your infection has put... Oh I totally forgot about the infection oooh...
Your infection has put you in grave danger on multiple occasions, the pain
and foul smell have finally subsided and your wound looks clean
I lose the trait of infection, thank you thank you very much I'm still
wounded but I'm no longer infect... I'm no longer infected.
I totally forgot about that infection, it's been...
It's been a bit of time since last recording and that totally slipped my mind.
I can't stop thinking about all those prisoners in my dungeon. They are at my complete mercy... What a thrill
it would be to hurt them, to hear the sweet screams, to see the panic in their eyes.
Resist my foul impulses. Guards! Oil up the rack!
Dilek here can I ransom you Dilek?
a Hundred and ten gold for you
Woooh, no I don't wanna, I will resist my foul impulses so that I can get a hundred
and ten gold, eventually, maybe.
Can't afford it apparently but
how about you? Ten gold, he just don't want you. okay well should be a sacrifice then.
That places empty.
Let's go on over.
It occurred to me that my wife is feeling somewhat gloomy as of late. The burden of her unborn child
is surely causing some humoral unbalance that affecting her mood. I will buy her
something nice, lose five gold fifteen percent chance to gain
the trait charitable, five percent chance of gaining the trait kind.
I'm sure she'll be fine, lose twenty five piety.
I'll buy her the stuff.
Did I get anything from it?
Nope, no new traits.
My trusted Chancellor, Guchu, reports success with the clan of Sartaq. Their elders now
like Ayanga lot better. Oh, that's right you're not in the right space now, the ruler moved.
I mean nice that the clan sentiment has increased but you need to go here now.
So we're gonna get there December the Eighth.
Keeping an eye on that other force. That war is.
That old wound has finally healed, leaving a pretty grotesque scar behind... Ewwww.
We gained the trait of scarred and lose trait of wounded. Alright,
finally things are looking up for Khan Jurchedei.
That war is going to be over he's going to move his forces over to us now at this point. Yep there it goes.
Now he's in a... He's in a basically fast travel.
Ohh there's Uda, Uda is
The guy up here, yeah.
Oh no.
Guchu, what happened?
Burnt at the stake.
Why was Guchu burnt at the steak?
He was just there to raise clan sentiment. Oh no... Oh man...
I mean I guess I'll have Ruan Qi as the new chancellor but
you why would you do this.
I don't understand.
Assault that holding. Still no prisoners. Alright we can't,
see that guys are already making his way back up to his
territory so that's the last guy over there so we'll just go ahead and make your way back home.
That's unfortunate.
Guchi you were doing a good job for me.
What else we got going on right now? So
we cannot create new hordes yet because our
manpower size.
Of the maximum manpower size has been reached. What is this, arranged marriage.
We propose that Bogen Sartaq and Khutulun marry.
Let's see, chaste...
Ahhh, the former wife of Guchi here.
Sure. Take her away
Now the question is. We got a daughter Tekine.
Apparently, apparently that sacrifice made such an impression on me that
I decided my first-born daughter after her.
And, I'm apparently now known as the drunkard.
Why? I'm not even an alcoholic and
in any of my traits. I'm a lunatic, I could... I could definitely
see the lunatic nickname but Drunkard? Don't really see that. Hey,
Uda is pillaging Otuken.
If he's pillaging that.
Maybe we will go pillage his territory.
He'll attack me, he'll lose and then we're gonna be back in safe lands basically.
While he's focused on this guy. Oh lord,
Sartaq is not going... Oh wow,
okay, calm down. Oh he just grabbed more... He just made a new force.
I was worried there for a moment. I was like "Oh No!"
There's a West Francian civil war, what's going on over here in europe right now
Uh oh, Carloman died.
How did Carloman die?
Died a natural
death the age of twenty, that's a lie.
I can tell you that much for damn sure that's a lie.
There's a, what kind of civil war, increase council power civil war.
Haraldr Wartooth has just passed away.
Okay, so we're locked in, we're going to make our way over to Selenge.
Question is will he try to attack us. Nope, nope alright.
Go down this way, I don't care if you raid that person or
Not. Not my territory.
So don't care?
Young Dilek has finished her education in the ways of
war. It seems she has learned all the basic skills required. Dilek...
Guy will never be able to afford a ransom.
Oh wait no ninety-five gold, if he gets gold from somewhere.
Then I'll take all that gold.
Looks like we'll be safe after all. Excellent.
Let's go ahead and make our way home.
So, we managed the raid Uyghur territories, very nice, didn't get any prisoners out
of it not so nice but yeah. Oh look he's raiding too.
That's already looted, that's already looted, that guys weak.
