Hi everybody, I'm Amanda the G and welcome back to the shittiest game ever. This is a Dummy Experiment again, I don't know why
It's not really playing a lot of music right now
Why are you not?
Are you not working?
Come on this thing is plugged in
There goes, okay now it's playing music we're back into it. This is the Dummy Experiment
It's a shitty game that I am shitty at. It's not a shitty game
I'm just shitty at it, but I'm going to try damn hard. Oh shit shit
I'm gonna try damn hard to not suck balls at this and I'm going to suck balls at this
anyway, I am going to try my damnedest to get to a checkpoint
if you have not watched me play this game before
Just a warning. It's terrible
The controls are god-awful
You lose your head a lot
the narrator's a dick and
I have come to the point in this game before where I can see the checkpoint
But I've never been able to reach the checkpoint.
The first time I tried playing without a joystick and I was just playing
with WASD and it was fucking shit tard tastic
It was god-awful
And they very much suggest that you use a joystick, but guess what the joystick still sucks balls
It doesn't really help, they say it helps but it doesn't it does not help
running is not helpful
so you point in a direction that you're gonna go and then
So in the direction that you pointed you have to then pull back in the other direction
and I'm just talking over the narrator because he's, he's stupid and he really doesn't like give you anything.
It really doesn't matter
So basically the story if you have not seen the past
I don't know how long of me playing this or you haven't seen anyone else play it is
basically, you are a dummy, you have become sentient
and you must escape this lab and bad shit happens in the lab and
there is the extent of your knowledge
and it's horrible and
And it gives you things like that like have you ever tried to leave the fucking game
have you ever tried being a nice person?!
Because I don't think you've ever tried that because you're a fucktard!
Okay, so you point in the direction you want to go and then it constantly keeps going further in that direction
So you have to constantly be pulling back in the exact opposite one
To pull yourself back from falling and I just went the wrong direction. That's why I just lost my head there
So my head has gone off a lot
And now I know why narrators are fucktards actually
I don't all I know is that you're a fucktard
You're a fucktard and you make this even harder and I don't understand why this game is so difficult
Like why couldn't you make it at least somewhat manageable?
But no like the joystick doesn't even work. You can't even just like hold it in it like
You can't hold the joystick and any - damn it if you move the joystick in a direction
You have to hold it in the opposite one
But you can't even like hold it all the way because then it'll go too far and then you'll be going the other direction
shut your damn fool ass mouth bitch.
I'm a winner too. I= just not in the traditional sense
Okay, I'm a winner in that I'm still alive
My character may not be but it keeps respawning
So I guess it's alive and its beat the odds to get this far. Okay. Ah
We are almost to Link
Link is my friend. He's my buddy.
We must go say hello to him.
For right now. Yes. I really just want to get to the checkpoint
That's like my only goal
my only goal in this entire game is to get to that sh- first checkpoint
It's never even been to finish it. It's been to get to the first fucking checkpoint
because it's so hard
I don't even care like they tell you oh use a joystick. It's easier. It's not any easier than WASD
It's not any easier than WASD although they claim that WASD is near impossible to actually do it.
So I got a joystick
Specifically for this game, I got a USB joystick
I didn't have a USB joystick before and I got a USB controller specifically for this game
Not saying I haven't used it to play other things
But I got it mainly just like the initial purchase was just to play
this piece-of-shit game and cl- and see if I could actually do it
You know what practice this whole game is. Ah
This whole game is supposed to be damn it,
there's no practice in this game, there's no practice mode. There's no tutorial
There might have been a tutorial. I probably skepped it, skipped it. I think I skipped it
I think there was a tutorial at one point that I skipped
Okay, okay. Okay. Okay. Okay come this way. Oh
That was close
Okay, okay, okay
Okay, okay little man
You got this little dude, you got this. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay this way this way. Oh, no, damn it
Yeah, oh shit too far
Okay. Okay. Nope too far. Come on little dude. Come on little blue, dude
Go blue, dude
you are gonna join the Blue Man Group if you can get out of here and they're gonna love you and you are going to
be the best person ever in the Blue Man Group
And you won't even have to paint yourself. How about that?
