Thứ Năm, 3 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily car Jan 3 2019

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For more infomation >> EXPERIMENT: Crushing Crunchy & Soft Things By Car - Crushed Supercar And More 🚗🚗🚗 - Duration: 1:43.


[10th of 12] Grace VanderWaal, 'Car Radio'. tøp cover, YouNow jigsaw edit, 2016-08-03 - Duration: 1:31.

I don't ... I don't know 'Car Radio', I'm sorry

by the rules... that's why I wish I had the iPad,

so I could do any song just look it up.

...rules of the game...

I ponder of something great

My lungs will fill and then deflate

They fill with fire, exhale desire

I know it's dire my time today

I can't even hear if I'm right with the chords.

I have these thoughts, so often I ought

To replace that slot with what I once bought

'Cause somebody s(tole my car radio)

(and now I just sit in) silence

Sometimes the quiet is violent

I find it hard to hide it

My pride is no longer inside

It's on my sleeve

My skin will scream reminding me...


Dang it! See this is exactly what I knew would happen.

I'm forced to deal with what I feel

There's no distraction to mask what is real

I could pull the steering wheel

I have these thoughts so often I ought

To replace this slot with what I once bought

'Cause somebody stole my car radio

And now I just sit in silence

Dip dip dip dip dim duh....


For more infomation >> [10th of 12] Grace VanderWaal, 'Car Radio'. tøp cover, YouNow jigsaw edit, 2016-08-03 - Duration: 1:31.


Second victim of fatal car crash dies in hospital, DA says - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Second victim of fatal car crash dies in hospital, DA says - Duration: 1:47.


Neighbors on edge in West Chester after several car windows smashed in - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Neighbors on edge in West Chester after several car windows smashed in - Duration: 1:37.


New One-Seater Electric Car Set To Hit Los Angeles Next Year - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> New One-Seater Electric Car Set To Hit Los Angeles Next Year - Duration: 0:46.


Do you need to warm up your car in cold weather? - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Do you need to warm up your car in cold weather? - Duration: 2:31.


Suspected car burglar barricades himself in attic of Cooper City home, deputies say - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Suspected car burglar barricades himself in attic of Cooper City home, deputies say - Duration: 1:36.


Car window shattered near Pantano and 22nd - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Car window shattered near Pantano and 22nd - Duration: 1:36.


Cars for Kids, Fruits and Vegetables Names, Toys Video for KIDS - Duration: 1:41.

Cars for Kids, Fruits and Vegetables Names, Toys Video for KIDS

For more infomation >> Cars for Kids, Fruits and Vegetables Names, Toys Video for KIDS - Duration: 1:41.


The Cursed Russian Intersection - 30 Car Accidents in the SAME Intersection? [2019] - Duration: 6:27.

The Cursed Russian Intersection - 30 Car Accidents in the SAME Intersection? [2019]

The Cursed Russian Intersection - 30 Car Accidents in the SAME Intersection? [2019]

For more infomation >> The Cursed Russian Intersection - 30 Car Accidents in the SAME Intersection? [2019] - Duration: 6:27.


City of Austin sued after teen commits suicide in cop car - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> City of Austin sued after teen commits suicide in cop car - Duration: 0:30.


How to Create Cinematic Car Shots with Insta360 One X, DIY Camera Car Rig, Bushman monopod review - Duration: 9:07.

In this video, you'll learn how to make cinematic car shots with a DIY

camera car rig. You'll learn how to make awesome car videos that look like they were shot by a camera car,

but you'll be able to do it without a camera crew.

Now by the way, if you're new to this channel, FYI

it's about 360 and 3PV cameras.

If you want to learn more about this exciting new way to shoot videos, then hit the subscribe button and the notification bell!

If you love cars and you love video, then chances are you've wanted to make a video that shows your car in

action just like what you've seen on movies and in ads.

Now the reality is that those car shots are not that easy.

Usually they require a camera car with the customized rig and you'll usually need a team: someone to

control the camera plus another person to drive the other car.

But I found a way so that regular guys like you and me can also do these cinematic car shots and

you can do it by yourself. Let me show you how I discovered it.

It all started when this company called Bushman sent this monopod.

My friend Ben Clermont (Life in 360) has already reviewed it and called it the best 360 monopod ever and for the most part

I agree with him.

Let me tell you why. It's very tall

but it's also stiff so that you can extend it fully

even with the camera at the end of it and it's not going to droop. And more importantly,

it's very narrow a lot narrower than the kodak monopod. So it's gonna be invisible to most 360 cameras.