We could start raiding, oh that guys got a black eye we could start raiding the territories over here.
Kind of make our way...
Or we can go down south and try
and raid the western protectorate but
that would probably not make the emperor very happy, and I don't know if I wanna do that or not.
Okay, so, he's... He's getting out, he managed loot territory.
I can't declare war on... Oh I can.
I can declare war, I can conquest territories.
Oh Okay.
Can't sub subordinate, I can establish him as a tributary,
I can humiliate him and gain twenty-five
Percent population total but the more important thing is we gain three hundred
But the bigger problem is that this guy is going to
Call in the Uyghur force.
I mean I could do it, I can theoretically do it pretty quick. Theoretically.
Let's move our forces over here kind of get ready
for it, figure out what I want to do.
If I can 'cuz he's only got two
two territories
I need to capture, this territory up here Kuznetsk.
And, Ob right over here if I capture those two territories wars over I win. How much population do you have?
Three thousand population so I gain twenty five percent of that.
I've got about three thousand population as is.
I can go for more grazing lands.
Which will probably help out my manpower.
Probably I'm going to go for humiliate option for the extra prestige, I feel that's something we are gonna need.
And then I can go right into raiding these territories. Ah hah! There you go smart plan.
Just takes so long to get there.
Terek has been released. Speaking of, not yet huh? Go get some more gold so I can steal it all.
At age twenty your acquaintance Chigu Bayad died frothing at the mouth, that's a bit awkward. More than a bit awkward.
We should no longer be hostile.
Okay so still a couple more months from the hostility there.
Ket's army.
I got the sound notification but I didn't get the actually notification.
Notification interesting. You... Where's Ket?
Who are you?
Ket clan under Kurtel Ke t.
That's you okay so, he's got a thousand troops.
Against my five hundred.
I Can't let those forces combine on me.
We're gonna do like a sneak blitz attack. That's what we're gonna do.
So we'll arrive there on the twenty second of September. Twenty-one.
Oh hey there buddy, pal, person. [poop]
'Kay got that.
He's going to go to western Sayan
which is this territory right here.
We need to somehow get over here. What is Ket's commander like?
He's a theologian, alright I think we're okay. Let's go straight this way.
His movements Gonna be locked.
Hope this works out my favor, if not well then it's been fun.
Where gonna straight up attack this guy.
Don't really know why I need to know about the
defense of fact in africa but okay?
Cool story game.
Rabin must in the twenty-second.
Where are you going, ok good he's more worried about going
to break the siege in his territory.
Yah I knew that was gonna happen but his army already too far away, I think we're okay.
Why is it such an even fight and he doesn't have any commanders. The Wolf Child
Little Tekine has been growing quickly.
She is alert and quick to learn,
strong and healthy. Her voice is a little unusual, however,
often descending to deep but playful growls.
She often sniffs around in an odd manner while looking for her toys, and yes, she is unusually hairy. She has also several times bit her nanny.
But, apart from that, everything is normal.
A fine little girl!
Tenkine Ayanga gets wolf child , giving health plus 2.
Sure, that sounds like fun. I am more concerned about the fact that this is
an even fight and it really shouldn't be.
I've never that before, wolf child huh?
Let's go down here capture that other territory and that should be it for the war. Ok that nevermind
I was worried there for a second, that was the Otuken Army, not the Uygher Army
Was very concerned there for a moment.
While carrying out my duties for the Eagle
Warriors, I have met Fledgling Seitek on several occasions. These encounters have never ended
well. One would be hard-pressed to find a more unsympathetic
character! I suspect he is spreading lies behind my back to
Damage my reputation. I will confront Seitek and reveal hs dishonest ways to the world!
I must be patient, it will surely pay off in the long-run. No! Become bitter rivals.
Become bitter rivals. He already spent some gold, I don't know on what.
He spent gold that should've been mine.
We arrived, gonna assault that holding.
Eh we managed to grab a prisoner for once
and he can't afford to pay the ransom. That's unfortunate.
But can enforce our demands, gain three-hundred prestige.
And then we actually have to go back to this territory over here before we can start raiding, so let's
go ahead and do that.
That right you do, dear rival. I win
Excellent, excellent ok so we managed steal quite a
bit of population and can we duel this guy yet.
Nope, because he is still in a war.
Two of them actually, so we can't duel him. In the meantime though we managed to steal the population from
And I think now what we'll do is next
episode we'll make our way across to the chieftains over here.
These Suomenusko forces. Kind of make our way Westward.
But that will be next time. Hey everyone so it looks like we've got a werewolf daughter
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Jeremy signing off saying so long and take care.
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