And everybody would be like wow the Blue Man Group got
so much fucking better when this blue dummy dude joined them
go fucking blue, dude, and
Then you'll have groupies
everywhere and
And it'll be wonderful
wouldn't that be nice?
have groupies follow you around, you got roadies carrying all your shit
But no, you don't want to get to the checkpoint you don't want to be in a band
That's really not a band that nobody really cares about anymore
because it's not the early 90s, but who gives a shit?
I think they're still going right?
Blue Man Group's still going, isn't that, aren't they?
I don't know, that's a question for the internet
so internet like I'm asking you now is
is, is the Blue Man Group still a thing, do people like
go and see the Blue Man Group?
I don't know exactly how I got on the topic of talking about the Blue Man Group, but that's
not really helping me play this game.
I was gonna say it's helping me, but it's really not because I can't get out of that room
Okay. Okay. It's all right. It's all right little dude
We're just gonna keep you
Somewhat near normal that's, that's my goal. We're gonna keep you somewhat to normal
Have you ever tried not being a jackass? I'm gonna try and stop using so many jerky movements on, oh
on the controller cause I've been doing a lot of like flicking stuff and it's really not working
Neither was that
well, you know what? You're a loser for talking about it
I'm a winner cause I decapitated myself onto a table, my head stayed on the table
That makes me a winner
Regardless of what you think a winner is I'm a winner.
ah, SHIT
I don't know if I will ever get to a checkpoint in this game
I honestly had to stop playing it for a long time because it's just
so frustrating
and then he starts talking about gravity and it's like
Just shut up
and it tells you like this whole thing in the same rate. It's like literally shut up
It literally does not work in the real world. It only works in a vacuum
Science will tell you that it literally only works in a vacuum
Shut up, like gravity will literally only fall exactly perfectly between like a book and a pebble in a vacuum
Damnit, we got too close to Link. We were too excited to see our friend
But like hello and welcome to physics 101
It's it's there's there's wind issues and and other real-world things get in the way and
aerodynamics gets in the way. So it like literally it's just in in in a vacuum
But whatever drop some science on you if you're gonna be a dick about everything
Okay. Okay. We got this. We got this
No problem. We're not dying. We're not failing miserably
Okay, come on. Come on. It's just a checkpoint. It's just a checkpoint
It's something that would be absolutely fucking wonderful to get to!
Because otherwise what am I doing playing this game?
I'm trying to provide content and what content is it for me to just keep doing the same
FUCKING THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN and failing so much. Oh shit. I'm going the wrong way. It was over before it started
It was over before it started
Okay. Okay. I'm gonna sit up maybe if I sit up
Maybe if I sit up straight it won't work
It totally is I am literally walking right now. It is a part of walking just because your commentary is delayed
doesn't mean I have to listen to it.
Hi friend I decapitated myself on you
That's how you know we're true friends. That's who the true friends are
The true friends are the ones you would go and decapitate yourself on
Literally don't listen to me
I have no idea what the hell I'm talking about and I just spit all over my hands. That was gross
That was super gross
Stop talking about gravity. Nobody wants to hear you
You're fucking wrong. Nobody wants to hear you.
If you're gonna talk about it at least drop the real science you bitch
It's not a theory- UUGGGHHH
see that kind of shit makes me mad because
science calls shit theories, but that doesn't mean there's not like
800 billion pounds of evidence on them
It just can't be 100%
Like there is absolutely no doubt proven or something like theories are basically like it's pretty much facts
okay, and it's
There's a lot of research. Don't tell me that gravity doesn't exist. Oh god. Oh god
I lost me in that whole thing and I couldn't control me when I was gone.
Okay? Okay. No, no this way
And I know there's jumping in this game by the way, there's totally jumping in this game
I have not had to use that yet. I think that's after you get to the first checkpoint
Because there is more game after that first checkpoint. I just
can't ever get there
I just can't get there
I'm trying so hard. I am trying so hard
I've completely entered try hard mode and it's not even helping
This game is fucking impossible. And I'm sure there are speedruns of this game
And I'm sure people are capable of beating this game
and fucking good for them cause I'm not one of them people
No shit
well, you were wrong
Plenty of people fall down, okay
babies fall down
drunk people fall down
people with cerebellar issues fall down
people with apraxia sometimes fall down
people with
Parkinson's will fall down
old people who lose their balance will fall down
People who are trying tricks on things will fall down.