Now if you don't know why a thin monopod becomes invisible to 360 cameras then check out this tutorial.

This is now the monopod that I use most often.

If you want to find out why then check out the link in the description below. But what really intrigued me was this.

This is an accessory for the Bushman monopod called the Popeye and

It's a magnetic base that holds a lot of weight (45kg force). Now this stand got me thinking about cinematic car shots.

See, the thing is, I've been using third-person view cameras, and I knew that could be used for that.

But the problem was how to mount it to the car and I have this suction mount and

Extension arm and I've tried that. It kind of works, but it's a little bit short. Now

I could use a longer extension but I was worried that the suction cup wouldn't be able to hold it.

Now the Popeye is a pretty strong magnet

But more portly the 1/4-20 connector is directly attached to the base,

so that makes it work better than the suction cup.

And it worked!

But it was still a little too short.

So I tried to extend the Bushmen pole, but there were three problems.

First of all it became easier to pop it off

So it made me nervous about losing my camera. Second, the strength of the attachment really depends in the hood:

The way it's shaped -- if it's flat or its rounded. Even the angle. And there's some cars where the hood doesn't even stick to magnets.

And third even when the Bushman monopod was extended it was still too short.

So I wondered how can I improve this? Finally, I got the idea to use leverage.

Here's how it works.

If I attach the pole and the base directly to the car, then the longer the pole is, the easier it is to

pop off the hood.

But we can make it stronger by adding a fulcrum. With a fulcrum,

It becomes a lot stronger. And what fulcrum did I use? The side mirror!

Oh I forgot...

So, how'd it turn out? Well, it was very stable, but it was still too short.

So to put the camera in front of the car, I used a really long selfie stick called the telesin selfie stick.

It's also sold by Insta360. They call it extended selfie stick. But basically, this is like a super long selfie stick.

By the way, when you do this, be sure to check your local laws regarding the maximum overhang for vehicles.

There it is...

It's connected...

Oh, yeah, we're in business!

Finally I could get a view that looked like it was shot from a camera car.

Now the problem with the telesin is that it flexed too much.

Not only that but when I went over bumps,

Especially speed bumps, it would bounce up and down kind of like a pendulum effect, and it really made me

Worried about having the pole pop off. So how do we make the pole stronger? Well, I happen to have two of them

So I zip-tied two of them side by side.

Let's see... is it any stiffer?

Well, it kind of looks like it might be. This might work!


Definitely stiffer

And it looked great. Check it out

It gave me a third-person view kind of like it was from a chase car. But at the same time it was also stable.

Now there's one more thing.

In the video, you saw this little black mark and I'm gonna try to get rid of it and I think I know how.

This is it. I think this is what's causing this black mark and you know what? I think it's not that hard to remove it. Look.

You can move it.

We'll just leave it there.

here's the

the live preview. Check that out

Now let's try it one more time.

Yes it works!

Now besides a first-person view you can use the Popeye for other kinds of car shots like this.

Or this.

Now remember this could have been a simple monopod review, but I wanted to give you guys so much more.

So if you want in-depth reviews and innovative techniques that you're not gonna find anywhere else,

then hit the subscribe button and the notification bell.

And if you wanted to use your car as a chase car to shoot the video of another car you can do that, too.

In fact

You'll be able to pan and tilt the video even without the cameraman. And if you have a second Popeye,

You can attach your pole to non-magnetic surfaces like windows.

So now let's break down the cost. First of all you need to telesin selfie sticks. Each of them is around $30.

So that would be $60 then you'll need some zip ties. So that's around $4 and you'll also need the Manfrotto super clamp.

So that's around $30.

The Bushman Popeye is thirty nine euros and if you want to use this setup for a camera car

Then you can get the Bush man monopod for a hundred six euros.

Finally, there's the camera. This technique can actually work with a lot of different 360 cameras

but they have to be stabilized. The better the

Stabilization, the better the video will be. As of December 2018. The camera I would recommend is the

Insta360 One X because it's super detailed, very stable and very light and

There's this new feature that can show you the speed as an overlay on for your video.

But if you want to get the Insta360 One X

Insta360 One X with a free invisible selfie stick then check out this link below. Wanna see me use the One X while bungee

Jumping? Then check out my review!

Or if you want to see what other 360 cameras you can use and check out this buying guide. Meanwhile in my next video

I'm gonna revisit the Osmo pocket and Insta360 One X

Comparison and I'll be including a new competitor that has most of the strengths of the Osmo pocket, but none of its weaknesses

Thanks, and I'll see you in 360!

