yikes college is coming and it's all about the kid that leaves for college
but what about the parents what are we what do we do what are we supposed to
bring what are we supposed to expect him what are we supposed to do as parents
especially parents of our very first kid leaving for college my name is Tammy and
I'm Tammy with family with purpose and this is college readiness number four in a four
part series I'm here today to share with you about what my friends have shared
with me that have gone before us on what to expect I don't like the unknown and I
want to know as a parent especially when I don't know what to expect what to
expect so I'm here to tell you what to bring
from according to my friends that are experts what we plan on bringing when we
take our son off to college in 30 short days number one do not forget the
cleaning supplies that is super important bring cleaning supplies on
move-in day they say it's clean but you know is that mom clean cleaning supplies
are a must - trash bags trash bags trash bags bring a whole brand-new Cosco box
and keep them there if you want you will need trash bags number three a
door stopper this may sound crazy however I kid you not one of my good
friends last week my best friend texted me this text she was moving her daughter
out of college and she said do not forget a door stopper with tons of
explanation marks behind it okay so door stopper is on our list the
fourth one is a homemade playlist whoever is the music fan and your family
have them make a playlist so that when you're moving your son or daughter into
college you have a fun playlist to play and listen in the background
cheesy no it'll be fun and make it more fun the next thing is commando hooks
take stock in these bad boys every size every color get them you can always take
it back if you don't open them no we cannot put any nails in the dorm walls
or doors so you will want commando hooks trust me
power strip don't forget the power strip and the last thing to bring as a parent
lots of snacks cold water and a change of
clothes move-in day is stressful you don't want to get hungry you stay
hydrated especially the Midwest with humidity and a change of clothes in case
you get dirty you can change and then take your son or daughter out for a nice
dinner after ok that's what to bring as a parent what to expect as a parent on
move-in day lots of things number one is tears yes I'm already expecting that
about me and I'm trying really hard to prepare against it but if it happens it
happens tears of happiness tears of joy tears of sadness it's okay number two is
chaos expected if you expect chaos going into the day you're going to be just
fine it's gonna be very chaotic coming in out of the room deciding how they
want their room set up and how you think it should be set up and if other people
are coming in out of the room it's gonna be chaotic expect it and have fun the
third thing is is fear expect fear from you or your son or daughter this is new
exciting yes but new and it's going to be fearful so expect that and number
four is excitement again things are new it's exciting to get all set up and to
see these new places and and experience this with your family that's what to
expect as a parent and the last thing as a parent what do you do as a parent well
the first one I think is to be patient as parents moving in your son or
daughter to college you must be patient with yourself and your child because
this is new for all of you so just be patient with them and give you guys self
a break number three is do - excuse me is do not if you can help it move in
when the roommates are moving in it's just too hard the room is too small and
you know all of you can get everything done it's just to avoid stress try to
schedule it when your roommates are not moving in that would be very helpful the
third thing is is to be positive as parents you can be positive and be
excited it's easy to have your own fears come in but just to be positive and the
fourth thing the hardest thing to do as a parent is to be ready to
leave when it's time to leave hah this is probably when I will expect my tears
to start but it's really important that you prepare as a parent to be ready to
leave and say goodbye your son or daughter has what it takes to do to make
it and now you get to say goodbye to them and watch them leave for this new
chapter in their life oh I'm not expecting the tears now and here they
come so as parents this is what you can be expected to bring on moving day this
is what you expect what you can expect to feel on move-in day and this is what
you can expect to do on move-in day and I hope that my expert friends are
correct because we are preparing ourselves by this list to be ready to
move in our son please like share and subscribe to our Channel and like and
share this video because I'm sure many of you are going through this or we'll
go through it sooner than later and you will be blessed you will be helped like
we have been to have this list and hopefully be more prepared to make your
move in and a pleasant one until next time be intentional by giving your son
or daughter ready for college
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