Stop judging people you jackass
people fall, it fucking happens you're talking about
gravity, and then you're like so surprised that people also succumb to gravity
Don't be a dick!
Oh my god, oh my god. Oh my god
Oh my god. I just want to get to the checkpoint and I don't want to listen to you anymore!
(frustrated groaning)
Okay, okay, ah
This game is so hard
Okay, I cannot keep doing this to myself
I need to get to a checkpoint, okay? Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Oh my god. So close
So close that time. Okay. Okay. You've got this, you've got this
we take a deep breath
We take a deep breath and you keep repeating the same thing
And I know you have more of a script than that and I don't know why we've heard this gravity spiel like eight times
already today
But I know you have more that you can say
So I'm just gonna talk over every time you start talking about gravity because you're a dipshit and I know you have more words
You have more jackass words.
So use your other jackass words. I know you sang to me one time. That was kind of nice
I would like it. If you would sing to me again. I think it sang to me though because I wasn't playing
And that's why it started singing but I do remember that happening
oh come on
I don't remember what it's sang to me, but I do remember that it sang
oh come on come on, no, no, no, no correct it yourself, NO
Okay. Okay? Okay, okay
Come on come on girl. Come on
come on
Come on, little blue dude
Come on, damn it
Damn it
Okay, okay, okay, come on damn it
Come on dude
Oh my god
What's really sad is there is a counter up in this game that I am totally very purposely covering with my face
Like I am very purposely
Putting my face where it is
Because there's a counter of how long I've been playing this for
and y'all don't need to see
how long that actually is to never make it to a checkpoint
Because it is legit embarrassing like legit embarrassing
It's over 70 minutes right now
And I have not played this game on my free time at all, I've only ever recorded it
so that gives you an idea
of three videos in how long Amanda has recorded this game for
And how long she's attempted it for and how much she still sucks at it
now granted, it has been a prolonged period of time
since I played this the last time
Because I got so mad at it I couldn't fathom coming back to it
And I actually didn't think I was going to I thought about just letting this thing
hang its little head up for all eternity and
go fuck itself and basically never play again.
And then I thought you know what? It's been a while
And I have a bit more of a clear head now
I'm a bit happier in general than I was for the last time, see that's new words
And I thought maybe if I take a deep breath
Maybe being in a good mood and then playing this game
will make this
better, it will make it so I can actually play it but I don't think that's actually the way this game works
I think it's designed to just be a dick
Yes, exactly a falling piece of sadness. See that's a new one
See it has new words. It has new words, I don't think I've heard before and yes
I am a falling piece of sadness. You are taking my happiness away and you are making it sadness
You are making me hate playing this game
And I still can't get to your goddamn checkpoint
No matter what I do
I cannot get to your checkpoint and I really want to, I really want to get to your checkpoint
Damn it
So close
I just want your checkpoint, that's all, that's all
Damn it. I just want to be able to say
that I didn't suck entirely at this game and I got good enough
to get to a checkpoint, and I know that that may not be something that I can ever actually say
I might just say that this game was so fucking irritating that I threw it the fuck away
And by that I mean since its digital, deleted it
And then we're just gonna keep talking about gravity like literally
No one cares dude. No one cares
okay, I can do this.
Yeah, because they keep playing your damn game
And this is a really stupid game to play
And it was really, it was in the Getting Over It thing
with Bennet Foddy, when like when that craze came out that's
when this game came out, when everybody was all about like games
hurting them and
just destroying them into little bitty
broken down frustrated pieces, and you decided to make a game that did that
With bullshit controls that never actually get any better and just make you hate
your life
That's it. Okay, okay
Okay. I am getting too damn frustrated at this game. I can't I can't I can't I cannot beat this game
It's not gonna happen. I cannot get to a checkpoint. Oh
Thank you for the motivation. Now that I've stopped. Anyway, that's it for this game
Probably ever, unless people really want me to come back to this
I very highly doubt that I will ever play this game ever again
I am so frustrated with it, and I need to go back to my happy mood and just have a good day again
So that's it for this video
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Thank you guys so much for watching
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