For more infomation >> How to Create Cinematic Car Shots with Insta360 One X, DIY Camera Car Rig, Bushman monopod review - Duration: 9:07.


If Your Car Has This Problem, Stop Driving Immediately - Duration: 5:00.

rev up your engines, Xavier says Scotty I got an 01 GMC 4.8 single

cab truck with an oil pressure needle pegged at 80 psi what could be the

problem, oil level is good and doesn't show any the leaks and has 120,000 miles, you

want to make sure that that isn't real, that it's really got 80 psi, if you don't

have one, pay mechanic like me to remove the oil pressure sending unit and to

screw in an actual pressure gauge, all we mechanics have actual pressure gauges

and you can buy them online cheaply now 40 or 50 bucks, and see what the actual

pressure it, now if you find the oil pressure is actually 90 psi don't drive it

anymore because that means that you have a restriction somewhere, now you might

think high oil pressure what do you mean restriction, well if you get a

restriction somewhere beyond where that gauge is, the pressure before the

restriction is going to go high and then after that restriction the pressure is

gonna be too low and it's gonna damage your engine, so you want to see if you

actually have that higher reading, I doubt if you do it's probably just a

false reading, but you got to check it with a gauge and if it does really have

too high, I stop driving it and find out where the problem is because somewhere

you got a real bad restriction that's making the lower pressure go high and

then after that restriction it's too low and you're gonna get engine damage, Mars

Scotty awesome videos, I have an 02 Ford Ranger it keeps blowing fuses, just replaced

the blower motor and I went to the panel switches, what the heck is going on

here, fuses blow because you're getting too much power running through the

system, which you either have a dead short, something like a motor that's

pulling too many amps, a bad blower motor resistor that goes too many or a wiring

problem somewhere that's straining either power or ground, electrical work

is never any fun because you never know what's doing it, there's so many things

in an electrical series that can go wrong and you have to test them all, you

gotta go through the wiring harness, you gotta go through the ground to see if

there's a ground fault problem, since you said you changed the blower motor and switches

well try the blower motor resistor, a lot of times that assembly goes

bad and especially pay attention to where the wiring plugs into the

motor resistor, they were made like crap, and a lot of times all

those little pins short out and you'll see some of the wires are melted then

you'd have to cut them all off and rewire them with a new splice kit, they

make the splice cuts cuz they break all the time, you check that

first cuz that's a known fault on those things, Fernando says Scotty would

you buy a 2009 rx350 Lexus for ten grand with a hundred thousand miles, well

I bought my wife's es 300 for 4 grand with sixty thousand miles, so I would

try to pay less but if you like the vehicle and you can't get any lower go

ahead, you still want a mechanic like me to check it out to go through all the

tests, but those are pretty solid vehicles, I've seen those things with two

hundred and fifty thousand miles still had the original engines and trannies and

ran pretty good so you know if you don't

mind the price and the mechanic says it's in good shape,

go right ahead, I would just try to pay less because you're not getting any

guarantee on it, and you know you're talking about an 11 year old car and if you

can't get them any lower and you'll like it go ahead they are good cars,

Alberto says what do you think about the Ford Bronco, you know for Broncos

really started the first SUV movement and they were the first ones to put

all-wheel-drive on something besides just a pure truck,

and they kept putting bigger engines in them and they were interesting vehicles,

I mean I had customers that had them in the past

they loved them, a lot of guys are fixing them up they become collectors items and

you know their gas hogs, there's no if or ands about that, but the old ones they

were really simple technology, easy to fix, you could drive them forever and if

you live in an area that does emissions testing every year, they don't test the old

emissions one much at all, so you don't to worry about getting your car

inspected every year and paying a bunch of money because it doesn't have to be

tested, the ones here in Texas if it's more than

twenty five years old you don't need to do emissions testing, so they can be very

inexpensive to drive and maintain Castro says 2009 Ram 1500 the 5.7 Hemi

mechanically okay should I stay away well those are good engines, have the

engine checked out you just have to realize the rest of the

vehicle, they have ball joint problems they have electronic problems, and air

conditioning problems, now it's you know it's an 11 year old Dodge Ram truck, if

it checks out okay when a mechanic looks at it and you're not paying that much

you know it might not be a bad thing for a in-between vehicle, but don't expect

to buy something like that and put a lot of trouble-free miles and not put a lot

of money in fixing it that's just all those things are, so if you never want to

miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> If Your Car Has This Problem, Stop Driving Immediately - Duration: 5:00.


Things Girls Do in the Car! - Duration: 3:15.

Hi! Welcome to Starbucks. What can I get for you today?

(slurps tea)

oh ya.

we're going at it tonight! tonight!

finally a stop sign!

good enough!

oooooo ooooooo!

i did my homework last night....right? ya. ya, it's fine. ya.

baby shark do doo do doo do doo. baby shark!

mommy shark do doo do doo doo doo

ey! I've been going and going like the energizer. ya, i'm still playing to win like..

(phone rings)

(phone rings again)

(notification sounds)

do not let your phone distract you when you're driving it's not worth it I swear

just throw your phone in the back or turn it off that could work too

Zoe what should we have for lunch today? kind of feel in Mexican food or we could

try that new Italian place

(dances to pop music)

okay we could also do that new sushi place turn it

kinda down for sushi!

like a melody in my head that I can't keep out Got me singin' like

maybe like I'll do you know what subway okay really cute

baby you know that i miss you..

Ok! Really cute boy to my left. okay I think he looked at me

gonna look again and pray for the best people!

he looked at me. he looked at me! he's really cute and he looked at me! okay

gonna look again make it subtle like maybe uh

about to turn

he's talking to me

(laughs) Hi!

yeah oh yeah just just keep going yeah um

it's fine have a good day

I'm gonna be alone forever!

I'm hot! You're cold!

Are you freaking kidding me?

why are you going 2 mph on a 50 mph road?!

La. La. La. Whatever!

I have to get to my mom's house right now, because she's making me dinner

and you're making me slow and this isn't working for me!

You're on the wrong side of the freaking road!

(continues to switch radio stations and there's just nothing on!)

Things girls do in the car

things girls do while driving

weird things girls do in the car

hashtag zoe

For more infomation >> Things Girls Do in the Car! - Duration: 3:15.


LEGO CHALLENGE! Unboxing Lego Friends & Lego Car 3 Model - Buka Hadiah Natal Anak & Tahun Baru 2019 - Duration: 10:03.

Congrats, you passed!

Hello guys, welcome back to our channel

We got Christmas presents from dad

Xavier had got 1 school bus (prior video)

That's not a school bus

Container truck

and now he get this

this is LEGO Architect

There are 3 models

With the same bricks, we could build 3 models

my dad bought me this

This is a house shaped lego

There are 4 large levels and 1 tiny level

This is level 1,2,3,4

where is level 5?

there is a tiny level here

if we pull this rope, it will go down

what can it carry?

carry basket

there is a pole to slide down too

so cute

then the garage door can slide up and down

there is slide, swing, a lot

so cool!

if you dont believe 5 levels, you can count

these are level 1,2,3,4,

This is the highest level there's stairs

that is not a level

it's a penthouse

now we're gonna unbox our lego

Xavier will open his Lego Architect

I will unbox and build my Lego Friends

Open them now!

I open it so fast

may be you had opened it before haha


Don't pour altogether

let's open it

there's someone freezing


do you know, the box is as tall as me

it's so big


why are there 2 instructions?

may be can create 2 models?

let's count how many packs are there

there are 14 altogether with this stick

mine has 3 packs

Firstly, we have to build the characters

characters means the persons?


Btw have you subscribe our channel?

if not yet, subscribe our channel now

press the red button until turns grey

then press the bell next to it

Like and leave good comments

which is this piece for?

playing may not be mad

Mama, I couldn't do this

So how long do you need to build all?

3 day... 1 week...

let me rest the camera first, ok? yes

is 1 model almost done? not yet, still long

these are the 3 characters

there are animals...doggy

is this kitten?


what is this?

that's hamster

i thought this is hamster

no, that's rabbit

this is almost done guys

just a little more

but this is just first model, still 2 more

almost done

let's check the result of first model

just 1 wheel left, let's put it on

is it done? yes

is it similar?

this one?

see, the door can open this way

and it has luggage section too

it can fly too

now let's dismantle and create a new model

mama cute

let's turn this Level 1 around

check inside guys

this is a hamster cage

there is a sink and soap too

there is pizza but being grilled

in the oven

Now going to Level 2

come on you can!

What about the Level 2 of Chiara?

This is Level 2

so cool

Level 1 VS Level 2

this third model is a racing car

it's quite similar

so now will be the third model?

are you tired?

it;s hard

now we arrive at the third model

where is the third model?

it's almost done

almost but still long...

it's all done friends

wow so cool

what can the car do?

cool, the door can open

it can shoot too

how can it become a gun??


Congrats, you passed!

We wish you Merry Christmas for friends celebrating

We from CnX wanna wish you

See your hat is wrong side!

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